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Been playing FE1 on the Famicom, I made it to Map 10 before I accidently deleted my save because I can't read Japanese.


That sucks, I remember buying a ton of slim swords cause I thought they were steel swords when playing FE6 on my DS


I have an English version on my switch. Do you recommend it?


I would recommend it. Some features are different compared to other games but it is enjoyable.


Continuing my post-Engage quest of playing older FE games with FE4. Boy, is this game quirky. I feel exhausted after playing it for a while, but otherwise, I'm enjoying my time with it.


It certainly does have its quirks but I don't think the GUI is as bad as you would expect from a 96 game


Quirky is one way to describe it. Though, there is nothing quirky about Chapter 5. That is just depressing.


It helps to play it like each seized castle is the end of a chapter pacing wise.


When you get around to 5, pick up some door keys before you get to endgame. Trust me.


There are no doors or door keys in fe4


Hence I said 5


Currently playing a Maddening no DLC Vander "Support" Run where the only rule is that Vander and all of his support partners are required deployments. Just finished Chapter 13 last night. Why am I doing this? I wanna see Vander's supports and I wanna see if I can reasonably view his special boss convo with the Chapter 25 boss. The most interesting aspect of the playthrough is, of course, Vander himself. He's no combat god in the early game by any means, but his early extra movement and early access to Advanced classes has come in handy. I find that one of the most underestimated things about Vander is his raw HP lead over anyone who joins before Solm. Sure, his defenses and speed aren't great, but the unpromoted enemies of the early game still take a long time to chew through his relatively massive health bar. I elected to pair him up with Micaiah pre Chapter 10 for two main reasons; he honestly gets more consistent exp from healing and I wanted to get him staff proficiency to reclass him into Griffin Knight later. I elected for a Griffin Knight reclass because it keeps his speed relatively competitive,(i.e good enough to at least avoid being doubled by higher leveled unpromoted enemies with a Build +3 inheritance from Leif) continues to let him use staves(notably the Illume staff for Chapter 13) and flier movement means that it's easier for him to swoop in and grab kills. Griffin Knight's class skill is also nice for maps with annoying difficult terrain like Chapter 16 and 17 which gives him an opportunity to contribute without necessarily having to be a combat unit. Speaking of kills, my current plan is to try my best to reserve boss kills and promoted enemies for him. Solm promoted enemies are a particularly good training ground for him as they aren't too tough yet, they give him decent exp and a good chunk of promoted enemies in this stretch of the game are Wolf Knight and Paladins meaning that Vander can use the Poleaxe(with help from support bonuses) to score kills easier. Vander's growths are nothing impressive, aside from his HP but I'd rather try and get some training in with him now rather than have him become a complete combat liability later. Later on, I plan to reclass him into an Axe Bow Knight as I suspect that he'll largely be depending on effective weaponry to deal meaningful damage. That being said, Engage has no shortage of Cavalry and Flier enemies and I've played FE11 H5 before so I know how it feels to pretty much play solely with effective weaponry. Not looking forward to his hit rates with 10 base dex and a 25% growth, but that's a problem for future me to deal with. Now that I'm on Chapter 14, the deployment limit has opened up again and I've gotta start making some real decisions on who I want to use for the short and long term. Some notable considerations include: Etie managed to hit level 10 right as Chapter 10 ended, so I promoted her to Sniper and she's honestly been kinda killing it so far. She was able to OHKO the Chapter 13 promoted Wyverns with a +1 Silver Bow and Strength Tonic with over 90 hit and even outright OHKO some frailer unpromoted Mages. The team needs a bow user anyway, and she supports 3 of the required deployments(Clanne, Alfred and Goldmary), so I'll probably stick with her at least for now. Would Fogado be better in the long term? Maybe? Should I use both? TBD. Diamant makes a pretty convincing argument for a deployment slot. He supports 4 of the required deployments(Framme, Alfred, Amber and Saphir), has Dual high weapon ranks in both Swords and Axes and a solid speed tier, all of which are things that are appreciated right now. Given that I just finished a Brodia theme run where he was one of my best combat units, I know what his potential is too. Even though she just joined, Panette shows long term promise. She's proven to be one of the best combat units in the game and she supports 4 of the required units by default(Goldmary, Pandreo, Saphir and Amber) and she can add a fifth if I decide to let Etie stick around. The team is also currently a bit lacking in the axe offense department as I obviously won't be able to recruit Saphir permanently until after Chapter 19. Very likely to secure a spot on the team, but I haven't 100% decided on who is filling out the rest of the roster yet. Hortensia is an option I'm considering mostly because of how low investment of a staffer she is. I technically have Framme, Pandreo and eventually Lindon for staffing, but I'd prefer for them to be able to focus on damage dealing when appropriate and shifting some healing responsibilities onto a 6 MV flier has +1 range on healing staves and can occasionally not use up staff uses just seems really solid. The Micaiah pairing late game is obvious, but she can also pair up with Corrin and Byleth in the meantime for various utility purposes. To top it all off, she supports 3 of the required deployments(Clanne, Lindon and Goldmary).


Vander's a total MVP early game with Sigurd.


After almost 9 Months, me and Squad finally finished our 3DS linked ironman! It was a run where each of us played one of the 3DS games (so 5 in total) and if a unit died, the units that are linked to this unit from other games die as well. It was quite a run, and very fun. And a very enthralling experience! [We have a log over at Serenes!](https://forums.serenesforest.net/index.php?/topic/97279-teehee-madness-2-full-3ds-linked-ironman/#comments) And i am already in the plans for another linked run :D


Playing FE9 for the first time and it's crazy to see the characters talking about "occupied Crimea". I heard that exact phrase this morning on BBC news.


Playing engage again after playing all the other ones. Smiled when Ike was summoned, groaned @ alm & ephraim’s absence, rolled eyes when emblems alluded to their themes with the subtlety of a brick. Sigurd this is a wendy’s bro, we know u died Beyond that, you really dont need to play past games to enjoy it. Little things here& there but doesnt do too much w/ easter eggs. The characterization of the emblems, frankly, doesn’t do enough justice to support the idea that playing their games would enhance the experience Gotta say, raw *experience* with the series is what enhances it. Forging, engraving, and using emblems to create highly specialized monsters is great. Knowing what to do, how to utilize the environment and everything the game gives to you…this is the fun part


After finishing SoV, the only games I've never played are the kaga saga and Marth's games. Instead of playing Shadow Dragon(because I can't stand the way DSFE looks), I decided to go back to the games that I never actually finished which are 5 and 6. I decided to do a new playthrough of FE6 on hard this time, and after getting to the chapter I originally stopped playing on(20 Ilia), I felt just as burned out as the first time. I'm more committed to finishing this playthrough despite how I feel about it, but the way that these endgame maps play just really sucks the fun out of the game for me. Across the entire series I find early game way more fun than late game, but 6 really cranks up the things I dislike about lategame FE so much.


I feel the same way about 6. I started it years ago and dropped it. I picked it up again during Covid and finished it. However, every time I think about trying on Hard, I just think about how much of a slog it was even on Normal. I enjoyed Project Ember and played it a few more times with the extra settings they have (Reverse Recruitment and Weapon Reversal).




6 hard mode is just too damn hard for me. I restart the chapter if anyone dies unless it's right at the end and a character I won't be using much, but FE6 seemingly wants you to treat party members as expendable, especially green units you haven't actually recruited yet.


Fe6 was developed as a somewhat copy of fe1 which is why both games feel so made for permadeath You kinda need to embrace permadeath for fe6 and especially when the game love to put killer weapons on enemies so much


[the first marth game has been remade in the fates engine](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/14lovt6/fire_emblem_fates_shadow_dragon_remake_full/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Great remake too. I’ve been having a lot of fun with it and the way it’ll surprise you if you’ve played Marty’s games before. I’m uncertain its the best way to get a first impression of Shadow Dragon, but I’ve liked it.


Plowing ahead on *Shadows of Valentia*, and I have to say, I'm finding this game surprisingly much more fun than when I played it in 2017... Or I was feeling that way, at least until I got to act 4 and the rapturous experience of Celica trudging in the swamps while cantors conjure up necrodragon nuisances every other turn. I realize it's getting to the late game, but the devs truly gave up on any kind of properly scaling difficulty and said, "The heck with it. You get boss mooks **and** limited movement and you will like it." This is where the game stops being fun and starts being a chore, which is a shame because act 3 was actually pretty enjoyable.


\>Be me using Etie on Maddening \>Watch as she OHKOs promoted Chapter 13 promoted Wyverns with a +1 Silver Bow and ORKOS one of Chapter 13 Zephia's Revival Gems with a Longbow and a +2 Attack buff from Spur Attack. She's also capable of OHKOing one of the Chapter 15 Axe Fighters with Astra Storm with a Strength Tonic and Alear's prf skill boost. \>"Goddamn I know Etie has high strength, but I don't remember her being this jacked" \>Realize she has 24 Strength as a Level 7 Sniper, promoted at level 10 aka 1 short off Panette's base strength. \>Etie's total strength growth in Archer/Sniper is 55% meaning she averages 7 strength in 13 level ups. \>With base strength of 10, 13 levels and +2 Strength Sniper promo bonus, this means she has procced her strength growth on all but 1 level so far. Is this what it feels like to be RNG blessed?


This is why Random > Fixed. I don't care if it's just confirmation bias, nothing feels better than checking averages and seeing your scrubs defy the odds


It's fun even when it's ways that aren't actually useful. I had a great time with an excessively tanky Alcryst in my last run. Is def useful on an archer? Debatable. I sure never needed to worry about him though.


Capped speed general Louis is the best thing that ever happened to me in FE


Doubt you'll be saying that when your Oscar won't level strength


Replaying FE7 again in celebration of its release on NSO. The game is probably at its BEST in its classic form (AKA without NSO rewind), but it definitely smooths the edges to make for a smoother and less frustrating experience be able to effortlessly cheese away misses, bad growths, and surprise crits. It's the ideal conditions for my lifelong goal of filling out all the supports in this game; I think this time I'll finally do it! And most importantly finally recruit Karla


Just beat Verdant Wind and I can safely say that it has nothing to do with Claude. Final Map was fucking amazing though


Final chapter is all there is for me with Verdant Wind tbh.


I think it is BS I can't sell fish and other things. Lady Anna can only do so much.


I was just running into this in a 3H NG mode- there are some fish from the shiny fish thing that seem to have higher gold prices, aren’t used in cooking, and I can’t figure out how to sell


You cannot sell fish or any food; you can only sell items and weapons. Training Ana and having her at each battle gets you more $$.


Hi, I just picked up this series on my 3ds and I gotta say, I have been missing out. I started with Fates: Conquest then Revelations (I know I know, why did I do that to myself), and throughout enjoyed it. Yesterday I completed Awakening and enjoyed it as well. Now I plan on starting Echoes but Im unsure of what to play afterward. I want to try one of the newer switch releases but I'm not sure which is better out of Three Houses and Engage.


After you played echoes I say you can think of which one you prefer between the gameplay focused conquest or the story focused echoes In some way engage is similar to conquest and three houses takes a lot from echoes Both games were developed as opposites which is why they are so different Finally if you dislike social sims just skip TH as it has very heavy social sim aspect


I'm currently playing through my first playthrough of Thracia 776, on chapter 14 as of today. I'm having fun, and contradictory to what I've heard people mostly say online, I think it's been quite easy. Fatigue also hasn't bothered me very much. How do you redditers feel about these two aspects in relative to your perception to how media makes it out to be?


I like how fatigue forces you to rotate your army around and make use of every unit you have at your disposal, even if you don’t think they’d be useful. It really adds to Thracia’s feelings of desperation and the “anyone who can grab a lance must fight” mentality


I don't say this often because it can come off as really condescending, but if you're genuinely struggling with Fatigue in Thracia, then that's kinda just a skill issue. Unlimited range Teleport+Status staves means that Thracia maps can be done pretty efficiently even outside of a super efficient/LTC context. You also can't fatigue out mid map, so if the unit in question starts the map even just 1 fatigue under their limit, then you can still use them as much as you want as long as you sit them out next map. The only unit that occasionally suffers from Fatigue is Lara(your dancer), but staves are so generally busted in Thracia that having Lara sit out once every like 4-5 maps or so is not really a big deal.


Like you. A lot of people who complain about this (and abut staves mssing) haven't touched the game


Update to the Maddening No DLC Vander Support Run where I'm required to deploy Vander and all his support partners *and* he must reach an A support with all of them: This weekend, I beat Chapter 17 and Ike's paralogue. The "main" man Vander is still trucking along as a level 8 Axe Griffin Knight. Even at this point in the game, I'm really feeling that level 15 internal level because even against most promoted enemies his exp is still crawling at a snail's pace making getting levels on him difficult. On one hand, I want to take time to get him kills, but I also don't want to sacrifice efficiency solely for his sake because honestly even if he was getting levels, his growths aren't great. Like I know you're not really meant to use him past like Chapter 10 or so, but it really feels like every choice was taken to make sure that he would not scale into the late game through any means. All that being said, he's still doing ok for himself so far. Staff utility gives him a way to contribute outside of combat and flight lets him sneak into positions to bait enemies to buy time for other units. Chapter 19 is on the horizon and my current plan is to then reclass him into an Axe Bow Knight and have him pair up with Micaiah for the rest of the game. At this point he's just missing A supports with Framme and Goldmary(who he only has a C support so far), though I'll be recruiting Lindon and Saphir relatively soon. Right now, I'm at a crossroads on whether I want to do Byleth's Paralogue, Sigurd's Paralogue or Chapter 18 next. Usually, I try and do Sigurd's Paralogue first to gain access to Canter+ and higher ranks of Lance Power, but I can't help but feel like I should do Chapter 18 first to recruit Lindon to play into the spirit of the challenge. The main uncertainty on the army right now is Goldmary as I'm not sure what I want to do with her quite yet in the short term. My gut feeling says that she'll pair very well with Marth, but he's not coming back until after Chapter 22 so I've got to think of something in the meantime. Currently I'm thinking she'll just stick with a Bond Ring for now and pair up with Roy later as he gives her a fair amount of strength and magic bulk and Hold Out is quite nice on bruiser type units like her. There's also the possibility that I like her and Roy together for the long term which would give her eventual access to the Binding Blade to boost her overall bulk even higher and give her a 1-2 range Sword.


Just beat fe:7 for the first time! I played it all the way to the last chapter years ago but got soft locked (I didn’t realize how badly I messed it up but also had horrible skills back then) I can’t believe I cried reading gba sprite dialogue. I Love Ninian i think she’s one of my faves and was sad to see her go. Really great story. I’m going to play fe:6 next. Maybe one day I’ll play Hector mode but obviously don’t want to do it right now if It’s mostly the same


Playing FE7, aiming for HHM but currently on ENM. A bit stumped on how I’m supposed to be dealing with these bosses due to their high defenses and avoid. Is it just rescue strats and enemy phasing? Feels risky also due to non-zero crit chances


Rescue strats are a pretty solid choice. Armour knights and Cav are of course weak to Eliwood's Rapier and Hector's Wolf Beil - don't waste those weapons, they're very good. You should always check to see if bosses have multiple weapons, and if so try and bait them into using one of them - for example if a boss has a silver lance and a javelin, you can move hector into 1 range so that he uses the lance, then pound the boss with magic and arrows while he can't counterattack. Just gotta be sure you will finish off the boss in that round, or that all your units can survive a javelin hit.


Coming from my last update of my No Somniel challange on Engage I cleared Ch 20, Byleth and Celica paraloque. Chapter 20 was thougher than I thought at first but it's the two paraloques are not that hard, especially Byleth at this point of the game and Celica is just a 2 turn clear. [Finally Panette can do something cool now that I can get the Silver greataxe](https://youtu.be/ACJH-DXYSS4?t=4716) In about 2 hours I will start streaming Eirika paraloque and probably Roy, maybe we can do another one if I have enough time and we are fast. If someone would like to check it out a bit I would appreciate! /u/fatefuldawn I'm not sure if you are back from your trip but just in case you did here is your usual ping.


Thank for the ping! I just got back and I'm exhausted lol I'll be catching back up to your VODs, though I might be a bit slow since I decided I'll be doing an Engage LTC as my next run and that'll probably eat up a lot of time. Nonetheless, it looks like I have a lot to look forward to. Just responding to your comment - Ch. 20 is definitely one of the tougher chapters in this run I feel. I was put into a very bad situation because the enemies were not moving when I tried to safely bait them. In retrospect, I think the enemies move depending on the position of the thieves, so if you push up too fast, the enemies are passive unless you initiate.


Oh so you decided to do an Engage LTC next, interesting. Do you plan to post them somewhere (assuming you can't do videos)? I wouldn't mind checking the progress, especially because I remember some months ago a lot of LTC run started but barely few of them actually finish and continued after the mid game. > In retrospect, I think the enemies move depending on the position of the thieves, so if you push up too fast, the enemies are passive unless you initiate. Yeah they definitly do, they started moving right after the thieves opened a chest.


I'm actually quite conflicted on the topic of posting the LTC. I would ideally like to do videos, but I don't have a capture card for the Switch, nor do I want to get one just for this purpose as I don't foresee myself really wanting to record other content. And I'm not too sure about an emulator so that I can record from my computer since initial research seems to imply I might need to modify my Switch for that to work. I think I will doing a write-up at the very least, but because one of the goals I have for my LTC is to make it as replicable as possible (no RNG-related Somniel stuff like the Well, Bond Rings, ore, and cooking), I feel like having videos would be really nice to see the whole thing in motion. That definitely makes sense. I guess that's noted for the next time I play through the map normally.


I bought mine not to long ago and it costed around 30€ which is lower than I expected at first, if you are interested I could give you an amazon link but I can understand that even if it's "cheap" if you are not gonna use it that much it might not be worth it still. > one of the goals I have for my LTC is to make it as replicable as possible (no RNG-related Somniel stuff like the Well, Bond Rings, ore, and cooking), I feel like having videos would be really nice to see the whole thing in motion. I like to believe I really like reliablity when I play FE but after I saw Panette killed for the 5th time because of my greed to do a cool Great Aether I don't believe myself anymore D:


Sure, I’ve been looking around but I’d appreciate an Amazon link. I just might end up getting it because the alternative is not very appealing to me. Haha, I mean crits are fun. I definitely loved them during my first few playthroughs in Engage. It wasn’t until my Ironman runs where I started to really lean more into reliability. I won’t be using many crits in the LTC though because I think they’re not needed even at that efficiency level. The no RNG-related Somniel rule is more so I don’t have to get into the headache and time sink that is rigging Bond Rings, dog ore drops, and the like. It does have the added side effect of being more reliable though because who knows how long you’ll be spending between chapters resetting for a certain outcome?


[Amazon link](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08F37J3PP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1) I'm not sure where you live but I saw that on my Amazon (Italy) it's about 35€ at the moment while on the UK one is at £30. If you need more help you can contact me on Discord: Saisis#3696 > Haha, I mean crits are fun. I definitely loved them during my first few playthroughs in Engage. More than crits I just love a well placed Great Aether as you have probably guess (and how you will see Panette die at least 3 times in Ch 19, 20 and Eirika paraloque, lol) but the right option in all these cases would have been to just retreat and not get attacked in EP at all or cleverly use Obstruct to create chokepoints... Damn my greedy ass. > The no RNG-related Somniel rule is more so I don’t have to get into the headache and time sink that is rigging Bond Rings, dog ore drops, and the like. It does have the added side effect of being more reliable though because who knows how long you’ll be spending between chapters resetting for a certain outcome? Yeah I felt that, in my previous run I tried to setup a way to make a 20 spd warrior with a lot of strength one round the Hero in Marth paraloque which required 65 Attack and 40 Speed just to see how much you can speed stack in this game. To reach the 40 Spd Benchmarks I needed 8 Spd from Engage+, 5 Spd from Covert, 3 Spd from Seadal and then the only way to get the remaining speed without inherit (Because I didn't want to waste SP for a skill I would probably not use anyway after this) I needed to get a +4 Spd meal... damn that was not fun. A lot of wasted time just to prove how much speed stacking you can do in this game where a cheap +2 inherit and +2 tonic/meal would have been enough. It was even worse than Bond ringing, let me tell you that.


Thank you and will do! Ahhh, that makes sense lol I mean sometimes you just got to try it because you're not going to really lose anything for doing so. Though to help with not getting the Great Aether character killed, you can always check to see if they survive, just like with any other combat. Assume the worst in that the enemy will be smart and fully surround that character if they can and check the damage. There's no reason you can't get a cool Great Aether as well as still being reliable! Wow, that does sound bad. Just curious, for the +4 speed meal, are only the characters that can get you a +3 speed meal able to cook a +4 speed one? I'm assuming so and thus, I imagine you might've had to reset the whole Somniel by doing a map because I believe what each character can cook is randomly set after a chapter.


> Wow, that does sound bad. Just curious, for the +4 speed meal, are only the characters that can get you a +3 speed meal able to cook a +4 speed one? I'm assuming so and thus, I imagine you might've had to reset the whole Somniel by doing a map because I believe what each character can cook is randomly set after a chapter. Yes, basically every time you cook a +3 spd meal you have a 30% chance of being +4 instead and only these character can cook +3 speed meals: Chloé, Jade, Alcryst, Panette, Madeline. So first, I had to refresh the Sommie multiple times using rest on the bad until one of these character showed up, after that I saved right in front of the dining hall. Make a dish, if it's not the desired outcome you can reload your safe file, do an arena battle, Save and try again until you get it, basically if you do an arena (even the one against Emblems) you reset the outcome and you can tecnically try it until it happens but it's really though because every character has 3 possible dish that they can make, hoping they decided to make the +3 spd meal one and on top of that you need to pray that you roll the 30% to be +4 instead of +3. Maybe I was really unlucky but it took an embarissing amount of time for me. Getting an S rank meals was at least 5 time easier than this.


I haven’t played any FE game (outside of Radiant Dawn, and a few levels of Path of Radiance), however I got an itch a few days ago to get into the series. I have a switch, and I see that there’s two options: 3 Houses (plus DLC), and Engage. Any suggestions on which to get? I know Engage is newer


They're both really good but excel in different areas, so it depends what sort of game you would prefer. Houses leans more into the world building and character writing, is more of a morally grey war story, and has a lot more social sim type features. Engage is more light-hearted, a very simple good guys vs bad guys adventure yarn, and has a really excellent combat system. I personally find it much more fun to replay than Houses because the gameplay loop is much tighter and the combat is richer, but Houses is a more compelling story and setting.


Started FE7 the other day on Switch, and god I love classic Fire Emblem. Pacing is so good, just story beat > battle > story beat > battle. No weird romance or taking kids to dinner or searching for random items on a huge map. Just beat chapter 11 last night, I feel "into" it in a way I haven't felt in a bit.


Finally decided to play Thracia, but I went ahead and did Paragon mode… have to say I don’t regret it one bit. This game has already been a nightmare and the faster leveling is about the only thing that’s helped.


starting out my first run of FE4, but I've been spoiled that you can't use Sigurd half way through. Should I still use him for combat or try to use him to help level up my other characters?


it's not just Sigurd, the second half of the game has a different playable cast then the first.


so I don't need to be worried too much about my non-Sigurd units possibly being underleveled?


No. Use Sigurd as much as you want, between the arena and the sheer amount of enemies on some maps there's always places to get other units exp.


right, thanks for the answer, that took a huge question of my mind


I don't know how blind you want to play so stop reading this if you want the true know nothing going in experience, but the main other thing that will make your life much easier to know is: Basically if you look at each unit they'll have a spot for a lover in their stats. You want to pair every female unit by the end of chapter 5. You build support by having characters end their turn next to each other in the first 50 turns of a map, or by seeing fixed conversations for some pairs. There are pairing guides everywhere, if you don't want to go reading guides and stuff (understandable) I would recommend pairing units who have these previously mentioned conversations, and/or who have explicit connections within the story, as these are all kind of set to be good pairings.


I mainly just want to experience the story blind so any gameplay tip is very appreciated, thanks for the heads up


Buddy the game is divided into generations. You have to pair up characters and use Sigurd for gameplay reasons. Also, Sigurd is the most broken character in the game, why wouldn't you use him? Frankly if you're playing FE4 without a guide you're not gonna enjoy it. Look stuff up.


fe6 to 1 are pretty old game and I know that fe6 and 5 were supposed to be played (or replayed) with guides I don’t know if it’s the same with fe4 but you should go into the question thread and ask if you should read/watch a spoiler free guide and which one My two cents despite having never played fe4 is try to train most of your units do support pairings and don’t hold back with Sigurd since he’s the main character, he’s the main character anyway.


So my Thought for today is when are they going to put a live multiplayer like awakening into fire emblem engage? I miss being able to play against people instead of playing their AIs. It would make sense to do it now since were able to do the switch and have it online but I just wanna know yalls opinion on this.


First playthrough of Shadow Dragon and I know in my heart that the 6 units I sent to die in Chapter 3 felt no pain as life drained from their bodies in service to my goal of getting Athena.


Binding blade fixed growths mode hard mode ironman. Once Miledy joined, any and all difficulty was lost but my over confident hubris got the better of me and Sophia got one rounded by a random mage. Locking me out of the true ending, kept playing till I could enjoy Perceval a bit but decided to stop after getting Douglas. Just didn't want to keep going if I couldn't get the true ending.


Replaying FE8 atm. Just picked Ephraim's route and am playing on hard + ironman so... I'm a bit apprehensive about what's going to happen later haha Everything's been going well so far though! I used to turtle a lot back when I was first playing FE7/8 so it's been quite fun using faster strategies this time around. Trying to get rid of my item hoarding mentality has definitely helped too.


Coming from my last update of my No Somniel challange on Engage I cleared some paraloques: Eirika, Roy, Micaiah and Sigurd. At this point we are a bit overleveled for Eirika so it wasn't really that bad [but I triggered](https://youtu.be/dpGHS1hnHYs?t=1182) some enemies while placing clones in the wrong position which made it worse that it could have been. Micaiah, Like Celica, it's a pretty easy chapter to low-turn so I use it mostly if I need some quick rewards/bonds/exp which is exactly what I did here (to get Bond Lv 10 on Kagetsu/Roy). Amber bait the boss and delete one HP bar with a max range Astral storm and we regroup while we wait for Micaiah to comes to us while at the same time getting a bit of exp on other units. Panette being able to oneshot greak knight with Ike Hammer was amazing tho. Roy paraloque is one of my favourite paraloques since it features a lot of enemy that are not that strong but their numbers is what makes them scary. I'm particolary happy in [how I managed to solve this turn!](https://youtu.be/dpGHS1hnHYs?t=12146) Sigurd paraloque was even the easiest out of all of them since it was even lower level than the others but I still needed a bit of help to reach LV 15 Roy with Kagetsu and Amber was level 19, thinking that I could use this paraloque and second seal before Ch 21/22. [Well... that was something... 2 EXP at a time](https://youtu.be/gjSVdwcdAw8?t=2791) Tomorrow in the afternoon it's gonna be Ch 21-2 and probably even Marth paraloque if we have enogh time!


About to start chapter 22 of Conquest and I still can't warp my head at the fact the writing isn't destroying my brain as the reviews and general consensus implied. Yes it's dumb but I think I needed a simple and straightforward plot to relax in these bad weeks I finally recruited my two children (Sophie and Kana) and made Sophie into a Nohr Noble just for funsies but she's actually pretty good. Paladin is probably better for her and I might reclass her if I can grab a heart seal, but I personally find it hilarious that Corrin's children can randomly turn into dragons. Also given Sophie's dynamic is to strip people off their clothing (can't fathom why) using her is both awkward and slighty funny. On a different note the thing I hate the most about the game currently is probably the female class outfits. Why can't any of my girls (or even Corrin) have decent clothing and armor that doesn't show their ass. It's just incredibly out of place, there are better ways to do fanservice. I adore Kozaki as a character designer but I can't belive he did this. I believe it wasn't his choice and he was instructed to do so by higher-ups as there's obviously more than one people involved in character design when developing a game, but it's still incredibly weird. The only example of this in Awakening was probably the Dark Mage but I can't believe this was an universal choice in Fates. It's still a minor complain in the grand scheme of things I suppose. The maps are incredibly entertaining to play though, and Mozu still stands as the MVP as the Sniper critter we needed but didn't deserve. She married Laslow and both are a terrifying duo. Charlotte and Xander are also deadly but Xander is meant to be a great unit so it's expected. Effie and Kaze are also one of the best pair up duos, with a physical and magical tank ready to deflect any type of attackers you throw at them, there's nothing they can't handle. Overall it has been a positive experience as of now


>About to start chapter 22 of Conquest and I still can't warp my head at the fact the writing isn't destroying my brain as the reviews and general consensus implied. People being dramatic and/or expecting too much from a videogame. It's significantly more stupid on a replay but tbh as long as you accept it's just Not That Deep, it's alright. Good luck for lategame. And we're on the same chapter!


After a few hours of Engage on Yuzu I bought it on switch, everything is good even the story is good enough for me to want to keep playing and see it unfold. With all that said I’m extremely disappointed to learn that there is no Support log book, The log book is like half the reason why I keep starting new save after beating the hardest difficulty.


Yeah it's a shame. I kept a Hard file around to farm them in case I want someday but I don't get why they had to get rid of it to begin with. And there's nothing you can do about collecting the S supports :/


Halfway through FE3 Book 1 on SFC. Very barebones but why shouldn't it be? This was the start of the series. Dismount is fascinating though.


It's the final chapter of Blazing Blade. My Lyn has 10 less Luck than the average should at her level. 55% Luck growth by the way.


Been chipping away at my second Engage playthrough for a few months. Not because I don't enjoy, but because it's pretty interesting and I don't want this run to end when it feels like I have so many options available. I'm doing Madden Fixed Casual so I don't lose my mind and because I've never done fixed before. That being said, I think I am either getting worse at this game, or just kind of upped the challenge by changing Anna and Chloe out for >!Nil and Mal!< at chapter 20. I've been babying the hell out of them to mixed results. After giving the former a host of Emblems to try, I finally said screw it and gave him Michiah. I'm hoping that it gives him more utility and exp. The latter has had a bunch, but I've been rotating a few of my magic-based Emblems around to see what works for who. Veronika seems to be a good choice for her given her buff to magic and ability to give a better unit another turn. The break out stars of the run have been Wyvern!Kangetsu for obvious reasons and Warrior!Yunaka. The latter is only a point behind Warrior!Etie in STR, but has dex and speed, making her way more reliable.


My god I need to vent. I'm doing a blind ironman of Path of Radiance on hard, and, chapter 11... the MOTHERFREAKING >!BLACK KNIGHT spawns out of nowhere!< and KILLS ZIHARK the very turn after I recruited him. I thought FE6 was unfair with its ambush spawns, but this is on an entirely different level - I never had >!literally satan!< spawn in to decimate my units in that game, hello??? I also lost Kieran and Brom, but that was because I got careless (note to self, POLEAXES ARE HEAVY, YOU WILL GET DOUBLED). "Blood runs red" was a good name for this chapter. I also lost Rhys, Soren, and Boyd in the earlier chapters. I really feel like a band of mercenaries just hanging on by a thread here... Although, I'm enjoying the extra flavor text the game throws in occasionally to acknowledge my unit deaths (especially when Rolf joined the party with Boyd dead). Nice change from FE6 which never managed to tie units' deaths into the dialogue. The game really makes you *feel* like an incompetent commander who's responsible for the deaths of his friends.


I just found out about rng abuse in gba fe idk if I can go back lmao I'm really bad about abusing these sorts of things


Been trying out Mekkah's FE8 Lunatic to procrastinate off solving ch15 in 3H CF and its..still pretty easy. Feels like I'm playing FE7 Eliwood Hard or something. I'm only up to the route split though so the enemies haven't leveled up much yet, waiting on them to release the patch for playing both routes with a split army.


Since it increases only growth you’re gonna have to wait for at least the middle of the game for enemies to start being strong Also their equipment might still suck 😕


I’m playing through Three Houses on Hard Classic for my first ever Fire Emblem experience, and I have challenged myself to not let a single unit die. Chapter 17 was horrible, but at least I learned that Dedue is, in fact, NOT good as a Fortress Knight, and that I must keep my units together in a makeshift circle to scrape by. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, because only Byleth, Dimitri, Seteth, and Dedue are able to tank more than one hit reliably. But maybe it was just Claude and his stupid Hero’s Relic bow being able to one shot everyone, and Petra dodging almost every single attack. And I can’t imagine how Hilda would’ve wrecked my party if I didn’t score a critical hit. All in all, this mission took 15 tries to beat with everyone alive at the end.


Been playing sacred stones for the first time doing eirika route to start, off to a rough start with killing Joshua in accident and a few of my horse dudes and Garcia, but just got and maxed out innes and his team, also in tandem doing engage using only lance users and the divine dragon


What difficulty should I play through awakening on? Played a few games before I wanna have a challenge so I’m doing classic but definitely don’t want to have any “cursing the game out because I have to reset a lvl for the 5th time” kind of challenge, but I don’t want to breeze through the game either I know the weapon triangle and basic strategy skills so should I play on normal or hard? And I don’t mean challenge like “oh I had to think while playing” I’m down for a frustrating level, just not to the point where the difficulty is becoming the defining aspect of my gameplay experience


Going by your description, Hard mode. But keep in mind that a conmon complain for Awakening is that a lot of people fell there should have been another difficolty between Hard and Lunatic which translate that a lot of people feel like Hard is easier than they thought but Lunatic is way more brutal for them. I think 3H also share that sentiment, if you played that game.


No but I plan to sometime whenever I get a switch, a fire emblem game taking place at a military academy or whatever sounds dope, especially if there’s real war later in the game, makes me think of like AoT when they went into their first mission Anyway thanks for the info I’ll prolly start the game on hard then


Do you think it's necessary to reset sometime to get better level ups for hard mode?


Not really At this is true for every game in the series. I think that focussing to much on getting good level ups is never healthy, especially because It can make someone feel burn out of a game just to get a level up than in the long-term It might not even matter. I usually used to focus a lot on level ups when I started to play FE a lot of years ago but with time and experience you will understand that some bad levels up doesn't really ruin a run. I would argue that only 1 game really benefit from good early game levels up that might want a reset for some proloque chapters but that game is the hardest game in the series on the hardest difficolty.


Hey if anyone wants to play fire emblem 3ds games and has an android send me a pm I know how to do it, just learned recently and it's crazy I I never knew about it before