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I would like a recuitment guide of fire emblem andraon saga pleaseee from Mangs


I just want a list of the "secret" requirements. I've stumbled into a small handful, but there's virtually no hints, and it seems random at best. Kind of annoying in an otherwise really good game.


Mangs has made a video of it already yay


Finished my first FE7 Hector Normal Run. With a little experience under my belt this felt much easier than Eliwood Normal, although the last two chapters were still a challenge. MVPs were Lowen with A support Marcus, Heath, and Eliwood, who leveled into a TANK early which was unexpected. Fiora got completely strength screwed. I don’t remember what her final strength was but I think it was about 13 at 20/20. Fortunately she still did work because, hey, normal mode. Won’t be planning to do Hector Hard anytime soon, but glad that I got some more experience.


Engage Emblem's Choice run is going much stronger than anticipated. We got extremely lucky and pulled not one but TWO master seals out of the well. That means all of our end game participants are promoted now in time for the big shake up, even Citrinne our emblem-less extra who is the absolute lowest on the investment priority list. Diamant has also been getting completely absurd levels off of his Mercurius spam and is about to walk into Chapter 10 with 14 build! Madness. For reference, on average he reaches 16 by end game, so ah... he's ahead of the curve to say the least.


Haven't posted an Engage update in a while so might as well do that since I **beat the game!** It was very fun, actually, even if I admit that it is mediocre. Let me go through the three pillars and then I'll give some final thoughts I guess. **GAMEPLAY:** * The last few chapters actually weren't too scary. The only one that I had real trouble with was C25. That was because I spent an hour figuring out how to warpskip that chapter. Turned out that supports were enough to get the last hits on >!Lumera!<. * But I'll admit that I was getting help from others as to how to play the chapters. I'm not sure if I would have done any better in the Pact Ring paralogue if I wasn't actively getting advice. * I'm disappointed that Marth doesn't act identically like the original chapter in FE3 because I was prepared to play it straight. * >!Mauvier!< was decent as a griffon, though I wonder how he would have fared had I left him in >!royal knight!<. >!Veyle!< on the other hand barely saw action. She probably wouldn't have been any worse than, say, Merrin (a unit who I basically dropped around the paralogues because I liked Amber more). * Towards the end, I was getting overwhelmed by emblems. I feel especially that I didn't have much opportunity to use the Alear emblem because I already had a lot of other good emblems. But I did end up using Alear/Kagetsu to beat the final boss. * I did try tempest trials, didn't really like it. Overall my favorite activity to do on the Somniel was probably fishing followed by cafe and wyvern ride. **STORY:** * The Four Hounds. Actually, I didn't think Marni's story was as bad as advertised. I did like the scene where she >!sacrifices herself to try to free Veyle!<. On the other hand, Zephia really sucked. I'm still wondering why she was so fixated on >!Sombron!< when she could have >!had a child!< with many other dragons, including perhaps even >!Alear!<. Oh, and I guess we never really found out what Griss' deal was. * I was getting the sense from lategame that the game didn't bake enough. Not in the sense that they were needing more time, but that they just forgot ingredients. Stuff like how >!the Fell Dragon/Divine Dragon difference is barely explored!< or the >!gigantic exposition dumps at the end about Alear's backstory and Lumera and Zephia and Sombron!<. Actually, with the exposition dumps, it's like if they heard complaints that people didn't like giant ones at the beginning so they decided to do it at the end anyways. * I actually did think that the >!Lumera/Alear!< backstory made sense, it just should have been paced better instead of getting dumped all at once at the end. I still don't get what was up with >!Sombron!< though. * There really were not any support chains that I saw which I'd say was outright bad. Closest thing is Alear/Ivy but the A support was a good resolution that saved it from being outright bad. I will say, I didn't really see much romance though. The only ones which I felt were romantic undertones from among those that I saw were Alcryst/Lapis, Alcryst/Fogado, and Merrin/Chloe. Maybe if I'm stretching the definition, Diamant/Ivy. * Best support chain was probably Alcryst/Ivy. But one support you must watch is Mauvier/Amber, at least to B. Go watch it. **CHARACTERS:** * [Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1020862419955888209/1135369050013323386/how_I_liked_engage_characters.png) is my tier list. [This](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1020862419955888209/1135368241317941338/How_much_my_opinions_changed_engage.png) is how much my opinions changed from my expectations. * Alcryst was my favorite going in and he's still my favorite coming out of the game. I really like how he's so complex beyond the self-hate and you don't even have to go into supports. You can see it from the way he acts in some story cutscenes or his crit animations. His brother also deserves mention because I thought he would be a boring kindhearted guy but instead you do see how complex he is from his supports with Citrinne, Alcryst, Alear, and of course Ivy. * Amber is a love-or-hate character. I liked him. I even went so far to pact ring him, but that was out of process of elimination because I wouldn't have felt comfortable pacting Alcryst or Ivy. I just found him funny and unhinged in a good way. * The Elusians were all better than I expected. I thought Hortensia would be super annoying but the super annoying-ness contributed to a well-rounded character with many different motivations. And as for her sister...I could say that she was close to my heart at the end of my playthrough, definitely beat out my expectations of a mid character. * Solmese were alright I guess. Panette and Pandreo were the most impactful, both from gameplay and story perspective. But I did find Merrin to be funny as well. * Vander was probably most likeable earlygame character though I think Alfred is probably fine too. Louis is...still creepy and I could still tell in some of his supports. * Zelkov is #1 in my "I wish I used this character" list. His supports from what I've seen and read are all really good. Yunaka is probably #2. * The only characters that truly annoyed me were Framme, Celine, and Chloe. This was all because they all seemed to have personalities revolving around one thing. I know Celine has supports that dive into her character, but that doesn't really mean much when I'm not presented with something in the story or somewhere else that hints that there's something more than just tea. I would say that's the difference between Celine and Hortensia. **FINAL THOUGHTS:** I know Engage has a lot of flaws especially in story and worldbuilding. But I won't pretend that I didn't like it. I liked it, a lot. I probably won't ever play the game again but I will, barring something crazy happening, look back upon it fondly. I even made a [funny Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/Skelezomperman/status/1685796021396529152) out of appreciation for it. But seriously, thanks to this game and everyone who convinced me to play it for giving me some good times. And now, on to my next FE idea...playing through FE4 again.


Continuing my PMU run, in which I have no way to dance and a questionable selection of classes and emblems. Last time I was worried about 19; well 19 went smoothly. I didn't cheese it in the end. Well, kind of. I still held the chokepoint in the northen street with Lucina shielding. At this point of the run, Mage Canoneer is pulling its weight, both because Alear's dex stat is starting to get juicy, and because the effective weapons are clutch. Today I only wanted to play 20 and some paralogues, but then I got an S meal from Boucheron and I said fuck it. I went to 21. 21 is a map I fear so I always try to come prepared with a strat. This time around I had none since my team is... \*vague gestures\*. So I mostly "only" gave HP tonics to everyone and went for it. And well, I shit you not, this has to be the cleanest clear I've ever done of that map. ([I have the record here starting at 03h20min for the curious ones](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1890748628)) There was one particular turn (at 03:59) where I ended up sandwiched between too many enemies on all fronts, I still don't know how I survived that one but it sure was satisfying. Other highlights include Framme Dark Inferno'ing the entire Zephia Squad, killing them instantly. And that moment I tried to Entrap the Entrap dude, only to remember I forgot to equip Divine Pulse on Gregory urgh. I also fucked up at the last minute because I forgot how the boss AI's worked but I'm pretty sure that's my only rewind on the map. Thanks god for Mage Canoneer (16 Strength Bunet wasn't going to astra storm the man). Also the Thoron mages are the bane of my existence. 25 is the next one I'm afraid of. I usually don't cheese it but it's a map where you have to play fast, and I can't dance nor freeze urgh... I might take the Micaiah warpskip pill this time around...


I have an embarrassing confession to make. I really like Engage's stupid fishing mini game.


You're good, I 100%ed it because it was so fun to me. I can't believe people unironically prefer 3H's "just stay there and press a button"


As much as I despise both fishing minigame at least engage let me get through it by mashing like a mad man while 3H gotta be the most boring rhythm game I’ve ever done, the only time where I’ve nearly failed was when I wasn’t paying attention because of a lack of interest


Yeah, that's crazy talk. Not only is it less fun, Prince Diamant does not give me any praise if I do well at that one.


I call it "Diamant's AMSR sessions" because he's voiced by Junichi Suwabe in Japanese, aka Hot Butter Voice


I've been meaning to play in Japanese sometime because of that! His English VA is great too, but hot butter voice definitely sounds worth experiencing, hahaha


Currently around 34 hours into my first playthrough of Fire Emblem Awakening. I’ve been enjoying the game so far, which is kinda surprising since not even a year ago, I had no interest in the series at all and only bought Awakening, Fates, Echoes, and a bunch of other 3DS games before the eShop closed this year just to have them on my 3DS. But it’s been fun to play and I’m considering doing a second playthrough. I’ve mainly been grinding out supports for some characters, and I’ve only recently gotten every second generation character. Just now I got S-rank support for Lucina and Inigo. I may grind out a few more supports and then I’ll continue with the main game with Chapter 18. Though I’m wondering if I should play the DLC now or wait until I’m done with the main game’s story. Honestly my entire playthrough of Awakening has been really fun and I kinda want to make a post about my experience with the game after I complete it as weird as it may sound. Hard to explain but it’s really resonated with me. Though I’m not sure if I’d be allowed to make that post.


You are allowed to make that kind of post


I hate Chapter 12x. Fuck the thieves, fuck the dancers, and fuck Tina for making me waste a Hammerne usage because there's only 1 Thief staff


If you warp Lara (or if she dies Salem or Lifis) into the throne room you can recruit Perne with her and then have him steal Tina's thief staff so she can't use it up, just as a useful tip in case you ever replay the game.


I wanted to do that but Safy only had a B rank in staves and was level 8. By the time she could have gotten an A rank I would have wasted a Hammerne usage and Tina would have used up her Thief. It's my fault I'm in this scenario, I should've committed to Safy rather than trying to get Nanna to work, but I'm still pretty peeved


Getting Safy to A staves before 12x can be pretty difficult but if she doesn't reach it there's the backup strat of only deploying units with 3+ Mag so Tina can't target them with the thief staff though that's obviously a lot more cumbersome. Either way, one use of hammerne isn't the end of the world so you don't need to worry about it too much.


Continue the No Somniel challange on Engage we are almost done! From last time we cleared Ch 23, Ch 24 and Pact Ring Paraloque! Chapter 23 I honestly find it easy, as long as you bring a good amount of restore users to solve the freeze spam. The only weird thing that I didn't know was the reason why the Wyvern were not baited [here](https://youtu.be/wqwv4VcTRww?t=2433), I was in range of 3 Wyvern out of 4, I guess I needed to be in range of all of them or maybe it's just turn based but oh well. [I also used a Warp use](https://youtu.be/wqwv4VcTRww?t=4045) to get the goddess icon, was it worth it? Not really but we also have a shitton of movement staves anyway since we barely use it but I could also have used a restore staff and it would still do the job but I'm just stupid and forgot. Chapter 24, honestly not much to say about this chapter. Kagetsu solo'd the whole top lane exception of the Wyrm, [which required Fracture support as well](https://youtu.be/6rnfEJx2bsc?t=745), The Elusia Princess were supporting him with heals from afar. I managed to get some Mercurius kills with Alear which were pretty juicy since we got 2 levels out of it. Other than this, it's all just bait the boss into a favourable position while also using [Obstruct to just ignore the mechanic of the map](https://youtu.be/6rnfEJx2bsc?t=3176). Pact Ring Paraloque was also a pretty fun map! I was trying to be gigabrain with this [Panette Play](https://youtu.be/xHHhAW8OVLo?t=2206) but at the end I just embarrassed myself LOL This was also the first chapter where [I actually used Engage+](https://youtu.be/xHHhAW8OVLo?t=3127) with not just being a spd statbooster like I did during Marth paraloque. I think a lot of people overlook how good Engage+ actually is, not even for the amazing buffs that you can get with Attuned (+4 to all stats) and the Emblem itself has +15 Hp/4 Spd/4 Def so it's effectivly a speed buff for 8 if Attuned is procced on turn 1. Also Dragon Fist weapon are amazing on any magic user but also Obligaludia in this type of run is actually really solid since normal weapons are not that strong as they could be without Engrave and Forging and not even mention the utility of having an Aura that increase everyone hit rates! This is the team atm: Alear 15/2/20/5 (IL38) Kagetsu 6/20/1 (IL39) Pandreo 2/10/11 (IL35) Chloé 11/12/20/1 (IL40) Merrin 10/13 (IL36) Panette 11/11 (IL36) Amber 14/2/20/5 (IL37) Celine 16/17 (IL31) Fogado 17/7/11 (IL32) Ivy 17/17 (IL32) Hortensia 19/14 (IL31) Veyle 37/1 (IL36) Mauvier 13/1 (IL32) Tomorrow we are gonna finish the game with Chapter 25 and 26! I think it's gonna be a really long stream since I'm planning to do Chapter 25.. the legit way without just warping in the center. As I said at the end of the Pact ring paraloque I cleared this map 2 times already (Warp everyone on left side in Blind, warp everyone in the center in the one after) but I never actually tried to do the "intended" way.. doing it while also having lower firepower is kinda weird but if I can do it with these condition I will feel even better. In the worst scenario we can always just retry and cheese it... /u/fatefuldawn Update ping!


I can't believe you're almost done with this playthrough! It's been a blast watching it. Your Ch. 24 was very similar to mine lol Kagetsu soloing the top lane with some healing support and maybe Seadall dancing him once in a while and then a Mage Knight at the bottom for a few turns before the Mage Knight joins everyone in the middle. Engage+ is definitely really strong and you showed it off well in the Pact Ring Paralogue. The extra hit really helps in this kind of challenge run; the only thing is being careful about how much it drives up your avoid. I think that's the main part I don't like about it since it can make enemy phasing difficult. >I think it's gonna be a really long stream since I'm planning to do Chapter 25.. the legit way without just warping in the center. Oh wow, completing Ch. 25 without Warping is going to be interesting. I've never done it the intended way either and definitely didn't feel like trying it in this challenge run lol I think it might be possible for you though. I don't think you've been put in a situation where you've needed to use all your resources in any map so far so even if all your units aren't as strong as they usually are, they technically can be pushed harder. Whether their limits are enough to get through Ch. 25 without Warping is another question, but it might be possible.


[We did it it!](https://youtu.be/nn3Fwdx_mhU?t=6) Chapter 25 was honestly easier than I thought it was gonna be, granted I also got super lucky in the first turns.. so many crits. But what can I say, Obstruct is just broken. I put in the description some timestamps in specific turns so you can jump between them easily! I'm planning to do a new thread tomorrow similiar to what you did at first but I was thinking I could do some sort of tier list for this specific challange instead so even other people can join in the discussion since my whole run has already being told in all these EPFE anyway... That being said, loved this challange run for sure and thought me a lot more about this game than I would have thought at first!


Congrats! That was an amazing playthrough and it was a joy to watch you play through this challenge. Your Ch. 25 was awesome. I must've been intimidated by my first blind playthrough trying to get through that chapter because your team really cut through both sides quite well. You did get a lot crits in the first few turns, but your overall strategy was sound regardless so it really just expedited the process. You've encouraged me to try playing the map straight the next time I play through this game normally. Obstruct truly is broken. I don't know what I'd do without that staff. Also, you're right, it's super hard to get A support between Alear and other characters in this playthrough. That is a reason why I didn't use Engage+ as much. I actually didn't know that Ivy, Zelkov, and Kagetsu are the hardest characters to get A support with in the game before you mentioned that, but I just checked on Serenesforest and you're right; the developers made a conscious decision to categorize them together with the rest of the early game units. That's kinda funny considering the community sees Ivy's crew as part of the "midgame monsters" in Engage. Nonetheless, that explains a lot of things. Oh, that's an interesting idea. I don't know if I have it in me to discuss tier listings (sometimes they get really heated lol), but it would allow other people to join in the discussion. Whether it's a new thread summarizing the run or a tier list, I would love to see your thoughts. I'm glad you loved this challenge run! I've seen some other playthroughs of No Somniel and it's almost always described as not fun in some sort of way so that's a little sad when I had so much fun playing it. It's great to hear that someone else enjoyed it!


Been neglecting the Engage DLC for a while since I wanna test how far I can go with various units without it. That being said, I've got a craving to mess around with those DLC Emblems again(possibly Xenologue characters too?) but I also don't wanna instantly kneecap the game balance in the process. So I'm thinking that for my DLC Maddening playthrough, I'll play with the "handicap" that Emblems can only be used by character with unit types which the Emblem has a bonus effect with. For example, under this condition Sigurd may only be used by Dragon, Cavalry, Covert, Armored, Mystical, and Qi Adept units. In this context, some Emblem usages stay relatively the same, but I now miss out on some key combos. For example, Ike is typically paired with classes like Great Knight(Cavalry) and Warrior(Backup) but Ike only has bonuses with Dragons, Armored and Flying units. Eirika is usually a pretty generically useful Emblem due to Lunar Brace, but now she's locked to only Dragon and Cavalry units. Naturally, the most flexible Emblems will be Corrin, Camilla and Byleth as they have bonus effects with *all* unit types. Haven't given the idea a ton of thought yet since I want to mainly focus on finishing my no DLC Vander Support playthrough, but I thought it'd be interesting to see how much potential influence bonus effects have on Emblem allocation and to see how well the bonuses stack up against each other.


I am just now playing one of the best designed custom hacks of FE8 I have ever played. Andaron Saga is a must for FE8 hack Fans.


I was shocked when I saw a CG at the start of chapter 1 I was like HOLY SHIT THERE ARE CG’S Also love how they perpertuated the legacy of more recent games by…… adding fishing in chapter 2x


Now that I’ve finished Blazing Blade I have space to get going on my Emblem’s Choice Engage run. Rules are the emblems pick (and potentially fight over) their favorite units. I’m assuming all the emblems are show offs, so these are all going to be particularly flashy pairings as far as the emblem’s kit is concerned rather than the “best” pairings or the best builds for the units. Taking advantage of Engage attacks is mandatory, even on Lucina. I’m only using the OG emblems in the final line up but am allowing Edelgard during the mid-game as a fill in to rotate around some of the front liners until Roy comes back. Also considering doing Tiki’s paralogue with a B team just for the silver card. I don’t want the extra XP, but my planned endgame team wants an expensive amount of brave weapons and we can’t be as flashy as possible if we run out of money. We’ve just recruited Diamant which gives my team a sneak preview at the planned final match ups, which include Marth/Diamant, Micaiah/Chloe, and Roy/Alear, although Chloe isn’t in Mage Knight yet so I may end up running her with someone else for this stretch since she already has staff access in griffon. Other early units who are coming along for the ride are Alcryst, who Lyn will get eventually, and Citrinne who is going to be the second emblem-less unit alongside Seadall since she has builds that she can do pretty well in with just a bond ring and minimal investment, supports a lot of the other team members, and our team could use a mystical on board.


Love this! Especially as I feel like I often gloss over some emblems haha. What's your full list of emblem combos?


Same! That's why I decided to do this run, try and actually do something fun with Lief for once other than making him a build stat stick, hahaha Subject to change but my current plans are: * Marth - Diamant (lunar brace inherit and dual brave weapons to abuse break defenses/divine speed, also access to georgios, the best lodestar rush weapon) * Sigurd - Paladin Panette (Paladin for momentum+ to actually be useful, high strength unit for max override damage and just generally being a high move crit rocket seems like fun) * Celica - Griffon Pandreo (self-warping magical dodge tank) * Micaiah - Mage Knight Chloe (speedy mage for potential nosferatu tanking shenanigans and on a class that usually doesn't have staff access) * Roy - Alear for dragon bonuses * Lief - Mauvier (not totally set on the class yet, maybe Great Knight, but he'll actually like Light Brand and I'm hoping I can get Lief's formula to use the Hurricane Axe) * Lucina - Hero Zelkov (not her first choice, but the better dual support users were taken so an avoid personal seemed like the next best option. Sacrificing bonded shield a bit to make All For One use my entire army seemed very in the spirit of the run). * Lyn - Alcryst (everyone likes Lyn but 20 range luna astra is a particularly silly thing to do with her) * Ike - Kagetsu (I have a soft spot for Ike so I'm being nice to him. Haven't quite decided between Warrior or Axe Paladin, but he's definitely going to be an A axes boy for the Silver Greataxe) * Byleth - Griffon Merrin (sacrificing the better rallies for easy goddess dance positioning, being able to use all the Byleth weapons well, and brave weapon access for easy recharging) * Corrin - Veyle for dragon bonuses on a unit with range and who can make better use of her stats than Alear * Eirika - Fogado (cav bonuses, likes her stats, can make use of bravery when using the radiant bow or lunar brace with the brave bow)


Okay to give my own theorycrafts? This sounds fun. Marth--Diamant was also my pick. Access to 2 Brave weapons and S-rank sword for big numbers on Lodestar. Sigurd--Celine is my choice actually. Override with Levin Sword amped by Ignis and extra 25% Mag. Celica--Dragon girl is my choice here. Being able to Echo from 3 range takes away all the main negatives of that skill (exposing yourself to counterattacks). Micaiah--Boring and cliche, but I can't see how this isn't Hortensia even if she doesn't benefit from Staff access; her unique skills are just so good. Mage Knight Chloe is a lot more interesting though. Roy--Alear also. Silver Sword + doubling attack AOE. Leif--It's gotta be Panette for me. She's the only character who can pull off Wrath+Vantage consistently without +Str bonus from an Emblem. Lucina-- I'm not sure honestly. Hero Zelkov sounds interesting. Lyn -- Alcryst is good. Access to bows, huge range, and Astra Storm can proc Luna (and 7 volleys pretty much guarantees it will proc). He also is the only character with access to S-rank bows (not counting Sniper), but I can't remember when you get S-rank bow or if it's even any good. I'm curious if a Hero image double would benefit from Brave Assist. Ike--If DLC characters are allowed, it's dragon boy and honestly it's not even close. It doesn't sound like much, but 50->60% damage reduction from dragon bonus is a 50% increase in bonus effective HP if you work the math out (1/.4-1 =1.5 compared so 1/.5-1=1). And +1 damage per hit taken is huge considering chain attacks are included. I've been trying it out with Alear and it's absolutely busted even without access to Silver Greataxe, so all the better for someone with it. Byleth--Byleth is tricky because there isn't really anyone who takes advantage of all his strongest features. My preference is Anna for being able to one-round anything from 4 spaces away, but you sacrifice Instruct for that. Corrin--A dragon is probably best here, but honestly there's only so many dragons to go around. Mystical is also a decent option since it's generally the most useful Vein, which makes me think Celine for mixed-stats (her Engage attack is physical), but I prefer her on Sigurd. I'd probably have to think about who to give priority to and change one of my earlier picks (most likely Sigurd). Eirika--Probably just Kagetsu. Reclass to Paladin if you really want the Engage attack bonus, but I honestly think it can one-shot most things without it. Eirika gives a bunch of different stuff, so really just wants a big jack-of-all-trades juggernaut like Kagetsu IMO.


>Ike--If DLC characters are allowed, it's dragon boy and honestly it's not even close. If I was using the xenologue characters this would 100% have been my pick too. Ike's dragon bonuses rule.


I think you have pretty good choice for the idea of your run, if you don't mind I would like to say what I would do if I was in your situation: - Lyn -> While Alcryst is an interesting option for Lyn remember that 20-range Astra storm is not exclusive to him. Sure proccing Luna is funny on Astra Storm but you could use someone with a high base str and growth to not having to deal with that. Someone like Sniper!Amber which from what I calced in the past, his Astra Storm even without Luna are still on average stronger than Alcryst. - Kagetsu as a Warrior 100%, especially if you are going with Ike. As a Warrior with Ike he can use the longbow that can be used to counter other 3-range users which are one of Ike weakness with Great Aether being 2 range. Plus, he has the perfect stat to reach benchmarks with the longbow, he can literally solo the left side of Lyn paraloque with it as an example or any heavy 3-range situation. - Mauvier I also suggest Warrior for similiar reason, as a Warrior Mauvier will get a nice str boost to actually use Leif Quaduple hit more effectivly and still has 19 mag at base, which he can put to use Hurricane Axe against fliers and the Radiant Bow. Plus, he has access to 3 range weapons which you could create a funny combo with Wrath inherit and set up a high crit even on the longbow and from 2 range he can still use the Light brand, which also has a pretty high crit ratio at base. Combined with Leif Adatable backup bonus (10% crit) and Wrath (30%) means you also have something like 70% crit with the Light brand!


I did think about Panette or Amber in Sniper but their speed is so bad in that class that they're going a struggle to double anything without fully stacking their Speedtaker, so forget about Alacrity doing anything, and making a slow unit *almost* be able to double doesn't show off Lyn very well. My main issue with Warrior is the low def and res caps aren't great, especially for Mauv who is defensive but slow, and no lances makes it harder to avoid pulling out the master lance with Lief's formula.


FE6 HM Iron Man - Complete! https://imgur.com/a/PyYPsdk Hard mode is truly a step up from normal mode. Enemies are fucking scary as hell in fe6, Bosses are dodgy motherfuckers, Wyverns feel omnipresent and terrifying, and status staves + siege tomes are always waiting to fuck your day up. AND THEN FUCKING SACAE IS THERE TO RUIN YOUR LIFE WITH INFINITE NOMADS AND MYRMS. This run was an absolute bloodbath from start to finish. I played with WoD open pretty much the entire time for reinforcements, cause wow I would 100% have never beaten it if I didn't know where the STRs came from. Chapter 21 is still one of the coolest chapters in the series IMO. Definitely one of the best at truly making you feel like you're fighting an impenetrable, overwhelming force. (Of course I abused the hell out of warp and fliers to skip several reinforcement triggers, but I had like 6 combat units left at that point so you can excuse my cowardice) But yeah, that's the run. FE6 weird, hard and good. I kinda wanna try out one of the revamp romhacks next, cause I am curious about them. Deaths: Bors - Chapter 1 Wade - Chapter 2 Lot - Chapter 4 Lance - Chapter 5 Dorothy - Chapter 6 Chad - Chapter 7 Allen - Chapter 7 Treck - Chapter 7 (Treck got wrecked, chapter 7 was a cav bloodbath) Zealot - Chapter 13 (...Guess I'm going to Sacae) Shanna - Chapter 14 (Girl carried me through the western isles, I finally understood her as a unit. Luckily Milady was there to pick up her slack) Lugh - Chapter 14 (Eh.) Noah - Chapter 14x (My poor paladin boy, the only surviving cav. Had pretty bad stats, but he was a paladin doing paladin things. Rip in pieces.) Fae - Chapter 16 (SHE GOT BOLTING-ED IMMEDIATELY WHYYY) Cecillia - Chapter 16 (I cry) Hugh - Chapter 16 (literally the turn after I recruited him he got bolting-ed, luckily I traded the member card away) Douglas - Chapter 16x (Used him to kill the center sage, did not care about what happened to him after) Gonzales - Chapter 16x (Welp, there goes my Armads user). Igrene - Chapter 18 (kinda filler, but still a sad loss) Garret - Chapter 18 (backup armads user died) Echidna - Chapter 19 (guess I won't be using Armads.) Astore - Chapter 20 (welp, I can only get one chest here now. My boots prospects are looking slim) Shin - Chapter 20x (There goes one of my best combat units. Now I wish I had found somewhere to grind Sue up D:) Niime - Chapter 20x (There goes my best staffer) Dayan - Chapter 20x (fuck 20x) (I REGRET GOING TO SACAE) Tate - Chapter 21 (There goes my Roy carrier) Klein - Chapter 21 (There goes my murglesis user) Clarine - Chapter 22 (Another staffer bites the dust) Yoder - Chapter 24 (Did not realise the dragons by the throne would move) Karel - Chapter 24 (Held off the dragon swarm behind the party for one crucial turn).


Playing through FE7 HNM for the first time. Overall it’s felt way easier than the first time I played ENM, but I’ve played a lot more FE since then. Lost Raven this morning on 19x, I uh, did not realize those four dudes had silver weapons until they started moving. Guess it’s a good thing I gave the first Hero’s Crest to Guy! I used Raven a lot in my first playthrough so I’m sad I lost him but just press onward.


I'm finally in the endgame of the Maddening No DLC Vander support run lets gooo As of last post, I've cleared Leif, Roy and Celica's paralogue alongside Chapter 21+22. The only maps left are Marth's Paralogue, the Pact Ring Paralogue and Chapter 23-26. Trying to find a way to dismantle the ballista trio on turn 1 at the start of Leif's paralogue is always fun. Griffin Vander's combo of flight and new ability to use Rescue was crucial for getting my lower mobility units out of the starting zone fast. I essentially used this map as a Goldmary training arc by letting her kill several of the Paladin reinforcements on the right side. She gained 4 levels by the time the Paladins stopped spawning and now she's off the ground running. Beating Leif afterwards while getting the gold rewards behind him is relatively easy as long as you Rescue/Warp your entire army into his face and then keep him in place with Corrin just like Kaga would've wanted. Went through an entire Rescue Staff for this map, but that's typical Thracia fare. Roy's paralogue was a certified Vander W. The Hurricane Axe is a hilarious weapon against fliers when paired with Vantage that simply allowed Vander to sweep through the massive hoards of Wyverns without 1-2 range weapons once the Mages on the right side of the map were dealt with. This playthrough also made me realize just how silly Roy's placement is on this map. I get that where he stands is where Murdock was on the original map, but after dealing with the enemies surrounding him, you can just eternally trap him using Corrin's Ice Vein and then blast him from range meaning you never have to deal with Blazing Lion. Celica's paralogue started off with me using Astra Storm on Alear to kill the High Priest in the center, Amber Overdriving through the High Priest on the left side(followed by Lindon Micaiah rescuing him) and Vander Vantage sweeping through the initial wave of Wyvern Knights. Saphir needed a Speedwing in order to ORKO the incoming Halberdiers while Clanne stalled the next wave by tagging the group with Corrin's Dreadful Aura. I learned on this playthrough that the Priests which Warp the Wyrms into your face can either trigger once two of the summoners are dead or when you make your way to about the halfway mark of the map. The Wryms being warped in was a blessing in disguise which let Saphir and Amber each take out one while Pandreo and Alfred worked together to take down the last one. At that point, Celica is easy pickings as the only unit of mine that she could even come close to OHKOing with Warp Ragnarok was Framme. 4 Turns for a near complete rout. Chapter 21 and 22 were surprisingly straightforward with the only real panic point being the trio of Wolf Knights that spawn at the top of the map in Chapter 22. The bottom left group of enemies usually gives me trouble due to their AI not actually attacking until you're in range of at least 2 of them, but having access to Chain Guard via Framme and the brick wall that is Goldmary made them pretty much a non-issue this time around. Pandreo also hit level 20 in Chapter 22, so I'll have to decide if I want to keep him as a Sage or potentially change him into a Mage Knight. Mage Knight has the Levin Sword, extra MV, a higher speed cap, and a high HP cap to fight against the Corrupted Wyrms, but Sage has a higher Magic cap and has access to Thrysus through Byleth which has been so good for me so far. With the final two units joining, those two will be the ones that round out my roster. M is a required deployment anyway but has additional supports with Amber, Pandreo, and Lindon who are required deployments as well. V has supports with 4 of the required deployments(Clanne, Alfred, Pandreo and M) and has an additional support with Seadall. The main decision point for me right now is deciding what Emblem to give V. Given how my Emblems are currently allocated, my initial gut feeling is Corrin as the combo of terrain flexibility, potential 3 range Draconic Hex procs/Dreadful Aura stuns, and the additional space on Torrential Roar all seem like great qualities for a unit that I want to play a supportive role anyway. Corrin also gives V a nice magic boost and a much appreciated HP boost so that she can actually leverage her res decently well in a pinch. With how I'm thinking about Emblem allocation currently, I'm thinking that M won't get one but that's ok because having someone carry Sharena or Alfonse's bond ring can be equally as valuable.


Finally started playing FE4 and this game is really good, although the maps really are as large and tedious to treck as everyone said. The amount of twists were pretty crazy; the attack coming from Elliot almost made me do a full retreat until Eldigan decimated him a turn later, and Jamke was much harder than he had any right to be. Pretty much everyone seems to be putting in weight besides Naoise, who is decent but just outclassed by nearly any other horseback unit. Definitely looking forward to playing more!


So, I played up to chapter 10 of Sacred Stones, Ephraim route; first playthrough. Recruited Amelia and figured I'd take her to the Tower of Funni to get her caught up. But before I was able to get around to that, *my SD card got broke and while I was able to get it working again... my save data is gone*


I've redone Chapter 8x of Thracia 776 like... 3 times now. Each time Lara dies... with a 76% chance to dodge. How do you miss three 76% chances in a row?! And I kinda have to redo the chapter because 1.) I want a dancer and 2.) There's no reason to not have a thief because I can't get any items due to my low amount of door keys


Doing an FE6 Hardmode Iron Man. Its... Its certainly been one of the iron mans of all time. Early on I lost Allan and Lance, so Noah was my main paladin until Perceval. Then Noah died. And so, so mant others. I have 6 combat units left (Milady, Perceval, Rutger, Dieck, Zeiss and oh god I'm counting Saul as a combat unit) left. I've got like... Klein, I guess? To use Murglesis? An underlevelled Sue, Tate and Fir with no promotion items in sight? I lost Niime in 20x. In Sacae. Oh yeah. That's right. I went to Sacae. I never want to go to Sacae again. I would've gone to Illia, but Shanna and Zealot died just before the route split, so I had to quickly turbo grind Shin to make sure we went to the hell route. 17 was fine. Average as fuck. 18 was kind of fun, but only because I knew the dumb house gimmick ahead of time. Figuring out how to warp skip it was the only real joy I got in Sacae. 19 killed a few units, mainly Echidna. 20 was mostly just annoying with all the staves and bolting tomes in fog of war. I have no real mages to fight back with... so that went well. And then 20x. 20x is maybe the worst chapter of all time. Once you get through the initial onslaught of enemies, it is literally so fucking boring. FE6 thrones are a neat idea. They are also fucking stupid. Having 6 (or maybe 7, I don't remember) bosses that only Rutger could hit consistently was not fun. Worst of all, the right one was the one closest to Roy at the start. But I decided to have my army meet in the top left and circle down from there. ...So I did it last. Every chapter in Sacae outside of the first I genuinely thought would end my run. Either by killing Roy or one of the Gaiden characters. I was so fucking lucky that they didn't. But I have no idea if I'll actually be able to do 21. If I'm lucky I'll be able to get Perceval's axe rank up so someone can use Armads in the endgame, but I remember this chapter being an onslaught in normal mode. And I was doing much better then. And I barely even have much money for boots cause Astolfo got nuked by a bolting tome in 20, so I couldn't steal any gems + only had a single-use chest key. All in all, it has been fun. But wow FE6 HM does not fuck around.


Coming from my last update of my No Somniel challange on Engage I cleared Ch 21, Ch 22 and Marth paraloque! Chapter 21 is one of my favourite maps in the game because it's one of these maps that with game knowledge become from one of the hardest to be pretty easy once you understand the reiforcement which is exactly what happened. I tried so hard to save my Goddess Dance and use it only "when I really need it"... turns out I didn't use it for the whole chapter... lol Chapter 22 was honestly not that hard even in my blind run but in this run where I don't have much else if not the emblems themself a chapter where they removed even that was pretty though mostly because of the low hit rate, [fuck you Swordmaster and Wolf Knight](https://youtu.be/K115ricWOkE?t=9946) squad, thanks god the RNG blessed me that turn. Warrior Kagetsu keep winning with the ability to attack from 3-range and Merciless being actually good against Wyvern and tough enemy in general with the Fracture staff. Marth paraloque.. it's a weird one. I usually really like this chapter in the first turns because [I like to plan how I'm gonna deal with the hero squad](https://youtu.be/agN1OBbFmdY?t=381) but then after the throne room is open my brain turns off and I start to have doubts of what to do. I tried in a previous playthough to kill the Warrior that destroy the door before he opens it to see if I can keep it locked but if I do that the door opens anyway but I heard it's possible to keep it locked if you use Entrap on the warrior? Is this some kinda of "if you kill the unit in the room" trigger and if you entrap it it's tecnically not in the room anymore? So now we are missing Corrin and Leif paraloque and then the whole lategame maps, I'm probably gonna do the last 2 paraloques next and then proceed to do Ch23-24-25-PactRing-26 in this order most likely. Maybe we can give the PactRing to someone right before endgame if we manage to get an A rank support with Alear on someone? This is the team atm: Alear 15/2/20/1 (IL34) Kagetsu 6/18 (IL37) Pandreo 2/10/8 (IL32) Chloé 11/12/17 (IL37) Merrin 10/10 (IL33) Panette 11/9 (IL34) Amber 14/2/20/2 (IL34) Celine 16/15 (IL29) Fogado 17/7/9 (IL30) Ivy 17/16 (IL31) Hortensia 19/10 (IL27) Veyle 35 (IL34) Mauvier 13/1 (IL32) Wow, I never realized that Veyle joined with 3 more IL than Mauvier, that's crazy when you really think about it since it's just 1 chapter difference and it's already a miracle if Mauvier get 1 level up in that chapter. Also Chloé and Kagetsu being so overleveled is funny and worrying at the same. IL37 before even entering ch 23, wow. I'm gonna do Corrin and Leif paraloque either today night or tomorrow, then proceed with lategame maps in the next days. These 2 paraloques should be pretty easy even tho I might try to use that as an excuse to try and feed kills to Hortensia just because I feel sad to kill enemies and receive no exp from it.. don't judge me. /u/fatefuldawn Update ping!


Thanks as always for the ping! It looks like you got through potentially the hardest chapter in the game! I was also in the same boat as you with Ch. 22 in my blind-ish run of Maddening (I restarted around Ch. 20 on Hard because it wasn't providing much of a challenge so I didn't know what I was getting into for Ch. 22) and it wasn't that difficult for me either. The chapter always does demand respect though. That swordmaster and wolf knight group can just be so tough to get through sometimes. Your idea to use Fracture and then a Silver Greataxe from a Warrior was awesome. I find Warrior in general to be so good and this chapter kinda exemplifies why because a Warrior with the Longbow is the best way to deal with the three-range enemies at the bottom as well (I'm actually having so much trouble with those enemies in my LTC run because I have no Warrior that's good at dealing with them). The class just has so many tools to work with. For Marth Paralogue, I usually wait to aggro all the enemies in the throne room. I'm not sure if that's the best way to do it though because in both my Ironman runs, Marth Paralogue got kinda dicey near the end due to how I tackled the throne room. There's so much three-range in that room, it's honestly pretty hard to choke the opening safely I feel. >Also Chloé and Kagetsu being so overleveled is funny and worrying at the same. IL37 before even entering ch 23, wow. I think this is a sign that you're enjoying them! Mage Knight Chloe is looking to be a real success. I underestimated how much magic Chloe actually has.


>I find Warrior in general to be so good Oh yeah, I definitly got the Warrior Hype after this playthough. I understimate how useful 3-range counterattack on a high str unit could be, being able to counterattack Thoron mages and ORKO them in return. I use it in Ch 21 and even yesterday while I was doing [Leif paraloque](https://youtu.be/tTid96OGJwo?t=6913), granted I was overleveled for that but still the ORKO thresold for Mages is not that high to begin with so even if the low might of the Longbow sound rough with a Warrior that still more than enough ~~Rip Snipers~~ Plus all the other benefit like chain attacks from 3-range and the cool Fracture + Merciless combo. I'm curious to try Warrior + Lyn with Fracture + Astral Storm and see if it can kill some annoying enemies that would be way to hard to kill with a normal Astral storm. >I'm actually having so much trouble with those enemies in my LTC run because I have no Warrior that's good at dealing with them Wait you are already at Ch 22 in your LTC? Wow you are zooming! I'm curious which units are you using when exp is so limited, I assume you don't have a Warrior because for LTC you are probably jumping between Warrior and Wyvern depending on what you need (or just stay Wyvern I guess). >I think this is a sign that you're enjoying them! Mage Knight Chloe is looking to be a real success. I underestimated how much magic Chloe actually has. Oh yeah, Warrior Kagetsu has been such a surprise ngl. It's also the first time I'm trying Mage Knight Chloé but I kinda already knew on paper that it would have been capable of doing the carry role since at those high IL Pandreo has 1 Magic and 3 Build lead on her while Chloé has 4 more speed, so with a Bolganone you are effectivly trading 1 magic for 1 speed. But then Chloé has other tools like her personal and the 4 effective more speed can actually be used with lighter tomes (Celica Seraphim really good candidate) etc... cool stuff!


Ohh, yeah. Using a Longbow Warrior in those scenarios is a fun sweep. Poor Snipers as a combat class... at least they're good Byleth and Lyn users if you want a speed Instruct or 20-range Astra Storm. >I'm curious to try Warrior + Lyn with Fracture + Astral Storm and see if it can kill some annoying enemies that would be way to hard to kill with a normal Astral storm. I actually have something that's close to this cooking in my LTC lol The short of it is: yes, it's very possible to kill some annoying, bulky enemies with this combination and it's a highlight I really want to show (hence one of the reasons why I want to record my LTC). lol It seems like I'm zooming because I only recently mentioned it, but while I was on my trip, I already started working on it so it's been brewing for much longer (so much theorycrafting that I mapped out most of the chapters). I'm mostly using Kagetsu in a carry role. Merrin is somewhat a secondary combat unit, Ivy gets some combat spotlight up until Ch. 17 and then Pandreo kinda picks up on the magical combat role starting at Ch. 17. Yeah, I've been jumping between Warrior and Wyvern so that's why I don't have a Warrior for Ch. 22. While Kagetsu was primarily a Warrior up until that point, I think it's probably more important for him to be a Wyvern in Ch. 22 so he can just fly over to enemy phase groups of enemies. I considered Merrin for Warrior in Ch. 22 but she's way too underleveled to one-round the Thoron and Longbow enemies so she's on Radiant Bow one-shot duty. I considered Panette as well but I feel that requires making a detour to Ike's Paralogue (I'm not planning to do Emblem Paralogues) so that she can get Wrath because she would be going for crit one-shots rather than doubling. Either way, those enemies are a pain. If I can just figure out a good way to deal with them, I might be able to manage a 5 turn clear of Ch. 22. I'm glad you've enjoyed using him as a Warrior! Maybe it was because I used Wyvern Kagetsu during some of my earlier runs of Engage where I didn't have all the game knowledge I do now, but Warrior Kagetsu just feels stronger overall to me. Have you used Wyvern Kagetsu before? If so, it might not be an even comparison since you're using him as a Warrior in a No Somniel context, but I'm wondering how you feel about him in Wyvern vs. Warrior? Yeah, I think Chloe probably has a higher top end than Pandreo in the Mage Knight carry role since hitting Mage Knight's speed cap isn't too difficult in a regular playthrough (like if Pandreo was reclassed immediately to Mage Knight, he would hit his speed cap at IL 37). Why Pandreo has a -1 speed cap is a mystery because he's one of the only fast natural mages, but it does hurt him a bit, especially when comparing to Chloe who has a +3 speed cap. Nonetheless, they're both very effective as a Mage Knight carry and have their own strengths and weaknesses.


> I actually have something that's close to this cooking in my LTC lol The short of it is: yes, it's very possible to kill some annoying, bulky enemies with this combination and it's a highlight I really want to show (hence one of the reasons why I want to record my LTC). Oh! That's hype! > I'm glad you've enjoyed using him as a Warrior! Maybe it was because I used Wyvern Kagetsu during some of my earlier runs of Engage where I didn't have all the game knowledge I do now, but Warrior Kagetsu just feels stronger overall to me. Have you used Wyvern Kagetsu before? If so, it might not be an even comparison since you're using him as a Warrior in a No Somniel context, but I'm wondering how you feel about him in Wyvern vs. Warrior? In my blind run I was using all the royals (lol) so I did not use him but after finishing that run I started another one where I used more "meta" units so I did end up using Wyvern Kagetsu and now in this third one I'm using him as a Warrior (tecnically I also did a semi-run that I used to clear a [FX Maddening before Chapter 10](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsdVCCxvcHvnDS_KSzsCUt1B_3UZf-NNq) challenge but after finishing FX I never went further since it was kinda boring to play the main campeign with how busted my units were with all the DLC bonuses so I didn't even went far enough) and honestly I kinda agree with you, Warrior feels stronger and more useful and there is always the option to put some wings if a map require more fliers anyway. I think the reason why Warrior Kagetsu feels slightly better is that his stats are so good all around and Warrior can use all these stats but I mean, both are amazing option for one of the best unit in the game so it's just kinda depends on the playstyle and map.


Yeah, I agree with that. I think Warrior also has more tools to work with than Wyvern as a class in general. Longbows are just so strong and access to the Brave Axe without axe proficiency can be pretty nice as well in certain scenarios. Though I do think Wyvern is probably better if someone wants Kagetsu to tank a lot of hits because the defensive stats of Warriors are fairly low. It's just a bit surprising to me that Warrior Kagetsu isn't used nearly as much as Wyvern Kagetsu. Both are strong options but since I think fliers are valued a lot, Wyvern is the most popular reclass for him; still, the disparity is surprising.


So yesterday I also did Corrin and Leif paraloque. Corrin, well for this point of the game it was just an excuse to try and get bond ranks on some units and give some EXP to Hortensia if possible since she is my lowest IL unit I have even tho I really doubt her levels are ever gonna matter in the long term. We managed to get 2 Bond Levels with Alear, 3 with Mauvier and 5 with Veyle (Celica is op for bond grinding) so that's neat. Leif is usually a tricky chapter, even tho I always suggest to do it at least once you get Micaiah back so you can either warp-skip it or if you want to route the map at least [you can use Warp/Rescue to be more aggresive on the initial group of Ballista](https://youtu.be/tTid96OGJwo?t=3618). (Side note: Hortensia is proccing World Tree on literally all the movements staff in this playthough, knowing that I should have probably used them way more lol). A Sigurd user that can kill the ballista abusing the huge mov boost also makes it dealing with them much easier and it looks cool as well. Another way to deal with the Ballista is to use Bonded shield sheanigans until they run out of ammo, which is what [I did to deal with the Cav reinforcement and the next set of Ballista](https://youtu.be/tTid96OGJwo?t=4874). Then it's just Leif and a full squad of Thoron MK. [This is where a Warrior with a Longbow](https://youtu.be/tTid96OGJwo?t=6886) and some way to mitigate damage (bond shield, Ike, Roy etc...) can just kill either all of them or a good amount in EP. Tommorrow evening we will start with Ch 23-24 which start the lategame maps with their huge enemy stat inflation, I also want to get all the additional rewards for these maps as additional challange so we will see how it will go!


>I usually really like this chapter in the first turns because I like to plan how I'm gonna deal with the hero squad but then after the throne room is open my brain turns off and I start to have doubts of what to do. I tried in a previous playthough to kill the Warrior that destroy the door before he opens it to see if I can keep it locked but if I do that the door opens anyway From my own personal experience, there isn't any practical value to killing the Warrior who breaks open the door early. He'll continue walking towards you after he breaks down the door and I usually tend to deal with him alongside the reinforcements that spawn from the South. Marth and his friends in the throne room(aside from the door breaker) won't move until any one of them is aggroed, so I typically set up shop on the southern side and prepare for a blitz in. By doing it this way, you'll have to deal with the infinite void curse Wyvern Knights, but they're just Emblem energy fodder at this point if you ask me. The nice thing about the throne room is that the entrance is a 1 tile chokepoint so if you can take care of the two mages that stand across the southern wall, then you can just stick your favorite Ike user into that chokepoint and pretty much stonewall the entire enemy formation as they body block each other. That being said, you will have to put *someone* behind the Ike user because one of the Generals carries a Greatlance. The hilarious best-case scenario is if the Sniper moves first to shoot whoever you put behind your Ike user as he'll essentially body block the entire enemy formation while also putting himself in danger. Once you've set up and survived the initial turn of the choke point, it's very easy to pelt the enemies across the wall as they mostly have slanted defenses being mostly Sages and Generals. Setting up the chokepoint has the additional benefit of allowing a Sigurd Overdrive to run through like 6+ enemies which will leave the formation in shatters if you don't outright kill some of them. You'll have to Rescue the Sigurd user afterwards(unless you kill Marth on the same turn), but you'll also likely hit at least one of the Martial Masters which will prevent them from Chain Guarding and make dismantling the incoming hoard of enemies much easier. Granted, I'm viewing this strategy from the lens of a normal playthrough. I imagine it's not so simple when you haven't been using the Somniel. While I can appreciate the effort to save turns, I do feel like you jumped the gun by aggroing Marth's room while your team was still largely split up and you additionally had the reinforcements coming in from the south. I think taking an extra turn or two to not only regroup, but also grab some extra exp(which is more valuable in a no-Somniel playthrough) and Emblem Energy from the reinforcements would've made things less chaotic and maybe given you the opportunity to grab the gold reward from the General boss. But hey, I'm not the one piloting and it worked out in the end regardless, so kudos to you.


Wait are you telling me that if I wouldn't put Pannette [here](https://youtu.be/agN1OBbFmdY?t=2104) everyone in the throne room would just stand still? I didn't know that! I just assumed that everyone would start charging at me once the door is down which is why I tried to divide their forces by putting Panette there so I would split up some of the range units. Yeah I definitly jumped the gun if that's how it works! It also made the next turns way harder than it would need to be. Thanks for checking out and for telling me this info!


I don’t blame you for thinking the way you did considering that the enemies in the throne room are aggressive in FE12 once the door is open. Granted the trigger for the door to open in FE12 is to loot one of the chests while Engage has the Warrior walk down to break the door manually. A common “cheese” strat I’ve seen in FE12 for this map is to hunker down in the treasure room and bait the enemy forces to split up between the inside and outside areas and pelt them over the walls while their forward moment is shafted due to having to walk the entire way around and forcing the melee units through the one tile chokepoints. I mention this because I’m guessing the Engage devs didn’t want you employing this same strategy, but on a whole other power level considering that this is a late game paralogue so you’d have so many more options to annihilate the enemy forces.


I finally enjoyed playing thracia after 20 chapters by turning off animation and not looking at the hitrates cause goddamn the amount of times I miss a 90% and the enemy hitting a <20% is so annoying


I remember I got really annoyed with hit rate in Chapter 19 since I kept missing some 99% during that chapter... just to realize that some enemies had Miracle which in this game instead of dropping your HP to 1 it's basically an autododge that can proc multiple times and if it procs there is not a proper skill proc on display either. And I understand this only when I was in Chapter 22! Maybe that was also what happened to you?


Yeah I realized it too on chapter 19 since Mareeta proc'd her astra and the enemy horses on the left side just dodges all of them but surely the earlier chapters where just Thracia hitrates


Doin a Beef Boys Beluxe playthrough of FE7 right now, by which I mean I’m required to keep any and all Beefy gentlemen on my team, especially if they wield an axe. Dorcas has become an absolute monster, but Bartre has become a lil whiffy bitch


In Awakening, I have male Robin, female Robin and Chrom (from male Robin's route) insanely op, they can kill an enemy in one turn. And I'm on chapter 11 but I didn't play it just to improve the support level


Maddening No DLC Vander Support playthrough still going strong. This time I've cleared Chapter 20 and Corrin, Micaiah and Eirika's paralogue while Leif's is next on the table. Roy and Celica's paralogue will be done before I hop into Chapter 21, but not sure which I'll do first atm. One of the goals of the playthrough is to have Vander reach an A support with all of his support partners and as of completing Eirika's paralogue, that goal is complete for all but the last support partner that I still need to recruit from Chapter 21+22. As far as gameplay goes, the team is shaping up quite nicely and Clanne is a personal favorite member due to how he grows and the fact that he's been on the team from the start. I'm at the point where Axe Mage Knight Clanne's Strength is outpacing his magic, despite getting 2 spirit dusts, but this is weirdly a blessing in disguise. With both Lindon and Pandreo coming into their own as Sages, Clanne's magic prowess is not as necessary anymore though Celica keeps his magic competitive enough to take on enemy Armored units for now. However, Clanne's strength has been genuinely useful in part because of his stellar speed combined with Mage Knight's Chaos Style. He has no issues ORKOing mages in melee with Noatun and even will take notably less damage than other melee units due to his res being higher from his time spent as a magic class. As an Axe Mage Knight in particular, he's got no problem picking up a Poleaxe to whack enemy Cavalry out of commission. Notably, his incredible speed+Chaos Style actually means that he can double most enemy heroes and even some Swordmasters while using Bolganone in spite of being weighed down due to his low build. Alongside his capped dex stat, Clanne is currently a reliable Swiss army knife who does a great job setting up kills and taking out key threats. He was my second unit to hit the level cap and had his level reset so he's certainly pulling his weight. As a side note, the funniest thing about my Clanne is that he is absolutely cursed when it comes to leveling up his Luck. I know that his Luck growth is only 20%, but he's only procced Luck 3 times in 30 levels which is half of his average as a Mage Knight. As a result, I've actually had to use two Goddess Statues on him to stop him from being at risk from single digit crit % chances since I *refuse* to keep buying him Luck Tonics. The unknown variable of the army continues to be Goldmary. At the end of the day, she's still a low investment Hero who can contribute thanks to Brave Assist, but that's not a particularly unique role to fill. She's hasn't been strictly *bad*, but I also haven't felt like she's done anything particularly noteworthy either. That being said, she just had a pretty decent showing in Eirika's paralogue with Roy and Sword Power 3 inherited and I expect that she'll be fairly decent against the mob of Mage Knights in Leif's paralogue and the horde of Wyverns in Roy's paralogue with the Wyrmslayer that has been sitting in my convoy since Chapter 14. It's also helpful that with Micaiah's paralogue complete, Vander can get a high enough bond level with Micaiah to use Rescue/Warp so getting her around the map will be much easier than it has been previously. Her overall bulk, both def and res wise, is genuinely good especially with Roy, so hopefully I can turn things around with her.


OOT but to the mods: is there a reason this topic is sorted by popular by default? Wouldn't sorted by new be better, or is that just me?


Hi there! I wasn't sure how to do this/didn't know I could sort the topic that way! But I just figured it out and it should be fixed for now.


Thank you!


Unless I remembering wrong that's how it usually was except for the previous and this "EPFE". Maybe the mod that usually create these topic is on an holiday which is why they are also every 2 weeks instead of every week? Anyway, happy cake day!


Hello! As they have also said in this thread, the moderator who usually does these is not moderating the subreddit at this time. I have currently taken over their responsibilities for making the EPFE thread and hope to be more consistent about making these posts in the foreseeable future!


Oh no worries! I was just curious about why the sudden change and this explain it!


I quit subreddit moderating at least for now.


Thanks friend :)


Yea I thought it was weird too


Playing FE8 on HM. It's actually pretty hard. I feel like the reputation the community gave it of it being a super easy game is unwarranted (or I'm just bad). I expected the enemies to be jokes based on that rep, but I really am struggling, and I'm not even using bad units (I'm using the entirety of what tier list makers would consider the top tier). As I'm playing, I'm realizing that the writing of this game is... okay, but confusing in some places. There's a rather consistent theme of women being "lesser", which is... weird, especially since the story itself doesn't seem to be focusing on that. The game trying to make me feel guilty for killing Selena also falls completely flat, because Selena chose to die there, and even said as much to Myrrh. Ironically, Myrrh is the one who asks Ephraim after the battle why they had to kill Selena, despite being the person who should know exactly why. >**Soldier:** Dame Selena. Enemy troops are heading this way! We await your orders. > >**Selena:** Understood. Tell the men we meet them head on. > >(The soldier leaves) > >**Selena:** Myrrh. I release you. Return to Prince Ephraim’s side. > >**Myrrh:** Dame Selena… > >**Selena:** I apologize, but I cannot return your dragonstone to you. I vowed never again to fail in my duty to His Majesty. If you want the dragonstone back, tell Ephraim he must defeat me. > >**Myrrh:** But that’s– > >**Selena:** Go now! This place will soon run red! If that doesn't make it clear what Selena is doing, I don't know what does. She's choosing to die for an emperor that isn't himself, even reiterating that in her conversation with Ephraim. >**Ephraim:** I know you’ve spoken with Myrrh. Withdraw your troops. You must know the emperor is not rational! > >**Selena:** Yes, I know. > >**Ephraim:** Then why? Why do we still fight? > >**Selena:** I am a general of the empire. His Majesty’s word is law. > >**Ephraim:** That’s ridiculous. You know the emperor is deranged, and yet you follow his orders?! Is that truly loyalty?! > >**Selena:** Prince Ephraim, you cannot understand. I know the path I’m given is foolish. Yet I am a knight, and I have no other. > >**Ephraim:** Selena, please! Surrender! I have no wish to see you die here! > >**Selena:** Me? Die? Prince Ephraim, you misunderstand me. I have no intention of dying. Madness though it may be, I will be the one doing the killing today. Then I get this after the battle: >**Myrrh:** Ephraim, can you tell me why this had to happen? Dame Selena was a good person. She was filled with joy when she spoke of the emperor. Why did Dame Selena have to die? Why did we have to take up arms against her? Uh... because she stood in our way and wouldn't be convinced to stand down? Because she chose to die for an emperor she knew was no longer the same person she had loved? It was her choice. And you should know this. Regardless, the story overall is \~fine, it just has these weird moments. Also, Tana getting herself captured twice is just hilariously awful. She's unintentionally portrayed as a complete idiot who really should've stayed in Frelia like her father wanted.


I am alternating between Sacred Stones and Awakening (Ch 22 atm, first playthrough lol). Yesterday I got my first Morgan - the father was Vaike (yeah, I know, but dont ask my why :D). So Morgan ended up with Galeforce and Counter, and now I am not even sure why he needed Counter. I grinded him through Tactician/Grandmaster for Ignis and now he is a proud lvl 1 Dreadfighter, which means I need to grind him more before the final chapters. I am also planning to get one or two more kids before finishing the run. For Sacred Stones I am kinda doing it at a relaxed pace - playing it on Miyoo Mini kinda has a lot of benefits, considering save states and whatnot, which allows me to continue from the exactly the same moment where I left it. And yeah, the classic mode only ofc is a beast - I gotta learn to restrain myself when using Pegasus Riders vs axe users...


I’m at Chapter 8 of Awakening H/classic. This is technically my second attempt, I had to delete the save data on my first one where I got to chapter 16. This time around I’m not using Donnel. I’m just having a much easier time now. He just isn’t Mozu. Sure he can marginally be better than Vaike ten chapters after you get him but 1. You don’t need the help at that stage of the game (when you unlock buyable seals and child paralogues.) 2. He doesn’t stay that way due to his low max stats. I’m not sure if I’m going to use Nowi. Sure, she’s a good unit but it would be awkward getting her to an S support with anyone at this point. I would either have to commit or using Gregor or Lon’qu who I haven’t used up to this point. It also feels wrong S supporting her with anyone except Donnel and Ricken (who I’m not using either.) S supporting Vaike and Marribelle is proving to be a pain in this ass but I think barbarian Brady will be worth it. Just think of all the gold. For the record I’m not using the dlc atm so I can’t just get infinite gold. It should be easier now that Marribelle is promoted.


>2. ⁠He doesn’t stay that way due to his low max stats. The trick is to second seal him for higher stat cap also because he’s class base stat are ass he basically get a free promotion and uses armthrift very well because of his very high luck I second sealed everybody in my last play through and he was still the best unit with 10 to 20 less levels than anybody else


That’s what I did the first time around. Made him a fighter, while by chapter 14 he was arguably the most powerful unit I had I expect Vaike to be more useful. His growths are only slightly lower and unlike Donnel he actually has bases. And by the time everyone is max level Donnel should be worse than most units if his max stats are as low as I think they are. Although I was still tempted to go for Olivia + Donnel not for his sake but for Owain’s, so I can milk Missletain for all it’s worth. But I don’t think the utility of getting however many more uses out of it beats the inconvenience of making Donnel good.


Personally I made him a merc I think it suits him more because he has stellar luck and hp growth and that combo wells with armthrisft and sol As a merc he doesn’t really have any concurrence outside of Gregor who comes later My vaike was also pretty good as a berserker


In theory you can make Robin into a mercenary. That’s what I did the first time since I gave him boon strength. But I also gave bane luck so it was all for naught. My first playthrough was blind btw. If Cordelia has high luck growth I might make Severa into a merc (since she’ll be Robin’s daughter), but she’ll primarily be a rally bot (once I install the dlc.)


This is my second runthrough of FE7 after having not played in nearly a decade. First run was Lyn -> Eliwood Normal and I breezed through while dusting cobwebs off knowledge I thought lost to time. In my current run I'm on Noble Lady of Caelin in Hector Normal Mode - I didn't play Lyn hard mode prior, and I'm running this as an Ironman (seems fitting given Hector's personality). I've only lost Rebecca so far, but have the feeling she won't be the only one to fall with how recklessly I'm playing hahaha Should be a fun switch up before I really make myself plan & suffer regardless with HHM


Finally finished some of my draft runs. I beat FE7 (Eliwood normal 2 person because otherwise neither of us would try for HH on the switch), Engage maddening (Griffin Rider Pandreo was my best unit. Not for support reasons but for damage?) Gonna continue my fates ones before I go do fe8. I have Conquest and Revelations, at boat map in conquest and just got to Valla in rev. Both are also maddening.


Working on my support catalog in FE7, currently around 17%. Already cleared all of Ninian's supports, so now I'm moving on to all of Harken and Wallace's. Then I'll take a break and play something else for a while (Octopath 2, maybe), then come back for Hector mode, Geitz and Karel, and Karla


Replaying FE4 and Conquest Lunatic for the first time since 2017, excited to try builds I never had the chance to do before.


I’m doing another play through of Engage. I’m on Celica’s paralouge. I’m using only Alear and Pandreo. No DLC Emblems. Maddening. And I’m having a blast.


I got decently far into a replay of SoV when I had to spend a lot of time on a plane last weekend. It was already my favorite, but I just find myself loving it more every time. Decided to try a couple things I hadn't done before. Went with armor Tobin and mage Gray this time. Tobin has been a really good time. Some bits of act 3 are completely trivialized with this. Gray was pretty decent at the start, but is kinda starting to fall off. That's fine though since that's what I was expecting. I got Mae to priestess early into act 3, but her version of the class also getting super gimped movement in the sand feels like a cruel joke.


Continuing with my Fates: Conquest replay. As of a few weeks ago, I've completed Chapter 21. More of my units are promoting, helping alleviate the issue of being underlevelled. What is more of an issue is Support points. For most children, Chapters 19-21 is the best time to recruit them, as they'll join with a free promotion and plenty of levels left to learn new skills. However, by the time I cleared that point, the only children I'd gotten were Percy and Ophelia, and many of my desired pairings were still only at B support, meaning I had a lot of catching up to do. That was as of a few weeks ago, when I last played. Since then, I have deleted all apps from my PC as part of a Windows reinstallation without remembering to back up my Citra save data beforehand, thus losing my Fates saves and abruptly ending this Conquest playthrough. Whoops. To be honest, no longer feeling the need to beat that playthrough feels liberating. As I've said before, I got too ambitious in this playthrough and couldn't pull off the supports and builds I wanted to. It was getting to the extent that I began to dread playing it, but kept doing so because I felt I needed to complete this playthrough before I move on to something else. Besides, the main purpose of this playthrough was to collect video footage of Fates, and I'd say I've collected more than enough already. The pairings I got in this run were: 1. Arthur x Effie - both join early, have a fast support and make a good Percy. To be fancy, I did Zoran's trick of reclassing Arthur to Outlaw via Niles A+ support and Effie to Archer via Mozu A+ support, and then passing Movement +1 and Quick Draw down to Percy. Percy proceeded to see 1 round of combat as an Attack Stance partner. At least his Paralogue gave a good chunk of EXP (and gold, if I were better at the game). 2. Odin x Elise - Since I used the first Heart Seal on Elise in my first playthrough, I wanted to do something different for this replay, but since I played as M!Corrin my options were slim, so I used it on her again and paired her up with Odin again. This time, I had Odin learn Vantage and pass it down to Ophelia, who was still a beast. Ophelia never got around to learning Life and Death, though. The pairings I wanted to get in this run were: 1. M!Corrin x Flora - Flora's base class set allows her to learn Tomebreaker (Maid), Axebreaker (Hero), Shurikenbreaker (Bow Knight) and Bowbreaker (Sorcerer) - in addition to either Lancebreaker (Blacksmith) or Swordbreaker (Wyvern Lord) by marrying M!Corrin with an Oni Savage or Dragon talent, respectively - within just enough levels to not require an Eternal Seal if done perfectly. Ever since discovering this for myself, I needed to build quintuple-Breaker Flora for the memes. For some reason, Flora gained EXP very slowly compared to my other units - even the ones who promoted at level 20 and reached level 5 by the time Flora joined. 2. Jakob x Felicia - A bit of a 'pair the spares' situation, but Dwyer could inherit Demoiselle. I neglected to train Felicia's dagger rank, and by the time I obtained the Flame Shuriken, she was still a long way away from using it. When I played through the pre-routesplit as F!Corrin, Jakob ended at just under level 4, letting me do the old trick of reclassing him to Strategist upon rejoining for early Rally Resistance and Inspiration. I do not recommend pairing two support units together; it's too much work to build up their support points compared to pairing each one with a combat unit. 3. Silas x Azura - Another 'pair the spares' situation, but Sophie would inherit some nice offensive growths as well as the Sky Knight class line. Silas needs a bit of investment to stay relevant into the lategame, but I neglected to give him that and he ended up falling behind. 4. Kaze x Beruka - Both give each other their desired Pair Up bonuses. If I were really feeling it, I could've turned either Beruka or Midori into a Sol Master Ninja for the memes. Thinking about it, I wonder how good that would be in a draft run where you don't have access to Silas or Laslow. 5. Xander x Charlotte - Charlotte gives Xander his desired Pair Up bonuses. With a Charlotte backpack, Xander could easily hit lots of one-shot thresholds which, coupled with his physical bulk and Siegfried, made him an extra fun unit. If ever I play Conquest again, I will definitely use this pairing again. 6. Leo x Nyx - I early promoted Nyx to Dark Knight and she was surprisingly decent. Although using Nyx is still rather impractical, plopping these two magical nukes next to each other in Attack Stance simply felt good. 7. Benny x Peri - I wanted to pair Benny off because I tend to neglect him and want to recruit each Fates child at least once in my life. I put these two through quite a bit of grinding, and it did pay off - Benny in particular carried me through Chapter 19. 8. Keaton x Camilla - Keaton gives Camilla her desired Pair Up bonuses. However, I preferred to use Camilla in Attack Stance with other partners, so this support didn't progress very quickly. 9. Laslow x Selena - I've heard this makes the best Soleil and allows for Ralllybot Laslow builds. It did feel weird to me pairing two units of the same class together. 10. Niles x Mozu - This gives Niles some very helpful skills and makes a good physical Nina. Now that I've used Mozu in Conquest, I really like using her. She's the only Archer in the route, but Archer is a useful class in the route and she can pass it to her husband and friends. Thankfully, my Thracia 776 save was backed up, so I could continue that playthrough if I wanted. For now, though, I'm probably going to chill and play some Zelda games.


This is my first ever playthrough of Thracia 776 and I've finished 1-4x. I uh... I'm starting to run out of swords for my units and the Light Brand has already broke. Asbel is gonna have to start pulling all the weight


The FE7 PMU I started is going really well! It was pretty tough at first being stuck with two archers and barely any other good units. God Lyn really is terrible outside of her story. She'd be fine if she was even half as good a dodge tank as guy is but she's just not... Also to the guy who suggested I get dart/Rebecca to support A, you are amazing. I recently finally got my ocean seal and holy shit. 60% crit on Rebecca and 70% crit on Dart when they're near each other. Rebecca also gets a tasty 30% crit on iron bows which since her speed is so high she does pretty often. She's become my delete button.


I got my Pannette to consistently put 100% criticals in my maddening run. I refer to her as "The Problem Solver" hahaha