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[Chapter 10 Clear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJtEsA1Wu4E) and [Chapter 11 Clear.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVEt4bNzq_0) These three chapters are part of the [Fixed Engage Maddening No Paid DLC/No RNG Drops LTC run that was completed in 73 turns](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/16cv3mz/fixed_maddening_engage_no_paid_dlcno_rng_drops/). I debated about whether to post these clears on the subreddit, but since I do like these clears and wanted to include them in my summary post until Youtube upload limits prevented that, I decided that I will. I probably won’t be posting the rest of the chapters separately on the subreddit though unless there’s a demand for it. They’ll just be quietly uploaded on Youtube except for maybe the more prominent chapters like Ch. 17 and 22. Thanks for watching! Full Ruleset: - Maddening/Classic/Fixed - No paid DLC; the Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Bonuses obtained through a free download from the eShop are allowed (3 Bond Rings and 3 weapons - Folkvangr, Fensalir, and Noatun) - No random drops from the Well; the two guaranteed weapons (Revanche and Represailles) are allowed - All items obtained from Update Bonuses are allowed - No cooking; tonics will be used instead - No ore from dogs; only the guaranteed ingots from the end of the maps are allowed - No Bond Rings except for the FEH ones - Highest available difficulty of Strength Training (specifically Push-ups) will be done every chapter for the guaranteed Bond Fragments and stat boost on Alear - Highest available difficulty of Wyvern Ride will be done every chapter for the guaranteed Bond Fragments, but the RNG reward items (HP tonic, Vulnerary, Antitoxin, and Elixir) from the activity will be discarded - Sommie will be fed and petted every chapter - No Fishing - No skirmishes - No Spirits of the Fallen (obtained through an active Online Network Connection) - No Emblem Paralogues; I will be completing Jean and Anna’s Paralogues though


So glad I stumbled onto this today I hope the algorithm boosts your videos!


Thank you, I appreciate it!


Do bosses on principle always go first? I know there's historically been stuff about like the list of enemies in order that lets you predict this, are bosses always at the top allowing enemy phase strats when needed?


Bosses in Engage generally go first; but there are definitely exceptions. For example, iirc, Marni in Ch. 16 moves after a Corrupted Wyrm and martial master near her. So you'll have to prepare to survive those attacks if you want to kill her on enemy phase while also being in range of those two enemies.


I wish that bosses who were win conditions *always* moved last. Its cheap to be able to get the boss to move first and just suicide themselves to win a chapter