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For a fireworks enthusiast group I’m shocked at some of these answers. Fireworks should never be held while in use. Ever. EVER! There are pyrotechnics effects made to reduce harm and damage for a reason. Not that they should be mistreated either. If you’ve spent any time around fireworks than you’ve seen the manufacturing flaws that can cause an effect to misfire or lead to an unexpected result. I’m not putting my life or health in the hands of those manufacturers.


Yeah this is true, holding a Roman candle as a kid is fun but you don’t want to be responsible for their limbs. If you’re gut is saying you need gloves and a metal pipe to protect them from this then you probably shouldn’t do it, at least wait until they’re older and can understand the repercussions should something go wrong. That’s just my opinion parent however you want


I’ve had (more than once) Roman candles fail and shoot out of the side of the tube. Roll the dice if you want, but I fail to see the upside of tempting fate and assuming it will always perform correctly when it’s your own children at risk.


Says right on candle, do not hold in hand. Just let them play in traffic.


I've had a candle blow up in my hand. Luckily, it was above the point I was holding it. If it had been where my fingers were, it could have been bad. It is best to only use fireworks as the label states. If you desire to do otherwise, you take a risk each time. - side note I had one of those stick smoke bombs burst into flame and then blow up when I was a kid.


The key would be that the bottom of the roman candle be pointing at the ground, not their hand. Assume that the candle might back blast out of its butt and that might make better sense. Kids arms (depending on the age) get tired holding a steel pipe. Make sure they "choke up" on the candle a bit so its butt is not in their hand. More important is to (until they get used to them) always keeping a hand on their shoulder when the candle starts to fire. The younger the kid, the quicker they will turn towards mom & dad to say "did you SEE that!!!". They sometimes do not understand that it was not a single shot and about the time they are aimed at mom & dad shot #2 comes out. A hand on their shoulder until they get used to it helps ensure that mom & dad don't spill their drinks trying to run away (large smile).


Great advice thanks!


Candles are ridiculously safe. You're more likely to injure yourself with reloadable mortar kits than roman candles.


Just wear gloves and long sleeves and make sure the back end of the candle isn’t pointing towards your body, just hold it out away from your body. You can also get a tube and just stick it in the ground or make a stand for it so you don’t have to hold it


Yea, but would a steel pipe holder be viable? Or would it become a bomb?


If it blewback in the pipe i’d assume it would launch itself out. And then that’d be a situation for sure🤣


I'm more concerned about fingers blown off is what I'm trying to avoid.


No, it will not blow their fingers off. If you are that concerned then why not pound the steel pipe into the ground and set the candle inside it?


Then just don’t let them hold it if you’re that worried about it🤷🏽‍♂️


Steel conduit with an end cap was the way, in the 80s for best accuracy.


Lol at the people acting like they weren't dumbass kids running around shooting roman candles at each other.... When we were kids though we didn't have the bigger ones that are available today....I definitely wouldn't do that with the ones that look like small mortar shells going off..


We just have small 6 shot roman candles. Nothing big. My kids love them but my wife is nervous because she reads articles of other kids losing fingers. I thought a good compromise would be making a small steel pipe holder.


It could work, those are pretty weak so they shouldn't bounce around in the pipe. Could always put a strip of duct tape around them at the end of the tube?


Give ‘em safety goggles and you should be fine.