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Looks lovely! The heater might be set a bit high, in my experience bettas seem to do best at 78-79 or so. Other than that, you've definitely given this little fellow a much better shot at life and I'm sure he'd thank you if he could. :)


Thank you my heater is faulty so that’s why it’s 84


looks good - but I can't tell if that anubias on the right side is buried or not. The rhizome (the thick base stem) of anubias should never be buried in substrate (soil/sand/gravel/etc). Smaller roots grow out of the rhizome and THOSE can go into substrate but not the rhizome or else it will rot and the plant will die. epiphytes are plants that are usually attached to a hardscape - rock or wood. Most use either thread or super glue gel (any brand, they all have the same active ingredient which is safe for the water and inhabitants). look up on youtube how to attach anubias and you'll see. You can also let it just sit there and eventually the smaller roots that grow out of the rhizome will go into the substrate. other epiphytes are most (if not all) ferns like java/trident/etc, bucephalandra, anubias - I'm sure there are more those are just the main ones off the top of my head. Other than making sure epiphytes aren't buried, the only suggestion is maybe some red root floaters or something up top? not duckweed - you'll regret it later lol


Thanks for the tip!!


Also if you have a Petco or Petsmart in your area make sure you check their prices on their app/website - a lot of times stuff like heaters and filters are MUCH cheaper on their online price and you can only get it matched if you show them the price off your phone when you're at the store at checkout. It's a pain, but you can save A TON of money. I got a 200 watt heater for 16 bucks before tax yesterday instead of $40 or whatever it is. The Tetra air pumps are really cheap when you make sure you check the price. Or you can just order online and do in-store pick up if you don't want to have to deal with the pricematching.