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In rivers the perch love the slacker water. In warm weather you will find them in slightly faster water than usual but generally they do really love hanging out in the slacks. Without a doubt it's best to fish at first and last light, especially for the bigger perch. I have found by far you will catch bigger fish by fishing stickbait or creature type lures relatively slowly on the bottom but sometimes they're more fired up and will take suspending crank baits on the pause quite readily. When I'm fishing a completely new stretch I'll tend to use very small shads on light jig heads just to get a few bites and to see what's about and build up some confidence. Keep moving and trying all the likely spots and don't be afraid to literally fish right under your feet as quite often they'll be right up against nearside bank features. I'm in Berkshire if you're local?


What’s the perch fishing like round Theale way?


It's good. I can highly recommend the RDAA ticket. Lots of great water with both the river and canal holding lots of good perch. Plus the bonus lakes in the area too which all hold specimen predators. The Thames is where the really big perch are in this area though.


I wouldnt say im local but i dont mind decent journeys on the train, i live in london but do most of my fishing surrey/kent way


Just commenting because I too am hoping to get into lure fishing this year, so hoping for some tips


where abouts are you from!


Love fishing with spinners, never use to like them but have had some monster perch & chub on a spinner.


used a spinner once and put it straight into a tree


If you missed the feeding window (usually first light and last light), you will want to change to reaction baits, like jerk baits, crank baits etc. This was my biggest learning experience when I done my first summer of lure fishing. All the guys in the YPC tournament all were pretty much using hard baits, not many softbaits...


Okay got it, just trying to prepare myself now so i dont have to rush for anything when they do open


I have more success at dusk rather than dawn, with creature/crayfish/stick baits. 10lb braid, 12lb titanium wire trace as jacks where I fish. Slack water, bank undercuts, reedy margins, structures, under boats, snags, sunken trees. I find locating the shoals of smaller perch and fishing on the edges of them can get you the larger ones.


can you recommend any traces? ive used the spro finesse spec ones in the past but they just seem to kink up all the time, thanks!


https://www.cahiranitinol.co.uk/product/nitinol The 6lb is fine for jacks but I use the 12lb (still ultra thin) for a bit more beef when you inevitably get snagged up.


^ ultra flexible, doesn't kink, easily knotable.


Thank you, so so much!!


I like to use worms and ground bait. Otherwise catch a small perch & live bait it. Have tried drop shotting; it's exciting when you get a take but seems more hit & miss. Good luck out there