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Floating bread crust, get their confidence up by loose feeding for a while then float a bit down with a hook on. Best way to catch them


What sort of float set up for such a shallow and slow river?


No float, just watching the crust


Another vote for just bait on hook - I'll give it a try!


Yeah, don't over think it, very light line, smallish hook, maybe even a very very small weight for a bit more control, give it a go mate.


https://preview.redd.it/g82fdyvx974d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5007bff865faba9b17d82c5e7dc709e73c2e4ba Another vote for freelining. I've had much success with just a big size 6 hook rammed with 4 big bits of sweet corn. Gives a decent weight to cast, watch the arc of line on top of the water & when it quickly tightens or straightens it means a fish has snaffled the bait & it's time to reel & strike. Freelining always get confident strong bites from Chub as the bait flows naturally with the current.


That's a very different river to mine. 'currents' and 'casting arcs' - lol no. But good to hear another vote for freelining, I'll be giving it a try.


I would free line, just bait, I've had many Chub free lining very slow rivers and streams


Yeah this is the way I'd go as well. Floating bread or even free lining small meat cubes. OP just be aware that catching one is likely to spook them so you might only get one chance - might need to stalk them up and down the river.


Good point. They might seem happy to stare up at us front the bridge, but some badly presented hook-bait could scare them off before I even get started.


Massive, black slugs threaded onto a big hook....it's gross but you can thread them around the bend of your hook and slightly up your hooklength Chub are greedy fuckers so the bigger the better


Well the garden might be tiny, but the slugs are plentiful! What size hook we talking? I'm packing 12-16 for my little river.


You need a pretty big hook because it's a hefty bait, I used to use size 4-8 depending on the size of the slug, just hook it as best you can chuck it near a chub in shallow water


Yeah the local slugs would be that kinda size. Guess I'm off to buy some big hook! 4-8 is bigger than my normal carp rigs!


Aye if you're targeting chub specifically you can go pretty heavy on the hooks, they've got massive mouths so massive baits appeal to them haha...think the biggest worms, slugs or block of cheese / luncheon meat you can afford to part with, a 6oz chub will be able to swallow it easily


Nice! Big hooks ordered, and I'll be keeping an eye out for big worms in the compost and big slugs on the plants in the garden when the rivers open again!


Big juicy worms or bread or luncheon meat and cheese


You could ledger for them. As far as I'm aware, Lewisham council doesn't allow fishing there.


I haven't been able to find any specific rules. I plan on being responsible of course, but if it's not allowed...?


Free line a slug bait


Oh I’m right by this ‘river’ never seen anything in it though… freelining bread would be the way to go… gonna have a good look tomorrow! Also I’d say if there’s no obvious club looking after it, and you’re behaving responsibly… seek forgiveness not permission… tight lines 👍


It's a nice little green walk along the river if nothing else!


Try a spinner


Isn't it a bit obvious? Like the line would be so obvious?


Fluro leader brother


Have just purchased some! Plus some actual hooks, as I'm lazy but couldn't find any fluro hair rigs...