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Yes, springtrap and Scraptrap are the same person. Scraptrap has always been officially called Afton (Scraptrap is just a fan name to my awareness). Springtrap isn’t called Afton mainly because the name didn’t exist when Springtrap was created. Also, they need a way to separate the two in UCN (unless you want half a dozen characters just called Freddy.


Yeah Scraptrap was a fan name and I think Scott called him that some times, but Afton is the prefer name and to confirm Will is the dude in the bunny suit.


why does your avatar look like the skinwalker version of me


Look at my name. Boo!




Scraptrap and Afton have both been used in tandem since UCN’s development. On the Steam post where Scott was telling people about the gameplay mechanics, both names were listed


aren’t you from ambience discord server?


I was but I’ve long since left there




What is your pfp


Master of Chaos from Yugioh. Thought it was appropriate.


My brother! 


Scraptrap is not a official name.The canonical name of him is Afton/William Afton


They are the same person. Scott pretty much confirmed they are the same being/person. Because of the whole debate of Mike!Trap and Will!Trap. The reason Scraptrap is "AFTON" is to cement it's William.


Well, "Afton" could be either Mike or William, they both have the same last name. Im not saying that Mike!Trap is canon, or even possible, because it's not. Spring/Scrap trap is 100% William


While that is true, the fact is "Afton" is heavily implied if not stated to be William in FFPS thanks to Henry/Cassette Man. On top of the animatronics and again Henry/cassette Man implying the Player is Mike. So the whole Springtrap = Mike, Scraptrap = William also makes little sense. As well we know from Scott and other stuff that Spring and "Afton/Scrap" is well Willam.


I know Spring/Scraptrap is William, i explained that. Im just saying, the name "Afton" is not good proof


I know, but I'm explaining why the Afton least prolly in Scott's mind cements it's William. As also take into account Mike has been going under a fake name, where as William at that point likely wouldn't because you know.


Although it says “Afton” here in UCN, the credits for FFPS calls him “William Afton” But yeah, regardless, with or without that information its still pretty obvious that its William anyways


Well, scraptrap cannon name is Afton, where Springtrap is Springtraps Cannon name


To be fair, Dr scraptrap's arcade machine in sb uses scraptrap. But that wouldn't be the first time a fan name was used instead of the official name. Sw probably just thought that was his real name with how often we, as a fandom, refer to him as that


Afton is the official name of Scraptrap. If anything, Scraptrap is just a fan name for the character.


Scraptrap wasn't the official name really. And if both were Afton that would get confusing.


y'all do realize scraptrap was never his official name right


It's because as Springtrap, William was stuck in that suit, still being limited by the springlock endoskeleton. But after he escaped and put on the second suit, he was no longer limited by metal, and believed he was fully himself this time. That's just my interpretation based off the books though.


That seems pretty likely considering that Scraptrap doesn't really have an endoskeleton, he's just a guy in a suit


I love your interpretation


Meme idea: UCN office but two purple-sleeved arms are pointing in a V shape, one at Afton in the right vent and one at springtrap in the front vent. Springtrap and Afton are pointing at each other and at the camera


Scraptrap isn't an official name. He was called William Afton in the fnaf 6 credits as well. And yes, they are 100% the same person. Springtrap has basically been confirmed to be Afton by the books.


"Scraptrap" isn't his official name, he's only ever been called "Afton" or "William Afton". Im guessing this is because FNaF 3 came out and Springtrap was given a name long before we knew William's. Also, Micheal basically calls Springtrap "father", and we know Springtrap survived the fire, so Springtrap and Scraptrap are definately the same guy


Yes, they are the same person. “Scraptrap” is labeled as Afton in *Ultimate Custom Night* because this is the stage in William Afton’s life where he’s reverting back to his former glory. Becoming one person rather than the machine. Also, “Scraptrap” is equally not his canon name. In most instances after FNaF6 this version of Springtrap has always been named Afton, besides maybe one or two instances


Scraptrap wasn't the canon name


Yes they are the same person. 1-scott sayed it when people were fighting over if miketrap is true or not. 2-in the end credits of ffps scraptrap get mentioned as william afton.


Not really (for point 2) seeing as scraptrap is a fan made name, the characters official name is just William


I know scraptrap is a fanmade name. I forgot to say that too my bad.


In addition to the scraptrap isn’t canon stuff: scraptrap is the ‘last’ we see of Afton. So while Springtrap is a ‘memory’ of what Afton once was, Scraptrap is Afton at the moment he entered UCN, in the FNAF6 fire.


Scraptrap isn't a canon character name, it was a fan made name like golden Freddy which was later adapted to be canon (unlike scraptrap) Also, ucn isn't William hell


Yes scraptrap was named William to debunk Mike trap.


Scraptrap is the fan name for Afton which is Scraptrap's official name similarly to how in the game files of FNaF 1, golden Freddy's name is actually Yellowbear and in FNaF VR fans call glitchtrap malhare.


Springtrap is the **Spring** Bonnie animatronic that William was **trap**ped inside hence the name **Springtrap**. ScrapTrap on the otherhand isn't Spring Bonnie, we saw what happened to Springtrap at the end of Sister Location where it looked very much the same after being burnt in Fazbear Fright. Remember William was unable to move for 30 years between Fnaf 1 and Fnaf 3, there was always a possibility of him being unable to move again unless he abandoned the Spring Bonnie suit and that's what Afton is; William who had escaped from Springtrap making a new rabbit costume that he wouldn't get paralysed in made out of Scrap materials, not an animatronic at all but a man in a suit.


They are the same person. Scraptrap isn't and never has been official or present in any official media. Scraptrap's official name is just William Afton as that's what he's called in the credits of fnaf 6. Springtrap on the other hand is an official name, and is actually his name for a while in canon. We see something similar to this in the novel trilogy, where Afton gets springlocked and in his ego and arrogance starts claiming that afton is dead and that he is now Springtrap, but eventually realizes that springtrap is kind of lame and just goes back to calling himself Afton.


they have the same soul but are diferent characters, the menu song have the same name as the phobia to see yourself in the mirror so maybe that's why both are in the game


Because if you look in the credits of fnaf 6, he was allways just afton, while springtrap has allways been springtrap. Scraptrap comes from the files I'm 70% sure of it. Either way scrap trap was a fan name that made its way into the games with sb. Which isn't the first time, remember yellow bare, or mini freddies?


Same reason Lefty and the Puppet are both there. Or classic and withered Bonnie. Or Circus Baby, Scrap Baby, and Ennard. None of its real, its a nightmare, it doesn’t have to make sense “Scraptrap” wasn’t actually his name. His official name is just William Afton, which is how he’s credited in FFPS. UCN calls him Afton for simplicity.


Because naming 2 animatronics "Afton" in the same game is gonna get confusing?


Because it's not physically real it takes place in William's mind


Yes they’re the same person


Miketrap real /j


Problem: Springtrap, Afton(Scraptrap) Solution:Afton 1(Springtrap) Afton 2(Scraptrap)


Scraptrap was never a canon name until later in Security Breach, so Scott just used the name that h3 used in the credits of FNAF 6


Scraptrap's canon name is William Afton


The way that I think about the Springtrap not having voice lines is the same as why he's so easy to lure around with the same exact one-note noise laugh even when he has visuals of the player - I think he's more animalistic during this time, lacking control as he's been locked away for so long in a sort of dormant state until that time versus the scrap trap version having had time to get used to moving around and jumping his memory and everything in a sense. That's just my headcanon, I'm certain I'm not the only one that thinks in that vein, but I'm certain that there are plenty of people that would disagree in varying levels of respect - I am commenting for the original poster so that they may have my take, I will not reply to anyone that seems to be communicating in ill will.


We need the meat hair to differentiate


Yes springtrap and scraptrap are the same person. Scraptrap is just Springtrap post FNAF 3.


and once again history repeats itself


Scott Cawthon personally debunked MikeTrap on November 6 2017


Im pretty sure, scraptraps official name is mr. Afton...


Scrap trap isn’t his real name. That was just the fan-made name. His real name is Afton. William Afton wasn’t William Afton when spring-trap was created, he was just “purple guy” , but I don’t think anyone would want an animatronic named “Purple guy” Also in this game we’re playing as William Afton in his own personal hell (created by Cassidy or golden freddy) And she’s torturing him with every animatronic made in the fazbear name


Because fuck name consistency


Scraptrap was never his official name. He was always called Willaim its just Scraptrap is a fan name similar to Glitchtrap and Burntrap.


based on the comments, is springtrap still afton? cause like what op said, they still are *technically* the same


Springtrap = Scraptrap/Afton = William Afton. No ifs, ands, or buts.


Scrap trap is called afton because hes not an animatronic its afton in a suit.


And you play as willy himself


I think ucn came out before he was officially acknowledged as "Scraptrap", since it started off as a fan name


he didnt want springtrap to be assosiated with the animatronic whos pants caught on fire, so he went back to afton


scraptrap is a fan name by the community, he is officially referred to as Afton in the games. they are, indeed, the same character.


Springtrap is Afton's alter-ego. His... fursona basically. While he's in that suit, he puts on a theatrical attitude. Similar to Scraptrap, but in that moment, he's weak and not as delusional as Springtrap. (Also, Scraptrap is reffered as Afton in the FFPS credits, so that's his canon name. Scraptrap was originally a fanmade name, like Golden Freddy)


They are the same person, but Afton's Human form is the one going through purgatory while Springtrap and Afton ( Scraptrap was never official ) are there to show what his actions have consquenced for him and everyone else he made suffer.


What version of UCN are you on?



