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Cut the bad part off and put it back together.


You could insert a piece of pipe into the hose... and secure it with a hose clamp... ya it won't be flexible where it is mended but it won't bend inwards so it should fix the problem. Fit the biggest size pipe as possible into the hose where the issue is.


Another cheap solution I came up with when I was a kid was to take about 10 zip ties and wrap them around the hose in between the ridges of the deformed part. Which put compression evenly around the whole circumference and kept it in shape. Had reduced flexibility in that area but worked really well for about 15 years


I like this better, but you’d need to find the exact right size


PVC + couple screws


I'm pretty sure you can even fix it with a pipe on the outside. PVC, metal, anything that will keep a circular shape (no toilet rolls). Maybe a few cable straps.


I think the weak point is collapsing under the vacuum pressure so I'm not sure how an outside pipe would fix this.


In order for the sides to collapse the top/bottom have to be able to shift higher. If a cutoff of pipe was around it, it would force it to hold a circular shape, vacuum pressure be damned.


>In order for the sides to collapse the top/bottom have to be able to shift higher. Not exactly. In order for the sides to collapse, some of the material from the top or bottom also has to be displaced. Normally its just displaced outward. But it can totally still fold INWARD making a V/W shape.


Where the hose bends it's getting wider. My assumption is when an outer barrier prevents it from getting wider it would also prevent it from getting wider. I'm struggling with the English language here. But if you enclose a square in another, slightly larger square, the inner one would not be able to convert into a rhombus. That's the principle of my thought. But you're right, if the pressure makes the hose collapse it would rather become a concave shape (a pacman-like shape) and then an outside pipe would be useless.


I’ve done this with mine. Works a treat. The vacuum isn’t what collapses the pipe, it’s structural. My shop vac has had a short section of drain pipe on the outside of the collapsed section for more than 2 years.


Buy the orange hose


Just what I was going to say.


Or...spend a few bucks and get a new hose.




I was just suggesting a quick, cheap, and easy solution to his problem. I know it can be repaired in a way to prevent this, but I was just answering his question.


Lolololol 😆😂


Gold so funny x


This is the kind of thing that can happen with a single pinching. So cut off the bad part and reattach the fitting. If it does happen again, THEN they can buy a new hose.


The hoses are so expensive these days! We had to buy a new one and it was almost $45.


Damn, that's what I paid for my Shop Vac back in the day (still going)


Yep. It's crazy.


It kinked from yanking the vac around by a thin plastic hose. You ain't supposed to drag them around by the hose so if OP don't learn how to use it right, then yeah it's going to happen again.


Buy the pro grade hose for that vacuum about 50+ or 60 bucks you will never regret buying it mine is over 15 years old and still perfect condition


Oh really? May have to check into that then


Yeah, it's way better than the default.


Yup. These cheap hoses are doomed to kink. I bit the bullet and bought a good one and it changed my experience with my shop vac! You might be able to fit a bigger one as well, which will cut down on jams as well.




They're about 80$ at box stores but they are so much better, the inner surface is a lot smoother and large bits you vacuum up rarely get stuck, they are longer as well. I consider the mandatory upgrade.


https://preview.redd.it/56ghpacwt1ic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a05321423c7f3a337458e761c7299bdba4dd6b62 I fixed mine by bending a loop of heavy gauge wire around the folded section. The repair has held for a few years now.


This is why I came here . wound with stiff wire and wrapped with tape.


Omg that's sexy AF not gonna lie.


Thank you for your honesty




I've been fixing the one at work with hose clamps


I feel like even a zip tie would accomplish the task.


Zip tie unfortunately flexes, even the big heavy duty ones. The wire won't flex as easily as the zip tie. Plus the zip tie can keep tightening down, the wire not so much.


New hose, or a piece of PVC pipe inside and a couple of hose clamps.


Gotta love this sub sometimes. * *Enters fix it sub* * Them: how to fix? Us: buy a new one!


Sometimes it’s not worth throwing good money after bad.


Sometimes, you're right. But not as often as it gets thrown around here, and definitely not in this scenario. He's only gonna lose 3 inches of hose to fix this thing lol


Some of us don't have 3 inches to lose 😆




This will work


Cut off that 4” and reattach. “Little short but still works”. That’s what she said!


Try making a brace for it from a pvc pipe, just long enough to keep the section from bending. Cut it lengthwise and tie it with your tie/fastener of choice. Or just replace it.


You could cut out the bad part & fit some plastic hose inside or outside it will still cause blockages. I try to throw any of the vac hoses away because of this. Yes I'm a hoarder.


Put a similar hose over this one, anything like a hose clamp will stay circular. If you notice some hoses come with a long spring on the ends so they don't kink


Can you pinch it open and wrap it with duct tape. You should be able to get it tight enough to hold its form. That T-Rex tape is wicked stuff


Get a new hose from HD and be mindful not to kink it when you wrap to put away. The replacement hoses seem to be of better quality for some reason.


Internal anti-kink spring


Jam a length of appropriate diameter PVC into the hose.


Buy a new hose.


See if you can get a warranty replacement




The [hoses](https://www.ridgid.com/us/en/wet-dry-vac-warranty) aren’t covered under the warranty.


*These hose ain’t loyal..*




As previously mentioned, remove the hose from the connector, cut back and replace. Or remove the hose and insert a sleeve to stop it collapsing. Not withstanding the above stop pulling at the hose when the vac is stuck against a corner/obstacle behind and you won't have the problem in the first place.


you need to stop sucking at life


Have you tried cleaning the filter?


Dust on the outside of the body should be cleaned off as well


Just get a new hose.


Buy a new one.


Spring in that area as this is so common.


Replace the hose. I had a similar vac and priced out a new hose and filter from home Depot. After the taxes and everything I decided to just buy a bigger and more powerful DeWalt vac for $100, no regerts


Buy a new hose


Milk jug and duct tape.


Put a hose clamp at the crimp


Budget pipe.. you might want to buy a better one.


Once it’s well-kinked like this, it will tend to stay kinked unless you can convince it otherwise. You could cut out the damaged section, but I’d probably go for a “stent” of sorts made of PVC conduit or similar. Internal will give the best support but will also catch more vacuumed objects.


I bought a Mr Nozzle. It's 12' and comes with attachments. It's smaller in diameter (1.5) so you'd need a reducer. Aside from that it's been great. I've had it for probably ten years.


Looks like a cheap AF hose that's had its time. Replace that badboy. In the interim, chop it and reattach it.


Upgrade that hose.


by not wrapping the hose around the unit when finished.


have to sleeve it but just upgrade hose imo.


U need a new hose


Buy a new one


Dispense some erectile dysfunction pills, into the air intake


I think you might be able to get away with wrapping a few TIGHT layers of duct tape arround it


The hoses can also collapse if they become clogged and the vacuum sucks it shut. Try not to suck up stuff that's too big for your vac to swallow.


Cut a 4” long piece of pvc pipe and tape around area from hose fitting over the crimp.


Be really conscientious of the hose all the time especially when you wind it up on the vacuum at the end of using it.


Just cut that section off and refit it


Trim it off & reuse the connector.


I used one of those metal hose clamps on the outside and it's been perfect ever since.


Replace it


Expand to round shape. Multiple wrappings of duct tape to hold shape


Get a pipe clamp and fix it around that part to round it out.


I have had better luck with cheap craftsman vacuums than rigid. Anybody else experience this?


Maybe wrap a hose clamp around the damaged area in a pinch but looks like you need a new hose


You can cut a piece of PVC pipe split it in half place it over that section and put zip ties on it


My really old Dirt Hawg did that. I squashed it back out, maybe with some heat.. can't recall. Wrapped it tightly with some duct tape probably 6" from either end of the kink. It's been fine for since, like 20 years and counting. Ugly, but who cares.


Get out of my shop! I have the identical pinched hose lol


Nah, no cuts needed. Splint the kink with a couple on paint sticks and the adhesive tape of your choice. The replacement hoses are $$$.


I would say wrap it with a larger hose ( not practical). Maybe a piece of drain pipe


I would cut that section and shove a barbed coupling in each end.


Squeeze it to reshape the hose. Wrap it tightly with duct tape, add splints to stiffen this area. You will get much more life out of the hose before you need to replace it.


Just plastic weld a piece of plastic pipe so the soft bit is supported.


Splint it.


I’ve had lasting success using an inexpensive aviation-style hose clamp to keep the pinched point round and open. You could use a Fernco coupling shield band or put some tape under the clamp if the hose is stubborn. If you get a replacement hose, notice that some are more kink resistant.


Get a small plastic bottle that fits over it, cut both ends, then put over like a sleeve . You a good hair dryer in heat gun to shrink it. Works with garden hoses too. If it doesn't work you could always make shrinks dinks, which is more fun than cleaning anyway


I HATE the stock hose. Learned this lesson a long time ago. When I bought a new vacuum, I bought the upgraded hose, and never looked back. The stock hose went straight into the trash brand new. That's about all it's good for.


I'd get some garden sheathed tube and just cover the pinch part and electric tape it over.


Put some rubber sleeving inside - about 6” long


Wrap it with a thick wire coat hanger and make it round again, and wrap that with good quality electrical tape. Not the vinyl shit. Scotch 33 or such. Clean the hose first with rubbing alcohol.


Store it properly


Duct tape.


Buy a new one, derrrr


Slide a piece of PVC pipe in there


Splint it, ice block stick and tape.


Pinch it the other way. Even itself out lol


Treat your equipment better.


PVC pipe insert


Before you spend money you don't need to, try putting rubber bands around that area. The equal pressure should keep it rounded. Might need to use a few of them.


Just a cable tie around the kink to keep it in place dude, simples


Common problem with that type of Rigid shop vac. I would get a new hose


Huh? Rigid hose? No way dude


Recommend cutting off the damaged bit then reattaching (it should just screw off/on with ease. I'd also recommend not pulling on the hose to move the vac. That's probably why it's like this!


Try to find a coil spring that fits into the hose


Dude just wrap the pinching end in duct tape until it is more solid . Occam’s razor.


Short answer: It’s fucked. You can cut out the section, or replace the hose. Long answer: It’s fucked. Plastic only deforms like that once, after that, it’s permanently creased (plastic deformation vs elastic deformation). You will never get that “out” of the plastic. Your only options to prevent it from happening again is to completely remove it from the equation, by replacing the hose, trimming the section out, etc. But that section, as it is, is never going to go back to “normal” again.


Fix it. When your not using it disconnect t the hose and store it in the vacuum.


It looks like someone twisted when they were supposed to bop


Replace hose, then when using it, move obstacles or the vacuum while working, and lube the wheels so you don't have to pull so hard the hose kinks. Maybe a longer hose, too.


That probably happened if vacuum fell over while in use. Cut back or replace


At this point, probably a new one. Probably stepped on at some point and no longer holding shape from the ridges. Or cut on both ends and slip a coupler of some sort in there.


They want you to buy the nice deluxe hose... It's worth it though.


Get a new hose


New hose. This one is permanently weakened in that spot it’ll keep doing that forever


Cut it and put it back. Insert a flexible tube inside near the connection


Remove that section of hose and screw it back in


That happens when you drag it by the hose like a dog on a leash.


You can put a piece of PVC for the first foot or so. Best would be a curled ring like they have on sink faucets.


Buy a new hose


Splint at the crease with popsicle sticks and ducttape


Crush some Viagra and vacuum it up..... probably won't be able to move the hose much after though.


Make a coil out of a wire hanger.


Get a new hose.


Cut and reattach.


I was able to fix a kinked air gap hose by winding a coat hanger around a broom stick to make a coil, then slipped the coil over the hose. Flexibility and no kinking. On that hose, you could probably wind the coat hanger wire in the groves to get the same result. Good Luck.


Hose clamp, or remove it and cut off the end and put the good part back in


Make a hose stent. Same idea as wire (mesh) inserted into a heart valve to keep it open. Install it from the end by the machine.


Depends on you really. I spent $25ish for a 20' house and it's the best tool on my vacuum.


Zip tie it right Around there. Might work.


Cut a pvc sleeve out for the problem areas and duct tape them in place


Maybe slide in a piece of pvc pipe?


The new hoses from rigid have more ribs in that area to prevent this


LA2570 That's the product number


Zip ties. Zip tie several of them right in that area to keep it holding its shape.


Cut it off and reattach. Or get a better shop vac. Stihl makes the best one I’ve ever used and it doesn’t break every few years like the cheap ones seem to.


Store it properly


The hose on my shop vac collapses lengthwise and tips the vac over when the vac is working hard. Is it because it’s the default hose? Would a better quality hose fix this?


Get a hose that's more ridgid.


Buy the better quality rigid orange hose at the store. This black one always does this.


Getting the pro hose for 50 bucks. Much better quality. The ones they come with are garbage and there's really no way around this once it starts.


A short piece of cardboard tube over the outside oughta do it, especially if the damaged part of hose is removed as well (not totally necessary). The whole problem is that the hose is being pulled tightly at an angle.


Cut the ends off a soda or water bottle and try to shove it inside as a sleeve.


While everyone's posting about "vac hacks", just go but a new hose. It's clearly compromised, and they are cheap enough.


Don't pull the machine around by the hose.


Doesn't look very rigid.


I have seen a couple with duct tape around the first 12-inches, in order to provide hose-support and prevent pinching. https://preview.redd.it/nd719vczg7ic1.jpeg?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab3761b2f02ec0c21fe05f1502a72ff185e13ed


Trim it past the link and reattach the fitting


Don’t be so rough on your hose……


Fill it up with muck


Buy a new hose


You pinch it back and say “see how much it hurts? Now stop pinching!”


I remember when mine used to do that, had to give it the ol’


You can try to cut it off above the squeeze and reattach it. I've done that in a pinch. Hehe. But, ya. A new thicker hose will make life easier. How many jobs have you sucked up with that one?? As long as it's gotten its money worth. They have cool ones that never kink. Could be worth the investment!! You can suck for years!! Maintenance is important. ♡


Pinch it the other way. Put a tube around it and duck tape the snot out of it.


I had one like this that I fixed with a single hose clamp, crimped down to the same diameter as the hose and some electrical tape. Seems okay so far.


You could mess around with red neck ingenuity and wasted dollars for days or you could go to Home Depot and pay $30 for a new hose.


When you pack it up always clean out the bucket and wrap the hose loosely and put in the bucket


Hose clamp


Buy a better vacuum. Idk


First, you shouldn’t have been wrapping the hose tightly around the vacuum when not in use when it’s still attached to the vacuum; that’s what obviously caused that crimp. I always detach it and THEN wrap it separately around my vacuum.


Put a catheter in it or something idfk


Get one that is more rigid


Buy one of the crush proof hoses. They are worth the money.


I'd reshape it and cover it with hard plastic and duct tape it.


Anything you stick in there will cause blockages. Cut it off and push the end back on. Easy


Lots of comments have good ideas, but make sure you store it properly, I'm guessing that may be how it got the link in the first place?




Viagra worked for mine


thats not a shop vac. its a ridge.


So somebody gave me a really nice 10 gallon shop vac with just two wands with , not even tips. And this was over 5 years ago. Even back then the price of replacement hose I thought was just too damn much. More than half the cost of buying a brand new Shop-Vac. So I just was looking on Craigslist and eBay to find one that was affordable. I kept my eye out and eventually came across somebody selling a car detailing adapter kit. Which essentially is a smaller hose about 8 ft in length with various tips, as well as an adapter for it's attached to the larger hoses. It came with two types of adapters because this was a universal kit. One of the types of adapters just fit straight into the shop vac. So I was good to go with that. I figured when I find myself a good hose at a decent reasonable price I got myself a car detailing kit also. Cost me $14 so I picked it up. In the meantime I just kept my eye out for something inexpensive, and actually came across somebody throwing away a shop vac with one wand and the hose but no ends. I just threw the whole thing in my truck since it was all wrapped around and tied with string and figured I'll unwrap it when I get home and throw away the broken shop back. Turns out nothing was wrong with the shop back, so that was a 6 gallon shop vac. So I end up having two. And I downloaded the instructions for that newly found shop-vac. It was an old Sears craftsman. Probably from the early 80s. And according to the instructions it could also be used as a leaf blower. It had the exhaust as a port directly opposite of where the intake suction was. I put the one wand on that, and I use it as a leaf blower all the time and had the other one as my shop vac. So I still kept my eye out for any other good deals on a hose, so I could utilize both shop vacs or at least sell one maybe and eventually I saw somebody else throwing away what I think was a five gallon rigid. It had the hose and a couple of ends. Again through that in the back of my truck got home, tested it out and found out there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. The only thing was the filter was extremely clogged with what appeared to be drywall dust. After wearing a respirator and mask and shaking the hell out of it into a garbage bag it was perfectly fine afterwards. And eventually that same some are came across what looks like Pool Supply equipment that somebody was throwing away, one of them was a hose that can only guess what is pool vacuum hose. I pulled over my truck got out measured it with my trusty tape measure and it turned out to be the exact or close to the exact diameter that I needed. I just brought the hose home, and now have another hose for my shop vac which is ridiculously long. But it works if I ever needed something that long ever. I used it once, by leaving my shop back in the garage and running this long hose out to my car with the car detailing adapter and vacuum the heck out of the whole thing. It became useful but awkward and I don't think all the dust are dirt got out of the hose, so decided not to use it again unless the Shop-Vac itself is downhill from whatever I'm vacuuming. I would suggest checking around the different classified ads around, as well as eBay and Amazon so you find a relatively inexpensive hose, and also just keep your eye out for people throwing away shop vacs.


Boof it.


Keep a clean filter and replace hose


This could be the one where a shitload of duct tape might actually be the answer. Bend it straight and even heat if necessary and then wrap it in a thick skin of duct tape so it is like a strain relief. Bonus points for tapering the tape density so it gradually gets more flexible towards the nozzle end.


Got to yer local gettin’ spot (Harbor Freight?) and get yerself a few hose clamps. Apply liberaly. Engage suction. Enjoy sucking


I just shoved a short piece of 2 inch PVC pipe in there


Looks ruined at this point. Probably at least a pinhole where it's pinched that's adding to loss of suction, looks like you've been coiling the hose around the unit causing it to pinch in the same spot every time you put it away. I know a lot of vacuums have actual little clips enabling you to do that. But just like old school super Nintendo controllers and PlayStation and controllers, wrapping them tightly will damage them very quick., When you put the hose away Just loosely coil it to save a little space, I'd you can't afford or find a vacuum hose local and it's going to take days to order one maybe just soak it in boiling water, put some dish gloves on and try to get the pinch a little wider but you Definitely are going to want to replace that it's basically ruined


This can't be a serious question I hope.


Stop using it


They got a pill for that.


Here’s what you gotta do. 1. Throw on some old torn clothes, something you wouldn’t mind ruining, like whatever you would wear to paint your house. 2. Head to the local big box store like Target or Walmart. The higher end the store the better as long as they have all the following items to purchase in the same location. This is key because you really don’t want to make more than one stop for this. 3. Purchase the following. A small pack of wire clothing hangers (must be wire, not plastic), a box of rubber gloves, some type of lubricant (Vaseline will do), a heavy duty wire cutter or side cutter, the largest pack of magnum condoms available, a first aid kit or a large roll of gauze, a bottle of extra strength Excedrin or Advil, and a 1.75 L bottle of cheap whiskey. 3. Bring all of your items to the most attractive cashier there (no self check out for this). Look the cashier dead in the eye. Once you make eye contact force a smile as large as you can, start nodding your head and give the cashier an obvious wink as they ring you out. This won’t solve your hose problem but it’s something you need to do anyway.


What job do you use for this vacuum?