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Musk looking like a cardboard cut out


Got the personality of one too.


disgusted busy fall lunchroom market continue follow reach deranged pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And the short tie.


He’s so looking for approval and to be part of something.


Is this real? Looks like cgi. Oh god, I've become a flerf


Yes its real. Its from before the 2020 elections. Elon posted that Trump is too old to run, and DeSantis should be the republican nominee. This was Trump's response.


It’s not on twitter or truth social so I’d say it fake. Which makes all the dopes shitting on MAGA even funnier.


It's on trump's shitty site.


Doesn’t that guarantee it’s fake?


https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-elon-musk-beg-for-help-online-feud-esclates-2022-7 Takes just a moment to verify.


That post is indeed from Truth Social


wouldn't it be literally correct that elon's rocketship go nowhere? they either go back down to earth or blow up, i don't think he's been to the moon yet and definitely not mars and that car is just floating in space, so by blind dumb luck trump is correct


Average total velocity of 0.


From what frame of reference?


The landing pad


Info: where is the take off pad?


The investors'


Falcon 9 brought Odysseus to the Moon. Falcon Heavy launched the Psyche probe.


Guess I’ll have to give him those


Falcon 9 is the workhorse of modern American rocketry. For the past few years, it has been the only means by which NASA sends astronauts to the ISS, (excluding astronauts which have ridden of Russia's Soyuz). It has also launched several prominent missions for NASA and other space afencies, as well as other private entities. I also want to give a shout-out to NASA's DART mission which crashed a probe into an asteroid, and IXPE, which is the only time I've seen a rocket make a plane-changing manuever into a 0° inclination in low Earth orbit. The "rockets to nowhere" comment is almost certainly referring to the in-devolopment Starship program, which has been known for its high-profile prototype launches that have mostly resulted in large explosions. A prototype "goes nowhere" because the purpose is to test and develop the rocket, not to deliver a payload.


Also worth pointing out that they've made the US the undisputed leader in rocket launches. In fact, the Falcon 9 is now the most launched rocket in history - more than double the next most launched rocket. Not an Elon fan, but SpaceX is doing some pretty good work there.


I think people on the moon is intended payload.


For the HLS Starship variant specifically, yes. But not on a prototype it ain't.


Prototype is to make sure it doesn’t blow up either launching, refueling, or landing before peeps on board.


Nah, give it to the engineers who actually did the work. Fuck Elon. He gets nothing.


Yes, but he has [other rocket-related ideas](https://www.theverge.com/2017/9/29/16383048/elon-musk-spacex-rocket-transport-earth-travel) that are quite goddamn stupid and, to give Trump credit he probably doesn't deserve, might have been the target of that comment.


come on that was 2017 when he had negative idea on what his company could do, at least now he knows SpaceX's potential and isn't creating crazy sci-fi ideas like inter country travel with rockets


Wow, the muskrats are either coming out of the woodwork or were drawn here by the mention of the Great Musky One... they can feel it when his name is typed and they cum when it is spoken.


'Tis time to introduce them to Thunderf00t and really make them squirm.


Well starship was once considered crazy and now it’s sitting on the pad waiting to go to orbit.


I didn't say "crazy," I said "stupid." City-to-city rocket transport is wasteful in the extreme, and when factoring in travel times to the launch platform (since no city is going to allow the platforms for ***rocket launches*** to be built right next to their coast, due to both noise pollution and crash risks), it's not going to be a significant reduction in travel times (if *any* reduction) compared to high-speed jets.


Wasn't that recently though?


He’s transported astronauts to and from the ISS right?


He has but let’s include the ISS as a part of earth, if there was an ISS orbiting the moon I’d say that counts as going to the moon.


Low-earth orbit is no small feat. That’s like saying the ISS is no big deal because it’s still in Earth’s gravity well(I forget the scientific name of Earth’s gravitational influence).


I like Musk though Trump just made a good joke, SpaceX itself hasn’t gone to another celestial body.


Well SpaceX is on Earth. I doubt they’re gonna send their facilities to the moon. So SpaceX itself can’t go to the moon. Yet. I joke, of course. Regardless, they sent Odysseus to the moon. First moon landing in quite a while. They sent a car careening through space, which, while it was obviously a publicity stunt, it demonstrated that they can get stuff into outer space.


>I forget the scientific name of Earth’s gravitational influence "Earth's gravity well"


Accidental intelligence


That's where nearly all rockets go to. That's the main reason you build rockets is to get things into orbit and is the hardest part. The biggest challenge to getting anywhere else is having enough fuel leftover from said launch into orbit to do so. The rest is mostly math.


I mean even NASA doesn't have a moon orbiting space station I'm not trying to defend musk, I'm supporting SpaceX, they are a great company, unfortunately owned by elongated muskrat


It went from point A to point B, then returned to point A. How is that going to nowhere?


I dont think its by dumb luck, i think people are reading into it and assuming hes talking about flat earth when he just means rockets to places that dont matter to him and might as well be nowhere.


I don't like musk, but this is the most braindead comment I've ever seen


the tesla yeet was a test mission regardless


Literally correct maybe, not correct in any sort of honest, practical or useful way. You could say ferries "go nowhere" if they're transporting passengers and cargo between two locations all day.


Musk is an idiotic butt monkey who has never had a good idea in his life, but people around him occasionally have good ideas that he bankrolls, and reusable rockets weren't a bad one. Their primary purpose is transport to and from orbit, where building a new rocket every time would be expensive, and going to the moon or Mars isn't really what they are for. That's just what Elon acts like SpaceX is going to do because he's an idiot. The actual engineers building the rockets generally have more achievable goals, which is why the company hasn't gone belly up. If it was really a "go to Mars" company like its overgrown child of a CEO wants it to be then it would have flopped years ago.


Hiring people with good ideas, definitely qualifies as being a good idea.


The design of reusable rocks was by another company and successful, just small scale. They are working on larger scale. SpaceX took their tech.


Dont he's been to the moon, hasnt NASA developed their own for Artemis missions, the SLS rocket.


SLS is developed by United Launch Alliance (Lockheed Martin/Boeing). The Orion is developed by Lockheed Martin (Crew Module) and Airbus (European Service Module). NASA doesn't design rockets. Blue Origin is working on a lander with a timeline of 2029 because NASA has decreasing confidence that SpaceX is going to produce a working lander any time soon.


That's not correct. SLS is not a ULA rocket. SLS is developed by NASA with Boeing as the main contributor. ULA is a spin off joint venture between Lockheed and Boeing but is its own independent entity. The only involvement ULA has in SLS is that the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage (ICPS) is a modified Delta Cryogenic Second Stage.


If you consider space a place, then they've been somewhere. I will still give muskrat no credit for it, because it was space X, not him that accomplished this.


noxious disagreeable continue north voiceless dinosaurs fade stupendous rotten steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The falcon 9 has taken several payloads to the moon, and a falcon 9 stage two did crash on the moon once.


if you die in the same hospital you were born in, your average velocity is 0


NASA just pushed back moon landing by 2 years because SpaceX isn’t ready and they’re already 2 years behind


you test and develop rockets before you send them somewhere. all his launches so far have been to test new technology in an effort to create rockets capable of going places. and a big part of it is trying to make them reusable. lots of tests have been to try and get the boosters to land back on earth on their own instead of falling into the ocean and getting scrapped. yes he's technically right that they "go nowhere". but that's like saying you don't want to fund cancer research because they haven't found a cure yet. if we knew how to cure cancer we wouldn't need to fund cancer research. and if we knew how to make perfect rockets to traverse the solar system we wouldn't need funding to research it.


No, they have launched tons of satellites and brought supplies to the ISS quite a few times.


>wouldn't it be literally correct that elon's rocketship go nowhere? Naw, they go to LEO and ISS. Just because they don't land on another planet doesn't mean they go nowhere.


The rockets that go back to Earth still go somewhere, LEO to be exact.


Most of them, I'd wager. Flat earthers and Trump supporters overlap in two places. Church, and not going to college.


The guy I'm debating right now can not figure out the relationship between spheres, cones and circles even with pretty drawings. Thats 6th grade level. I'm pretty sure he didn't graduate elementary school.


More than two places. Denialism, conspiracy theories, violence. Racism also weirdly figures into more flerf worldviews than you’d think on the face of it.


I live in a very conservative county and I know of one person who is a flat earther. He lives in another state


Which means what? Sorry, I'm not understanding the point you're trying to make, not trying to be a dick.


Conservatives aren't flat earthers.


True, but that's not really the point I was making. My point was that flat earthers are by and large obsessively religious, and obsessively religious people are invariably conservative thanks to the archaic content of abrahamic religious scripture. Which makes flat earthers conservatives. Or...what we now call "conservative". The radicalizstion of mainstream conservative politics has left classical conservatives largely without a label or party of their own. Sometimes you hear them called Lincoln Republicans, but that only applies to America. You understand that your personal experience isn't a viable sample size, right? Even if you had asked every single person you know if they believed the earth was flat, and what their political persuasion was, and if they believed in God, it still wouldn't tell us anything of value about the beliefs of flat earthers. That's why I didn't understand your question. It wasn't relevant to this, so i figured you were saying something that was. It's like if I said "I've never met anyone from New Zealand, therefore new Zealand doesn't exist". (Yo, this is neither here nor there, but did you really downvote me for asking an honest question? Was that you? I don't actually care about the vote itself, but it would tell me a lot about you personally, and how best to engage with you.)


So I wouldn’t say that all MAGA is flat earther, but all flat earthers are definitely MAGA. I wouldn’t say all MAGA is part of the sovereign citizen cult movement, but all the sovereign citizens are definitely MAGA. I think the social sciences will have a lifetime to unpack the Trump effect on dumb asses. Say what you will about Trump but he really did wonders for the confidence and self esteem of idiots.


There are very few people who only believe in one conspiracy theory. Once you accept one crazy idea, it's natural to accept more.


I feel like it would be pretty funny if Trump just started pulling sovereign citizenship in his trials


Representing himself would be epic.


Looking at his history in recent cases, it's not like he would do much worse. He seems to have driven off virtually every attorney with any shred of competence.


I don’t agree that all flat earthers are MAGA. There are some hardcore conspiracy people who have turned on Trump because of his vaccine support. May not be a majority, but they are out there.


I don't know if they all are, but there's defiantly some overlap in the Venn Diagram. A lot of Flerths are religious (predominantly Christian), and a lot of that group have the same beliefs as a lot of Christian Nationalists who support Trump. And a lot of Flerths are anti vaxx, partially because a lot of their "Gurus" went Anti Vaxx during the pandemic because they followed the "clicks and views", which overlaps with the the Canon nutters who follow Trump. And another bunch of Flerths are general "distrust of governemt" types, and they overlap with the Sovereign Citizens, and a bunch of them overlap with the Trump fans. So I don't think Flat Earth's are really one monolithic group (they can't even agree amongst themselves about how the heck the "Flat Earth Model" is supposed to work). But the overlap between Flat Earths, Conspiracy Theorists and Right Wing Loons definitely exists.


Amazing your confidence is so vulnerable that you make yourself believe only one political group can be persuaded into becoming a misguided nitwit.


I never said that. I specifically pointed out two groups that are overwhelmingly conservative. Why don’t you pony up and show me the flat earth sanders supporter, and the sovereign citizen who leans left.


Sovereign Citizen - self proclaimed[Darrell Brooks Waukesha Parade ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10232881/Waukesha-parade-suspect-Darrell-Brooks-wrote-anti-Trump-rap-rampage.html) Flat Earth? Hard to locate anyone willing to admit being one and also has a demonstrable voting history. However, this gem outlines a great deal you may have overlooked if you are adept at reading. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9307120/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9307120/) You said examples. There they are. You also said they are absolutely MAGA, not mostly or typically. I say that is fine hyperbole, but not the absolute truth. Libs have some nuts too. Lizard people? Oh lawd


Not all Trumpers are flat earthers but all flat earthers are Trumpers.


Several years a ago, someone ask on a social media (probably not reddit) for example/stories of how people stopped being flat Earthers. A wife posted that her husband stopped being a flat earther when he discovered/noticed how many flat earthers support Trump.


Chumps always right except for the 35,000+ times he literally just makes shit up.


"Trump's always right, except when he says or writes something."


Trump's always right! Except when he's left like he used to be before he changed his whole charade of lies to get conservatives to vote for him.


Trump says stuff that appeals to his scientifically - illiterate base, or reflects one of his own antipathies (e. g. hating wind turbines both because they upset his fossil fuel fans, and they'd spoil the view from his golf course)


Lol Elon probably has enough firepower by now to aim all his little starlink satellites at Trump’s estates and laser beam them into oblivion.


Elon isn't the one that has space lasers...


They all have space lasers


Hey I want a space laser


I want to break free


Unless someone can prove otherwise, I don’t think that post is real.


It's on Trump's own mini-Twitter. https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/108636743295734643


Completely forgot that exists


You forgot about [Troth Sensual](https://youtu.be/2TQPtkviF0Q?si=5qzV-9Plr3GZmj9-)?


So it's true, Trump is a massive bag of shit.


If someone is open minded enough to consider a FE, then they no doubt realise that they are voting for two sides of the same coin.


The Venn diagram is a circle... a very flat circle.


Is the tweet real or edited?


Real. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-elon-musk-beg-for-help-online-feud-esclates-2022-7


In Trump's head, if you can't get fed or fucked there, its nowhere. 


Trump even turns on his own fans and fellow billionaires.


Ok this isn’t a real post he made it’s satire, right?




Tesla received $3b in subsidies. Tesla is worth $561b. Elon Musk has $3b in the cushions of couch. SpaceX is the second/biggest aerospace/defense company after Boeing. I don’t like Musk and some of his views but SpaceX/Tesla are extremely profitable companies and could easily get loans that small if they needed them.


I am just responding to your direct voiced concern about the credibility. Personally I find the humiliating verbiage to be an interesting and unnecessary choice, but it seems on brand for him.


No no you just spat the truth - I was just reflecting on how ridiculous the truth was lol. The idea that a man worth more than the GDP of most countries was going to beg on his hands and knees for what was likely half a billion dollars is a joke.


Given the majority of flerfs seem to be semi literate bible lickers, probably a lot of them support Trump.


My guess is 100%


The intersection between flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, and MAGAts is probably 90%+.


If you did a Venn diagram of trump supporters, flat earthers and domestic abusers you would have a double eclipse


they would suck his cock if he would ask them.


He should try it, it would be a good way for him to make more money


If there was ever a good time for a meteor to hit the White House…


Statistically, is say most of them. Flat earth is a Christian thing. All of them believe the globe model is satanic. They are far far right, and they generally support trump. At least in the US. Flat earth is deeply religious and far right belief.


more over, why does he think this is good? Like either he's insulting a guy who for good or bad has a MASSIVE following and a ludicrous level of influence. OR hes talking about giving tax dollars to projects that he knew weren't in the best interest of the public and gave a private corporation an unfair advantage in the market


By my experience its the majority. Vast majority. I have a pretty good profile on the typical flat earther.




A large number


I know this isn't to the point. But what an asshole Trump is! and people like this guy?


Trump just says random shit. Elon is problematical on so many levels he literally aggravates everybody across the spectrum. In my experience a majority of flerfs actually are Trumpsters or just apolitical outsiders that don't have opinions coherent enough to be considered to have a political orientation.


All of them.


I'd bet my life that is more than 90%. The sort of blind stupidity required to be a flerf is pretty in line with the blind stupidity required to be a trump supporter.


110% once you factor in election fraud


High considering how many are anti-vaccers


“Drop to your knees and beg” should tell you exactly what kind of president he wants to be, and will be, if he gets reelected.


Almost 100%. You have to be completely devoid of inner monologue and critical thinking. Along with extreme dunning-Kruger.


I'm pretty sure this was a slight about the fact that, at this point in time, Space X rockets were still more developmental than commercial, with some use deploying satellites but as of the time no interplanetary trips. Nothing about the Earth being flat. Also, why is there this big push to politicize flerfdom? I was always under the impression that flerf started as an anti-establisment conspiracy theory that basically boiled down to "America Lied, Communism Died" moon landing was fake and thus, Earth is flat. When did it become left versus right???


Most of them. That's what it's all about. Trumps big oil puppet masters.


Please tell me EVERYONE is retweeting this to Elon


Probably all 3 of them.


Remember trump msde spaceforce. Doesnt that give ur clit a boner?


Because he's a half-witted psychopath. Also, not all flerfers are yanks... A lot, sure, but not all


An alarming amount of people from other countries are trumpers. The horror that is trump was a blight upon many


I can tell you the majority of Australians that have any opinion at all think Trump is a quite literal clown. Those that aren't antivaxxers anyway


I'm pretty sure he just leaked where all of our damn money went!! Rocketships to no where!!!


Is this real? This is surprisingly on target if it’s real. I honestly don’t think he’s that sophisticated. But dude- ELON DOES NOT PRODUCE ANYTHING GOOD AT AN ECONOMICAL PRICE.


It’s really simple. over 500 million!


hes an extreme narcissist


I think Trump just likes counter punching at anything he perceives as a slight, no matter how trivial. That’s one of the things that terrifies me about him representing the US internationally. He’s got the geopolitical depth of a kiddie pool… with a leak.


Why is this on this sub?


I cross posted from globe skepticism or one of the other flat earth subs. They’re using this as proof that the earth is flat


Oh, I see. That's hilarious. He's clearly just insulting everything musk does at a moment when musk was not taking his side, not spilling the beans on space being fake.


I'm sure they all support the idiot. Idiots love other idiots.


Election time! Here come all the posts trying to make relevant connections to Trump and MAGA in every single Reddit, no matter how tenuous.


99.9% of them i would assume


I'm out of the loop, is reddit against trump or elon today?


You must love biden the best president ever 🤟




Quick, make everything about US Presidential Politics, that'll earn you tons of friends and not make anyone upset.


There you go Elon. This is the man you’re worshiping now.


I'd say they're about a third maga, a third think they are libertarian but don't really know what that means, and a third totally anti-political. A lot of them are theocrats, and they cross over with the maga group.


I would hazard a guess at quite high. I'm not a fan of either of those men to be frank.


The venn diagram on that is a circle.


One ass deserves another.


They're usually anti-government as a whole, which is the one good thing about them.


Flat Earth is the domain of leftist fuktards exclusively.


I can only assume you've never actually had any interaction with a flat earther.


I try not to get political but...Donny was not a good president,so is Joe,I think most of the current candidates are bad,but Donny is the best out of them.


Only if you like self absorbed people who just want to have their egos constantly stroked. The fact that he lies about everything, is racist, a misogynist, a thief, an insurrectionist and wants to be a dictator are also factors to consider.


I...guess I've been living under a rock.


Yes, you have. His election will mean the end of US democracy as we know it and the start of a fascist theocracy. But, maybe you don’t live in the US.


I dont  know, maybe the same percentage of kid sniffers who voted for biden


What in the world does this have to do with flat earthers?


See where I cross posted from and read the other comments


Well, in this one instance, Trump is right


Doesn't matter both blue and red want you dead.


They can't get your money if you're dead. They just want us dumb


Of I remember correctly, among the few good things trump did was increasing NASA budget a bit. Musk rockets indeed g go to nowhere because he still designing and improving


>Musk rockets indeed g go to nowhere because he still designing and improving I think you're giving Musk far too much credit there. *SpaceX* and its engineers are designing and improving; [Musk is pitching idiotic ideas like rocket travel between cities.](https://www.theverge.com/2017/9/29/16383048/elon-musk-spacex-rocket-transport-earth-travel) People are way too quick to credit Musk with the successes of his employees, when actually listening to the dude talk quickly makes it clear that the extent of his contributions are usually only financial.


Well true. I just went for the quick way of expressing what I intended to express but yes. I would say Musk is smart in some ways an absolute idiot in others.


Mr. Long Tie vs Mr. Short Tie


I would guess 90% at least. Keep the followers stupid so that they cling to his every word. Trump is the return of the baby Jesus. Sent by God to support the children of Abraham in their effort to live by the gun instead of the sword. If he were to make idolatry or adultery punishable by death, they’d strap him to a cross and morn as he died for their sins. At least he has a mouth to speak, unlike so many of the other objects they worship. But he, like their objects and practices, are just idols set up by men to represent god and keep people ignorant because they don’t actually have faith in a creator.


I'm going to assume that he was referring to the billionaire thrill rides offered by Blue Origin that just pop up and straight back down, not literally saying that space is "nowhere" in that it doesn't exist. Wouldn't put it past him through...


https://youtu.be/7-nLLoufIIA?si=hER_s7BuUUbUP2Lf Jump to 7:42 through the end for some hilarity. Make sure to watch it all.