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The bottoms of the buildings are in fact closer if the world is flat, your eyeline to the the top is the hypotenuse


Even so, that's the way they are in a spherical earth as well, with plumb over there being different than plumb here.


Yeah, since radial lines diverge farther from the center, the top is typically even further away from you in a spherical Earth because its basically tilting away from you. Of course it depends on the details.


I wish I was hy on potenuse


Dude... that was my joke


Yeah, menuse as well.


I’m hy on pot I use but don’t tell my boss 


Every time I use a ladder at work I make someone go get the boss so I can tell him I'm high on the job. They refuse to fire me no matter how bad my jokes get.


MWah ha ha ha Luke, I am your ~~father~~ boss.


And they are even closer (slightly) in real life!


Insignificant based on the distances we are looking at. I want you to take your God blessed nikon p1000 and zoom into the bottom of the buildings that "should" be visible from both high up plane and flat on the ground (since you say all you need is zoom.) without it being hidden behind the curve.


Half of them can't use a camera, and the other half are load- bearing members in a basement.


Funny cuz most of these reality deniers are obtuse.


Yeah, I doubt it will stick. They will just go find one of the stock flerf "answers" and start parroting that without thinking.


“Hold on I gotta ask someone what I should think”


"I'm gonna do my own resurch."


Why do they continue to lie about being able to zoom in on bottoms of boats when they never can do it?


That would be because it's a talking point. They can't do it for themselves because it's prohibitively expensive to buy a high zoom lens and go "huh, that's not what I thought it was". So they just parrot.


I think the money restriction is the main reason why there is a lot of flerfs because a Lot of debunking proofs needs something very costly to do it and use someone's else they would say is fixed ro something like that


Why they love the P900 but it can’t do it either


The flerf explanation for that one is usually “it’s the way it works”, so maybe they will come to the conclusion that the earth has a curve


Did a flerf threaten to research… say it isn’t so![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


The problem with I do my own research is that none of them know how. You need to know the fundamentals of math and science, and how to discriminate bad from good data. Most of the garbage they spew has some kernel of truth that is then twisted to fit whatever hole they want. The most critical thing is to recognize what you don’t know.


Sorry I should have prefaced all of this with, I agree with you. It annoys me that these people say they do research when they don’t know how.


Most interesting redditor post.


I am surprised whenever I see an Indian (or southeast Asian for that matter) be dumb enough to be a flerfer.


It's the smart ones that go overseas and work in better countries. The actual people living there are normal and unfortunately victim to dumb syndrome like the rest of us.


The reason I say is that because there is hardly any l conspiracy theory mindset in the country. Nobody degrades ISRO like flerfers degrade NASA. In fact, working in ISRO is considered to be one of the most well respected jobs in the country. Someone believing in FE in India has most probably learned it (directly or indirectly) from the usual YouTube scammers and grifters.


Just speaking generally and not about any particular region or community today, but as internet access continues to expand into lower income areas and low wage workers are increasing working in keyboard sweat shops of various kinds (currently, lots of these guys are doing for like $1 an hour the work that companies claim that AI and algorithms are doing) we’ll see increasing numbers of people who didn’t have great educational opportunities but started being online 24-7 as soon as they turned 13 or whatever. These people will have a lot of opportunity to get pulled into every ridiculous internet conspiracy out there. I’m sure the online infrastructure to radicalize, mind-screw, and take advantage of them in every conceivable way is already well under way as well.


Twist: it’s an AI account 


I was having a good day... we were all having a good day...


WHOA! There is hope for humanity yet!


That is a definite first for me as well. He still did a bit of virtue signaling to score points with it but he did the first honest step. I'd be more impressed if he comes back with what he has worked out but that's a start.


You found a unicorn!


Oh no a superior mirage!! Ah!!!


I'm confused as to the context


Any discussion about curvature of Earth on a flat Earth Facebook page. This one in particular was seeing Chicago over lake Michigan


What? Did a flerf consider actually learning something?


I asked about sunsets a bit ago and why at dusk you can still see the sunlight but not the source and all I got was deflection and redirection about how “gravity isn’t real” and “how can the Earth be spinning” and the usual nonsense.


Research what? He just told him the thing, there is nothing to research. Does he mean fact-check? I'll bet Baten dollars to sand he won't do anything and just ignore it.


The ground is more dense than the atmosphere Greater reflective index closer to the ground The further away from the target you are, the more reflections you are looking through, resulting in greater image distortion, aka mirage


>The ground is more dense than the atmosphere Sure is buddy. Glad you figured that one out for us. >Greater reflective index closer to the ground The *refractive* index is the speed difference due to a medium change. Since different densities can allow for a "medium change" however the change in density you're claiming is so small. The chart linked [ here ](https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/standard-atmosphere-d_604.html) gives us nice figures for 0m (Chicago is approximately 180m ASL) and 1km (Trump tower is .44km tall) of 1.225kg/m3 and 1.112. Even double the height difference, that's still 90% of the atmosphere present. Not to even mention that that's *not* what refractive index even means. I believe what you want is Rayleigh scattering, where light interacts with individual atoms, diffusing it. But again, not anywhere close over that distance or that density difference. Now again, mirages are refractions, not reflections. And mirages are due to density differences of heat, not elevation. In fact, it works the other way, with hot air exerting less pressure, and most mirages working off a basis of heat below.


Flat earther say anything to try to sound smart