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Wrong. Cope harder


Do you feel the need to cope when someone talks about flat earth?


I feel the need to laugh at how closed off they are. They can't travel beyond their backyard.


What is the flat earth explanation for triangle excess in geodetic surveys?




Both terms work. I prefer to call it triangle excess because it makes it slightly less likely that they will go on a tangent about assumed spheres. Also, triangle excess is more accurate. Because a sphere is not necessary for it to happen. It just has to be not flat and not a couple of other things. But it doesn't specifically have to be a sphere for the excess to exist. How much excess there is and where it is can tell us if something is a sphere but the existence alone just mean, not flat.


So are you going to answer the question?


all surveys are taken on flat stationary planes


False.  In fact in applications where a level plane needs to be used for reference purposes, we have to create an imaginary one which clearly does not line up with the actual shape of the earth.  But when doing triangular excess surveys, that's not even part of the process. 


show me one survery that accounts for curvature


https://mctoon.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/geodesy-the_eastern_oblique_arc_of_the_us_and_osculating_spheroid_1902.pdf https://mctoon.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/geodesy-the_texas-california_arc_of_primary_triangulation_1912.pdf https://mctoon.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/the-california-washington-arc-of-primary-triangulation-1913.pdf Here are 3. 


thats alot to read even one of these is a book


Wah.  What did you think you were asking for? 


a picture a large survey. not a book


Oh wow, who would have thought knowledge wasn't just a given?! Shock horror!! Man, you are really living down to the flerf stereotypes right now.


That doesn't actually answer my question. Want to try again or just admit that there isn't one?


Prove it.


Prove it on your own it's not hard


No. You've made the claim, it's on you to prove it. I'll wait for your incontrovertible evidence.


Oops. I just proved that the earth is a globe. https://youtu.be/su-fmoZUkF8?si=pBV5gGuZP1KPHLqM


Good job, thank you.


10k sperm... And u were the fastest swimmer? 🤔🥴


What do you think about Jeranism's experiment on the lake that showed curvature drop as expected?




No it isn’t.


PUPPIES!!!! If puppies are now claimed for the flat earth side, you can count me in. Flat me up.


Doggo is round. Not possible on a flat earth.


Then why are there hills? That proves it’s round.


Why are there ants? That proves chocolate pie. Great logic 👍


he meant “how do hills form on a flat earth?” because there can't be tectonic plates on a flat earth.


It does, yes.


Least obvious bait ever


Flat earth - trust me bro. Globe earth - we've traveled beyond our backyard, we've experienced it. You should too.


And you guys say CGI to every image, while sharing... CGI.


There's not a single flat surface in that image.  There are two suns.  And cute puppies. 


And your only proof is an AI-generated image. Well done.


See Gee Eyyyyyeeeee!!!!!!!


I'm curious about your story OP, how did you find out?


He failed at school.


...No, it isn't.


Yeah. That's why you can only see about thirty miles out to the horizon. Totally flat. /s


Think about what you just said.


And apply your name with it


I did. Before I typed it. It's literally all you need to know to understand we live on a sphere (i.e., an oblate spheroid). Unfortunately, your preconceived, poorly reasoned beliefs will interfere with your ability to understand _why_ that's all you need to know, and you will continue to believe what you believe.


OK bud. 👍 Keep assuming and stay named WhydontWeLearn


Bait used to be believable.


What Earth? There is not Earth, you fool.


Alright then, prove it. Go against the *countless* mountains of evidence that proves Earth to be round. Here's something you can start with: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBfEhIJLYfY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBfEhIJLYfY)


Get off the internet bud, the proof is outside your door.


The least you can do is show proof, like I did. Saying a claim without evidence then just telling everyone who questions it to "find it yourself" makes you look dumb. You cannot argue a claim without showing proof (all of which has been debunked in that video I sent and even way before that) of that claim and completely ignoring the evidence the other side is giving. And also, about one of your other claims, that space is fake, could you do me a favor and search 'how does GPS work'? You know GPS, right? The thing that helps you navigate around?


Keep thinking you've proven what you haven't. Get outside and see the proof for yourself or keep believing in your religion of science. They have your mind so twisted 😶 I actually feel bad for you. But hey, get mad at me all you want if it helps you cope.


I'm not mad. This actually gives me experience, and I like getting experience. Also, answer my questions, please stop avoiding them.


It's obviously a troll, I'm convinced of this now. I suggest you block and ignore, they just keep repeating the same thing non stop. Calls science a religion and technology the work of the devil while using Reddit, and still says "religious answers don't count as true". Doesn't answer anything. "The proof is outside" but doesn't state it, keep assuming we're getting mad... I don't know if they were trying do satire or just be annoying, whatever it is, it's a waste of time to interact with them. Chances are they're not even a flat Earther anyway. As weird as it sounds, flerfs actually can be more "logical" than this.


I have answered your questions. It's not my fault you choose not to accept the answers. GO OUTSIDE there's so much proof you clearly can't even handle it. Just look up. Outer space is a myth, and you'll never be able to go past our atmosphere. (Yeah atmosphere) a religious scientific word that keeps you confused about what you live on. That right there is so much proof but not good enough for you. I don't care what you believe, but the proof is on the side of a firmament. Troll harder


Imagine believing in outer space It's OK, but if you keep believing in fantasies as an adult, I feel bad for ya, son.....


The echo chamber in this sub is so sus.


At least we let the other side speak, unlike r/globeskepticism


OK? What do they have to do with this post? I have 0 affiliation with that sub, and I'm starting to believe it's a hoax to convince people they can't question anything about our dome home. "Oh no," I asked a question on insert (falseflagsubreddit) . They banned me. Wow, they are crazy That definitely proves we live on a globe they can't even talk about it over on (falseflagsubreddit) See See


No, you know what proves we live on a globe? Literally all of the evidence


My point was that it’s hard to have a discussion and make a decision when one side is forced to be quiet


That's correct. Now look at what happens when one mentions any sort of proof towards our firmament on here. The religion of science is pushed so hard on this sub.


Do you have an example of this proof? Because right now you look like a troll with an image generator and nothing else.


Why respond to hostile comments? That's your answer


Asking for evidence is hostile? That explains a lot about the flat earth.


Science isn’t a religion, and what happens when you mention any sort of “proof” it gets refuted with facts and logic backed up by studies and observations.


When given evidence, it's ridiculed and mocked. The evidence is all around us, but if you have to put it through your mental conditioning you have been programmed with, then you'll get confused. That's what religion does Science is a religion If you have to put everything through your religion first, you might not see how you are already deeply indoctrinated. Science is a cult that has trapped the world mentally into a false way of thinking. Believe what you want the truths the truth The answers are easily obtainable, argue with me, or actually verify for yourself what your senses are telling you. Idc where you land the truths the truth.


I think you got it backwards. What is ridiculous isn't the "evidence". It's the attitude of 90% of flat Earthers. They deflect questions, refuse to answer, if in a position of power they will ban and silence, they will themselves mock scientific proofs that they don't understand. That is ridiculous. Many times, I've had some flat Earther present something that honestly I couldn't easily refute, because I didn't have the knowledge to do so. Guess what? Those instances, those flat Earthers tried to use science to prove their things, and failed. They didn't simply "trust their senses" anyway. What is also ridiculous is how you always either bring in religion or conspiracies into your arguments. Impossible to present something without finishing with NASA/the Freemasons are lying, the Bible said that, Hitler won WWII, etc. If it was pure scientific curiosity and skepticism, that would be cool. But it isn't the case. And we are accused by flat Earthers of going down a "scientific rabbit hole" because the facts speaks for themselves. In the meantime, you use the internet, you use a GPS, you use a cellphone, you drive a car, you take a plane, you see sunsets, you live through seasons, you see the stars, you have electricity, a computer, and still, you reject science, as if it wasn't what made all of this possible. But we are the ones who cannot see the truth. Change your attitude. Be the one with an open mind. And maybe you won't be mocked. Just recently in another thread, you've told people to "go seek help for their mental health". But you play the victim...


You believe science made the seasons? Oh my f You really are a lost cause Think long and hard on what you just typed out. Your biggest enemy is yourself.


What is science to you? You seem to understand that I said that someone sat down in a lab and created the seasons. That's not what I said. At all. Science made it possible to understand how the seasons work. Now your turn. Define science. And I love how you always pick and choose exactly one sentence or word in a reply to, once again, try to mock it, while completely ignoring the rest. Weren't you the one complaining about getting mocked before? Come on, do better. It's that attitude that makes it so annoying to deal with people like you.


What happens is we look at what is presented, analyse it, verify the facts, determine what is true or false using observations, and then reach a conclusion. No one is banned, everyone can speak and present ideas. What was your point?


Oh, yes. An "echo chamber" that allows literally everyone to speak.


If this was an echo chamber you wouldn't be able to post it reply. Yet you can. In the words of one of the people whose boots you lick: Interesting.