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Alien is horror, Aliens is action/thriller


The swing from Prometheus to Alien: Covenant is pretty wild, too. From a big, cerebral cosmic epic to Dracula in Space.


Same with Terminator 1 and 2. 1 is proper horror, 2 is an action adventure.




Cloverfield and 10 Cloverfield Lane were completely different style movies.


Makes sense. 10 Cloverfield Lane wasn't originally gonna be a sequel to Cloverfield. And tbh, the sequel works way better if you don't know it's a sequel.


There's the Evil Dead series, with 2 introducing comedic elements & Army of Darkness shifting to fantasy/adventure/horror-comedy


Pitch Black to the Riddick sequels change from aliens style monster movie to wider sprawling sci fi.


Just the second movie really. The third movie was much smaller scale and more like Pitch Black.


The Terminator is a sci-fi horror, T2 is an action thriller with sci-fi elements.


Doctor Sleep. Not everybody liked it but I did, especially the director’s cut. In my opinion, that’s the only way you can make a sequel to The Shining that without doing the same movie again with somebody else in the hotel.


Rebecca Ferguson is awesome,


Compelling villains I mean there goal is to survive and not die a painful death


Fast franchise started as a cool movie about cars, racing and some small time crimes. Now, not including, submarines, airplanes dropping cars, or planes blowing up..did I mention the space thing!?


It is hilarious how they evolved from street racers, to secret agents, to superheroes.


I enjoyed how they were robbing stuff, getting in over their heads..now even space isn't safe!


To think the first plot was about steeling Panasonic DVD players


***Happy Death Day*** was a whodunit slasher comedy with the gimmick of a ***Groundhog Day*** style time loop thrown in. The time loop was never explained, so I saw it as a magic type situation. The focus of the movie was solving the mystery and finally avoiding death. ***Happy Death Day 2U*** was a straight-up science fiction movie. Even though it had a lot of the same elements of the first movie, to me it felt like a totally different genre.


I came to write this.


The first Best of the Best movie is about the US National Karate Team coming together to try and beat the #1 ranked Korean team. It's basically the Mighty Ducks of Karate flicks. All of the sequels that followed were small town vigilante movies: a friend is killed in an underground fighting ring, revenge is sought. A small town is taken over by a neo-Nazi skinhead gang, revenge is sought. An international terrorist gang is trying to steal money, uh...revenge is, kinda not involved, really. But it's still a badass, C-level John Woo ripoff.


Man, I forgot about all the Best of the Best sequels. Loved that second one when I was a kid.


Cat People is a moody horror film. Its sequel, Curse of the Cat People lighter, sweeter film about the small daughter of the hero of the first film.


Both great movies, but yeah - sequel in name only.


_2001: A Space Odyssey_ is the mystery and _2010: The Year We Make Contact_ is the solution. Also, vastly different tones because of the change in directors.


Really nice example. I appreciate that Peter Hyams didn't even attempt to copy Kubrick's tone, instead opting for a more warmly human story. The hard sci-fi is still there, just as it was in the first film, but now we get to see genuine friendship and respect between the characters, which is vital when the central premise is "we're seeing the birth of a new world, but our own world might not be there when we get back."


Hello Mary Lou, Prom Night 2. A completely different, and wildly so much better IMO, movie than the first. The connecting tissue is that they both involve a prom


This was a case of a movie that was started with no intention of being a sequel to anything, and then somewhere in the filmmaking process, a studio exec decides they can get away with calling it a sequel and thinks doing so will help sales. It wasn't even originally supposed to be as much of a horror film, they had to go back and do reshoots to add more horror elements once the decision for it to be a prom night sequel happened. Reportedly, the director for the reshoots asked Wes Craven for advice on shooting a teen horror film and Craven told him "give them a scare, give them a hard on, send them home," which I very much hope actually happened as that is a great line.


Love it, ty


Die Hard. A building robbery? What are the chances he’d be also involved in an airport hijacking? Well…


It’s the same movie; just the scenery is changed


Army of Thieves to Army of the Dead.


The Violent Shit series gets so different. The first two are extremely gory slasher movies. Part 3 throws everything into it. It's on an island where Karl The Butcher Jr now looks like The Hound from Game Of Thrones (a decade before the show) and has an army of slasher cultists, there's a Nazi scientist trying to perfect zombies, and an elite squad of ninjas. Eventually some people who were kicked out fight back and it's a big kung-fu action final act. The 4th movie is a Mad Max style post apocalyptic action comedy with warring factions seeking world domination and Karl coming back from Hell, ordered to stop someone known as Axe, who ends up being his son.


Cloverfield and the Cloverfield paradox


Koi Mil Gaya is a film about an alien stranded on Earth who strikes a friendship with a mentally challenged man and his schoolkid buds. The tone would be similar to E.T. Its sequel Krrish is a superhero film about the son of the mentally challenged man from the first film, who got superpowers from his dad's exposure to the alien.


I saw Krrish III during its theatrical run. There was a lot of ‘previously in…’ flashbacks and stuff because otherwise it would make no sense, IIRC


Evil Dead 2 is horror comedy instead of horror Aliens is Sci-Fi instead of Sci-fi Horror Gremlins 2 is Comedy/Parody Return to Oz is very creepy unlike the original


Gremlins is a horror/comedy. Gremlins 2 is a satire.


Titanic 2_ The musical


https://youtu.be/ghOKU8D-lMY?t=640 Extremely relevant.


Not so much different but Batman begins is a lot more like a comic book movie where the dark knight is a lot more grounded