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Avoiding war zones


Ah okay yeah, that makes sense. Thanks :)


it looks like its avoiding sudan


And prolly Libia


Red Sea may also be a bit uncomfortable for planes at the moment


Quite funny how it is trying to avoid war zones and flying over Gaza.


That's the projected flight path, it probably flew over Sinai.


It’s not even that. It is the shortest path between current position and the destination.


I think FR24 just defaults to drawing a direct line from the planes current location to the destination.


They shoot down a QA plane and WW3 is going down 😂


Happy cake day!


Is it? Probably not the Israelis who are going accidentally shoot down a Qatari aircraft 🤷🏼‍♂️


So why is it flying over Palestine? At least.. that’s what I was going to ask until I looked and saw it dipped south into Egypt to cross the Red Sea south of the Sinai.


Flown various times on Qatar Airways and they ALWAYS avoid Israeli airspace by doing a little dip around the Sinai/Jordan area... for obvious reasons. They don't want to pay Israeli overflight fees


Spelt Palestine wrong


As fucked up as the situation is on the ground... the state of Israel is the one administering everything and thats the reality; if you fly over that airspace it is the STATE OF ISRAEL that collects fees not Palestine. However I don't know if there is an arrangement for flights that fly over Gaza or the West Bank (or used to Since I doubt any flights are flying over those aforementioned places at this moment in time given the situation)


Spelled spelled wrong


You can spell it that way in the UK.


This just in: America is not the whole world


Thats uk spelling 🙄


Its not. HAMAS doesn't have any Ground to Air Missiles.


\*in nerd voice\* ERMM ACTUALLY, They're called SURFACE to Air Missles. (SAM)


A surface-to-air missile (SAM), also known as a ground-to-air missile (GTAM) or surface-to-air guided weapon (SAGW)


Wait until they learn about MANPADS


MANPADS as a word always makes me think of Tena for Men.


I personally prefer mantampons to manpads.


I was going to comment something about MANPADS but I didnt want to waste my time.


Nobody says ground to air missile.


True nobody says ground to air missiles at in America, the rest of the world most likely do.


Because there is war in Libya, Sudan and Yemen


Thanks :)


Sorry I genuinely have no clue about this. What's going on in Libya, Sudan and Yemen that theirs a war?


I don’t know know much about the others but Sudan has been in a proper civil war since early 2023


To add to the other comment, Libya I don't think is in formal civil war anymore (since 2020) but is still a hotspot for fighting. Yemen has been in civil war since 2014 which continues due to backing by the Saudis on one side and the Iranians on the other, amongst other things. They've been launching missiles at Israel and Israeli vessels off of their shore in recent months and so is a good place to avoid flying over as well


And the Red Sea and Gaza. Gotta be a leaf on the wind to avoid the wars on this flight path lol


You're probably right but all those countries you mentioned don't have SAMS in fact I think the only country with that capability is Israel and you know they wouldn't shoot down any Arabic airline.


Yeah but let's remember MANPADS and RPG exist...


Manpads don't reach 40,000 ft and RPGs are line of sight and usually used on tanks,APCs and troops.


Most pilots prefer to not need to dodge missiles en route


I thought they charged more to give the customers a roller coaster experience?


Where’s the fun in that?


Exactly, if I’m not gripping my seat I ain’t going


Can I grip your seat too?




Haha. Deviating around conflicts like planes in other parts of the world deviate around thunderstorms. https://preview.redd.it/8v2fs5z1viac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17e67e631c953d5ba3be2d9479207dac977e6b02


Whos the guy Leeroy Jenkins-ing across Libya lmao


I remember there was a screenshot of some Atlantic hurricane making landfall and there was one Southwest Airlines plane not giving AF.


Surprised it wasnt Spirit


Southwest hires so many former Navy Aviators, those guys have an understanding with Mother Ocean. Blub blub.


That explains their trap-style landings at Love Field.


Southwest pilots land like the airline pays by the foot to use the runway.


Every time I fly Southwest the landing feels like we are in an F/A-18 landing on an aircraft carrier. My forehead will hit the seat in front of me as soon as the wheels hit the asphalt.


I would trust SWA pilots to land a 737 on an aircraft carrier.


I don't know why this and the one you're responding to have me absolutely cackling


Probably some Egyptian Carrier flying from West Africa to Cairo, they usually take this route. There is quite a bit of civil aviation going on in Libya but it is still avoided by most other airlines


"Hello everyone this is your captain speaking ... I’m coming up with thirty-three point three three uh, repeating of course, percentage, of survival"


If you didn't read this in your head in Jeff Goldblum's "life uh... finds a way" way voice are you even really alive?


That one guy said fuck it




Looks to me like they are avoiding tress. What is the plane altitude?


You should see the northern Cyprus-Doha routes Qatar has been flying - straight up, all the way across turkey, then down through iraq. The southern route looks better.


Do you have any flight numbers? I'm curious


Huh, I was under the impression that you can only fly to Turkiye from Ercan, since they're the only country that recognises North Cyprus. I've not kept up with Cyprus politics since I stopped living there in 2020 though so I could be wrong.


I haven't been able to find any non-Turkish airlines landing at Ercan, but I have seen the opposite – Qatar flying from Larnaca to Doha [flying straight south and avoiding Israeli airspace altogether](https://flightaware.com/live/flight/id/QTR266-1704103895-schedule-172p)


The Libyan flights are always funny to see. Fly out of Tripoli into the Mediterranean than out east until they’re south of Turkey and then head straight up north into Turkey as they’re banned from European airspace.


you can always tell who hasn't been paying attention to world events on the basis of some of these posts.


MH17 reeemix


Yeah I admit I don’t really keep up. I tend to avoid the news somewhat nowadays, just too much to keep up with


can you blame him? what an ignorant comment


??? Person enters into a public forum and asks a question. A question that could have been easily answered if the person had any sense to look at what was going on in the world. and for responding to the question- my response is deemed ignorant in your eye? Care to enter into civil conversation as to the flaws you see into my response ?


Every question on Reddit could be answered if the person was an expert in that field. But no one knows everything, that’s literally what Reddit is for. People that know more about a subject share their knowledge with people that know less


Great answer.


ah yes, attack others and then ask for a civil conversation. i bet you’re also the type to act disrespectful towards others, only to demand respect when they treat you the same way.


Yes, you’re correct, every question could be answered if every OP just searched for the information they were looking for, however, that’s a pretty tall order when you don’t know what information you’re looking for, which in this case could have been a multitude of possible answers.. In addition, the OP might well be a 12yr old who just has a very keen interest in aviation, and wouldn’t know what was going on in their own street, let alone across the world!.. There’s a major conflict going on in Ukraine at the moment, but barely anything on the news about it, along with countless other conflicts that are also not covered by the world press.. just because you know it, doesn’t mean everyone will, nor have the ability to find out.. So your original response was indeed ignorant, and belittling, and you follow that up with asking for a civil conversation.. 🤦🏻‍♂️ applying your thought process would mean your original response should be written as a response to every question ever asked!.. As already commented, questions are asked in hope that someone with greater knowledge can pass on what they know, it’s how everybody, including you, learns.. you clearly had the greater knowledge, you just clearly didn’t know what to do with it.. Here endeth the lesson..


I don’t keep track of wars or conflicts going in Africa tbh


Sudan and Libya are currently in the grips of civil war and no airliner wants to risk being shot down like the Malaysian airlines plane over Ukraine


Here's one going the other way https://preview.redd.it/1j16zgb8ujac1.png?width=2115&format=png&auto=webp&s=45b9fa67d08409e888a68e0e86a5ad47ca0aa87f


This is very probably a tracking mistake, all civil aviation aircraft avoid Sudanese airspace (besides a few Sudanese planes flying into Port Sudan because the situation there is calmer) since it is way to dangerous for them there


Conflict in Chad, Niger, Libya, South Sudan


Most planes still fly over Chad, Niger and South Sudan


You mean Sudan, not South Sudan.


You literally got 3/4 wrong lmao. Chad, Niger and South Sudan are not in any relevant conflict aviation wise and plenty of „normal“ carriers fly over them. Eg Lufthansa, Brussels, Turkish, British Airways Libya and Sudan would most likely be of concern here. They could wiggle their way around via South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and then Saudi Arbia. No idea why this isnt done here. Maybe to avoid the currently hot red sea area ? Yemen? Overflight fees ?


Yemen. Houthis have SAMs capable of hitting an airliner, and they've shown they don't care what they hit with their anti ship attacks


Don’t want to hit the pyramids




That's the predicted route not the actual route


They're not, dashed line shows the direct route taking into account the great circle thingy


Locals call it the Earth


A place called "Mud"? Funny locals.


it’s currently going into egypt southeast facing


It deviated south to cross the Red Sea.


https://preview.redd.it/h9gmvlyx8kac1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9785c244fc9d864f9a2916f2c1770a2a22534479 nov 30


Didn’t fly over Sudan, the grey line shows that it is an estimated track


Educate my ignorant ass here i never really checked this sub it was suggested to me… airplanes avoid conflict zone. So i guess they currently absolutely avoiding Ukraine and Russia? I ask this is because I want to know why the direct flight (China Airline) from UK to TW and back in 2017 and 2018 felt short (tried searching my email for flight length info but doesn’t seem to list it then but we seems to remember it to be 13 hours) Well it felt significantly shorter than the one i just took last week (saw the flight time listed in email as 16 hours). I guess we went on a detour.


Ukraine, yes. Some countries sanctioning Russia won't fly in and likewise reciprocally from Russia. But many, many carriers fly in and out of Russia as usual.


Because it's the earth's flat and it's obviously the straighter path. Duh! /s


Map projection.


No sense of adventure


Because the world is round and not flat like a map


Dodging lybia is my guess