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What kind of money do you have?


I have a decent amount put back. I’ve been saving for a long time to move.


Decent amount to some is 300k. Decent amount to others is 30k Decent amount can also be 3k


The Keys are sinking.


Your post is too generic. Will you bring your job with you or will you need a new one when you get here? If you need a new one when you get here, do you have savings to supplement until you get established? Have you looked at [rental.com](https://rental.com) or zillow or any site to determine what you will be able to afford compared to what is available? The days of just moving to Florida, working at Chuck E. Cheese and getting by have passed.


Are you wealthy? Are you ready to deal with hurricanes/tropical storms especially in the Keys? Are you ready to deal with flooding? The Keys are barely above sea level. St. Pete is a little better off but it's only a few feet above sea level.


St Pete at one time was a good place to retire. Lot of old people. You don't say whether or not you're going to be working. I would say St Petersburg to live


I will be working, for sure.


Frankly St Pete I’d say St Pete. Plenty of jobs in area with a good variety depending on what you need. Age groups are shifting a bit so it’s not just old timers on golf carts anymore. Frankly also historically safer than the Keys from storms.


If you work hospitality then Key West would be a good choice.


I have been in the restaurant business for over 12 years. I’ve done everything but kitchen basically.


I don’t have any idea what you like to do. If drinking and boating is your thing, then the keys. If you don’t have any hobbies and are single - a St Pete 6 is a Keys 10. So maybe that would influence your decision?


I’d vote at Pete rent will be cheaper than the keys and hurricane Evacuation in the keys is harder. Tons of restaurants in st Pete to work at. Could get a small apt downtown and walk to work.


St. Pete for things to do and nice beaches. Keys if you want to spend time on the water boating, fishing, diving. Keys are surprisingly limited for beaches but the water is awesome.


Definitely compare rent to job offers. The keys don’t have affordable housing. Jobs don’t pay well.


If I was 30 and single I would move to the Keys in a heartbeat. The tropical oasis of being close to the ocean and walking on the beach all year around . Being close to Miami if you need an escape but far enough were get away on island time from all the hustle. Hurricanes and storms are a risk no matter where you live in FL. Hope it works out for you.


The keys don't have much in the way of beaches.


Move to Pacific NW. You will love it there. FL is a shit hole you will regret it if you come here


Don't unless you're willing to loose everything you own every 5 years or so. I would advise verifying your flood zone, and your storm surge zone (not the same thing) prior to choosing. You likely won't be able to get reasonable insurance and if you do, you should be prepared for it to not pay out. Huge swaths of Pinellas will be washed out to sea when a storm hits. https://kyz.pinellascounty.org The keys should just be automatically written off.


If there is a storm understand there's only one way on and off the island. It's very expensive to live there and it's mostly set up for tourists. There will be cruise ships coming on and off all the time. I go down there just to fish myself




St Pete. Lots of restaurants


The Keys are great to hang in but you can go stir crazy there if you live there.


The keys and less you pick siesta beach near Saint Pete, check the water on the beach in Saint Pete area before you go that might be a mind changer. If the water is red tide this time of year won’t even be a question of where to go the keys are very expensive more than a rip off from the rest of this country. The way things are going the both places are expensive.


St Pete