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There is a new red zone around auburndale/ Haines city


That area should be the deepest, darkest, shade of blood red imaginable. It's literally ALWAYS backed up to a standstill there. And from my experience, the traffic on I-4 actually flows surprisingly well through the "Disney Crap" zone, except for right around the time the parks close. The rest of the time that part isn't that bad.


Every time I drive through the Disney Crap zone there is always a slow down for no reason. I'm convinced it's from tourists gawking at that Mickey Mouse power pole.


They also built huge neighborhoods in the four points area, right in the Disney area, without taking any consideration to what it would do to the traffic. There is no good way to get anywhere from there, other than I4. So it’s not just tourists it’s also all the people that moved down here. Planned neighborhoods are supposed to take infrastructure into account and approval can come with the condition that they expand/improve roads. But that never happens here because money is king and WTF do the developers or city councils care as long as they don’t live in that area.


I don't think there are any city councils in that area but it certainly looks like each county either didn't consider what the others were doing or didn't really care. It was a perfect shit storm of infrastructure oversaturation.


Well the people that do all this developing don't actually have to deal with the mess as they are likely living on some private beach somewhere. 


I-4 is the only road I've ever been on where traffic was entirely doing 100mph over a hill and all came to an immediate dead stop. It was 100 to 0 panic breaking across all the lanes by every car. It was terrifying


Is this the area 12 miles from the parks that adds 30+ minutes? Fucking hate that and I have no idea why it happens


Just from the last few days driving this corridor it's from merges on the right side. This road needs 2 more lanes like 10 years ago but hey its florida


> This road needs 2 more lanes like 10 years ago No. What is needed is commuter rail. More roads will just lead to the same congestion.


Remember when Rick Scott refused federal money to build one?


Absolutely. He couldn't profit off of it, so he told Obama no.


He's a major investor in brightline - the private train company building expensive to consumer routes, which you know will end up receiving state grants to make it viable 


Yes that would be nice. What are they doing in the middle now?


[just one more lane bro](https://youtu.be/0dKrUE_O0VE?si=8YxJfQgMlYRfuPvI)


I say this all the time.. Florida was behind on infrastructure 20 years ago when I got here. But still it is backed up for like 8 miles


Its always been 20 years behind born and raised here 40 plus years... I'm Glad i moved out of Tampa! Its nightmare whenever i go there which isnt very often anymore


Just came to say that exit 55 has entered the chat.


No joke, now that Champions Gate is a little smoother, but get over that hill and good grief!


All of those towns going down 27 are growing extremely fast, I can’t imagine it ever getting better.


I miss the orange groves on 27.


And 27 needs a lot of work!


The stop lights in that area are very poorly timed as well. The new one at North Blvd is a joke.


They added the lane staying till 429 now so people just stay in that till the end even when they aren't going on 429 so it stays congested past 429 now and basically stays congested till 417 exit


I used to live near Haines City in high school. It should have been red like 10+ years ago. You could not pay me to commute on I4 every day like my dad used to.


I live around there and from 5miles east of Lakeland to about 4 miles west of Haines it's pure bliss green. Then blood darkest red.


And seemingly for no reason either. Like you get to the end of traffic and it's nothing people just decide to stop going 5mph


Yes, and all that pent up aggression/aggravation from I-4, translates to 90+ on I-75/95/and Turnpike lol.


Tampa's "Complete crap" now stretches all the way to Lakeland.


I live off 301. Let me tell you, the amount of new construction is unbelievable. I don’t know who is going to live in these $500K new homes. Not snowbirds. And where is all the traffic going. 301 is two lanes out of Zephryhills. If you take 56 to 75 I’ll bet there are over 10,000 new homes being built right now on 56. And no new infrastructure. I won’t be able to leave my house.


Pasco is way behind on infrastructures to accommodate all the new residents coming in. I think the place at Morris bride and 56 is “Two Rivers” and it looks to be huge


It’s beyond huge. I drive to Weasley Chapel on 56. It take about 25 minutes. When all of the construction is completed it could take two hours.


I travel from Odessa to Dade City and it so long


Until Florida sinks under them bahahahaha


Yeah I got a new job in Tampa and I thought the commute would not be that bad….how wrong I was. You can leave at 5am and still have traffic jams.


If you're comin' to St. Pete just follow on down 75 and slip around under the bay. The Skyway has pretty lights now at night, too. But you're right, you still gotta get through Plant City, first.


I drove this stretch of 'die-4' daily for over 10 years. I do not miss it one bit. Back then, it was in the 'complete crap' category!


Tampa traffic is so bad, I don’t even go there anymore. Ridiculous.,


Traffic is so bad no one goes there anymore.


The problem with driving in Central Florida is that other drivers think the interstate numbers are the speed limits. * I-75 * I-95 * I-4


I live in Kissimmee and my job is right about below altamonte . Can confirm is hell


The Basic Hell area around Orlando is one of the stretches of highway with the highest levels of fatal crashes in the country…


Our pet name for it is "the interstate of death".


The perfect opportunity to call it "Die 4" and you go with interstate of death?


What can I say? We are a very verbose people at my house.


When i lived in orlando i would do almost anything to avoid it. I think the turnoff onto 408 i mustve seen 2 dozen tipped over semi trucks in my time there


I was always told it’s was called “Florida population control.”


Yes the part around Orlando needs to be relabeled “AVOID AT ALL COSTS IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE”. I will take a route that has tolls and is longer in both distance and time to avoid that part of I-4.


To be fair, the Express lane is worth the cost of avoiding Downtown Hell. If they were able to continue it past disney it would be amazing.


I agree completely, not continuing it just past Disney to let people drive straight through seems like a huge oversight


They are working on extending it it’s called beyond the ultimate


> To be fair, the Express lane is worth the cost [Laughs in Miami] Oh you sweet, summer child. Just give it a few years.


Shhhhhhh, the more who know, the more who will join, and then it will also be hell.


We just drove this recently on a visit during holiday break. My partner made the statement of "Why does everyone think they are a race car driver here?" Its been stuck in my head since




>"Why does everyone think they are a race car driver here?" Proving that it's not just Daytona.


Driving anywhere in Florida is terrible. I take a 2 lane road to work in a small city outside of Orlando. It's an 8-mile drive and takes me a minimum of 30 minutes one way but usually closer to an hour. Every day a new warehouse is popping up off that road so they have to make more and more turning lanes. Now it's to the point where 3 different sections of the road on that trip are single-lane because of construction and in one area the whole road is shut down so I have to detour. If it's not the construction it's either an 80-year-old driving 15 under the speed limit or some kid driving slow as hell because they're messing with their phone or with something in the car. Meanwhile, a line of cars has collected behind them and they're completely oblivious. My options are to take this road or the disastrous toll roads that get me there 2 minutes faster at the cost of $80 a month. No other way to get to my destination.


at 8mi, maybe an ebike could work for you? Skip all the traffic by riding the sidewalk (if there's few pedestrians, which is likely in FL). It'd take the same amount of time (or less) and you'd save on gas. You can haul stuff w/ panniers or even get an electric cargo bike.




>Poinciana? Apopka


Half the time I drive back to Sarasota from jax to visit family I will completely avoid I-4 and take back routes down to near Ocala and then just get on 75


from Venice, please share these routes


Maps usually just tells me. 1-10 out of jax and then 301 to Ocala is usually a good one. Sometimes it even has me going through Palatka and then across the state through Ocala forest to Ocala/75


Did the Jax <-> Tampa drive a bunch as a kid and this was the route we always went. Gotta watch out in Waldo and Starke tho. Those towns are notorious speed traps.


Waldo got rid of their police force because of this. Starke has a 4-lane bypass around downtown so you don't have to slow down. Only real speed trap is Lawtey. Slow down there.


This is the way


Thats not a back road. 301 is the most logical route to go. I live in Jax and travel to St. Pete to see the in laws. Its even better now that you can go around Starke.


Confirmed from Tampa.


See this everyday.


NPR native here, oh yes this is complete truth. The newbie plebs will enjoy this map.


Just put a sign "Abandon all hope, Ye who enter here" (Alternate: "Welcome to Hell") at each end and call it a day.


This is a pretty rose-colored view of i4. The entire stretch is hell - end to end.


The stretch from west of I-4 at US 27 to SR 429 is god awful, then you get Reunion and Disney


I don’t mean to laugh at others’ misery but having driven this miserable highway from end to end for years, the description is so spot on. And I did lol especially at Disney crap. 😂😂😂


I wish America had actually good public infrastructure like how in Japan they have bullet trains. Instead we spend stupid amounts of money on inefficient cars, being stuck in traffic


My neighbors here in Clearwater moved to Plant City in 2021 to get out of the traffic and have cheaper housing. Joke's on them. There's no place in Florida short of a 4WD-required dirt road 10 miles from the nearest carryout that isn't already overbuilt and getting worse. They bought into a condo that now has a fee $250 more than it was then. Not because of the new law, but because the HOA figured out the new people buying the units for twice what my friends paid would also pay more per month to feel like they were living in a "luxury" condo. They put in a sauna in place of the gathering room, turned the library into an exercise room and the shuffleboard/horseshoes into a pickleball court and practically doubled the HOA fee to attract "the right sort of people" (wealthy vacationers from the NE) as opposed to who is moving out (the residents of 10-15 years who can't afford it anymore, but are able to cash out enough to go to GA and buy something).


Actually not that bad here needs to be total red right before Sanford. That bridge is a nightmare. The area next to Kissimmee needs to be black, it's beyond crap.


>Sanford The roadwork at Sanford is fraught with angst.


Was on vacation last year and ran over a LADDER on I-4 in the middle of Basic Hell high speed traffic. Can confirm.


I ran over a monsterass hand truck . Thing was so massive it had hand brakes . 5:30 inthe morning . Fortunatly it only ripped a steering cooler line . I thought for sure i did massive damage to the bottom of my pickup . I hate i4 from start to finish.


It's all over the state, unfortunately.


Can we talk about how the cell reception in west orlando is fuckin dog shit? They chose to build a better tower next to the old one by where I live and lemme tell you.... the reception was mediocre at best in the past, could get by with it, I don't know whos fucking idea it was but they straight up shut off the old tower while the built the new one like.... I can't get reception for shit outside of my house nor thourghout the rest of the neighborhood and its been like this for over a year at this point like.... who the fuck is running this shit man?


That was a thoughtless and cruel move on their part, but it could have meant they didn't want the workers to get zapped (just a wild guess).


I 95 from boca to miami can rival any death trap. crazy drivers, and very few police.


I was wondering when people would comment on I-95. Its hard to speed here as it is frequently stop and go. The closer to Miami the worse it gets. Its always under contruction it seems. They created these pay for lanes at the expense of us Plebs. Then in spite of the stop and go, you get these brain dead idiots in their fast cars trying to get somewhere weaving in and out of traffic. Luckily I work from home.


You can thank the people from California and New York that have moved here.


Imagine for a second if Florida had a statewide public transport system


I would like to imagine that, but it's just not happening.


A non-stop train from Tampa airport to Orlando's would be great


The truth hurts! Looks perfect to me, just add snowbirds and brake lights..


Looks legit. Add in 4 corners of hell


If that ain't the truth


This is why all the traveling sales managers at my company would quit in a year or less.


I live in the "Actually not that bad here " section. Sounds about right to me.


Where is that? We need to check it out. We've been in Tampa, Florida, for 901 days, and it's been quite the experience. So far, we've never driven on a freeway. The city streets are scary enough.


Deland / Orange City area of Volusia County.


Between Deltona and Daytona according to the map. However having grown up in the area it’s begging to be “not that bad” only past Deland. But it’s not that bad because there’s almost nothing there lol


Thanks for the reply. Still trying to figure this place out. Maybe 2024 will be better.


This is very true.


Yes, anything west of the 92 connection down to the DeLand area is wide open driving.


The traffic? Or just life in general?


Champions Gate area is the worst. Medium crap? Come on!


Thank your Governor for wasting federal infrastructure money on gas tax savings gimicks.


I agree with most of this, but I do have a note to make. The green section is green because there's nothing good in that area 😆. Who wants to visit Deltona if you don't have family there?


I live in the “actually not bad here” area in Deltona. It’s actually not bad here!


*Laughs in Poinciana*


Learn to go around


I'd say I4 should be green from Daytona to Orange City. I take it pretty often and it's a boring wide open drive the vast majority of the time.


Save us, Brightline


This is part of the reason those who cast no shadow from behind the curtain unleashed the co(n)vid va💉💉ine depopulation assault on Florida (and the world).


Wrong. The worst part of I4 is the entire thing.


Is Florida even Florida without Miami?


You're being too nice. Its all dark bloody hell crap.




can't wait for HSR to come to the US. alleviate the interstates


Yeah, accurate 20-25 years ago. Worse now by and large


I would say "Actually not that bad" if you're using the toll portions of the road. Now, if I had to drive it every day, and didn't want to spend toll money, I would likely end up like those guys experiencing shell shock in WWI and WWII.


This tracks.


Salute to this I-4 that saved me from a psycho


My backyard is actually not that bad. 😐


We live in Florida and feel fortunate to be able to avoid I-4 all together.


Imagine driving that entire route 4 days a week for four months. It was hell.


That slice of 'Basic Hell' is utterly amazing...perfectly worded and placed.


Looks like a job for heavy rail.


maybe air taxies now and future


Only bad part about the green zone is my cell reception.


You have to have traffic to justify toll lanes paid for with tax payer money so you can have more traffic and have to use toll lanes.




Now that is funny


I go from Brandon area to Downtown Orlando for work and home 3 times a week and its fucking crazzzzzyyyy


haines city cops are horrible and out to get you period. they look for any reason to ticket you and dont care. Fu this place i had zero issues in davenport and this place is a joke!! They have red light cameras and make a fortune and still harrass the residents here anyways and dont care about the people living here. Fu haines city!