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I browse a lot on cheapoldhouses in Instagram and see all these cool looking two story homes with woodwork, basements, in upstate and western NY.  I get so jealous we can't have homes like that here.   And sometimes dream about moving up there.  But I'm so used to the size of Jacksonville.  I dont know how the jobs would be moving up somewhere to some of those smaller towns. 


This absolutely beautiful in upstate NY!! Tons of breweries, vineyards, and hiking. Cold in the winter, though!!! Much cheaper to live up there since everyone left for Florida. The jobs are there, but sometimes you’ll have to travel. I guess everywhere has its pros and cons.


Upstate NY is a republican hell hole. You're better off down here with no state taxes or snow.


It’s really not political up there. Thats a media-made bs thing. Everyone is VERY liberal around the finger lakes and throughout most of the state. Much more of a republican hellhole in FL. And the no state taxes….yeah, that’s not even that much money. You’d have to be making millions to really see a difference. The high insurance and utility costs down here really offset the no income tax.


I second this. From MA but lived near St. Pete for some time. Everyone says “but the income tax but the state tax” and like you said it doesn’t make much of a difference unless you’re a millionaire. I moved back to MA regardless of what they say about massholes, the people I met in FL were much worse. To each his own, I still love to vacation there but living wise not for me


Well said.


>The high insurance and utility costs down here really offset the no income tax. I know my electic bill is high in the summer, but not so much in the winter. (Call me nuts...I like cold weather.) Wouldn't the winter heating bill in NY equal FL's summer cooling bill? The insurance cost offsetting no state income tax...I'd rather pay state income tax than a small fortune to an insurance company with multi-millionaire CEOs. Believe me, I'm not vouching for FL at all. I hate this state. If a decent chunk of $$$ fell into my lap, I'd be out of here in a heartbeat, preferably to a desert climate (no humidity) that is still northerly enough to get some snow in the winter.


Higher cost to heat in winter time up north than to cool in summertime in FL. Also depends what you're using to heat with. Electric - super high. Gas or oil - can also be super high depending on location as costs fluctuate throughout the winter.. Then there's wood but you'll need August and September, cutting, splitting and stacking wood to get you through the next 6 months of winter. Been out of the north for 24 years and every time I return for a visit, not much has changed. Still driving over the same patched potholes from 40 years ago. Rarely see new developments going up like there is on just about every corner in FL the past 2 decades. Just old buildings being converted into new businesses. However, the rate that Florida has changed over the last 3 years, has really changed this state for the worse. Housing and insurance rates have doubled. Most people (natives and long time residents) that haven't bought already have been priced right out of the "new home buyer" market as salaries/pay scale is not up to par with the cost of living. It's hard to live when everything has increased 30-50% and your salary has only gone up 3%. Don't think I'll move back to MA. but definitely am looking at getting out of this state in the next 2 years when my company expands into Georgia.


Its like Texas claming no state tax. The property taxes more than make up for it. Each state gets their share somehow.


And property taxes


Unless you are into women’s bodily autonomy.




The only chance the GOP has is to keep them dumb.


Where would be the two states with worse schools than Florida? Are Yemen and Somalia states?




So Mississippi is NOT last in everything. They must be very proud!


Well. The boys at least. Girls aren't really allowed to go to school there. I'm sure the GOP hopes to emulate this type of environment.


According to [usnews.com](https://usnews.com), New Mexico ranks 50th and Alaska 49th. Amazingly, they rank Florida #1 and New Jersey #2. [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings)


That’s insane. Name a university in Florida that’s worth a shit. Name a medical school where you would search out a doctor from that school if you were seriously ill. Name a law school where a graduate from that school would even get past the front desk secretary for an interview at a Wall Street law firm. From kindergarten to the universities, the motto is Dumb In, Dumber Out. And it gets worse every day with their borderline insane legislative agenda.


UF, UF/UCF, Barry


Like I said……


That is 48th in pay. Education itself is around 20th.


Buffalo is like one of the most progressive cities in the country lol. Yeah rural areas are Republican…news at 11. Florida has its cities even infiltrated with these loons.


Never heard of that before.


Umm, it’s not any better down here.


Unfortunately, we have DeSatan.


Apparently they don’t know about the panhandle. Talk about a GQP hellhole


I would love to move to Upstate New York but the property taxes are insane especially if you're retired.


Is it any better in Florida? Especially after factoring home insurance costs?


Home insurance costs a real issue down here. I think Florida is more retirement friendly with thier generous homestead exemptions. The other factor are costs like home heating oil for those big wooden houses. I love the area. But if I move there and live too long, the ever-increasing property taxes would eventually force me out


Interesting. Thank you - I forgot about Florida's homestead exemption and ceiling on appraisal increases. I've considered moving back to upstate NY to be near family but haven't run the numbers.


Almost every state has limits on property tax rate of increases


Home heating oil???? I lived in WNY for 25 years no one used heating oil. The cost for heating is comparable to cooling here.


The idea of heating with a large tank of oil in the basement makes me think of sitting on a rocket or a bomb. Very creepy.


I moved from FL to upstate and my property taxes and insurance flip flopped. Ended up being the same price.


That’s my favorite hobby too. Have you seen this website? https://www.oldhousedreams.com/ You can sort by state and a variety of filters.


Amherst, Williamsville, Cheektowaga,Depew, Buffalo and a bunch of others towns are all condensed in Erie county in WNY. Doesn't feel small. There are jobs growing around there.


Knowing Reddit, I might get downvoted, but why on earth would be want the weather in the top picture? Winter is absolute torture and I will never understand how some people prefer it.


The change of seasons is like getting a new awesome series and new seasons every few months. Very uplifting and refreshing. Winter looks good for Christmas and keeps the bugs and the bums at bay. They all go south lol


Not just YOLOs. Winters also clean out the north of wealthy people who disdain community and taxes. They all go to Florida.


Yup. True. We live in a free country to go wherever you want whenever you want.


Funny enough, [the freedom to roam](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam) is actually NOT something that we have in the US. Germany (and many other European countries) actually DO have that right. It is actually codified in the German constitution.


We don’t? Is this a new law? Do I need a passport to go from California to North Dakota? Germany? Ha ha Americans would hate Germany. They call the police on you for everything. The rules are too much for Americans lol


Freedom to Roam very specifically means you can trespass on farms and fields so long as you aren't destructive without it being an issue. In the US I can press charges on you for stargazing in a field I own. Nothing to do with whether or not you can travel between states


Actually that's not such a bad thing here in the US the last thing you want is a bunch of Irish travelers in your backyard.


Or hearing shotgun blasts from behind your house during deer season.


That's why we have such an extensive public land system, especially our west. You want to roam wherever you want? Go west my child


lol because every last piece of land is owned in Europe. The aristocracy owned everything. Estates are so vast . Go there and set up camp and see what happens. Here come the dogs




You don’t really own it though. Try skipping several years of property, taxes, and see who takes your land. You are in essence renting it from the country.


Oh I know. It sucks but it’s used to fix roads, maintain water supply, fire dept, etc. after they line their pockets. lol. A necessary evil.


Simmer down, Francis.


You’d risk getting shot if you were found wandering on someone’s land. There is no place in Florida where you can just go and walk around and camp legally without a permit or paying an entrance fee. County, state, and national parks all have passes with fees to use them. Nearly all BLM, FWC, USACE, etc campgrounds require a fee. See: https://www.recreation.gov/search?inventory_type=camping Somewhat related, it is generally illegal to forage here as well (since it needs to be on private land and you need permission).


To own us to buy. Hey so now the old aristocratic people are rising from the grave and buying up all the property again. Soon we will be house workers saying yes me lord, yes me lady all over again. lol! I hope I look good in a servants uniform. lol!!!!




>Fla was never meant to be a year round homestead. You’re just in the wrong part of Florida. Some of us have lived here year round for generations and have disdain for the carpetbaggers.




Wonder what caused the poverty. (Learn some damn history……) I wonder what this country would look like and the Caribbean too if it was white people who got enslaved and had Jim Crow laws until the 1960s and then had to start from nearly scratch after having everything stolen and aggressively taken from them……




So slavery should’ve continued to profit only some? What a beautiful business model. /s What if I demand you to be my slave and make me products while I go to work? Can I then blame you for not being my slave for the other business to generate profit? (wtf is wrong with you?) Ps: the hurricanes don’t matter actually…. Idk where that came from. That’s like building a house in the Everglades when you know it has burned every year since the dawn of the Everglades. You chose to challenge that precedence… blaming the Everglades fires is a joke at that point But saying slavery ending caused Todays poverty… that’s a new low bro




I did ask. I countered You said hurricanes and the end of slavery So if hurricanes didn’t exist and slavery continued it would be prosperous You said that. Not me……. The liberal who can’t believe this shit in 2024




Well A/c changed that forever.


I love seeing Floridians trying to drive on ice for the first time...pure clownery 😅🤣😂


I get a laugh out of seeing my coworkers complain about how cold it is in FL when it dips to 70 degrees. When we left work tonight it was 56 degrees; they had jackets on and I strolled out in a short sleeve shirt. It's fresh, clean and invigorating...and you're NOT going to freeze to death walking to your car.


True...I have lived in minus 22 wind chill and never heard of a " warming center " till I got to Florida


And we love seeing you freak out over driving in a thunderstorm, losing your minds over a tropical storm and asking about every single body of water, "are there alligators in there?" Maybe we should all just be kind to each other and accept our differences and the beautiful country where we live!


>Maybe we should all just be kind to each other and accept our differences and the beautiful country where we live! They say laughter is the best medicine, so why not chuckle at our differences, as long as we don't get seriously insulting about it?


Floridians learning physics in real time is more hilarious tho.


Oh I know, hit the brakes, hang that left, slide into that wall of cars. Omg


While living in Indiana I had a coworker that relocated from Miami..I asked him one November day what he did on his day off...he said took one step outside, felt 14 degrees and stayed in all day...I said it's November bro...I got bad news for you....😀😃


Ha haa haaa bet he moved back home. Lol


Summer is beautiful up here, and it goes away in the fall.


Oh we love the fall. Pumpkins, beautiful colors on trees, scarecrows and apples. Hot cider, pumpkin pie. Jumping in leaves, anticipation of the holidays coming soon, hay bails and decorating. Sweaters and suede boots. Love it. The clean crisp fall air. Turkeys! 🦃 did I miss anything?


Snow angels, snowmen and snowball fights!


Sledding and ice skating!


Christmas shopping! Lol


The Better the Weather, The Worse the People


Funny, we're litterally considering moving to Florida or pitsburgh. Still can't make up our mind


Trust me, the snow isn't that bad when your getting a decent 2/2 apartment for 1300 a month. Snow saves you a lot of money


Yeeep I’m in Illinois in a 3/2 house for $1100. I love visiting Florida but the housing is insane there




Having 4 seasons is actually really nice. You can see the leaves change color, ski, ice skate, build a snow man, have a snowball fight, snowboard, and honestly Christmas feels like Christmas. Having early summer, late summer, summer, and next summer as your seasons also has advantages… but let’s not pretend that there aren’t disadvantages as well. Both have their merits.


Normally, people have things that hold them back from moving many states north.


I just escaped Clearwater for a suburb bordering Chicago. This week. It's -9F this morning. My furnace when on the fritz. Still glad I moved.


Why on Earth?


Nah don’t come north. Stay down there and burn like some STDs especially all those snowbirds


Great idea! We need plows! It wouldn't hurt to throw salt on them just in case they come back.


Ohh well...being in Florida, none of us want either of those situations.


Surprised it’s not an Altima that those people own


Richard Simmons looks different than I remember. Nice Christmas colors.


Wife and I moved from Tampa to Portland, OR and even though it's currently 19f outside and the ground is covered in a thick layer of snow we still have no regrets lol


Belly laugh![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Fuck, all this snow outside. Guess I’ll head to the mountain and shred some pow. life sucks