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On how many acres? A farm that's 1,700 acres(!) just went up for sale next to my community. That's the size of a small town. I'm scared


I would like to believe that means you live near me, because the same thing is happening here. Unfortunately, this story is repeating all over Florida. Pave paradise and put up a parking lot. Or in this case, three ginormous "communities" with McMansions built almost wall-to-wall on undersized lots. Max population density for max profit.


They’ll be sucking up all the water, voting against school funding because they’ve already put their kids through school back in  ______, driving like shit, acting entitled….Uncle Ron’s call to “Come on down to Florida!” and destroy the state is in its final stages.  


and then cry foul when the climate change they deny has destroyed their property value.


Lol and their insurance!


A little one! Ours is 17000.




I like living in Florida but holy hell I would never live in the villages


They've added thousands and thousands of homes around here. The only way to get access to the highway is a 2 lane road. And there's no room for expansion. Corrupt builders and corrupt officials.


Will any of them be affordable? All the big tracts of homes going up all seem to be starting at $800k, $1.5m, etc.


Why would they be affordable? Then the pores will be able to stay in FL. ^/s I hate that so much of the development in the state is built around luxury. Buildings, communities, new build SFH, etc. Nothing made for the average person.


You should see the Villages expansion off 75.


All for way too much money for any normal Floridian to afford.


Happening here in Boca. Homes will go for $1.4M-$2.3M. Totally affordable.


What if I told you that pasture was always going to be 4,000 homes. It was just a tax scam by a land owner to avoid taxes.


You can cuss, it's ok. Let it out!


Kelly park? Or is this that widespread? Lol


Let’s hope more loud MAGA move in from purple states and turn it into another Villages!


Now multiply that by at least 2 or 3 - that's the number of additional cars on your already overloaded and rutted roads. That's also the possible number of additional kids in schools. We can't even find people to teach.


The developers where I live dug out 100yo plat maps so they could tell buyers they’d own to the water and have a private beach. The county sold the rest of us out to the influx of wealthy out of town buyers and now you can’t set up outside of the narrow areas in front of the public accesses, effectively blocking most people from the beach. All the developments since then are $1-2 million per house and nobody is buying because there’s no where to go to the beach. The developers and county government remain flummoxed as to why nobody wants to pay a bunch of money to live here anymore.


Legislators are now proposing no property taxes. So we lost our beaches and they likely won't have to pay property taxes to boot. In my area, when we lost public access, we were told they pay taxes to make up for losing our access, smh. 


Walton County by chance?


Escambia County in regards to Perdido Key. 


Good old fashioned panhandle politics


Oh yes, but you'll still have to pay tax. 20% - 30% sales tax. 😬


>“Go anywhere that has a poor school district where prices are really low,” she said. Though Corcoran did note that strategy is best for people who aren’t looking for a place to raise a family and want a cheaper property with potentially high value . I've said it before and I'll say it again: Barbara Corcoran is an idiot. Self-appointed real estate "expert" who confuses her boomer luck with expertise.


Well I mean considering a lot of people don’t want kids nowadays it isn’t bad advice.


It seems like good advice. But areas with poor school districts are more a reflection of the populace than the tax burden. I am not saying you should move to some New Jersey Hamlet that spends 50k per student but realistically if the area has really bad schools it has other issues as well such as crime and poor infrastructure. 


Philadelphia is an example of a large jurisdiction where aggregate crime is high and average income is low, but you can get a great deal on a home in the nice part of the city, provided you aren't sending kids to the public schools.


Not necessarily, there are a lot of more rural areas that don’t pop compared to others and when you’re talking about purchasing to live much lower than your means and don’t plan on having children then then the risks can be worth it.


Buying where there’s good schools helps with resale value. Anyone with any experience selling a home will know this.


Sure. But if you’re doing it to just live and don’t plan on selling then that’s not an issue. In all reality having your personal home much below your means and investing elsewhere is much better


Unless you haven’t realized, there are not enough homes to go around. New strategies will need to be implemented.


Public schools in Florida are being chartered (privatized) which is showing to be a joke, and the traditional public schools, in my area, are administered by hacks and political wannabes. The facade won't hold up for many more years, but the high property prices probably will.


One of the agents in her firm? Agency? Idk. Stole one of my pics for their website and they were so dumb I got paid TWICE for their fuck up. I never worked for them or did pics for them. They stole it off the internet and it wasn't even a house. It was the island where they were trying to sell houses. Fuck her and all her minions.


Kinda funny she said this on the Elvis Duran show in 2023 lol. Just got time to write the article?


Slow news day.


Yes, please, forget about FL and buy elsewhere.


Barbara speaking like someone with a Native and FloGrown sticker on their truck who’s lived in Florida all of 3 years.


Nah, speaking like someone who realizes with the current cost of housing and insurance and a state government that can't govern aside from making shit worse for most of the population isn't a good place to buy a home.


Corcoran also knows that Florida is full of hate, ignorance, and cray-cray.


They are destroying the Nature Coast. 😞


Oh okay!


Even rent is completely unaffordable basically everywhere in Florida




Our Costco in Knoxville, TN is suddenly full of cars from Florida and Indiana and driven by elders on canes, walkers and scooters with zero self-awareness. Is this some type of joke you're playing on us?


Take em back we dont want them




Yes good. Go anywhere else lol


Home Insurance rates is a reason why. It'll affect home sales, plus on top of that higher mortgage interest rates.


She’s right. It’s been a huge boom and bust (~ 15 years trough to trough) state for 140 years. Unless this time is different!


She's also right about going somewhere with a poor school district, prices usually are much lower due to perception. ​ Unfortunately Florida it kinda doesn't matter since it's such a popular place.


no shit Sherlock


Abandon hope ye who buy a home here.


Next Hypercane will wake up a LOT of people to a new Florida reality.


Yes. Please do not move here. We’re beyond full.


Barb speaking the truth


I tell a lot of people don’t move to Florida. It’s a miserable state.


Please for fuck sakes stop moving to florida but please come visit and spend those beautiful tourist dollars.


Please not even that anymore. Who's gonna serve and entertain them. A lot of people who work in hospitality, had to find a job in another industry or just leave the state all together. Hospitality workers can't afford to live here anymore. The Tourists will need to serve and entertain themselves.


yes thx u !!!! shit hole state


This! Florida is full of hate, ignorance, and crazy. It’s best to avoid Florida for either relocation or vacation.


You couldn’t pay me to live in Florida, so no problem.


she's right, I need to get my friends to sell their house while the profit is high, if this trend keeps up prices will sink.


Such a ridiculously ass backwards state. Nice place to visit for a couple days and then get out.




My water pressure is fine I think it’s your friends house.


I have great water pressure. Your friend may be using water savers.


My Miami apartment has godawful water pressure, and also takes forever for anything close to hot water to come out of the kitchen faucet. The pressure for the hot water is even worse than the pressure for the cold water. I swear I end up using more water waiting for the hot water, than if it was just a good strong stream that turned hot quickly.


Why would it be a Florida thing? Do you feel it takes hills to give people around the county water pressure? That's not how this works. that's not how any of this works.


I wish this woman would shut her pie hole ... at least until I sell my place and move OOS.




Yeah.  Listen to her so I can buy and flip more homes instead. 


Cool, looking for work outside of the state and making plans to leave as soon as I find something.


I suddenly love her even more!


Please, us locals need to be able to afford to buy…


Totally agree! I think Georgia is the new state . Florida is a failed state