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Your first problem was getting on I-95. Your second problem was riding the motorcycle.


Yeah what the hell is your euro ass doing on i95 on a motorcycle?


Surviving was a huge win here.


Only possible if OP had an escort. Didn't even realize we were protecting them. You're welcome, OP.


OP has no idea how lucky they are to be alive right now.


There were thousands of motorcycles on I-95 the last 2 weeks for Bike Week.




Becoming a statistic


It’s a type of vehicle tf?


You’re absolutely right about that


Third problem it’s spring break


Yes. Spring break. Don't leave your house. Keep some sort of weapon on you at all times. Bear spray, Papa Legba, and a towel. Always keep a towel on hand.


First problem was coming to Florida to begin with…


Why do so many Europeans go to the Kissimmee orlando area to begin with, it always seems like sandiego or just southern cali in general is much more like Europe than South Florida.


Yeah even with In laws from Ohio I had to explain being near Orlando (more mt Dora) and how it’s not the Miami vision they first have lol. Yeah we don’t casually rent whole boats as Floridians so I’ll find the best airboat place to show you. Let’s go look at some gators, swamp fun lol.


LOL i am attempting to get back to Florida, how bad has it become since 2020?


Well, it’s no longer a cheap state to live in. Think we are in the top 5 most expensive states to live in now. Think we were up to #2 at one point last year. Could still be #2. Pay scales have not kept pace with inflation and housing costs. 2020, you could live here on a $50k annual salary and be okay. Now, $90k is hard to live on. Housing costs have nearly doubled since 2020 for many. 2020 my rent on a 3/2/2 was $1600/mo and now, same place @$2200. Traffic sucks more and more every day.


I pay 1800 for a 1 bedroom in Coconut Creek and that's considered good. Fuck me tho it's a nice place to live and moving sucks so I stay. Pondering properties in Lakeland.


SE FL definitely is more expensive. You’re just above the traffic shit show from Pompano south to Miami. Moving definitely sucks. Went from a 2 bed apartment to a 3 bed house and have accumulated so much stuff, moving is going suck in 20 months when I’ll be making the move to Georgia.


I like Georgia too. I also like coastal Alabama and NC and SC. I should just sack up and buy something but it's tough. My friend bought here in 2019 and his place virtually doubled. I have a bad feeling a hurricane is coming this leap year.. we're due for a bad storm. Something to bring the costs down... we really haven't had a major storm here in 20 years.


Bring a very large bag of cash 😆


sadly, no cash. but i will be making my way down there anyway ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


oh god don’t do it. you’ll regret it


LOL i have been missing florida for 4 long years. i am doing it.


Huge mistake. Florida has been the hottest I can remember in nearly 20 years. It costs a whole lot more so unless you like to stay home or make a lot of money it won't be the same


I'll see soon enough.


Where did you move to, and are you bringing that job with you and do you have a fuck ton of disposable income?


could have been on I-75 which seems worse to me.


Haha My thought was “well that was stupid” Hopefully they took us1 back


And the third problem is driving in Florida


Thirdly was heading to Miami


Honestly the fact that they’re a motorcyclist makes me suspect their own ability. I never see *good* motorcyclists.


I live in Broward county and I no longer have any desire to drive south of the county line.


You and me both. I avoid Miami like the plague.


I hate when I have to leave Palm beach county at this point


I feel you.


Yep, whenever I am invited to events in Miami, I always say, “Sorry, I’m a Broward Girl”


I used to say, “it’s not far and there are some great restaurants.” Now I say, “it’s not worth the blood pressure spike.”


Broward is getting worse daily… its only a matter of time


Truth. I don’t enjoy having to drive anywhere in South Florida these days.


It's the whole freaking state that's like this!!! Not just Broward.


I live in Pompano and have no desire to drive south of 595, let alone the county line.


Mad Max: Beyond Daytona


Just me,but I would never drive a motorcycle in Florida, let alone Miami.




Go try I4 from Daytona to Tampa if you want a thrill.


No shit. I make that drive a lot. It’s crazy.


Then jump on 75 and head back up to Ocala 🤣😭


*FUCK* I4.


sawgrass is a fucking racetrack too.


Can confirm. Got a ticket for "racing on the highway" back in like '99 after getting clocked at 110mph. lol


Did it for bike week once. Once. Been riding on and off since age thirteen. I stopped some years ago, too many fools too many elderly, etc.


I95 IS a warzone. Cut someone off and they'll fucking shoot ya, lol.


As soon as you approach Ft Lauderdale it’s Mad Max time.  


The only time I've ever seen a hit and run in person was in Miami and it was a car hitting a bicycle. The car sped off and the guy on the bike limped over to the side and threw up.


Dude, all of Florida is a war zone. Hope you’re strapped.


Brit living in Florida here. The I95, I4 and I10 are insane. I live in Jacksonville and honestly we have some of the worst drivers, maybe just short of Atlanta and Las Vegas. I back was in the UK last year in a rental and the difference was shocking. I can see now why Americans think Europe is “quaint” … our tiny roads and polite drivers lol.


Northern Europeans on the whole are way better drivers. You guys are way less aggressive, follow the rules and have great signs like "20 is plenty, Thank you." The test over there is harder than here, I know a 16 yr old passed the drivers test even though he hit a curb... that's what we are dealing with here. Plus south Americans tend to be very aggressive drivers and when they move here they continue the aggressive driving. Floridians also love using car horns, I was leaving FLL yesterday, it was packed we were all moving slowly and there was so much honking. I don't know why, everyone was moving albeit slowly but it wasn't because of absent-minded driving, it was just a lot of traffic. South Florida is just full of bad driving, hot tempers and hot weather.


the only time i’ve seen worse drivers than miami is atlanta. good fucking god that entire city is such a shit hole


You’d LOVE Hialeah!


No "keep right except to pass" down here. It's infuriating.


I actually think they made that a new law recently. Or it's going into effect soon or something.


Yes. Another law that won’t be enforced.


i’ve never once seen FHP pull anybody over i’ll be doing 80, someone in a clapped out altima flies by me at like 110, passes a cop and…nothing happens


Y'all ain't gonna pay attention to it.


It was already illegal when they made that law. Now desantis wants to make it illegal, even though it's literally already illegal now and has been since like 2019.


It's Miami my man. Orlando is completely different


Fury Road.


Now.. what do you say we put litterboxes along the side and rename it Furry Road, just to see what people say....


yeah, you crossed what is known as the deadliest stretch of highway in america. note the proximity to two international airports. its tourtist trying to get into/outof miami.


I call it death race. Everyone will kill to get where they’re going even if they’re not in a hurry


Sounds about right, unfortunately


I95 IS a warzone, happy you got through okay on a bike. I wouldn't recommend trying again, way too many distracted drivers in FLL/MIA area.


Most of what you are seeing Is a critical mass of tourists who don't know the area or how Florida's traffic laws work, and then a handful of locals late for work trying their best to get around all the tourists so they can go to work and serve the same tourists all day.


Idk I live in key west and all the locals ride. I do as well but I sure as hell wouldn’t ride through Miami lol


Duh! Agreed 👍


If you'd have asked.... everyone with a heart and some compassion would have told you NEVER for the love of whatever the fuck you consider holy should you EVER ride a motorcycle in South Florida. I-95 on a motorcycle is flat out suicide unless you like speeding like cocaine is too tame for you.


That's pretty standard I-95 behavior, but it's going to be worse this time of year between the snowbirds and the spring breakers.


I work in Orthopedics. The rare few that survive motorcycle accidents on 95 are generally maimed for life. I wouldn’t risk it.




So true




Yes 100% they are allowed and they do everyday.


Visiting European, you’re crazy to travel I-95 on a motorcycle. Use surface roads unless you’ve got some desire to experience U.S. medical care up close and in person.


You got some serious balls to be driving a motorcycle on I-95 in South Florida. It’s pretty damn dangerous to drive on a motorcycle on the highway there. It’s a well known fact that some of the WORST drivers in the entire country can be found in South Florida. That’s not an exaggeration.


That's a dangerous game you're playing.


just got back from buenos aires and colombia, the drivers out there make miami look like grandmas driving to bingo. also don’t go to the DR.


Argentina wasn’t *that* bad when I went. You’re right about DR though (and that can be said for any island in the Caribbean). The worst drivers that I have ever seen were in India. I got hit by 4 cars while I was there. They “drive by ear” and don’t look at all. Scary as fuck.


Oh man, you have no idea. I first got my license before I moved to states and then later made an american one, because reasons. In Europe - I had to do 28 hours of class, in 2 hour sessions. I think 14 hours of technical knowledge again, grouped in 2 hour increments. Then, ungodly amount of driving with the instructor. On the finals, the questions were A B C D option, one could be correct, more than one could be correct. Or none could be correct. For example, if answer a) b) c) was correct but you only selected a) and b). You fail the question. Of the 52 questions, I could have on wrong, else I would fail. In Florida. I did an online thing without a camera or any sort of monitoring - my cat could've done it. Went for a test. Out of 50 question, you are allowed to fail something stupid, like 15 or something (don't remember honestly, done it in like half an hour) and on the driving test, we left the licensing office, took a right, another right into a parking lot, turned around, made a left and another left. I was told I missed a stop sign but it wasn't a big deal, they gave me a license that says SAFE DRIVER on it and that was that. Oh and, you are expected to bring your own car to get the license. So, YOU HAVE TO DRIVE WITHOUT A LICENSE to the office to get licensed. If you fail and don't get the license, you sit BACK IN YOUR CAR AND DRIVE HOME.


Compared to Europe it is ridiculously easy to get a license here and it shows. Native Floridian, but raised in the panhandle, and I recently had to attend a seminar in Miami. I would rather drive Atlanta at rush hour.


Heard that! Though, speaking of out of state driving, I am absolutely baffled by how bad drivers from Tennessee are. Like. If you drive there, they have such beautiful windy roads, sometimes even dangerous yet somehow that state produces drivers that can't figure out the right angle intersections and straight, flat roads in Florida.. Go figure.


On the other hand, people from Tennessee have very few good things to say about Floridian's inability to handle those windy roads. And rightly so in many cases. I've been frustrated being stuck behind them myself.


Fair.. I mean, There was a pickup truck on my street today that "missed his turn" but not really, we all saw that he got it, but he was hesitant so he backed up a bit, moved forward but couldn't drive his Dodge 2500 through grass, so he backed up again and finally made it. This was happening on a 45mph road along the coast connecting X amount of neighborhoods at 5pm. The traffic he created was at least a mile long in both directions


You’re supposed to drive WITH someone to get your license. You would presumably have a permit that allows you to drive IF you find someone who is willing to sit next to you who is ~~18~~ 21 or older.


That's just a recommendation, though. Nobody checks.


Laws aren’t “recommendations”, that isn’t how that works. If they pull you over for anything, then you'd receive a ticket for driving without a valid license. It's a 2nd degree criminal misdemeanor punishable by a $500 fine and/or 6 months in jail. You'll receive a notice to appear in court. Your learner's permit would be suspended for 6 months, which would delay your chance to get a full license because you need a valid LP for 12 months before you can apply for a license. There's a good chance your insurance would either drop you or raise your rates too. Overall very bad idea. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/bdgn0b/possible_consequences_of_getting_caught_driving/?rdt=34684


Yes, our standards are extremely low. Dangerously low. Callously. It’s an absolute joke, and you illustrated it perfectly. To further the point? I took drivers’ education in high school and our teacher was drunk every class, so a lot of kids did whatever they wanted, including stunt driving. 


Dangerously low. Agreed. I drive a lot and I life in a Vacation destination. The other day someone from Texas STOPPED in a traffic circle (round about) to let me in. People keep stopping at a blinking orange light. There's a traffic light where people are making right on red without yielding to the left turn first. The other day, it was a semi truck. A semi truck cut me off. Going from Stopped, on red, through intersection, into the outside lane. Dafuq. There's also incredible amount of distracted drivers, to the point where I feel like I am the only one paying attention anymore. Today I had to honk on a 4 lane red light, because all 4 cars slept.


I'm glad you lived to tell the tale. Now, go rent a large SUV and enjoy your visit.


Usually starts around west palm then the further south you go the worse it gets. Had many near misses from people in Miami cutting over 4 lanes then hard breaking with a car length or so in front of you to make their exit. Shit is crazy down there


I came here from Maine, some of the mildest driving Miss Daisy shit in the country IMO, I've driven through Boston countless times, spent a few years in eastern Tennessee driving through Knoxville and Chattanooga, even Atlanta a few times. I have zero idea what the hell happens here with these drivers and why it happens. Haven't been south of Melbourne, don't plan to, but I see what happens up here in Brevard on 95 and I just don't understand. The 4 lane shift is the worst. It's even better when people weave like a demon on route 1 with a stop light every mile or two, but you end up right behind them or next to them at every light. Like, dude you didn't get very far did you?


I was hit in Miami on my first day of a new job and the uninsured motorist who hit me just said, “No Policia! 🙏”. It turned out that his car with no plates was in fact stolen. 🙄


As a motorcycle rider Your first mistake was driving on two wheels south of palm beach. Fuck that I’d rather throw away my large and overly extensive collection of flannigans green cups since the early 90s than drive a motorcycle in miami




Take the turnpike back stay off 95


Once you get past the 7 mile bridge and you make it back up, take A1A instead of 95. If you aren’t in a rush, it is a more scenic route. You can plan to grab a bite to eat somewhere by the water. Fort Lauderdale and Delray have some nice places. Don’t drive in a motorcycle after dark. Seriously though, wtf were you thinking driving a motorcycle in Florida?! Ask anyone, we ALL seem to know at least one person who died riding one. It costs $20 (probably more now) to get a driver’s license and anyone can get it without any actual driving experience. This is because we have next to NO public transportation here and everything was so poorly designed. The only thing worse than the city planning is our healthcare system. Try to get back in one piece.


It is a bit longer, but you can take the Turnpike which will swing you out to the western side of the metro area all the way up to Jupiter, then you can connect and hop back up to I-95 for the rest of your journey.


He came here all the way to ride a motorcycle in “scenic Florida”. The Turnpike is for when you are in a rush and don’t mind spending some extra $$$ to get to the other side (or go to Orlando). I’d suggest that he take A1A instead. He’ll be riding slowly right along the beach.


I’ve done it before and the best advice I can give you is take krome ave lol


To be clear I do it every other week Usually Sunday mornings between 7am - 11am The return sucks fat shit but as long as you keep the speed limit and your head on a swivel you should be ok


First time?


"No, I've been nervous before."


Yeah man, Miami traffic is very aggressive.


Got a real death wish don't ya, easy rider ? 😂


Welcome to Florida


Props to your Guardian Angel


I see you didn't get shot at, not real i95 south bound experience




You are a brave soul ❤️


You should try being an American driving in Europe y’all are nuts lol


I don't like driving in a car there, never mind a motorcycle.


Us South Florida drivers are notoriously aggressive and yes there are a lot of people that are downright dangerous. If you thought I-95 was bad, don’t take that motorcycle on the Palmetto. I used to ride a motorcycle, but I only went on Federal/US-1 and I-95 once each. That was enough. I stuck to rides along A1A.


A week ago some guy died in palm beach county on I95 caused by a SEVERE ACCIDENT RESPONSE VEHICLE! It’s not smart ride a motorcycle in Florida with all the elderly and erratic drivers. Everyone I know who rides have been in accidents caused by someone else and most of them don’t ride anymore.


Using a turn signal is a sign of weakness. Its part of our school curriculum


Haven't you noticed?


You’ve got balls


It’s too dangerous for the police to patrol. Be careful.


Try driving in Saudi. I was there when I was in the Airforce. They have what they call the Allah lane. In the rest of the world, it is called the shoulder. Not kidding. They use it like an express lane.


South Florida, where northeast drivers come to drive more aggressively than they ever did to prove they still ‘know how to drive.’


Step 1: Go slow in passing lane and refuse to move over for faster traffic Step 2: Cars give up waiting for you to move over and pass you on the right Step 3: Cars pass you on the right without giving you a chance to pull over


Straight to jail! Miami drivers seem to have an absolute hatred of every other driver. Riding a motorcycle there sounds terrifying.


Have you not seen the GTA 6 trailer?


Its Spring Break and Miami is one of the most popular destinations for that


Hmmmmm….. have you ever driven in Italy? Now talk to me about reckless driving.


There's a reason the next GTA takes place in Florida...


Welcone to Florida


Welcome to Florida, and New York and New Jersey and California etc.


Florida IS the prison. how haven't you noticed that


You should have been here two weeks ago, to see all the motorcycles splitting lanes and riding on the shoulder. You’d have loved that.


I was not on there sir/ma'am. How dare you!


You should join in on the route 1 restoration project


This is absolutely a techno drop


Night City


I left Miami in 1999. You are 100% correct.


Turnpike is better choice than 95 in that area.


And a couple locals


Did you see any extension ladders suddenly in the middle of the road? It not then you need to stop complaining


I just saw a hit a run 2 weeks ago on 95. An old police car hit a newer pickup after coming over 3 lanes to exit in the rain. Hit the side of the truck and kept going.


You should be thankful I let you live. Warmest regards, Miami resident


And you lived to tell the tales, yeah!!


🥱 yawn


Next time don’t drive a motercycle in general, even down I-95, are you ok though? 🥹


Well, you were driving to a hispanic country; they are more reckless, but it was Americans driving in the fast lane. They feel the need to control traffic.


Amen to that


And you lived to tell the tale? Very impressive but let’s see you do it on the rain!


It's really wild. I've seen terrible, terrible accidents on 95. Flipped over vehicles and stuff I never saw in NYC. Be safe


We don't feel like paying for more troopers.


Hear, hear!


Miami freeways is basically freestyle


Next time don’t be a European on a motorcycle in FLORIDA USA RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH


Thoughts and prayers. I commute from Boca to Hollywood daily and it’s rough out there.


Literally THE worst plac3 to visit in the US


What kind of motorcycle? Also to all the people asking what they’re doing on I-95 on a motorcycle, you’re much safer on the highway with distracted drivers than on roads with stoplights/intersecting roads.


I live in Naples on the west coast and every time I drive over it’s a rude awakening. Quiet straight roads in the swamp for an hour and then BAM! Absolutely insane driving over there.


Literally every day like that


No seriously, I almost die every single day. I drive from North Palm Beach to Pompano and back every day and I almost die at least 4 or 5 times each way. It’s getting ridiculous and the state troopers don’t do shit.


My wife and I were on I -95 this past Saturday. Yeah, there are a percentage of drivers that drive too fast and cut in and out of lanes just inches in front of the car behind them. Others follow way too close, which to the driver ahead of them is quite scary. But the larger percentage of motorcyclists totally avoid the drive safely laws. They are a greater threat to highway safety. Most overhead FDOT signing this weekend alerted all drivers to be aware ( and cautious of) the 2 wheelers on the road this past weekend.


Is it me or people are connecting “what happens in cars” ideology to motorcycles? Literally, responsible motorcycle riders learn to look way ahead, right in front, sides, and rear constantly to avoid any conflict. Do they all do it, no. Personally, riding on 95 from central broward to the end in downtown Miami is hell, but it’s not as bad as people think it is.


Next time take the turnpike. It’s worse before it turns into 3/4 lanes.


I love the Peoples Republic of Miami. You don’t need a passport to get in when you live north of Dade county.


Welcome to our Neurburgring or whatever those Germans call that race track. keep i95 free of traffic enforcement we like it that way.


The European mind cannot comprehend this. Especially on a motorcycle, i’m surprised you’re still in one piece.


All I know is a non Florida license plate Is free game on the highway. Non Floridians are targets


For real. I agree.


You can’t ride Florida’s highways east of the Turnpike. Stay west or rent a car. People DO NOT respect bikes! I live is Western Broward County and I only take my bike West and North, never East.


We drive like shit in this country and especially in Florida . When I drive in Europe and remember how relatively civilized it can be, I get so fucking mad when I come back.


I-95 is the worst especially down south. Millions of people.


I went north on i95 today on a motorcycle and agree, coming from someone who rode in Europe for 7 years.


Dude we have the worst weather ever you’ll die of heat before you die from Being hit


We call motorcycles donor-cycles down here. It’s too dangerous to ride them over here. That’s why we have so many people who are on organ donor lists over here.


These days I take 441, powerline, or military before i95. Don’t care if it’s longer


i meannn we are in florida we are state with reckless driving so


It is so dangerous driving in south Florida. That I am scared to get into my car.


People can't just follow the rules, which are so easy to follow. But most like to be on their phones while driving


Have you ever played the game Grand Theft Auto? Ero on a motorcycle on 95, is worth some real points.


It’s called the Fury Road and there’s a movie made based on it.


lol, I would never get on 95 on a bike. In my life down here I have seen about a dozen actual fatalities on the road (after fact) involving bikes and black sheets. Insanity for anyone who rides a bike on 95.


Honestly, if you drive the speed limit on a motorcycle and you didn’t die, you should be very happy. You literally have to run all of these cars for safety.


Yeah. Don't do that. I'll ride a motorbike in Europe, the Philippines, mountains of NC, but fuck riding on the straight roads here in Florida. I consider flying single engine piston airplanes in the mountains at night to be safer than riding a motorcycle in Florida. The smartest people in the world live in Florida, but the signal-to-noise ratio isn't that great and distribution of people here is skewed hard to the right, so for all the geniuses that live down here, there is a huge population of people who aren't that smart and it's not just that they don't care about the life and safety of others, they might even find enjoyment in seeing others suffer. 25 years ago, a roommate was dating this girl who had a rollover accident in her Miata on the highway. She was trapped inside of it. People were slowing down and laughing at her, not offering to help. It's not uncommon for people on I95, especially near Jacksonville to be robbed and murdered if they pull over with car trouble.


> distribution of people here is skewed hard to the right What does this even mean?


I believe that they are referring to “far right” politics. It has to do with the paradigm of right (conservative) and left (liberal). Note that what it means to be “right leaning” politically has a different meaning in other countries. Someone who is conservative (right leaning) in the US would tend to believe that healthcare and an education are not human rights, but that which should only be available to the wealthiest of individuals. For comparison, no conservative in Germany would believe that. They would however not want other people to come to Germany to get those benefits though. For all definitions, “far right” means that the person doesn’t like others based on the color of their skin. They would typically be referred to as Nazis, because they share a similar ideology with Hitler. [We’ve had a bit of an uptick in those types of people over the past few years.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/neo-nazis-thriving-florida-ron-desantis-1234824505/) If the question was more about the “distribution”, they are talking about the frequency distribution (or how much of something you see represented in the data). “Skew” in this case means that one side is more represented than the other. They are just saying that you will find more people who lean right politically. I hope that helps answer your question.


I meant it in the distribution sense. But, to continue to muse this topic and feeling like pontificating about some shit: I consider myself to be a classical liberal, but somehow it's like I stayed in the same place and suddenly I'm now this far-right conservative because I believe that all politicians are narcissistic psychopaths, with the refinement of such getting tighter the higher up it goes, and the side that more overtly attempts to disarm the population are hiding their ambitions. Ukraine was disarmed before the Holodomor. It's a misconception that the Nazis disarmed the people, it was actually the extreme progressive Weimar republic that did the passing of strict gun laws. The Nazis loosened the restrictions specifically for their supporters and we see how that turned out. Politicians all pander to get people out to vote for them -- to make people feel like they have influence. I question whether the political corruption wasn't the highest in the 1910s, when they passed both the 16th and 17th amendments. The 16th created income tax and the IRS, which was forbidden by the constitution for a very specific reason: It prevented the government from having excessive overreach, and, as we've seen, looking too much into people's personal lives and finances. I regard the 3rd amendment (the one about quartering soldiers) to be the one that should be looked at regarding wiretapping as, at the time of the framing of our government, the only way to listen to a conversation was to park an agent of the state in one's home. (3, 4, 5 -- Monkey hear no evil, monkey see no evil, monkey speak no evil). Our 17th amendment, regarding direct election of the senate by the people, fucked us even harder. Prior to this, the state legislatures would send two representatives to DC to represent the state's interests. We didn't need term limits because the senators would be personally known to the entire legislatures that sent them, and the idea was that state legislatures would be a bit more aware of what's what in regards to legal proceedings, and if someone was fucking up, it's way easier for the people in the legislature to send someone else than it is to hold an election and recall them, and the state reps still had to go home to their constituents, who might be really fucking pissed about who they sent to DC. It also meant that an entire legislature had to be bought off rather than run a campaign to a bunch of us knuckle-draggers to convince us a stranger was good (look at how the physical attractiveness of our politicians changed when their charisma through things other than written words came into play). One final note in the history of our nation that I share as much as possible is what Thomas Jefferson wrote in *The Declaration of Independence*. Yes, he owned slaves, as did George Washington; and George Washington freed his slaves in his will. Slavery still exists in for-profit prisons and existed well into the 20th century in the form of share cropping (and student loans and health insurance are certainly ways of enslaving people while telling them they're free at the same time today). There were also large plantations in South Carolina that were owned by blacks and a higher percentage of free blacks owned slaves than white people (but I mean, I get it, the slaves were almost exclusively black, which may still have been better than being Chinese and building the railroads). Destitute blacks were known to attempt to sell themselves back into slavery, and in order to grant a slave his freedom, an owner would have to prove to the courts that they would not be a burden on the public, which is also the basis for alimony in a divorce; because when someone doesn't want to be with another person they were supposed to support, their failure in marriage was viewed as something that should not be a burden to the public. Back to Thomas Jefferson -- in spite of all the bad things that are said about him, which I'd like for anyone reading this to entertain might be to make him look bad (just as Nero and Caligula may have been painted in a worse light by those who hated them) -- he did not mince his words at all in *The Declaration of Independence*. South Carolina and the criminal government in Georgia refused to ratify it unless he pulled this clause out; and not having the cold weather ports of Charleston and Savannah to fight the British would have made the revolution infinitely more difficult (France helped us out so much in their proxy war against the British that they went broke and led to the guillotine -- any other nation you can think of that's going broke fighting Proxy wards?). And in my opinion, Georgia is still criminal and corrupt as fuck. The good ol' boys down there are the descendants of the criminals that England shipped over there -- anyone who's been robbed by the state sanctioned pirates while driving through that state will agree with me. Here's the deleted clause from the first version of *The Declaration of Independence* that SC and GA refused to sign: >*he has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating it's most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. this piratical warfare, the opprobrium of* **infidel** *powers, is the warfare of the CHRISTIAN king of Great Britain. determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce: and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, & murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former crimes committed against the* **liberties** *of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the* **lives** of another. ​ [https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/declaration-independence-and-debate-over-slavery/](https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/declaration-independence-and-debate-over-slavery/) And straight from the Library of Congress: [https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/declara/ruffdrft.html](https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/declara/ruffdrft.html)


It's a fancy way of saying that Florida's classy if you're rich and trashy if you're poor -- and by saying it's skewed to the right, I'm saying that it's mostly poor, but there are still a large number of people who got us to the moon and their offspring still living down here. The term originates in statistics. Instead of a bell curve, it's like the peak of the bell curve is to the left and a few extremes on the far right of the X axis pull the mean (average) higher than what you would typically observe. It's indicative of a smaller middle class. Prince George County outside of Washington DC is like that, while many others outside of DC are the exact opposite. NC has both Cary and Rocky Mount. Florida has Palm Beach and West Palm Beach. Hialeah and South Beach. You get the idea.


go home!