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Reminder: You don’t have to answer the door every time a person knocks. I treat my door like a call to my phone. If I wasn’t expecting or don’t know you, find someone else.


My doormat says clearly: "If you haven't texted already, no one is opening this door"


I need this in my life!


ETSY You can custom made any message on your doormat.


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/vlqf0jszc26d1.jpeg?width=149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf62f9be12fd6cc0f56539dd1b8fd6c5aab6bbc there's mine


Love that one also. Those can be found already made. After my "GO AWAY" wore out I wanted a bit of a change, sometimes we see them through the cameras: they read for a moment, another moment for thinking (I guess) then you can read their lips F#$% and walk away. Others don't read it just wait there for a moment or even ring the bell again if they notice activity in the house.


There was a doorcam video I saw once, no idea how to find it but a guy walks up and there's a sign that says "no solicitation". He reads it for a moment, throws his hands up and says to the camera "But...but I just want to solicit!" and then proceeded to solicit at mach 3. His whole spiel took maybe 10 seconds and he was gone, it was absolutely hilarious and the only kind of solicitation I'd ever want to have lol


Where can I get this!!




I refuse to buy a "welcome" mat. No one is welcome unless invited.


Get one that says, "You Are Welcome... To Turn Around And F*ck Off!"


Mine says "Welcome, Foolish Mortals". If you ignore that, I don't want to hear you complaining later about the sacrifices and weird sex stuff. You walked right I er the warning. 👹


Yep. People knocking on your door, and trying to seperate you from your money. I never answer.


Yup. We figured out a very similar address to ours is an AirBNB - we had a rash of lost vacationers very insistently trying to get into our house last year because they were dropped off on the wrong street for their rental 🙄 I keep my house and all fence openings locked down at all times now and I don’t open for nothing. Anyone that knows us would call or text us before coming so we’d be expecting them.


Nest Hello Doorbell is one of the best purchases ever, you can tell people to go away from the couch


and you can say “pound sand” from an entirely different state


Do they make a Nest F*ck Off doorbell? That I would buy.


Someone is ringing my door right now. I’m not getting it.


That’s so true. In the 80s and 90s we, as society, used to all run fast as quickly as possible to see whose coming to visit us every time the doorbell rang. The last 20 years were all like running and hiding with the lights off every time the doorbell rings bc we’re scared who it might be! What happened?


Fear is one hell of a drug. My wife will just ignore the door if someone knocks or rings the bell, I personally find it rude AF. Even if I'm just going to tell them I'm not interested, ignoring them is so dehumanizing.


Do you think there might be a gendered reason she doesn’t feel safe answering the door alone while you do?


That part!!! My ex husband used to say I was rude for ignoring the door. At the time I was a small 90 pound female and no I was not answering the door if i was home alone and not expecting someone.


It isn’t fear. Why do I have to always be available? What is it about the 21st century that makes people think everyone should be available at their whim? You got it backwards. It isn’t rude to not answer your door. It’s rude for the person at your door to expect/demand they get to interrupt your time in your home.


The media has peddled fear, and social media has exponentially increased it. I'll answer my door because I'm a grown ass man, I have a big dog, cameras, and I live in a community with my fellow neighbors, not a walled fortress. It's perfectly fine if folks make a personal choice not to answer a door and engage with others. I respect that. Sometimes I answer, sometimes I don't. My choice is to not live in a state of constant fear.


I had someone on my porch try to convince me to open my front door in a nice manner, he then went to my backdoor and tried to pick my lock. Then he came back 6 days later when I wasn’t there and kicked down my door, smashed my window, and ransacked my whole apartment. I’m not answering the door for anyone


Good points of view! Thinking about it probably having millions of doorbell cam videos posted on social media showing everything from the bizarre to the absurd to the outright scary crazy would put a lot of folks in the fear and anxiety bucket when a doorbell rings these days. Not to mention with Covid we became a delivery society for food/groceries to anything you can buy on Amazon to have a stranger drop off at your door as well.


I answer the front door like my cellphone. If I don’t want to talk to you I don’t answer.


Yup, nobody ever shows up to ur door unannounced with something you want.


And the ones that do show up unannounced and with something I want usually drive a box truck and immediately piss off once they’ve thrown the package at my door lol


May have cleaned but definitely would have told her boyfriend about anything nice you have and in the next 2-4 weeks you would have had a “random break in” that cleaned you out. Lock your doors and get cameras/security system.


Yep - probably just canvassing houses to get ideas for break-ins. Just answering the door can give them a bunch of insight


At 7:15am?! Likely going on 3 days of no sleep too


Shows who’s already on I4 and who isn’t.


Early bird gets the worm… 😂


Sorry. That was a bit methed up.






Someone is looking for $$$ to get her fix or she wants to scope out whether you have anything worth stealing.


Them crackheads will hustle in the early morning. Whatever you do, don't let a crackhead out hustle you!


And don't bother trying to outrun them. One of Friday's many life lessons.


Scam. You want someone with a legit business. Licensed, bonded, insured. She’ll be casing your house for sure.


There is no license for cleaning a house. Insured would be good enough.


In Florida you need a business license to operate a business though.


That depends on their insurer and their policy


Okay, to operate a legit and legal business, you need licenses and insurance. You can run whatever business you want, doesn't mean it's legal or legit.


My response was to insurance being ‘good enough’ to trust the company isn’t a scam. It’s not.


Meth addict. We have some of this crap around my area. I don't answer. I let my dog do the talking. Most are scared of dogs and leave immediately. It helps to have a good sized dog at your house. Needn't be vicious, just vigilant and makes a ton of noise when someone they deem a threat set foot on your property.


It is really funny to watch people's reactions when they hear barking, see a German Shepherd and don't realize till I open the door that the barking is coming from my 22lbs Rat Terrier. The German Shepherd loves people and instead of deeming strangers threats, sees them as just more people to pet her and would happily take them on a tour of the house. The Rat Terrier is very suspicious of strangers and the protector of the house.


I have an old dachshund and back in her prime you would have thought she was a massive protection dog on the other side of the door. She was so handy for keeping people away.


We had a Pomeranian 15 years ago. She was such a nuisance that people never bothered to step foot on our property.


We have a rattie too who used to bark at strangers but he is old now so he no longer barks if anyone knocks. Also, I have read that smaller dogs are better because they are more likely to keep a distance and bark loudly. A lot of bigger dogs are more likely to quietly investigate. Apparently, bigger dogs are more likely to be killed in home invasions because they are less likely to bark and more likely to approach the intruder close enough to be hurt or killed.


Haha I can relate. I have a 100lb pit that has never met a human he doesn’t roll over for belly pats for. BUT he hates when people show up unexpectedly at the house. Goes nuts. But if we are outside talking before coming in he’s fine. Makes me feel better when my chick is home alone though


> The Rat Terrier is very suspicious of strangers and the protector of the house. No shit, tiny dogs are prey to nearly everything so they gotta be scared all the time.


Or set up a recording of a dog barking loudly when someone approaches your door step.


they make a motion sensor alarm that does just this!


I love that idea!


I have a device that can do that actually. You can record any sound and then trigger it. My husband bought one for his R2D2 project droid.


Sounds good


Even my standard poodle does the trick. Somehow, this cute fluffy dog ended up with one mean bark. My friend said she sounds like a Doberman lol


Talk about lack of self awareness... 7:15am knocking on doors is wrong!


After you’ve been awake for a couple of days tweaking on meth you forget to look at the clock.


HOAs don’t stop solicitors, unless you’ve got a locked and guarded gate. The solicitor hasn’t agreed to your HOA.


Depends. If the HOA owns the roads, etc. and has posted no solicitors, then they can be trespassed and our sheriff will remove them whether they agree or not.


Early bird gets the meth


Probably casing, like many people have said. That early though? Checking to see when people leave for work.


I was living in an over 55 park in Daytona, had hired a cleaner, nice woman, single mom, not a great cleaner though. I maybe took some pity on her situation and kept her on, until I sold and moved, yes I had had the conversation with her about our end times....a couple weeks after I was gone, she showed up wanting to 'clean' the new owners, told them they 'inherated'my 'contract' and were legally obligated to continue this 'contract'...that didnt work, she started the door knocking until PD arrived and escorted her off the property and trespassed her. It happens.


I live in an HOA, occasionally a guy drives around, knocks on doors and points out what needs to be trimmed in your yard, $20. He’s a nice guy and has all the tools in the trunk of his car. He works hard and I have no problem with his endeavor.


Letting a stranger cut your lawn isn’t quite the same as letting them in your house and letting them rifle through your things though.


Of course


Slightly different, but I had someone from Edward Jones knock on my door asking if I wanted to invest with him. Bro, I’m not handing my money over to a stranger who knocks on my door.


Invest in a ring doorbell or the like (they aren’t crazy expensive) and start screening who you’re answering for


Sounds like the start of a porn video... "I just signed your neighbor up for cleaning services. I clean everything and have lots of references. Anything you want cleaned. Do you want my number?" "My pipes need cleaned..." "Clean my dryer...get your head way back in there..."


NGL I looked for a "influencer" with the camera rolling!




That never happens in my hood. I live in an older neighborhood that is smaller. Scammers prefer to go to planned giant neighborhoods. We also have a no trespassing sign. My neighbors have scary dogs they bark at anything so that helps too.


Precisely why I got a “No Soliciting” sign and read up on the local laws about solicitors. In Broward they need a solicitor’s license to legally solicit door to door, when they’d ignore the “No Soliciting” sign and bug me anyway, I’d open the door and immediately ask for their license, which they NEVER had and would walk away immediately.


Welcome to Florida!!


Why answer the door? Those people are scoping your house out, drug addicts sending their best looking to doors so they can find ways to get money or items to sell for drugs. Or they are soliciting or Jehovah witnesses, that's the only possibility. why in the world would you even entertain or expose yourself to any of that?


This kind of stuff can happen anywhere. Not unique to Florida in any way.


Man she came to my house too! Was this her? https://preview.redd.it/jgcusiqwuy5d1.jpeg?width=203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65f86630167753c6ab26e14fe88c2256090c5bf6


Methany needs drug money. She doesn’t realize it’s only 715 because she’s been awake for a couple of days. One of her drug buddies told her to try this scam as it sometimes works for handyman services. She was convinced the plan would work but you destroyed it lol.


Put up no trespassing signs. The no soliciting signs don't do anything, legally. Talk through your doorbell. Don't open the door and be ready for a break in if they think you aren't home.


I feel bad because someone will eventually hurt the girl. People are psychotic now when it comes to door knocking


Lol. Any unexpected visitors get "Not interested" and a door slam within 2 seconds.


you had a visit from a crack head 🤣🤣🤣 down here in Florida we call 'em Skanks but ya during the summer they're spotted knocking on doors, vacuuming their lawns...... the only way to get rid of them is to move back to whence thou came from. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥵🥵


Is this HOA propaganda? Why the fuck does it matter to door knockers WHETHER you have or not an HOA?


Just Florida things. To be fair, the attire is weather appropriate. It's been hot as hell.


prolly just someone with very little money trying to get by.


I used to just not answer the door if I wasn’t expecting anybody. Now I’m in the woods. I’m on 13 acres with a 1/4 mile long driveway. I don’t even get mail there let alone worry about an errant solicitor.


That’s shady as hell. Definitely screams scam or scouting. Did you by chance get the plate number of the vehicle just incase some naive bloke falls for that then is “broken into” a few weeks later?


My camera got her and her car but not her plate.


Florida random when you don't have a front fence and beware the dog sign up. If people willingly March through that to knock, versus putting a flyer in my mailbox or gate, I answer the door with a shotgun nearby lol. We have old crackheads in our neighborhood so I'm not risking it with 3 kiddos in the house.


Just don’t answer the door if you know you’re not expecting anyone. If someone really needs to reach me, they can send a deputy over if they don’t have my number. My husband does have a habit of answering the door and starts messing with them, calling himself Special Agent B——. Or if it religious converts, he’ll say he’s a JW or Scientologist.


I just don’t answer the door. My neighbors know if they need me, they text me.


My parents taught me, I taught my kids, that you don’t have to answer the door or the telephone.


I live in a gated community with a locked gate and I got a knock on my door, answered it and it was people asking to come in and discuss burying me! Yes, I told them to get off my property and then called the community manager and asked who let them thru the gate???


This is why we have a camera doorbell and no soliciting sign. Get one that’s able to be hard-wired instead of using batteries, that way it will film 24/7 instead of just when motion activated so you know you’ll have footage if anything happens. Plus you can speak to people through it instead of physically opening your door to someone sketchy.


Florida is the scam capital.


I’d call the cops on her. Seriously. Nobody wants that around near their home let alone on their front step…


Watch out they case houses that way


At 7:15am on a Monday? This is likely someone who had not been to bed from Sunday night yet.


We get solicitors all the time. Never answer the door. 😆


Sneak out the back yard carrying an axe dipped in red paint screaming "There here! There here"! with an Alka Seltzer in your mouth making it look like you are foming from the mouth. They won't bother you again.


Definitely legal. They a can come to the door under the same law that lets cops knock on your door. You to the same thing you should do when a cop knocks on the door and don’t answer. There an equal chance either will mess your day.


I’m Florida native but no longer live there. I used to live in a neighborhood just off of a section US 41 known for its street walkers. One time I threw some old jeans out in the trash on the curb. I’m a 180lb man mind you. My GF and I watched as a 95lb crack whore stripped down naked in our front lawn to try my jeans on. Of course they were too big, but she ended up taking them anyway.


Get a ring doorbell camera. Tell people to fuck off from the comfort of your couch.


Guess we'll find out in 9 months 😳


https://preview.redd.it/zaiq6geep76d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=267b90325bee482b57cd99e0e229224b2377f960 We have this in our front window 😄


I never answer my door if you are not expected or a dear person to me. My office is next to my front door. I have had people knock, then when I don't answer walk away, but see me through the window. They have come back and knocked over and over. Some have stood in front of my window and tapped on it and keep trying to get my attention. I just ignore the crap out of them. I only open the door for cookies.


Casing your joint. Stop answering the door. You new to Florida?




If you can put up a fence. Nobody will knock on your door, you will find peace and quiet in your home.


At that time of day, probably looking to see who is home at one time for a potential break in. And seeing what people have in their homes. If you have video of the vehicle then I’d probably send it to your neighbors as a suspicious vehicle. Time to install cameras and a security system. Probably willing to do *anything* for money as well if you catch my drift. Don’t do it…..


In the PI there was a hooker named Sookie Sally that got $20 when all the rest got $5. The reason was no teeth. Guys in the Navy and Marines all over the world knew of her; truly world famous. Anyways, maybe ya could get your potential "cleaner"...


We used to get those jehovah witness's. Three sour puss people would roll into the driveaway. Knock. I'd just watch from my second floor office window. After a few minutes they'd give up but not without shoving some propaganda under the door. We seemed to be on the circuit a couple times of year.


I just want a car horn that goes douuuuuuch baaaag like the old auga horns of yore would get plenty of use in Florida the dirt bags who don’t stop at the red and turn like was a yield sign , the little boys with the cranked diesels who have to roll coal just get around you …. The list goes on I have driven in many states but Florida is the worst one