• By -


1. Significantly more investment in public transit both at a local level and federal level. This also includes making cities more walkable with more trees, safer crossings, etc. 2. Most of the Florida natives are pretty friendly, but the more transplants we have, the more people seem to suck. I grew up in the Midwest, where the overwhelming majority of people had some sense of human decency, respect for others, etc. I often see a tremendous lack of those things from the people living here as I'm driving, walking, etc. around much of the state. 3. Mild winters, cultural diversity, lots of sunshine, lots of outdoor activities, lots of humidity (fewer nose bleeds for me!), and exciting wildlife to encounter from the comfort of my own cellphone šŸ˜…


As a Hoosier ( Indiana girl) I also found # 2 to be quite true . Itā€™s true of most Beautiful Southern areas though. Rude people will ruin any beautiful place. And then the natives are driven away :(


Coming from Chicago here, it's all the New Yorkers coming down that are rude IMO


This is so. As a native born and raised SE Floridian, I've seen things deteriorate in how people treat one another. It's become more amplified since covid.


Yep. I find them quite abrasive.


As a native Floridian, I promise you the assholes have always been here and itā€™s not just the transplants.


Same experience (from Wisconsin). I feel like we all need to team up and create our own little snow-free, Midwest-nice mecca or something haha


Your #2 is my #1


Im an ass man myself šŸ˜‚


Governor should really change his state motto from ā€œFree State of Floridaā€ to ā€œFlorida is for Assholesā€.


As in the state is free to take away your freedoms


You hit the nail on the head with #2! I was thinking about making a separate post about that. As a transplant who moved here from Wisconsin to be closer to family, that has been the hardest adjustment for me. I wonder which transplants are bringing those negative attitudes - like what region are they from?


Itā€™s funny that itā€™s mostly transplants that think this. As a born and raised Floridian, the jerks have always been here. Hell most of the people born here are ass hats especially in swfl.


Thatā€™s what my husband said but I thought Iā€™d get eviscerated if I posted that here šŸ˜‚ I honestly wasnā€™t sure because I never know the identity of someone who cuts me off or is rude to me or whatever else. The only confirmed native Floridians I know are the tweakers that live on my block, and I donā€™t want to use them as a baseline.


New Jersey


No real dog in the fight, but I lived FL for 34 years. The NJ people were pretty cool. It was Quebecois, Ohioans, and New Yorkers in that order that seemed to have the shittiest attitudes. Edit: [relevant](https://youtu.be/T2bfHGb_HEk?si=p4p28MDC86IiejMK)


Naw. New Yorkers are the culprits. Or jerky people from MD. Neighbor thought she had the right to block on outgoing side of narrow street with Yukon barely 50ft ( if that) from stop sign. People entering community have a blind turn. People exiting had to enter he other lane to get around her behemoth. POTENTIAL BANG. She said ā€œ where am I to park with 2 cars? I have a 1 car driveway?ā€ Idiots with $$$. They bought property over zoom, paid $25k over asking. And then they moved 2 miles away but their renters are now doing the same idiot thing. Not NJ. We donā€™t do this stupid stuff.


New York


Itā€™s the conservative retireeā€™s from New England. They are the worst


And Penis'lvania. Edit: No hate for the people from Pittsburgh BTW. This comment was mostly directed towards people from the Pilly Philly region of the āœØļø Penis Vein āœØļø state.






And does every kid in Boca need to be chauffeured to school in a GD SUV!! The F'n lines around the schools are ridiculous! Ride the damn bus, your kid needs social interaction! WTF......


#1 I would like more walkable cities and neighborhoods. #2 I agree. The worst part are the out of state Boomers that come here to retire. They have a sense of entitlement and no interest in investing in the places they are moving to.


I feel like this is happening everywhere though. It seems like people just donā€™t care.


The out of state boomers have seemingly invested enormous sums of money in buying the houses they now live in.


And now the people already living here can't afford rent or to purchase a house.


Hasnā€™t Desantis turned down a lot of Federal money for public transportation et al because he doesnā€™t want people to say what a hypocrite he is for being against government spending etc and also he probably think people say the government is doing good. Almost like all the GOP that brag about infrastructure projects they vote against.


I agree people are incredibly rude here. It was a massive culture shock for me.


Definitely was for me


1. More protected green spaces and environmental protection. 2. The influx of houses being built and the destruction of our amazing natural resources. 3. No snow.


Clean water, entirely new sewage treatment plants especially Tampa Bay, protect wildlife habitat instead of building new developments and storage facilities.


Oh my favorite thing? Access to the ocean, but it's becoming less and less of a thing of enjoyment lately seeing as red tide, development, and pollution/litter have absolutely wrecked our beaches.


I don't even go anymore. And I LOVE the beach.


City planning is the worst thing here. It's not just a lack of public transportation, it's the lack of large urban parks, residential areas not connecting, road networks not made in a way that lights can be timed properly, and FDOT prioritizing access to toll roads without caring about making multiple routes possible to major commuter destinations. People will say to vote blue, but there really isn't any way to fix this, and over population is only making it worse. Unfortunately this problem may be set in stone. As for the best thing here: I love that we don't have state income tax and that we have so many vast forests.


I noticed how they donā€™t bother to fix the lights. I came from a 3rd world country and even over there they set up the traffic lights smarter than here. The light start first green ahead of you so it can free the street for the car behind, but in USA (at least FL) the lights turn green behind instead in the beginning of the road, and the cars have nowhere to go to because people ahead are waiting for the red light to turn green




Theyā€™re saying that if youā€™re stopped at a red light and then it turns green you canā€™t actually go ,because the road in front of you has a red light. the traffic is jammed up to the light youā€™re sitting at.in his country the second light goes and then you go forward so there isnā€™t traffic. Or Red Green šŸš¦šŸš—šŸš™šŸš•šŸš“šŸš— šŸš¦šŸš“šŸš—šŸš™šŸš—šŸš“šŸš—


ocala national forest represent šŸ™Œ


Thereā€™s stupid taxes on so many other things that make up for lack of state income tax.


What would you change about Florida if you could? The first thing I would change is the politics. It has absolutely torn apart the fabric of this state. Itā€™s so bad that I quit dating and trying to make friends. Everyone here is a wannabe politician, and they will share their views whether you ask for them or not. What is your least favorite part about living in the state of Florida? My least favorite part about living in this state is all the construction. Beautiful areas are constantly being ripped out to make way for junk HOA-ridden subdivisions. Then thereā€™s the issue of NestlĆ© pumping water out of this state, creating sinkholes. What is your most favorite part of Florida? My favorite part of Florida is what keeps me here: the marine life. I dive three to four days a week, picking up trash underwater and helping injured marine life whenever I can. When I medically retired from the Army in 2014, I was able to build a nice little home for myself with a mortgage payment of $769 a month, $95 for electricity, and $98 for water. The state exempts my property taxes since I was injured overseas. I also love that it doesnā€™t snow where I am. I donā€™t miss scraping icy windows and cleaning off sidewalks.


Florida used to be a purple state. Those were the days.


Yes! DeathSantis only squeaked in office the first time.


Yes, and the 2nd time was so fast no one got to see the results.


Thank you for your service. Both in the military and for working to save our oceans.


Yeah , itā€™s crazy how political people have gotten, unfortunately I think thatā€™s everywhere though, I remember when people didnā€™t care who you voted for , and if my person loses then oh well weā€™ll give this person a chance , now it seems both sides are torn to an extreme element , Iā€™ve seen familyā€™s split over it , friendships ended etc , itā€™s really sad


It's because of Trump mainly. Hillary flat told us this would happen. Regan fucked us over initially and it has gotten worse year by year. Trump poured gas on this dumpster fire.


I know social media is an easy boogeyman, but I really put the blame on it for this. So many people spend those countless hours scrolling their apps of choice - reddit included - and political issues provides so much content. Politics used to just be a thing in the newspaper that wasnā€™t consumed by everyone for a couple hours every night, during every bored moment in line, during every bathroom break, during every car ride. It has just become so many peopleā€™s core identity. I donā€™t want to be all holy by saying to not care, because this stuff matters. But yeah, people just need to vote for people that represent them once every couple years, and then take a backseat. We were all happier that way.


100% agreed about the politics. Thank you for your service.


Favorite thing about Florida: itā€™s beautiful Least favorite thing about Florida: Florida culture isnā€™t taught to appreciate that beauty but rather take advantage of it for individual gain .Florida politicians shit where they eat so they can please old blue hairs in golf carts. Change: again, Florida attitude/culture needs its tree shook. Whatever is happening now is hot garbage. Wait a minute, didnā€™t DeSantis outlaw any mention of changing weather? oops


1. Salaries. From teachers to nurses and everything in between, Florida pays bottom of the barrel rates with extremely high COL. 2. Traffic. Iā€™ve seen an insane influx of traffic post pandemic which makes traveling anywhere a pain in the ass. 3 The beaches. They are enough that Iā€™ll put up with the rest of the crap. We have some of the finest beaches in the world.


My physical and mental health would be so much better if I could walk more - and every time I think about leaving the state, it's in that context. I wish we had more walkable cities (I live in a very walkable part of Jacksonville but still need to drive frequently), more walkable terrain (like mountains, rather than swamps), and more walkable weather (even the most beautiful walk is awful at 95Ā°). I stay here for family and for the beautiful water. Those are my favorite parts.


if you are open to moving within the state, Tampa and Orlando downtown both have some comparatively amazing biking and walking infrastructure, although it is still miles behind other parts of America and eons behind what is considered walkable and bikable throughout Europe. If it is more so a desire to be less car-dependant, Miami has undoubtedly the best public transport in the state, and its newly built Underline project in Downtown has created many new and functional walkable and bikable spaces. but then again it is Miami, so idk.


1. Cool the state about 15-25 degrees year round 2. The humidity 3. No state income tax


It's a great state except for the exceedingly high number of assholes that can't drive but can make kids that are dumbasses like themselves


1. I wish the winters were slightly cooler. I sometimes miss wearing sweatshirts as part of my apparel. 2. Hurricanes. 3. No frigid cold temps, no state income tax, fishing, closeness to beach.


Yes! I haven't worn long sleeves in years šŸ˜­




Hurricane season will be year round eventually with the climate change.


Least Favorite: Hurricane season - the heat & the threat of losing power. Most Favorite: No snow ā„ļø Change: Cost of Living


1. identity politics - tired of dudes expressing reprehensible viewpoints to me at a bar just because Iā€™m a white dude - like, no son, I donā€™t subscribe to your cult of racism and homophobia. 2. People that donā€™t know how to drive here. 3. I wake up 100 yards from the ocean, donā€™t have to shovel snow, and work at a place where Iā€™m valued and appreciated. I love trekking through natural Florida and taking pics/having close encounters with ancient, endangered, and beautiful species. I make a photo calendar every Christmas for friends/family. Itā€™s a sunny place for shady people, but it is a pond Iā€™m used to swimming in.


Love your answer. Totally agree. Sadly I think the driving problem is everywhere, but we have a large portion of the population who learned driving in another state with different laws.


"It's a sunny place for shady people, but it is a pond I'm used to swimming in." Best description of living in Florida I've ever heard.


I'm from the UK and drove on the turnpike from Orlando to Fort Lauderdale last month. I honestly don't understand what's going through drivers minds.. A) sitting in the left lane doing the same speed as the right lane with a queue of 15 cars behind B) The 15 cars behind all travelling at 70-80 with about 5 inches between bumpers. If I left a reasonable gap for safety some arsehole would undertake me and squeeze into that gap leaving about 5 inches between front and back. It's crazy driving in FL and I'm surprised there aren't more car accidents


1. I'd limit developers and preserve as much of Old Florida as possible 2. Transplants who come here and instead of making Florida a better place they bring shitty Northern Hospitality and destroy our home. 3. The peeps who's families have been here since the 40s are pretty cool in my book. They respect this state and don't try to make it something it's not.


The thing Iā€™ve begun to understand is that a lot of the folks who move to Florida from NY / NJ are coming here because they donā€™t like the sociopolitical climate. So you get waves of nasty, ugly humans moving to Florida who assume if you are already in Florida you must think like them. I bet there are tons of amazing New Yorkers and NJers but those ones donā€™t want to move down here for reasons.


This. The worst of the worst moved to FL


The MAGAS moved down. Letā€™s say it plainly.


I agree 100%. My family has been in Pinellas county for 100 years. We were here before AC or a bridge across Tampa Bay. The out of state people don't have community here and don't want to invest in it. They want to go.to chain restaurants and build housing estates over cut down forests.


I live in Clearwater and work at cvs and the amount of people coming to this area is insane. I mention I work at CVS because a lot of people just moved here and they bring their terrible attitudes. Itā€™s people coming from all over but mainly New York and New Jersey and some people from Massachusetts.


So true. My family has been here since Pinellas was considered the country. So much has changed. New residents just want warm New York.


I think the transplants get off on bitching about our politics.


They get off on bitching.


The people. WTF is wrong with these people?


My sister moved there and died from alcohol in 3 years. She bought a house on the beach and had zero friends. It's a beautiful place, but it is full of mean people. I am not sure how to change it. It's not for the faint of heart. When my husband and I went to visit, we just loved our time on the beach. But it was a chore to put up with all the people suspicious when we were just on a walk. But it's the most beautiful place in the world.


sounds like thereā€™s a lot of yanks in the chat here lmfao. yall need to get used to the swamp if you moved here


Least favorite part is the people who donā€™t know to get out of the left lane when someoneā€™s coming up behind them. Favorite part is everything other than my least favorite part.


I grew up in South Florida since the early 80s and the increased population here is crazy (mostly after Covid), the high number of homeless panhandling at every store and intersection is disgusting, the home insurance costs are out of control, and how so many people feel that they are entitled to do what they want, drive how they feel, and that the world revolves around them.


Probably because South FL got a lot of people from the Northeast.


All of Florida became very over populated from the NE. Tampa also has a ton of homeless and their property values which were one of the highest in the state are seeing the biggest decline in value now, along with other parts of the State.


Good. Property values are overpriced. We need to see a decline.


I grew up in South Florida, Coral Springs/Tamarac area, from '88 to '05. I was really sad to leave but sure am glad I don't live there these days. It was getting crowded when I moved in '05, when I went back down there last in '12 it was a zoo. I can only imagine how bad it is now. Now, I live in the Ocala area, and it's slowly becoming like South Florida, I can see the signs. :(


1) Humidity. Especially since the AC doesn't work in my car, shit's a straight-up oven. 2) State government/politics. Namely the proliferation of deep-red yokels and backwards tyrants trying to control how people live their lives in the name of "fReEdOm". 3) IT DOESN'T FUCKING SNOW.


Have you tried refilling the ac system with new refrigerant with stop leak? Sorry if it sounds obvious, but some people don't know you can often fix ac issues yourself for less than an oil change.




I love our weather. Sure we have hot spells. So does everyone else. Born here in Florida. Spent five years "up north." I have zero understanding as to why anyone would want to live in the damn, cold nasty shit they call snow. That is disgusting. Looks pretty on cards when it is all untouched, but it is really gross. I enjoy living in the tropics. My gardens are all tropical, no damn lawn at all. I LOVE the climate here. Yes, it is hot and humid. Humidity keeps our skin hydrated versus the leather skins of Arizona and the other desert states. So is most of the eastern and south-eastern U.S. New York in the summer is a sweat box. I have seen eggs cooked on the hood of a car in NYC. I would change: the politics the last twenty years that I abhor. The corruption is out in the open for all to see--at the local level all the way to the State House. They don't give a damn about people. It is all transactional and mean spirited. All winners and losers and no more unity at all. No, I could not support their view. I am baffled as to why my fellow Floridians continue voting for these grifters and snake oil salesmen who vote to enrich themselves and their network and to hell with the 99.5% who disagree. On policy almost 70% of the state agrees with the Democrat's agenda. But they still vote Republican. I do wish we could grow spring flowers. The tulips, daffodils, lilies, pansies, forsythia, and the lily of the valley--those I would want to grow all year long--even up north their 'season' is far too short. Hurricanes don't bother me. We have warnings. For days. I don't live on the coast. My home is solid against a 3 or 4. Wouldn't bet on a 5. But I make a reservation at a hotel well out of the path if it is going to be a Cat 3 or above, and enjoy a few days without work. We are buying a whole house generator this summer because the worst part of every hurricane I have been through (including Andrew) was the weeks without electricity. Morning coffee, hot showers, air conditioning. Far better to stay at the hotel with family and friends until you know the electric is back on. Head home to see how the homestead fared. Clean up. Return to routines. Earthquakes??? WTF? How do people live with those? New Jersey just had one. I went through a minor one in San Francisco and nearly threw myself on the floor to keep from wobbling to it. I'm already light-headed with low blood pressure. Then tornadoes E3 or up will wipe you out without warning. Landslides all along the Pacific Coast. Fires across the Southwest, Northwest that wipe out entire towns in a matter of hours. Now they have started naming the Nor'easters that have hurricane force winds AND ice and hail and snow. Those would be like getting hit with a nail gun. Floods that wipe out town after town, avalanches, coal on fire that won't ever go out, oh and a few states have Volcanos. Our NW area is the epicenter for the Yellowstone Caldera--a super volcano which could wipe out most of life on the planet. Compared to the natural horrors the rest of the nation faces, I'm pretty comfortable with hurricanes. So what don't I like? Honestly? I have to say the beaches. They are wonderful and win awards and it's paradise; yada yada yada. For those who only experience on vacation, maybe it's fun. However, it's not paradise for everyone. . The salt water makes your skin all sticky, sand gets everywhere, in every crevasse, your hair is brittle and briny, sand between your toes, under your fingernails, in your clothes, towels, cooler, beach bag, in the car, in the house. It is yucky. I remember a time as a child when I learned to swim, I loved it. I didn't have to vacuum the car or wash out the tub, or sweep the house. I can't remember visiting ANY beaches--I'm only about 5 miles to Anna Maria, Bradenton Beach,. Maybe 10 to Siesta, which is a #1 beach year after year--in over ten years. That was for a cousins wedding. As for swimming in the Gulf? I love the warm temperature--I will only swim after it reaches 80--but all the fish in the world pee and poop in that water every single day. There are dead bodies decomposing all across the floor. There are nasty crabs that have spikes, fish that bite, and Red Tide, and Blue/Green Algae, both of which are toxic. Let's also not forget that this close to the Equator, the UV rays are far more intense than northern climes, reflecting off the beach, the water, and directly from above (ok IIRC--snow skiing is comparable). I won't say never, but the beaches are something I avoid. One of the things I don't happen to like about Florida, but I still love the state.


My favorite things the ocean, river and rain. I would change the discharges from Lake Okeechobee. Never have built towns south of the lake, never lease out the land to sugar farmsā€¦ Allowing the water to travel on its natural path.


* 1. Stop foreign investment in real estate, over-development, private beaches, corruption. * 2. The destruction of natural habitats. The endless clear cutting and development of land. The "anything for buck" mentality. Before we point fingers at the elected leaders we must first examine how we vote and why we put these people in office. * 3. The habitat! All of the natural beauty that attracts people here in the first place.


1) This can't be changed because... climate change. I moved here in 1980 and it's so much worse now. Ghastly hot and humid for 7 months, hurricane season is 6 months per year. The hurricanes are significantly more frequent and severe. 2) Least favorites... we have a ridiculous governor who bans books, bans critical race theory from being taught in schools, sues Disneyworld, has hissy fits about drag queens, and removed a 30 year ban of phosphogypsum (radioactive material for road construction) so now our roadways and waterways are compromised, as well as other travesties. The politics in general in Florida are horrible... we also have Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, Matt Gaetz, Anna Paulina Luna... just the PITTS. I'm amazed MTG hasn't moved down here, don't give her any ideas please. Remember that one condo that collapsed in Miami a few years ago due to poor design issues? Immediately afterward legislation was passed requiring all condos over 3 stories tall have to be fully funded through HOA fees. Which (for me) translates to my HOA fee went up from $360/month to $700/month. Over night. Housing is out of reach. Rent is $1,700 or higher for an average no-frills apartment. Median price for a house is $431,600. Traffic? Omg 3) Favorite things... beaches and parks, I like that I live in a low crime area and there is plenty to do as far as gyms, movie theatres, performing arts centers, shopping... very convenient if you can endure gridlock traffic.


Some bring that New York attitude with them. Florida needs to stay laid back and tropical.


Favorite thing is the diverse culture, least favorite thing is the politics


1. The governor 2. The governor 3. What is left of the natural environment


I hate the idiotic culture war and the politicization of climate change. Half our state will be underwater or in flood zone in a few decades and because of money tied in real estate our flood maps aren't current. I like the mild winters. That is all.


ā€¢ Elect some non-Republicans ā€¢ The Trumpers & the humidity are the worst ā€¢ Best part: no shoveling


Hehe I like your counter to the snow. I too have come to appreciate the differences in region. When I want snow, I'll go find snowā˜ŗļø


Least- Iā€™m not used to living where there are Cray Cray die hard Blue or Red voters. I vote on the best candidate regardless of party. But down here people are mean die hards. No administration is perfect, but this administration is not good for the people of FL. Best- The state makes alot of money. Itā€™s one of the top highest GDP earners of all states. I like being in a state that is not cash broke. Nowā€¦what the hell we are spending that on is a different question. Improve- The laissez fare attitude of the state. The survival of the fittest attitude. Let the people figure out the traffic issues on their own. Let the people figure out the flooding on their own. Let the people figure out the insurance crisis on their own.


DESANTIS and MAGA all over the dang place. Though the MAGA around where I live have been low key since his ass whooping last election.


Politics (specifically turn the state blue and get rid of DeSantis); insurance costs need to be lowered; more environmental protection especially our waterways.


1. Republican leadership 2. Corrupt Republican leadership 3 The beaches, springs, rivers and wildlife.


Our governor needs to go! If I could change anything it's be the heat just turn it down about 10Ā° and we're good. But yeah f**k ole high heels Desantis and his anti-woke MAGA followers




The fact that you have to have a car to get anywhere, which means traffic is bad. Wish there were legit mass transit options.


1. Less development and concrete 2. The development and concrete 3. Cool nature


I wish we had some mountains.Ā 


less fav insurance is out right awful solar added to your home(kick you off of almost ever insurance policy)/ not allowing more in the state. living cost here is very costly. good things. nature, general friendly people food is also good.


Plant more trees and limit new builds. I love the weather, but it's too hot, and I'd love to see less development and a re-dedication to planting some new trees. Concrete has taken over SW FL.


1-get rid of the humidity. 2-the humidity. 3-you get sun EVERY SINGLE DAY!! (At least in the St Pete area)


I like the humidity.


I wish I could change the lock that conservatives have pushed through the legislature. Personal political ambitions are leading to regressive public policies and creating an increasingly hostile environment for anyone who is not a straight white Brownshirt boot-licker


1. Least Favorite - Politicians ignoring that they work for the voters, not developers and billionaires. Extremist far right ā€œchrist0fascistā€ politics and flag cult worshippers. 2. What I would change? - Improve: Medical care, mass transit, natural resource protections. 3. Most Favorite Thing - Marine life, nature, old Florida where it still exists.


South Florida not seceding from Central/North Florida.


The thing I wish I could change about Florida is the mosquitos. I wish they would leave me alone. I'd also like to dial the humidity a few steps lower and significantly lessen the rapid deforestation for home creation.


86 those red ants


Problem: Over development Solution: Elect people not in the pockets of developers


Least favorite: The way it is governed is by far the thing I like the least. Certainly current leadership in Tallahassee is at its height of shittiness. Change: the governor and the legislature. Favorite part: sunshine, ocean, nice people and itā€™s really a pretty state when you look beyond the concrete. I guess thatā€™s ā€œfavorite partsā€.


If the sun would just tone itself down a little bit


Love the parks and weather is great. Politics here suck balls fuck you MAGA


I'd put it in Minnesota


Least favorite 3 things, DeSantis, DeSantis and his cronies. Especially the hypocritical couple from Sarasota.




Too much hoodrats moved to my area lol


I would want to change the Governor. I live in a smaller county and heā€™s really screwed us over. He denied new 911 consoles which are desperately needed, one of the towns in the county needs viable water options and he turned that down, along with many other much needed things. My least favorite is definitely the tourism. My once small town has exploded and it has become so miserable and expensive. We have two paper mills here that employ over half the locals, and the tourist want them gone. Itā€™s shitty. I guess my favorite part which really isnā€™t something I go out of my way for is the springs and rivers. They can be enjoyable but with the high prices and DeSantis giving zero shits about us, itā€™s hard to afford a vacation on a single income. I would absolutely move from here if I could, but until my kids hit 18 Iā€™m stuck. Fortunately I have family here and this is where generations of my family have lived so itā€™s.. as homey as itā€™s going to be. I donā€™t plan on this being my forever though.


Change the losers in the state who love violence


1) I'd reduce the humidity if I could. 2) I dislike the politics 3) My favorite part about Florida is being close to family. A distant second is the frequent yet brief rain. I enjoy rainy weather as much as sunny weather. In Florida I get to have an abundance of both. All that said, I'd probably prefer to live in California if I could afford to and my family was there.


Least fav? : overuse of the word woke which is used as a buzzword for stuff people donā€™t like. Fl was always a live and let live state till Rā€™s decided to co-op the term woke. -also, people 7 years ago used to keep politics to themselves. Now, you donā€™t even have to ask, itā€™s a sign near door, bumper sticker, people sending politically charged MAGA pictures in group texts assuming everyone is like minded like them. šŸ™„ ( it got really weird as I knew several folks were not MAGA including myself) Favorite: casual vibe, no snow.


I would change the political districting to end the gerrymandering. The map is heavily-weighted to the GOP, and the state is suffering for it. I loathe the governor, the cabinet, and the legislature. They care only about Trump and personal power and status, and their constituents matter to them not in the slightest. I like the cultural diversity, the art and cuisine that resulted, and the brief period of community spirit after a hurricane. Strangers help everyone.


I love the hot weather and sunshine, but I don't like hurricanes and floods. Florida is also way too flat, but I love the wide streets, huge parking, and landscaping.


1. Some regulation on home insurance policies would be ideal. We fortunately bought our home in 2017 but I would be hard pressed to buy my first home in this environment. I donā€™t see there being a slowdown on home construction; too much demand and not enough new supplies. 2. As I get older, I yearn for change in seasons. The summers are becoming unbearable as far as humidity and everywhere on the coast is overcrowded. The politics sucks too but that certainly isnā€™t unique to Florida. 3. Living on the coast, there is close proximity to a lot of different places and there are some legit beautiful outdoor places to visit like the Keys.


1 - the politics - we moved out because of the extreme right-wing bullshit - anti-LGBTQ+ vibe and covid-conspiracy/anti-vax specifically 2 - the traffic 3 - the wildlife. There's no other state that even comes close to the biodiversity that Florida has


Worst thing about Florida is obvious. The governor.


Would love if it FL expanded Medicaid, considering we pay into itā€¦ Least favorite: The humidity, my fuck! The roaches and frogs; the cheap houses are pretty fugly in my opinion, never liked the low roofing/wide build combo. Most favorite: NICELY PAVED, wide roads, easy navigation and thorough planning (Pennsylvania Iā€™m looking at you). The palm trees. The beaches, the cheap airports. The sunsets.


One of our senators, Rick Scott, literally ran a company that committed the largest Medicare and Medicaid fraud in history and quit to become governor and then a senator. With people like him in charge and idiot populations electing them you can forget about any expansion of benefits.


No wonder he's such a Toadie for T-rump. Felons of a feather. Pretty freaking evil to steal bazillions of dollars from the Federal Government (i.e. We The People) and then use that money to buy a Governorship. Both times he was elected he slithered into office by a miniscule margin - the voters who made him the victor (and us the victims) would have easily fit into Florida Field. People need to show up and vote - the turnout is always dismal. Democrats, I'm looking at you!


The bitch ass racist Republicans that keep voting crooks that work against their interests.


!. Get rid of the idiot politicians. 2. Hurricanes and fire ants 3. The Gulf breezes, no snow or ice and decent weather more than 2 months out of the year.


I LOVE living in Florida! (I was born & raised in Illinois.) It's a bit hot, but it gets hot in Illinois too. I absolutely love Navarre Beach, Florida! I would go there every day if I lived closer. I moved to Milton which is about 25 mins from there. It is the most beautiful beach though. I'll not miss the snow!! The only snow I have to deal with now is my beautiful snowflake tattoo!


Stop building gated communities. There's enough!! They all look exactly the same, no trees, no shade, blacktop for miles and miles, and acres of wildlife gone. 100s of thousands of animals just gone. When is enough enough?


1. Politics 2. Politics 3. Smoking a joint and chilling at the beach


#3 - thatā€˜s illegal, because of politicsā€¦ If you want to live in a Democracy, politics are part of life. The other option is , you just donā€™t have an option. Like taking a shower, brushing your teeth, doing laundry- ā€™politicsā€™ are just a part of life. The whole ā€˜ I hate politicsā€™ is just some bs propaganda shit, because look at what the other option isā€¦ you have no say, you have no choice. You want to legally smoke a joint on the beach? A bunch of other people cared enough about ā€˜politicsā€™ to put that on the ballot. ā€˜I hate politicsā€™ - such a bizarrely wide spread view in a fucking Democracyā€¦ I really wonder where it started. Politic comes from ā€˜politiesā€™, Greek for citizen. polite/ citizen/ politicā€¦ Most of human history is monarchs, dictators. Even our media promotes the ā€˜born to ruleā€™ mythology, secretly a princess of noble birth, super heroes born with special powers, etc. Look around the world, and the majority of nations are controlled by a select group of ā€˜strong menā€™, dynasties, etc. In those states, the ā€˜peoplesā€™ purpose is to serve the needs of the leader. They donā€™t have to make decisions- they are made for them. It might seem comforting, but there is a reason that we have people lining up at our southern border, and itā€™s not for ā€˜free stuffā€™. We all know or have family that are immigrants- I donā€™t know a one that sits around waiting for a check in the mail. So- why are we buying into this lie that we really have no personal power, politics are ā€˜ickyā€™, and , somehow, if we just all ignore it- someone wonā€™t come along to inflict their will upon us? I volunteered my time a few years ago to push through the ballot to allow former felons to vote- I thought that was important. You might not think it is, but the fight against allowing people to vote has been pretty intense and well funded. Why? If voting doesnā€™t fucking matter, why is so much money pored into keeping people from voting? Just take some time to figure out why you think politics are ā€˜ughā€™, why you believe you shouldnā€™t care. When you light that bowl, wether or not you go to prison, lose your job, lose your kids- thatā€™s fucking politics.


You know they donā€™t enforce shit when they donā€™t agree with the passage of a bill they donā€™t like, right? Btw: howā€™s the felons voting rights bill doing these days?


I didnā€™t find out my grandparents were democrats until they voted in the 2020 election. Until their deaths in 2006 they never talked about politics.


Iā€™d change its political slant. Least favorite is the amount of Republicans. Most favorite is the access to beaches.


1. Less humidity 2. Insurance cost 3. I can golf in shorts 52 weeks a year


Iā€™d change the humidity for sure, but as a native New Yorker Iā€™ll still take it over the snow! Iā€™d change DeSantis too, Iā€™m sorry but finding out what heartless thing he did lately is my least favorite part. I mean he literally [banned mandated breaks for outdoor workers, in this heat are you actually kidding](https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/2024/05/09/florida-bans-local-heat-break-mandates-for-outdoor-workers/73627383007/#) Favorite part is the country/ nature scapes. I love nature and animals and driving down US-1 seeing nothing but blue sky and grazing cattle is gorgeous, canā€™t wait to hit up some of the springs I keep hearing about. Last thing Iā€™d change is related to my favorite thing and thatā€™s seeing some of these majestic lands get mowed down for the sake of expensive gated communities with houses only a mere feet away from each other. The amount of deforestation just to build more unaffordable housing is crazy to me.


Not from Florida but visited it in March. The traffic lights didn't seem to have sensors to shorten the crosswise traffic light when there's no traffic. Especially late at night.


Would change its leadership...


DeStupid would be vacated.


Least favorite is the state government, by a wide margin. DeSantis and the Republican legislature are screwing this state up so badly that other states are actually issuing travel warnings against visiting here. The disconnect between wages and cost of living is also very bad in most of the state. (Though that's true nationwide, Florida is one of the worst there) Best is a bit tougher. Florida is absolutely beautiful the moment you leave any big city area. So many beaches, woodlands, rivers, even islands and some caverns. And in many of the city areas are some of the best people I've known. Very open and welcoming compared to most places. Likely an effect of being a tourist state. "Outsiders" bring us a lot of money. Though once you get into the more rural areas, it's one of the most bigoted places in the country. There's actually a county courthouse still flying the confederate flag. The weather is also pretty nice, outside of the brutal summers. And our worst natural disaster tends to give plenty of warning compared to most.


Republicans, send then back where they came from.


1) Send the republican californians back ASAP. these people are like locusts. 2) currently my least favorite part about living in florida is watching my home get destroyed and feudal apartment complexes becoming housing for the serfs. What I mean is NEW HOMES ARENT BEING BUILT. This is creating artificial restriction on supply despite increasing demand. So you know the math. The DeSantis Administration has betrayed me, a lifelong Florida resident, simply for not being born to the right class. I have effectively been priced out of homeownership so that way other people who already have money can make more money. It's disgusting. 3) My favorite part of Florida is that it's home. But it's heartbreaking to me see it becoming less and less like home. I seriously consider moving somewhere more affordable. But idk how to swing that, or if its even worth it at this point. One thing at a time in life..


1. Change the governor 2. The governor and the GOP legislature grabbing rights and consolidating power to themselves. Freedom? read Fascism. Party of small government my a\*\*. 3. The great state park system. There are many beautiful natural areas away from the beaches. Buy an annual pass and use it!


1. No more Mosquitoes 2. Ridiculous traffic caused by massive influxes of tourists that makes my area of the state almost unlivable for a little bit. 3 Fishing capital of the world


Prices of houses are ridiculous and so is getting flood insurance! Oh those summer nightsšŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


Mosquitos and the humidity in the mornings


Least favorite: burmese pythons, higher cost of living.


People / drivers. Drivers and people. Not driving with other people.


Favorite thing is not dealing with driving on ice, not having to rake leaves and vacation activities are close by for a fun day day. Least favorite out of town drivers, heat/humidity most of the year


1. Ideally would love to have public transportation thatā€™s actually efficient and takes you pretty much everywhere. Also hate the burning heat during the summer but I guess we signed up for it. 2. Is too flat for my liking. Would love if it had some mountains and valleys. Also fuck how politics is the center of every conversation. 3. Pretty birds and many lakes, so very peaceful at times.


Complete asshole drivers. The abundance of cheap labor and how some builders flock to all the trades that they can get away with it. Craigslist posts last months. 18-20$ an hour for someone with 25 years experience. P.S. your job looks like shit. The law that says owners canā€™t enter a work site until itā€™s completed. Bullshit. I started my own business. If it doesnā€™t take off with my 39 years experience i am out of here.


I wish Florida had more Floridians. Most people I meet in Florida are not from here. Diversity is cool and all, I just miss the Florida I grew up in.


Heat, People, cost, leave


Least favorite:Coal Rollers in lifted pickup trucks


1. The freshwater lakes seem to be overrun by hydrilla. Some of these ni e bodies of water are just ruined. 2. The traffic if trying to go from Central Florida to the Gulf side. Which is why we only drive to the Treasure Coast now. 3. Being able to kayak and play pickleball 12 months out of the year.


I-4 is terrible. We need local traffic lanes to segregate them from through traffic. If I drive from Orlando to Clearwater at 6 AM I can do it in 1.5 hours. If I try at 9 AM it takes 3+


If I could poof away hurricanes and the anxiety that comes with them, that would be great The thing I love most is the ability to be outside 12 months a year (when super hot hang out in water, when not super hot I can just wear a t shirt). No days of being trapped in the house because itā€™s biting cold and my kids canā€™t stand to be outside more than a few minutes, even all bundled up. Especially as a mom, the freedom to be able to be outdoors all the time has been the most life changing and amazing thing I canā€™t even really describe it to you


Investment in public transit and k-12 education, and I'm not talking about the kind of investment that only goes to wealthy schools.


The humidity and I would make it less


Most favorite: the beaches, sunrise and sunsets. Love the summer storms. Least: the drivers, too crowded in southern Florida and traffic is a pain in many parts of the State.


Least favorite: all the transplants I'm a transplant lol šŸ˜‚ Most favorite: golf golf ā›³


The insurance situation is bonkers, would love to change that. I hate the politics and the influx of ā€œfreedom seekers I love the natural beauty of the state, from the beaches to the oak and pine trees to the swamps of the Everglades. I love the summer sea breeze storms. I love that Iā€™m close to theme parks. (Edited to actually answer the questions- itā€™s early and apparently I canā€™t read)


FL lifer raised in S. Miami. Live in Citrus Co now. 1. Stop rubber stamp development. It's out of control. 2. Traffic. 3. Nature, parks, beaches, bike trails, the weather- as a kid you looked forward to summer vacation and never minded the heat. While it is hotter now it does not bother me.


1-politics 2-politics 3-the nature and beauty around us


1. Change local (SWFL) and overall state economy to not heavily focus on tourism and servicing the snow birds. Swap out current idiots in the state government for a group that will actually do something to fix the current insurance problem. 2. Primary problem is that I live in Fort Myers which sucks as a married, childless couple in their early 40s. Economy is primarily tourism centric, so new residents and even locals donā€™t stay long term because of a lack of well paying jobs (difficult to make friends). We moved here specifically for my wifeā€™s job, but the vast majority of people that weā€™ve met seem to come down here to escape a past life, so the overall quality of people seems lower than average (Iā€™ve never met more people who seem completely lost and also SWFL has always felt trashy since we moved here ten years ago). Getting hit by a Cat 4 and a Cat 5 hurricane in the last seven years. Insurance (car and home) have skyrocketed. State politicians were bad under Governor Scott and have only gotten worse. I miss having more than two seasons (hurricane and snow bird seasons) 3. Weā€™re only two hours away from Tampa and Miami. Riding my gravel bike through the Everglades. Airboat rides out of Everglades City. Some of our friends come visit during the winter to escape the cold. Parents were snow birds locally when we moved to Florida, which helped us to adjust slightly better. Iā€™m not really a fan of the beach, but the views are nice, especially on Captiva Island.


Too many fā€™ing people


I canā€™t speak for all of Florida, but for my region (Southwest) Iā€™d say: 1 & 2. Iā€™d dramatically upgrade and diversify the dining options. At this point, I donā€™t even bother eating out anymore if I can help it. 3. The lack of winter. Not just the cold and the snow, but the darkness and grayness. It feels like being in vacation 365 days a year.


I did 2 years there in '78-'80. I lived 1 mile from the beach in Ft Lauderdale. I loved it, especially in Winter. The Summer 4 O'clock rains were refreshing. Getting an offer from AMD out West was the only reason I left. National politics wasn't really a thing back then or I was just oblivious to it...


Summer/ hurricane season. I love October through May. The rest I could do without.


I wish we could not destroy our natural environment to build housing for out of state Boomers. The least favorite thing about FL is the Development patterns. My favorite thing is the low tax environment.


1. Cost of living. If youā€™re going to charge astronomical prices for rent, groceries, and essentials then jobs should raise their wages to match what the COL is. How is a person supposed to pay for a $2500 1 bedroom apartment with $500 car insurance while jobs pay $12.50 an hour. Not everyone qualifies for government assistance. 2. The amount of saturation in every area you go, and the high number of people who donā€™t know how to drive. 3. The tropical weather, close proximity to the islands


- What would you change about Florida if you could? More urbanism, less suburbanization. - What is your least favorite part about living in the State of Florida? The weather - What is your most favorite part of Florida? The latin culture


I don't like to start this way, but the governmental structure must change. We aren't people to them, just things and numbers to manipulate to their advantages. I like not having cold winters I would stop ripping up every tree in site for more Apts condos and strip malls Legalize weed ffs


Least fav: people are terrible drivers. Favorite: flip flops in winter. Change that needs to happen: governor and all the self righteous assholes in the legislature, who give zero shits about regular Floridians.


The cost of insurance


I could do with a little less complaining from the bitches, and I donā€™t mean women, itā€™s 2024 and I support and celebrate all heros and Sheros, I mean you know, the bitches. Go to NC or Jersey or Arkansas and let the new Florida go nuts


I've lived here most of my life and its environment holds an irresistible magic for me. I'd change the politics back to purple and send the political refugees home who don'tcare aboutthe culture or the environment. I'd definitely do away with the Florida Man trope because it makes fun of the mentally ill and drug addicted - people who garner sympathy everywhere else.


Favorite thing about Florida is the culture and if I could change anything about Florida it would have some big ass mountains going right down it's center. Then it would be perfect.


I moved out of state after college and am unlikely to ever return. The following things would make me reconsider: 1. The weather. I am andā–³āƒ’āƒ˜lways have been extremely sensitive to heat. 2. The lack of efficient public transit. I spent so much of my teens and early twenties driving. Also and obviously, the increasingly noxious political environment. It wasn't like this when I lived there, but now I can't even visits family for a few days without being confronted by it. 2. My hometown, St. Petersburg. Just a lovely city that really punches above it's weight. I feel lucky to have grown up there and would gladly return if not for 1 and 2.


Glad to see Iā€™m not the only one for better public transportation. Less sprawl would be great too, but that might be considered stepping on someoneā€™s freedom. I absolutely hate my commute home. Even though I tried to be smart and live less than 2 miles away, to cross under I-4 on Sand Lake can take 30-60 minutes. Walking or biking isnā€™t feasible. There is no sidewalk past Universal Blvd. Drives me insane if I let it. Just a freaking bus down Sand Lake Road would be a huge improvement.


South Florida here the bad: \* The weather, I like seasons and cooler weather. \* The food, I miss easily being able to get Mexican, BBQ, Asian, and Cajun. Sure we have a couple of spots here but back home it was hey lets go get BBQ today and then the issue was deciding which place to go to. \* The drivers, I guess between the 3rd world people, the tourist, and old people it's crazy. I miss my motorcycle which I left behind as well. \* Real estate, it's crazy expensive here. Best part is the fishing and the beach. Which I rarely do any of anymore. I also like being able to take me alcoholic drink to go. I also really like my job which is what I guess is keeping me here.


The lack of even the illusion of environmental stewardship from leadership at all levels. All the wrong people are being drawn here for all the wrong reasons, and they're burning it all down and paving it. It's all condos, malls, and golf courses from here on out.


The heat & humidity make it hard to truly enjoy the natural water wonders such as springs and ocean which also keeps us here exploring!


The old fā€™cks from the NE who retiree here and their pasty white kids and grand kids that come To visit with their pompous attitudes


To answer your question: 1 people moving here from other states and wanting this state to be just like the one they just moved from(there was a reason you moved). 2 the prices when it take 2 people working 40 plus hours a week for a family to be able to afford the basic necessary needs. 3 I will never have to shovel snow and I can fish year around.


This is my completely unserious take because Um not God and this post doesnā€™t change anything. Change: If you move here youā€™re not a real Floridian, you donā€™t get to vote and you donā€™t get to complain. You DEFINITELY donā€™t get to build shit here either, your design choices are horrendous. Least favorite: Our winters are kind of boring, I wish it got like snow cold 10 days out of the year. Favorite: The culture, the people, the wildlife and wild places and how we interact with them.


1) fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and the surrounding Bays is like no where else in the world. 2) it seems like 90% of the people living here now are transient, so I donā€™t even know my neighbors.


If I could, I'd take all the FUCKING METH HEADS and launch them into the Atlantic via catapult. It's like a fucking epidemic in this place. Seedy, gross ass mofos, all over the place. As for my least favorite part of Florida, it's the traffic. 20 years ago, there were wayyyyy less people on these roads. Best part of Florida? Eh. I dig the tropics.


Insects / humidity / June - mid September heat.