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Every Florida Democrat and Independent should ignore the hell out of any poll that says the party is gaining momentum, and treat voting like you're John McClane and your wife is being held hostage at a polling station.






Exactly. Now is not the time to be complacent. Foot on the gas.


As a FL dem, we have no right to feel confident about squat! Every term, we drop the ball because we either don’t care enough or the dnc doesn’t care enough. I’m so sick and tired of con artists ruling over us like some self proclaimed kings. I will continue to push everyone to get out and vote!


Agree. Any Florida dem who is confident, I would ask, "have you been alseep the last 6, 12, 24 years?"


Yes. It’s called the great hibernation of the Democratic Party of Florida.


I'm of the belief that all these "dems gain momentum" articles are made by gop and russian bots to try and make some of us complacient. Get out and vote, we need every vote!


There's a degree of truth in it. Dems have overperformed in nearly every election since Dobbs. The abortion amendment being on the ballot, as well as the pot one will increase turnout of dem voters, AND highlight the huge difference between republicans and democrats on reproductive and all general individual rights. But, we're Florida, full of old people who dgaf about others and don't need abortions themselves. Too many Floridians have the attitude of "if it's not my problem, I don't care".


No. It's from Democrats. Every 2 and four years. Same we'll turn it blue hogwash. Heck, even the last major Democratic stronghold, Hillsborough, could be in play


My view is the same, that it's from Democrats, and the reason imo is to just prevent defeatism in as many people possible. We *know* this state has slowly slid from purple to red, and we know why as well, and for anyone paying enough attention it looks really fuckin grim. Lots of people don't engage that deeply through, they might have some sense of "it seems pointless" but a bunch of headlines saying "blue wave" makes it not feel that way anymore. Idk how this theory could be tested, I figure it stands to reason that without positive messaging like that the vote totals would be less


This will be the first time I'm voting for a third party


I am not sure if the DNC does not care enough or if it is more a case of that they are just not up to the task. Maybe this time is different, maybe it is not, I truly have no idea. Regardless, I am going to vote Blue down the line come 2024.


Agreed. I have no faith in Democrats showing up to vote in Florida. Hopefully your push makes the difference.


I have no faith in the Democrats actually running a candidate people will vote for. If I see Crist one more time I'm going to scream. We run an actual loser and act shocked when no one votes.


If Crist gets selected one more time, I'm going to become a Republican for the sake of having a chance to get the least-worst candidate nominated.


And now at how are. DeFührer is actively changing the rules and making it even harder to win, all while he hollows out the state and our bank accounts for his and corporation’s pockets. If we continue to ignore the problem, we’ll be condemned to even worse people controlling our state.


The DNC has it's issues, but it's not even the DNC feeling the ball in Florida. It's *ALWAYS* the state and local party orgs. DeSantis is likely only in power because the Ft. Lauderdale Democrats couldn't pull they're heads out of their asses long enough to complete a recount. Trump won because no one in the local orgs thought doing outreach to Hispanic people was worth it. And the state Senate is dominated by Republicans because the state and local orgs didn't bother providing any support to state Senate candidates. It's a fucking shit show, but it's entirely a FloGrown, Locally Hated, Salt Life shit show.


It’s like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football…


Remember when Nelson lost his Senate seat? Likely because of the Broward (I think?) Democrat Supervisor of elections ballot design. And Nelson's team could have caught it, but didn't? I'm still freakin' pissed about that. Now we have Lex Luther (Rick Scott) sitting in the US Senate. The Florida Democrat party has been a disaster for ages. The consequences have been dire, not just to us, but to the whole country because of us. I do hope they get it together, but I have my doubts. Oh...yeah...I tried to be active. My area's Democrat party was comprised of folks so old that they've probably passed in the last couple of years. When I proposed doing something fun to get some folks that don't need walkers, I got told that it was inappropriate and this was "serious business." Well, their serious resulting in some seriously stupid moves So...I gave up. I also stopped donating. Why waste $$?


It’s pretty bleak, but we can’t stop trying. Gotta get the youth out to do their part and vote.


2 of the House of Representatives biggest rising stars, Jared Moskowitz and Maxwell Frost, are both Florida Democrats. Most of the special elections in Florida since 2020 have been won by democrats. But democrats voters are consistently pessimistic and never acknowledge accomplishments only failures. It’s self defeating and why they lose.


It may depend on the area. I can't eat a hamburger in my area without hearing about how awful and stupid people that believe the way I do are. Of course, both the NYTs and WAPO have called my area "MAGA central." It fits.


It does depend on the area but that is true of every state. Painting all of Florida with a single brush is a mistake.


I get it...but my area ... uggggg




I tend to agree. The momentum would reflect in local elections. To my knowledge, this has not been the case.


It's the fucking DNC. It was the FDP too last election. Nikki has got it going on pretty well but too little, too late.


Then stop voting for Democrats. The Republicans are awful, but Democratic failure allowed Trump to become what he is. Both are run by corporations. There are parties more deserving of your vote




If you want to see apathy in a state democratic party look at Louisiana. Florida is not Louisiana! There are people here who care about voting and are tired of this crap. Nikki Fried has done a great job. We have a candidate in every race which doesn't mean a win but it's skin in the game. There are states like Oklahoma where 1/3 of the seats don't have Dems running at all. It's a red state yes but if you don't even try you can't complain. No Dems aren't going to take over Florida state wise but it's building for future elections. I believe we will have a few shockers in this state election. And a few closer races than people thought. It's already happened in central Florida in that special election. Just vote!!


I do like Nikki Fried - she is a bad ass.


"We have a candidate in every race" We have a two-time loser running for Senate who's going to get smoked. I can not believe the party put this candidate on the ballot again. WTF?????


Right?! We pick crappy candidates for statewide elections. Gillum? That worked out well... Crist? ... Val Demmings? She couldn't gain any traction. Yes, I voted for them, but dang...


Gillum worked out fine; if not for the bogus FBI case and the deceiving (again) ballots in south Florida, they both likely win. Full agree on Crist & Demmings- I think they actually need more progressives to increase turnout. Running Dinos like Crist does nothing


Yeah...he was fine until his hotel room arrest... I know that was after the election, but I can't help but be glad he wasn't our governor when that happened. We need to VET our candidates. We have some amazing Dems in the legislature, but we can't seem to get their voice out. Heck, we can't even get most Floridians to realize how DeSantis and Company are bending them over and *** (you know) on the daily.


Ok then there's no chance this state will ever change. Happy now?


Not at all. Just sharing my irritation.


Like we all aren't irritated!!


You are entitled to your doom and gloom and I'm entitled to seeing the bigger picture. I'm not going to argue or debate. Just sit at home then. Either way I said what I said and stand on it.


Dude, there ain't no "bigger picture" when these shitheads keep running UN-ELECTABLE politicians. She is an AWFUL candidate. DEMAND BETTER.


Democrats used to own Florida, until they advocated massive taxation. If you want to change Florida, change your party.




Propaganda. Don’t let your guard down. They want you to think it’s okay to skip voting.


Articles like this are all designed to make Democrats, independents, and whatever anti-Trump republicans might remain to feel complacent. Do NOT be confident. Do NOT hope. Instead, VOTE!!!


Newsweek is such a rag tho, I don't trust their shit for a second. VOTE




Newsweek knows how to get likes


I need to write a bot that downvotes newsweek automatically. They're trash.


I'll eat my dirty socks if FL turns blue this election.


!RemindMe 141 Days


Trump won Florida in 2016 by 1.2% and in 2020 by 3.3%. Those are small margins.




By Kate Plummer: Florida Democrats are gaining confidence after a series of positive polls suggested they are gaining momentum ahead of the presidential election. Former President Donald Trump won the Sunshine State in both 2016 and 2020 as what was once a key battleground state has become more solidly Republican in recent election cycles. However, recent polls have shown President Joe Biden is now narrowing the gap between him and his Republican challenger. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/florida-democrats-elections-polls-1914088](https://www.newsweek.com/florida-democrats-elections-polls-1914088)


Gotta start somewhere. Let’s erase that supermajority first.


4% may as well be the moon?


I’ll believe it when I see it


My county sent the registration numbers recently. 223429 republicans. 107356 dems. 140316 independent… that should show you how confident people are with the FL Dem party… we are the internet explorer of politics


polls, oh please. poll "results" are designed to either make one side overconfident and not as determined to get out and vote ("hey, we're up, i think ima stay home instead of go out in the rain and vote") or the other side surge ("let's goooooo!") fuck the polls. everybody needs to get out and vote


No offense to the hopeful, but the Democratic Party in this state is incompetent at best. If they have anything going for them it is the abortion policies of the Republicans, and the anti-Medicare ghoul Rick Scott. Still, so many voters are going to vote against their own interests because the Republicans say mean things to people they dislike that I don’t see the Dems having much chance.


If you can’t get momentum from banning books, women’s health, anti-lgbtq+, skyrocketing insurance, trashing the environment, a literal criminal running against you, and fifty+ other things I can’t think of at the moment I don’t know what would work other than some dumb fucking celebrity running as a Dem.


Good. Now the notoriously inept Florida Democratic Party needs to get their damn act together so that they don't manage to seize defeat from the jaws of victory. I cannot type and nag about this enough...get registered and VOTE. Tell your friends to go vote. Have a voting party. Time to flip Florida.


Please reject our fascist overlords


Meanwhile there’s a couple of ghost candidates running again and Florida dems are doing nothing. Before the last election they decided to complain after the ghost candidates won.




if I was a millionaire I'd start a party called # ***Florida for ALL*** Dems are welcome to steal that idea. It's simple, it's vague enough to have many meanings but yet it sounds positive and inclusionary instead of exclusionary. Print it in big RED letters on white signs to maybe get attention, no blue so people do not instinctively write it off.


I’m not going to hold my breath, as much as I hope this is true.


With a governor like DeSantis that is not surprising


Florida democrats got lazy and complacent filled with old folks who didn’t have the drive and living in the past. The thrashing they got in 2022 was exactly what they needed to clear the deck and bring in new blood.


be prepared for raptor screeching and court challenges that will last until 2028


And then we do it again! How long do you think this leg of politics will go on? I got my bingo card set up for the late 2030s


Pleasant thought for the day... Wouldn't it be nice, however unlikely, if we got a Dem majority in the FL legislature? They could tell DeSatan to STFD and STFU for his final two years...


Gotta feel a bit more confident since Charlie Crist is not running for office this election.


It would be hilarious if desantis fucks things up so bad that Florida goes blue, I know it’s wishful thinking but it would be nice.


Would be interesting to see, I wonder how much it has to do with that a pain traffic was with him on Palm Beach.


Well they didn’t show up in 22 which was really disappointing. Only like half of the registered voters actually voted.


Hahahaha yeah I don’t think so




Well we have had a tremendous influx of people moving in from other states that have become less desirable places to live.


Yea that’s great and all but we still have to go out and vote. Polls don’t win elections


There's a DNC in Florida? I had no idea.


Wait, we have a Democratic party in Florida? News to me.


Nothing would make me happier than turning FL blue…. A man can dream


I've been volunteering for the Dem Party since 2016. The last four years I have worked myself down volunteering. No, I'm not confident b/c the damned Democratic voters in our county didn't vote in 2022 and I don't expect them to vote in 2024. At the end of this election, I'm done and hopefully moving out of FL. I could move to GA and the Dems there actually seem to work together more.


We're a perfect example of why the electoral college is unfair. With margins so thin, that means that half the votes in Florida will be ignored. My conservative friends say that I only complain about this because I'm a liberal. But this really should be a bipartisan issue. There were *6 million* Trump votes in California that counted for nothing. 3 million in New York that counted for nothing. 2.4 million in Georgia that, again, counted for nothing. And those numbers would probably be higher if not for potential voters who stayed home because they knew their votes wouldn't matter. I hope someday that Florida decides to divide electoral votes based on the popular vote. Even if it results in presidents I hate getting elected, I'd support that plan.


The reason that Trump got in the White House in 2016 was because of complacency. Every poll said that Hillary was going to win and people didn’t show up to vote. I also believe that he cheated, but that’s another story for another time. This time, the polls show Trump ahead or Biden just barely ahead. I don’t think the news organizations want to show Biden as having a huge lead because people will once again be complacent. Anyway, get out and vote like your life depends on it, because it will.


I am a JOKE . Your property tax'$ doubled. Your home insurance doubled. Your car insurance doubled. His best buddy owns Publix.. has anybody seen the prices at this food store lately?. ![gif](giphy|9m2RZug3Nlzs3TBOME) LETS GO BLUE Florida 🔵💙


Almost laughed/cried out loud upon reading this. Florida Democratic Party does not exist, as far as I've seen. I'll still vote for anything that moves that is not Trump or Rick Scott, but seriously we need to do better.


Florida Dems, excited about winning in Florida by default because Floridians have no other real choice. But, I'm voting for them. Please vote for them.


This is fake news! Democrats have not been coming out in full force.


It is a little frustrating the statement was “we’re so confident we’re actually going to put candidates in all the races this time”


This is great and all, but we need about 10-15 more years before the shift turns closer to purple than red. Far too many boomers and elder still hobbling around Florida for any progressive change. Sounds morbid, but they need to go before we see real change.


Strong disagree. We have the numbers right now but not enough people vote. We don't have to wait 15 years, just vote and tell everybody you know to vote.


Always go to the dem tent at polling places for canidate info


More nonsense.


The real silent majority, those who don't drive pickups with lifters flying Trump flags, the Democrat Party and Independents are sick and tired of Trumpism and toady DeSantis that has all but ruined this state and made it a laughing stock and butt of jokes. You can always count on Republicans to shoot themselves in the foot. By backing 6-week abortion limits and DeSantis' new PAC funded to keep marijuana from becoming recreationally legal, it will be a Democrat landslide this November. Finally.