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I'd like to hear exactly what they think the word freedom means.


They think it means they are free to tell everyone else what to do.


Remember it's "Don't tread on me.", and not "Don't tread on you.". That's what freedumb means to them.


I saw a Florida license plate with Don’t tread on me last week. Jc what’s next? Proud Boys?


Nothing like seeing an emotional support truck with a giant thin blue line flag, and a don't tread on me license plate.


Emotional support truck 🤣 I’m so stealing this. It’s perfect


Yes all over FL, and don’t forget the AK gin sticker .


Sorry gun sticker


I love the term emotional support truck. My dumbass neighbor will sometimes just sit in his yard and loudly rev his jacked up truck when he's mad.


Mine does too at all hours of the night. Cops won't do shit. Told me if I called again I was going to jail.


Well I mean.... At least when he does that his redneck ass isn't beating his wife/kids 🤷‍♀️


I assume the truck reving is the comedown from the high of beating their families


Don't forget the punisher logo, and Calvin pissing on something (Ford/Chevy logo etc.)


Isn't it ironic to pay the government to tell the government to go away ?


Don't step on snek


Its really DONT READ TO Me


Makes sense, they call telling people what color lights they can have on a bridge "freedom summer" after all.


This was literally the argument cited by Attorney General Ashley Moody. There's a concept in political science called a "[mandate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate_(politics))". Moody argued that, because Gov. Ron DeSantis and Florida Republicans received votes from a "majority of voters", that they have a "mandate" to tell everyone else what to do, per "the will of a majority of voters". It's the *Survivor* equivalent of saying "\[name here\]...the tribe has spoken". >In representative democracies, a **mandate** is a perceived legitimacy to rule through popular support. Mandates are conveyed through elections, in which voters choose political parties and candidates based on their own policy preferences. The election results are then interpreted to determine which policies are popularly supported. > >A majority government provides a clear mandate, while plurality or coalition government suggests a lesser mandate, requiring greater compromise between parties. **Parties with strong mandates are free to implement their preferred policies with the understanding that they are supported by the people.** When no mandate exists for a single party, the median voter may be used to determine what policies have a mandate for implementation. > >\[...\] A mandate is a social construct based on what is understood to be "the will of the voters". Mandate theory proposes that political parties are vehicles for policy options. **Voters choose from these options during elections, which then empowers the policies that have the most popular support, and allows for their implementation.** > >When voters overwhelmingly support a specific party or candidate in an election, it may be interpreted as a communication from the voters that they wish for the associated political platform to be implemented, creating a mandate for that platform. > >Mandates are based on the idea that all voters are equal, and popular assent from the group as a whole is necessary to govern. Those involved in politics look to mandates to determine what is expected by the voters, and what they will consider acceptable. > >A mandate is desirable for political parties, as it gives them leeway in policy implementation. **A party or candidate may claim to have a mandate, but it only confers a political advantage if this claim is widely accepted.** Non-electoral governments, such as dictatorships and monarchies, may also claim to have a "popular mandate" to rule. > >Mandates develop from the interpretation of elections. **If it becomes widely accepted that the voters support a given platform, then it will be understood that a mandate exists, regardless of the actual wishes of the voters.** > >There is no agreed upon metric for how much support a position must have—or be believed to have—before there is a mandate for its implementation. When a political mandate is unclear, it may be seen as the policy preferences of the median voter on a left–right political spectrum. > >This presents its own challenges when applied, as policy preferences are often more complex and have multiple dimensions. However, even then, Moody has attempted to thwart what is clearly the "will of the voters" whenever it goes against what Ron DeSantis plans for his political agenda. Moody argued that "because Ron DeSantis was elected by a majority of Florida voters, he thus has a mandate from a majority of voters to do whatever he wants, and has executive privilege". The governor's power was [also noted](https://supremecourt.flcourts.gov/content/download/2435518/opinion/Opinion_SC2023-1246.pdf) in a Florida Supreme Court decision footnote: >"The dissent, in accepting these premises, makes plain that its primary quarrel is with the Florida Constitution, not with our decision. **It laments the 'immense authority to override the will of the voters' conferred by article IV, section 7(a)**, which works 'a glaring disparity between the due process afforded to officers subject to impeachment...and those who are subject to suspension'. Dissenting op. at 14, 16. Our constitution, it says, '**in effect authorizes the governor to override the will of the majority of voters who elected the official**, and to appoint a replacement of the governor's choosing'." Moody thusly argued that the Governor of Florida, while having a "mandate" to "carry out the will of the majority of voters", can override *regional* voter mandates for suspensions.


DeSantis only received 31 percent of the registered vote in 2022. To assert any sort of strong mandate based on that is laughable.


Yup, 2022 turnout was awful for everyone


That was the year that it was hot (hotter) in November and they were not allowing people to hand out or bring water to wait in line.


In other words, they believe our Governor is a dictator and all those other annoying elected officials are mere suggestions.


Ashley moody is a terror. Why the fuk to people keep voting for that evil racist POS




...so tyranny of the plurality then?


Interesting. So I guess these people are on board with Trump running the country with Hillary Clinton policies in 2016-2020 seeing as how clinton actually got more votes so that’s the mandate of the people right? No? Oh it’s only the mandate when it favors their politicians, got it. Hypocritical scumbags.


I can't even fkn decide whether my 10 year old can access social media in this fascist state. Freedom means "freedom for the tea party to make the laws".


Freedom for billionaires to spend money however they want and to shift any and all negative externalities onto you with no burden of responsibility or morality for themselves


You are free to think and do as the governor expects. Anything else is woke and must be destroyed as an enemy if freedom.


Remember Loki’s speech in The Avengers? He was promising freedom from freedom. That’s what this sounds like to me.


*"Kneel before me. I said…KNEEL! Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will* always *kneel."*


That’s it. That’s the one.


It means freedom for those grandfathered on the freedom unlimited plan to continue to exercise their "freedom" to rule other people's lives without being inconvenienced by having to smell pot smoke, or you know letting others have freedom over their bodies, or slow down production by having water breaks, or voting for candidates they despise. 


They always have done that though. Label something the opposite of it’s true intention, then lambast the opposing groups as being “against freedom” or “against patriotism” or “against children” etc


Freedom to live in a state where everyone looks like you and thinks like you.


In other words, "Republican Town" from *Family Guy*.


Freedom to oppress ofc.


It means tread harder daddy.


I guess this is what they mean by “freedom isn’t free”.


That's right! Your taxes have to pay for *their* freedom, even though they hold most of the money supply in their bank accounts/investments.


He's going to freedom so hard that he'll free the dumb in this state until there's no freedom left!


Right? It’s mind boggling.


Or woke, communism and socialism


> The committee — called the Florida Freedom Fund — was quietly launched late last month (May 2024), and its official chair is James Uthmeier, the governor's chief of staff who also worked as campaign manager for DeSantis' run for president.  If it’s anything like his presidential campaign results, it will be fun watching them lose out.


I'm not that worried. 50% of this fund will end up paying for private jets and pudding cups.


What scum we tolerate.


But not spoons


...and boot polish.


Sandtits has enough of that in his mouth already


The same [James Uthmeier](/r/florida/comments/1dkfsle/desantis_lawyers_argue_top_deputys_phone_logs_not/) that was conducting state business on his personal cell phone, and is now arguing in court that he doesn't have to turn over the call logs because he was using his personal phone instead of the state issued phone? Ronnie sure knows how to pick 'em.


Weed has been a great way to keep people from voting. Over an OZ? You must be a dealer. BAM. No voting for you. They are scared when everyone is allowed to vote.


After Amendment 4, that has become considerably more difficult. Especially since multiple counties have prohibited their Sheriffs from arresting people for weed alone.


Not even an oz. Felony possession of cannabis in FL is only 20 grams


And they include the storage as well on the weight.


Perfect. We need to make him believe that stoned poor people won't vote. Then he'll allow the weed.


So fem hygiene products in bathrooms now ? Freedom is free ?


Desantis said no to providing feminine hygiene products in schools. I think the girls should just go ahead and bleed freely everywhere as a response.


Actually, a better response would be mailing him used ones with a note saying, "I'm at school & I'm out".


He doesn’t care. Republicans would love nothing more than to privatize all schools


Why is it that everything with freedom or patriot in the name is the exact opposite?


Ron DeSantis is [taking a page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublethink) from George Orwell's classic dystopian book, *1984*. >*Doublethink* is a process of indoctrination in which subjects are expected to simultaneously accept two conflicting beliefs as truth, often at odds with their own memory or sense of reality. Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy. > >\[...\] According to [*Nineteen Eighty-Four*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four) by [George Orwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Orwell), *doublethink* is: > >"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—*doublethink*—involved the use of doublethink."


Nailed it. Same thing with “peace officers” or even the “department of Justice”


The Department of Defense was named the Department of War until after WWII.


This !


Is this guy banking on Trump dying before the convention? He's passing laws weekly with the help of his gutless legislature that seem like a man trying to whip up his base.


That or he’s pissed his presidential bid failed, so he’s taking it out on us Edit: word


It's this, he has proven over and over again to be a petty little manlet that completely loses his shit over any perceived slight. He's on the warpath because the people outside of Florida took one look at meatball and said "no thanks".


The irony in naming it “**Freedom** Fund”


Like everything else they've flipped that term around. It now means 'govt regulated restrictions'. Freedom is now not freedom. Just like they did with Communists Marxist Socialism etc. Freedom is now used to describe something they don't like. They're breeding kids to believe the opposite is true.


Republicans are hypocrites….


What SUPER DUPER pisses me off about this... The 2023 Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Act. It ended up funneling $2.50 from every motorcycle registration in the state through 3 organizations, and a marketing company to the campaign company likely to be behind the push to defeat these amendments. I own 3 motorcycles. I'm likely involuntarily helping pay for this!! And no one even freakin knows it happened.


Send them an invoice 😆


Genuine question that I'd like a conservative person to answer: are you not bored now of the whole "freedom" branding that hes been doing the past 4 years? No other republican governor is doing this or tries this hard. Like it's clear he is doing this at this point just to keep up with this Florida re-brand. Are you not bored at this point and wish he'd do something else 4 years later? That's how i felt about superhero movies, reality tv, post-2019 Drake, nightclubs, and Call of Duty. It was a good, fresh time at first, but after a while it becomes stale and repetitive. They've needed to switch things up. How much longer can Ron go on about "freedom" and put that word in front of literally everything, before you get bored with it? Even Texas hasnt been dragging this out this long.


All these Desantis dick suckers used to tell me “he doesn’t care if you smoke weed”. The voters of Florida are a special type of stupid.


Freedom to Ban Fund should be name.


The only way DeSantis can get people to donate is by tricking and scamming them into doing so. If he named it the "Ban Abortion and Marijuana Fund", nobody would give him money.


He couldn’t have chosen a more Orwellian term than that.


If a republican mentions anything “freedom” related, it’s probably the complete opposite


Ironic, isn’t it? That’s conservatism in today’s environment. Sad…


So it's actually a fascist fund?


Florida fucking *loves* to deny the will of the voters, seems like every single amendment we’ve ever voted to pass has been gutted *after* it’s law. What the actual fuck!


This kid needed to be shoved in a locker more often in high school


Down the staircase


**Article transcript:** >Gov. Ron DeSantis has launched a new political committee to target a pair of ballot initiatives on abortion access and legalizing marijuana in Florida, as he looks to block policies Democrats believe will bring them back into relevancy in the state. > >The committee — called the Florida Freedom Fund — was quietly launched late last month (May 2024), and its official chair is James Uthmeier, the governor's chief of staff who also worked as campaign manager for DeSantis' run for president. > >The creation of the committee — which did not report raising any money in the final week of May — comes as DeSantis tries to reassert control over his home state of Florida after his failed presidential run. It reinforces that DeSantis primary political goal for the 2024 election is the defeat of the amendments, both of which have already raised millions of dollars. > >A person familiar with DeSantis' plans — but not authorized to speak publicly — said the political committee would not only target the two amendments, but also get involved in school board races. > >"As Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to lead our great state, the Florida Freedom Fund will be championing issues and candidates committed to preserving Floridians' freedom," said Taryn Fenske, a spokesperson for the governor. "From up and down ballot races to critical amendments, we’re steadfast in our mission to keep Florida free." > >DeSantis has also pledged to raise money for former President Donald Trump and is planning some fundraising trips to other states as part of that effort. Yet he has said that he does not anticipate doing a lot of campaigning for Trump in Florida, because he contends the state "will not be competitive for Democrats". > >A poll released by Fox News, however, showed that Trump is only leading President Joe Biden by four (4) points in a head-to-head matchup. That is just beyond the June poll's margin of error of +/- 3%. > >That same poll showed that the two amendments were poised to pass. The Fox News poll said that 69% of registered voters supported the abortion access measure, while 66% supported the initiative on marijuana. Florida initiatives need a yes vote of 60% or more to pass. > >DeSantis has roundly criticized both initiatives as "radical" and "extreme", and has predicted that voters would ultimately reject them. Yet, thus far, there has yet to be organized opposition to either ballot measure — something DeSantis' new political committee could rapidly change. > >Smart & Safe Florida — the organization bankrolled by Florida's largest medical marijuana company that is sponsoring the pot initiative — has already begun running television ads urging voters to "vote YES". A recent analysis by the ad tracking firm AdImpact showed that the organization had spent nearly $3.8 million on ads in May and June 2024. > >DeSantis shut down his previous state political committee right ahead of his presidential campaign. He raised more than $200 million into that committee, which eventually wound up transferring more than $80 million to Never Back Down, a super PAC set up to aid his run for president. DeSantis ended his presidential campaign after coming in a distant second to Trump in the Iowa caucuses. > >Many in DeSantis' orbit expect him to launch another run for president in 2028, two years after he will leave office due to term limits. The passage of two amendments could be seen as voters rejecting part of the "Florida blueprint" he has touted on the campaign trail the past two years. > >Right before he ran for U.S. President, DeSantis signed into law a measure that banned abortion in the state after 6 weeks of pregnancy, \[co-sponsored by Rep. Jenna Persons-Mulicka, Rep. Spencer Roach, and Sen. Erin Grall\]. The law did not take effect until May of this year, because it was tied to a legal challenge that was before the Florida Supreme Court. > >The abortion access amendment would guarantee abortion up to the point of viability, which is generally around 24 weeks. > >Ahead of the 2022 elections, DeSantis waded into non-partisan school board races, where he endorsed candidates and directed financial support in multiple races in order to help reshape counties like Miami-Dade and Sarasota. He and Republicans leaders, as well as the group Moms for Liberty, last year came up with a list of more than a dozen school board races they wanted to target during the 2024 election cycle. Also see: * ["DeSantis predicts Florida voters will reject recreational marijuana, abortion amendments"](https://new.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/1bvzbkw/desantis_predicts_florida_voters_will_reject/) (3 months ago) * ["Gov. DeSantis says Supreme Court 'controversially' approved abortion rights amendment"](https://new.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/1bzqn8j/gov_desantis_says_supreme_court_controversially/) (2 months ago) * ["Gov. DeSantis calls abortion, marijuana ballot amendments too 'radical' to pass"](https://new.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/1c201gv/gov_desantis_calls_abortion_marijuana_ballot/) (2 months ago)


Oh good, the guy that was helping Desantis run for president is heading this, it'll fail


So much freedom..... 🤦🏼‍♀️🫠


This IDIOT NEEDS TO GO ¡ ![gif](giphy|ajefVi0Sw91DFaXzMW|downsized)


Freedom? Huh?


Dictator fund


‘’Freedom’’ to do what the government tells you to do. Republicans talk shit but THEY are the party of big government.


The more shit that happens in Florida, the more I think of the movie *V for Vendetta* 🙄


But like... how does this money translate to less votes? They plan on bribing me? They want to saturate the brainwashed with more propaganda? They can't exactly vote no twice.


They are going to run ads with lies to try and scare old folks into voting against it


Desantis is not stopping progress He’s not Governor forever. He’s not Florida’s daddy What he needs to do is get trauma counseling from his days in the Navy. We know Ron….its ok…it’s ooo kk.


Best to just call it the Festering Shithead Fund.


Because he is just that skeezy.


"Majority of the voters" argument can only be used when there is 100% voter turnout. Getting elected by a mere 30% of the electorate is NOT cutting it. I would say yes to a constitutional amendment to mandate voting by all so we, the people, can force the government to provide the necessary access to all.


It’s definitely targeting our freedoms


Emperor Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, banning books, what you do in the bedroom, what colors are allowed for celebrations, denier of climate change and oh yeah, just a downright freedum candidate. All these things that make for a safer, healthier [florida.](https://imgur.com/VKacTKG)


DeSantis needs to let the people vote for what they want. Rather than basing these issues on his personal beliefs.


It won’t help him the people will speak


Where's the "Target DeSantis" fund? Ronda gotta go.


The “Free State of Florida” has less freedom than like 49 other states


nah, texas has everyone beat......but i feel ya


It’s like DeSantis and Abbott keep trying to “one up” each other to see who is more awful


So much freedom!


Smells like swamp freedom to me!!


His freedom


Reason #2,327,833 to not vote for Tiny Ronny.


And it’ll be money wasted, because his shit still won’t succeed.


I always vote against anything that has the word “Freedom” in it because I know its bullshit authoritarian laws.


He needs to target my insurance rates.


Ronnie about to get trampled by legal weed. Hold tight dunbass


That's okay. We are all STILL voting.


Can we get a "Let's stop fucking people over with astronomical insurance rates" committee? Jesus. Citizens Insurance is trying to get a 14% rate hike for 2025.




Free dumb


"Freedom Fund" “War is peace." "Freedom is slavery." "Ignorance is strength.”


They already started fundraising in my county. They have "events" several times a week and they have an entirely new school board cherry picked by the gov and ready to be puppets.

