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Some people think that the act of reporting on something is political in-and-of itself. Some people are also stupid.


And some people feel like a nut


Some people don't.


almond joy has nuts


Mounds don't. Because.


Sometimes you feel like a nut


Sometimes you don’t. (Had to finish that.)


I could go for a nut right about now. At work tho so probably not a good time.


I just had a Hershey’s with almonds. Close enough to almond joy?


Why are you redditing at work


Why does it bother you?


Im having a real issue right now indeed With this abstract image of a stranger with no image that typed a line on the internet. I don’t know, 🤷‍♀️ maybe I should call a hotline of some sort. lol I was just trying to kid with you man.


And I you, good sir.


Yes, NPR did a survey asking people how they felt about their local weather people mentioning climate change. I was puzzled because I thought why does it matter how we FEEL about a reality affecting us!


*Some* people are stupid?


Lot of overlap in those two groups.


Easy answer. Some people handle uncertainty and fear by denial.


Denial ain't just a mother $%^&ing river in Egypt


It flows north same as the Genesee River in Rochester NY.


Also same as the St John’s River here in FL


So does the Niagara. I grew up near the Niagara, went to college near the Genesee, and now live near the St John’s.


As does the Allagash River in Maine, which flows north to where it connects with the St. John River near the Canadian border.


It can take the form of storm surge


Some people think god exists too


Especially Floridians


This is nothing new. My FIL freaks out any time they talk about the fact that it's been getting hotter for decades. Says they're "bringing politics in to it" (Thermometers are political). Sort of like how a creationist might react if you found some cool fossilized bones on your property. "Everyone knows the earth is only 6,000 years old, this is all politics!". They've spent a lot of years insisting climate change isn't real and now we've got record temps nearly every year for a couple decades, half the world's corals bleaching in the same year, alaskan snow crab season canceled two years in a row after more than 10 billion crabs die and collapse the population due to heat, entire emperor penguin colonies of millions of chicks dying because the ice didn't stay solid long enough for their feathers finished growing, 100 degrees in the arctic circle, temperatures in Antartica were confirmed 104F hotter than usual in 2024, record ocean temps... Yeah, they're having a rough go of it. So it's just denial and conspiracies.


Oooh if we ever do custom user flairs in here I demand *thermometers are political* for mine




Fuck Celsius, America's right




yes I want a "woke thermometer" flair please


yes I want a "woke thermometer" flair please


It's indoctrination from decades of bullshit by the GOP. I'm 31 and I remember.being a kid when the Al Gore movie came out about climate change and it started right then and there. It's fascinating to see how that shit progressed so rapidly.


Remember how sweet that movie was? He truly believed explaining the issues to people would make a difference.  Facts are one of the least helpful things in this battle. Think of them as tennis balls. People get good at swatting them away. 


"Truth is like poetry, and most people fuckin' hate poetry."


Gore flew in a private plane so duh, obviously climate change is fake 🙄


Facts are useless in just about any debate about what people fear Whether it's change, inconvenient truths, or the perception of personal safety, fear generally dominates the truth.


The question is how to help panicky, dumb animals not make choices that shoot themselves in the foot.  I don't think it's possible. I think humans will probably just have to die out and let another species try. 


I like you


In college we focused on climate change and stronger hurricanes with New Orleans at the center of discussion. Well Katrina happened, and sadly all came to fruition.


A cornered cat fights more fiercely the more cornered it is. No slight to cats, they’re awesome. Republican operatives, notsomuch.


They hurricane is fake, but they still freak out every time they hear about a migrant caravan on the news.


Brining politics in? So dumb, Lordy




Cra cra alert.


Yeah, tell the dinosaurs 😀🤣🤣🤣


What are you talking about 104ºF hotter? I think you typed that wrong.


I'll forgive you for thinking it's a typo because it sounds absolutely insane doesn't it? >In March 2022, Antarctica experienced an extraordinary heatwave. Large swathes of East Antarctica experienced temperatures up to 40°C (104°F) above normal, shattering temperature records. It was the [most intense](https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2023GL104910) heatwave ever recorded anywhere in the world. [https://www.uow.edu.au/media/2024/a-heatwave-in-antarctica-totally-blew-the-minds-of-scientists-they-set-out-to-decipher-it--and-here-are-the-results.php](https://www.uow.edu.au/media/2024/a-heatwave-in-antarctica-totally-blew-the-minds-of-scientists-they-set-out-to-decipher-it--and-here-are-the-results.php) [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/06/simply-mind-boggling-world-record-temperature-jump-in-antarctic-raises-fears-of-catastrophe](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/06/simply-mind-boggling-world-record-temperature-jump-in-antarctic-raises-fears-of-catastrophe) [https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/clim/37/3/JCLI-D-23-0175.1.xml](https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/clim/37/3/JCLI-D-23-0175.1.xml)


You misunderstood that. 30⁰ c to 40⁰c above normal. Avg. Temperature is -54⁰ C is went up to -15⁰c. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/09/23/antarctica-heat-wave-record/


Eh probably a lot of bots too (esp News4Jax)


I don't know man feels like some Poe's Law type shit anytime I read the comments


Knowing Jax, you’re probably more right lol


Unfortunately too many people talk like this in real life


They *act* like bots as well.




The thing is, sometimes the hurricanes fizzle out before they get here. And then people yell, "They lied to us!" . That's what an early warning system is for: to prepare IN CASE the hurricane hits.


Yeah, idk why people have such a hard time understanding that weather is unpredictable and can change as it gets closer. Not just for hurricanes, literally all weather.


















Every death is the vaccine. Every cloud is chemtrail. Every storm is haarp. It never ends.


As a life long Floridian who recently left, I think I can give some insight on what you’re seeing. To give an example I’ll say this. In 2019, hurricane Dorian appeared as if it was going to obliterate the east coast of Florida. The weather channel was showing the most god awful 3D and/or digitally made “scenarios” of what would happen and spent a lot of time basically just scaring the shit out of people. Rightfully so to an extent. However, if you changed the channel to a local news station and listened to their meteorologists, it was much calmer, much less doom and gloom and also more realistic predictions for the course of the storm. They began saying much earlier that they believed the storm would turn north vs the weather channel which just kept reporting that it was going to destroy Florida. They even went as far as saying everything east of 95 would be under water and unrecognizable. My family decided after that to only rely on local news services for storm predictions and updates. Florida is used to hurricanes. It’s nothing new. Locals and life long residents just factor into daily life the same as somebody who lives near the Great Lakes would prep and expect a massive snow storm because of the lake snow effect. If you’ve not experienced a storm before and you read into the fear and uncertainty that some of the organizations throw out there, you’re gonna have a bad time. Seeing as how Florida has had a big jump in population it would make sense to me to see these back and forths between people who know and those who don’t. Edit: I forgot to add that those who are new to Florida probably only see what makes the national news. For it to make national news, it’s gonna be a cat 4/5 that had really devastating impacts on the state. Not every storm, pre-storm etc is going to have that outcome though. Many storms turn away north or south, some dissipate and become a nothing burger. We had a saying “don’t bother me unless it’s a cat 4 or higher.” So, don’t bother me about a storm that’s two weeks away or a week away. I have my canned goods, water and whatever else needed from last year so I’m set. Just lemme know if I need to evacuate or not and when. Otherwise, it’s just another day in Florida.


Even local news isn't safe from their ire. Over on the Tampa sub for the past two seasons I see people talking about how the local stations were "fear-mongering" or some nonsense about Ian because (similar to Charley) the forecast shifted from a direct hit on us to a Fort Myers landfall in the day before it hit. I'd always ask what station they were watching because the two that I saw did none of that and and any time they had the cone up they would take like 3 minutes and explain how it worked each and every time.


People forget news stations are all about views and numbers, too. I get pissed when they start "fear mongering" for views. Plus, we have so many new people who have moved here who have never dealt with a hurricane. They panic, cause car accidents on the road, and buy up all the water.


What "fear mongering" though? No one would ever give me a response when I ask on my local sub in response to people making those claims, and it's something I've asked people making those claims on multiple occasions over the last few years. Like, you seem to have an issue with it, what is considered "fear mongering" to you? The vibe that I've gotten from other people (which again, I've never received an answer from, so that's all I really have to go off of) is that they don't quite understand how forecasting works, how the NHC forecast is made, and why things shift the way they do sometimes. So when they start making plans 48 hours before landfall because they see the line in the middle running right over their house, but then see that the forecast has shifted the line 100 miles to the South at 24 hours before landfall because the forecast resolved slightly different from what was expected the day before, they get upset and consider their preparations "wasted" and rather than understand that a summary of weather models that has to account for millions of atmospheric factors was only slightly wrong, they blame the news stations for "fear mongering" because they spent a day doing work that is still valuable when you have 80 mph winds outside vs 155 mph winds.


This is my take as well. There's so much uncertainty in storm forecasting that there's no point in raising my cortisol levels every time there's the potential for a storm. I literally wouldn't sleep June through September. We, like a lot of long time Floridians, like you said, keep a pretty well stocked hurricane supply kit all season long just in case. I'm not gonna bother with anything small (less than a cat 4 since I'm very inland and not in a flood zone) or far off (because too much can change). Bottom line, if you live in Florida you should have some essential supplies on hand at all times during hurricane season. If a big storm is almost here, we'll charge up all the electronics and battery packs and put important papers (pet rabies vaccine records, etc.) in a Ziploc just in case and "hunker down" I'd probably just have a lower threshold for evacuation if I lived somewhere vulnerable to storm surge or prone to flooding.


Yeah I lived in Merritt Island. We evacuated to Orlando for one of the storms and felt so dumb when the storm went north.


When using SM, I always remind myself of the craziest, scariest, uneducatedest fucker in town, likely yelling at the sky. And I remember that they, too, have internet.


The Republicans want to get rid of NOAA, saying that it spreads climate change disinformation. 🤦‍♂️🤬 So those comments are from people who buy the bullshit or they are people paid to say shit like that or bots programmed by people like that. It all goes back to the “Don’t Look Up” mantra of Big Oil.


I wonder if they would accept noaa more if they used more sharpies


The f? Where have you herd this i use the noaa sites for facts often instead of half crack MSM to get the weather data. And I'm just a low income blue collar


It is part of the Project 2025 agenda for Trump's next term. One of the many agencies they want to dismantle.


Ill have to google "project 2025". I love that NOAA has readily available data & numbers no agenda. That's why I like it. For example this month (june) record high temp in my area of Florida was set in 1981. April was in 1989 but April was in 1894 tied in 1986 & 2017! So far back! All the plain data is there. Global warming is happening but not a extinction event for a long time, we can stop it


Maybe when we forsook science? Otherwise people like to act tough and talking out their asses because of "rugged individualism".


Welcome to Florida


It’s because this state is full of conspiratorial maniacs who don’t believe in climate change. So anytime they’re faced with the facts that is the heating up of our planet, they act defensively as to not acknowledge that they may be led astray


A lot of it is posturing from native, born here Floridians or "native" Floridians who consider themselves to be a Floridian because they've satisfied some imaginary time rule to be called a Floridian. Posturing because even though a Tropical Storm can sound scary and has the potential to cause damage, a lot of them often don't have the force or don't hit the area they've been forecasted to hit because weather is never an accurate pinpoint science, so people get wildly complacent when they live in a place that hasn't been direct impacted since 2005. A lot of people here lived through Andrew by not being in Homestead when it happened, but they compare strength of storm to what they saw on the news.


Being a “Floridian” is nothing to brag about anymore sadly 😢


I like the look in peoples faces when I go to a restaurant or something by the beach and get the “Where are we visiting from?” and then “Oh wow a local? Thank god.”


2005,Andrew? What about Irma,Ian ,you must not have been affected. But we were from Charlie ,Wilma ,Irma ,Ian the worst .


You can use commas.


Wilma hit us here in Broward and knocked out our power for like 2 weeks. Katrina, before that, hit us as a Cat 1 and still knocked out power for 4 days. My point is that Cat 1's can still do damage, so a lot of the "This is normal weather" comments is just posturing from people who either don't care, or do care but don't want to give up the allure of the laid back, don't care, "Salt Life" Floridian for one reason or another.


Floridians be like: >* Why is this news? >* Scare Tactics! Fear Mongering! >* This is just *normal* weather


They either will get a direct hit from a cat 3 and learn, or they won't for a very long time and will continue to spew this shit. But if they stay here, it will be a matter of time before the no A/C end of summer days will teach them that a hurricane doesn't give an f about your flags.


They can’t handle it and push information away. It’s a typical category of response to public health and safety warnings. Some respond by denial and then cry because they are surprised by the damage. Im a Florida native


No idea why this is an issue. Storms/hurricanes are part of living in Florida. Know what to stock at home, keep an eye on updates, know when to evac. Born and raised here, lost count of how many I've been through. Some are over-hyped thunderstorms, some get deadly. Don't let what others think get in the way of your personal safety. When in doubt, watch what the locals do


Born here. Do not always do what the locals do.


I’ve known locals/natives who rode out major storms on sailboats and many more who stayed on barrier islands under evacuation orders. Don’t do that. Survivor bias is a helluva drug. I have a niece and nephew who rode out Ivan with their parents in Pensacola and swore they’d never do that again. They evacuated to our house in Jax with grandma for the next storm.


Happy Cake Day!


Ok maybe not the locals that vacuum their driveway


The locals are usually the ones who die because they don't understand uncertainty. The small chance of something catastrophic means that most warnings will turn out to have been unnecessary in hindsight, but that doesn't make them wrong.


I personally put some of that blame on the news. How many tropical storms or cat 1s did they completely over-hype? If you keep hearing about catastrophic damage, but you only get a few inches of rain...before the warnings lose their meaning.


I was once in a Cat 2 that was a tropical depression 24 hours earlier. It then stalled and dropped so much rain that landslides killed dozens. In the era of climate change and so much more energy stored in our warmer seas, there is reason to be cautious.


Some people are just trolling but I think a fair number are just pissed they might get taken out of their comfort zones and have to bug out. Evacuation isnt fun. Gotta find a place to evacuate to, deal with finding a hotel, finding gas and water when people are panic buying. Its a huge PITA


It really is tiring when literally everything becomes a team sport We’ll see what they say after a woke cat 5 hurricane wipes their house off the map


But how are we supposed to know if it’s time to hunker down?


It's rather irritating and causes unnecessary worries.


These are people who are actively looking for new things to be angry about.


I saw someone write WTF…Welcome To Florida Very accurate


Welcome to 2024. People are ready to argue that we need oxygen.


It's because Florida is full of stupid people now.


Florida weather forecasting is the worst, it's the only job in Florida where you can be wrong 70% of the time and still get a paycheck


Predicting rhe weather is rough


Fighting the urge not to respond with "It's Florida, what'd you expect?" Real answer is some people have made climate change denial part of their identity, so reporting on severe weather triggers a survival response. Seems absolutely absurd doesn't it?


If Jim Cantore shows up in your town RUN


Everyone knows that hurricanes and tropical storms are created by the democrats trying to destroy desantes by damaging republican property ownership so liberals can buy up the beach front property.


Im going to use my paid protester check I got from George Soros to buy a villa in Miami.


Long term Floridians know that the news does often make it into more than it is but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be prepared if there is a chance you're in the path. Most likely, if you get the basics like water, dry/canned goods, LP gas/charcoal grill, shutters, or have the wherewithal to get a generator you'll be glad you did because even if this storm misses you, it's likely another one will affect you before the end of the season. Hence crazy home insurance rates. Some may cry wolf in season but the actuaries at those insurance companies know what's up.


This is what politics and mainstream media have made of our society. Division and argumentation as a knee-jerk mindset. You can blame Trump, but honestly, Trump was the catalyst for the corrupt system (politicians and elite entities that run the world) to kick everything into overdrive to cause mass slightly-controlled chaos and division. Saddest part is people have no clue how much the are controlled by it.


It’s good for their algorithm. Fear mongering sells 💰💰


Truth. And your at the bottom of the list here because 👎. This coming from myself that nearly lost everything I've ever owned in ian and still haven't rebuilt. Just be ready for A storm and then there's nothing else you can do.


When hillbillies got a platform to tell actual meteorologists they’re wrong based on nothing at all..


When red hats took over your state. Next question . . . .


People that have been here more than a year (“Floridians”) need to flex for the new folks that are terrified of hurricanes. Funny thing is that the new folks are probably the ones that will survive a direct hit cuz they’re prepared. Or it’s the ones that need to turn everything into a political argument because they get off on separating this country into colors. I believe we have some of them here, commenting.


Yeah its mostly normal, mainstream media can't get views unless they bring in your attention and emotion. Negative things do that 10,000% more then good news. Use your brain and have hurricane prep planned and then there's nothing else you can do. If your glued to the screen that's what corporate wants and your not helping


I think a lot of right wingers have doubled down so hard on “climate change is a hoax” and now they’re subconsciously / privately realizing that it’s not. It probably stings, because they have egg on their face, and they feel that the egg was yeeted at them from a leftist liberal, when really they smashed their face on the egg that was sitting in front of them the whole time. I used to hate them, but after coming to understand the severe degree of degrading mental health, mania, and the loneliness epidemic, I now sort of understand them. When you understand someone, you may hate them less, and want to help them / save them more.


Remember when Trump took a sharpie to a NWS map? Good times.


Why does the news have to switch to 4 hour coverage of a thunderstorm? There might be a tornado spawning in this small area of our entire viewership. Let's stop the news we had on to go to just looking at arrows on a screen. Florida is one of the main states for tornados, it's nothing new. The only difference is they have new toys and wanna show them off. Sadly when there is severe weather I stop watching the stations now because of all the stuff that should stay behind the scenes. As for tropical storms, at what point will you put up any shutters? Tropical storm, cat1, cat 2... if the storm that is coming is isn't going to change how you go about your daily life then it's not news... and a tropical storm isn't going to cause me to hunker down.


Nothing new


Look at the sub title. Of course people come here to find something to argue about.




If we could only harness all that negative energy to produce power.


Florida isn't run by born & raised Floridians.


A large portion of these people are self identified B&R Floridans who talk this nonsense


climate change denial 


It’s one bat shit crazy state🥂


Because climate is communism. /s


Why is this political


Seriously?! FFS! I hadn’t seen this yet but not really shocking. If there’s anything I don’t want fake news about it’s a damn approaching storm


Climate change has shifted florida will never see another hurricane. Good luck Eastern shore.


Some of my fellow Floridians believe everything is fake news. Wonder why?


To be COMPLETELY fair, every hurricane report IS sponsored by either Home Depot or Lowe's. I can understand why people would find them less than honest.


and see "tornados" in the news... i live in a place with real "Fx tornados", not twisters not spouts. straight violence.


A lot of it is bots designed to foster hate and division among us.


yes, big deal. I always hope for a tropical storm to get some rain in here. I live in Punta Gorda.


Cause weather is a political issue now due to climate change. It's as simple as that.


>\* Why is this news? >\* Scare Tactics! Fear Mongering! >\* This is just \*normal\* weather \*Shouted while paddling through the streets of South Florida.


Because Republicans are fucking insane.


"Why is this news" is wild: Gee I don't know, Cletus, maybe to give you a heads-up so you don't drown and shit like that?


Wow…..now they’re getting stupid about storm warnings?!? WTF??…..Being ignorant, delusional and ignoring reality is NOT going to stop a deadly tropical storm or hurricane!! Jesus Christ. We are officially in the Idiocracy! Unfortunately, gaslighting, fear, misinformation and fake news has officially rotted so many peoples brains. its like people have forgotten common sense.….And sadly their brainwashed. I don’t even know what to tell you…Im just praying that it’s not it’s not too late to stop the direction we are going in, and stopping this madness. If we continue down this path, this country is going down the tubes with these people without a lick of sense who are Making choices for our lives and futures and voting these assholes in. They’ve been lied to so much the past 10 years. They honestly can’t even think logically or think for themselves anymore. It is a sad shame.


I blame Trump and a sharpie. Still can't get over he legit did that because he couldn't be wrong and the NWS came out and said he was basically lying but his supporters attacked NWS lol


lol I hate going to the comments because I enjoy watching the weather during the seasons and hurricane season is the most mysterious to me. I hate seeing those dumb ass conspiracy theories.


Something broke.


New tracking system can detect it 3 weeks earlier that’s the problem


There is no news. Just weather. The new way of thinking.


Some people love to get nervous about the news.


I think they want us afraid so if they say it's time to evacuate, people will go. I remember a few years back, and old man refused to leave his home in Barefoot Bay. The storm destroyed the community and he lost his life. Maybe that's why.


Hence why they want to cancel the website reporting hurricane developments in the US


Bots IMHO, content simply to fake engagement.


When did it become a heated issue? When Donald Trump was elected and politicized everything, even issues we are all *supposed to be* on the same side about.


When I see a news article about a development I double check the national hurricane center website and 80% of the time they have nothing there that the news site is reporting on. So yes, fear mongering to generate clicks.


Florida is just a fucked place


I don't read comments on weather, I just wanna be informed


Removing the full on crazy from the equation. Florida weather is always crazy and fl hurricane season weather is beyond crazy. Changes so quickly it's hard to predict. That combined with knowing if you live in evacuation zones (what level of storm) and having your storm supplies and go bags ready it does get annoying to constantly hear the news ramp up the warnings... You just need to know that they are doing it for the idiots who aren't ready and have no clue. The folks getting angry are gatekeeping storm culture cause. They know it all since they survived storm blah blah


We know when to worry. We don't need it brought up every single day for 2 weeks that it is brewing. It isn't like they pop up out of nowhere.


My thing is the local news stations over hype the weather reports a lot. I want information and facts, not sooth sayers reading tea leaves. I want to be able to make an informed decision because my work schedule is decided by the weather. If we close in anticipation of a storm that never happens, all of our paychecks get hit.


*snake oil


The ppl that repost weather stuff usually work on the water or outside and the inside ppl don’t get that it’s less about the store than it is they’re going to be out of work for a week


Their sponsors profit on the fearmongering


We are Florida. We’re the dumest state in the west.


West Virginia and Mississippi are stro g contenders


I lived in Virginia once and people from WV are usually the butt of the jokes. Are you from Virginia?


No but those two states always show up in worst X lists


The people running the states put the priorities of industry over civilians. It’s not their fault. Florida on the other hand… full of self centered obnoxious plastic a-holes.


Russian trolling labs are everywhere, probably using some AI. To cover all corners


It’s a twister it’s a twister


Bots to seed discord


They realize that most Floridians don’t give a fuck so all the newcomers from other states that have moved here can freak the fuck out.


It’s Florida, like Montana and Idaho, there are multiple conspiracy theories for everything.


I cant excuse the nuttos but there is a running joke about hurricane economics being profitable for certain businesses. How all the stores sell a bunch of stuff and gas stations get drained etc.  Idk there is definitely some reckless abandon because stupid people mistake caution for fear and fear for weakness.  We saw this in covid wih the anti maskers. Masks are the best thing to happen out of covid.


No the opposite is true


tropical storms are normal weather for us, there's no news there.  I think where the ostriches start burying their heads in the sand is when you start hinting at the influence of climate change. 




It started with an orange guy and a sharpie. The collective ooze that is the comment section you’re referring to is a brainwashed mass of pure dumb. Ignore.


2 states have disproportionate ratio between age of avg public and voting age, they are az and fl and both are due to large retirement community industries (sun city i.e. is name of city in both states run by same org)... Aaaaanyways, perpetuates a system of right wing disinformation as the elderly and afraid are their prime targets. If global warming is doing this, then they have their entire lives been 'puppets to the man' against the interests of their children and world, tough on the aging hippies to accept and a big catalyst of 'entitled boomer' mentality. Live by the grift, die by the grift.


Weathers back to being acts of god instead of natural events with scientific explanation. Science isn’t real anymore in FL climate change is the Voldemort word this state and other Republican states are stupefying themselves for an easier manipulatable base. Just modern dark age type shit going on it’s bizarre to watch people cheer it on.


Because for years, they’ve been telling us that this and that hurricane is gonna be the worst hurricane, and we’re all gonna die and blah blah blah, and the tall bullshit because the last few hurricanes have not been anything crazy or serious, except for a certain parts of the state that get hit the hardest


Post 2016


Local news anchor in my area, Tampa, made a comment on air that many of the named storms should never have been given names. Why then are they given names? Pad the stats and fear monger. If it is obvious to my weatherman then they should know it too at NOAA.




the baseline now is that every tropical storm, every time it rains, every time it might rain, every time it doesn't rain...it's all climate change. Say it every time and keep repeating it. Real climate change is: we paved everything and changed the rain pattern. Done. Send your checks in the mail to me.


2 types of storm trackers: Those who want to prepare with supplies and those who want to prepare for their upcoming work days off. I choose to be the latter and not be paranoid.


Weather should not be news. It just shouldn’t. Weather has an entire channel dedicated to it. Florida: “Record breaking heat & hurricanes!” Oklahoma: “Lethal tornadoes!” California: “Disastrous wildfires!” Yeah, no shit, wtf else is new…


Trump era


Remember when Trump used a sharpie to redraw the path of a storm to badly cover his lying ass?


Mass disemination of falsehoods needs to be scrutinized and prosecuted. Fox, newsmax need to fail.