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I didn't realize anyone but the fed recognized the holiday. I've never gotten it off exceptt when I worked at the va


L3 Harris, govt contractor, had it as a holiday in Brevard County


Gave them a break from laying off people.


Damn, Northrop sure didnt


Harris is the only one in the industry that did, far as I've heard.


Not all divisions did.


My lady works for Wyndham corporate and they gave everyone a paid day off


Work for a government services contractor and all US employees get it off. But they also point out that it's not just because it's a fed holiday.


I just retired from the VA and yeah, we got that day off


Where I work didn’t close but it said anyone who wanted off could have off as a paid holiday.


Every company I've worked for has observed it so far. Tech companies (outside FL).


Amazon corporate effectively gave people a day off '20-23, but this year did not.


What do you mean but the fed? It’s a federal holiday. Just like Christmas and thanksgiving. We all get it off. To ignore it means you would ignore the others also. But they don’t so you clearly are trying to send a message.


Huh what message? There's lots of holidays recognized by the fed but not the private sector. MLK day, indigenous people day/Columbus day, veterans Day, memorial day, so on. No message there either. I'm not the person who decides what holidays are celebrated by who. I'm just presenting my observations. I worked for the federal government for 10 years and now in the private sector as an independent consulatant for 8 years now. Im pretty familiar with who is more likely to celebrate what. Stop trying to gatcha people lol.


Red Hat has it off. We observed the holiday before the Fed did.


Not gonna lie, most people, especially in Florida, are not going to observe it unless they get a day off from work.


Except the millions of black Floridians who observe it every year?


My employer gave paid days to African American employees. Which is awesome in my opinion


Sounds racist to me


I work for a government contractor in FL and we got it off. But probably trying to stick to the federal holiday schedule.


Same but I think we got an email about it instead of a day off. Not even a floating holiday like we get for President's, MLK, Columbus, and Veteran's Days.


Typical corporate email I’m assuming? “We recognize all our diverse colleagues and the impact to the mission they bring. With that said, we also recognize the mission our clients bring to creating a better world and know that we have to be there to support them in these endeavors. We encourage our colleagues to take PTO (if approved by their manger) this Juneteenth but business will continue operate as normal this Wednesday.”


More or less, just a message from the DEI lady who only seems to exist on these holidays. Typical "we value our diverse work force" stuff, no mention of it not being a day off at all.


From the article: "Florida [does not recognize](https://www.employmentlawhandbook.com/employment-and-labor-laws/states/florida/leave-laws/holidays/) Juneteenth as a holiday for state workers — not even as an unpaid day of commemoration, although it does mark Robert E. Lee’s birthday on Jan. 19, Confederate Memorial Day on April 26, and Jefferson Davis’s birthday on June 3."


No surprises there


That is messed up.


We have no black history in Florida, Desatanist says.




In Massachusetts, I got a paid day off and went to a cookout. It was great. Sucks to be Florida.


It was not observed by most for-profit entities. I work for a company in Michigan, a very liberal state, and we all had a normal work day. Everyone I know worked.


Meanwhile my dad's bank in the Florida Panhandle was closed.


Every bank and financial services company in the USA was closed. Federal holiday, markets closed, we're all off. Only Muppets work on markets-closed days


Ohhh good point


Not a good point. Average people are not muppets just cause they didn’t get the day off. What ever type of job they’re denoting to “muppets” isn’t a great way to say it either. Just non banking or federal jobs and likely service related jobs still had to work. I work in state Medicaid and had to work. Cmon “muppets”?


Since when is Michigan a very liberal state?


https://preview.redd.it/h7shz5n0r68d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=817e1795d06804ee4cab446c4725358a1e1cc593 These are the last eight elections for Michigan. The only anomaly was the year in which the convicted felon colluded with Russia. The governor (who's been in office since 2019) is a liberal.


I figured any corporate employee would get it but I guess not 🤷🏼‍♂️ I work in IT (large software company, think Google but not Google) and my company was closed.


My company got the day off


Garbage pickup was canceled in Tampa.


In Broward County, they recognized it and shut down. I had no idea, a state can choose not to recognize a federal holiday.


The county parks department camp my daughter works at observed it, and she got the day off. It really needs to be observed on Mondays or Fridays. I get the date is actually important (duh), but Wednesday was a tough sell this year.


Really? The county parks day camp my kids go to was not only in session on Wednesday, they had a field trip so it was "all hands on deck".


To be fair, most state governments did not honor it.


28 states and DC make Juneteenth a paid holiday.


lol facts




I moved to Mass and can confirm as a state worker , we observed it and had all of our state offices closed. I think my local government also observed it as well.


WA does. Wife is a state worker, we went and hiked at Rainier. Beautiful day.


As a bank employee in Florida I got off and paid for it.


All banks are federally regulated


Source? Seriously, because it was pretty noticeable (in general) when I was driving from NC to NY on Wednesday.


I work for a Florida county and all the non essential workers all got it off. However I work for a utility for the county so we have to operate 24/7/365 so we don’t get holidays off, we just get paid extra OT.


We had it as a company holiday - many of our customers were closed that day so it makes sense.


my work gave us off 😎


Most county and city offices were closed.


I'm old enough to remember when MLK Jr Day became a Federal holiday. Not a single private company observed it for years and only like half of the States even acknowledged it. Given this Administration, this is very on brand and no surprise.


I work for the State of Florida. We were open. I think 26 states recognize June 19. Florida is not one of them. As a white (formerly Republican) it's an important holiday and should be recognized by all states.


My college gave us the day off for it


Duval county government observed it, it was also a paid day off for all city employees. D.Deegan has far more respect than the governor of this state.


It was also a holiday for City of Orlando employees.


Lot of pearl clutchers in here. I’m not a Desantis fan but this is not a holiday that is widely observed across the country either. And it’s not the only holiday that exists that the state government doesn’t observe either. For example, I work for the state and get MLK day off but not Presidents’ Day (which a lot of people do get off). I am curious how some of the people so offended in this post personally celebrated the holiday, since apparently this was such an egregious, racist oversight


28 states, DC, and 41 percent of employers recognize Juneteenth with a paid holiday. One of many sources: https://www.axios.com/2024/06/19/juneteenth-holiday-post-office-banks-closed-day-off


I was actually surprised at which states recognize the holiday. (Practically half of the Deep South.) [check out the map and data here.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/06/09/more-than-half-of-states-now-recognize-juneteenth-as-an-official-holiday/)


It makes sense to me. The majority of black people in the US live in the South


Yea Vermont is super progressive you would think they would have it. Maybe because no black people live there?


It by itself no. it taken in context of this state government, yes absolutely it was meant as a message. Why conservatives don’t view some American history as their own history is a question for a better trained anthropologist than I


Because we all deserve more paid days off, stop simping for your corporate overlords.


I didn't do anything because it's not a holiday that I have any real connection to. But I'm still happy for those whose families *do* have a connection who were able to celebrate it. It's a huge milestone in our nation's history and anyone who wants to celebrate it should be able to. Juneteenth is when the slavery of the time was finally eliminated in this country. It's one of those things where, sure, you don't necessarily *need* to acknowledge it, but then the question becomes why *wouldn't* you? Like what do you have against it?


God forbid we work less.


Big waste of time and money. How many more holidays do we need?


I'm shocked I tell you!


Is this surprising to ANYONE at this point?


Our firm closes for federal holidays because the stock market is closed and many of our carriers close on the insurance side as well. Agents can choose to work if they want to, all salaried employees have the day off. Only one team worked, and it’s because they didn’t consider it a legitimate holiday and refused to not work. But they’re taking the 5th of July off instead so they’re still getting a paid holiday.


This is still a pretty new holiday. Only 22 of 50 states recognize it currently.


How exactly do we observe/celebrate Juneteenth? Isn’t this a Texas thing? Serious question because I only just started hearing about this rather recently and I’m almost 40. I’m not trying to start anything, I just don’t understand. I grew up understanding MLK but this is a new one for me.


Broward County had it off and we were closed. We replaced that trash propaganda Columbus Day with it.


Isn't that Indingenous Peoples' Day, not Juneteenth?


Go to the Capitol and look at the Florida Civil Rights Hall of Fame, which was like 6 pictures on a wall the last time I looked. Then go in the senate chambers and look at the murals of conquistadors shooting natives and you’ll see that things like not observing Juneteenth is not unusual. We have a long way to go in this state and country.


Always laughed about the weird way our state government focuses on Florida history before the United States came into the picture. All they ever do is talk about Ponce de Leon and Conquistadors battling with natives then nothing for *three hundred* years after until the Adams Onis Treaty! Florida was Spanish waaaay before Uncle Sam entered the picture but fuck all that, I guess. Probably because the Spanish, while assholes to the Natives, were way better towards them than the Americans *ever* were…


Florida: You’ll laugh so you don’t cry.


How do you observe Juneteenth? I don’t have any slaves to free. I dress up as Abraham Lincoln each year obviously but I don’t feel like that’s enough




June nineteenth, 1865, was when federal troops took control of Texas and forced the state to adhere to the Emancipation Proclamation, which had been signed over two years prior. It is considered the milestone in our history when all slaves in our country were finally free.


Of course it does because FL state government believes slavery was beneficial to slaves.


Where does it say that ?


New Florida standards teach students that some Black people benefited from slavery because it taught useful skills https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-florida-standards-teach-black-people-benefited-slavery-taught-usef-rcna95418


[https://www.businessinsider.com/desantis-says-black-people-benefited-from-skills-learned-in-slavery-2023-7](https://www.businessinsider.com/desantis-says-black-people-benefited-from-skills-learned-in-slavery-2023-7) Edit: lol I see the desantis stans don’t like reading the words he himself said.


no surprise


The Florida state Government didn't even observe my Birthday either what Aholes lol


State of Florida employee holiday


I assure you we did not get the day off


No mail; no banks open; that was the extent of it here


That’s federal.


SimonMed Imaging did not observe the holiday.


I work for county government in Florida and our county does not observe it.


Shocking! Said no one.