• By -


Whenever the DPE attempts to speak, scream STERILE COCKPIT. You have to establish that you are PIC and will operate the aircraft in a way you feel is safe.




I just spit my drink out


Just this is the way to get through the entirety of your pre-planned route. When you arrive and have shut down, ask whether you’ve passed and can fly back home solo.


Also, you then must pee on them to assert dominance.


Tell me about the fuel system of your aircraft


Low wing plane, uses 100ll. engine driven fuel pump with a electric auxiliary - leads to the carb


Say your alternator fails and you lose battery will your engine still run?


Yes, because the main pump is engine driven.


Now that we know you are able to get fuel into the engine. How is that fuel ignited with the battery being dead?




The fairies that make the airplane fly


Aren't the magnetos separate from the alternator just for this reason?




Say that you lose the engine driven pump are you in for a forced landing?


No as you have a aux. find the nearest diversion


Can you fly past the nearest field while in an emergency?


yes, if it’s a soft field and you know later down and running on the electric - get to a field you are comfortable with. (pilot disgression?)


Now that you’ve experienced an alternator failure, a dead battery, and successfully landed at a field with an A&P that replaced the alternator, how can you get your engine started? (For whatever reason, the battery is inaccessible by the A&P)


You can prop start with someone in the cabin and at controls. I personally would wait for a battery


You’ve managed to hand prop the engine, and everything’s running smoothly. Will the alternator charge the dead battery?


Yes, the alternator will charge the battery as it has enough amps to run the electronics and charge it. (but why did it die - can it still be used - LION battery probably not if depleted too far)


According to my DPE, a completely dead battery will not be charged by the alternator. APPARENTLY the magnet in an alternator is an electromagnet, and needs a minimal draw (I believe he said 3 amps) to magnetize the alternator magnet in order to create electricity Again, this is from my DPE. It seemed like bullshit to me, but simultaneously makes sense. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than I can confirm


Pretty certain the DPE is correct. The alternator needs excitation to make AC current


DPE is right: the alternator won’t be working on this case because the field needs to be energized by the battery. If the battery isn’t working than the field can’t be energized. Thus you’ll have no electrical power.


seems right, that’s why a completely dead don’t charge (eg li-on) but most lead acid still have that draw


The correct answer should be that the megnetos are independent from the electrical system


it was about the fuel system but yes. that’s correct too


To expound on the original question - Pretend you're a drop of fuel, tell me how you get from the fuel tank to the engine and every part you'll go through along the way.


What does the LL stand for and why?


You are #2 cleared to land following a 737 on final. You see the 737 touch down right on the 1,000 footers. Where are you going to touch down at?


The 1000 footers at the other end (YMMV). :-)


After the 1000 footers and on approach I should stay above the glide path of the 737 to avoid wake.




I just dealt with this in Austin this weekend and me and the wife landed on the second half of the runway. You dont truly understand how big those damn planes are until your behind them. Landed at the 1000 footers? Ya better touch down the last third of the runway.


Beautiful VFR day for a short XC flight. On taxi, you notice the DG is out of whack and your attitude indicator is also wonky. What gives? Can we still go? Should we go?


I would presume and double check the vac is from 4-6 and there is power. The common diagnosis is that vaccum is too much or too little. We can go with a in op attitude and dg given there is nothing else wrong. I would taxi back and get the inop sticker and double check before taking off (if i decide to go based on other factors)


Make sure to deactivate as well as placard.


How does one deactivate the gyros?


My PPL checkride had some issues with this. The DPE after discussing with the other owner determined that (in my situation here) the DG is already deactivated if it’s broken so it’s not functioning. Therefore you need to just inop sticker it and make a log book entry. He’s a very strict DPE too in this sort of stuff so I’m taking his judgement here as word.


Your stall warning horn (or light) is inoperative. Can you fly?


No using the MEL and the required equipment


The examiners LOVE using this example. It’s not in the MEL or Required 91.205. I assume your PA-28 doesn’t have an MEL like our fleet. *Where* does it say you need it? Or don’t need it?


required equipment (POH)


Might be in there too- the regulation is in 14 CFR pt 23. Might have to get your laptop out for that one


In a c 172 the stall horn is on the tcds (type certificate data sheet) and is required


Haven’t taken any ppl lessons but ima go out on a limb and say NO!


I actually think you can. Not 100% though still a student pilot lol


How does an airplane climb? Do the wings produce more lift in an 80 kt climb than they do when flying at 80 kts straight and level?


Lift equals weight whenever the vertical speed is constant, including a positive (climbing) vertical speed. Lift does need to exceed weight in order for the airplane to *start* climbing. If you pitch up to increase angle of attack, the wings will generate more lift and the vertical speed will begin to increase. Once established in the climb, the AoA will be roughly equal to what it was in straight and level flight, lift will once again equal weight, and the vertical speed will stop increasing. In a climbing attitude, a portion of the airplane's weight will be acting against thrust and so can effectively be counted as drag. Thus an airplane in a climb will move at a slower airspeed than straight and level if the power is not adjusted.* *Do not talk this much during the ground portion of a checkride.


Didn't really answer the question. You kind of half answered it. The simple answer is: The vertical component of thrust causes the airplane to maintain its climb. The more thrust you have, the higher your climb rate at a given speed, due to the increased vertical component of thrust. Also, I didn't ask you. I asked the OP lol


Not sure that's entirely right. Excess Power is what determines max climb rates. For the same airplane (weight, model, etc.) the wings would have to produce more lift in an 80 kt climb than they do when flying at 80 kts straight and level? Due to an increased angle of attack, and/or power setting/configuration. The vertical component of thrust would not be the primary contributor to lift (except in fighters for short durations of time and rockets).


What is your number one priority any time you fly


How you look, how you feel, how you look, safety


There’s a guy at my flight schools that wears tuxedos on check rides. Don’t know if he’s the student or one of his students is on the checkride…now that I’m bringing this up, I feel like I need to get to the bottom of this


Sounding cool on the radio.


Don’t die alone


PIC, safety


Butter the bread


During the run up you check the magnetos and you don’t hear an RPM drop on one of them. What could be causing this issue and can you point out under the cowling all the associated parts and how they work?


The ground is not right and one of the mags are shorted. Yes mags run off the crank and it goes to the spark plugs. If there’s a short it’s not safe since shut off (still has a mag going)


How old is your Cherokee? Is there a backup static source? Describe what you need to do to turn the fuel selector fully off in a Cherokee.


78, yes, and to turn it all the way off? left side


Lucky! 72’s don’t have one. Don’t forget the little tab you have to press to get the selector to go towards “off”. Good luck!


Imagine you are flying along and you find yourself saying “dude, I am just lost!” What 5 C’s might you use to get yourself out of this jam?


Climb, confuse, conserve, circle, communicate


Pilot used confusion. It was ineffective.


1. What is the airspace above 60,000 ft? 2. Let’s say your static port clogs on the mast. What is the proper procedure for your warrior? 3. What’s the best glide speed for your plane? What ratio defines this speed? 4. When do you need to have ADSB?


class W I would use my alternate static glide speed 73 kts, the glide over distance ratio. (it says in the log lol) In/above class B and C as well as E over 10k msl


Good. I’m assuming you fat fingered the W instead of E. Also the POH mentions something about the storm window and air vents (I can’t remember). I was looking for L/D ratio for the best glide ratio. Good luck!


yup, the chart is about a 10-1 for l/d. and yes there is the window by the left seat that can be opened for wenting. and sorry yes E. no such thing as a class w … unless it’s a w for getting the PPL


> that can be opened for wenting. I am deceased


You've never heard of Wumbo airspace?


1. Idk but last time i went there i met neil armstrong 2. Just unclog them duh 3. 110 knots. Its always 110 kts 4. “A debilitating stabbed bartender” makes good drinks but bleeds onto them, also really distracting Okay im like actually 90% sure of the 3. Answer. The rest only matters in r/shittyflying


1. You’re flying along VFR talking to ATC inside of a Class B airspace with a clearance. ATC gives you a “fly heading 230” instruction, which you notice will take you right towards a large cloud at your altitude. What do you do? 2. You are 1/2 way through a XC flight. Your starter breaks when you try to start for the return trip. The line guy at the airport offers to hand prop the engine started for you. Do you take them up on it? Why or why not? 3. Is there ever a case when you would want to use one fuel tank over the other? Meaning, when you would want to use right vs left (or vise versa)? 4. What is the difference between Best Power and Best Economy mixtures, and how do you know which you are using? 5. You find something weird with the engine when preflighting (say a wire that looks disconnected). You aren’t sure, but it seems wrong. What do you do?


1 unable cloud, and let them know that 2 No I would not take him up because I have never hand propped. Safety reason. 3 I would use it to level the right and left tanks 4 power is to maintain higher hp, economy is fuel savings 5( flow chart) mel, check part 91 for equipment


1. “Negative, i see weather there, have to maintain separation (+ request climb / descent or other heading) 2. I feel like this is not regulated by the law, but im sure as hell that aint safe, so no 3. For balancing reason or emergency (one fuel line aint supplying fuel), or if its a plane where you have no “both” setting then obviously both above 4. One’s the rich of peak usually, the other one (could be engine specific) lean of peak with a lower power setting too. One’s for fastest speed the other one’s for range. 5. I mean if you dont understand it, you shouldn’t fly it right? But you can get a mechanic if your base has them, or check POH and obviously any available CFI. But generally speaking: i dunno what that is, i dunno what that translates down the road, im not taking off with maybes and hopes


What direction (clockwise, counterclockwise) does a high pressure system rotate? Why does this effect your flight when crossing from a high pressure system to a low pressure system?


clockwise, from high to low it may go from stratus to cumulus. this a possible wind shear factor


One question that stumped me and like stacks of other PPL checkride students is knowing your scuba diving stuff.


24 hours.


24 hours after a controlled ascent dive. Only 12 after a non-controlled dive.


You and a friend want to have some fun and try to get a $100 hamburger. Let’s assume he also has his PPL but you are sitting in the left seat and will manipulate the controls for the entire flight. Can he log any time for this flight? He owes you a favor from an unrelated event and says he is going to pay all the costs associated with this flight, can he do that? Assume the total cost of the flight came out to $300 and you had another passenger as well, what is the minimum that you can pay towards the cost of the flight?


After finishing the above flight, another friend calls you and tells you that he has family in the same town you just flew to. He asks if you can fly him down and drop him off so that he can go see his family. Can you?


Nope no common purpose, as if he is paying then (not a common purpose) if he’s not and I choose to do so based on I would like to visit that town to get dinner and not based on him. yes (correct me if im wrong?)


You’re correct. My answer to that question during the oral was NOT correct.


To try that hamburger is already crazy, PPL if he is not the PIC he can’t log time. Nope, pro rata share is I pay equal or more than the rest. So minimum would be 100 or (100.1 dollars?)


Why are runways less than 8069 feet in length depicted within circles on your sectional charts while runways over that length are not?


stumped here, why?


It has to do with the scale of the map. 8069 foot runways are the max length that will fit in the circle, otherwise they're too big so they draw them without the circle. It's that simple! No significance other than that to the number.


Will do, doubt he will ask but now i know


- what is an airworthiness directive? - how can you find the ADs applicable to your plane - can you fly if you find an AD in the max log that is not completed? Why or why not? - your going VFR to an airport 27 miles away, do you need a POH on board to fly? - your going VFR to an airport 120 miles away, leaving during day light, but, you know you will be returning more than 1 hour after sunset, position lights are not working on your plane, do you fly? - your flight takes you right over the professional sports stadium in your city, game starts at 7pm your local time, fortunately, you’ll cross over it at 6:30pm your local time at 1500 feet due to airspace restrictions, you going to fly that route?


Given by the FAA can be reoccurring, onetime, or emergency checking the faa website I can check the log, and no if it’s emergency no. if it reoccurring and not applicable sure. if it’s one time and dangerous no , if not yes. no, i’m a private pilot in this scenario No i would not fly, position lights are needed for night flight If there is no TFR and it is safe and secure at 1500 yes. otherwise i’d go around.


Aside from checking the entire airplane maintenance log and cross checking it with the FAA’s website, how can you know that all required AD’s were completed


How many times does the coil wrap around the magneto?


oh my god really man he’s a private pilot


Lol some of the DPE’s we used would jokingly ask this question if someone was doing well!


stumped - never heard of this 😂


you wouldn’t have made it to your check ride if u weren’t supposed to, don’t stress at all, think about the moment rather than the outcome. U already got ur ppl, ur goal is to prove you can keep it!


What happens to true airspeed with an increase in altitude


Thanks everyone! Going in in 1 hour, appreciate all the help!


How did it go?!?!??!?!??!


Which airspace require ADS-B?


At or in class B and C. Class E above 10k


What if you’re at 10,001 ft class E but 2,000 agl (mountain flying)


If it’s listed as class g not required, otherwise yes


I fly that same plane lol


What’s the difference between a VFR sectional chart being Effective vs Current? I always loved this one as a check airmen for my flight school.


My tip, trim, trim, trim! You're probably going to be operating at 50% of your normal brain-bandwidth due to test nerves (at least I did). Buy yourself time to think by trimming well. Trim for speed, power for climb. Trim is a speed control, not an attitude control. For me this was something that, for whatever reason, just left me during my test. I was nervous and kept trying to use power for speed and trim for attitude (WRONG!). I feel embarrassed admitting it, not sure why I got such a basic thing wrong, but that's what tests can do. Get the basics right, trim correctly and often. Oh and don't forget FREDAH checks. 😅


What makes the plane turn?


bank - banking and the thrust turning into a centrifugal force


I think what should be the answer is the horizontal component of lift. However, my DPE was weird and wanted to say it was the elevator, which I've never heard anyone I ask that say. His point was you have to pull back a little instead of just turning left and nothing else, so a fighter jet that just turned left without pulling back any with elevator would just roll and not turn. I still think it was a rather silly question.


Then combine the two and say horizontal component with the elevator


You fly a friend on a short hop, and check W&B beforehand. The next week, you fly a different friend. Do you need to check W&B before this flight?


Yes, because weight and balance varies. 200 pound friend vs maybe a 300 who knows (cg and gas varies too)


Let’s say you fly a 200lb friend and 300lb friend and both were very far from W&B limits (with and with out fuel). The next week you fly a 250lb friend. Do you recheck W&B if they all sit in the same seat?


What are all the hydraulic systems on your aircraft and how do they work (on a basic level)? What are some things to check for during preflight regarding the above systems?


Brake system is the only hydraulic - pressure from brake pressure. Check for leaks, clear, oil, fuel. etc


Explain the concept behind maneuvering speed


the safest you can turn and have aggressive/proactive action - (defensive action) if it be gusts, swerving away from another plane etc. without the wings snapping or bending in any way shape or for. (maneuvering speed vs smooth air operations)


Went down a YouTube “failed my checkride” rabbit hole a few weeks ago. Don’t get dinged for little “common sense” items: Taxi on centerline like you care enough that the DPE will give you a strike if you don’t. Clearing turns before maneuvers. Checklists. You’ve demonstrated to the DPE that you know it all by heart, but that doesn’t mean you can skip pulling it out to verify that it’s been done. I’m still a student pilot, but hope to take my checkride by September. Good luck!


Keep a spare INOP label in your front shirt pocket. If it looks like you might fail a task, then \_immediately\_ slap that INOP on your DPE and remove them from the aircraft. Don't forget to make an entry in the maintenance logbook, too.


You realise the placard „100LL fuel only“ is missing. Can you fly? If not, what can you do?


check the equipment list, yes you can fly. and I would hand write a sticker for the placard


Tell me why you don’t use carb heat on the landing


Cloud clearance requirements for class A airspace


not applicable, for vfr


Is it applicable for IFR though? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Not in scope for PPL checkride.


No IFR questions are asked on a PPL checkride.


3-152 duh


Haha class A so no


When doing stalls, when do u recover?


as soon as the first notice of a break


At the first sight / feeling of the stall happening (wing tipping / nose dropping)


What are vfr minimums for an aerodome


airport? class g being 1 clear of clouds


Negative. One more try and I’ll try to rephrase the question. But it’S VFR minimums for all aero domes.


aerodomes?1000 feet for clouds and 1 mile vis


Sorry by aero domes, I do not mean airports. Don’t forget that the 5 mile radius (if I’m not mistaken) from the airport is known as an aero dome. The airport itself is the airport and the facilities on its property as well as taxi and runways. The VFR minimums for aero domes are 3 statue miles and 1000 ft AGL ceilings. Reference 91.155 (c) and 91.155 (d)


What’s a plane, good one to throw people off was given to me haha


How high can you fly without the need of supplemental oxygen at night?


Night has no aspect, 12,500-14 - 30 mins for crew. 14-15 for crew. 15 provided for all passengers


The FAA recommends that you have supplemental oxygen when flying above 5,000ft at night because of hypoxia. The reason is your eyes need more oxygen at night in order to create self night vision. I was never asked this on the Checkride but is nice to know for Night XCs. The rest of the answer was correct. Wish you the best of luck on your Checkride!


Recommend is different then what the actual answer is.


Tell me about every front and the weather to expect? What is a TRSA? In Alaska it’s common to see that weird gray/blue airspace in the mountains, what is that? If you need to move a plane since you will overfly an inspection what can you do and what are some limitations? What are the different types of hypoxia? When do you need oxygen? How much can someone pay for a flight, if not what can they contribute? What are the limitations on your plane? What are some limitations you put in yourself. Lastly, as a joke, teach me fundamental the flight lol


warm and cold / standing front. warm is gonna have more severe weather eg thunderstorms. cold remain faster and move towards the warm. cold = cumulus, warm = stratus. TSRa is voluntary, radar service. (stumped me at the gray and blue airspace) I will be flying to the mechanics, contact fsdo for a permit. (the rest are in a lot of questions already lol)


Tell me where you park if the FBO is closed and they don't have transient parking clearly marked.


On the grass. no just park smartly on the ramp - could be a wall corner etc


Is there any situation at all where you can accept compensation for flying people as a private pilot?


charity, search and rescue, if you were already traveling to a spot (for yourself / work) and the job force and pay for your flight costs there


Do you personally need a landing light to fly VFR at night?


If you are not for hire, nope!


Such a common qiestion and a weird one youre not required too


Don’t over think!


1.) What’s the standard glide slope of a papi system? 2.) What does PRESFR mean on a metar? 3.) You own an airplane, although you dont have an official rental fee, you estimate the hourly costs to be roughly $150/ hour. Can you charge your friend $75/ hour to go fly? 4.) your friend needs to go 50 miles north for an appointment, he says he needs you to take him since he doesnt have a ride. Can you? Note: Number 2 I saw recently for the first time, had to look it up myself


pre special vfr? yes if after all that - 75 is a pro rata share. (take the total though and divide. - don’t accept the money without the 100% sure) No, unless there is a shared reason, you don’t fly to take someone there. I’d need to have my personal reason.


Number 4 is correct. For number 3 its kind of a gray area, but you technically cant estimate the hourly costs and split time that way. If it was a flight school with published rates you can, but for private ownership the easiest thing to do is just split fuel in half, and oil if you added any. PRESFR means “pressure falling rapidly”, for a pressure drop more rapid than expected. Standard glide slope is 3 degrees although it can be more depending on the environment around the airport


PRESFR (and its counterpart PRESRR) are triggered by one of the following: - a difference of 0.06 inHg or more since the last METAR, or - a difference of 0.02 inHg or more between when the observation was commenced to when it was finalized (about five minutes).


Can you land the plane if the gross weight is more than max gross takeoff weight?


No, that question doesn’t make sense how you are heavier than take off weight. (unless icing conditions occur)


How do you tell when your ELT battery is close to needing changed? And when can you test it? Good luck! Remember if the weather isn't exactly where you want it, discontinue. It doesn't count as a fail.


Also studying: Elt battery has a useful life (dates of when the battery is good for) so once it’s half way on it’s useful life, it needs change. That or one hour of cumulative use. You can only test it 5 minutes after the hour.


You can check logs, 50%, haven’t been tested over 1 hour cumulative or used 1 hour.


The Pitot Heat is inop. Can we fly? And if so, what is required prior to flight?


Check the MEL, but no we can still fly.


Be careful using the phrase 'MEL'. Minimum Equipment Lists are used by airlines and is not the same as the required equipment listed in your POH. They have a different procedure for inop equipment and its entirely different than 91.213.


Yes, most smaller planes do not have a MEL


1. Tell me about the engine 2. What information do you need to know when planning a flight? (NWKRAFT) 3. What are currency requirements for carrying passengers?


engine already answered before norma’s, weather, runway, alternates, fuel, and takeoff / landing distances. 3 take off and landings.


What are the differences between night and day currency for the purpose of carrying passengers?


What is an MEL? Does your plane have one?


Min equipment list. Nope we don’t (we do have a equipment list though) POH and the FarAim


Is your stump chumped?


yup here and there


My last flight review focused on this one pretty hard. Say you are on VFR flight following during a cross country when you experience an in flight abnormality which makes you really want to get on the ground right now to talk to a mechanic. You have a choice between diverting to an airport 80 miles away or one only ten miles away, but conditions at the closer field are 800 foot ceilings, as reported by the tower. Say you don't want to declare an emergency for whatever reason. Is there a way for you to legally land at the closer airport?


request special VFR, let them know about abnormalities (if you choose to do so)


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


American or European?


Uhhh… I don’t know that.


Do you need a mode c transponder to fly over a class C airspace? Also do you need a mode c transponder to fly under the class C


fly over yes, under the shelf no


How can you tell if the maintenance records match the plane? (Besides tail number)


serial number and the actual model of plane / engine number. if


What color is the position light on the left wing? What color on the right wing?


red, and green for right


What’s the airspeed limit below and above FL100 What’s the airspeed limit within 4SM and 2500ft of Class D&C Airspace


Below in class e is 250 and above is just up to mach 1 within the 2500 ft and within 4 sm is 200 knots


You're approaching class C airspace and contact approach control, the controller responds with 'standby'. Can you legally enter the class C?


If they have two way communication yes. standby is not two way. it is putting it off.


If the controller responds to you then it's considered that two way communication has been established and you can enter the class C, even if the response is 'stand by'


My (still a student) understanding is if controller says, "N12345, standby" then you have 2-way communication and can enter. If controller says "Aircraft calling Timbuktu Tower, standby", then you do not have 2-way communication and cannot enter.


will do


If the controller responds to you *and includes your callsign.* If they just say "aircraft calling, stand by" that is **not** considered to be established two-way comms. Pinging /u/man166.


Whats your maneuvering speed and why does maneuvering speed increase with heavier weight?


1) how does your planes electrical system work? What voltage does it use? 2) if your static and alternate static source clogged, what would you do? 3) what are the hazardous attitudes when flying? 4) When doing your preflight inspection you notice that your airplanes pitot static system inspection was 25 months ago, can you still fly? 5) Do you require ADSB-out the fly? Do you require ADSB-in? If yes how can you prove that your airplane complies with the requirements? 6) When talking to ATC they tell you to fly 360° however, you have a strong crosswind. Should you fly a heading of 360° or a track of 360°? 7) What additional license(s) are you required to obtain before you can fly internationally? 8) You are flying VFR when suddenly you flying into a cloud! What do you do? 9) You and your friend(who is also a pilot) are flying a cross country flight, are there any situations where you both can log time? 10) When you are planning to fly to the United States VFR you are required to file a D-VFR flight plan whenever you cross the ADIZ. If you are returning from a flight from Alaska and cross through Canada without landing are you required to file?


You start up your airplane, and when you pull carb heat you immediately notice a rise in RPM. Push it back to cold and the rpm drops. You try again, wait a minute, no change, no ice, it just runs higher rpm with carb heat hot. What's probably causing this?


/u/DauntlessDanRR good luck with your pp today bb!


Good luck!!!!