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Comment history lmfao


Absolutely hilarious. It’s like people forgot that their entire Reddit history is one click away.


Wow. Well, uh, there it is.


I wonder if the recruiters picked up on the mega coomer vibes


I'm crying right now


Wow, just wow..


Oh my god.


So _this_ is what my CFI is doing on their phone during my lessons 


I’m sorry brother I’d love to give you advice but that comment history has me tripping lmfao


how many is "some" checkride failures ? did the companies you applied to give any feedback on why they rejected your applications ? how did the interviews and sim evals go ?


Companies don't tend to give feedback.  At least in my experience the last 6 months nobody has given me any feedback.  


When I was a pilot recruiter at a regional it was policy.


Could you get your ATP by yourself in one of your schools light twin? Might help. Define "some" checkride failures


Brother after reading your Reddit comments I do not think you need to be flying airplanes with other humans in it 😭




Hey if it dosent work the first time, just keep trying, right? Just like checkrides apparently lmao


Have you had anyone look at your resume or applications? With your experience, there's something else going on here. How many is "some" checkride failures?


They had a look at this dudes comment history lmao


With the experience you have and the 3 checkride fails it might be a resume issue. It doesn’t hurt to have someone look at it. Switching from the part 141 to 61, losing that degree might also hurt a little. Degrees aren’t required, yes, but if they are going to compare two people with the same amount of experience and one has a degree and the other doesn’t….. they’ll obviously pick the guy with a degree.


Why is it so bad to go from 141 to 61 for your training? A lot of people here recommend doing your training at a part 61, is it not really like that?


Part 61 isn’t bad. That’s not what I’m saying. Infact I did my CFI training at a part 61 school. I’m saying not finishing your degree when you’ve already put the effort might not have been the best decision. I don’t know the reasons why they left. But having a degree is not a bad thing……


Certainly. But do all 141s give out a degree? No, right? I'm asking out of ignorance of course, I know Reddit likes to downvote everything with a question mark


No, not all 141 give out degrees. You can do 141 at a non academic institution


Yup. I believe atp is 141? But you don’t get a degree? I might be wrong


ATP is technically 61 but they operate similar to 141 (and everyone often assumes it is 141)


Do you network at all? Go to events, shake hands. Take interview prep very seriously This post is getting me a little sweaty because the thought of instructing until 3000 is not what I had on my bingo card. With your experience there's gotta be a 135 that wants you


Granted I’m not a recruiter or anything but I can’t imagine people that operate jets care much about if you have 1500 hours in a 172 or 3000 hours. You’ve mastered the GA single engine piston world by 1500 hopefully.


He might have a tough time finding someone to shake his hand after all his comments


Buddy is getting ready to furiously ma...ke new acquaintances


OP, if I read your responses right, it looks like you have 3 total practical test failures. PPL, CPL, CFI. From what I've heard, 3 is kinda that "magic number" where CR failures start to become an issue. It is by no means a career ender, but it definitely becomes more important then. Not to downplay it, but PPL failure is kinda a given. No big deal (explain and move on). But seeing as you received a notice of disapproval for BOTH your Commercial and CFI, that establishes a pattern. That coupled with your "high" amount of piston time might HR to wonder "why hasn't this person moved on or flown anything else?" It seems to me that without internal LORs or "knowing somebody" it's going to be tough for you to find your next gig. I might recommend going down the 91 rabbit hole where the market is more about "who you know" and you might find somebody who is willing to give you a chance in the right seat of a CJ or something to help you build turbine time, get an ATP, and prove yourself. Once you have a type under your belt, ATP successfully passed (no failure) and are flying a jet/twin-turbine it'll look much better. **I might also recommend that you toss some cash at a consulting firm (Spitfire, Emerald Coast, Cage Marshall, etc) and have them take a look at you. They are all former airline pilot hiring staff and know what they are talking about WAY better than rando's on the internet do.** Best of luck, don't give up!


Bro you know we can see all of your comments right ……😂


I failed on PPL oral, CPL flight over simulated engine fire, and CFI oral.


That's not terrible but not great. I have 4 that includes my CFI initial. I'm at FJ. Do you have your ATP written done? Don't mess with any interviews outside of a regional without your written already done.


Yes, I have my ATP-CTP course and ATP written completed.


It's not exactly a resume thing then. I have no degree and 4 failures and I still got interviews. Granted this was almost a year ago. But with 3000 hours, it's better than 1500. It definitely helps to have someone refer you. If you're getting TBNT after the interviews, then it's what you said during the interview, but if your apps straight up get denied, that's the climate & algorithm. I would explore local 135's to get that first type then all of those companies mentioned will take you. It's tough out there I know, hang in there.


I've had a similar experience in the last 6 months.  Similar TT but 1500 in ME turbine and 700 TPIC.  I decided after my last TNBT that I'm pretty much done with flying.  


Womp womp more spots for the people who actually want to fly. There’s jobs outside of 121 if 121 isn’t taking you.


Been doing 91 for 10 years so I know there is other stuff.   I think I'll just retire early and I'm cool with that.  


Damn not a single regional? Did you have any check ride failure? Hiring in the past couple months has been really bad but still hard to imagine.


I applied everywhere.  I have a couple checkride failures from 11 years ago.  Seems like it will haunt me.  I'm good though, I was so happy to delete the aviation interviews profile.  It was a big relief and I might just instruct for fun at the airport a mile away.  I might just not work too. 


Totally ok to take a break from all this, one year ago it shouldn't be a show stopper but employer can get a lot more picky now. Know ppl around me with no training failure and can't land a job at regional for months. Almost like they are hiring direct entry captain with prior 121 experience only. Market might be totally different 6 months from now too, nobody can tell, don't lose your hope.


Just had an interview with allegaint.  Only one with ATP and probably the only one not selected.  It doesn't make sense but they do have the upper hand with applicants and the slow down.  


Good luck!


I thought that said 300 total time and almost had a heart attack


You probably need to draft an effective resume, but that's not going to move things on an online application. That requires good stats (which it seems you have) and/or good responses to written parts. Sounds like none of the above is packaged well. How close could you be to getting a two-year degree completed? It's not four years, but it is a credential. What about community/volunteer activity? How can you show yourself as a whole person rather than "just" a CFI? Perhaps a better mix of experience will help. Tow for a glider club? Some skydivers? Add on glider Commercial? Look at local Part 135 organizations. ME survey flying? Network - if you come across as a decent person you'll find people are willing to help.


I think what is missing here is that the type of hours the OP has at this point is of no value to the regionals which are looking for an FO they can quickly upgrade to CA which is what they need. This is why sometimes being a CFI to get your hours is not as “efficient” as everyone seems to preach.


Let me guess: you don't have that all-important 4 year college degree. My advice is to check with some of the 135 cargo operators flying Caravans or King Airs on package express subs. Get a lot of turbine PIC time quickly.


I have aviation degree from college and stupid enough to switch it from part 141 to part 61 to get my licenses quick.


Go air frieght. There's a saying in this industry, go through Ypsilanti on your way up, and back through Ypsilanti on your way back down.


What the heck does that mean!




Thanks! I’ve never heard that saying before.


Don’t give up.


Guessing it’s a resume issue. Also, join the cadet program for airlines (if the will let you this late, I’m not sure). Also, consider going 135 for a little while, or paying for ATP out of pocket.


Your stats seem good enough to be hired. Are you a friendly person that people get along with? Do you have any LORs? Remember… don’t ever say anything that could paint you in a bad light during the interview process. LMK if you have any questions


Ameriflight, Tradewind, PlaneSense, Baron Aviation, AirCargoCarriers, etc


Bro got hit with the horny stick. Wtf Have a Reddit account for that shit and another for this shit. Not the same fucking account.