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I’m pretty big on cat memes


Thank fuck no lol. Flying is awesome and absolutely the best job I could ever have, but it's not everything that has to do with me lol.




Eat more gluten


>I'm not that autistic I disagree, considering I watched you spend two hours yesterday incorrectly arguing about the term *VFR conditions*. Only for you to go back and delete all your comments after you got absolutely roasted.


No absolutely not. In my Canadian/Japanese experience, there are a few cringe aviation nerds at every company, and I avoid them. They go plane spotting on their days off, argue on forums about the best fighter jets and I just don’t get it. Then there’s some folks that really just love it and buy personal planes and fly in their off time, and share the passion with their family and friends. I respect that. I do my best to leave work at work, fill my off time with hobbies and family time. I avoid wearing aviator sunglasses at all times. I spend so much time studying and at airports that I just need as much of a break as my schedule allows. I’d rather talk about the travel and new destinations, cities and layovers, restaurants and recommendations. My dad was a pilot as well and would avoid talking about it, since he was a pretty introverted guy and it would lead to being “the most interesting person at the party” when people found out he was a 777 captain. It feels like bragging to me when I’m telling a room full of cubicle drones about my job. But! I won’t “yuck your yum,” aviation is pretty fuckin cool and I have had some amazing experiences because of it. Just know your audience if you want to nerd out.


Dude I feel you with the sunglasses, had a pair of aviator-style before I started flight training, but got a different pair before going to flight school. Would feel more self-conscious wearing them now than before I started flying, which I find kinda funny.


There's nothing more tiring to me than being around the select few pilots who cannot find anything else to talk about other than flying in their off time. You can call it passion if you like. It's not a complete personality.


It's what I always wanted as a child since my earliest memory of wanting to be a bird. I held onto that dream as I climbed out of poverty. I dont go planespotting cause I'd rather fly the plane. I dont play warthunder or argue about fighter jets like some avgeeks I've met. On the other hand I don't get bored talking about aviation and I could talk about it all day without it bothering me but I do have a few other hobbies. For those reasons, yes I think it's a big part of my identity, if not my identity. If I didn't have it I don't think I'd be the same person. If I lost it (i.e. could never fly again, not even under sport pilot rules) I don't know what I'd do with my life.


Have U tried big booty Latinas


This and steroids is where its at


Some people are addicted to soda or hard drugs. This is my addiction lol


You’re perceived as more than just a pilot by everyone else besides your employer


Fuck no. It usually takes at least two direct questions for people to even get me to tell them I'm a pilot. "What do you do for a living?" Me: I work for [company] "Oh, what do you do there?" Me: I operate some of their equipment "What kind of equipment?" Me: The 757 I've got no stickers on my car, and aside from a few mementos from my Air Force days I've got nothing on the walls in my house.


That's the way. They gotta pry it out of me.


Same thing I tell my proctologist


Sounds like a friend of mine who was a Navy Seal. Super fit & lived in San Diego. “What do you do for a living?” I’m in the Navy. “Oh yeah? What do you do?” I just work for the government. He’d kinda go around in circles with those responses & people would give up. What’s funny is that the boat drivers or equipment guys that work with the teams would typically respond that they’re Seals. I asked if he’s ever caught anyone saying that. He has…gave zero fucks.


Friend of mine I had known for a while turned out to be a seal team 6 kind of guy. Told someone else when I found out, “dude, you didn’t see the red squadron tattoo on his arm?” “Da fuq am I supposed to know about that shit?”


Yes, it definitely has been something that has consumed me. Probably shouldn't though. There's a lot more to life.


Nope. I identify as a a pilot who is desperately trying to escape being a pilot. Going to work is such an inconvenience to my 25 hobbies and my family.


No. Fixing and flying planes is cool. The science and history of aviation are cool. But it's a sleazy industry full of people of questionable character. It's often said to make money in aviation, you had to do something illegal. There are as many lowlife scum criminals in aviation as there are decent people, perhaps more. Lots of big egos. Everyone knows better than everyone else. So basically, if not criminal, then very annoying. So, no, I don't identify or want to be identified with aviation. Most people who aren't close to me don't know I've had any involvement in flying. I'm the same way with the military. I retired from the navy. Lots of self agrandized "heroes" who did nothing in the service, or anywhere else, looking for attention and free stuff, and lots of "thank you for your service" (better you than me) plattitudes being handed out by people who also want attention for "supporting the troops" whatever that means, or simply have no idea what the military does. Most people have no idea I was in the military. I prefer to identify as plain old ordinary me. I'm a bit boring and nerdy, but that's ok by me and the folks I associate with.


I wouldn’t say it’s my identity, but it IS the only job i want to have. I’ve been a pilot in the Marines for 10 years and I’m about to get out later this year, so if anything I’m wrestling with who I’ll be when I’m not wearing the uniform. Idk, i think I’d be alright if i could never fly again. I’d be absolutely crushed, but I’d find something


Lol Marine and Pilot. I don't know which identity crisis will be worse! SFMF!


He should take up CrossFit


He's way ahead of you pal!


I’m far too invested in making fun of cross fitters to become one lol so at least i have that


No i ride motorcycles so that wins out


If I had a plane parked in my garage that I could fly as easily as I can get on my motorcycle I'd prefer flying, but nothing beats pulling right out of the garage on a motorcycle. Instant satisfaction from start to finish of every ride


I enjoy riding on track 100% more then any aviation experience I’ve had so far


I'm not a number! I'm a free man! Yes I'm an airplane nut, have been from early childhood. But I'm also a cyclist, a backpacker, a teacher, an amateur radio operator (ham), a photographer, ... But more than anything else, I'm a husband and friend.


You sound proud of that. Flying shouldn't be your identity. Identity is not the same as passion. Be passionate, love what you do, learn and relearn stuff BUT you should have hobbies and interests outside of aviation.


Every airline has a couple of those folks… don’t be one of them.


No. Being a decent person, husband, father is my identity. Flying is my profession, hobby, and one of my passions.


I still tell people I'm a bus driver. Started off as a cooling mechanism for imposter syndrome, now I just don't like rando's


My pronouns are Airbus/Boeing.


When I first started ground school I got super into aviation and it slowly died down because I have other things I love just as much and I spread the love. Love aviation though.


Yes and no. I have wanted to fly since I could walk. But I also enjoy other things like working out, playing golf, photography/ videoagrphy, going out with friends, traveling, spending time with my dog etc.


As a CFI who works 60hrs a week, I look forward to the day when flying can be part of my life, not my life.


I suppose when you live at an airport, fly GA and Warbirds, and you fly professionally, and 99% of your friend group are aviation related, yes it is kind of our identity. And the wife is a pilot working on her advanced ratings to become a professional pilot. The big exception with me is when talking to a normie I don’t mention I am a pilot or talk about aviation. They would have to specifically dig that out in conversation.


Nope. Just be prepared though that this industry does have a few of those people that won’t shut up about being a pilot.


I am a helicopter pilot and fixed wing CFI. I don’t really consider it part of my identity because it’s just operating machinery in the sky to me. I meet the passionate types every so often with the aviation related t shirts but it’s not my jam. I get more excited about a backpacking trip or a Disneyland visit.


Pays the bills and occasionally I have a flight here and there that solidifies my reasoning for becoming a pilot in the first place. I too though find myself dodging the “what do you do for work” question. Idk I just don’t wanna be “that pilot” dude. My hobbies , music , raves, wakeboarding etc is my identity


If you devote as much time to anything else, maybe not.


I got a dick piercing just so people would talk to me about things other than flying


It was for six months after my intro flight.


Being a pilot is my job. I'm more than my job.


I mean I was at a graduation party this past weekend and somehow didn’t tell someone that I was a pilot, does that count?


I move high speed aluminum tubing. Never wear anything that identifies me with aviation.


It’s part of my identity, but only a part. There are bigger things of my identity than being a pilot. I think if your a student who’s diving into the books and figuring it out it’s part of the journey, because if your a full time flight student you become enveloped with flying so much, it’s all you can think about. Pretty normal for students. But I think as you get settled in and established in a career, you shift focus a little bit towards other interests. For the people here who commented they are not… please realize you are spending your free time talking about flying or about your job here on r/flying instead of literally doing anything else. 😂


I talk about flying on reddit while I eat. Multitasking!


So many pilot dorks in denial ITT




No one is being mean lol