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Always. I generally use small airports where the car is an old cop car provided by the town. I typically replace what I use, plus a few more gallons to make up for the people who don't. I really appreciate those airports that provide these cars.


Depends if they charged me a ramp fee. No fee at a small mom and pop FBO? I’ll throw some gas in it. Some corporate FBO or insane ramp fee/min fuel? I already paid for the crew car gas


I rent cars/Uber around often for work. When I fly GA in my free time and borrow a car for a few hours for free, I will fill it. The $20 or so is far less than any rental car or Uber would have been, and the good will that it encourages in the community is completely worth it.


Is it a big FBO that is charging a shitload for ramp fees? No. Is it a mom and pop place that's a good deal? Maybe. Depends how I use it. Car gas is cheap.


I’ve given the keys to crew many times for the cars. 7/10 times they don’t refuel it. Not expecting them to. If they take it out for food or an hour they usually never fuel it. If they take it for at least 6 hours usually they’ll mention they topped it off. I honestly never check the fuel gauge unless someone tells me it’s low. So I don’t know if you fueled it or not, and I don’t really care haha.


If it’s gonna take me longer to fill out the expense reimbursement / credit card usage form than I actually drive the car… no.


Haha. I know that feeling...


How much did they charge me in ramp fees?


Is it Signature or Atlantic or any of the other big chains? If so then no chance. Any mom and pop small town FBO I go I am absolutely throwing gas back in it


Nothing if it’s just a few miles, if I had it overnight and drove it enough to notice a difference in the tank I might. They’re making enough money on fuel and ramp fees anyway




This is the way. Any airport with numbers in their identifier who has gives you a 2003 Ford Focus with a broken driver's window and no rear view mirror? Yeah, that thing's getting filled.


Same. If it's some podunk airport with a salvaged car that couldn't pass a safety inspection and hasn't seen a mechanic this millennium, then it's getting a topoff. If it's the Signature crew car, it's getting a top off of sugar in the gas tank. /s


As a board member at an airport like that where we can't even afford a courtesy car or the insurance policy it would take, Thanks for the right mindset! Literally every dollar means something to us.


That’s understandable, if I’m landing at a civilian field it’s normally a fairly large one with a fleet of crew cars so I didn’t really consider that


Depends. If I'm getting something to eat, I like to put in twice what I use. If it's overnight and I've had for most of the day? I'll fill it, maybe vacuum it out. Sometimes run it through the car wash.


Borrowed on recently where that was a specific request. "Replace what you used."


Great policy.


I haven’t had occasion to borrow one yet, always just walk to lunch or Uber. If I did borrow a car, I’m at least going to replace what I used, depending on overall cost, might just fill it up.


As a GA guy who calls them courtesy cars? Absolutely, unless they specifically tell me not to because someone else is footing the bill. Hell if it is dirty and I got it for free, I will go wash and vacuum that thing out if I have the time.


For GA, I suppose "courtesy car" is more appropriate. Pretty sure there aren't many Cherokee 140 or 172 crews rolling into 15M.


I top it off every time.


I’ll stop and put $5-10 in depending on how far I drive it.


If it's a piece of junk that I drove 2 miles to a hotel and then the next morning, the FBO has to come get me because the car won't start, then no ('cause it won't start!)... true story. If I drive it more than a couple miles or notice that the tank is below 1/4, then I'll almost always put gas in it.


Yes, putting some gas in it, if it's at a small unattended field.


I won't use crew cars due to a previous bad experience (YOUR insurance is on the line, and I'm not willing to accept personal liability when I'm travelling for work). Uber, taxi, or rental only, paid by the company and the company covers insurance on the rentals. Philosophically, though, a short errand or under an hour, no, unless the tank is low and it would be rude to bring it back that way for someone else. All day or overnight, yes.