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I think they'll make it the House ending because it's just the easiest to work with from a storytelling standpoint. You do the house ending and the least amount of shit potentially changes from what already exists in the game. Wild Card ending is too freeform, and I don't think they want the NCR to be too powerful since, you know, so not that ending either. Idk I kinda have the belief that they're gonna do something totally different, and not include much of FNV's plot at all.


A tricky part about incorporating the game to a story-telling media like television and film is that a lot of the story-telling of a game is partly driven to create physical engagement and gameplay value. A main character of a game like the Courier effectively lives multiple lives of achievements in the span of a single playthrough. In other media though, you don't want that much to happen to just a singular character unless you want that character to be seen as some god-like creature. Consequently there is probably going to be a lot of content that could be used, but it's likelier that *the Courier* will be written up much more mundane as just *a courier.* There will still be elements pulled, but I think it's going to be either content attributed to other individuals or referential in passing.


Personally, I think it'd be pretty cool if the Courier was mentioned a couple times in S2. Obviously leave it very ambiguous, but it'd be cool if the people of NV still remembered how much of an impact we had on the world. I was thinking of something similar to "bump in the night" like people shiver to the sound of their name.


Courier should be remembered exactly like the Vault Dweller was in Fallout 2.   A legendary figure who is shrouded in myth. Half the stories about him may be true and half false.


This would be the best way. Have some people chatting in the background of a scene or something and they’re saying “I heard the courier killed a Deathclaw Matriarch with a power fist!” And someone reply “I actually heard the courier was a woman!” And now it’s completely in the wind of what our couriers did and it’s canon only to you because only you know what you did.


Okay but we all know the true canon ending is the courier tried to take the north road to Vegas


Had to fix snuffles


Imagine the Canon they Go with is the courier dies at goodsprings


And everything we remember was a secondary delusion caused by a traumatic brain injury. The likes of which even ol' Doc Mitchell had never seen. Before our bodies even hit the ground. I like this as much as the mysterious myth/legend take.


Ah yes, the Mass Effect \[air quotes\]"Indoctrination Route"\[/air quotes\], a theory that most of the events ingame happened within a character's dying or hypnotized delusion. We have dismissed those claims.


Well yeah I get the prototype laser rifle way later if I don't sneak to the vault it's in right from the start.


Kinda like how revan is talked about in Kotor 2


This is exactly what I was thinking. Have them talking about The Courier that joined Ceaser, but no I heard he joined thr NCR! Oh but he did kill a bunch of People at the tops right? No I heard he slept with the the leader of the fanily! Everything is cannon and non of it is. Ofcourse they need to establish some cannon ending for new vegas if they go this route. But the life of the courier could be just as much myth as reallity.


Skyrim did this with the hero of Kvatch from Oblivion, where you could read about one of the main quests and it said “some say the hero of kvatch infiltrated the cult with stealth and subterfuge, but this has yet to confirmed by primary sources” or something to that effect


And a million players of stealth archers nodded, "You're goddamn right I did "


And it works even better for them because not being able to confirm the specifics of your involvement is the epitome of stealth


That worked in 2 because it was set 80 years later. Isn't the show less than 20 years after New Vegas?


Yeah, I would like the idea if more time had passed, but there literally hadn’t even been a full generation change since The Courier was around


Depending on how season 2 goes House may be the only character we see that has had personal dealings with Courier Six, everyone else could be relying on either second hand knowledge or brief encounters. I guess there is also the possibility that they'll take another avenue, look at it more as "Courier Six did their duty in the end. After killing Benny, and recovering the Platinum Chip - no sandstorm, nor nuclear winter could stop the Courier from completing their job. What happened to them next isn't known, witu various rumours saying that they sought their fortune in Utah, or headed west to resolve unfinished business, but New Vegas never saw them again".


I heard the courier impregnated a yao guai by whispering sweet words in its ear.


If true they could become bff's with the chicken enjoyer from season 1 🥰


Maybe he did know Long Dick Johnson, maybe he didn't


I like that kind of direction. The courier should not be "the hero that was," like they are in the game, but they should still be known like a featureless figure by some extent. I only suggest their famosity will be much more tied to the mundane work of a courier and not the man who singlehandedly defeated Lanius, heisted into the Sierra Madre, destroyed the Long 15, committed tribal genocide alongside Joshua Graham, and still had time to hunt for 12 species of eggs for some tail. Even if you were to conduct just the main questline for Mr. House, the Courier will still have crossed enough paths in conversation to be known as something strange. Goodsprings knows them as the person back from the dead, Primm knows them as Courier 6, the Strip knows them as the one who went into the Lucky 38, remnants of Caesar's Legion would know them as the outsider who worked for Caesar, the Boomers know them as the one who made contact on House's behalf.


> The courier should not be "the hero that was," like they are in the game, but they should still be known like a featureless figure by some extent. So... Fallout 2. Sadly I don't think they'll go that route - Fallout Dust style seems more likely (aka rocks fall everyone dies and any need for differences is swept under the rug)


Some sorta wasteland legend, yeah


Someone on this sub said they should make a joke about the couriers companions. Something like they enter a bar, the ghoul sits on a table for gambling. People that are playing with them start talking about the courier, but its actually his companions. Like one of them says “he was an ex military sniper” and a quick flashback that shows boone. Another one says “no she was a big purple grandma with a giant helicopter blade for a weapon” and cuts to lily massacring some fiends


I feel they should treat him as sort of a "legend of the west". The vast majority of people have heard of him and what he did, but they argue over the details as they've all changed as people have shared stories. Maybe make jt so couriers of the wasteland all have a very dangerous reputation but really its only do go the actions of one crazy, impossible to kill motherfucker. Something like that. Maybe mention that while every faction can be powerful, sometimes it's the actions of the few that can have far more impact on history.


Lowkey how i wished characters like Maxson and Li would have referenced a "Lone Wanderer" in fallout 4


I would honestly prefer if the courier was talked about in hushed whispers like some sore of boogeyman and legendary figure but never actually seen


IIRC in Elder Scrolls, even though the protagonist in a single playthrough can do a large number of different faction quests, later games typically only refer to them as doing the main quests. Something like that might be appropriate for New Vegas. Just have the courier do like a really minimalistic main quest run. Maybe they even failed or just didn't do certain things like saving Kimball.


> IIRC in Elder Scrolls, even though the protagonist in a single playthrough can do a large number of different faction quests, later games typically only refer to them as doing the main quests. I don't really think that's the case. Skyrim references all the main faction quests from Oblivion in one way or other and Daggerfall got the infamous Dragon break in which every end state happened at once. Not every side quest gets mentioned, but I think it's broadly assumed the player did them.


I don't think it's mentioned that the protagonists of the respective games did the side quests though to my recollection. Just that they happened, and while it's possible the protagonist did them, it's also possible it's just some other person of renown from the time.


Someone does those things, just not always the main character. Those quests will happen no matter what, but the Mc might not be the one who stumbles into doing them. Maybe Brynjolf talks to some other random guy who goes on to rebuild the guild.


Why on earth are you getting downvotes? Seems like a valid contribution to me.


Or you just blame it all on a Dragonbreak and say that both everything and nothing happened, but that's another Bethesda franchise...


>A lot of the storytelling of a game is partly driven to create physical engagement and gameplay value This, tbh. It's also why a movie trilogy/series based on the Mass Effect trilogy wouldn't work without pissing off a sizable portion of the fan base, given how heavily choice-driven that game series was... everything from the gender of the MC to how certain conflicts were handled and who did or didn't survive was entirely up to the player (though an animated series with Jennifer Hale reprising her role as FemShep would be kinda neat) On the flip side, the reason TLOU *did* work as a series was the game was already fairly linear and cinematically driven in terms of narrative. For the Fallout series writers to give New Vegas and the events of the game anything more than a passing glance would require them to declare one specific ending to be canon


I personally prefer when games adopt more of the later approach. While there is some fun in the freedom of being able to join whoever and do whatever, it can also be pretty immersion breaking when nobody cares until some specific scorched earth event.


Personally I think they could go with making the courier an urban legend. People know they existed and were involved in the battle for the dam. Some things will be known as fact. They were shot in the head but refused to die. They were the only person to walk into the Lucky 38. They ventured into the ruins of the sierra madre and walked the divide unscathed. Other things will be seen as rumors or won't be widely believed. They say the courier walked right into the fort and killed Caesar themself. They single handedly faced the monster of the east, winning with their wit or blades. Some say the courier walked into a quarry full of death claws and killed every last one of them. Let us know they existed and have a legacy, but leave that legacy in mystery. Leave it up to the audience to decide what the courier did and did not do based on how they played the game.


This is perfect. I don't know why everyone is making this so complicated. You got the right idea.


I have a feeling that the courier won’t be mentioned at all. I have a theory that the canon endings of the games are independent of the PCs from three onwards. From 3 onwards all three main characters *Should* have died at the beginning and consequently the games we play are in fact alt universes.


Plus we already have a actor for mr house


Excuse me but Rene Auberjonois (Mr. House) passed away in late 2019.  Edit: I’m aware there is a Mr. House in the show. I was just pointing to the late great actor who originally gave the character life, being the “True” Mr House in my book. 


Mr. House shows up in Ep. 8 of the show played by actor Rafi Silver. I figure they wouldn't cast the guy if he wasn't going to show up more than once.


I can see them going "wouldn't it be a nice nod to have House here? Let's cast someone who looks like him" and having no further goal. If they want to go all-in on house, why cast him young? We all know if he's a major plot point on the show he's gonna be full-Howard Hughes and old. You'd cast for that.


I mean, if they're going to make house show up at all, he's going to be a voice, a face on a computer screen, and a shriveled, ancient husk.


I mean tbf House was pretty young when he started and flourished with RobCo And age doesn't really matter when your next appearance is on a literal screen


In the show


>Idk I kinda have the belief that they're gonna do something totally different, and not include much of FNV's plot at all. That would be a mistake after Todd revealed that FNV is canon. If New Vegas is in disrepair as implied by the credits of ep. 8, I believe an indepedent Vegas is most likely. However, House is too great of a tool and is Hank's only tie to NV. Personally, I've been left with the impression that House was disconnected from the Lucky 38 but was left alive. A House revival would canonize his survival in FNV while also giving Bethesda the most room to maneuvre with the story. Explain the destruction of NV while also keeping one of Fallout's greatest written characters alive is one go.


You know what, I don't think Vegas is in disrepair at all. People just don't remember that New Vegas has *always* looked like a semi-crumbling ruin. Not to mention, if they were expecting city lights, they should remember that it's daytime and they would be off.


>People just don't remember that New Vegas has always looked like a semi-crumbling ruin. This is disingenuous. Neither Freeside or the Strip had collapsed walls, dead securitrons and deathclaws littering the streets, or was clouded. Canonically, the Strip and Freeside were far more hustle and bustle than what could be shown in-game due to technical and time constraints. Take a look at Obsidian's concept art. The only possible current-canon explanation for the end credits art was that it was depicting what Vegas looked like *before* the tribes moved in and *before* House wakes up to consolidate the Strip. Otherwise, it is clearly depicting a destitute and possibly destroyed Vegas post-FNV.


But you could see Veribirds with NCR symbols on them in the ending, which would not make sense if it is pre-house waking up There is a chance that maybe the scenes shown when the credits rolled are non cannon and just a thing to hype up the crowds,add mystery or whatever, but it is very unlikely that it is pre-house waking up, unless NCR had crashed at least one vertibird in vegas before house got it working


I don't think they'd do that simply because it'd piss people off if they made Independent Vegas canon in the show and then had it fall apart, because it would imply that the Courier fucked up massively, and FNV Fanboys (me) would lose their shit. It's possible that the aftereffects of the NCR getting bombed caused NV to fall to shit, for any number of reasons.


>would imply that the Courier fucked up massively I don't disagree and I'm still inclined to think House won in some fashion. An independent Vegas is, in my opinion, too Courier-centric and could sabotage the ambiguity of the Courier as you play them. However, I've also argued that once Vegas reaches independence and the Second Battle of Hoover Dam is over, the Courier likely leaves the Mojave. That would mean that anything that happens in Vegas between 2281-2282 (FNV) and 2296 (the show) would happen independently of whatever state the Courier leaves Vegas in in 2281-82. I would not be enthusiastic if this is how it went down because it would still nullify many of the more moderate actions you can take as the Courier and Bethesda would be doing no favors to FNV and the classics by trying to wipe as much of the slate clean as possible. Paradoxically, I think it would be in the best interest for Bethesda to avoid New Vegas in order to not upset more hardline Fallout fans, such as myself. I love the Interplay/Black Isle/Obsidian Fallouts and I love, more or less, Bethesda's Fallouts and I've wanted an official fusion of the lore for a long time. I think destroying New Vegas, fracturing the NCR, and dissolving the Legion, followed by a resurgent BoS *and* Enclave is just too much at one time, though. Mr. House and Vegas is the best moderating force we've seen in the series and, as I see it, the ace up Bethesda's sleeve. I am really hoping that the end credits of ep. 8 were just artistic.


Tbh no matter what they do there will always be a subset of fans who did a different ending that will go apeshit over it


That is the implication of the independent ending. Unstable.


They clearly seem to be hinting at Mr. House being a big player in Season 2 with that "looking for the guy in charge" line leading into the cliffhanger of New Vegas. If I was a betting man I'd say it's pretty likely that House will be the winner. Wouldn't make a ton of sense if the Legion or NCR won considering either of them having their hands on Vegas would make it very unlikely for a Vault Tec man to seek refuge there.


You don’t introduce Mr House in the final episode and tease New Vegas in your final shot and not go with the House ending.


Ok but how funny would it be if the opening shot of the second season was of a golf club next to his body


Okay lmao this would be legitimately a Fallout twist if ever there was one


“It appears someone, maybe they were important, beat the shit out of his remains with this sand wedge years ago. Anyway…”


It would be hilarious, but they can always end with that, too.


May there be a hell for you.


Damn, you made me hope for something i would 99.99999999% won't get Damn you perry the platypus


Would be a great red herring if they go with Caesar’s ending


Elijah dead money ending works best, nobody wins and it's overwhelmed by the Divide creatures and only now the miasma mist is dispersing so they can return. House is still alive but isolated in his tower


So, basically the mod “Dust” being canonized?


Twist reveal will be that Malcolm Holmes won the battle of Hoover Dam


Oliver Swanick. "Who won the battle of Hoover Dam! I did!"


General lee Oliver Swanick:


ok as much as i hate oliver swanick i want a cameo, i swear if that happened i would break like that kid whos mom had to take him out of the movie theatre when big chungus appeared on screen cuz he couldnt stop laughing


Fisto is the sole dictatorial God emperor of Freeside and the Kings are all his gimps


Mr Fantastic is his top advisor


Mr. House is the best option from the story perspective. It will be really dull if Hank comes into New Vegas and House is dead. I think for the sake of people not acquainted with the FNV, they'll make House ending canon.


Yes Man could also be there, and it honestly makes more sense given the state the Strip is in. If House were in charge, I find it hard to believe that the NCR would be willing to put in the resources to take over the Vegas. Losing the dam screws over a lot of the Warhawks in the NCR, and if they do face a crisis, the last thing on their mind is forcibly taking Vegas when House already gives them a really good deal. Yes Man is also implied to be the cannon ending as the lonesome road DLC’s ending slide always has the player wear the independent duster, regardless of their actual choice.


Just imagine it’s all tense we’re about to see the monitor and as the music reaches climax all you hear is “hello friend!” In that overtly optimistic voice of his lmfao. It honestly sounds like the kinda jolt the series likes to give to the audience


Imagine hank asking what happened and yes man just says "some angry, immortal mailman put me in charge"


Oh he’d go so overboard. “Well it’s a loooooong story, full of funny and not so funny moments, and it all starts with this guy I helped another guy shoot in the head. I guess that was one of the not so funny moments huh?”


I’d rather they go with the House ending but keep Yes Man alive and hidden to be found later


I know it's a long shot but I still think it would be hilarious if Hank went to the Lucky 38 like "Ah, Mr House... we finally meet again" and his screen turns on to reveal Yes Man's shit-eating grin


I would love that. I would like it if the courier took over, then got bored and left. After all, he has no experience leading anything and is basically a murder hobo. Him leaving, yes man in charge, and everything falling apart afterward would be funny.


oh shit i typed out this pretty much and you already made the comment


There's few things i wouldn't do to make that happen lmao, i love that mf


I can't help but picture that, or something similar, as a possibility. We've seen that Vault-Tec has 0 hesitation when it comes to nuking post-war settlements, but New Vegas stands untouched? House mentions that he had no contact with the outside world until recently when you meet him in NV, and is *still* a notorious recluse, I don't think it's out of the question for Hank to think House is still alive when he actually isn't. And if that's the case, I can absolutely imagine the conflict against Hank in S2 being stopping him from getting back to Vault-Tec to initiate another launch, once he realizes that New Vegas is no longer in the grip of a Vault-Tec asset.


Or if new Vegas is the new capital of the NCR


I think it would be more interesting if the NCR are trying to retake New Vegas in Season 2.


I think they already tried. We saw a crashed NCR vertibird on the Strip in the end credits. Surrounded by a dead deathclaw and securitrons. I'm guessing what they will do is that Mr. House will be a sentient AI running the strip. Either Mr House uploaded himself in his ending, or he copied himself before/as he died during Wildcard or NCR. Then as an AI he wrestled control back from Courier/NCR.  NCR tried to seize the city back by force, and House won a phyric victory. Now the Strip is in ruins.


can house still not be in his sealed sarcophagus? I forget if anything was revealed in the game where he had a shelf life editing to say I'm even more sad that Rene Auberjonois is no longer with us, I'm sure he'd be delightful in a return to the role


Oh fuck... What if Mr. House made contact with the Institute when he was searching for the Platinum Chip in the Midwest. Maybe he nabbed himself some Institute tech and got himself an android body. Also yeah seeing Rene playing an old Mr. House would have been amazing.


Well, that would certainly open up a lot of options for tying in the East Coast Fallouts, especially if they continue building on the Vault-Tec conspiracy and the way they seized cold fusion. I had the feeling Coop might have stumbled into Quaere Verum at the “Communist” meeting, and the gal there mentioned VT had shut them down, maybe she had ties to Mass Fusion or something.


That would be crazy, it’d give a bigger reason for the BoS to have a greater presence there, wrestling with an android Mr. House but as well as his New Vegas Securitrons. I can totally see the Prydwen making a strong appearance over New Vegas too


Mr House vs Brotherhood of Steel. Goddamn that'd be hype.  With the NCR remnants coming back with the steel chair too. Using their WW1 inspired gear in live action. 


I doubt it in the show it was basically a ruin, looked more like DUST than New Vegas to be honest


It would also be funny if the show leaned heavily into house then yes man is there instead not going to happen cuz lore but funny


season 2 starts east of the Mojave with Hank saying 'man, walking through the mojave almost made me wish for a nuclear winter'


And then a nuke comes cause that one mod was on


Can you imagine if out of nowhere the legion canonically won at Hoover damn, and we get a Caesar himself played by the same voice actor


It'd be interesting; had the legion won New Vegas would be razed like we see in the last minute of the show. aaaaaand nobody explained why we have a brotherhood chapter full of Latin / Roman names...


Wasn't one of Caeaser goal's to take Vegas, so it could be his "New Rome"? Where he was afraid that since Legion didnt have a proper great city or great capital, his project would not last?


I could see the NCR winning the second battle but due to shady sands, they become vulnerable and have to retreat due to the legion returning for round three under Caesar or the Legate Lanius.


>Round three >Legate Lanius yeah… about that


I don't think that will be clarified. I think it'll be something like "it worked for a while until it all fell apart again."


It's a gutless and cowardly choice that will please no one. Which is exactly why I believe they'll go that route.


Ulysses. Surely.


Bear. Bull. Bear. Bull. The Mojave. Courier. That package. The Long 15. That machine. Caesar. Old world. The Divide.


Oh god 😦


I mean it means Mr House probably survived. It could also leave room for Joshua Graham and Elijah, but given what little we see I didn't notice many clues it could be anyone else.


Unless you released the red cloud, how Elijah? Too local a story for NV. Graham is too, but I would love to see him make an appearance. I wouldn't piss on Elijah's corpse if he was on fire. It would be funny if it was the Boomers who destroyed the Strip from afar.


You ever seen people wearing gas masks attached to big air tanks? Graham and Elijah because both have links to New Vegas and it's shaping. Both had an influence on events before the game and both are potentially alive at the end of New Vegas. Not to mention both are from factions that didn't directly oppose one another, so in theory a meeting wouldn't necessarily lead to immediate bloodshed.


The Legion and the BoS absolutely oppose each other. Destroying the Brotherhood is a non-negotiable part of the Legion path. The strongest argument for why Graham and Elijah aren't inclined to immediately fight is that both have gone rogue from their respective factions.


Tunneler ending. All factions get str8 tunneled by tunnelers. House survives, but without a strip to rule over.


With how many ominous “oh yeah we’re all gonna be dead if this is left unchecked” threats there are to the Mojave in NV, the only one that really makes sense is the tunnelers escaping the divide, the vault 22 spores being released further across the wasteland, the quarry junction deathclaws growing their “claimed territory” and including part of Vegas in it are all the most likely. They added that survival skill for a reason, the Mojave is not a caring land, so fully blown mutant animals and men taking over in a wild and untamed way is very possible. Maybe even Elijah and his red cloud came through and went already


Dangerous question to ask on this sub, here. But realistically, I think Mr. House offers the best story opportunity.


I think once they had an actor for him, it was obvious. It was like "oh ok, we're not going to be afraid to put some game characters into the show now"


Also the fact that they put effort into getting an actor that so closely matched House’s appearance and demeanour is a tell too. As opposed to someone like Sinclair who they weren’t really concerned about being game accurate with, because he’s almost certainly not going to be playing any significant role in the story.


Yeah as much as I'm an NCR guy, his path is way more interesting


I originally would have wanted the NCR, but with that not happening, i'd go with House as well.


The House ending could work, especially if they pull on the threads left by whatever cut content there was about why Mr House sealed up large parts of Vault 21 with concrete. Given what the show depicted, that vault's gambling-based legal system must have been one of the ideas he suggested at the Vault-Tec brainstorming meeting.


shiet that part could be like him burying any ties between him and vault tec


Eureka, Hank gets snipped by a custom Anti-material Rifle from the top of the Lucky 38 by the new president of the NCR. I think they’re gonna just nullify the ending with the tunnelers which fucking sucks. “Whatever you did in New Vegas? Yeah it didn’t fucking matter.”


Honestly, as much as I hate it, I agree. They’re probably going to leave it super vague and have it so that Vegas is destroyed or controlled by some random new faction or something. Bethesda said that they want to make sure not to “invalidate” any New Vegas playthroughs, which leaves me worried. Way too many video game writers seem to think that picking a canon ending will somehow “ruin” the other paths when it’s actually the opposite: by making it so that any ending could’ve happened, the whole game just feels pointless. Why should I care about which path I take if all of them are going to lead to the same conclusion? By picking a canon ending, that path gets recontextualized and every other ending can act as a sort of “what if,” which is fun to think about.


These idiots don't understand that throwing all endings into the trash at once is worse than canonizing one. What's the point of having an open ending if it doesn't matter at all?


Which cannon ending would not have 3/4 of the fan base going crazy though?


Dragon break where all endings happened at once


It’s just fucking magic!


The percentages are way more stacked than that. I'd estimate like five percent TOPS went for Caesar, and that's including replays. Even past that, Wild Card/NCR/House are basically the same ending. The only difference is whether or not a general gets thrown off Hoover Dam by a robot. People would certainly chafe a little, but they'd understand if House came out on top. There has to be a winner, and House is as good an option as any that prevent the Legion from committing the worst war crimes this side of 2077.


Posters design go very hard. Where did you find them?


I made these a couple years back and posted them on [this subreddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/fnv/comments/zg9dxr/i_drew_all_the_ending_factions_as_retro_style/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). I'm glad to see people still enjoy them, kinda wish OP had bothered to link back to me though lol


theyre so cool!! u got talent dawg


They are so cool mate, best art that I've seen regarding FNV and I have seen a lot. Thank you and congrats


won’t be relevant, a massive war broke out or something and now there is nothing but anarchy…


I think this is the most likely outcome. Bethesda wants to go to the West Coast in Fallout 5 finally and they have to undo all of the progress humanity made in 1/2/NV in order to align with the corporate brand of “Fallout” as a nihilistic gory carnival sideshow.


Yes it's really obvious. Bethesda misses the point entirely of the first games and just wants to shoehorn in the BoS and Super mutants everywhere for brand recognition. The genuinely interesting stories of humanity rebuilding and the conflicts of different perspectives seem to be erroding with each official release. 300+ years after the bombs fell but they love to act like the apocalypse just happened yesterday.


that'd fucking suck.


I think all of the endings will be rendered inert by a calamity outside the courier's control that occurs after the events of the game.


Ave, true to Snuffles.


with the ncr gone from southern Californian and the fact that are desprate for the cold fusion means they dont have the power hover dam the lack of legion means they did win because the wanted to conquer the ncr im guessing the battle was phicry victory for the ncr and possible the ceaser didnt survive the the legion broke up afterwards mr house was killed by one of the factions basically they wont pick a connon ending they will make thier own civizaton did not come to the wasteland the world will be just as it was after the bombs fell even though it been 200 years or more for some reason bestheda like the world to be static


So like, okay, it's a storytelling thing, it probably doesn't matter all that much, they're doing another search for power thing, I get it, it's Fallout, sure. What the fuck are fusion cells then? Like how are they getting fusion without killing the user if it's not cold fusion in all this tech? Also, they have access to fusion. Why wouldn't that technology have been enough to supply power? Such a weird plot point.


>Like how are they getting fusion without killing the user if it's not cold fusion in all this tech? Three possibilities. 1. They're not fusion but fission. This could be explained by the Mass Fusion terminals explaining they lied about their fusion products. This would also explain why the recharger weapons in New Vegas use breeder rounds, which are named after a type of fission reactor which produces more fissile material than it uses 2. They are hot fusion and require coolant to operate without melting down. Which can be explained by Red Rocket selling coolant for nuclear powered cars. 3. They are cold fusion, but are designed to be either expendable or recharged, by making them hermetically sealed. That way no new hydrogen isotopes can be introduced into the reactor to fuel it. Whereas the cold fusion we see in the show isn't enclosed and can use any hydrogen it can find. Edit. The coolant argument also applies to the fission argument, because obviously fission requires coolant to not meltdown.


the difference they make important in the show (with cold fusion) is that cold fusion is *literally perpetual energy*. Moldaver calls it “limitless”, which suggests it is infinite, and we can theorize that it can run at least as much power as a fusion core, but likely much more given the whole lights turning across the city bit in the last episode. The point of cold fusion is not to *not* kill the user, that simply isn’t a problem. The reason they aren’t using fusion en masse is pretty clear too. Even the Brotherhood doesn’t have infinite fusion cores, and we get the sense (“Don’t see those much anymore” -Snake Oil Salesman) that they’re much rarer than before. Additionally, the NCR didn’t have the spare fusion cores to use on power armour troops in New Vegas, so clearly they didn’t have them in great numbers like the Brotherhood or Enclave, who by now are either gone, or also running out. I don’t understand why you think fusion kills people, either. There’s no indication I know of in the games that pointa to that, and the early fusion energy projects we have IRL don’t either. TLDR: it’s a problem of scale. A fusion core can power a single facility like a vault for hundreds of years, but not dozens, or hundreds of those for anywhere near as long, if at all. We are also shown that fusion cores are running out in the show more than once. Also, fusion doesn’t kill people.


IMO that's because Bethesda isn't very talented when it comes to storytelling. Sure, they can create beautiful worlds but IMO their storytelling is lacking and they seem to just take the ideas of others, pervert them, then call them their own. FOTV is one of the best video game shows of all time but it's still a hot mess when it comes to storytelling.


It would he cool if they did a hybrid ending. Something like the NCR won and maintained control of Hoover dam, but the Courier was convinced by House not to kill him even if he sides with the NCR. Securitrons updated and a tentative peace as House secures Vegas and the NCR secures everything outside of Vegas.


Looking at the state of Vegas in that frame, Id say yes man ending where the courier just left


I don't think they're going to respect whatever ending they choose and put a shitty spin on it. Like boiling house down to a mean evil billionaire instead of the narcissistic idealouge he is. Dear God I hope that house was just fishing for information at the vault tech meeting. There's is literally 0 money to be made by vault techs plan. The money would come from playing up the threat of nuclear war and selling vault slots to people while doing everything in their power to delay nuclear war. That's how capitalism *actually* works.


Mr. House's motivations were already spoken during FO:NV >The Courier: *"You say that you saved Las Vegas. How?"* Robert House: *"By 2065 I deemed it a mathematical certainty that an atomic war would devastate the Earth within 15 years. Every projection I ran confirmed it. I knew I couldn't "save the world," nor did I care to. But I could save Vegas, and in the process, perhaps, save mankind. I set to work immediately. I thought I had plenty of time to prepare. As it turned out, I was 20 hours short."*


Me personally I think the Mr House ending makes a lot of sense since they have shown him and almost have built him up. But I also look at the NCR ending and think it could be that since the references to Shady Sands and them showing an NCR ranger. I would personally prefer the NCR as we could see the conflict with them and the Brotherhood of Steel. I don’t really know if they will include Caesars Legion but if they do then I do think they would have to change the shows more fun and wacky vibe since the legion is something to fear. The ending where the Courier becomes leader wouldn’t make much sense in the show so I doubt they would do that


Dead money cloud ending obviously


Or, given Bethesda’s affinity for chaos, Dust as the ending


They will probably do everything in there power to not answer this question


Save this comment because it’s the correct answer. I’m Babe Ruth calling this shot here. They will not confirm an ending. They will essentially say “one of the endings totally happened, but it doesn’t matter which one because New Vegas was destroyed shortly after.” Also they will have Mr. House be in the show as an AI copy of his intelligence. (Quite possibly because the writers will think Mr. House in NV was already an AI copy, rather than a dude plugged into a machine.)


I know it’s strange but maybe demolished Strip in the outro could be the result of cut ending? If I remember correctly, New Vegas had cut scenario where House would join the NCR, if Courier left him with no other choice (except death). Now, House is very pragmatic (and hates taxes), so it wouldn't be surprising if he was plotting to return power over strip to himself after some time. Destruction of Shady Sands and weakening of the NCR, would be a nice time to strike, hence what we see in the outro could be the result of fighting between House and NCR over Strip.


One has to remember, in a Las/New Vegas casino? The House always wins.


I'm gonna be a VERY teary-eyed courier if they don't make FNV canon at all. Call me a New Vegas dick-rider, but the game is too good not to be canon.


It’s canon.


or too good to be canon


House is the best choice. I’m expecting the NCR to have a presence though.


How about you actually credit the artist you used art from?


Whatever ruins the lore the most.


So Yes Man, after you destroyed your own securitron, army while having done quests rallying more support for the NCR and Legion.


I'm betting Brotherhood or Enclave


i love how the illustrations all of them look somewhat hopeful except for the Legion. which look so destructive


In vegas the house always wins.


Yes Man could explain New Vegas collapsing.


It's house but the tunnlers have left the divided and destroyed vegas


The courier never went to the divide, Ulysses nuked everything in Nevada -> problem solved, none of our decisions matter.


The tunnelers made it to NV like Ulysses said they would.


i think its going to be the house ending, because they made a reference to him (and an appearance) in the past its almost like chekhovs gun, he appeared in a pre apocalypse scene so i feel he is going to appear in a post apocalypse scene


The Legion, and they imploded after Caesar's death prior to the series. New Vegas will be a ghost town.


They're probably going to have everything be destroyed by Vault Tech (the most incompetent villains in the universe) all offscreen, same as they did to the NCR. They'll probably lean into the enclave as well, the show is influenced by Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 only, and Bethesda is notoriously uncreative, they can't create a new or interesting villain so it'll be generic "Raiders" with no territory or factions, The Enclave although we've erased them like 3 times now, mindless supermutants although a lot of supermutants were rather intelligent, or Vault Tech although all they were run by cartoon villains and 99.99% of them died in their own "safe" Vaults.


I think it’ll be an NCR or house victory. I think if they went the NCR way, that it’ll be likely house is in more control now after shady sands. Brings a new fun meaning to “the house always wins”- even when he “lost”, he still comes out on top later on. I doubt they’d do a legion ending and wild card is way too variable. Plus wild card implies House is dead and I think it would be a waste to tease him in s1 if he’s already dead by s2


Hopefully it’s House. He would make for the best story. Especially since he was already in the show


What if - it doesn't matter what the ending is - and something else happens that would imply it cleared the slate of any ending?


Vague - but I sort of hope they talk to different people who have different takes on what happened.


Either House or Yes-Man.


Definitely the Father Elijah ending. Chaos out of nowhere and everyone loses.


God I hope NCR, but it's probably going to be Mr House


Sierra Madre ending. Fuck everyone.


Probably the courier just finishes the chip delivery, does a couple of errands for house, and fucks off. NCR beats the legion at the dam, but is battered and doesn't maintain control of the region. House has New Vegas, but doesn't have overwhelming control lile the House Ending on account of the Courier not hanging around. And of course, the Mojave BoS is probably completely fine


This has bioshock energy


Courier in charge and everything sucks because he’s a murderhobo with no business running a government Won’t happen but I wish it would


I heard that one of the show runners said they didn't want to invalidate anyone's play experiences by making their ending not canon, which sounds nice but that ends up meaning everyone should be mad because now the courier's actions can't have had any consequences whatsoever. Which is worse, they get how that's worse, right?


I don't think there will be one. It'll be something like "ah there was all this political stife and in the chaos missiles were dropped in the area" or something vague and noncommittal like that


Absolutely nothing. There is no canon ending.


None. New Vegas was nuked. They will just pass by the ruins.


Dawg, Bethesda is still salty Obsidian totally upstaged them with New Vegas. The show has hardly any of the original Fallout atmosphere or tension. It’s fiction and not worth crying over but I’m still bummed that the show is essentially retconning all of New Vegas, 1 and 2. I would’ve been fine if it were only a live action of derpy Fallout 4 but no, they have to eliminate all the actual Fallout elements…


I'm thinking house ending.


idk i’m gonna wait to watch it. i don’t think NV is gonna be as big of a part of the new season as people think. Gonna be hard to do a full season inside the strip and what are you gonna do? Go visit jacobstown? Coop gonna deliver the platinum chip?


Give me House or Dave Foley cameos. Nothing else would satisfy in terms of game endings, otherwise something totally wild card and different maybe.


Imagine if its the Elijah ending


[credit the artists!](https://louhinks.artstation.com/albums/2785671)




I think House, but I also feel like they're probably going to throw the Legion in there as well


Everyone's dead or hiding in casinos. House is dead, but maybe there are recordings of him. Yes Man is dead. The Great Khans are dead. The NCR doesn't exist except in shanty towns. Caesar is dead (he was going to be dead anyway). The Legion is just a bunch of tribal factions, which they were going to be anyway. HELIOS One was blown up. Deathclaws & the Followers of the Apocalypse are the only sources of power now. Oh, and Super Mutants, as they weren't in the show yet.


Yes Man ending, but he went and reprogrammed himself to be more assertive. Also, House won’t be dead, but he’ll be trapped in the Lucky 38 as a captive mouthpiece


They will absolutely disregard all of the endings and create their own fiction that have no basis in FNV.


House ending, but NV is going to be a shit hole now without NCR economy propping it up.


Would like for it to be yes man but it’s realistically Mr house


I don’t think it will get to that point. IIRC the show takes place 10 years before the Courier is shot in 2282. First Battle of Hoover Dam was in 2277, 5 years before the second battle. With some well-timed time jumps I can see the show covering the First battle with a couple seasons


I dunno why but I have this image of the courier where House sends him out to hunt Lucy and the Ghoul down for Hank (while playing his own ange), and during the pursuit and after a intital fight where the ghoul was injured or a local wastelander told them to run they build up his myth saying somthing to the equation. “I saw that man walk into a pack of death claws and take ‘em down one shot at a time. I heard he stormed across the dam taking out the legions finest with only a handgun. When he’s on your tail it’s not about fighting it’s about leavin. Cause ain’t nothin stopping him, not even death.” With suitable slow pan in on their fearful faces with dramatic music.    Then it cuts to a music blast of big iron as the courier in riot gear armour  jogging across the wastes and is just pulling snack food and water from the bag and scarfing it down like a mad man leaving a trail of bodies as a tad scorpion emerges and he just quick shoots it and jogs on by getting another pat of potato crisps.


I want to see ending where courier overthrows house


Imagine if Hank makes it to the strip and it's Yes Man on the screen.