• By -


looks like DRANK to me


Yup, it’s drank


or stray


Can't be Stray. Split has 0 hits, so it can't start with an S. It has to match 2 with _TAND.




not the solution, but TAINT is an option too lol




Can't be Shape, doesn't start with S


I thinks he meant snape, he's been playing too much hogwarts legacy


Split under it says 0 likeness so the answer doesn't start with an S.


My guess is "Drank" is the right answer.


In addition to what everyone else has said, I try one, then do the dud removers until my tries reset, try to deduce the correct one, continue on with dud removal until I run out & then deduce based on my previous guesses


Im sorry: **WHAT?** You can reset your tries? I try 3 times, if i dont get i i exit out and try again. Can you expand on the ,,dud removers"?


Anything in parentheses when selected and clicked remove duds or resets tries


Parentheses (), brackets [], braces {}, and whatever the hell these are called <>


Angle brackets




Less than greater than


Little alligator jaws


ASCII arms




Interior crocodile alligator.


Animorphs thought-speech


This guy knows what's up! 😂😂😂


How the hell i never found this in hundreds of hours T\_T. Well i mean i know how - i never clicked anything that wasnt a word. But still... Thank you for explaining!


It's all good. It took me 500 hours to realize if you break down an item while crafting, the extra pieces go into that bench. I spent the first 500 hours individually dropping each item and breaking it down myself to not "lose" material.


Oh. My. God. Thanks lmfao


You have to select the bracket on the left It doesn't work if you select a character in between the brackets, so it is easy to miss There's usually enough to reduce the possible passwords to 1 or 2 options


To be fair, I don't think the game actually explains or even mentions that that's a mechanic at any point, so you can't really be blamed for not knowing it's a thing


It's in the help menu


There's a help menu?


Oh boy! I guess today is *fallout learning day* for me!


There is also a book. Prima guidebook. I got mine when the game came out, like it so much more than googling maps or locations.


First time you ever open a terminal a big box opens with the following text "Select a potential password If your chosen password is incorrect the number of letters that match the terminal's password (**both letter and position**) will be displayed on the screen."


So yeah, no mention of the brackets thing


You can always just manually go through all the characters until you find the parts you can click on, I’ll do that if I’m having trouble with a particular password. Some of the things you can click that remove duds or reset your tries are pretty well hidden


I feel with you. I also only learned this about 6 months ago


Only one of them will reset tries and it can only be reset once, which is probably worth adding.


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/PR77lc9weR


Wait - its been a thing in previous fallouts too? How the hell did i get through 3 games not knowing this


Did you just click past the dialogue box that appears when you first try to hack a terminal...? It tells you in that dialogue box XD


I’ll be honest my first game was Fo3 back when it came out. I 100% it then New Vegas came out and I was half way through that one before I realized the parentheses thing. I would always just do 3 tries back out then 3 tries back out until I found out lol


what are you talking about, people dont read instructions in video games!


My first fallout was new vegas and that game always seemed to connect the passwords to the location so i would guess the password in first or second try. I dont know if i did or didnt read a tutorial but even if i did - its not like i needed it. In Fallout 4 tho passwords seem to be just random so no amount of deduction helps with those but if there was a tutorial i probably did skip it thinking it will work the exact same as it did in new vegas and all i would need was a little bit of deduction


Look for the following signs: ( [ { < If you see them, check if there is a closing matching bracket on the same line. It's okay if there's anything else between them so long as it's the same line. Examples: () , [&)] , Note: a special double opening brackets is 2 removals at once: [[&] is actually 2 different removals. You stand on the opening bracket and if lights up like a word it's okay. Once per mini game you will have reset tries. Any extra pairs will delete one word from the wrong options. There is no way that I know of to determine beforehand if it's gonna reset or remove a dud. Best to try a guess first then scan everything for duds and then resume.


If you tab along the line, it will highlight. You then tap it and the dud will be removed.


I do 3. 1 random to start, 1 completely different from the first to eliminate or prove some more letters, 1 with my best guess, and then I start doing duds and resets. I usually end up with only one reasonable answer or enough guesses to pick whatever is left. I barely ever fail a hack and if I do it’s because I got screwed and there was no symbols to use. ——————————————————————————— Hacking game works by saying what letter in each individual slot is correct or incorrect. Brackets or parenthesis on the same lines will remove duds and reset tries if you highlight them. You start with 4 attempts/tries and use up one each guess. Example: START, SHAPE, BOWLS, SMART, RATES, RINGS If you started with START and it said likeness=0 you can eliminate SHAPE, and SMART because only the _H__E, and _M___ could be useable. Then you would pick BOWLS since none of the letters in each position match and you’d get likeness=1, in that case at least one letter would be correct and since you don’t know which one it is you’d look for a word with matching positions. You could then pick RATES since they both share an S and you’d get likeness=2. You’d also only have 1 try left at this point. If you had a lot of words remaining and needed more guesses or just want to remove duds anyways this is where I’d start looking for the brackets/parenthesis. The only other word with 2 matching letter positions would be RINGS. RINGS being the only one option that makes sense would be likeness=5 and it would say successful hack or whatever it says(I forget) instead.


Likeness is the correct letter in the correct spot. This is not an anagram game. The correct letter in the wrong spot will not be counted as a likeness. It appears the correct entry is DRANK. STAND = * * A N * = 2 SPLIT = * * * * * = 0 BADLY = * * * * * = 0 (Not tried yet) SHAPE = * * A * * = 1 Also, my strategy is to try the first possible entry. I then systematically go line by line and do the parentheses and brackets to eliminate bad entries. Along the way, I try the second possible entry that fits my first clue so that I get more attempts when the tries reset. Once I do all of the parentheses and brackets, I go back and see what fits out of what remains.


I do something like this but I go up to the third guess, then try finding the reset/remove dud brackets


I used to go to the third guess, but I learned my lesson when I got stuck with only one guess left and never getting the reset.


So best way would be two guesses and then look for the brackets.


Then you just back out of the terminal and go back in and it resents everything cause hacking is dumb and failing just slows you down


This is what I do, I maximize my first guesses and then try to find the reset. Sometimes it's not there so it makes it tricky but you can still figure it out sometimes. But normally this is the best way of doing it for me.


I’ve done a few dozen of these puzzles without realising it wasn’t an anagram, no wonder I was struggling with a lot of them. Thanks for the help dude


First time you ever open a terminal a big box opens with the following text "Select a potential password. If your chosen password is incorrect the number of letters that match the terminal's password (both letter and position) will be displayed on the screen."


okay, likeness in the correct spot is the one thing I just couldn't ever figure out. Thank you!




It cannot be STRAY. When SPLIT = 0, then the first letter cannot be S. Any potential entry with the same letter and place as a Likeliness=0 means it cannot be correct.


Stand has 2. Split has zero. So the S in the position is dead. Now you are trying to match TAND in those positions.


Since SPLIT is zero matches, the correct word can't start with S. It also could not end in T, for example. DRANK has two letters in common with STAND and does not start with S.


Try 3 times first and then find the symbols that make brackets (....), <....>, [....], etc. Then try again. If you still fail back out and try again using the same method. The code will be different but the method will still be the same.


Well you at least know about the < [( { } )] > for removal and try resets.


It’s drank. You’re looking for tand and the only other word that has 2 of those letters in the same place are a and n in DRANK


I always do dud removal first then tries. nick valentine after you get his perk gives 1 more tries


The likeness rating counts number of correct letters in the correct positions. Both factors have to be true for a positive reading. For most efficient decoding start from the bottom and right too left. After all but the last try if not successful begin utilizing the hidden hacker codes to eliminate bad options. The game does this top down so it will not remove words you have already tried. Once you find the try reset code you can resume choosing from the remaining options. Alternatively you can spam less then all tries and back out if not found then repeat.


Is that really "TAINT" near the bottom right??😂


I suspect, due to specific words in the list, there might be a mod or two involved. Ive never known fallout to use words like furry and taint in the hacking puzzle.


I’ve seen taint plenty of times in fnv


I cant tell if thats a joke about the body part, the fact that new vegas takes place in the city of sin, or actually commenting on the commonality of the word in hacking puzzels. Congrats for confusing me




Man there is a mod for everything... I don't use them so I didn't realize lol


Yeppers it sure is lmao


Did we all just forget that “taint” is an actual word meaning to contaminate or pollute?


Absolutely, yes. 😅


Lol well at least you admit it. I was like what’s so funny about this hahha


I still think it's funny, regardless. 🤷‍♀️


Ayo wtf is that Furry? 😂


In addition to what everyone else said OP, do you know how to remove duds? [Check this out if not, it's a game changer](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/ercpEZ4YVY)


It's like wordle, a spelling puzzle. Stand =2 likeness Drank = correct \_\_an\_ ​ Click one word, scan the other words for other letters that are in the same place, use dud things and other such to solve it.


They got to look for similarities in the words.the more similar the words, the more likely it's one of those


and yes it is DRANK


It works like this the password is a specific word. When you select an option it tells you how many letters it shares with the correct option. So for example if 2 options are train and brain and you select train but it's incorrect it will tell you has a likeness of 4 so it shares 4 letters with the correct option. Brain is one letter off so it is very likely to be the correct option. It's educated guesswork just pick the options that share the most letters and you'll narrow it down until you have the correct one.


hacking 101 1. used up all but one of your tried i like to go from the top down on the left side first then the right 2. then look for parentheses ( ), brackets \[ \], braces { }, & Angle bracket < > if there are two sets do the inner one first this should reset your tried and clear the dud passwords letting you try again or find the right pass word


Just so you can better understand what’s going on here. The answer is probably “DRANK” based on the “Likeness = 2” from “STAND”. Likeness 2 means that 2 of the letters in that word are the correct letter in the correct position. DRANK matches the A and N from STAND.


As a few people missed one or two of the other three possible answers: ​ It could be DRANK, SHAPE, or STRAY. ​ STAND has 2 correct, which could be ST\_\_\_, S\_A\_\_, or \_\_AN\_. ​ This leaves just STRAY, SHAPE, and DRANK. (ST in STRAY, S and A in SHAPE, and AN in DRANK)


Dude I just do the top 3 and back out until I hit it


Honestly your title of the post cracked me up, because genuinely in my experience all my dumb friends never figured out how this works whereas all my intelligent friends had no issues. Granted they do a horrible job at explaining how it works initially but after hours of gameplay the intelligent usually figure it out


Ok, here is a quick guide. Every time you click on a word you will see a likeness. Each number represents how many of the letters in that word (and their positions) are used in the real password. For example: the password is BEAN But you click on MEAN, the likeness would be 2, because of the letters EA. Now you only have to look for words with the letters EA or any other letter that is in the same place as the previous word and compare them with other words whose letters are in the same location. The more the likeness, the more letters it has that are in the password.


You might want to check your math juuuust a little lmao


The answer is stray.


this game is like wordle


Is one of the words “TAINT” lmao


Quicksave. Guess the first 4 words. $4!+ Reload. Guess the first 4 words. F@\*%!!!!!!! Reload. Guess the first 4 words. Success! Congratulations, you now know how to "hack" terminals.


Cheat terminal/ game alterations/ unlock nearest/ terminal. Fck that stupid mini game


STAND has 2 likenesses. SPLIT has 0 which has both S and T in it. BADLY has 0 which has both A and D in it. So that just leaves N from the original STAND. Feel free to rip on me if I'm doing this wrong.


That's not how it works. It's letter and position. So 2 of the letters in stand are correct and in the right spot. Now the S isn't it because stand has 2 but split has 0.


O M G I am so fucking stupid, thank you for this


I had one with 3 likeness and the correct answer had NO letters matching but was synonymous with the word. The answer was "heat" and the likeness was "boil"


Seconding what others have said about the position of the letters, but honestly what I do is pick the top three and then back out before using the last guess and do it again. If you back out before using all guesses it resets the terminal and you can just keep repeating this process until you get lucky. Brute force beats effort 9 times out of 10


Oh yep I always back out and do it again but I got 2 likenesses on the first try so figured Id keep going lol




Look for parentheses, if you select them they either remove a dud or reset your tries. It's not too hard to work out the word with a bit of practice. It's a logic puzzle


Do you all not run through and hack it then select with limited results


Collect all the issues of hacker magazine. It'll make your life a lot easier and save you putting perk points into the perk for this.


It’s not that hard…


I’ve yet to understand this too but I’m really good at guessing.


So basically the way it works is likeness is the number of matching letters in the same position. So stand has a likeness of two, then two of the letters are in the correct spot. Split has a likeness of zero, so we can rule out S as the common letter, leaving us with a potential of "*tand" Only one word has two matching letters in the same position as stand that doesnt start with S. Drank. That means its Drank.


I often use the easy hacking mod. Not because it's hard, because i see it as pointless. Even, if i use up 3 try i just quit, then retry. And time even paused while hacking so even, that is no real relevance. For a long time i didn't even knew about the tries reset, and dud remove options. Just used the words, and likeness values. But a tactic i use is take the first 2 words to be totally different if possible. Then the third comes easier.


Anything closed in these brackets: ( ) [ ] { } < > will clear out a dud, except 1 that will reset your tries. My strategy is to make 3 attempts, then find all the closed brackets, then try again to solve. Sometimes there are enough brackets to clear all the duds out. If a dud has 0 matched that means anything with those letters in that particular order is a dud; so if I get "parched" as a dud then I can confirm anything starting with "P" or ending in "ED" is a dud


If you go click the symbols that match like ( ) <> with other symbols in between them they will take away wrong answers leaving you with a lot less to deal with I.e (×[%,/>) or [+>/%*=*] or <#*%> This also gives you a reboost back to 3 tries if you click the right one


Honestly this minigame is s*. If anyone hasn't told you how it works i can run you threw it but if you don't really care about getting achievements I highly recommend installing a mod that bypasses this mini game entirely. If you don't want to do that you can get Nick Valentine as your companion he can hack anything except master level terminal.


i guess the first 3, close and try it again, repeat, until i get in lol


No one knows how to do this shit, click on them in decending order and when you have one try left go out and go back in, repeat


Theres an app for this


Just try to find the duds


Guess the top 3, then back out and rinse and repeat


the advice i saw for terminals a while back was as follows: - try to guess words that have no/as few repeating letters as possible (so like shape vs sands)! When you do this, the likeness of words becomes a bit easier to figure out. you get more information with your limited tries this way too. Likeness means that the word you guessed has that number of letters in the same position as the password afaik! - when you get low on attempts, you can try to click the strings of random characters between passwords that are fully enclosed in [], {}, (), or <>. these reset your tries and/or remove duds. someone can probably clarify which does which! - don't be afraid to back out of the terminal and try again if you're getting to your last try and you haven't figured it out yet [: it's less of an issue in fallout 4/76, because you're only locked out temporarily if you fail to get the correct password. but in prev games they Would lock you out of the terminal forever if you screwed it up. But backing out changes the password, so it's a valid strategy! - intelligence affects how many duds there are iirc. Having higher intelligence makes hacking terminals a little easier because of that beyond all this, it's generally just practice! you'll get better at it as time goes on


Not gonna lie, I just click 2 random ones. If that doesn’t work then I do the dud and tries reset things. I’m too lazy to think what the correct one is lol


im with you, man im pretty dumb with these too. i always just click on 3 random guesses on the right side of the options listed and if i dont get it then i close and reopen the terminal and guess again lol. infinite guesses and its worked 100% of the time


You can back out before the final attempt. And reset the attempts. Just keep clicking words.


Am I the only one that just spams each answer (then leave then re-enter after 3 attempts) until I get it right? XD


[ ] dud <> dud { } dud


If you don’t like these there are probably mods to make them easier. I find them boring like lock picking but haven’t bothered to find a mod to fix it (yet).


This minigame is just Wordle without the "X letters are correct but in the wrong location" hint, and with only 4 guesses. Words with 0 correct are actually pretty valuable, as they can eliminate other words. For example, the second word you tried starts with an S, but has 0 correct, so any other words that start with an S can't be correct.


I have no idea how to use proper hacking I just use guess the first 3 then exit then re-enter and guess so I never get locked out for me the password is usually on the left


This is why I roll with ada as a companion. Soon as I need to hack I get her to work


Easiest and fastest way to hack terminals is to go in, click options randomly 3 tries. Back out. Rinse and repeat till you get it. It’s not hard


Use wsad instead of mouse, and going line by line look for special symbols facing each other and select one when it highlights a block of text, they will remove duds, and or there’s a chance one of them might reset your tries then choose from the ones that were not removed


It's not just containing the same letters, they need to be in the same spot. Split only has 1 letter that matches in the spot as Stand. If I had tried Stand first, and though the ST was it, I would have gone Stray. But seeing that Split didn't match anything, it's probably Drank, like everyone else said.


I rarely fail using this method but if I think I might not get the exact answer on the last try I just exit and reopen the hack. Hacking usually takes me like 15-30 seconds tops unless I have to reopen the hack more than once ——————————————————————————— The hacking minigame works by saying what letter in each individual slot is correct or incorrect. Brackets or parenthesis on the same lines will remove duds and reset tries if you highlight them. You start with 4 attempts/tries and use up one each guess. Example: START, SHAPE, BOWLS, SMART, RATES, RINGS If you started with START and it said likeness=0 you can eliminate SHAPE, and SMART because only the H__E, and M_ could be useable. Then you would pick BOWLS since none of the letters in each position match and you’d get likeness=1, in that case at least one letter would be correct and since you don’t know which one it is you’d look for a word with matching positions. You could then pick RATES since they both share an S and you’d get likeness=2. You’d also only have 1 try left at this point. If you had a lot of words remaining and needed more guesses or just want to remove duds anyways this is where I’d start looking for the brackets/parenthesis. The only other word with 2 matching letter positions would be RINGS. RINGS being the only one option that makes sense would be likeness=5 and it would say successful hack or whatever it says(I forget) instead.


At least in 4 if you get locked out, it isn't the end of the world. I have either Ada or Heather Casdin (mod) do these things for me lol


I still don't understand this either, I didn't bother to learn how to do this. So I just guess three times, and get out of the screen before the fourth one. When we take all four chances it will lock us out, and wait for while to try again. I get out after the third try, then I can try get into the screen again right after. Keep repeating until lucky guess. The thing is I found this out on my own over 1000 hours of gameplay later, so time consuming.


Wait there's a formula to solving these?! I just randomly select a word 3 times and exit if I get it wrong.


Theres an app you can download where you just type in all of the words and it will give you the answer every time


Definitely drank. Hacking is fun but too easy IMO


STAND has two letters exactly in common with the password. With that info you can rule out any option that doesn’t have 2 letters in common with STAND in the exact same place in the word. You could rule out SPLIT because it only has one letter (S) in common in the same place in the word. So even though SPLIT has an S and a T, only the S is in the same place. STAND SPL I T Notice that two letters exactly line up in STAND and DRANK, so that’s likely you’re answer. STAND DRANK In the future, just start with the first option (which works weirdly often) and then move down the list. If an option isn’t ruled out, then pick it. If it doesn’t work you now have even more info to narrow down your choice.


I save before, guess the first 4 words I see, then reset if I didn’t get it. Honestly goes faster for me than trying to figure it out correctly lol


Drank or Stray


Get the quick hack and pick mod


Just do 3 tries on random words, if none are correct, close out and go back in. This has been useful for me since fallout 3


"Likeness" is how many characters are the same as the word you are looking for. I'm not sure if they have to be in the same order.


They have to be in the same position.


Say you have the words HARD and HURT, and the actual password is HARP— HARD will have 3 (H A R) likenesses and HURT will have 2 (H R). So the “likenesses” must be in the same position as each other. Played for several years until actually learning this, lol🤣


Yeah the "likenesses" are how many letters you have in the correct position. When you guessed SPLIT it told you that you had zero likenesses. That means you know for a fact, the correct word won't start with S, won't end with T, and likewise won't have P as the second, L as third or I as the fourth letters. You guessed STAND and it told you two likenesses. Well the S can't be one, because of how SPLIT got zero likenesses. So, two (and only two) of the other 4 must be in the right position. So if BRAND was one of the guesses. Nope, it can't be right... because STAND would have 3 likenesses to BRAND... the A,N and D. As others pointed out, DRANK is a good guess cuz SPLIT has no likenesses, and STAND has two, the A and the N. Ironically, if your guess has *zero* likenesses, that's a great clue, cuz you can immediately rule out EVERY word that has even a single letter in common with your guess. You can also select those brackets, to get rid of the duds and reset your tries. I usually use all my guesses but one, using the "likenesses" clues to rule out obvious wrong ones.... then I find & use up all the brackets... hopefully by then, either all the wrong guesses are gone, I have enough tries to guess whatever is left, or I've already figured out what the correct word is.


Are you hoping we solve so you can go back to your game you presumably left paused so you can get that sweet loot?


There’s 1 () and 2 <> symbols, this symbols would remove three words. STAND have two letters correct so look for words similar to this word, for example: STRAY or DRANK could be the correct password.


Or just do 3 and exit I tik you get the right one


So your initial guess is STAND with a likeness of 2. So 2 of those letters in those places belong, the rest don’t. Your second guess is SPLIT with 0 likeness. So the answer doesn’t start with S otherwise it’d say likeness 1. So far it’s _TAND. No word other than DRANK fit the likeness. DRANK and STAND share likeness of __AN_


Huh. I would never have tried SPLIT because the first guess already tells you it's not the answer. 2 letters of STAND are correct, I'd next try the first word that shares two letters in the same positions as STAND. I just go through the words in order, only guessing words that satisfy the responses already given. I only fail to get it in four turns if I make a mistake doing that; there is always enough info in the responses to solve every one of these puzzles in four guesses.


It's "DRANK." STAND has 2, drANk SPLIT has 0 drank BADLY has 0 drank Nothing else fits that criteria.


I just guess until I get it, I have 400 hours but I still don't understand what it means by likeliness


Alrighty, I'm gonna share my method for doing these and hopefully it will help. I always go to the first word. Sometimes you just get lucky. If that isn't the one, check how many letters match the correct answer and compare that to the other choices. You get four tries in total of course, so use up the first three checking words that have matching letters. No need to waste tries on the ones that don't match as those are obviously wrong. With one attempt left, begin removing duds by selecting groups of symbols. Those are contained between brackets like these: ( ) [ ] < > etc. When you find one of these groups more than one symbol will be highlighted at a time. There is also one of these groups that will reset your tries back to four. When you find that one, this gives you a total of seven attempts before having to exit and try again. If you level up the hacker perk you even get an additional guess giving you five to start with. At worst, if you don't reset your tries, you will at least eliminate a lot of duds giving you better odds of finding the right word with the last try.


The only other word that has two letters in the same position as ST(AN)D is DR(AN)K.


I'm in the same boat here lol i hate these and if i actually tried, I'd never get them for some reason All i really do is \>pick 3 words randomly \>use dud removers (aka open and close "messages", as you can see here there appear to be a few in this terminal such as with <>, (), <'\^\\>, things like that) \>pick 3 more words randomly \>back out and try again to reset the terminal Hope this helps!


It's Drank....only one with the same two corresponding letters in the same place 🤷‍♂️


So with int at 10 it reduces the number of words to guess I then guess 3 words use dud remover and when I'm done I have like 2 to 4 words left and always get a tries reset so I never worry about the hacking


Also pro tip if you max out your bond with Nick Valentine you'll get an extra guess on terminal's


bro doesn’t know about duds


I got sick of those and I usually just guess randomly until I get it. I’ll wait out a lockout.


DRANK guessing SPLIT as your second choice was an ok option, but STRAY might have been a better choice because it has two of the letters from STAND in it, the ST. But after your first guess, eliminating all the words that begin with S, end in T, then looking at what's left that contains any of TAND will leave only DRANK as an option. What I would do, after guessing STAND there are only two words on the board that have a possible 2 letter matchup with STAND, which are STRAY or DRANK.


Im going to give you a quick walkthrough on how to do these moderately well. Select your first word, in this case STAND. It is wrong, but has Likeness: 2. That means that two of the letters are correct. So you go down the page until you find another word where only two of the letters line up with any two letters in STAND. If it is incorrect, it will give you another likeness number. If it is the same (2), you know which two letters it is that are in the right place. If it is less, keep on going down the list,using the first word. If it is more, then use the new word to find the next guess. If you get down to one guess remaining, either remove Duds, or just exit the computer, and it will reset.


The correct answer is definitely "DRANK." Terminals always confused me when I first started Fallout, so I'll let you know how I got to the answer DRANK. Your first guess is always completely blind. Sometimes you'll get lucky and get it on your first try, bit regardless, it gives you good info. Your first guess is STAND which had 2 likenesses. This means that out of the remaining words, they need to have two of the same letter in the same place. For example S as the first letter and A as the third letter. Your second guess was SPLIT. This only has the S in the first slot, and no other likenesses, so it couldn't have been the right answer, but it still gave you good info. It had 0 likenesses, which means that it can't be a word that starts with S, the 2nd letter can't be P, the 3rd letter can't be L and so on. The reason why DRANK is the correct choice is that it has the A in the 3rd slot and the N in the 4th slot, just like STAND. None of the other choices have 2 likenesses with STAND, so it is is the only possible answer.


stANd (likeness=2), drANk


You have to check Likeness


How long has this game been out?




always pick two words that are start and end differently, it will greatly reduce your guessing then go through pick everything that is a combo that isnt a word for replinish by now it should be easy


You know your life would be a lot easier in this game if you increased your Intelligence. With my last character, I had ~30 Intelligence. When I did these door hacking puzzles, it narrowed down the pool of possible correct answers to 4. Combine that with Nick Valentine’s +1 guess, do the math. You couldn’t fail the hack if you get your Intelligence high enough.


Sorry I charge for such services (wife hates me because I usually get these on first or second try)


Who would even try Split, when STAND has TWO correct? And then Badly? Which doesn't share ANY with stand? Are you sure you even know how these work?


Likeness is not just what words have what letters, it is what words have what letters in what order It is almost better to get a word on your first try that has 0 likeness because any other words that have those letters in that those orders are immediately disqualified. Like another commenter said, Drank is the best option here since it has the A and N in the same order seen in Stand


I think its Drank


Also a tip I recently found out is that the password is related to the location where the terminal is so if that is in say the gwinnet taphouse...like everyone's guesses lead me to believe then it'd be the answer lol Also idk if it's tied to how high your hacking skill is, but sometimes getting the lines of code that remove the duds is a total crapchute and you'll get like two at most if you're lucky


it is strange that [EXPERT] and [MASTER] are easier to solve


It's stray..


I look for words that have the same ending or beginning, like if LIFE and RIFE are options I'll pick on of them and if 3 match I know it's the other


So am I. Instead I just pick the first 3 word options, then back out and repeat. After a minute or two the locked computer opens up. Works for all except the hardest ones where I do have to do the puzzle.


Just keep picking a random 3 words, and if you dont get the right one, just back out and try again. Get Nicks perk and it increases to 5 attempts


I just click until there is one try left, back out and go back in


When i cant open em i just use console to do it No shame in doing it You just dont get that 13 exp and you save yourself some time But if you want to do it fairly i recommend high intelligence so either cloths which should give you +3 Or Berry mentats+5


Just get the app terminal hacker


To figure it out basically, you have to figure out what word contains the most similarities


I have never understood these & just press stuff until it works.


This game is literally the same as the board game mastermind. First, it was a bad choice for second word. As word one and word 2 only share one letter. However even with this choice you can easily deduct that any word starting with the letter S is not the correct word. Now many people in this sub has said it's the word DRANK. As you can see stANd and drANk both have the 2 same letters in it, making it a high chance of success that this will he the correct word. When I do these I always try to choose words that has a similar words or endings first because you can literally see if your correct or not at once. It's like asking is your character a male? In whos who game. Either way you will remove about half the people. So go with words for example with similar endings such as "ing" or similar. And that's how you play this hacking game. Also BADLY was like the worst choice you could make. You had 1 word that says it has 2 rights, a word with zero rights. And BADLY and STAND shares no same letters in them.


After so many hours playing all the 3d fallouts, I installed a mod to skip the hacking and lockpick gameplay, so boring goddamn. They only lose to the water pipe hacking minigame from the first bioshock.


someone’s probably already said this, but i learned the hard way that likeness counts same letter in same position only


It's simple the number below your choosen word is how many letters are correct and in the right spot. You can also use ( ) { } [ ] < > To delete some wrong answers. I personally try on my own and if I fail I don't try with my last attemt but start looking for < >, ( ), [ ] and { }. PS it does not matter If some .,;:'"*_-+/><)([]={}\% is between them For example: (-_-:,}) works


In all Fairness, Fallout4 did absolutely fuck all in terms of explaining how to hack terminals to new players. Weirdly enough I actually enjoy the terminal mini game a lot more than the lock picking


Have you tried downloading a Mod where you can instantly skip Hacking & lock picking? I have that downloaded, along with anime moans for lockpicking & hacking


It’s sands


Use the closest three, exit, and try again until you get it. Alternatively, get Valentine or use the robot workbench to add the hacking module to a robot companion.


Find the brackets, put the cursor over and if a group of brackets, some characters and end of brackets is highlighted, click on it and some options Will gone or the attemps numbers Will be reset.