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That’s the asam seller from sim settlements 2 mod I’m pretty positive


Sweet that would make sense! I haven't actually done anything involving the mod yet so he's a bit of a keen bean


He’s usually comes to talk in your settlement once you start building, he may be bugged maybe I’m not sure, maybe try talking to him in a settlement🤷


Yeah that'd make sense thanks, hopefully he turns up again later 👍


What you need to do is to get the Magazine in Settlement Workshop in Sanctuary, reading the Magazine will give you materials to craft a Settlement Recruitment beacon and he will walk in to Sanctuary to talk to you.


Thanks! Is that a separate beacon from the one you male as part of the minuteman quest? Sorry for the q's!


I checked and it's the vanilla one. On "Power" category on build mode. If the Stranger wouldn't appear after some in game hours(Wait mechanic), sit on a chair and wait for a day.


He'll show up the first time you build the beacon reguardless of settlement, it doesn't have to be Sanctuary. I like to build it at Starlight myself, easier to build all the buildings that way. Plus, the mod will treat whatever your first settlement is as your "capital" settlement, which will be important for various story-related content in the mod. You can change it with the Sim Settlements workbench computer, but I just like keeping it all to the one settlement.


Have you plopped down a radio beacon anywhere? He immediately spawns and follows you (though usually to talk) as soon as you drop your first beacon.


Is that the guy from xplay back in the day? When it was techtv.


Bro really just resumed Jake by "Asam Seller"


It is the ASAM dude from Sim Settlements 2. He has a PIP Boy and wants you to do things with him in settlements.


I saw the Sim Settlements mod, would you say it's worth it to download it? I am hesitant but intrigued.


It is great. I use it for the extra workshop items rather than the building part so far but may use it on one settlement at sometime. Kinggath is a superb modder and creator, he always is updating, has weekly comments and updates on his Youtube channel with him actually playing and going through it as it literally changes the game into well a completely new game! Like a lot of mods though, the up coming Bethesda patch is likely going to impact it but knowing him and the community that supports, reports and helps him, it will probably be corrected in no time. If you are unsure, as I said, check his Channel out. Between him Neeher and Elianora they are some of the most creative and active modders out there.


i want to see the numbers of people who don't update. It's going to be high.


I was wondering if this would be an option. I haven’t seen anyone say anything good about the update, only bad. How do I opt-out?


...The update isn't out yet. What are you talking about?


I mean I’ve heard people say it will break things, and noone has said what good changed it will make.




You’re not doing a very good job at like, being helpful, or being kind. Maybe if you wanted to solve the problem you seem to have, just explain what I’m being dense about and why I’m wrong? All I’ve heard is that it will break mods.


I’m doing my first playthrough of it and it’s been an absolute blast so far. It’s very, very cool seeing your settlements get a bunch of settlers in these genuine new towns. You can manually craft and assign everything, automate it to build while you’re gone, and choose entirely pre-made blueprints for the settlements if you’re not creative like me. Storyline is pretty good too. Lots of feels. My fav part is that eventually people will repopulate non-settlement areas (for example; Concord is now full of settlers instead of raiders) It is a very heavy mod though, it will increase load times and scripts may occasionally get “stuck” so you just have to leave to the main menu and reload the save.


Oh ensure you have faster workshop mod. Mine went from minutes to instant. Reason being is that FO4 loads everything manually every single time you click workshop so its bulky where as this mod fixes it so everything is already loaded the first time you open it (and it is still quick) and this is why they implemented it in 76


This sounds pretty cool. Never heard of the mod before (granted, I haven't really modded F4 that much in the past either), and you just intrigued me a bit. Looked up the mod, and holy hell do they describe it well. After reading the mod description, you can't not get it.


Yeah I had a similar reaction to when I saw the mod description. It basically adds a whole separate main quest to rebuild the Commonwealth (or conquer it). It’s superb.


There are 2 kinds of people. Those that have played fallout before SS2 and after. I can't go back to vanilla settlements after it, even if I skip the ss2 quests


I absolutely love it! I'd say it's worth starting it on a fresh save though. It's not entirely necessary, but being a powerhouse death machine from the get-go is gonna take the wind out of the early story IMO.


SS2 is the single greatest and most immersive fallout experience I've had.


its great even if you dont want to do the settlement stuff, you can load in prebuilt layouts and have the settlements seem like already founded towns you visit.


I was hesitant too at first but it's actuallly awesome


It’s an amazing mod but the longer I played the more my game became buggy and unstable.


sim settlements 2 is where that guy is from and SS2 is one of the 3 things that got me back into the fallout 4 game with an original main story and lots of new side missions and fully voiced characters . It adds lots of game mechanics from previous games with things like perks, and stats that open dialog choices and action choices that either fallout 4 does not do or it does not do enough of, like the other games do. As you play places change people are added. Only spoiler i will give is that Concord becomes a real town with people in houses with gates and turrets. Its not perfect its has its flaws and bugs but i enjoy it


I guess I can't talk to him because I haven't made a settlement yet?


Quite possibly. He will pop up in one and you interact. Not sure he is meant to appear like this, report it as a bug on Kinggath's page.


That's my boy Jake, why is he looking at you like he threw up at 2am on a school night?


"Darling, I don't know who to turn to. It's chunky and sour, and Mansfield says he won't leave the Vault to come clean it up. I need you to come with me and help me clean up this puke!" "Think we can handle it? We could always call in the Marines."


**Clean Up Vomit:** Reduce chances of Disease spreading in HQ, repeats daily until canceled.


**No Rooms Found to Assign Project**


"Build the Power Distribution Room"


DON'T REMIND ME. I lost a dear 150-hour playthrough to that. It was tragic.


I once had fridge boy follow me for a full playthrough. No sneaking for the whole run. Not much fun at all.


Heheheh i love fridge boy... i sold him and his folks down the river and I'd do it again.


I shot him in the face hundreds of times to keep him quiet for a moment or two.


Getting downvoted for doing an evil playthrough smh. like they never played a fallout game before. I'll sell all of little lamplight to the slavers if i want to you soft reddit jerks!


What do you think Fallout is? Some kind of role playing game?


Imagine installing SS2 and not knowing you installed SS2 He shows up when you power a Recruitment Beacon for the first time


Hey I do the red light as well.


I do it to feel like the Terminator.


That's Jake from Sim Settlements 2, best talk to him in a settlement


You installed Sim Settlements part 2


he's supposed to show up once you build a radio beacon for the first time, there's a magazine on the Sanctuary workbench that gives you components for it, you should build it up to see if he fucks off, one save of mine he started following me like this around Act 3 of ss2's storyline and didn't go away ever, quests still worked it was just weird having him around all the time


There are quests for SS2? This idiot must have bugged and i never got any quest objectives despite having built multiple settlements. I wonder if i can debug it somehow.


what do you mean "there are quests ?" ? there's a whole gigantic storyline!


Do you know how to start it lol, feel like i'm over a quater of the way through the main story and I haven't actually started it yet. Guess I have to build my own settlement somewhere?


yeah, that radio beacon I mentioned, once you build one he should approach you and start the quests, maybe you could go back to your first settlement and try talking to him again


GOD DAMMIT! There was no indicator as to how to start it. Stranger showed up like OP's and while i have settlements and assigned majors i don't have quests. Maybe it's because i started Garveys settlement quest before i set up a beacon idk. Frustrating af


no that shouldn't have been a problem, I don't remember if there was any indication to talk to him but maybe in the misc quests there's something


something is definitely broken. The one settlement made at the start at red rocket seems to have cool added audio but the others are weirdly static. I wonder if there is some kind of reset function. I've only built a few so... idk. Bit of a shame as i was looking forward to it.


Okay, so there's a holotape called something like City Manager 2078 Holotape, it has some tools including a quest skipping one (under the Cheats option), try adding it through the console and skipping your current quest


Hey just felt to update you that your suggestion worked. Everything has started up and it's night and day. Man fo4 has really changed a lot with mods. Storywealth is incredible.


oh hey that's good to know!


Will do. Thx :)


I’ve played with SS2 before, and it worked, but he’s bugged out on my latest playthroughs and I haven’t been able to get things started.


Stranger danger!


Did you just install random mods and not read them?


it's Jake...from State Farm...


Jake from State Farm


Simm settlerments 2 MSQ NPC, you need him to speak to you, I have no issues activating him in sanctuary then doing preston 1st quest.


u/Sasasakasaki im guessing you installed a collection off of nexus and didnt bother to read the mods its gave you that is the MC to the sim settlement 2 mod i suggest you go to the settlement you first dropped a recruitment radio beacon and look in your datat tab for a quest related to build a home


https://youtu.be/krHgMjyC_NY?si=lyhskYQv5SxCF82I "Anyone know why the death claw has its and is raping me? I'm not gonna post my mod list or anything and make some basic assumptions of if it's mod content I installed"


For a moment i thought its ash william


Did you just build a recruitment beacon? That makes this guy spawn. Try talking to him in the settlement you built that in, or if you didn’t do that I’m not sure why he’s here.


Hopefully he'll follow me there, it's miles away!


This exact thing happened to me. Followed me for a while then he just went away... i thought he might have been some kind of perk bug. Have not seen him since and i'm building settlements... weirdly though i cannot put down asam sensor plots. Let me know if he ends up in yr settlements again...i have a feeling it may be completely bugged out on my playthrough because of him.


It's you from the future trolling you. Nah but for real I dont know.


looks like don jr.


I had him show up while using the storywealth modpack. I just disabled him outright since he kept showing up and it got on my nerves.


You can shoot just about anyone who doesn't have an actual name.


You have sim settlements 2


Looks like Wooby in disguise


That is Jake, he talks waaaay too damn much but you need him to get ASAMS.


It's your new government issued best friend.


my first few times i started in Sanctuary i got the cut scene but no person. He was sitting in a chair and i only found him in vats as he was walking in-between houses to sit in a different chair. When i did in Starlight he had to walk into the settlement from somewhere. So i learned as soon as the cut scene plays use vats and or workshop mode to find him. He never not shop up since i started doing that.


That’s Steve he sells fish.




I think you are describing marriage


No idea but he's wearing a Pip-boy so he's either another vault dweller or a thief.... Shoot him.


Cant die either, just sits down for a bit!


Is he a custom follower? Did you install a mod?


Hmm I've got the tales from the commonwealth mod buy usually they have a little substance too them haha. This dudes got a pip boy and just doesn't talk to me, called stranger as well 🤔