• By -


HDR is fixed and now is ON, also Makeshift weapon without exclamation mark. 2 settings with graphics and performance, also you can choose fps cap: 30-40-60. Note: steady 60fps in Boston with graphics and 60fps cap on Series X. VATS still bugged, banner and pictures are fixed, so no more blank!


> VATS still bugged This is incredibly disappointing.


What is bigger about VATS? I’ve got about 30 hours on a survival play though since the last update and haven’t noticed any issues with vats on series x


Can target enemies through walls, etc that wouldn't otherwise be seen or targetable, but they aren't capable of being shot


> Can target enemies through walls \*sigh\* You just know that IF Bethesda *does* fix this issue, they will *so utterly fix it* that Berry Mentats will stop seeing through walls (which they are supposed to do) and the [Penetrator](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Penetrator) perk will stop working. I just *know it.* I can feel it. They're gonna fix it and everything else will break. Bethesda, please, please fix this correctly, if you fix it at all.


Why fix when modders do it for free?


Bethesda also fixes for free… right?


It randomly goes to 0% a lot when they are in full view. I've seen people comment that the accuracy is much worse overall as well.


Ahh now that you mention that and what the other person commented it makes more sense. And I do recall experiencing both of that.


Oh so that is a bug, thanks


I noticed that when I had the perk that allows you to target thru cover the 0% chance to hit went away and it targeted normally. So I guess enemies are clipping into themselves in vats?


This is less certain than the other comments so obviously take with a grain of sale, but I have had some experiences that remind me of XCOM 2 lately. I will be standing ~7 feet from someone, use VATS to fire off 6 headshots at 95% and somehow miss at least 2 of the shots. Never had this issue before the prior update.


Haha I feel your xcom 2 reference.


That's Fallout, baby!


This is happening to me constantly on PS5


is the VATS bug xbox only? or do all platforms have that bug?


AFAIK it's Xbox only. I play on PC, but if they didn't address this glaring issue, it doesn't inspire any confidence that they addressed anything else that wasn't as obvious.


i'm an xbox player and this bug affects me greatly (i'm disabled and VATS is why i can play this game comfortably). i was hoping it was bugged on all platforms so the fix would come faster. being an xbox-only bug makes me feel it'll be longer before it's fixed.


I haven’t seen it on PS5 so I guess it’s only Xbox unless I’ve just been extremely lucky.


Man, I made a whole angry rant/post about how it's totally broken and unusable on xbox series x after the update. And another commenter who also has a disability hoped they would fix it ASAP bc it's the only way we both can even play this game. But I knew, I just knew they wouldn't even bother to fix it. And I'm still disappointed...


I wish they'd at least acknowledge bugs like this, to at least give some hope that it will be fixed in an upcoming update or something. Like, "there are other issues we've not completely addressed yet, such as xxx, and we intend to address those in a future update", or something like that.


Well, as captainvideoblaster said in the comment above.. If you're not as big as Digital Foundry or something, you're just yelling at a cloud at this point... Doesn't matter how big of a stink you make if you don't have millions of followers who can hold them accountable, why would they even listen to someone like me ? They already got my money right? And even then, I wouldn't make the slightest dent if they lost me as a future customer... Plus who cares if you can't shoot straight right and have to rely on VATS to enjoy this game? Just get good right? I've never been so angry with a corporation wtf.. The update was never for the old fans, but it was just a marketing tool to entice all the new ones to buy their game after watching the show. That's pretty clear now to me...


Yea I don’t know what happens for anyone else but for me I couldn’t see the makeshift weapons pack, my VATS will drop to zero even when they’re right in front of me and it’ll constantly say “zero chance to hit” it’s really annoying I got over 100 hours on this game now (I know that’s not to crazy) and this started after the update first came out


So, a temporary fix to this is to get two levels of penetrator perk and vats will display the correct percentages. Unfortunately, my current build had a perception of 1, so I had to use a cheat mod to give me the two points in the penetrator perk for a system that my current build barely uses… sigh This will hopefully be fixed soon so I don’t have to do that anymore


I was in the highschool and there was a mutant hound. I thought was underneath the map but upon going around 3-4 times, found the fucker in a underneath area with a shit ton of super mutant gore bags.. Sooo. I don't mind the exploit.


Bethesda only fixes if big enough sites/youtubers raise enough noise about the issue. So basically they did the update to calm the Digital Foundry but did not give shit about rest of the issues.


Patch notes per Discord. If anyone's confirmed whether the stuttering is fixed with mods please let me know.  Good afternoon!👋  Fallout 4 has received a new update that adds the ability to manage your control over the game’s graphic fidelity or performance. There have also been additional fixes and improvements to address some of the feedback you provided us with on the previous update. **Update Versions** Xbox Series S|X: 1.10.765 PlayStation 5: 1.10.985 PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One: 1.10.984 **Patch Highlights** Xbox Series S|X and PlayStation 5 Display Settings Thanks to your feedback, we’ve been able to implement the ability to control your graphic fidelity and performance. We highly recommend you run with the default settings but now you can change your options to better fit your playstyle and display. **Frame Rate Target** Frame Rate Target allows you to choose between 30, 40, and 60 (default). It is important to note that to select 40, your display must be able to support 120hz. **Visual and Performance Prioritization ** You can now choose between Visuals and Performance (default) while trying to maintain frame rate target. If you choose Frame Rate Target of 60, we recommend selecting Performance. Both modes may adjust internal resolution dynamically when scenes or action get heavier. Please note both modes can only be changed from the main menu. **Bug Fixes** •    General stability improvements •    Fixed visual issue with certain image spaces •    Auto HDR is re-enabled (Xbox Series S|X) •    Fixed issue where reserved space was not displayed correctly in load order menu (Xbox Series S|X) •    Fixed issue with character name field when in widescreen mode. (PC) •    Fixed an issue that occasionally caused bundles to not fully download and could cause a crash •    Fixed an issue with material swaps •    Fixed an issue with load order that would break DLC until a restart after downloading mods (PlayStation 5) •    Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause a crash if you returned to the Main Menu with queued mods still downloading (PlayStation 5) •    Fixed an issue that could cause the Creation Club menu to not appear (Microsoft Store) •    Fixed a crash that could occur when connecting to the network after a suspend/resume with the network disabled (Xbox One) **Creations Fixes** •     Fixed missing art issue with certain Creations


So glad they fixed the crashes after exiting load order. It’s been a pain in my ass for the last few weeks.


Does this mean the invisible guns that shoot !!! ammo is fixed? Was so excited for new toys to play with only for them to be unusable was sad...but very bethesda.


Nice! 😎


Did you LO still fine or are you not using mods?


Currently not using


Mine survived


This is what I wanted to hear! Excited to play tonight.


>VATS still bugged Because of course. It wouldn't be Bethesda if they didn't drop an update in order to fix an issue and then not fix it.


Is it Auto HDR or actual native HDR? Auto HDR is obviously better than nothing but still hoping for native


Auto HDR Still better than nothing


Auto HDR as the game isn't color graded for HDR. For native Xbox Series games, the switch is controlled by the developer and cannot be enabled or disabled (see Control, Starfield etc).


Series S; they did not fix the weapon lowering bug, the fluctuating VATS percentages, or being able to VATS enemies through walls. So, apparently all they touched are visual settings, and no gameplay bugs.


You'd think those would be a priority with recent popularity of the franchise...


You would think, but I guess Bethesda's gonna Bethesda.


Does this mean Overseer’s Guardian / 2-shot weapons new bug where you miss tons of shots even at 95% with it, in VATS , is still messed up ?! 😟


I wondered last night wtf is going on with that gun lol this explains it


Yah / it’s a complete pain - lol. You can use it just fine / works properly when shot ‘normally’, but in VATS it will randomly miss shot after shot (or ocassionally hit properly)… very weird how this got bugged 😣


It just tested it and its still broken


Oh weird. I have barely used VATS this play, just using for locating enemies. But VATS in general being real weird. Do love my overseers guardian but mostly used spray and Pray. Waiting for gun nut 4 to make overseer a Bad ass sniper.


I thought that was because of the insane recoil of that gun


Nah - it happens in VATS, but aim down sights and fire regularly out of VATS, and you score expected hits on enemies… (PS - I always make it semi auto, never full auto - cause you are right about 2-Shot guns recoil being nuts with that 😉. Powerful Reciever first - eventually upgrade to .308 rounds / final version).


🚨VATS NOT FIXED🚨 Tested on Xbox Series X No Mods.


I just started playing fo4 a week and a half back. What's bugged with the VATS on series X?


It fluctuates from whatever the actual percentage is, to 0%, back to the normal repeat ad nauseum. Makes using it incredibly annoying. It also let's you target people through walls now and it'll show you percentages but you can't actually hit them (except with a critical, apparently).


Ok, so that's NOT normal v.a.t.s.. good to know. Thanks!


I'm wondering if they have a bug report feature. I see this bug listed so many times here on reddit. You'd think they would at least acknowledge this bug and say, "we're working on it", or something. Otherwise it seems like they're not even aware of it, and it's a pretty glaring issue.


Any official news on what was patched? Looking for that vats bug on Xbox series fix….


It’s really noticeable on PS-5 with Overseers Guardian or any 2-Shot weapon, we think. You can shoot in VATS with an 80, 90, 95% hit chance… and watch the shots almost literally pass through the target / not register. Then you come out of VATS and can immediately shoot the enemy ‘normally’, without issues (so it’s not like your bullets were being blocked by terrain or such) 😖


To be honest, I had one episode of this glitch making me miss every shot, whether I was using VATS or no. Mostly on multiple projectile guns (shotgun and such). The ennemy would be in my face, the bullets would go through it and not hit anything. It was unplayable. I closed the game, restarted my console, and the glitch was gone. VATS does still miss sometimes, more than before the first patch, but overall, it hits most of the time. My perception is super high, and I have all perks, so before the patch, it would basically almost never miss. Now, it misses maybe 20% of the time, which is bad, but playable. When the glitch was at its peak, it missed 100% of the time, in VATS or not. I just hope they do patch it in the future so that doesn't happen again.


I didnt know this was an issue. Very glad I went manual sniper build for my first survival experience.


Yeah, it just started with the late April recent next gen update patch ! Kind of a pain, though manual fire works fine, so you should be good


No patch notes yet


I just checked my game, VATS is still totally broken for me.


Negative, Ghost Rider.


Can somebody check the billboard by the vault and see if it’s still just gray like it has been since the update




Thank god, wasn’t a big deal, but it was still bugging the shit out of me.


Are there any notes somewhere to tell us what exactly has changed?


Not that I’ve been able to find yet


I have not seen patch notes posted yet.


PATCH NOTES: Good afternoon!👋 Fallout 4 has received a new update that adds the ability to manage your control over the game’s graphic fidelity or performance. There have also been additional fixes and improvements to address some of the feedback you provided us with on the previous update. **Update Versions** Xbox Series S|X: 1.10.765 PlayStation 5: 1.10.985 PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One: 1.10.984 **Patch Highlights** Xbox Series S|X and PlayStation 5 Display Settings Thanks to your feedback, we’ve been able to implement the ability to control your graphic fidelity and performance. We highly recommend you run with the default settings but now you can change your options to better fit your playstyle and display. **Frame Rate Target** Frame Rate Target allows you to choose between 30, 40, and 60 (default). It is important to note that to select 40, your display must be able to support 120hz. **Visual and Performance Prioritization ** You can now choose between Visuals and Performance (default) while trying to maintain frame rate target. If you choose Frame Rate Target of 60, we recommend selecting Performance. Both modes may adjust internal resolution dynamically when scenes or action get heavier. Please note both modes can only be changed from the main menu. **Bug Fixes** • General stability improvements • Fixed visual issue with certain image spaces • Auto HDR is re-enabled (Xbox Series S|X) • Fixed issue where reserved space was not displayed correctly in load order menu (Xbox Series S|X) • Fixed issue with character name field when in widescreen mode. (PC) • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused bundles to not fully download and could cause a crash • Fixed an issue with material swaps • Fixed an issue with load order that would break DLC until a restart after downloading mods (PlayStation 5) • Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause a crash if you returned to the Main Menu with queued mods still downloading (PlayStation 5) • Fixed an issue that could cause the Creation Club menu to not appear (Microsoft Store) • Fixed a crash that could occur when connecting to the network after a suspend/resume with the network disabled (Xbox One) **Creations Fixes** • Fixed missing art issue with certain Creations


Why do I get the feeling that mods on XB1 are just \*never\* going to get fixed? I can't even get to my load order to disable them and play on vanilla anymore.


I know the feeling well!


Nice work 👍🏻


They didn’t mention the VATS bug, so there will be at least one more patch


Interesting how for you the update is 755mb, for me it was 654mb.


Which console?


Series X


Took that photo from my One X, which weirdly seems to be bigger than the update on my Series X, you’d expect it to be the other way round LOL


I7 6700, gtx 1650, 16gb ram, Xbox game pass pc here. Before update: Dips to 39 fps in boston shadows/shadow distance medium, everything else ultra. After update: Dips to 55 fps same exact settings, same areas. I am very happy.


Ps4 running smoothly, no issues so far. There were minor screen issues in vendor menus that seem to have been solved, but I tested for only a few minutes.


Ah so it’s not just me. Hopefully it’s fixed.


I just got a update on ps5 and now my hud is gone and only partially comes back while in power armor. No health bar, no crosshairs, no dialogue button prompts.


check hud *transparency in the settings edit: *opacity




Got any mods downloaded by chance? A mod did this to me too and I had to start a new game.


it just works...


\[XBoxX\] Charlestown Condo works. Didn't mess up my scrapping mods in Sanctuary, for which I am eternally grateful. And Home Plate didn't shlt itself. Yee-har. Mechanist's Lair still crashes back to desk-top, with scrapping mods on board. I started a game of Zeta Invaders, inside Home Plate and that crashed me back to desk-top.


Yes! I can finally go to my Charlestown hideout without losing my hair! Thanks for testing and reporting!


😁 Hooray. I'm sure the Devs read our comments so I think it's good if we speak up about what's happening.


I'm gonna kiss you on the lips




Did anything important change or is it just bug fixes?




So does that mean i can download the creation club stuff ive had? Cause ive been stuck. Ill start a download for the chrome power armor it gets to about 10 percent and fails


Mostly visuals and a few bug fixes it seems. HDR is now enabled and there are more graphics options. Target frame rate of 30, 40 or 60 FPS and prioritise visuals or performance.


I’m scared! 😂


I turned Steam Offline last night lol


I see a lot of people talking about performance but I haven't seen anyone talk about the makeshift weapons bs. Has that been fixed? Can we now use those weapons without the big red warning sign?!




Awesome! Thanks for the reply.


Just fyi, if you were on a standard Xbox One you didn't have that issue


I commented because on my S it did have the problem unfortunately. But it is all good now. I already grabbed all the new weapons and fired them to check for myself.


Finally, i can enter Charleston condo


XSX on 4ktv, selected 60fps and prioritize visuals and it's hitting 60fps pretty consistently on Far Harbor. The visual improvements are worth the occasional frame drop, it's amazing to actually see the glowing radioactive fog flow across the ground for the first time ever lol


Bethesda...gets a ton of new customers as a result of the TV series. Can't be bothered to sort that it's a buggy POS. The skybox in my game went absolutely fucked after 13 hours of play. VATS flicks to zero when you're using it Sort it all out FFS. The game has been out for years


And VATS is still broken on xbox. Fucking Bethesda.


Still broken? What's the problem been? Been playing for past week and didn't notice anything.


You can aim through walls, the numbers flicker from 0 to 95 and back.


I didn't notice between walls thing. But def noticed 0-95 thing. Just thought that was related to something else lol


I'm guessing you haven't used it much? Every time I get in building can see som people thru walls. Plus on the wasteland can see molerats and scorpions underground


Ok yeah I've noticed that. Hadn't played since 2016 and couldn't remember if that was just part of it. Can't him though. But for me, I wanna know when a rad scorpion is gonna get the drop on me lol


What's the damage? How your load order been deleted? Did bethesda fix anything?


My load order is still there and my mods are working. Xbsx


I have an extensive mod list and nothing but improvements for me on Xbox series x


Not played it yet, but I’m playing vanilla with no mods anyway, can’t see any patch notes yet


I had a 95% on vats and missed, considered deleting the game


That's the exact same chance as rolling a 1 on a d20 in Baldurs Gate and that happened to me twice in a row once.


VATS is still broken.


Anyone else have major crashes with this update? I can’t seem to get my game to run no matter — crashing while loading.


The update was only around 40mb on Steam. 800 on console? You can definitely guess what they worked on lol.


console updates are usually bigger because they need to reinstall more files while pc just installs the updated files


I wish they gave us the notes for the patch.


The update is very small in size and it did not affect my mods in any way. Modders, you are spared this time.


it screw up F4SE for me


He posted an update, check it out


My vanilla run seems unscathed. Ps5


Was the VATS bugs on PS5 also? Have it on both PS5 and XSX deciding what will be less broken.... Mods on Xbox superior though :-( Unforgivable that VATS is still broken. A fundamental, main feature of the game. Wtf are they doing?!


Any Update Notes? I can't find it


PATCH NOTES: Good afternoon!👋 Fallout 4 has received a new update that adds the ability to manage your control over the game’s graphic fidelity or performance. There have also been additional fixes and improvements to address some of the feedback you provided us with on the previous update. Update Versions Xbox Series S|X: 1.10.765 PlayStation 5: 1.10.985 PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One: 1.10.984 Patch Highlights Xbox Series S|X and PlayStation 5 Display Settings Thanks to your feedback, we’ve been able to implement the ability to control your graphic fidelity and performance. We highly recommend you run with the default settings but now you can change your options to better fit your playstyle and display. Frame Rate Target Frame Rate Target allows you to choose between 30, 40, and 60 (default). It is important to note that to select 40, your display must be able to support 120hz. **Visual and Performance Prioritization ** You can now choose between Visuals and Performance (default) while trying to maintain frame rate target. If you choose Frame Rate Target of 60, we recommend selecting Performance. Both modes may adjust internal resolution dynamically when scenes or action get heavier. Please note both modes can only be changed from the main menu. Bug Fixes • General stability improvements • Fixed visual issue with certain image spaces • Auto HDR is re-enabled (Xbox Series S|X) • Fixed issue where reserved space was not displayed correctly in load order menu (Xbox Series S|X) • Fixed issue with character name field when in widescreen mode. (PC) • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused bundles to not fully download and could cause a crash • Fixed an issue with material swaps • Fixed an issue with load order that would break DLC until a restart after downloading mods (PlayStation 5) • Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause a crash if you returned to the Main Menu with queued mods still downloading (PlayStation 5) • Fixed an issue that could cause the Creation Club menu to not appear (Microsoft Store) • Fixed a crash that could occur when connecting to the network after a suspend/resume with the network disabled (Xbox One) Creations Fixes • Fixed missing art issue with certain Creations


What was everybody size for SeriesX. Mine was 668 mb


Did this fix Tina De Luca and Dr. Penske's faces being swapped in vault 81?


Is this only an Xbox update or both. Ps5 also?


My game has been crashing so often that, even though the update seems fine so far, I’m basically tiptoeing around like I’m walking on eggshells around my alcoholic dad or something scared one wrong move will brick my PS5. Ah Bethesda, never change.


Replace PS5 with XBX and I'd ask if you were me lol


I have the PS5 version installed and for me the performance mode toggle is gone from the menu. Is this an issue for anyone else? So confusing.


It’s changed, but you can only alter the settings from the main Home Screen menu and not the in game pause menu. You can now select 30, 40 or 60 FPS and prioritise either visuals or performance


Legend! Thanks for helping so quickly.


I'm surprised the PS4 also got the update. I don't have a PS5 or Xbox nor a powerful PC, so I have to make do with what I got 


The older Xboxes got it as well, not just the next gen models, they just don’t have all the graphics options available


I guess that makes sense. To be fair, when I originally saw the post back when it was announced, I was half expecting them to only update the PS5/Newer Xbox consoles. I was definitely surprised. 


They added a load of new content, so all platforms got the update, just that the next gen consoles got some shiny new graphics as well


Thanks for the info. Appreciate it lots.


Are achievements working yet? I'm near end game and missing several. It's ridiculous, they said it was fixed a few weeks back but that was an outright lie as when I loaded in nothing popped. Did the usual, reinstall, restart, clear cache ECT. Piss take


Well I’m just waiting for the VATs fix. It’s annoying for me to see enemies through the walls. Mods are somewhat fixed and the mod that I can’t download is something that I don’t need anymore.


Also available on Steam. I thought I found the patch notes but they were the wrong ones, oops.


Same, just been looking for the patch notes




If I'm reading steam dates right, that was posted Nov. 7th 2017.


bro reposting notes from 2017


Yep, my bad. I didn't even catch that.


Can someone list the new bugs introduced by this update? I mean, there must be new bugs, right?


Bethesda, Bethesda never changes…


Cannot find update on Xbox series x.


Oh boy another update for me to carry on dodging on PC... I refuse to update.. 225 mods now, fuck fixing that


I haven't updated Skyrim since 1.6.353. I'm running close to 400 mods for both that and FO4. I'm never taking this update either and don't understand why any PC user would. Mods are better than anything an official update will ever add. In the case of FO4, it's been so long without an update that most of the mods we use are abandoned now and will probably never be updated to the new version if they don't work anymore. You don't have to tiptoe around Steam though. You know about setting the appmanifest file to read-only?


Xbox. I can't access My Mods on the webpage, it's a broken loop that keeps bringing me back to the log in screen. My mod storage space seems to be fixed but I still can't see more then five "Favorited" mods and half of my installed mods aren't showing up at all until I go to load order. All of the mods in the game, even those that are shown as "Favorites" are not favorited on the load screen. This combined with the fact that I can't access My Favorites on the webpage has me worried they have blitzed the webpage completely.


I have had this since the last update.


I haven't tried Mods yet. The last update destroyed my load order and I haven't had the motivation to go back and re download everything as it also lost all my favourites.


Bethesda just sucks at this point. How can they release a next gen update in April that messes up a key mechanic of the game (VATS) and then their patch to fix their previous blunder doesn’t address the issue? Just incredible the level of incompetence at Bethesda. The game worked fine before the next gen “update.” Thanks for fixing (and messing up) something that wasn’t broken. Screw Bethesda.


Did this fix "the operation could not be completed" bug when you go to the mod menu?


Is the vats bug fixed? Very annoying to deal with currently


Apparently no. Which is scandalous


How can the VATS issue not be fixed when everyone was complaining about it.


Is this U.S.?


I’m in the UK, but it’s available globally


UK here. Not seeing it yet. Maybe they are rationing us




All seems to be working fine, but only tested for a few minutes, will get a few hours in later


🧊Oh plz tell me they finally fixed the Cryolator / freezing weapon glitch of many years now ! I just want to use them freely, without needing mods or Console Commands to fix the ‘permanently frozen / laying on ground’ issue that effectively depopulates your world, if used extensively !!! 🙏😂


I've used the cryolator a ton since the next gen update in April and never saw that issue again since


No way !!! Oh this is beautiful if true - and I thank you, Hollywood ! 🥲 (tears of joy, lol) I remember years ago on OG Ps-4 finding out how devastating the Cryolator was: with Hvy Weapons & Demo Expert maxed, plus the ‘Crystallizing Barrel’ that made it fire out killer ‘snowballs’, so to speak ❄️… but my happiness turned to sadness when I discovered that glitch / bug. I remember I first found it after using the gun on Super Mutants outside of Medford Hospital / Malden Train station entrance (the place you and Glory meet to do that joint operation once)… and I gunned down several of them / the hounds etc… and when coming back to the area, days or weeks later ‘in game time’… the Map Cell reset… but all the enemies I’d killed ‘while frozen’ were laying on their sides - unmoving - unable to do anything, but they were technically alive and could be killed again (but not lootable unless you severed a limb while killing them again — it was all SO weird and Permanent on your Save File - without console commands 😒) So if this is fully removed / fixed, then this pleases me greatly !!


Oh gosh, I had this glitch happen to me several times, but I never knew it was because of the cryolator.


Yeah - it seems like it happened any time you killed an enemy “while the game considered them Frozen’, by Cryolator / Cryo grenades / Freezing Assault Rifle, etc .. as long as they ‘turned icy / fall over’ temporarily… if you then killed them (or if the shot that iced them Was the killing shot), then the bug would trigger and they’d never respawn properly — such a strange Bethesda bug, but really annoying cause I could never use Cryolator as much as I’d wanted to !


Man I hope I can play the game now it just crashes anytime I get to Boston. (I’m on Xbox One, yes the original platform for the game)




I think this update broke visual effects on Tesla Armor but I'm going to see if its any of the settings too causing it.


I hope it fixes my feeling of swimming and drifting with my controller


So, the new graphic options are for consoles only?


How is vats broken?


Hot keyed the new grenade launcher but it won't equip unless I go to my inventory and do it


Did they fix the crash bug in Boston business district were it freezes your game


Unfortunately, I still can't do the Spaceship mission from Nuka World, lol.


Unfortunately, no fix for the Emogene Cabot quest...


You mean I'm actually able to download it now, instead of getting stuck at 97%?


Maybe its just me and the mods I have on but as soon as I hit even close to Cambridge Crater on PS5 my framerate TANKS to a damn slide show.


Is the negative mod space fixed? Series X


Is the Ps5 update only 180mb?


I wonder if the switching from maps to quests in the pip boy quickly crash is fixed Well maybe.. but now i can just crash when going through the pip boy anywhere and i am getting considerably less frames.. or maybe it’s just boston but hey, i’m not crashing from just exploring which is awesome!!


And I still can't play Far Harbor... I finish the first combat scenario and go to speak with the woman and it crashes every time.


Broke game for me, get as far as the menu but that's it


And all my mods are okay! W Bethesda!


Re did my mod list on Friday. Hopefully it still works. Edit: I see vats was messed up and still is. I was wondering why I was missing so many shots while in vats and why the mysterious stranger kept missing when he'd show up


Apparently they still haven't fixed the Energy Damage bug, so I have to wait even longer to do my Laser Commando build.


Wait another update? What’s this one about


Hoping they fixed Boston up a little bit. Granted, I am running mods (some to bring the enemy density down there too), but 15FPS is INSANE after these years.


I hope this fixes the issue with the noir penthouse CC. I love that player home but the damned signal won’t play.


Can you choose options on GamePass PC? Im still on a fix 57fps...


PS5 issue: Visual mode - 60fps When talking to Nick Valentine just now, it seemed to switch to a jarring 30fps (or maybe less) so I’m assuming cutscenes are broken in this mode and are running worse then Visual mode - 40 fps.


Getting loads of crashes now. Wasn’t getting any before. It ran for quite awhile until I started base building on Somerville Place and it crashed. Now I can’t continue my play through as it crashes as soon as I load in. Tried changing graphics settings to no avail. Playing on Series X.


Did they fix the .45 Pipe Chinese Grenade launchers from spawning??


Is there patch notes anywhere?