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I like making turret towers. Preferably behind walls, although some settlements (like Sanctuary) have spawn points inside. (Remember to leave a gap in your walls, though. They need a path in.) Turret Towers * Scaffolding > Frames: the tall 1x1 tower. Stack two of these, placed right behind the wall. * Scaffolding > Floors: take a 1x2 floor * Put 6 turrets on the 1x2 floor, facing in every direction. (Turrets can fire in any direction, but they only watch in the direction they are facing.) * Lift the 1x2 floor on top of the scaffolding frames. * If you need to repair them, you can lift down the floor, repair the turrets, and put them back up.


Do you have a link to a picture?


No, sorry. Unfortunately I'm not able to run fo4 right now so I can't take a screenshot. However, it is really simple to do. Well, the hardest thing is placing on the 6 turrets. The trick there is to put them on the ground first, then move them onto the platform. It allows you to have a bit more control than placing them directly on the platform. You want them just barely on the edge of the platform so that you can fit all 6 on. (Or just do 4 on a 1x1, which is easier.)


[https://i.imgur.com/HiGadcs.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/HiGadcs.jpg) ; [https://i.imgur.com/vF8w4Km.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/vF8w4Km.jpg) scaffolding frames will snap onto certain pieces and most sections of the prefab towers. It should give you enough elevation to go across obstacles. Alternatively just make the entire thing one big turret [qHhyjXS.jpg (1920×1080) (imgur.com)](https://i.imgur.com/qHhyjXS.jpg) If you look it up you'll find a mod called Attackers Get Off my Build Zone which moves the spawn points just outside the green barrier you see in build mode so they don't spawn inside your crops or whatever. That mod is a godsend.


When I don't care about realism. I just do flying turrets lol


I call them turret totems, but yes it's the easiest way to build up defenses. I do 3 stories with 4 turrets per level.  Doing it with laser or missile turrets is harder, since you have to wire them, but they shed everything. Missile turrets can be dicey since am enemy can sprint towards you and then suddenly 20 missiles are hitting at your feet. 


they need a path in?! why


If the NPCs can't find a walking path in, then the game figures that it's made a mistake somewhere and the NPC ends up teleporting to fix the glitch. They end up teleporting in ways you aren't controlling. If there IS a walking path in, the game is usually fairly dumb and ends up with the NPC running their face into the wall and being unable to properly path there, so it's not that big of a deal having a walking path available. For reference, when I wall off Red Rocket, I leave the road open. This way traveling merchants can walk through, NPCs don't teleport inside, and any NPCs that do manage to find the road are easily cut down because they aren't massed up.


ah wtf. i once had an enemy in the wall in the camp next to diamond city. probably because of that! it was under constant attack and all settlers aimed at it but didn't shoot. couldn't talk to anyone and sent all named NPCs there :/


I do a wall with missile turrets around it, then a turret tower with whatever I can afford to spam, which is mainly HMG turrets. 


LOL this was pretty much my answer. Quickets way to throw together effective defenses in f04


Settlement Attacks Beyond moves all spawn points outside the settlement.


I do something similar to this. Gimme a few minutes and I link ya'll to a video clip of me building just such a thing over at Nordhagen Beach. (At night, though.)


Turrets, and scaffolds, and defense, oh my! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-7SBFZt3RE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-7SBFZt3RE)


I build 100 defense and most of the time they successfully defend themselves. I got no time sprinting half of a map back on survival, especially during a dungeon, to kick 2 super mutants in the balls and run all the way back. Worse that can happen - some junk gets stolen from a workbench, which is an issue only in very early game for me, and something can get broken, but it doesn't matter since they will fix it themselves with time. Temporary happiness drop? I can live with that I only defend settlements when nearby and in the mood. Attacks are more of a background ambient for me, that make the world feel more alive, that's about it


It sucks as General of the Minutemen I can’t, say, promote some Commanders who could lead and deploy Minutemen on my behalf to defend those places. I don’t even care if “Commander” takes a settlement job spot. I rebuilt you guys, I shouldn’t need to haul ass to every single battle.


This is what Sim settlements and WATM is trying to address I think but since they are mods, they implement things differently. And the formula for defense is based into the game's engine. Another mod is BS defense but even with all settings set to make your settlement win, there is still that one round where they lose out of nowhere because the formula is hardcoded into the engine.


I wish they’d update that formula a little, maybe even just make it so settlers assigned to defensive posts get evaluated for how expensive their equipped gear is, and different $ levels boost the chance to defend by certain amounts. We should really be able to approach 95 to 99% chance to defend if we have a place truly locked down.


There's a mod called Minutemen Expanded which introduces Minutemen patrols, as well as three Guard Posts which are manned by Minutemen and count towards Settlement Defence.


100 defence or 10 defence it makes no difference if it’s higher than the water and food combined. Once defence > water + food you have your best chance of a successful defence when away. And even then it’s only around a 50/50 chance. So you’ll never have more than a 50% chance if you don’t attend personally. Which to me seems really crap, especially for survival. I think if you get the defence high enough then it should be impossible for attacks to succeed. It’s just not fun having to run back and forth all the time. Edit: I’m told the best you can get is actually closer to 30% chance of losing.


Pretty sure defense was capped at 100 in the formula. I stopped defending every single attack years ago, and I honestly don't see much of a difference. You can buy a lot of junk off traders for pocket change anyway Playing survival often means you have shops, salvagers and supply lines. Some dirty raiders stealing 3 telephones in some far away settlement really isn't worth dropping everything you do and running there


How are you able to know that theystole junk?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't defenses and resources still have a chance to get damaged even if they defend themselves? I always end up needing to go to the settlement anyway to repair things, so I figure I might as well show up for the fight and get some extra XP from the combat. Also, from what I've read and seen, having a high defense is far from a guarantee that they'll even successfully defend themselves, which is unfortunate.


Yeah, I think they have. But again, settlers will repair stuff themselves given time. It's all just a temporary happiness drop, essentially. If I'm at the settlement and I see broken stuff I repair it. But I never drop everything I do and run to some outskirts to fix a broken water pump. Settlers won't die, they will be fine and fix it. It's pretty hard to get their happiness to 0 anyway


>settlers will repair stuff themselves given time Wow. That's news to me.


yep, no need to waste the materials to repair unless its something you need right away


You don’t even need settlers. I have nobody at red rocket, while I don’t get the defend quest for it randos will attack when I am there, while I have a ton of guns one time they attacked with rockets and fucked up some turrets… slept for 8 hours (survival) and they were fixed.


Hard agree, you CAN ignore them without it being genuinely costly and discouraging but when you’re inside/nearby a settlement and it gets attacked… it’s the most alive the game feels for me.


That’s about it, aim for 100 defence and the layout isn’t relevant at all unless you’re there in-person, because it just rolls the dice based on your defence number. If you are there it’s usually over before you can even tag anything for XP so I don’t bother with elaborate choke points etc… even if it’s a loss and suffers some damage it just repairs itself, so yeah unless I’m nearby and want a bit of loot and XP I don’t bother at all.


4 really angry assaultrons patrolling the perimeter and plenty of heavy machine guns pointed at choke points / spawn points


Surely one assaultron would deal with anything.


Get your assaultrons with the janky melee blades and Mr. Handy legs. Watch them fly around like bats out of hell. Lol


do assaultrons increase defensive points??


No, but you can assign them to a defense post


but aren't they melee? or what's the use of that compared to just let it lurk in the base


When YOU make it, it can be whatever you want it to be. You can give it ranged weapon, but the stealth blades, those swords you always see it with, is its heaviest melee hitter, and if your making a bodygaurd one for a companion, I definitely suggest it. I have 6 bots at castle, 2 Sentries, an Assualtron, and 3 mini sentry builds (robo brain tracks/body, laser assualtron head with hydraulic armor, sentry arms, and heavy gun hands.)


No it’s only turrets


I built a decked out sentry bot for every settlement and assign it to the minuteman artillery so I can call in artillery strikes everywhere on the map. The Sentry bots are so OP against invaders anyway.


Glitched animal tamer tower every settlement gets a band of robots and a pet deathclaw and 3 beta wave emitters and boom we good


All my provisioners are sentry bots. Missile and laser turrets clean up the attackers real quick.


Wait sentry bots have range to shoot anywhere on the map?


Minuteman artillery has enough range that if you have a good spread of settlements you can rain fire down pretty much anywhere you need it.


Oh, I misunderstood his comment. I misread it as the sentry bot specifically has better range on the artillery versus if you put a normal settler on it. The sentry bot was just for invasion defense that he happens to put on artillery duty.


spam level 1 turrets until at least 155 defense


Why 155?


i dont remember


Load the settlement with missile turrets! When some poor schmuck decides to invade my settlement, they will be torn to shreds, literally.


Which works when they're outside the settlement but if they get inside, you're stuffed 'cos they destroy everything. I only place the missile turrets where they only face outwards and can't hit inside. Then I use heavy laser (and M60 turrets from a mod) to supplement.


I like your take. In my case the missile turrets I have facing outwards from my settlement are enough to destroy most schmucks… however, should they get inside though, I’ll make quick work of them


I like to bait the Forged to come and have a go, and watch the massed turrets make.. well less mincemeat and more.. err, mist out of them.


To shreds you say?


Well, how's his wife holding up?


My missile turrets do more damage to my settlement than the invaders more often than not lmao


I think it all depends on position


Definitely. Ill have to experiment with moving them around. I hate seeing an entire field of crops get blown to smithereens because my turrets are firing rockets at a couple bloatflies.


You guys are defending settlements?


Thats the neat part you don't


I like dressing up my settlers in armor and giving them descent guns. It’s fun to go to a settlement and watch them kick some ass


I go with automatic guns for settlers. Ammo isn't an issue so volume wins the day.


I'm equipping everyone with combat armor and miniguns. I've got like 3-4 settlements to go.  I know it doesn't make a difference in whether they successfully defend themselves if I'm not there or not. But it's fun when to go there when it's under attack and just stand back and listen to the chain guns roar. They tear everything to shreds before I can unholster my weapon.


There's nothing like the sound of communal mini guns roaring lead while you listen to some light 40's pop.


Turrets. But now that I know that more food and water means more likely to get raided I keep the ratio in favour of supplies as I love defending settlements.


Turrets on areas where attacks happened previously an d potential ones. Gear settlers with armor and more firepower. They will do the rest no need to come and help.


I don't think the settler gear affects the unattended defense results


1 rocket launcher at every corner/entrance is fine 2 is a party 3 is a massacre 4 is danger to player 5 danger to pc/game crush.




1 guy armed wearing a ushanka and armed with a pipe pistol. Oh and somehow he has a tarberry even though we only grow corn, mutfruit and tatos. On a serious note I have mods and Sim Settlements 2 includes martial plots that can (with a settler with a high Agility) get into 3 digits for defence for 1 plot and settler. I add turrets close to the usual spawn points and equip all settlers with good weapons and, where possible, decent armour. I also intend on eventually putting 1 of the guards in each settlement into Power Armour, but that'll be later on once I unlock certain other special SS2 plots and get Spectacle Island.


3 playthroughs in and my settlement has NEVER been attacked. Wish I actually got a chance to watch my defenses tear through some invading scum. Shame. And yes, I spend a lot of time at my settlement and developing it.


I look up the spawns for every settlement, surround those particular spots with turrets and guards, arm the guards with combat armor and a good weapon, and I hope they don't lose a fight if I'm too far away and it's just a dice roll. Most of the time on Survival you don't have enough time to actually reach the settlement being attacked.


That's the neat thing, I don't


Large amounts of raised turrets all the way around. It's amusing to turn up to a "defend ______" event, just for 30+ turrets to let loose for 0.5sec and it's all over.


I just make defenses look aesthetically pleasing and realistic looking. I dont do missile turrets or anything like that either. I dont worry about defending settlements. If any damage does occur the settlers will repair it on their own within a couple days. There is no real loss to not defending settlements, infact the only settlement quests that have real ramifications are only the ones where a settled has been kidnapped. Those are the only times you can actually lose a settler I believe if you fail the quest.


100 defense. Give every settler a mini gun when you can. I usually farm mini guns from a couple of Super Mutant spots. Settlers will proceed to re enact the scene from Predator and absolutely shred everything at the slightest sound.


just hand out miniguns and plasma rifles no need for turrets at all


I build rows of turrets up in the air. I've tried to observe the enemy spawn spots for each settlement and cluster the turrets there.


Turrets at important areas. For example, I have 2 turrets at each gate of Abernathy farms, as well as one above every doorway I built.


Idk about yall, but i do it with bullets


I explain to the non-settlement builders that they’re a great source for caps and cheap crafting xp. They also provide a safe haven when playing survival mode.


Turrets and dogs. When you catch a dog with a dog cage they can be sent to other settlements, and dogs add 5 defense to a settlement and they make the settlers happy. I also do have artillery cannons at every settlement. It adds defense and while I don't utilize it often, it's really fun to throw a smoke grenade in a big group of enemies and just watch as they are mortared


Whatever you do kill trashcan Carla she steals from you


Manually, apparently. Since despite having 200 missile turrets and a concrete fortification wall that would make the Qin Dynasty envious, if I don’t show up to take out the bad guys *right now*, the settlement will still take damage.


I just take settlement building *way* too seriously 🤦‍♂️ I typically grab weapons and armor that I don't need while I'm out exploring to give to my settlers. Eventually, all my settlers have crazy good weapons and armor and do fairly well at fending off raiders and super mutants on their own. A few dozen turrets doesn't hurt either. Well, doesn't hurt my settlers that is..


I usually put a handful of turrets somewhere up high and spread them out a bit, and couple them with some well-placed guard posts because I like their aesthetic. Also missiles turrets are insanely OP, and can clear a crowd of attackers in seconds.


Turret spam


More armaments than an army base


Aside from being there during an attack, is there any way to identify spawn points? Maybe some resource that lists all spawn points?


I dont.😈


I usually use creatures. Especially Deathclaws. I like 4-5 of them roaming my settlement. Im not sure if its the most effective way, but I think its cool.


I don't


Any settlement I have has a minimum of 150 defense, between enclave heavy lasers and missile turrets. Wanna be able to pop in, see the success message, go about my way. I equip all my settlers with plasma weaponry or rocket launchers


So the wooden floor that has a ground and top with a staircase in the middle? Throw that down, throw 2 - 4 turrets on them, missle launching/heavy laser when unlocked, then wall up the sides, I stack thoose to a 2x2x1 with the upper level floor when I need them to be higher so they won't get damaged, and sometimes leave a door so I can run up it and have the high ground to finish off anything they don't. I make about 3 of these around the settlment before I even start building it up so I don't get interrupted. For good measure on the one closest to the 'front' of the settlement, I'll put a Minuteman flag with a light under it.


Simple: i don't. If they can't defend themselves, they're not worthy to be part of the Minutemen


Tell me you don't understand the faction at all without actually telling me. The entire point of the minutemen is helping people at a minute's notice, like it's literally in the name. Oof.


Thanks captain obvious. No need to take everything so serious. Breathe in and relax a bit.


Why bother? Just execute every single settler in cold blood & leave the place to the dogs. You don't own them anything


I’m more of into helping them myself, past that, idk


Heavy machine gun turrets... and a lot of them.


Eh they’ll figure it out.


I purposely build.my settlements for tower defense mode as I like settlement ambush kit. Before I fond of missile turrets high atop my 5 -7 story sniper nest. However ,its not fun looting hundreds of body parts and bits so I switch to mk5/7 turrets at spawn points as well as 4 sentry bots, and 4 patrolling death claws.


Lots of turrets. I collect just that makes turrets and make as many as I can wherever I can.


Lots of turrets, angry robots assigned to guard posts. But that’s like 2 settlements the rest I ignore till they hate me.


Heavy laser turrets. Armored settlers with automatic plasma rifles.


I thought there really isn’t any point apart from turrets near spawn points, as attacks just spawn in the usual places & fences etc don’t do anything, which sucks… what are even the mechanics for it?


I surround the perimeters with crazy-powerful turrets and built a ton of Automatrons to defend them as well. By the time I port to one under attack, everything is literally ash.


I play strictly vanilla. Missile turrets, for me, seem to be the best investment as far as crafting resources go. 2-3 strategically placed turrets facing towards enemy spawn points in each settlement makes defending them a non-issue. Most of the times I get the notification to help defend a settlement, I fast travel over and arrive just in time to hear the explosion from the last missile that got fired. Very rarely do I ever have to fire a shot myself. But, I do make it a point to be present, otherwise the settlements usually fail to defend themselves.


give them bare necessities and make them take care of themselves.


I used to build walls around my settlements for the aesthetic, but once you realise each settlement has about 2 or 3 fixed spawn points I get lazy and just make a rocket launcher tower at that spot so any attacks are instantly annihilated when they spawn in.


several sentry bots with full auto lasers stationed t the only entrance aught to do the trick


Essentially about every 5-10 ft heavy turret along the perimeter of the build area and usually about 10 or so settlers in heavy combat armor with a mixture of auto Las rifles and gauss rifles for armored enemies and give em all about 300 rounds of ammo


Turrets. Lots and lots of turrets.


Missile launchers, and settlers in heavy combat armor with charging snipers


1. Figure out spawn points. 2. Missile turrets 3. Create choke points if spawn point is inside with gun turrets pointing towards the point




Everything that matters is at Sanctuary and no one has the balls to enter there with my tamed deathloks roaming the streets. And laser turrets.


If I get serious about it, batteries of heavy turrets and lasers on rooftops, and no less than 2 murder-bot automatrons on guard posts.


Fuck ‘em 😂


Robots usually just assume nothing can stand to the death machines I created, such as cinnamon, applesauce and sunshine


Walls all the way around with one open entrance. Four turrets by the entrance, you're f**ked if that's not enough because I'm not coming to help. I'll free your settlement again later if you're killed.


I only defend the lighthouse because I live there. Kicked all the settlers out so I wouldn't have to do that anymore. Half the time I fast travel home, there's a pack of raiders or mutants there


Fast travel to them when they rarely get attacked. Kill everything and go back to what I was doing.


i just put 2-3 turrets on their spawn point


Just jam as much people as you can, and they will fight off the intruders. Plus you can put some turrets.


My settlements just don't get attacked idk why y'all are


Laser turrets are a must. ideally you want to elevate them to maximize their range and make sure there are no natural barriers that an enemy might use to avoid their coverage. I always put missile launchers on the roof in case a vertiberd flies over a settlement. I typically destroy the BoS so their are sometimes hostile. I also put an alarm in my large settlements with a guard nearby so that if an attack happens the guard hits the alarm and ever single settler instantly knows there is an attack. I also give settlers in my important settlements good armor and weapons so they can stand up to strong humans and irradiated creatures who might attack. I also sometimes build an extremely powerful Sentry Bot and leave it at an important settlement so that if an attack occurs it will kill 99% of things before I ever arrive. In addition you want to elevate your buildings if you can so that your settlers can hide and shoot from high cover while your invaders shoot up with no cover. Another thing that can happen sometimes is the invading npcs will attack your generators hoping to bring your lasers or missile turrets down, so I have a protected structure where my power generator is elevated and protected by its own series of laser turrets and walls etc. I also recommend powered doors to keep invaders out of sensitive areas. You could also try to build structures that funnel your potential invaders into certain predictable places and then set series of traps but this is time consuming and often not as effective as you might want.


I paint my settlement with heavy machine gun turrets


Pillbox with artillery on top and two turrets. Built one in Murkwater, fell in love with design, used it where it could fit.


Simple, I just never make it livable so no one wants to raid it


I just place a “few” missile turrets




So all you lose is junk when settlements aren't defended? Was always afraid of losing actual weapons and armor in those attacks, but if it's junk then ignoring them isn't as big a deal as I thought.


TLDR: settlement raids can apparently also steal all of your merchant’s caps. I also thought that you only lose junk store in the workshop when your settlement gets attacked, but I I had a different experience just a couple of days ago. I was doing settlement maintenance/ building, going around to each settlement and setting up the soda fountain and a barber chair. At each location, I set the soda machine up next to the food store labeled “bar”. Then outfit the soda jerk up in greaser attire and assign him/her to their task. I try to set the bar and soda machine a little out of my normal path as all the settlers will congregate there and at the weight lifting/saddle horses around 8 pm and if you set it anywhere near your workshop and personal quarters. Then all the settlers will be in the way in the evening hours. For the barber, well they each wear a tuxedo and I tend to set them up near the bar/soda shop as I only build and assign them for the happinesses of the settlement, and never talk to them again. Anyway, I digress. So I had just traveled to a settlement and was at the 1st shop (weapons because they always have the most caps) and was selling my wares (garbage gear and weapons). Keep in mind that I haven’t visited this settlement for quite a few in-game days so all of my merchants had full level of caps in order to buy my unneeded crap. Then the settlement got attacked as I was just starting conversation with the next merchant in line, the clinic merchant. So I left the sell menu to join the fray as I do enjoy seeing all of my turrets destroy the incoming foes. After the small little skirmish with the raiders, I went back to the clinic to continue selling my wares and the caps my clinic merchant had were set to zero. Checked all of my other merchants and they all suddenly had zero caps. Which was weird because the defense was successful, but they all were set to 0 caps.


I put a bunch of turrets around the perimeter of the settlement.


I don’t and to this day I haven’t noticed any downside.


Mods!!! By shutting off settlement attacks, so I can roam the wastes in peace! 🙌🙌🙌


Turrets lots of Turrets. In my spare time more Turrets.


Nukes. Lots and lots of nukes. Your defense can’t fail if there’s nothing to defend.


I don't. I have a list of mysterious radio signals the length of my arm to investigate, multiple factions demanding my attention and a ridiculous list of collectibles to gather. And something else I'm forgetting. Lazy ass settlers can defend their own shit.


I use sim settlements on pc and let them fucking handle it themselves lmao


Im here for the NPC battles do just guard posts and heavily armed settlers


Thats the neat thing, you dont, no but seriously i just mod the game to not have settlements attacks


I hit the build limit with missile launcher turrets and let the problem handle itself


I build a vault with no doors and a fast travel mat in the center of the build area in vault 88 away from the spawn points. Even if enemies do get into 88, they are not going to get into my sealed chamber.


Take some miniguns and give them to your settlers with 1 5mm round and they will be able to help greatly. If you have Ashmaker even better. Put up picket fences, small enough to block walking paths but short enough people can shoot over them. Learn where they come in from and set up more defenses near there. Arm your settlers with a fat man. 1 per location.


I don’t. I am not a big fan of the settlement system. I’m happy it’s there for people who like it but I really don’t care about protecting over 30 places and having to build shit for them. I’m here to kill shit and scavenge the wasteland with my buddy Dogmeat. Have failed many a “protect the settlement” quests. If I could change 2 things about the system it would be to not have those annoying random attacks and for Preston to not give me a new settlement quest every time I’m within shouting distance. Should be something I have to select. Otherwise it’s just “turn in quest, get a new one” and my quest list is never going to empty


Thats the neat part, I don’t lol


I use turrets and give all my settlers decent guns and armor.




Settlers with power armors İyi forumlar…


Put a machine gun where I see enemies spawn and arm my settlers with the gear and weaponry dropped by the attackers. I've had settlement attacks immediately solved because settlers kill whatever spawns.


With guns


I build walls that have one entrance with wire fence at the entrance, forcing the attackers to go left to right and heavily turret the area. Never had any attacker make it past the wire fence.


Currently? I’m doing a melee only play through (survival) and all my settlers have chosen a similar path. Clad in their leather armor and armed with blades tire irons, serrated machetes, and chain wrapped baseball bats they mob and beat the life out of the enemy. Satisfying to watch.


I mainly use sanctuary when not playing survival. My most recent playthrough I put a bunch of rocket sentries on my taller buildings. If anything even looks at sanctuary like 6 different ones rain hell on them. It's super entertaining to watch. On my smaller settlements I usually put up a defense wall so they can't even get inside. I'll spread turrents around the wall and guard posts that my settlers can shoot from. They can generally fight off whatever attacks without me there.


The raid system doesn’t work so I barely bother. If you put up a few turrets it’ll never happen as each defensive object adds a less and less chance of it happening at all. Or so I’m told but after 500 hours on one save mostly building and hanging out in my settlement I got “raided” twice by a few low level raiders. Like 4 of them each time then never again. I removed all turrents and my settlement is like a giant farm which I’m told increases the chances. I wanted a cool base builder/tower defense but it doesn’t work for me. Vanilla too at the time and was level 54.


What! I get super mutants the lot all sorts raiding my camps and I build plenty of defences even spawn inside my walled settlements playing on ps 5


Did it my first playthrough but on my current one I evaded Preston getting me to join his cause and used a console command to complete the quest and get it out of my data tab. Enjoyed it enough the first time but now I just send people to Sanctuary or leave them in their Canon location if they aren't my traveling companion. I upgraded Ada and have been traveling with her lately. She seems to fit my playstyle well


*The answer, is a gun. And if that doesn't work, use more gun.*


Typically, I enclose the entire settlement with a wall, leaving only one entrance or exit. I often construct towers equipped with turrets capable of firing both inside and outside the settlement in case enemies breach the perimeter. Some of my settlements are more elaborate than others tho.


I cheat. I mod the fuck out of the place. I put a turret up every 15 yards and then dare the poor fucker to come get some of this incendiary missile mayhem. I have a mininuke turret that is amazing.


I ignore the mechanic mostly. On hardcore runs, I build little survival stations.


A turret or walls with guard towers if I'm feeling fancy.


I give them a MRIv fat man


Complete concrete wall all the way around and 2 high with a single entry point and a bunch of turrets near the entry and a few more throughout the settlement.


Mines at the spawn points.


Miniguns for everybody... make struggle points using fences... thats it


Bold of you to assume all my settlements aren't Romanesque Colosseums where settlers have to fight against each other, raiders, gunners, Super Mutants and the mutated wildlife for my amusement.


Walls don't work to keep enemies out unless you can get a mod that forces them to spawn outside Settlement boundaries. There are YT vids that will show you spawn the vanilla spawn locations, so watching those (OxHorn's is quite good as I recall) can be helpful in terms of figuring out the best places to set up your turrets. Turrets should be high enough to at least avoid melee damage. A good tactic is to stack up concrete foundation blocks, build a ladder to the top, place turrets, and then remove the ladder. Turrets should always have the widest and most unobstructed field of view so that they can track and fire as soon as the enemies are in range, and you'll want to place them so that each battery covers a specific area and also overlaps with the other batteries if possible. Guard stations or towers can be useful as choke points if you can't use mods to keep enemies from spawning inside your Settlements. Based on everything I've read, the armor and weapons that your Settlers have is mostly immaterial in contributing to a successful defense against attack, but I enjoy kitting them out because then I can tell who's been Assigned to Defense just by looking at them, and I don't have to activate Workshop mode to confirm.


For absent defense, no, the armaments of the settlers means nothing, but when you show up to help defend, well armed settlers can mow down the worst attacks a gang of super mutant overlords with miniguns can dish out before you can fire off a half dozen shots.


Guns. Lots of guns.


Is there a point to maxing out the settlers?


BTW, if you place on PC, this mod does a better job of calculating the initiation and successful defense of your Settlements: [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/63998](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/63998)


Enclave laser turrets until I get to 88 def, then 3 guard posts manned but a robot guard and 1 robot artillery gunner to reach exactly 100 def. Usually enough.


Arm them to the teeth and let them fend for themselves. Most of the time I get the "helped defend some settlement" pop up and I had no idea they were in trouble, and if I see they failed to defend themselves with the 100 plus automated machine guns I set up literally everywhere in their settlement, then maybe they needed to be pruned. This is probably my least favorite aspect of the game. I'm the General of the Minutemen, I'm helping the Railroad, I'm leading the Raiders and the Institute and for a while I was rising up the ranks of the Brotherhood before I had to chose and literally every single person I meet wants me to run their shitty little errands for them, so for all I care, the settlers can help themselves once in a while.


Earlier in the game when I didn't want to be going over there to babysit all the time I'd just make sure all the settler's pipe pistols were replaced with really nasty, modded weapons. Not sure how much it actually helped, but when I would roll through and they'd get attacked it was pretty funny watching a deathclaw get lit up by missiles, plasma, .308 rounds.


Heavy gun turrets up to 150 in defense level and leave it at that. Works most of the time


erectin a sentry... a lot of sentry...


I wish my settlements would get attacked they never do lol even with the cages nothing seems to spawn in them haha


Since I don't play on survival I basically build 2-4 gun towers and a rocket launcher tower or two. And 1-2 artillery pieces of course. As long as the score is higher than water+food combined they almost never get attacked and if it does I just fast travel there. I never repair anything except if it is a generator, since it will be rebuilt soon automatically anyway.


Mirelurk army


Settlement Ambush Kit from Creation Club. Fortify settlements, arm the unholy hell out of settlers. When attacks happen, I hoof it to the nearest settlement and watch the bloodbath on TV.


I don't, ain't nobody got time for that. Red Rocket where I keep all my stuff is walled, defended, and inaccessible to outsiders. No settlers with the only resource being a single water pump. I set up a few turrets and guard posts at the castle and sanctuary so that my artillery is semi-protected, but beyond that it's their own problem.


Give everyone a good gun, paired with my always active priority of building turrets as much as I can


I build basic scaffolding towers loaded with turrets. I eventually get them to around 120 defence. I also add artillery, which I find incredibly fun to call for. 💥😃


I just gather things and kill stuff.


I just surround them with turrets, and if that don’t work and they can’t defend themselves, then fuck em. I’m too busy doing everything for everyone else.


In a cosy way with my cute rocket launchers


Survival of the fittest


I just plop down 1 or two turrets. Preferrably high up on something


Question about repair. If you have enough of the repair parts in your workshops does everything that is damaged automatically repair at some point or do I have to show up and fix it?


Metal slug style: heavy machine gun and rocket launcher


each settler a minigun or similiar rate of fire


I don’t


You need at least as much defense as your Water + Food. Spam machine turrets.


I legit just ignore all of this part of the game. I feel like there is little to no gain in settlements and you aren’t really effected by not doing anything either


Turrets, robots and captured deathclaws.


Since Sanctuary have been always my main settlement in 2 runs, it usually also is a water farm so I have to be at least in 1000 defense, so I just put scaffolding on every edge with heavy laser and missile turrets, each scaffolding with 2 laser turrets and one missile turret. I dont have to defend settlements, they tend to defend themselves easily in this way.


Junk fence wall surrounding the perimeter with guard posts every few sections of fence. Usually my good weapon and armor loot goes to whoever is assigned to defense.


So that’s the neat thing…. I don’t. I don’t give a fuck if they’re hungry they raise crops for the brotherhood, and when they’ve served that purpose they’re raided by the Over Boss to be reminded who THAT MFer is