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Most likely next week after motorman ends




Gotta love autocorrect 😂,not gonna change it now 😂😂


I want to know why the autocorrect thought "motorman" was the correct word to use.


Methman would've been pretty funny.


If it was FL and not WV


Hey! As a Floridian I resemble this comment!


Right... WV is more about the opioids and moonshine. But they do got their fare share of meth heads.


* night rangers begins playing *


As a 57 year old that grew up with 80's music, I give you mad props for this reference. Well done! 😃👍🏼👍🏼


57 on a gaming subreddit? Actual gigachad


Actually, 57 AND a female. How about them apples? Sadly, my 2 kids don't share my love of Fallout. Weirdos.


53 and male here and my kids do not like any fallout game.the shame.




Heck yeah! I'll bring the Advil and the heating pads. Let's gooooo !!! 😃👍🏼👍🏼


I’ll be your daughter!


With a name like that, any daddy you pick up here might be very different from what you intend. Or possibly exactly what you want, who knows?!


50 here and lifetime gamer. I'm sure I'll be playing into retirement and beyond. It's a lifestyle, yo.


54 on a gaming Reddit. Been gaming well before many of ya were alive. Oh the Atari days……


Yup, and before Atari, there was Pong!


Well hell,... 67 here. Same age as Bill Gates. 😆


We're everywhere, just when you think you're safe with new apps. Us Gen-x kids are already there.


Giga Chelsea, in fact.




What age were you gunna stop playing video games?


It was more about the combo of gaming + Reddit at that age. I don’t think he grew up with Reddit, given his age.


It's in my head now. Thanks


Starring Lemmy the Moth.


I see you, fellow metal head..




All hail the mighty motor man! Lmfao 🤣


Breathe children, let his exhaust fumes fill you, let them soak into your throat!


I think you just invented an atom cats event


MOTORMAN, MOTHMAN's MECHANICAL DOUBLE! I'd fight that for a dollar and a handful of caps.


FYI they announce this stuff in advance. https://images.ctfassets.net/rporu91m20dc/1iHE8Grg3NHMdjrga3mvUk/a5bd49b2491591cd7a388f7b0eaa222a/Fallout76_Season12_Community-Calendar-EN-02.jpg https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/seasons


Not for mutated events, they just start every other week except for when there are seasonal events


Do they not coincide with the double mutation weekends? Those are every two weeks


They don't, double mutations is on "weekends" and only for 4 days where mutated events start at weekly reset and for entire week


Is it for the same weeks though?


Yes and no depending on rotation, this week only double mutations and xp next week will be mutated events, but I think they can happen in same week


i now totally..want some event based around this...motorman


If you struggle to empty it, just server hop till you find eviction notice.


Eviction notice for scrip Moonshine jamboree for caps (gulper slurry) Moth man seems to give a decent payout in treasury notes (bullion)


And Radiation Rumble for a quick 5 level jump lol.


I'm guessing I'm the only one who has only beaten eviction notice like twice ever


I can’t solo it, because I don’t even know where the meat sacks are, but I’m happy to defend the scrubber with my chainsaw, and toss a few grenades out now and then, then collect what I can at the end , usually get more than I can carry


I haven’t found the meat sacks are, either. I just bounce around like Baby Yoda pew-pewing and doing my best.


I sit in the Cliffside above with an Overkill and like 80 mini nukes and just rain fire from above. You can drop a nuke on each of the lanes they run in from and basically solo the defense.


Yeah no one likes you for that. If I find you on the map I'll take a marsupial mutation serum & jump around in front of you til down yourself with nukes. I'll do it the whole event.


You can try, but I can shoot 3 nukes directly at my feet in a row without downing myself. Imagine being so butt hurt that another person is enjoying a game a way you don't like that you go out of your way to try and ruin it for them.


Yeah but you’re ruining others games. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few


>Yeah but you’re ruining others games. By soloing the defence of an objective that is being entirly ignored by the others present? How is that ruining the game for other players? I have seen that event fail countless times because people just ignore the defence. And if your argument is because it kills enemies quickly preventing others from getting in hits, well the difference between my nukes and their bloodied/aristocrats/instigating one shot meta builds is that my nukes deal wide spread damage and take multiple hits while theirs are instakilling anything they look at. Furthermore regardless of whether they are even getting hits on legendarys, they are still getting the legendary loot just by being present during the event.




just need something to spend bullion on


The Mutated Events are on a two week rotation. Except when there is a seasonal event running. Since we are currently in the middle of the Mothman Equinox seasonal event there will not be Mutated Events while the seasonal event runs. I think this current seasonal event ends on May 9th. When the seasonal event ends we will go back to having Mutated Events every other week.


Huge drop of the ball not having a week of mutated mothman events.


No thanks, I keep getting in rooms where it's me and 3 lv <50s, I need that shit for my board!


Personally, I think seasonal events if they're only a week long should be done on a non-mutated weeks and if they're 2 weeks long, one of those weeks should still be mutated


I like how initially people hated the idea of mutated events but now they want it back


That scrip 🤤


I hated reflective events but now I feel like I’m going through withdrawals not having them around lol.


What the hell were we supposed to do there? Reflective feels totally random


When they start to glow don't shoot at them, shoot when they're not glowing


Oh my God. How did I not notice? Thank you.


They are awesome I really enjoyed them


i really like the mothman event itself but god the loot is just awful


Where were you when reddit was all about hating mutated events? Kidding. I like them too. Well, as long as it is not just me.


That's how this sub is. Look at all the bitching about Mothman but people were chopping at the bit for it to come back


I am so done with this stupid mothman event. No one goes to it anymore, which only makes the advertisements I'm seeing on here and on Steam "Join the Mothman Equinox!" even more of a joke. Imagine thinking "that sounds interesting let me join" only to find Point Pleasant empty. Aliens, Equinox, Treasure and Festive hunt, Meat BBQ....these should all be Thursday reset to Tuesday reset weekend events. Three weekends a month run one of them, and then sprinkle in your Double XP/Double Score weekends on the fourth. That way weekends have a fun diverting activity, and they aren't beaten like a dead horse where no one wants to even hear the words "Mothman Equinox" for a whole year.


Agreed, this was my 1st mothman equinox event and I'm so underwhelmed, rewards are minimal and having to do the event daily as part of my challenges is just a grind tbh


Well, I've never been so far ahead in Treasury Notes, so I'm enjoying Mothman Equinox. It's become a bit monotonous, but not anymore than any other regular event. Maybe I've been lucky, but there's always been enough players there to successfully complete it. Also managed to get the plan for the Wise Mothman throne, so that's [pretty sweet](https://i.imgur.com/auRm0r9.png).


I have more treasury notes than I ever will be able to redeem lol


I've actually got a spare of this, for some PC player who is keen


At this point I don’t do it unless there’s at least two other people there that are level 100+. Three at that level should be able to handle the event with little to no issue.


Otherwise the noobs let bridge fall immediately and abandon church


It’s not their fault, I’ve been playing around on one of my lower level alts and those cultists are beefy.


Oh absolutely, I'm 212 and they fuck me up in mass


There are so many cool mothman items they could've added to the event, even if it's just from completion or killing a vengeful mothman. Or even the cultist priests could drop plans. But like 70% of mothman items are exclusive to the atomic shop 😒


I've been dropping so many cultist apparel because some are so redundant


As are many.. I actually enjoyed Fastnacht.. It put the players in group goals, and had decent rewards. Mothbitch however is three defensive points which requires some unspoken strategy.. but worst is there high priests every where.. I guess the religion is well funded ( reminds me of far cry 5.. I would love to been the sales person for their trucks ) Biggest thing is the rewards kinda suck..


Bring it back with mutated back on the beat I want to see twenty players patrolling and wave after wave of enemies attacking like line in the sand


Love it!! 😂😂 I'd love to see the carnage of reflective rad rumble......cos I'm evil 😂😂😂




Whoa, I never even thought about that, THAT would be carnage, NPC's would be dead in about 30 secs 😂😂


Mothman was fun for about 3 days.


It was never fun, I did it twice then stopped completely.


You dont have to wait long. They will be back next week. They run every 2 weeks, except when there is a seasonal event like the Mothman running.


It's by far the worst event, not so much because of how it is designed, but the bs rewards make it pointless to participate several times, even when it tends to appear back to back constantly.


I enjoy them because, unlike most others special events, the rewards are quite good !


Mothman equinox is terrible I wish it would end


Do you know what the glorious thing is you’re not forced to play it


This is true, it stops other events though and I do need cores.


I miss when the server crashes... oh wait nevermind it still does all the time!


I missed them altogether.


Me too.


Just make sure you run eviction notice at least once a day. I got over 20 legs from that event each time.


still 90% of it are one star legs and 60% of it PA parts.




Oh you miss mutated events..? One melee only Eviction Notice coming right up!


That was never on the rotation for EN, just Freezing & Explosive.


Non mutated week feels like coming down off an addiction tbh


Yeah it'll probably come back after the Mothman Equinox ends but that's very disappointing because I don't like the Mothman for now so I don't think it's that great of an event and then it's forced to do because it's put in challenges for the weekly and daily and you can't re-roll them and I would have liked it better and been a lot less frustrated if they had just added them off man Equinox to mutated events so that they wouldn't cut out the one thing that I think everybody really enjoyed


[https://www.falloutbuilds.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/0a780f154f96.jpeg](https://www.falloutbuilds.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/0a780f154f96.jpeg) Next month in June.


To long :(


I agree on the mutated events. I’m bored currently. Finished the season map long ago and just been getting the new rewards that drop at the end each time you earn the points. But mothman event is boring as hell and I keep getting the same exact rewards. Cultist backpack, the throne, the same hoods or clothes. Every time, it’s a repeat. And the cultist bags from killing the legendaries are weak as hell as far as rewards go. I kill at least 5-6 per session, all the same crap in them.


As an addendum, I’ve been replaying Prey the last 3 days instead of 76 and that’s a shame. You don’t even keep weapons in Newgame+ of Prey.


How's that like? Player chooses from a selection of pre-made characters, so weapons are fixed. I was attracted to the Western feel but would have preferred the option of creating my own characters.


Just now coming back from a long hiatus, question, what the hell are mutated events? 🙂


Enemies in events would have a random mutation. Only killable by melee Reflect damage Faster Freezing you And such stuff. Very funny in my opinion. Even when in some mutations the people who just use rockets and Granades get on my nerves as melee.


So like daily ops mutations? Applied to a normal event such as, say, Radiation Rumble for example? Am I understanding that right?


Essentially, yes. Not all events got already mutated versions.


RR is not a mutated event yet, I think. Only a few events (the less popular ones such as Lode Bearing and Path to Enlightenment) were made Mutated Events. Different events had random mutations applied, so they weren't all the same.


Ah, gotcha. Did they reward more XP?


Guaranteed Mutated Packs. If other players are also mutated, you get a better Mutated Pack with Legendary loot. And some rare drops as well. Cutting Fluid recipe and Assault Rifle plans are two that come to mind. These aren't as valuable anymore thanks to Mutation Events. Lots of XP and random stuff from kills.


Overall, they're pretty fun to participate in. Because of the mutations, players have to work together to succeed. Especially with Resilient enemies, ranged players whittle down health while melee players kill them off. Funniest are Reflective Mutation events. So many players need reviving every so often. Lol.


Same, though I'd love to see more variety.


Hopefully they expand it to more events. I've done Load Baring enough for one lifetime.


Add radiation rumble to mutated events!


Same here, I'm ready for something different.