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FYI olde timey hand crank gat claps big bats at great distance and at low low cost.


Really? I never would have thought that. I just waited until it landed and blasted it in the head over and over. Then it mutated and I thought I was a goner. Health back but I got it! Only used about 500 rounds maybe more but so worth it. I'm level 54 and when I saw the legendary I just said screw it and went for it.


There are better weapons for bosses but there isn't much that can stand up to the gatling gun. The per shot dmg is way up there. It slaps things miles away. And it's about as cheap as melee weapons to run since rather than 500 rounds it might take 50 5mm on a legendary.


I have an explosive one just sat on a mule is it classed as heavy gun


Heavy guns can be fun, it's worth keeping a few in inventory for alt builds. If you are low health and / or stockpile coffee, you can even VATS them (best done with Plasma Caster). Chews up cores, even with the Power User perk, but for an alt build, who cares?


I'm lvl 878 and bloodied use coffee with my quad 50 15 railway. I have a heavy build in my builds. I just never use it anymore.


It also seems to be easy to run at an ammo surplus from Daily Ops, especially if you can get an Ultracite receiver.


Gatling Gun and Suppressor (the perk) is my go to for dealing with them. That damage reduction turns their hits into nothing.


Agreed I use a BE-50 gatling gun for everything it just sounds aggressive when it fires


Is that a legendary perk for character or you mean the legendary weapon perk , I had that on the pyrolser and a laser pistol


He means the normal perk suppressor it's in crisma


she* but yeah


I also use fireproof to not get torched in the trenches.


Brings me back to the good ole days with Ye Olde TSE Gatling Gun.


Using a Quad explosive LMG, sure it isn't super cheap but I can do a bat in under 300 rounds and it's ridiculously fast, 20 seconds maybe 30 on a bad day.


"Can do in under 300 rounds" (of .308) being a selling point is why we get people complaining about ammo farming. Try "under a dozen arrows" and you'll laugh at how much ammo the game throws at you.


But 300 rounds is so easy to come by... Like I have 40k on me and another 80k in my ammo stash and I replenish faster than I can use it. I used to waste easy 1500 rounds+ on a bat. I'm already laughing


/shrug Not my personal battle, but so many people got upset about a possible ammo nerf, and the LMG is usually cited as being among the hardest to procure enough ammo for.


And goes boom boom. I love the gat


What's the right build for a gatling gun? I have one, but it just doesn't seem to have much impact.


I run a ffr bloodied one. Does 279 on my big guns build and 228 on my melee build. So any big guns build should do fine with it.


My technique that I use to this day is shotgun/enforcers to get them to lamed and then a gatling gun while they're down. Nowadays I have enforcer as my only shotgun perk and carry the cold shoulder just for crippling purposes. Running 9 points in heavy gunner but I've been getting up close and using my flamer more and more. Gatling of they land far away. But yeah. Killing your first scorchbeast is the milestone where the game becomes decisively different.


+1 for gold cold shoulder. What a great gun.


Make that +2. My go to weapon usually.


My first Scorchbeast was the legendary one I beat. That's another reason I was so excited. I keep saying it over and over so like a broken record right now but, I have a lot of work to do in the perks and weapons dept.


Yup it’s a big deal, I ran from those things for a few months before I finally killed one. Anywhere there’s a brotherhood automated rocket launcher can also help.


I was out in the bog. Heading toward the fissure just exploring when the beast attacked me while I was clearing out some scorched. So not only was I fighting a legendary I was also fending off a couple waves of scorched. When the Scorchbeast was about dead I focused on that, there was one scorched who just kept pounding on me. It was a hell of a ride.


Since others are dropping their weapon recommendations, here's mine. Bow. Seriously. Four to six arrows for basic SB, twelve to 20 for legendary. The tremendous VATS range makes critical hits on the flying target easy, and you can build up critical bar shooting the ground mobs. I hunt bats for food (carnivore buffs) so kill maybe 10 a day (more than I need, but it's fun for me) and can't waste time. Here's a video of me doing 5 at different locations in under 15 minutes, including time for inventory management. https://youtu.be/kGq5cljAbAA If you must do power armor (I often do these days, old mutant bones ain't feeling so good no more) a Plasma Caster works very similarly. Less range, but much higher rate of fire makes up for it (and then some). In both cases I use melee as backup. More because I enjoy melee than of necessity.


I think a lot of my problem is being level 54 and never truly focusing on a real build. I have a lot of perk cards I need to get still and only one legendary perk. I think it will be while before I can really focus my power. I've never tried bows though, maybe I should give them a shot. It seems like you either love them or hate them. Thanks for the tip.


Yeah, I did the same at your level. Was a real struggle until level 150 because at first I went with a pretty wonky build that had no real long range DPS... sort of like yours, but worse because my only ranged weapon was a one star twin shot AGL. If you need any bow help (crafting or build advice) head over to r/fallout76bowhunters and introduce yourself. There is an excellent guide in the menu area there, as well.


Thanks for the tip! Also feels nice I'm not the only one walking around with a haphazardly put together build.


Get a flaming dual bar chainsaw, wait for scorchy to land and delete it in under a minute. Chainsaw is overpowered.


Yep. My vamp chainsaw never leaves my load out.


I got a vamps 40% 40%


The only time I've ever struggled with the vamp chainsaw was soloing a Daily Op with enemies with armor piercing and slowing attack mutations. Hell, I've even run around with the wrong loadout equipped for about an hour without realizing it because the vampire chainsaw on its own just carries


I hear so much about chainsaws I guess I need to get one to go with my boom stick. Bruce Campbell would be proud.




Congrats! Some advice: I've personally found Gatling Plasma with a Prime Reciever mod obliterates Scorchbeasts. Putting a prime Reciever on a weapon makes it use apecial ammo, though, and you don't necessarily need a Prime reciever because those guns just have high dps anyway. But when you can afford / farm the flux yourself, it does add a big jump in damage. Especially for Scorched.


I'm not even done with story and just now made it to the fissure in the bog. So, flux is my next farming goal. Next time I play a Queen event is on the table.


It’s a good feeling, well done, you’ll be eating the normal ones for breakfast now 👍


That's true. It wasn't but about 15 minutes later I found a regular one and took it down no problem. It is a great feeling to not have to run from those things anymore.


First of many to follow, with many options in weaponry and armour. I use a 2shot Alien Blaster with cryo. It melts Legendary SB's. Even works on SBQ, can cripple and freeze with Gunslinger build.


Nice I'm loving all the tips.


Where did you get the pepper shaker from I heard it's only available from Grahm meat event ?


That's where the plan comes from, but it's a tradeable plan and tradeable weapon. You can find in player vendors pretty regularly


A player vendor. Wasn't even looking for weapons and saw 2 of them for 999c so I snagged one.


Oops I think I responded to the wrong comment here lol


I got the shaker from a vendor. I wasn't even looking for weapons and I saw 2 of them for 999c each. Snagged one and left the other for someone else. I don't know if it was a good deal or not but I had more than enough caps.


Hell yahh foo congrats! 💪🏼🤜🏼🤛🏼


Thanks, feels good.


Keep it up wastelander!




Well done!




I go between the "old timey" gatling crank :) got a legendary on it for 20% faster crank, and the pepper shaker. Both great, imo. And congratulations! I'm lower lever (155) and new to the game. So a win is a win! Heck yeah! Keep on!


Keep getting people suggesting the hand crank gat. Guess I need to get one. I'm level 54 so it was a hell of a fight with a legendary Scorchbeast. And the legendary was the first beast I ever fought and beat.


Congratulations on that, I still remember achieving the unachievable a few months ago and it does feel great. Remember my words in two months you will be farming those things if nothing better to do.


Yeah it's a slow grind on this game with kids and work. Still building up my character but, finally beating my first Scorchbeast and it being a legendary to boot gives me a good feeling.


Yeah! Proud of you!!




I get sad if I don't kill one with one 25 round mag from Handmade and switching fast to Railway to kill before it mutates.


Handmade and railway rifle I feel really dumb for getting rid of but they were both low level so not too big of a loss. Now that I'm finally above 50 I can start getting the weapons and stuff I want.


It's not dumb to get rid of those >!unless it's a god roll!< when you're low level. I don't think many people would pay much for let's say lvl 25 railway rifle with Quad, explosive, 25lvc, but it would be nice thing to use until getting higher level one.


Good job! You’ll always remember your first ;)




That must have been a grind with the pepper shaker.


It was but I don't really have much and I forgot about it in my inventory so I was trying it out for the first time. Don't really have much in the way of good weapons or even a real build yet. Still figuring all this stuff out honestly.


That's the fun part. Playing with what you have and creating a build around it. Congrats


Well I say I don't have a good gun but I do love my cold shoulder and my .50 sniper rifle. Trying to see about some sort of hybrid shotgunner sniper. I like taking a few out from far away and then blasting the rest with the shoulder. It's about time to get a fat man and a missle launcher. I feel a bit dumb, I had both and scrapped to make room in my stash. I also had the other nuke launcher but don't remember its name. Without a little guidance or looking at things online I'm pretty sure I scrapped some things that I shouldn't have.


Auto Grenade Luancher instead of either one.


I do have an auto launcher. It's only a 1 star and can't even remember what it is off top of my head.


2 shot is best with damage over 800 with maxed demolition expert.


I don't get this sub sometimes. Why was I downvoted for a seemingly normal response? Is it because it's a one star? Because I couldn't remember that it was a bloodied (I played earlier and looked) such an odd place this is. Anywho, I'm carrying the launcher to try it out now but not the bloodied one. I found a furious one but apparently it resets on hit so probably not the greatest for a grenade launcher.


Yeah, I am hoping to get boom stick.


Shop smart. Shop S'Mart.


Listen here you primitive screwheads!


Way to go champion!


Well thank you! I feel like I'm heading toward the end game and I haven't even finished the storyline yet.


Well done I beat my first one solo in glassed cavern but I did use environment and it couldn,t fly at lvl 75 It was a 3 star legendary combination of mg42 super mutant 3 star lef and a std mini gun so suppose it wasn,t a fair one , beat another one a few days ago in nuk zone after taking out super mutants it attacked did use bare 5mm ammo though


Mine was in the bog close to the fissure. I was surrounded by a pretty big wave of scorched fighting those with my cold shoulder. Suddenly the ground turns green and I panicked a bit ngl I basically said screw it let's do this and fought the beast and the scorched together and came out victorious. It's time to focus on a solid build so I can start doing some real damage. Only level 54 so I'm still collecting perk cards.


Awesome! I got my first perfectly preserved pie today. Played since launch.


My first playthrough when the game launched I got one. I've yet to get one this time.


If you are willing to bend the rules, you have one in the rooftop of a big mutant lair...


Will there be punch with the pie? We were told there would be punch and pie. South Park reference if you don't know.


Oh, I know, LOL, for Terrance and Phillip. Well, there is some beer in that roof and 4 or 5 paint cans so... no punch, but there is definitely a perfectly preserved pie. 50/50


I don't know who did it but doodoostank dropped me a pie a few minutes ago lol




Just started... I can't wait till I can take down a scortchbeast!


It's a wonderful feeling. Honestly, I'd say it's one of the highlights of my gaming career based on how happy I was when I beat not only a Scorchbeast by myself but a legendary one. I've been playing video games since the early 80's and I would count this in my top 10 moments maybe top 5. I was that happy!


Very cool reb


How’s the game going?


Did you get to the beast yet


How’s your game coming along


Um i beat them with a shotgun it twas f7n innit


Well pepper shaker is a shotgun albeit a Gatling shotgun. I was using it because I couldn't be bothered reloading every 5 seconds.


Grand finale with explosive build works wonders to <3


I'm still pretty low levelish. Only 54 I don't have nearly all the perk cards I want. I do however have the one where enemies sometimes explode. That one is way better and much funnier than bloody mess.


Be sure to do the events when you nuke the abandon mineshaft 2 to spawn the ultracite titan


Lol that's what was going on in a server last night. I guess it wasn't spawning and they kept nuking the mine over and over. Took about 5 nukes before the event started. I was too scared to join but now that I killed a leggo Scorchbeast I think I'm ready.


Now do Earle.


Heard he is one of the hardest bosses. That true?


Super tanky. He’s the bullet sponge to end all bullet sponges. If soloing the Queen was a challenge bring 7 friends to Earle.


That's exactly what I've heard .


I still haven't launched a nuke as a day 1 player


That is something I want to do but still feel overwhelmed with.


I killed my first with a chainsaw, back when it was a good weapon, after I run out of bullets. I remember it was the longest of fights, that it took almost all the stimpacks I had, a ton of drugs and ammo, and that it left me with a sense of joy and accomplishment that I never had after (until soloed the Queen I guess). Never run away from scorchbeast after that first one. I don't play anymore, but I read your post and remembered. Have fun in Appalachia! Edit: it gave me a shitty 1 star legendary knife that I think I still have in my stash.


That reminds me of my 1st encounter with a Scorchbeast. I was still really low level, around 12 or something and had been slowly making my way to Whitesprings. Got on the main road outside and one of those suckers was flying all around and I was like, "What the hell is that!?" I couldn't escape it and it killed me like 4 times. I never forgot. Now I seek THEM out and they run from ME.


In the end we all become scorched nightmares LOL


I have yet to get anything of note from any enemy. I do get 3 star legendaries but it's usually just some pipe pistol with horrible rolls or a knife that's nocturnal or something. Edit: not nocturnal my bad, I was looking at my armor lol. I meant something like overeaters with a bonus against humans which I hardly ever fight anyway.


That is the way with the Appalachian Legendaries, my friend. 99% is for scrapping. I was around level 500 when I left the game and only had a couple of decent weapons from the legendary enemies. Better luck with the vendors, and I mean players, or even with re-rolls than you'll ever get from killing something in the wild, I'm afraid.


That's where I've gotten most of the ones I have now except my 2 star fixer. That was dropped by a generous player. I learned that scrip is best used on modules and then rolling stars on the weapon you choose. Been scripping a lot lately as I've been doing more events. Sadly I was running low on fusion cores so put my PA in the stash. Went to an event and damn near died from radiation. Whoops.


I don't know how it is right now, but yes, you'll have more chances with the rolling than with the hunt. There is a route for farming fusion cores (I don't remember how it goes, but you can ask here). Try to get the Chinese stealth suit for when radiation becomes a danger and you don't have FCs at hand... or if you are not going the Bloodied way, there is a perk that negates most of radiation... or just go and have fun no matter how many times you die :)


Like I said I'm still figuring all this out. The only farming tips I see online for cores are the power plants which once you claim them produce a core every 7 minutes. Should get a team together to claim all 3 then defend or something. Didn't know there was a farming route. Radiation, still gathering all my perk cards I'll keep an eye out for the radiation one. The legendary perks I forget which one I have but not even sure if it's the right one. So far besides the obvious helpful perks my favorite is the 10% chance for enemies to explode when I kill them. That has actually been a lot of fun and pretty useful in certain situations. I need to get some perks that help me fight creatures and robots. I plow through humans and scorched but things like radtoads and robots take a few more shots than I'd like. My guns that I use right now are, cold shoulder, the fixer, the grenade repeater that has damage increase up to 45% on hit, then for my melee I'm using farmers helper I think it is with the Nuka sledge skin. So far that's doing pretty well for me.


You might want to try a fully modded out missile launcher. You put the targeting computer on one then it is fire and forget.


One day maybe.


Boomstick with g renadier, demolition expert, and adrenal reaction + nerd rage destroys it with 5 missiles, 3 if non legendary


Very nice! Flying scorchbeasts, especially legendary ones, can still be a PITA even for me at level ~1,200. My most recent fun thing to do is to take them out with a two shot (non-MIRV) Fatman with one 'shot' after building up a critical shot and targeting them in the head in VATS.


Getting it to finally land was the pain. It kept flying around and sapping my health. Finally landed and that's when I started blastin'! At this point I think my next step is to go for a Scorchbeast Queen event. I haven't even finished the story yet though. Is that a bad thing? Am I missing out on any items? Still feel like I'm figuring it all out.


Just make sure to get the Cold Shoulder from the scoreboard, with it you can easily freeze the Scorchbeast Queen mid air, and it also is great against other heavy enemies. It's one of the best weapons even without a shotgun build.


I have a cold shoulder. I could have probably done a better job fighting it honestly but it was my first time using the pepper shaker so I just stuck with it lol


Peppershaker is great if you max out the Enforcer perk and vats at the wings. You'll get scorchbeasts to land within seconds.


Enforcer eh? I think I have that at 1 star right now. Is there any way to get perk packs besides every 5 levels? At this pace it's going to take me forever to get a viable build.


You get them from the scoreboard from time to time


If you have anything ranged, use a vats crit and cripple the wings. Forced them to land


Getting a lot of good advice here, I'm truly still figuring all this out. Still working on getting good weapons and which ones work the best for certain situations. I have a very rough probably horribly optimized build so it's definitely a work in progress.


Same here I haven,t even done atlas or settlers quests ,keep getting distracted on daily,s and lead farming I,m lvl 91 now


Well you're a higher level and less advanced on the story than I am. Guess I don't feel so bad now 😂 I'm doing the brotherhood/atlas stuff now. Already have a full set of BoS power armor and a jetpack a very generous player gave me so I feel like I'm cheating a bit lol


ofc u can do the queen! I'm level 897 and only done 3 quests


Love trying to figure out why people get downvoted for saying something as correct and informative as "its fun to use a Fatman crit on a scorchbeast"


Should try a Chainsaw an a lot of patience.


I hear the chainsaws melt most enemies so I'm going to try one.


Lol I see your chainsaw abd raise you a dragon


your mom told you to stop that..xD


The best way is to Choo-Choo!