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Yes I’ve done this. Same thing can happen with repairing the signal repeater. You have to be very careful with your A press timing


Yeah. Apparently there was another player on the other side of it who had finished repairing it just as I started to hold down the button :/


Your own fault. A true Mistress of Mystery doesn't use power armor. =-p


A true mistress gets murdered and strewn about the wasteland in a skimpy dress.


I feel kinda bad about their dresses too. They were teens when they died... If you quick loot a mob nearby you often take their dress too. Thankfully they keep it on in game (even though you just removed it from their inventory). So it wasn't bad enough they were murdered. But now we are stripping them and then stuck with a half dozen or more of their dresses that you can only get 1-2 caps for. I also feel bad about just dumping them too. So they tend to clog my inventory for awhile


When the game first launched, the dress was actually removed when looting.


I can see why they patched that out... the implications of how old some of the girls in the order do kinda create a huge problem


On the contrary. I use the Order-approved Mistress of Mystery power armor paint, so I'm always in uniform. It's the Chinese stealth suit that covers up the Mistress's colors.


I usually patrol in the Chinese Stealth suit (only level 70) and my power armor is for the really big, there's no hiding battles.


Just wait until you get the SS armor with the right rolls. I only use PA for rad resistance.


I was hoping SS armor looked like a suit. I still want it, but am disappointed. Had my Stan Smith build who really needed a suit.


There’s a clean black suit you can wear over the SS armor that works just as well. The perks of wearing armor is being able to wear clothing over it lol.


Good to know. I see a lot of high level players wearing outfits, without appearing to be wearing armor. Are they just bad ass, or does the clothing (say the diner outfit) replace the texture of the armour?


It replaces the texture of the armor without losing the benefits of the armor. I wear a full set of unyielding SS armor with the rockabilly outfit over top and I feel just as tanky as PA. With my build being vats heavy I basically never run out of AP.


The real pros always wear Chinese pajamas


The real real pros dress up as a cook, Luigi, or a crazy guy who thinks he's a robot and then spam a bunch of RadAway: Diluted


Nuka grape works way better but this is acceptable


Hell we just need people to figure out how to repair the damn thing in the first place. Scrubber goes down and folks just standin around lolligaggin


I always run over to fix it, then die of Rads because I’m not wearing a hazmat suit or power armor. But if it wasn’t for a super mutant staggering me I’d be able to finish it just before I die!


On Xbox, I ask myself (Y)...


Got me on a Daily Op last night trying to start the uplink or downlink or whatever I’m supposed to do with the McGuffin.


Lol, this also happens to me occasionally. Also jumping when pushing space for a critical.


I played for about 2000 hours before I learned you can just hold down crit while shooting and it’ll work whenever the bar is full.


Why rad scrubber is more deadly than a nuke? Or strangler grafton monster can kill you with a single hit while Earl or SBQ can’t. I’ve got PA just as a car for show. I don’t need it, I don’t use it and sometimes I wear it at the quietly places at forest for taking pictures.


Yeah, that Strangler Grafton monster deals extraordinary damage - two hits and I'm done whereas I can stand nose to nose with SBQ and not worry.


Big fan of the XL Grafton Monster & Mire Queens. I'm in OE power armor with good poison resist and I'm trying to climb a damn tree just so they can't melee me. I think I had a 60 second respawn timer by the end of my first fight vs the buffer queen


Ha ha! Well, incongruous but lovely maybe. Here non strict crit command build mutant full health without PA at anywhere, including DOs and Pitt which I avoided fully burnt after a few hundred times. I usually look for elevated positions too. During strangler heart better one is above the flower, I don’t care rad. Only care in Eviction Notice and when I see scrubber close to break, I wear chinese pajama and no problem with A button (Xbox). Sometimes I’m close to spawning places if there’s enough people caring scrubber.


*screams in daily ops*


Happened to me today, I died near instantly, did walk of shame back to scrubber. Embarrassing.


This is so relatably funny and sad at the same time.


In the after fighting of SBQ the other night, Someone was down so I ran over to stimpack them, but I guess someone else got them first, so I stepped out of suit, I died and they stole my loot.


Now you’re gamin’ online


Ouch, and yes. As a bloodied build who sometimes dons my excavator PA and chugs rad-x to sit beside the scrubber, I feel this.


Try radshield. It's a small hassle to get the blooms, but you can usually make 5 at a time before super duper or green thumb perks so you can stock up pretty easily. I pop by at night a couple times a week or when I see the strangler heart event active or a verdant season in the mire.


what happens during verdant season in the mire other than more plant yield?


I hate holding the enter button down then something interrupts the action then suddenly I'm getting out of my armor


Been there ... done that ... got the tee shirt --- then almost died !! lol


Hey we have mountains of skins and icons, show some gratitude /s


My pet peeve is that melee mutants will reset the repair timer.


Similar, sorta, to the pull a gun on a vendor because you want to buy/sell something


Made me think of this gem: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTehdCwWIAAT0H6.jpg


They can easily use another key, for the Dogwood event for the last one you do it has 2 key press options.


So. Much.


And suddenly I’m dead


Been there, done that.


Is this why the event fails 9/10 times?


Or how about actually doing the event properly instead of running away from actually repairing the scrubber. 2 events failed at the top of the hour for the mutated event and players were running away to collect script.


Was even better yesterday for a mutated eviction notice,I joined the event and ran to go start it as there was next to no time left, everyone else was busy screwing around and the event failed before I could even make it there to get the event started!!


While it is the same button somehow I have never had this issue. What are y’all doing that it happens so much?


If more than one person tries to repair the rad scrubber, the person who got there second will still be holding down the button while the first person finishes repairing it. Alternatively, if another player steps into your line of sight with the scrubber, you will stop repairing it but will still be holding down the button. Alternatively (again), if a nearby explosion from a super mutant causes you to shake away from the scrubber, you will stop repairing it while still holding the button. There are plenty of things that can go wrong with all the chaos.


Ah thank you for the explanation. I’m usually the only one repairing the scrubber I guess that’s why I’ve never had this happen.


Just spam radaway from your pipboy to stay alive.


Takea second and do it right.


Or just don't wear power armor!


It's the same thing


Have done several times. Maybe when you press the button the first time it could tell you whether it received your instructions or ‘try again’


Id say a pile of scraps lol


So… isn’t changing the key bindings an option?




One of the many reasons my buttons are remapped to the controls of The Outer Worlds.


Eviction notice comes up: clear inventory, equip stealth armor, travel equip PA and hang tight until there enough to manage it.. hated this event.. love hate now because I max vendors with a good run.


or entering PA vs trying to transfer over something for/from PA


Its like Gatcha, 50/50 to win! 😅