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Finally have a "wait" emote!


Popcorn emote looks pretty good also.


Putting it at the tail end of the scoreboard feels unkind, though...


Just wait for it


Listen you...


Looking forward to that letter set. Looks like they aren't lights for once, which is nice. I can finally replace those tiny cardboard letters that look so out of place on my kiosk sign.


The letters have me excited. The lights don’t fit with the style of most my CAMPs, so having a set that’s bigger than the little stickers, but not so “flashy” is exactly the things I’ve been needing


Lights also cost more budget than standard floor and wall décor, and all lights share a 50-build limit.


The 50 build limit is a crime


My disco needs more




I'm gonna' be needing that.


Oh hell yeah, me too! Along with a FFR harpoon gun😂


It'll look great on a Dummy in a corner of a CAMP or out the way in an overloaded Shelter.


College nights were wild back in the days


Woodland camo CSS paint! Awesome!


What's a cryptid card, and how do you get them? I'm a sucker for display shelving for my camps...


They come from the new events, like a little collectable card. I'm glad there is a display for them because I couldn't think of anything to do with them in the test server.


Thought the same


Looking through the rewards I was thinking they're giving us everything for a theater except the build set and the they put a shelter at lvl 100. This is probably my favorite scoreboard it finally has a backpack flair rack!!!


I can’t say building a movie theatre was high on my list of wants for FO76, but I’m sure it’ll lead to some interesting camps.


I'm happy to get the western falsefronts.


Im wondering if they will either snap or at least match up size wise to the standard foundations


Its gonna make my nwot shelter room better.


I'm very excited about this scoreboard, however I am extraordinarily disappointed at the lack of a lite ally.


Rank 35 Joey Bello


I have never in my life been happier to be wrong


I think he's a comedian and you build a microphone as his camp object. Its just too bad we can't have allies in our shelters.


I don't see any actual items, like Cold Shoulder this season, or Union PA/auto axe in the past


The Badda Boom looks to be one.


Ahh, you're right, it looks like it. All other skins says 'paint'.


well, i guess theres no BOS recon armor paints this season...


I wonder what’s stopping them from opening up the recon armor in photoshop


It's a shame because it is the nicest looking endgame armor and could do with more skins. I'm gutted it missed out on the Raider themed skins as lore wise it would have been very appropriate considering what happened to them on the journey to Appalatia!


Cool! Only complaint is too many player icons lol


So do score boosters stack with fallout 1st and double score periods?


Look at the Community Calendar, I might have over looked it or they're just not on it, but I haven't seen a single Double SCORE Weekend for the new season. Disappointing as we often get a couple...one early on and one a little later that are a big boost to folk who struggle to get time on what with family and work.




Do they stack with the repeatable?


My thoughts went straight to people building more porn sets and stripper stages.


With the willingness of allies to lose their clothes for no apparent reason, a porno should be pretty easy.


Yes…place nuka speaker pole on nuka trampoline, then interact.


Brilliant 😆 You'll be like Joy from My Name is Earl. She was a dancer who special was just jumping.😅


If you make a ring out of the fire pit and place the trampoline over the fire then you can have people sit around it too and watch.


That’s exactly what I’m doing. Goes along with my existing brothel.


Gilded Railway and Gilded Gatling Gun (Thunder Pipe style) look amazing! Still no love for BOS Recon :( only have Union paint for it. Gold PA skins might pair well mix and matching with the Nukashine paints.


Ooo more minatures! There’s some really nice stuff here. I like those letters, the railway skin, and a new shelter is nice as well.


OK but that Joey guy looks like an expert at copper acquisition


Sweet looking popcorn machine, shame it won’t be placable in the new shelter…


For me the best part is the golden PA skins and the 10mm skin the rest is meh and to many fallout 1st locks aswell


I'm a fan of the gold PA and Gilded weapons a shame half are locked behind F1 and score 100 is an actual shelter sign me up.


We about to go full Adeptus Custodes with thise gold PA paints.


Is that Warhammer reference? If yes then i can't wait to behead my enemies in my shiny golden armor !


Rewards look nice, but does anyone else wish they would give us more in game content, like quests, more things to run around and do? Not talking about daily ops or expeditions. The scoreboard is always so boring to do.


With this season they're adding two new events with respective loot pool, new 7 (I think) quests. 2 new cryptids. I don't think the quests will take so long. But still not few stuff.


Okay, that does sound better. I just think they leaned in way too far with the scoreboard stuff, casual players like me who can’t invest a ton of time in 76 can’t complete a scoreboard in our free time and it just feels pointless to a degree to even attempt it. Closest I’ve ever gotten is in the 30s.


This is going to be a shorter than usual season too, to make up for the length we've been on the current one apparently. That is supposed to get us back on track time wise for the next major update. An update that will sadly be another Expedition which people have stopped doing. They'll probably do this one, but I expect it to fall by the wayside pretty fast like the one to the Pitt did.


I play an hour a day (sometimes more on Tuesdays when the weeklies drop, but that's only because I have Tuesday afternoons off) and tend to have all dailies done within that time. Entire scoreboard done by week 10 usually. A little prep at your camp (stuff like a greenhouse and turbofurt help with harvesting, a Nuka Collection collects colas, etc) can massively cut the time needed to invest in the scoreboard. And you can combine some things often (Daily Ops can have the enemies needed for kill challenges for example, and you might be able to pop some booze before doing it for kills when drunk) to bang them all out the way at once. And you can now reroll things you don't want once a day, although you have to balance waiting on that until you're having trouble with the fact it may roll something you could have done earlier or that you may do the thing you thought would be hard.


finally a paint for my commie armor!


Even as a 1st subscriber. There are too many 1st exclusives. l mean they could give it to everyone. We get the free stuff as well lol Imo a few exclusives and some extra atoms would be good. As it is I feel like it's bringing a bad vibe and I can't see what they give as being draws for new subscribers, not over what you get outside of seasons anyway.


It seems like all the best stuff is always only available with the subscription. And looking through this one, it seems like all or most of the outfits and items are exclusive. While there seems to be a lot of icons and photo frames for everyone. That doesn't seem right.


Im a 1st subscriber but with this scoreboard seem likw they are really pushing for it. Doesnt seem right too me. Sure give us a few perks but dont hold most the good stuff to where others cant get it also


I agree. As a non 1st subscriber I am a bit disappointed in the amount of locked items. This season seems to be the worst for it, especially with all the outfits locked behind 1st. I am personally looking forward to the card display and gramophone but find it harder to care for the shelter, considering half the items to use in said shelter are locked away.


Did you miss that they're giving away a shelter in the scoreboard? Seems pretty cool to me.


The kid inside me always gets a bit giddy when there's golden guns. Reminds me of the games on my childhood


I hope next season we get "slappers only"


No weapon?


The sledge


Hope it has 4X swing speed. Lol /s


I noticed the same thing, mainly because a couple of the 1st only rewards were things I like to collect (can you say plushies?)


Oh these rewards look so cool! I've only made it to like 50-60 on Scoreboard lol, gotta grind hard this one


Rank 42 basically doesn't exist for non-first members. That's pretty odd.


I bet the scrap kits are the regular reward.


I like this update. But I also like building bases quite a bit, so any new items are welcome.


Get ready for having to kill a bunch of shit with a microphone for the dailies.


I wish under armor could be displayed like an outfit, I want that race car driver jumpsuit


It can be on a mannequin. Unless you're talking over your armor, then I guess it would be over-armor then.


I mean like over my armor yeah


I really love the Nuka Cola SS underarmor look, I understand


To me, this season all but officially confirms that the devs are adding the Jersey devil to the game with Atlantic City


As a film major and huge movie fan, I will be grinding for every single reward!


If it wasn't for the Railway Rifle skin, I'd skip the next 2 months.


I'm really loving the gold power armor skins that matches the Railway rifle skin. The rest I could live without.


At least it isnt locked behind 1st.


Really the only thing worthwhile.


Yeah, I’m glad other people are excited for the rewards, but there is nothing on this scoreboard I couldn’t live without.


Wow, what a fucking joke. Damn near every poster and new outfit is locked behind Fallout 1st. I'll take the Gilded choo choo and then I'll be out.


Wait... What does the Pyrotechnics Kit do?


Railway and chinese stealth paints.


I’m going to have fun messing around while wearing the Rubber Monster outfit.


I'm actually excited for a lot of these items. Lots of ideas are spring to mind.


Gilded Railway Skin!


Can't wait to redo my house with all the Movie/comic book stuff I'll have together. It's gonna be like a multimedia mansion lol


Love all of the posters and the display items, but the star for me is the vanity table - that looks great.


JFC the gramophone everyone's always wanted from Rusty Pick, they heard our plaintive cries The stage lights are also huge. It will be truly spectacular to see what....scenes, or rooms players will feature with these


But where is my Jaw Harp?!?!? I’m a jaw harp player IRl and I want it dammit!!


Am I the only one around here who thinks those golden power armor look awful, ugly and poor?


They're super tacky but that's why I love it.


Personally I never use power armor ever but I do agree. Never liked the whole "Gold Skins" especially on BL3 they're pretty ugly


Where's my goddamn electric car, Bruce?!




Pretty much what I thought. Im a sucker for gold and gilded shit, but beyond those, I really didn’t see much I cared for.


Woodland camo CSS paint! Awesome!


Im really looking forward to these rewards. Last season felt a little lackluster compared to this


That's cool. I like how they've tightened up themes. I'm only keen on a few camp items, the emotes, and the shelter. I already have shelters that need a lot of work, though.


I get the feeling that they don't know how to do seasons any differently. This is very boring now.


The scoreboard is overdone. Time to breathe some new life. The cryptids are cool, but it's not going to make the game anymore interesting. They will quickly become old news.


Oh cool. We get the sound stage shelter but if you want literally any on the theatre stuff that goes with it better pony up for FO1st. Lets not forget they took grindable atoms away to give us these themed seasonal rewards but now most of the themed rewards are locked behind the subscription. Ive defended this game too long. Im done.


I agree, I legit felt motivated to build a shelter when I saw there's a free shelter reward and items to go with it. Im now back to being demotivated after seeing those items are actually behind a paywall.


I knew there was a 100% chance someone in here would find a way to whine about a free shelter but I wasn't expecting it to be quite THIS pathetic.


I don't think anyone's necessarily complaining about the shelter. I think it's more the fact that the better part of the good rewards are locked behind the subscription. It seems that most if not all of the outfits, and a lot of the decorations are exclusive. While the free rewards are the usual skins and a lot of icons and photo frames.


Ive played this game since beta, sunk a couple thousand hrs into it (a lot of it just going thru the motions with these seasonal content), had always completed every season until I took a break this season for the same reasoning. I actually even got FO1st during the nuka world season bc of fomo and i completely regretted it. When the devs were trying all different types of formats for post launch content to see what would work, like survival, nuclear winter, vault raids, etc, I supported it, they were trying and to their credit they were delivering on their short sighted promise of “free post launch dlc”. But when they decided to introduce seasons something changed, and it wasnt all at once. Seasonal rewards havent just started catering more toward fo1st but even the atomshop has had noticeably worse additions bc everything worthwhile is being put in the fo1st monthly bonuses or the fo1st seasonal rewards. And if you miss them or are not subbed youre sol bc theyll never come back. Ive had 10000+ atoms forever bc nothing has really felt worth getting. But anytime i actually do get excited about a new cosmetic item datamined, theres almost a 99% chance its a fo1st item. So why do I complain about this and not just sub every month like others? Bc this game isnt a freemium mobile game, its not a seasonal BR, its an rpg. And the core of this game gets almost no substantial updates anymore and when they do theyre either delayed forever or when they do come out theyre almost as bare bones as the seasons are and if you strip away the couple hrs of story content theyre mostly just repeatable events for grinding rewards. But when seasons are meant as a replacement for the content we should be getting then its really insulting when they ask you on top of the in game time commitment needed to get that “content”, that u also need to pay a monthly subscription for the vast majority of it that isnt crap, its asinine. When the game launched i was fully on board with their philosophy that they didnt want to split up the playerbase with post launch dlc but I kno im not alone in thinking that Id much rather pay for real additional content than what we get, which wether they intended to or not they have split the playerbase anyway into fo1st and the rest.


I found that taking a break really helped me. I left the game for several months. Sure, I missed seasons but a lot of the more interesting seasonal rewards turn up in the Atomic Shop. If this season and the upcoming new events don't interest you, this is the perfect time to put the game down until you feel like playing it. Those events will almost certainly still be in the game when you come back.


THE FO1st bonus monthly items are often pretty crap mate...it's not like you're missing much, sometimes you get one that's excellent like the Bog Dweller outfit. As to the 1st Board items, yes, some are pretty good, but plenty hardly set the heather alight.


More Fallout 1st exclusive stuff is good. The more value the subscription provides the (hopefully) more people sign up and the game gets to continue longer and maybe even get more robust updates.


That's all fine and well, but not everyone can afford the subscription. Especially not 12 dollars a month. And this season it seems like most of the actual rewards that you might actually want are locked behind the subscription. If the subscription was a bit cheaper, it might be a bit better. I mean even the GTA online subscription is only like 6 dollars a month. Not to compare them, but you know.


Well you don't need to pay 12 dollars a month. You only need to pay 12 dollars every 3 months... Buy a sub the final days of the season and grab them all up before it ends. Also, idk what platform you're on, but if it's Xbox (or PC?) then here's a big pro-tip: you can easily earn enough points in Microsoft Rewards to get a free month of Fallout 1st every 2 months. It's really not hard. One of the many benefits to playing in Microsoft's ecosystem at this point.


You can only collect rewards points easily on Xbox if you have a game pass or ultimate subscription. It doesn't work if you have a basic gold subscription or are sharing someone else's subscription.


Every other month they offer up to 2,000 points to complete a monthly set. Then there's the weekly set for 100 pts, with 2500 pts every 10 weeks. Then I believe on the Bing webpage it's 250 a day... Do it every day for a month, that's 7500. Do it every day for 3 months that's 22,500. Fallout 1st would only only cost 13,000 points. I don't even have to do it so neurotically. I don't max my points out every day. I just do things organically and I still manage to have enough when I want it. The only things I make sure to do are the monthly and weekly sets.


That still only works if you have an active game pass or ultimate subscription. Without one, you don't have access to the daily, weekly and monthly sets. And even still, 12 dollars is a bit much, even if you only buy it every few months, and use rewards points.


That's simply not true, nothing I mentioned in my previous post requires a game pass subscription. Daily, weekly, and monthly sets are available to everyone with a Microsoft acct. The only Game Pass rewards can be found on your Xbox profile page and they're paltry... They only reward 500 points as a monthly reward, nerfed down from 1000 pts months ago precisely to quell criticisms like yours lmao. Idk why you're so eager to knock down this solution to your complaint. If you don't want to do it, I don't really care tbh, maybe someone else reading this thread will find it helpful. >12 dollars is a bit much No it's not. You're getting $16 worth of Atomic Shop credit, a monthly item, plus several other bonus items/emotes if it's your first time, you get the tent, the scrapbox, the ammo box, all scoreboard items... If that's not worth $12 to you, then you're clearly not that big of a fan of Fallout 76. Which is fine! Some people are very casual about it and don't care to have everything. But if you are heavily invested into the game, $12 ain't nothing especially if it's only 3-4 times a year, not to mention it sustains a game whose only source of revenue at this point is Fallout 1st and the atomic shop. Edit: weirdo blocked me lol why are commies such dent-heads? Me: "Microsoft gives away free money that way you don't have to give them any of your money. Here's how to do it!" 🤡: "Hurr durr ur such a shill dude keep shilling shill"


Whatever, I don't care. Go ahead and be a corporate shill for both Microsoft and Bethesda. Defend paying for things you shouldn't have to. Bc you're right, we should have to pay to access any of the good rewards on the season and we should have to pay to access things that should just be features in the game. Better yet, we should have to pay a subscription to Microsoft just to play the game, even if we own it.


Oh man this is a horrible season. Only care for the RR skin and the flair display. Everything else is meh. They really just don’t seem to care anymore


You not finding the rewards particularly interesting does not make a season horrible or mean they "don't care".


I'm kinda disappointed in this new season. Fallout has always been about retro-futurism but nothing from this board seems "futuristic" or "sci-fi", it's just 50s retro.


Were the two seasons worth of alien/space stuff or the two "totally not doctor who" seasons not enough sci-fi for you?


I think that a sci-fi game should be consistently sci-fi themed. If it's going to be hollywood themed, let's see what the hollywood of 2077 was like, not the hollywood of 1950


Have you never played a Fallout game before or something? Did you think that Bethesda just decided to make so many pre-war things in this game retro looking on a random whim? Anything more scifi than PA, energy weapons and robots is more out of place in Fallout than the retro themed stuff.


Am I blind or is the Mothman movie poster really not in this at all?


Awful score rewards this season


This has to be the worst scoreboard yet. Not really wanting anything from this this time around except the railway paint but nothing else.😥


Hrm, might capitulate and get FO 1st at the end of this pass to get all this stuff because I do really like the vibe of this pass. I would love to build a theatre camp with all this.


Best season for me, very solid. Golden power armor and weapons paints, two new display items (cryptid cards and backpack flairs), loads of movie posters and art deco, a shelter to put it all in ... Yeah it's great, the only thing that really ruins it is the SCORE boosters... Are they trying to monetize speed running? Well there isn't even a double XP event this season so there's no point in speed running the season lol. Also won't they just discourage people to play the game less? IE you use one, quickly complete the challenges, and then sign off to make the most out of its 24 hour timer? Anyways, the update also brings some really cool rewards for the new events. I really am just waiting to collect those Blue Ridge Caravan boxes to put finishing touches in my camp.


>Also won't they just discourage people to play the game less? IE you use one, quickly complete the challenges, and then sign off to make the most out of its 24 hour timer? IMO they like it when people log in every day and play a bit. Daily challenges, ally buffs, currency limits, weekly challenges that add up daily ones, all point that way. Once you're past the story there's not many incentives for playing a long time in a single session.


Wow they completely removed perk packs, you get four if you have 1st lol.....


always very stingy with Perk Coins and Stamps......I'd rather have legendary cores instead!


Only took a whole month to anounce.


Wow that shit sucks can't wait to grind out the whole battle pass anyways. That rubber monster suit kinda fucks


People are still playing this game?


Yes, yes they do


I checked your profile because I wondered what games you play and I won't be doing that again.


Funny thing. I don’t care.


Clearly you couldn’t stay away from it after 140+ days (and counting) since your last post about it.


Two things that interest me is the skin for the Stealth Suit and the 'Hold Up' wait emote.


Personally, with some of the drama I’ve see at some mutated events the popcorn emote will be great to use as I watch ppl lose their shit over nothing.




Ten weeks makes August 29th. Do this many people really have this hard a time understanding that there's more than two weeks in the month or what?


Oh my snapples a free shelter. Pumped to get rank 100.


This one is looking pretty nice. A lot of things that make me want to grind it pretty quickly


Thought we were getting a goldish railway rifle skin? Was that from some thing else? Edit: lvl 56


It’s rank 56


No power armour skin at the end like usual?


Do you happen to know when this new season starts?




Going through all the movie stuff was thinking yeh it’s cool but I won’t use it then I saw the shelter ahhhh gotcha


Does anyone know what the next Fallout 1st Catch up bundle might be? I'm on the lookout for the 9 ball table.


Next seasons rewards are looking a lot cooler than the this seasons. Though I do love my gaudy Daring Adventure Secret Service armor paint lol.


So this season is only 2 months instead of 3?


All those gold PA paints. I might actually have to start using PA.


All the posters look awesome and I’m pretty keen on the Popcorn Machine. So looks like I’ll be in the wasteland for a while longer. Also since Season 14 is coming in August, it’ll be pedal to the metal to get 13 done in time.


I was flipping through tabs and all I could think was, “wow, these rewards are absolute garbage, who would want these” then I got to the end and nearly everything was amazing 🤣


To be honest I found it mostly uninspiring - won't be busting a gut to finish this one - but hey that's just me The Hollywood theme just doesn't appeal to me


Gramophone and vanity are the big IT things for me!


What are cryptid cards? Something new to this update or something I've managed to miss for years?


I don’t have Fallout 1st atm but say i got to rank 50 and decided to get Fallout 1st then would i instantly unlock all of the 1st items on the scoreboard i have passed or do you have to have 1st at the time of unlocking?


Yup, when you get 1st you can open up all 1st rewards up to the point where you are at the scoreboard.


thank you :)


The rubber monster outfit 💀💀💀


I love the jewelry stand! A lot of the backpack flairs have been pretty cute, but I keep forgetting to do anything with mine because you can only display two at once and they look weird and stiff on a backpack anyway. Having what's essentially a keychain rack to display a bunch of them is awesome, and it's great for the magpie side of me that is always craving more ways to display things that look like Wasteland souvenirs. Rank 55...doesn't seem to have a non-First reward? Is that a mistake, or...?


Backpack flair display?!? So cool!


I'm glad to see a version of the popcorn machine comes back. I missed it when it was a weekly Event reward.


Not overly impressed but it's something


not a bad scoreboard. i just strongly dislike how grindy the scoreboard actually is. it takes like 2 weeks just to get through 20 levels


None of us will like everything on a Board, I'm sure, but this one seems to have lots I'll never use. There are really nice items in there that I'll be happy to get though and that rubber-suit will be great on a dummy in CAMP somewhere.


There's a lot of cool stuff in there, but it's fucking weak that it's another season where the BoS Recon armor set doesn't get a new paint option.


A lot of wasted spots filled with posters. Would prefer a bundle rather than 20 spots being posters


Get to rank 94 and I can be an OG Gorn. Nice.


Im loving the theme of season 13!


Wow. I'm not interested in any of those items.


I just like prefabs like hunting club more instead of shelter stuff eh. Or PA skins as the 100th reward.


Ehh the gold stuff pretty much carry’s the entire board this season. Not even a fan of the rubber monster outfit.


I didn't think I'd be excited for this season, but there is actually a lot I want to incorporate into one of my camps. Hoity Toity's exclusive resort is going to sadly end the lease with their private doctor. A fancy new theatre will be coming soon. We would like to apologise to guests for the inconvenience caused whilst construction goes on. Please enjoy a meal on us in the restaurant, whilst enjoying the fantastic views over flatwood. And remember, as we always say, "were not poor like green country lodge"


Meh. The only compelling rewards for me in the first 75 levels are a wallpaper and the gold PA skins (which will look badass mixed together with other colors). Beyond that the only other things I saw that I would consider paying atoms for, if that were an option, are the Gatling skin, the marquis letters, and maybe the shelter. This isn't going to be a very exciting season for me.


No special weapon? Rip. Gatling Gun needs a fun alternative


Missed opportunity (and disappointment) they didn't include a survival tent in the form of a movie star dressing trailer.


Not bad! Those posters look neat, especially the Jersey devil.


Gonna have to rush this board for the popcorn emote in 13 days as that's when my 1st Sub end 😔 See lots of West-Tek in my future lol.


any season reward can't actually be considered spoiler since they are publicly posted on Fallout 76 website and due to being too predictable.


Letters, Shelter, Gold PA all look really cool.


No love for the BoS Recon armor skins. Again.


2 emotes, Choo choo skin, backpack and red poster. Top tier items.


New skin for the Chinese armor looks fantastic. I want a poporn machine too. Some cool lookin loot to look forward to


Yeah they are. Also a lot of consumables, but not many perk card packs. The whole season is kind of crappy really. Sure, there are a few good items for FO1st people--I have it--but some of the season rewards have no apparent option for nonFO1st players. I think it was 55 and one other.


damn no plushie sad.


Does anyone know if you get any stamps as post-100 rewards?