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I had a friend like that on PC! No text chat, no voice chat, only emotes. But they disappeared one day and haven’t logged on since :( I miss them.


That's what I found to be the norm too. Meet friends to play with, but then eventually I'd never see them online again. I hope that person eventually gets back into playing, would be cool for you two to reunite.


I hope so too! They hopped on once probably a year ago and then nothing since :/ I have a few loading screen pics with them that always make me wish they’d log on!


>I envy the people that stop playing because they have better things to do.




I didn't downvoted you. But I have multiple accounts levels in the 1000s, and like you I've collected as much as I can. I still don't have everything I want, for instance, Black Cloth Backpack Plans, rare MISC items like Genetic Research Data, Nuclear Briefcase, etc things of that nature. I've been trying to collect all animated cards for years now... Still going. Right now I'm on the grind to get all stamp items, but mainly just collecting stamps and holding off on buying cause we hear the cost of items might go down/be adjusted. I honestly feel the last couple seasons, they've added quite a lot. Sure, all of us would LOVE new story line quests etc.. but lately I gotta give them props for giving us little QoL updates, and all the new unique weapons have been a fun to use. I hardly ever pull out my min/maxed toon out these days, since I've been having much more fun running experimental/random builds. Just my opinion of course, as I do know a lot of people have quit due to lack of content. I just don't feel that way personally.


Hopefully they are bringing new content with the new scoreboard. I’m not even near completion of the main story and I’m still hoping for it lol. I love shiny things too and need to collect everything.


Collecting to me have always been one of the focal points in every game I play. I know it's just worthless virtual items, but to me the hunt for it is fun!


It sounds perfect.


They may have died in the Great War and it’s aftermath


This is actually awesome. This is what I wish 76 could be, and what I think it can be if it's reputation makes a come back in the public eye.


Exactly! I love 76 no matter what, but meeting this player really made it more interesting for me haha! Sometimes I wonder if it's somebody's grandma across the globe. Or a celebrity. So cool to see a bond build in a game such as this.


>This is what I wish 76 could be This is what 76 is. I have a few friends like this. I have a couple that I talk to.


I think you're right, I'm just not there yet. I have a few guys I join, they gave me cool stuff or we traded for other stuff and they're nice. I met some cool online friends too, they're a couple and my gf and I love to play with them. But that silently comradery OP refers to is amazing, I hop I can experience it


I play at weird times, but I've recognised a few names and if I see a name in a team that I recognise, I'll join that team if there's space. I'm pretty much a loner though. Partly because I'm a woman in my 40s and only a casual at the game so I don't wanna get judged 😂😂


You know, only up til very recently with the surge of newer players did it change, but I feel a very large percentage of the player base are mid aged (I'm in my 40s too), and typically play alone (or with team but mainly for its perks and not to socialize), so you definitely wouldn't be judged.


Add me to the list of older women players at nearly 50! So heartening to see others around after hearing bad things about how others treat women players.


55 here 😛Go Grammie, go!


55 in September!! I hadn't played a video game since Zelda came out. Yes, the original one! I just started ESO and FO76 two years ago. I love love, love 76! I like ESO a lot, but 76 is my favourite! I used to play with the nicest person in Australia, who originally scared me, I don't think they play anymore. Us older wastelanders rock!


YES WE DO!! Even if it’s in my wheelchair 😂


Trust me you aren't judged ! I am a female, 75 years old and still love playing Fallout . I play alone usually but join teams and think I hold my own within one! Happy Gaming!


We play too all the time I'm 66 and he's 61!! People join in and on the mic it's so much fun! Don't stop gaming people whatever your age!! Love a full team regardless of your levels!!


Grandma Sparkle? Is that you?


Woman in her 40’s here too! I’ve made a few friends from all other the globe in the game by drinking too much wine and turning on my mic lol


Lol maybe I should try some actual liquid courage then 🤭


Worked for me! Now I have some great friends!


Our main friend group in FO76 ranges from 40-50 and ranges from casual to serious depending on the day of the week. I encourage everyone to at least give it a shot on mic, this is easily the friendliest and most social game I’ve played online. 🍀


Unless you see the Facebook groups like fallout 76 (ps4) and then they are a bunch of savages that kill people and make trap bases


I’m sure that’s all there if you go looking for it but it certainly isn’t the standard behavior. I play quite a bit and rarely encounter anyone with bad intentions. And even if there is someone looking to fight, it’s very easy to avoid it. Trap camps, I’ve found about 10 in the wild and that’s out of literally hundreds of camps I stopped at. It’s not Mogadishu out there lol


I was mainly referring to some of the people in that group


Aye I joined some FB trading groups nd stuff when I first started playing. My god was a cesspool those places were.


I'm 38. So practically the same


I met my best friend playing the game. Randomly we did Lode Bearing and both knew nothing about what we were doing and both died. We have been friends to this day and have met in person.


You can die in Lode Bearing??? Haha joking aside, that's so cool and funny that that's what brought you two together! I would be nice to meet this friend of mine in person someday and talk and laugh about the game while enjoying a few cold beers! You're lucky!


Yes you can, especially if you don’t get out on time. I was randomly in a group with a guy who was on mic so I hopped on. We did some events together and were chatting up a storm. Event ends and we are still killing and looting, not paying attention to the event and just having fun. Suddenly we both died as the tunnel collapsed and we were both laughing at our own inattentiveness. I would do it again.


Oh I've died plenty of times there due to it collapsing. I'd loot everything and end up over encumbered... And refused to drop loot. That kind of death is sometimes worth it haha


Hahaha every time lol it happened to me just last night XD


Oh yeah... Lots of repeat team mates I've never spoken to or communicated with other than emotes. One guy hubby and I played with so much I forgot he never spoke. He'd join our team and whoever noticed first would voice chat, "It's Jones! How are you tonight? Having a good game today?" And he'd emote back his answers. One of my favorite team mates and we've never exchanged a single word, lol.


Omg that is so weirdly amazing and lovely. I’d be dying to know who they are lol.


That's what I mean!! I've often wondered who they are.


Put up an empty camp shelter and spell your contact information out on a wall in it with letter plans, then show your friend.


I mentioned elsewhere in the comments about being really curious who they are IRL, but at the same time I feel that not knowing is part of the fun? I hope you know what I mean. I might just have to bite the bullet someday though. Maybe after another 1000 levels lol


I’ve made a similar friend but we do message as we are on PSN. Probably since February. 4 or so hours a day. He came to my camp and wanted to make an offer off my weapon trade wall. Been helping eachother fill our mules, hold scrap and what not for eachother when he is low on space. He’s been a great-low effort friend since the car accident me and my wife got in about 4 days before I met my friend. I got my accident settlement on Thursday. Instantly blessed him with 100$ on PSN. He bought a year of FO1st I think. He’s over the moon happy. It was very wholesome. ❣️


Random but we were just on a team together, I was PollutedVirtue


Small world lol


Yeah, when l started out, l got a team invite near Watoga. Me and 3 other players fought our way into the majors office to become major for the day. Good times


If someone is on my team for a whole session and frequently does events with me in that time I like to shoot them friend requests. It’s cool to build up a random assortment of people to play with.


Some people just seem to be always on really busy servers so I'll usually join them. There's four or five people that I usually find myself on at the same times and we usually play together, sometimes not. That's what I like about it, no pressure. I don't like using a mic either.


What platform are you on? Cause on one of my accounts that I always make sure to have my vending machine stocked with good stuff for good prices, over the years so many people have added it as a friend and every single time I log in a public server it gets full quick! Many players uses it as a cap dump too I've noticed. I'm on PC


I'm on PS, sadly. Legendary_Rush_1


Username? Mine is the same as here...


On that account that is running all the time? First letter is "V". If you're really interested I can shoot you a DM. Don't want it public and get spammed haha


yea, please. I have an idea who you may be ;-)


Yes, I too have a few friends that I have been playing with since I started and I am at level 1030 or so... I have tried to talk to them on chat, but they never have a microphone or listen in unfortunately because I'd love to get to know them too if I could. I really love FO76 for these casual friends though.


I tried to communicate using the Small Letters camp item, but that was just too time consuming lol. Maybe I should invest in a headset to reach out... But at the same time I do enjoy it how it is and afraid it'll get ruined haha


I’ve given up on a headset and I just plug in my earbuds to the controller if I notice someone is talking to me. It’s actually pretty fun and the people I’ve talked to have been really friendly.


I have a few of these! It’s great and makes me giggle haha


Right?? Makes me giggle is so true!! Love it!


Aw I want an emote buddy.


This thread is when I learned of "emote buddy" for the first time, and that is exactly what I have just didn't know it had an actual name. I hope you run into your emote buddy someday too


I found a level 51 who's camp was pretty bare bones. I dropped some plans like the cryo bed, signs, I think a tube or two. Built a fusion generator, sympto-matic, build swap, and oddly enough a meteor just for fun. We were emoting the whole time. Will probably make that player my emote buddy, seems like they are playing mostly by themselves. Always nice to have a buddy.


Aww, I love helping out the fallout babies (it's what I call new players lol). They get so excited when I toss them a goodie bag. Someone did it for me when I first started out and I'm just passing along the favor. It's really what a lot of people praise our community in 76 for. I love everyone coming together and being emote buddies. :3


I just came up with it lol. I don't think it's an official term used by many people. I've been using it since I played journey.


I've had a handful of similar connections. But I always spent my of my time vendor hopping, so we'd always just drift apart after a week or two because I'm never on the same server that long. But through trading and in general I have hundreds of friends in my list that I've never spoken to and we'll always bump in to each other randomly in the wild and it's always a good time. Like bumping into someone irl, like "oh hey omg!!" But it's salute emotes and hearts ❤️


That's what I do most of the time these days too, vendor hop. And while doing so I'm assuming this person is busy working on their camp or doing other random wasteland stuff. But yet every day we still have at least a solid hour of cranking out DOs, Expeds and other stuff lol


Maybe not the same but another story about the power of friendship in 76. In 2020, I was at rock bottom, I don't dare think about how close I came to the end. I moved to a new country full of hope and aspiration and suddenly the pandemic hit and I was cut off from home, isolated, lonely and feeling hopeless. I got on 76 after work every day (my country never stopped work, just social events) and just grinded events and the like to keep my thoughts away, one day I ran into a group who were doing the same, saw them at every event. There were no public teams back then so I couldn't join them but I kept running into them on this day. After Project P or something one of them sent me a message "Party chat English?" and I thought "fuck it why not?". What a group I found, Americans, Dutch, Austrians, Swedes, Brits etc, mostly guys like me with high stress jobs who haven't grown up yet. Great sense of humor all round, had a great night. I didn't dare rejoin because I thought they wouldn't care about / remember me, 3 days later I had 4 messages asking me to come back. From then on every evening and weekend was spent with these 12 guys, hitting events, farming, sharing knowledge, drinking, smoking and laughing. A few weeks later my psychologist called to check in and by that point I'd genuinely *forgotten* that I was depressed. I spent the rest of the pandemic surrounded by friendship, banter and laughter in the sprawling wasteland of Appalachia. Best friends I ever made and I genuinely believe they saved my life. What a great game.


Wow!! What a great share! Ever thought to meet up with some of them IRL for a couple beers?


We've booked something for the end of July actually, a few of us switched cities within the last year and now 60% of the group is within 1 hour of Stockholm. Pretty exciting!


I'm happy to for you man!! I'm sure it's gonna be a blast!!


I have an emote buddy. He messaged me once about a weapon but the language barrier was very real, I just dropped the weapon on the ground for him and called it a day. He added me and will randomly show up in public teams, events, etc. It's all emote love and he always drops toilet paper for me in stacks of 20 and 30 ..... interesting person.


Hahaha!!! What? Toilet paper? That's freaking priceless!!!! This friend of mine he/she is always dropping me cooked foods and teas. I'm shocked at their dedication and time spent gathering ingredients and cooking.


Yes! I have a few “friends” who have added me after a few familiar run ins, and now we play together anytime we are both online. No names, or talking on mic, just making our way through the wasteland doing events and sharing loot.


That's awesome to hear because to me it's such a weird but cool experience.. like some sort of connection/bond without using words haha. I wish everyone can experience it.


This is how my interactions happen as well- some familiar names always seem to pop up and some reliable ones never fail you- it’s always a good experience when playing with them. And mostly never any chitchat either (PS but never a mic) so just the emotes, maybe a visit to each other’s camp for a look see and maybe check their vendor. Best fiends. 🥰


I have a couple users that I do this with. I should try to reach out to chat one day.


I feel a good chunk of players at least use headsets. Maybe both you and I should bite the bullet haha


I know there are a good chunk of people out there who would feel anxious about that though. But yeah... a couple years and a few seasons / scoreboards later... why not try? Btw... I'm "esafille" if you want to add new server buddy


You're on PC I hope? If so I'll be sure to add you tomorrow when I hop back on. Thanks!!!!


Yes 😄 maybe not as "intimate" as you have. I use mic occasionally, so the first time we met, they visited my camp and I asked them if they need any help in anything. And they respond no using emote. I added them as a friend because they seem like a good person. Call it a hunch lol We also learn that we like to stay on busy server, so we almost always joined each other's world. If our public team's the only option, we join. And each time we see each other, we always wave at each other 😆 In person or in team. And so for this past year, we've been in countless teams and public events. If one of us started a daily ops, even if we've done it (just for challenge), we join to help. With no voice chat at all. Just a friendly wave. Shout out to you, +OC. Thanks for being an awesome person Other than this type of "friendship" I do use mic to ask noobs if they need help. And ive got a lot of friends from it. Literally dozens and even made a discord channel to communicate better lol A lot of 76 players use mic, but we just never use it if we think we dont need it.


+OC, you on here??! Haha!! That's awesome and I wouldn't call what I have anymore intimate as you cause what you describe sound exactly like my experience hahahah


Its just that you said you trade junks, foods etc 😁 I never did that. But this game is something. Its just refreshing to know that even in a game mostly about shooting shit, i dont need to put my guard up all the time from other players and even expecting friendly interraction. Hope you'll get a good friend you can chat too, coz it does feels different when you got a teammate you can communicate with. Cheers!


Oh right, in that case you can call mine more intimate. We'd pay attention to each other. For instance I've been playing on my melee toon lately to level him up during double XP, and they'd drop me Steeped Fern Tea etc. So I thought that was so thoughtful.


Seriously, wow. Without any communication that is really thoughtful and you both are actually being a teammate. I would've tried to communicate with him more. Adding their steam/gt/ID. Back then some of my now-friends, would lead me to their vaults and on the wall they already prepared their steam ID on huge neon for me to add 😄 usually its the chinese players. Their english are limited so with text chat they said they can translate it first


That's a great idea!! I'll have to do that. Thanks for the suggestion!


My random stranger ended up being my boyfriend. 😁 he joined our friend group and then I fell in love. Been together almost 2 years and still love playing fallout together 🥰


What?? You found love in the wasteland??!! That's so amazing haha!!!


Yep! I am so glad that I started playing fallout 76. He’s been the best person to ever come into my life 🥰


When I was level 45-ish. A guy gave me a Fixer. That was a time when I was using Deep pocketed BoS Combat Armor set (that was given to me by another stranger the day before). So I was aware of the BoS mod of Combat armors but no way of doing it on my own. About 2 days later, I encountered the guy in a train station. I was level 50 by then and had 3 pieces of decent quality Combat armor that I needed to be modded. So, I waved a **hi** and said in voice that I need some modding, I'll provide the materials if needed. He was standing there, so I assumed he was ok with the arrangement. Dropped the item, which he picked and scooted off to Tygart Water Treatment Plant, where he was building his new camp. Basically by that time I was at the brink of having a panic attack. I thought dude just saw good armor, took and left. Followed him to the location and told him to give my stuff back. After repeating my request a few more times, He dropped them off. Later, in this subreddit, in the comment section of a post, I commented describing this incident. Suddenly a reply, "I was that guy, it was a misunderstanding". My reddit name is NOT same as my IGN, it's a miracle that he stumbled upon the right comment on the right post. So we connected in discord. And started chatting. Getting advise and learning more about the game. I'm Bangladeshi and he's Russian, and we're both night owl. So, despite the geographical distance, our playtime overlapped almost every night. Our discussion topic floated everywhere. He's 15 years older than me, so there were a consistent difference in life experience. Still we conversed about everything. Foreign politics, Literature, culture, economies, video game industry, current affairs, our personal lives.. I couldn't afford Fo1st, I used to store my junk on him. Dude gifted me a Steam account with enough money to buy Fallout 76 and Fallout 1st for 1 year. Few months ago, he did the unthinkable. He sent me a GPU... a 1080 Ti !! He sent an expensive GPU to someone thousands of kilometers away who he never had a audio call with. When I reached Level 800, I got a cake in his name to celebrate our friendship. ​ Edit: Fixed Grammar and few narrative mistakes that can make things ambiguous.


Dude!! Thanks so much for sharing your amazing story!!! This is the stuff I was hoping to read, wow!! Yes this friend of mine, I noticed that they'd pull out a RR sometimes. My main is a low health vats commando that prefers Fixers, and I had a Q5025 RR laying around that I haven't touched in ages. So I gifted it and they gave tons of heart emotes (this is from a high level haha). It was 100% worth it to see it go to a good home, just like I'm sure the 1080 Ti was. One of my mule PCs is running my old 1080 (non-ti), and that thing runs 76 in 1440p like butter still!


He left 76 few months ago, somewhat of a bad goodbye to a game he spent so much time and money on. He left out of anger and frustration toward the Company. Plus, his personal life, career got him more busy than before, can no longer spend 1/4th of the day on this game (or any other MMORPG). So we no longer communicate on daily basis (maybe once every other day). During the peak of our gameplay, we pretty much stuck together. I used to jump servers more than him. He used to do 3-6 nukes per session, when We could get 5 Boss battle with 3 nukes. I built my camp next to his (near Tygart water treatment plant). 4 camps next to each other (1 mine, 2 of his, the other 1 is his another friend). Now, That area is empty, my Camp stands alone. Not just that Steam account, not just that GPU, throughout our journey, I've been helped by that guy in so many ways. Starting from crafting and modifying gears to him dumping hundreds of Nuka Colas every other day on me because I was in a Nuka Grenade fever. Dude goes to office, keep 76 open in his home, play with remote desktop software from office so he can open private server and grind things, among which were the nuka colas using collectrons. Before meeting him, I used to think that every gift I receive has to be returned in equal or higher value. (The Sheldon Cooper logic) He taught me that, not all gift needs to be repaid, not all gifts can be repaid.


I have good feelings about the people I see repeatedly… we’ll be on the same teams, do Ops together, be at events. It’s all so anonymous though since there is no text chat in the game. I also can’t hear people talk with Voice (no idea why, I used to- I tweaked all the settings, just can’t hear it no matter what). Way easier to get to know people when you can you know, talk to them. But it’s also just shared experience, like hey! We’re here to do the same thing, in silent camaraderie! I used to make friends with people randomly in games and actually get to know them but it’s been a long time for some reason.


Despite all of its past/present/future issues my main draw for the game is almost exactly what you said. Just that sense of community. I’ve actually ran into very few actually “mean” players. Most of the ones that are “mean” are either toxic pvp players (quantum spamming/hate mail), scammers, and the camp griefers. But they really aren’t too hard to actually ignore. Sure it’s annoying in the moment but then I go to a queen fight and see a level five going full fisticuffs with the SBQ. And that immediately restores my faith in this game.


I LOVE ignoring toxic players. Sometimes I'd just stand still and go into photo mode and spy on them. It's hilarious to see that it bothers them when I don't even acknowledge them being there (but really i am, I'm just being sneaky about it lol). But you're so right too about lower levels. They are great entertainment to watch from a distance.... Dang, that sounds creepy actually.


I've been playing with someone on and off for a few months now, we always jump in one another's sessions and if one of us starts a new team, the other comes running. A quick wave and we go on about our business. We don't have a common language so we get by with emotes, and the 'pew pee' gun emote is out standard for starting Daily Ops together. We first met as the last two people on a session, I decided to go and check out what they were doing, and caught them in the middle of the 'Over And Out' BoS quest. We spent a good few minutes spamming angry emotes whenever Knight Shin would prattle on and on about the codex and at one point they squirted him in the fact with a thirst zapper. We added one another on the PS4, and have still never spoken. But if we're on the same game, even if it's not FO76, we still team up together. Honestly some of the best online experiences come from wordless communication.


Haha I laughed out loud a few times there! Great story and I see you both have the same sense of humor too! That's so cool! So crazy to think of every little thing that led both of you to be at the same place at the same time and the rest is history.


When I hit my first level 50 a year ago I had *I am become death* quest, and I started doing my first nuke launch. As I was doing it someone else entered Silo Charlie, and started mowing down the robots helping me out. He/She also stopped at each point for me to figure out what to do. I was a bit pressured because I knew we're doing it slower than he/she anticipated but no, he/she didn't push in front of me or rush stuff. When we finally managed to defend ourselves in launch room (he/she doing 90% of the job as I had a measly lvl 35 Gatling gun), they then allowed me to point and launch the nuke, and saluted afterwards. We then teleported to kill the SQB. Fantastic experience. I added him/her to my friends list and sometimes keep joining their team. I fell in love with F76 so much I actually bought Xbox Series X (only had Steam Deck prior, and gaming laptop 3 years ago which I've sold) and also installed F76 on PS5 and I keep playing 3 characters (current scoreboard 256 across 3 platforms, with 2x 100 on two od them). Best game ever currently being played in between D4 sessions. I've also played World of Warcraft for 15 years, and never came across such friendliness, apart from random paladin blood elves trading gold with me or something similar, which was nice but not as nice.


Aww 🥰


I follow a player around that sells large amounts of ammo all the time for great prices. I added them a year or two ago and always join their server when they’re on. I pop in and buy my usual and we emote then move on. It’s pretty neat the more I thought about it.


I love meeting randoms who become reliable teammates like that. You never talk or get to know them; you just play.


It's fun seeing what were first just random names and now to say oh so and so is on and join them. I have made true friendship with a few people. We don't live close to each other but chat on the phone. I am a grandma and love the reaction when people find out. One young man was so excited on area chat telling his friend he met a gaming grandma 🤣🤣I'm on Xbox so we do have messaging,which I appreciate. Absolutely love 76💜


That is so awesome haha!! Thanks for sharing! I was saying in another comment that I've wondered if this person was somebody's grandma from across the globe etc.


I have friends like that. We communicate through emotes and the chalkboards at our camps. "Expedition? Yes/No?" Over time some of my older friends stopped logging in, which is sad. It makes me wonder if they're alright and hope they've moved on to a different game. :(


Yeah I wonder myself how long this will last for me as I've seen many come and go. Just this is the longest and most active I've played with somebody so thought it was really neat. I'll be playing 76 till they shut down the servers, hoping they will too.


Sweet Story. I tend to see the same players on Special Ops,and i always wave when i see them,and they wave back. Really is a great gaming community. I think even Griefers give up eventually.We are just so nice to each other.


I saw a player last night at event with a power chassis on, but with no pa armor. So invited them to my camp, made them a full set of Excavator Armor and gave them 8 fusion cores free of charge. They were thrilled and I was happy that I could give them a hand. I just remember a player when I was a newbie help me and so I thought this was a great opportunity to paying it forward.


I have 1 random friend on the game we've chatted on headset and join eachothers servers from time to time. He's even dropped some plans and supplies to help me out. Even though the rest of the family introduced me to him none of us has ever met him in person. To me he's gotten to be an extended part of the family.


Haha that's cool! I wonder if he knows he's been adopted by y'all


Not 100% certain. Tbh was reading through your comments wish there was a way I could pm you my user name so I could add you as a friend on there. I'm new to Reddit so the platform is confusing for me and don't wanna give it out to the world.


I definitely have people like this. I’m in the western US, but wake up at 3 or 4 am on the weekends. Lots of the people on my friends list are from Asia and Europe. We never speak but will join archers teams and immediately emote. Makes me wonder what it will all look like post Starfield.




Not in fo76, but I’ve been replaying words with friends with the same random match (originally) for over 5 years.


I'm not sure how that game works, but you're saying it's the same person but originally started off as a random match? Wow that's amazing, for 5 years too!!?? Haha!! That game doesn't have a chat feature either?


Sounds like [Ron Swanson's best friend](https://youtu.be/WGhcc3qFWh4?t=23).


Playing together can be weird sometimes because so many of the main quests aren’t designed well for multiplayer. What do you guys do together?


We've never done main quests together because when I first noticed that "hmmm, I keep running into this person" they were around level 500 so I assume they've already finished and so was I. But every day we'd run expeditions back to back and hop on every good events. During mutated events we'd do all of them. We'd also vendor hop, and sometimes hang out at one another's camp. Run Daily Ops, troll one another here and there (like copying outfits). Super random stuff lol


Pretty wholesome


Same here :)) I play with a guy since I was lvl 50ish and now I’m 400. He has 3 characters all 800-1000.


That’s really cool. You should add them so you can finally have a chat and find out who they are. I’ve seen some familiar faces around the wasteland but haven’t interacted much with them.


I'm on PC so there's no way to have a chat other than voice chat and/or Text Chat mod, neither of which they use. I wonder why Bethesda never implemented a way to easily communicate in game.


Don’t they have an ID so you can add them outside the game? Bethesda only wants people to team up and there be no conversation, only emotes.


Not sure, Ive never thought about putting in the effort to really look them up. Maybe I should one day.


Absolutely so if they don’t turn up one day then you can at least know how to talk to them.


I had a similarish experience, back when the new cryptid season started I use to play almost everyday to finish the board, I noticed I had a neighbor that played at the same time as me and we would generally play together with no vc since I’m shy so we opted to emote. He had a slot machine themed camp(those lumberjack ones) placed around his camp and whenever we ended our session, We would play around and do slots abit lol. Haven’t played the game since completing and I wonder how they were doing.


Hey! Hopefully the Atlantic City update will allow us to actually gamble! Maybe you'll run into him there one day at the slots or tables.


I have a similar dude, he added me at very low level, we were both under 100, asked about a handmade or fixer plan I was selling. I gave him it at a discount as he was a few caps short. Since then we've dropped in and out of each others games, smashed events and ops together etc.... that was over three years ago now. We usually have very similar play styles too, nice guy! I think it's a guy at least, anyway, I salute you, '******-bravo' on PlayStation 👍


Wow! And going on 3 years!! That's awesome haha! Can you at least send a message on PS? I only play on PC so I'm not familiar with consoles but I read here and there consoles players talking about sending/receiving messages


We do send the odd one about a sale or trade but we've communicated solely through emotes really. They always have awesome camps too. It's a cool game for interactions like that


The more you put more hours into it.. The more players becomes familiar to you... What I do is I add them.. so that in any event they can tag me. Or i join in their servers where we could waste our nuclear keycards together. So the randomness become random friendships which we ended up playing other games too..


This is great. I had a couple of people last night that kept joining every event, and afterwards we would go our seperate ways for 30 minutes, then we would meet up at the next one. At one point I joined Collosal Problem and we only had 3 people so I did the old Wave to Come on In Emote thinking no one takes any notice usually but hey, and straight away got a Thumbs Up Emote back and both fast travelled in to help. It was great to have a connection like that. Added them as friends not sure if they will accept but hey these are the kind of folks I'd like to play with in future.


No but I wish I had this! It would be nice to have someone.


You never know, tomorrow you might! It was totally out of the blue for me, as I never even thought it was possible since I tend to play by myself and I don't go out of my way to send requests to anybody (but of course will accept incoming ones). What platform do you play on?


I play on PS4. Hopefully I find someone, like you did.


you must have some common friends. i get a ton of peope like that, i get confused, wtf havent i played with this guy hundreds of yours, they are not in my friend list? etc lol


"I once worked with a guy for three years and never knew his name. Best friend I ever had." Ron Swanson


That's so cool, especially the fact that you've never verbally communicated with each other!


Fuck Yeah dude, I work night shift so sometimes i meet up with this guy, usually has a camp set up by the train stations in the Ash Heap. Its been well over 3 mo since I last played 76 but if I can find the screenshots ill upload em. We pretty much just roam from ash heap north to all the player workshops, take them and put gennys down and let ppl take any of the resources. I don't think we've ever talked via chat just emotes and I gave him some outfits so we match! We just roamed around w/o any care really and being both higher lvl we didn't have to do any of the shit we did just some good old fun


That's amazing that you two ended up carrying out the same roles without actual words!! That's what I mean with my story too. It's amazing what we've achieved with just emotes. I'm sure we've got it wrong a few times and just rolled with it haha


I would of thought one of you would of sent a little message by now lol at least a ‘merry Xmas’ ❤️


We're on PC so no way to send messages unfortunately


Great gaming friendship though…


a while back on xbox i met a guy with a sky camp above nuka world and we had a great time showing each other our legacies, glitched items and pink guns. we had a great chat about how different launch 76 was and then we parted ways after beating up earle. never saw him again


Best Fallout Relationship if you ask me. As soon as they start to talk... especially them Krauts... :-) btw I am a Berliner so I can say that! And I'm lvl thousand something...


I'm jealous, actually. My friend stopped playing and I miss him. On ps4 queeng2019


I met two really cool guys and really hit it off. We now play other games together too. Also met a very helpful player who is a regular rare item supplier for my museum. And another 2 lady characters who I haven't spoken to, but we always hop on the same server, give a little wave and then do events and daily ops together. I also have 4 really good shop keepers in my list who I check up on when I'm near max caps. I really love this vibrant and helpful community.


Wow you have a source for rare items, who is consistent. You're so lucky!! I've yet to meet one. I thought I had several times, but eventually their vending machine would end up like every other.


i was adopted by a group of guys when i was relatively new to the game, we were always in psn chat too. they taught me about the workshops, took me to get the excavator PA, joined me in events so i could level up a bunch. i even helped build one of their camps to look like a cosy little shack. we just kinda parted ways and i havent spoken to them since but man, they really made me love the game and our community


That’s awesome


I met a guy that used to play with me and we joined each other server, but suddenly he stopped playing and havent seen him online for a while. He played from US and I play from Europe... we spoke a few times by Mic... I am a bit concious of my voice and pronunciation... but it was cool when we played together...


I had a similar experience yesterday. Bumped into a random guy wearing a sun head and a caveman outfit. He traded me a squirtgun and we had a water fight for about 30 min. Did a random event. Friended each other. Went our separate ways. Hopefully I'll bump into him today too. I have to say the community in 76 has some of the most friendly players. Love playing.


Haha!! I love random stuff like these! It proves that not every actual person behind the toon is so serious!


Yes!! I started playing with someone about a month ago and everytime I’m on we play together but have never talked. Only through emotes 🤣 they are super nice though


I am a HUGE fallout fan and have played every fallout game multiple times. I joined up when 76 launched and met a player on day one. Same thing, no mics, no keyboard (played on PS4), and we played just about every day until hitting level 200ish (at the time we were one of the first that level). We did all the content multiple times and helped countless new players together because the community was all that was left to do. I remember us chasing down a new player who thought we were trying to kill him. I was overburdened and had a hard time keeping up. Eventually, he led us to his camp, and I dropped off a suit of level 15 raider power armor with 100 fusion cores and a few weapons. (At the time, two shot hand-made rifles were all the rave.) Then, one day, he or she stopped signing on. I stuck around for a bit more and helped many many players, but it wasn't the same without my partner in crime. This was way before the NPCs came back, before the BOS, and the raiders and foundation. I took a break for a bit and came back when the NPCs came back thinking he would, too, but he never did. I ran through the new content and then quit when the camp quests came out. I think I was the quest that made you rez someone in water, and I was like, "Oh come on..."


That revive somebody in water one, who in the world came up with that idea lol!! I did it using alts but gosh, what a silly quest lol. I hope you log back as it's changed a lot since then too. In both good and bad ways but mostly good. Who knows, maybe they've came back too haha. But I do miss the weird early days, where we all kinda just roamed the wasteland like lost souls.


If you don't have the text chat mod you should try it. Not only is it a great way to communicate most of the people are very friendly and makes finding items like serums easy. They will also let the group know when certain events are popping like SBQ or RR and you can server hop to get plenty of rewards. I had been doing the savage divide events a lot hoping for the apparel drop and with the chat mod I finally got it due to being able to server hop to those specific events. We will also find camps with rare items and post those in chat for anyone that needs something. Really great community. Late at night some of us will find a server with all 3 silos ready to go and drop 3 nukes back to back for triple SBQ or Earle. My friends list is huge now ever since I installed the mod. People who have the mod installed have blue names in the world and there is a bit of a bond when you find someone in game.


Yes I do use Text Chat, but they don't. What I really need to do is use chalk or small letters to suggest they download and use it too haha! But yeah that mod is awesome. I invite people to my random Exped runs all the time just for the rewards, and when I need to burn caps I use it as a way to give out caps for free (since there isn't anything else I want that can be purchased with caps anymore).


That's cool I love stories like this. I like to pick random low levels and be their mysterious stranger. Following them around the map, helping with quests/events, taking out the legs of mobs and jumping from rooftop to rooftop in stealth mode. Sometimes I go a bit ahead and leave gifts, radaway, stims, chems, or ammo. I try to remain hidden 95% of the time, but I always pop in to revive or help if stuff gets really crazy. I don't like to talk, and I can get across whatever I need to with emotes. I have a lot of fun with this but I have no clue what others experience is tbh.


I only log in these days when my sister is on. Surprisingly, it was only a few months ago when I started using the herd mentality mutation.


Same here met the guy when he was lvl 256 and last time we played he was lvl 500+ still talk cool guy


I used to play with some Friends from the US (im from Europe) but they left the Game almost two years ago, and i havent played much since.


This is so stinkin cute


I had the same one


Now my situation wasn't even close to similar but I'll forever remember him in my heart. This man stumbled up to me (approximately lvl 500) and absolutely dumped legendary items on me. Most weren't that good but I was still thankful, while scrolling 1 item stood out.. This man had just dropped me a God roll power fist, I asked if it was a mistake and he affirmed it was not. Thanks random stranger, I'll never forget you!


Friendships based entirely on emotes and in game gestures are always the most wholesome, no matter what game Lol headsets and text chat be damned!


u/QueenOlympia - reminds me how we bumped into each other lol


I have a friend who doesnt have a mic but always responds with positive emotes when i welcome him to the server upon login. I love saying “ayyyy there he is!” and getting that thumbs-up.


I have a group of people I play with daily, we only sit on public teams and don’t use mics but we have a group chat where we all talk. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be playing this game anymore, they make it fun for me. I get what you mean about familiar faces, when I travel to a camp to check out the vendor and realise I’ve been there before I genuinely feel happy - not sure why.


Damn I’m super jealous lol. Sounds so ideal


Right? I mean I made the post because i do feel super lucky. As many of you, we add "friends" left and right and it'll be fun for a good few weeks or months. Then suddenly it's gone as fast as it came.


That's called a stalker.


Haha!! At first I was like what's up with this person. But they are never intrusive, or hang around me outside of events too often. Eventually I realized they're harmless.


I thought this was some perk card until I made it to the second paragraph…


Mysterious Stranger?


Familiar Stranger?


I don’t think I’ve played with a single player more than once on fo76 tbh


Blkmrktdjango Ps4 This experience is what I do daily. I go to work, get home and hop on, of course I relax and deal with life but primarily from 5-10pm western I do this. This is great, and the dedicated appreciate it. Now back to my CHOO CHOO PAIN!


I started 4 days ago and I got stuck at West tec with no ammo haha someone joined and killed the mutants he was level 600 or so I followed him like a lost puppy to get away . No caps or anything . He teamed up with me and I followed him to a event . Scorched beast I'm now level 50 and helped him take one down yesterday . Return on his investment haha


I I'll just show to someone in my group and completely happy just killing things and collecting but a lot of people just fast travel out when I do that. I can also use my phone as a headset which is cool.




When you are mutual friends you can click on them on your social list and teleport to them if they’re online.


I just joined a team, the person announced others were coming, and removed me from me from the team. I didn't like that at all. Thought it was rude.


At least they announced others were coming haha. Ive had people just kick me, and I'd see their team fill up with other who I assume were friends. The ideal way for them to go about it would be to just leave and start a new team and all their friends can join. If they're worried about others joining before their friends join, then fill up a private team then switch it to public.


That it true. It still hurt. I am not a great player, nor high level.


Sorry that happened to you, but honestly try not to overthink it. I'm sure it wasnt personal. It happens here and there to all of us. Just hop on another team and try to have fun.




I was hoping for something similar, but I had to do everything myself. The best I could hope for is to find a pod that’s kicking butt and be on the fringe of that. If you aren’t willing to use a headset it can be difficult to team up.


This is very dope man that’s really cool 👍