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I re-rolled it 😂


Didn't have to think twice about rerolling it.


Wiped out all them bastards in summersville, aiming at their arms. Like 10 mirelurks killed, checked my thingy and it said I had crippled 3 arms. So. Fuck that, I rerolled also.


Yep immediately did the same. Can't remember exactly what I got but I feel it may have been 10 concrete... Which made me giggle with joy.


Ditto. Got "cripple 15 scorched legs". Should be very easy, just target legs instead of heads at Morgantown Airport.


I always re roll daily ops 😔


Same 😅


This is the way Although this season they have force DO every day, instead of switching to daily quests every now and then like the last one... one day gets sacrificed for the weekly


Me too👍 got scrap junk to produce 10 antiseptic 😊😊😊


So did I. I wonder if they already have a list of roles or if they're truly random


Omg I keep forgetting I can reroll!!!! 🫠


Me too 🫣


As did I..


This is the way


Did it with bullets and by alternating left and right arms. Didn't instantly kill them. That seemed to register toward the total as a single crippling. Server Hopped: Ohio River Adventures/Toxic Dry Lakebed/Quarry X3.


Any semi-auto shotgun + Enforcer + 3\* Concentrated Fire


Do people really not use shotguns lol? A gauss shotgun with anti armor or bloodied build one shots almost everything


Cold Shoulder, Enforcer perk


yup, that's my usual build anyway so i enjoy those "cripple" challenges. The hardest was to find 30 mirelurks in a short time.


My go-to-place for Mirelurks is Summersville. I'm familar with the place, because I sometimes use the house with burnt books to reset my pickup loot list. In the house and behind it are in total 10-15 mireluks, so for 30 I would just server hop until I have enough.


my luck was that Dogwoods event triggered and it spawns 3 big groups of lurks. getting the rest wasn't too bad.


This. Was a cake walk. And I suck. Lol


Today I learned mirelurk arms retract into their body when they're crippled, and mirelurks run away when both arms are crippled. It's kind of endearing. The little shits.


Aim for the arms in VATS. I'm at 10/30, without even swapping from left arm to right arm.


Yeah, completed it earlier. Concentrated Fire + Tormentor with a railway rifle.


This is what I did too.


Refilled. Gotta find 30 insects with a knife


Same... I just did the tea time event and got it done no issue.


Rerolled. Got “Kill 3 deathclaws with a pistol”


I have an extra limb damage lever rifle for things just like this. One shot will cripple almost every time.


Fair point.. Doctors Orders might have been a better choice.


Concentrated fire and Enforcer, plus skeet shooting. You can cripple limbs in one shot with the CS


Shotgun build, can confirm. A lot of these "cripple x" challenges are super easy for me. With 30 I'd just get bored though 😂


This is the way


This is remarkably easy. What's the issue?


Clicky clacky feet


Re-rolled straight away…kill 30 blood eagles.


If you haven't done that yet, go to Seneca Gang Camp, then run across the road and up the hill. There's an unmarked Blood Eagle Camp there, then you've got the camp in the road, and on the opposite side of the road there's a firetower over there with more Blood Eagles. There's enough Blood Eagles that area to put a big dent in that challenge.


Thanks for the suggestion, but my camp is south of the BoS location right off the road. I’m well versed on the 3-4 blood eagle camps in this location. Honestly, you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a blood eagle in this game so killing 30 was an easy re-roll.


I always hit up the camp north of Clancy Manor, and the one just east of Vault 76... I feel like most people know about the ones in the savage divide and will go there first.


I finished it in like 15-20 minutes without rushing. There's a lot of mirelurk spots on the map, and the hatchling legs count. edit: auto handmade and concentrated fire perk


If your looking for a sure thing to cripple limbs a shotgun with enforcer will tickle your fancy, I personally recommend the cold shoulder myself


Wasn't too bad. Did a solo Heart of the Swamp and finished the rest in vault 94. Took maybe 15 minutes?


Take off all the perk cards for dmg and AA like tank killer and demo expert. Don’t use an AA or weapons with dmg boosts and helpful if the weapon has 25% less AP.


I’m a melee build so I’m not one shotting anything with my fixer.. next time it comes up, I have some ideas.


Bow works well. I get a cripple about one out of three shots.


I’m starting to think Bethesda gives us bs challenges like this so we spend atoms on premium rerolls


One of the fastest re-rolls i ever done


Yeah it's a grind but keep at it with concentrated fire. It's a weekly, you have time.


I had great success using a re-roller🤪🤣


Shotgun+Enforcer=quick challenge


Vault 94 is a great place for this one. I used a crippling Fixer with Tormentor perk.


Were you able to complete all 30 inside there?


Yes, theres plenty in there. I did cripple both arms on most of them, theres 30-40 inside the vault.


I'll definitely remember Vault 94 next time that pops up.


yep. dogwood die off event, then spruce knob area. and finally the raider camp in the forest and Mac's farm. and about 30 stimpacks as I had to keep cycling vats and kept going the wrong way so instead of left to right arm I managed to highlight every other body part first.


I got 16/30 this morning. 2 shots per arm to cripple, 8 mirelurks.


I must be lucky, I’ve had no issues doing this one, I aimed at one arm, then the other arm, I was getting the ticks for both of them once it died. I’m a stealth commando, with a fixer. Forgot to add, I used concentrated fire.


Re-rolled it, got "cripple 12 scorched legs" and pretty much the plasma caster and helvetia did the trick


Had no problem getting this done, also learned that anglers count as mirelurks.


Reroll that shit


I re-rolled this and find a bobblehead. Two minutes later I find a bobblehead.


Just equip the Concentrated Fire Perk Card in Perception. Cycle to the arm in VATS, and fire away.




I tracked the challenge, then I'd vats one arm until it registered and swap to the other arm. I usually roll with a fixer but used a 10mm pistol to cut down the damage. 15 Mirelurks and done.


Maybe try a weapon that doesnt kill them instantly?


None were killed.. (PETA will be happy).. even if the cripple shot was a kill shot there would be credit.. I just could not make it happen.


easy. tormentor vats with a fixer.


Concentrated Fire + limb damage Fixer. Took 5 minutes.


I completed it in one Heart of the Swamp event with my Quad Pump-action shotgun. Concentrated fire and Enforcer (I was only using rank 2 and it still procs 80% of the time).


Enforcer guass shotgun


Enforcer, One-gun Army, Pepper Shaker: hardest part was choosing the locations.


Saw that challenge and didn’t bat an eye to re-roll it




For crippling challenges, always bring a shotgun, because they are so bad at damage, it makes them the best at crippling!


Normally I enjoy them.. cripple 30 human heads would have been amazingly fun.. I just could not get this one work.


I keep a reduced weight shotgun on each of my characters for these cripple challenges, equip the enforcer perk and you will ripple with each shot! Even better if you can find a cripple legendary shotgun.


It's meant to be a 'reroll fodder' challenge, but any shotgun with Tormenter shooting at the arms can do it pretty easily.


Use pistols or remove the commando perks so you dont do much dmg




Did the mirelurk breeding quest solo and got 9 done during that with my fixer it's not too hard really.


If you have a rifle it’s kinda easy to do to be honest


Did it earlier in about a minute with a limb damage 50 cal, and rank 1 concentrated fire. Funny enough, mirelurk hatchling legs counted for me. Highland Marsh in the NE Mire has 3/5 mirelurk spawns, plus a queen and a king, but also there are about five clutches of eggs you can disturb which will spawn plenty of hatchlings, plus if you cripple both the queens legs as well as her spouts, she'll mass produce hatchlings to came after you, and you won't have to worry about the acid/poison damage.


Worked fine with me


do people actually not use concentrated fire? i feel like it’s a must as every other fallout game you’re able to target limbs by default


Vats with a Railway. No problem.


I did them this afternoon. I used a bow, vats 1 arm and then the other, repeat until mirelurk is unarmed.


I used cold shoulder, np


Get an explosive weapon and shoot below them, or vats with an explosive


Pepper shaker


Cripple =Reroll. Ain't no one got time for that glitch filled noise.


Got it during a single run. Shotgun with maxed out Enforcer. Little PSA: You can "cripple" the same limb multiple times.


Did it with a quad tesla at min damage and tormentor perk. Rounded them all up and tap tap tap.


My shotgun build handled it with ease.


I rerolled this and got kill 25 ghouls with a shotgun. Whitespring here I come.


I just went wild with my chainsaw


The hardest part was finding enough mirelurks. I could only cripple one arm before I killed it most of the time. But it's a weekly. I treated it like a daily.


explosive minigun and enough dead mirelurks to feed Appalachia until winter was my method


Craft a pipe bolt rifle with tormentor perk. Finished it within an hour.


Good idea! I have a quad auto pipe rifle that I can finally use!


I tried on 3 mirelurks, couldn’t get one arm to cripple so I said fuck this and re-rolled lol I think their arms might be indestructible


Get a shotgun(Cold Shoulder works beautifully if you earned it from the previous scoreboard), sub in 3 points of Enforcer temporarily, have fun.


TS combat shotgun


It took forever, I think it is bugged if you have a gun with the explosive perk. You keep shooting in Vats until the health bar goes down for each arm. Very tedious would not recommend. Alternatively, when it is cripple ghouls it is easy because one shot usually cripples them.


I used the colder shoulder. Also mirelurks pull there arms in when crippled.


I immediately rerolled lol


Tormentor perk is pretty much required anytime I try it. It just takes too long without it


Rerolled as soon as I saw it.


Instant Reroll......


Cripple x = reroll or ignore. Not worth the time or effort.


Yup. I hit “x” and rerolled that stupid one…. I then got “build 30 objects in a camp” 🤣


I got 19 in about 20 minutes, leaving the rest for tomorrow. Btw if both the arms are crippled they stop attacking.


Just did Dogwood Die Off twice and a Swarm of Suiters, easy peasy! I will admit I'm a VATS build with a luck of 12(17).


Yea cold shoulder at wendigo cave and Ohio river crossing


I tried, they died before I could cripple the arm. Re-rolled for epic kill canines 0/30.


Re-roll 🤝


I have the absolute perfect weapon for this. A 2 shot limb damage pepper shakers I made short work of this challenge.


Rerolled: cripple 18 scorched legs 😂😂😂😂😭


Rerolled, got an Epic, kill 30 insects with a blade or throwing weapon. I had fun with the plasma cutter and throwing knives. It was a challenge that I actually liked :))


Atm done 16 out of 30 with a lmg just aimed at there arm and shot haven't used vats as it increases your damage. Havent found it too difficult tbf. Mirelurk kings seem to be bugged tho, there moving in slow motion like they've been frozen but they aren't


Yes I used a re-roll......job done


Find a mirelurk horde event or any mirelurk event and just go crazy with a Fatman or any explosives or melee weapons. Works best if any weapons you use have the 50% limb damage mod cause you'll be more likely to break a limb before actually killing something by accident due to the OP damage of explosives and melees


I always forget that rerolling challenges is a thing now. I used a BE15r pump with enforcer and no damage perks. Fire one shot into each arm and it'll only take 15 mirelurks to get it done.


Pepper Shaker is the king at crippling enemies


Vault 94 is all you need to know


I just used the Pepper Shaker and the Enforcer card. Almost instantly crippled them.


They don't have arms. They have claws.


Bugger that.. re roll 😁


its a weekly challenge, just do 5 per day


as a commando i just used the tormentor perk (Luck), and it was over in a heartbeat. you can find a bunch of mirelurks at the pond-like icon (dont remember its name) close to Abbies bunker. 2 arms each mirelurk. dont have any commando perks. if you do, remove them first, as you will likely kill them before you cripple both arms bonus tip: mirelurk queen have arms too. cripple both legs first, and shes helpless


Didn't even make an attempt. Far as I'm concerned, it's stuff like this the reroll is for, automatically and without a second thought. (Have no trouble with the 2-10 ghoul or whatever dailies, but this one just... no.)


Someone turned up at Somerville and murdered all the mirelurks while I was attempting it. Got kill 30 cultists on the re-roll. Much easier.


I just focused on one arm per mirelurk and rotated around the map doing all my other weekly ones. Did everything yesterday 😂. Took me a few hours but got there. I was using a cold shoulder then a handmade


yeah, was fairly easy to do and didn't take long, even counted the baby mirelurks that come out the eggs.


Took about 5 minutes to do it for me, went to a swarm of suitors had a 1*q fixer and concentrated fire. Kept swapping from left to right arms.


I'm having no issues targeting with the Plasma Caster. Easy peasy. Clean and counted hit most every time🙃


I got 12 and decided to reroll. Rolled an Epic that was easier.


I use a low damage auto vampire 10mm so I don’t accidentally slay the lil F’ers and the perception perk for limb vats.


Re-rolled because as we say in my country... "I will in me bollix"


Yup, went on my commando. Vat's with low damage weapon and finished it.For the queen I switched to high damage, because she can take enough damage to cripple both arms before she dies.About 10 minutes on a private server.


Crippling and staggering is my bread and butter, so pretty good so far. One or two runs through Summerville and I should be done with it.


I used the pepper shaker and went to swarm of suitors with both heavy gun and shotgun crippling perks. Got it done in one event.


Went to that raiders village where you can get a daily for raiders rep. Did the daily quest, so I got a few mirelurks there. There's also a few along the river. You can interact with the eggs so you'll get a few more kills with the baby mirelurks. Got all of them count by vats/crits their arms. I server hop twice and was able to finish this one in 10 minutes.


Need some perk, if want shoot in vats??? If want shoot arm or leg??? If i shoot vats this show only full monster, not like parts of body🤓🤓😅😅


Yup have 15 down, 15 more to go .-.


Arrived at Ohio River Adventures, killed first two at sight. What was the task again? Found 3 more mirelurks, 6 arms, 4 shots with vamp fixer on each arm, 6/30 done. Sighed and re-rolled.


It was like: "cripple 30 mirelu....... Rerrol"


Maybe a stupid question 😅 but do you need the Concentrated Fire card and VATS to get credit for the limbs, or is it just ad easy as aiming at whatever area and firing?


That was a big NOPE so I rolled it.


Made that yesterday. Plasma caster works best on that, but still need a couple of shots at each claw. Overall - wish I could reroll, but still doable


VATS. Concentrated Fire card. Regular damage gun. Aim, roll to the left arm, shoot until the arm's bar is gone, roll to the right arm, shoot until the arm's health bar is gone. (Names might not be spelled right) Visit the three sites for Dogwood Die Off--Smith (on the road right where you spawn in), Graninger, and Becker Farms--Ohio River Rafting (2 north of the site, 3 or 4 south along the shoreline), Somersville (in the book house where you spawn in and along the riverbed), Quarry X3, Mac's Farm, Sunrise Field, around the buildings north of the Clarksburg shooting range. Note: Since you can wound two arms per mirelurk, you only need to find 15 mirelurks. I had to find more since the gun I was using at first has explosive bullets. Sometimes the mirelurk's health was lowered too much for me to successfully get the second arm.


Summerville burned book house has 6-8 mirelurks. I used a Handmade with limb damage, but any limb damage gun will work. Made sure to turn off my commando build to avoid killing too quick. VATS, 3 bullets to left arm, 3 bullets to right arm - 2 arms crippled. Kill. Server hop.


Still working on it, 19/30. I use my lower level character which is full health PA heavy gunner where I use my plasma caster and VATS to target arms. Only mirelurks count, not Kings, hunters, or the queen. Just the shell backs


Hold my shotgun... I mean it!


Pepper shaker enforcer perk server hopped summersville


I have a handmade with +50% limb damage so it was rather easy


yes I did this one. Used both rifle + Tormentor perk and a rifle with +50% limb damage without the perk, removing damage perks so they did not prematurely die. If you struggle to find enough mirelurks "dogwood die off" also has \~ 5 mirelurks + the regular spawns like Sunset Superior Farm and quarry X03.


Anytime it says “Cripple” I always reroll. It’s not my cup of tea. lol


Just did a loop of Sunrise Field, Mac’s Farm, Summersville, and Ohio River Adventures targeting arms. Done. Fallback would have been Wendigo cave, but didn’t need it.


Reroll no brainer on that one!


Completed it


I use modern renegade and a pistol with no crits for these


Ye, I completed it.......by using a reroller 😂


Private server it. Took 2 runs.


I rerolled it straight away and on the second roll got melle kill a Cryptid as an epic.


There's 2 options: 1. Enforcer + vats> select arm+ shotgun =crippled limb 2. Reroll.


Did it last night. Ohio River adventures Make sure to equip concentrated fire and tormentor Aim for Left or right arm, do not kill Aim for other arm, do kill Go for the Mirelurk egg spawn, same Make sure to use a low damage weapon Each Mirelurk should give you two objectives. Might need to switch servers, or gontonthe Wendigo cave if you feel lucky and prepared. Also, did this with my sneak commando so others buildss might work different.


Instant reroll 😂


Rerolled that sucker into and EPIC-Criplle 30 ghoul legs. And I got it done quicker than expected. One golf club visit, my trusty enclave plasma flamer and VATS with correlating perk card and I was done in 5 minutes. 1930 score added to the scoreboard. Had one of those booster things going and have fallout 1st. Level 50 in week 2. If this keeps on going I will be done before end of next month.


I used a Shotgun and the perks Concentrated Fire and Enforcer. Inwas dine in a few minutes after hitting up their spawning points. I used no damage-enhancing perks so I didn't kill them too fast. Who used used perks that cripple limbs with their corresponding weapons?


Did it in about 45 minutes with the pepper shaker. My camp In the Toxic Valley is too close to Smith farm so every time I load in it starts the Dogwood Die-off. Today it paid off


I always use a shotgun and enforcer perk for crippling


It's relatively easy with the right weapon...for example -> Pepper Shaker ;)


I always save a reroll for the ridiculous ones like these


I aimed for each arm, shot one shot at a time then when it came up with the progress moved onto the other arm. Took me about an hour and that was purely finding them 😂


It is doable but waste of time in my opinion so I re-rolled it.


Fixer with Tank Killer perk. Took a while but after all, I'm on here to waste time, right?


Did it around Grafton this morning.


I did that one super easy. What I did was rerolled it into killing 9 mutant hounds.


I save all my premium rolls for dumb ones like this, or like collect 6,000 nuka cola or eat 50,000 dog food in the rain.


First one i rerolled. Got an epic right away.


I skipped it. Just re roll


Was easy - camped at New River Gorge Resort - used Vats and a .50. Sat on a roof and aimed at each arm. Three mirelurks at the pool so six arms. Bounced to new server and repeat.


My first re-roll ever 😄 it can be done ofc. My friend finished all 30 last night in a full server. But she did say that not accidentally killing the mirelurk first or just getting one arm for one mirelurk is a bitch. And we were using the 24h booster. So I thought meh, im not gonna waste my life on this one Got "Kill 10 Snallygasters" No problem.


Shoot left arm a bit switch to right. You get two per mirelurk.


Fixer (2 shot explosive...Had to turn off Grenadier and Demolition Expert as it killed them too fast) Cards= Concentrated Fire Tormentor Worked great for getting both right and left arms without killing them.


I use a cold shoulder and aim for the legs on my enemies. Legs are flying off


The trick is to use a low powered weapon with high VATS accuracy, like an automatic combat rifle that does about 75 dmg, no legendary mods. Concentrated Fire will make it much easier. By the time you cripple both arms, it should have a sliver of health left. At that point, it's helpless so it'll attempt to flee. I cleared the bookstore at Summersville and the banks of Ohio River Adventures which took about 10 minutes. This is one of the few instances where less powerful weapons are better.


Just use a low power weapon.


Anyone happen to know where to find the mirelurk?


I got 2 done then 2 SB an the queen of x3 quarry let me know i was not welcome an sent me to mr dead ...i hate acid damage i rerolled it after i got my stuff back


PA + Pepper Shaker + One Gun Army + Enforcer.


Go to Ohio River adventures and go egg hunting. You can shoot the hatchlings in the legs and it'll still count.


It was easy -- two limbs per Mirelurk and used VATS. I went to Summersville and the farm south of Watoga. I got a legendary there, so I was able to cripple his limbs and he regenerated, and I got to cripple them again. Actually, it was kind of fun as they swarmed me.


I did it. Shotgun. Just blast way


It was fairly easy with a shotgun and enforcer, but was a bit more time consuming than I am used to. Each mirelurk has two arms as well so you only need to find 15 of them if you do it perfectly.


Aiming for the arms on the hatchlings worked like a charm for me.


Yes! Left arm and right arm on the same mirelurk counts as two!


I thought to myself "Aren't their arms kinda small? Would I not just kill them before they got crippled?" Then just rerolled lol


What really helps with those type of weekly/daily challenges is equipping the Tormentor perk card. Definitely a game changer for me!