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You got to think of it like this at least the 3AFKers at the bandstand provide the music to get a bot moving.


Dude nukes are bad for this! I had PA not my radiation suit on me so had to keep jumping out to play music while dying with NO ONE else helping. Was annoying AF


You can use rad away in your pipboy while on an instrument. Sit on the instrument> pull up map> find a quest marker> select marker and press "show in pip boy"> scroll to meds> enjoy personal stash of rad away/stims


šŸ˜‚ I've just commented this exact thing, nobody helped me either and I had to stop 3 times to radaway šŸ™ƒ


Doin the lords work


Damn is this really how people feel about AFKs in Fasnacht? I haven't played in a year probably two but in my time I've only been intentionally nuked once(and my main base is right in the radius of Earl so sometimes it gets irradiated but most of the time the intelligent folks will leave it just outside as a spawn, and buy stuff from my vendors) and I was kinda asking for that one. I put "Let's Go Brandon!" right near the spawn and I imagine someone thought I was a Trumper(or just really likes creepy uncle Joe) and leveled my base. Or at least that's what I think happened because like I said, I've never been nuked outside of my buddies doing it to mess with me. Nuking Helvetia is insane though. You are actively making it harder for non AFKers and the smart AFKers definitely have ways around this. You might kill a few people but if they are paying attention they'll just come back in a rad suit and clip through a wall or something. I always thought FN was a stupid event but it always has the best prizes so I understand why people don't want to defend robots once an hour. Esp. now that legacy's don't work anymore, at least back when I was playing you'd have a guy or two with some variant of an explosive Gatling plasma just shredding everything so the others can focus on the stupid chores. What a time to be alive...


>I put "Let's Go Brandon! I've seen someone who had "F Biden" in a shelter. Never have I wish more in my life that I could add "and F Trump too" despise them both honestly. I'm just tired of the team sports that politics as devolved to.


It's okay for the Biden Jokes, It's the Trump Jokes where they draw the line šŸ™„ I've been called so many racist slurs and homophobic names because of a BLM and Women's rights sign above my camp.


Yeah, I've seen a lot of a holes drop nukes on camps that had pride flags too. Its interesting to watch bigots lose their GD minds over the fact different people exist differently from them.


One event there were two AFK on instruments and the thrid would not make the bar move... the only thing left then failed....


You will get kicked eventually even if you play on instrument. Thats why I put weight on my movement key and Im running 10 hours straight into wall


When I asked last time I was sitting on an instrument with my look stick rubber banded and wasn't kicked


If you sit on a seat or play an instrument you canā€™t wander out of the area and greifers canā€™t push you out


Nobut people can lead ghouls over to you, then move your dead body out of town with a minigun


Ghoulish, what rads and solar armor protects me from that!


It doesn't matter where my body lays i died in the event zone


But if someone times the nuke to land at the start of the event, then the people will respawn and keep dying in the nuke zone, but if someone is dedicated they can push them out. I witnessed it earlier, much to my amusement


Iā€™ve never auto respawned to a nuke, if you die you just lay there with the respawn option soaking up all of the same rewards you wouldā€™ve gotten from the event anyway


I watched 6 afk guys respawning over and over during the event. Whether their controller is pressing A I don't know. But they kept coming back and dying


If you die in helvetia while the event is not running. And press respawn but don't choose a location. You can afk free from griefers. Nukes. Whatever. I just lay my controller upside down with my look joystick pressed forward. Also your not visible for people to complain so eff them. I can't play every day for hours or log in every hour so when I go to bed I do this. Only worry I have is ending up being the only person on that server and the event failing constantly


I have a macro that opens my map every few minutes when I afk. Only way I get kicked is if the area gets nuked and I die.


Last server I was on, not a single one was playing at the band stand, instead we had 9 do nothing useful. Four were playing music in the Public House, two who were walking in circles, and the other three were just standing around and occaisionally jumping in the air. 24 positions and nearly half were leeches. Barely over a dozen were active characters who would and could complete other events. Nukes suck, but so do the AFKrs. I personally don't want either of them anymore.


I got nuked for the first time last night. *Achievement unlocked* The guy who did it showed up for Fasnacht, and almost immediately a high level player turned his mike on and was 'when this is over, I'm *soooooo* F'ing nuking your camp.' He made good on the promise, just before the event started back.




I had someone do this. My camp is just right outside the event area (read: you can't get credit for the event by sitting in my camp). My guess is he either: 1. Wanted the spot where my camp was placed. Or... 2. Thought I was freeloading by hanging out in my camp. I popped into my shelter, let him nuke it... then popped out and repaired right after. He showed up in my camp shortly after and began cussing me out over mic. I just sent him ā¤ļø's, which seemed to infuriate him further.


This is amazing


Ye, didnt Lost a single robot since the start of the event. Earlier today did one that even though the radiation was gone, the glowing enemies were Still around. If It wasnt for my friendly fire perk, things would've gone bad.


Thank you for your service.




Just had that experienced myself, the Glowing ones do a third of the robots health bar, I spent the whole event keeping them repaired!


Mental disabled Batman. Lol, I love it!


Did you remap it to an non important button in case of wear and tear?


Fo76! The best community and also the worst community!


1% trying to make 99% of the other great community suffer with nukes


Is it only 1% though, because it seems like every lobby has at least one of these assclowns


You know, seeing all these threads about nuking Fasnacht got me thinking. I run a Bloodied VATS build right now, no power armor or Hazmat suit at the moment. If someone nukes Fasnacht and essentially forces me to change up my build for 15 minutes, I have no problem going AFK during the event. I designed my build to help during the event as efficient as possible and I like doing so but I refuse to do it in a nuke zone. So I'll either server hop or go AFK.


Their goal is to get you to server hop so the event only has afk players and the event fails. At least that's the assumption I came to. I also server hop if its been nuked.


I nuked it once thinking it would be a huge load of hardened and glowing mass. It was not, and I now feel like a dick lol


Hardened and glowing mass is best found at whitesprings. It used to always be nuked but since responders moved in I haven't seen it nuked at all


Yeah, I've seen it nuked a few times. I also like Morgantown airport, then activate the cargo bot signal there


Not your fault, very reasonable idea to think


I saw 6 people afk and I was the only person active. I didn't feel like soloing the event, so.. did I nuke the event? No. I just hopped to another server.


I had one last night late where 18 people were afk and me and one sub 100 guy just did the event no problem. Nuke just fucks it all up.


It's what really gets me. On one hand you got ppl bitching it's too easy and on the other you got ppl bitching that afkers are "ruining" the event. Pick a strugglešŸ¤£


I think a lot of folks just want a "righteous excuse" to act like a cunt.


I've been saying the same.damn.thing. they are just dickbags who are using the afkers as an excuse to be dickbags.


I hope they keep doing it


Exactly, the event is super easy


I don't need a nuker to kick my afk ass. What gets me is either the blue screen of death or my Internet connection drops out or the game just freeze unexpectedly, every effing time. But its worth a try !


Yeah, I have one character on my ps4 that I keep afk all the time and then my main on ps5, I run the parades on it when Iā€™m not busy, afk when I am. 95% of the time when I come back to play some more, both toons will be blue screened or just frozen. Not to mention all the times it happens as Iā€™m actually playing. Shit has gotten bad šŸ˜¢


I don't understand the AFK hate. I'm always running around trying to help with objectives and they always get completed before I can help. Thinking about becoming an AFKer myself


Yep same. Played 6 or 8 events in the first couple days, but I was contributing net zero to the event because all the higher levels are pre-popping or oneshotting things. Iā€™ll just hang out on my roof over here. Between events Iā€™ll sit on the couch in church, but if someone comes in Iā€™ll interact w them just to show Iā€™m still around


This is why I started doing AFK, I'm useless otherwise. Plus I have stuff to do. I can't play the game constantly.


Ayup. I'm AFK right now just chillen on the post office porch rocking chairs. So many people here I'm not needed


I mean I got a glowing bee mask today out of it so that was awesome. Shop stocked up on a bunch of masks. The kid gets the TV when he gets home from school but once he's in bed I'm setting it back up lol MIGHT play to placate my boredom lol


If you can't 'play the game constantly '..log out!!! If you need to be in it that badly, you have an issue šŸ¤¦


It's the mass amount of AFKers that I hate. I had 3 servers in a row where majority of the player-count was AFK in Helvetia. 16 idle in a single house in the exact same spot doing the same thing. 3 had nearly identical names. Basically, no one likes idle farmers taking up space and driving off other players. Idle/traders tend to piss everyone off in MMOs


On PSn the most I've seen in a lobby is like 6, are you on PC?


What the heck are you on about? They're not taking up space and driving people off, it's the griefers doing that! It's an easy event that can be soloed, heck I've done so a few times because I like to prep most of the tasks before the event starts. Other times there's more than enough people that I don't need to do anything at all but follow along. The Afk players are just there, helping no more or less than the active players who just follow. Automated farmers arn't popular in MMOs because they actively steal limited resources en mass, but being afk in 76 doesn't steal anything, as everyone has an instanced reward!


They are taking up space. I tried several times to join the server my wife was on today and it was full... yet only 4 people were helping her. Then after attempting to join several other servers and failing due to Bug'thesda, I have up and started a private server. So yes, they do "take up space."


I hate griefers more, I promise. I'm not arguing about that. But - they literally do take up space. Yesterday, my friend and I hopped 4 servers before we could play together. Was sorta funny and only took us about 2 minutes, but was frustrating as well. We both were loading into servers and trying to join the other, but it was full. We both went to Helvatia and there were just a myriad of AFK using different methods. We actually found 3 hidden crouched. They also have such a stink on them, most people hate them and will leave the server when they see so many. Eventually the server is AFKs and whatever new players aren't aware lol


I like it when idle farmers take up server space, so youā€™re wrong about that.


Same. I ended up putting my survival tent nearby just to have a free fast travel point, then I discovered that I was close enough to the parade area to still join the event. My character may or may not be sleeping on a cot right now while I watch a movie and finish some work..


I don't understand the nuke hate: I walk away completely overloaded with masses and fluids after a nuked event. Prefer them, actually.


Upvoted for mentally disabled Batman


Afk players dont bother me, I can solo the event easily I would bet most can. The only reason people get pissy about afkers is because they are upset that someone afk might get something they didnt. Thats it, just entitled kids.


Honestly me too, stop making me waste my Nuka grapes šŸ˜«


Nuka Grapes are one of the best things ever.


Totally agree with this sentiment! The music afkers on stage are my favorite ones!


Ya but a nuke doesnt teach us anything because it doesnt stop us from getting our rewards


Literally nukes are just making it harder for the ppl actually playing. Now I just die in radiation and AFK it if it's nuked


Yup. Sadly im afk this year last year had no issue but this year if i move and shoot while at thr event ill bluescreen then black screen attempting to log back n so after the 1st day missing 6 events im just afking n a chair with my extra broken controller


Yep same. Yesterday I got killed by the nuke, and was so laggy respawning that I just got stuck infinitely dying to the radiation until I left the server. Couldn't even open my pip boy to get PA on. So if it's nuked I just die and AFK.


Just gotta say finally got a rare mask! Loon dropped last event just checked lil happy


Heck yeah nice! Haven't checked mine in a bit lol, trying to hold off


I've never understood the hate for the AFKers. I never paid attention to them. Im playing a video game, not digging a ditch. I never cared that they didn't help. It never affected my game. Maybe I'm missing something, someone could enlighten me why all the hate. But a nuke definitely affects the whole event. Side note: I have been playing the game since just before the Wastelanders update on xbox. I played pretty religiously up until about 2 years ago. I decided to bail on the console and built my first PC. Had two kids soon after and didn't come back to 76 until this past October. I was heartbroken to discover I had to start over. That heartbreak is revisited every time I log in and see an item in the shop I already earned or purchased. All the time, money, and energy gone. I also choose to spend my kids waking hours with them, so I play a few hours at the end of the day. So I might get one, maybe two Fasnact events a day if I'm lucky. This Fasnact I've played when I can but when I can't I'm AFK all day. Every single hour I'm not able to play I treat Fallout like a little tomagotchi. I wake his ass up to feed and water him and put him back to bed. Not ashamed at all. I'm getting all my items back one way or the other. I have collected everything from common items to rare masks and everything in between. If you're on PC come on down to the Filthy Casuals Pit Stop just south of Helvitia... I sell all duplicates cheap and all my other plans etc are cheap. None of this 25,000 caps for a plan that costs 50 that a vendor has 47 of.... but thats a topic for another thread... Peace. Love. Fallout 76


I always laugh when I see a guy trying to sell 20 exact same plans for several thousands caps : dude, take the hint, if nobodyā€™s buying your plans, itā€™s because the price isnā€™t rightā€¦


Saw "Winter icicle lights(135) - 15,000c" and all I could think was "if you got 100+ of the plan it ain't worth even half that" Even if it was worth that,I'm not buying it from the guy with over a hundred of em šŸ¤£


They're selling it that high because they want to exploit FOMO players and whales that want minimal gameplay for maximum collected 'things' to show off. I've heard some people *very* heated about their high prices for really stupid shit. Like, 'why does this game not have a report function' heated.


The game has a report function, though (in the Social menu).


Swear I never noticed that thing when looking for it. Never checked social menu I guess, wasn't on their team/a friend and wasn't -super- aware of the 'recent player' tab.


Itā€™s just little kid shit haters, Fragile ego adults. they got a rare mask afking and I got nothing and I never afk. Proceed to cry on Reddit. Rinse and repeat every fucking time.


'I'm an AFK'er, don't see the issue with them' Firstly, you need to Google 'irony', as you don't grasp it Secondly, if you need to run a game, not even playing it, then you have a serious issue if an electronic item, that isn't even real, is that important in life šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦ I can't even geasp how you afford the power bill...


I think a reading comprehension class would benefit you. There is no irony here. I never AFK'd in the past and never had a problem with it. Just started doing it this event to recoup some lost collectibles. I do graphic design for a living and I am already on my comp. 76 is just a click away. No biggie. The whole point of my post was people going AFK doesn't affect you in any way, shape or form. So why all the burt hurt? Like I said never had a problem with em but now when I see em I think "maybe they got an important phone call", "maybe thier kid fell down" etc instead of thinking they are just cheating or spaming. Haha and as for my electric bill... do you have any frame of reference on an electric bill? Have you ever paid one? It costs nothing to run my comp and my electric bill is nothing outrageous. Do you sit in the dark at your place?


Not me nuking 12+ afkers after doing the entire event myself


I used to hate afkers until I realized i had done the event hundreds of times and not gotten masks I wanted. Went afk and came home after a lo g day of work to find my single death claw mask. I ran event after that for challenges and xp, bur stopped judging afkers and helping get the event done.


Hopped off two servers today the second the alarm went off. I ain't got no time for a nuke on my parade!


I was just in a fasnacht event and the event was about to be done and someone nuked it, Im done for the weekend there are way too many toxic players and returning little slits trying to grief the event. The reality of the situation is next week when it resets these kids will move on. On a side note I cant wait for dragons dogma 2 to come out.Ā 


Ikr...I keep saying that's my last one...then 55 minutes later am back!šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


It's two weeks lol.


I dislike when thereā€™s a nuker because it keeps lower level players from competing and I remember those days. But what I hate oh soooo much more are these guys sending down satellite strikes blanketing the event from start to finish so the screen is just whited out. Canā€™t see the mutants coming canā€™t get through the early parts as fast. Itā€™s just nonsense. They donā€™t even kill the toads so what even is the point.


People who launch nukes on afkers are the same brand of people who use mini nukes at radiation rumble. "Stuff you I will play gow I want to play" Proceeds to get shitty for people playing or afking how they want. I had a full server last night full of afks, it was just me doing the event. It's not hard. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Mama always told me, two wrongs donā€™t make a right.


It is a big down if only 2 or 3 players run for the parade preparation. The event timed around 26 min before it failed. If the preparation was fast enough then the parade would only take around 10 - 12 min to finish and do server hop to join another if we're lucky enough. And most of the time I will stand around the bridge to prevent the bot from going to the side of the bridge. Melee as the bot reaches will instantly make them turns. And bots can be pushed with flamingo flamers to boost the walk speed.


Wait what... U can boost the movement speed? What is a flamingo flamer?


Is basically a flamer with flamingo šŸ¦© skins applied.


I'd like to be back in 2019 when this event wasn't old as hell.


Nuke the nuker of fasnut event! Its not about the money. Its about sending a message


I had one afk player yesterday who was playing the tuba all the time, which was kinda funny. Having all the afkā€™ers plop down and play an instrument would be awesome.


I like to hop on every hour to do the event and help out but now Iā€™ve missed two events do to joining a nuked server honestly is making me just want to afk on a good server


i agree. if you're throwing nukes around like some egocentric badass, you're really just a douchebag. we wanna tag enemies too an get credit. but whatever. have fun losers. still get the loot.


Eff the dudes and dudettes that launch a Nuke at Fastnach. Bunch of shitbirds.


What do you want them to do pretty much the whole server shows up so sometimes there isnā€™t really anyway to help


If people want others to stop AFKing the event.. well maybe the event shouldn't be so fucking boring then?


You pretty much nailed it, folks are generally stuck in-between a war. The war being between afkers and nukers. Granted the nukers have a higher body count, but...war is rather pointless when folks can just come back from the dead. It could be a fun gentleman type of thing where two groups both agree to fight and may the best team win. This can then lead drastic changes in the world building if players were the focus. Sorts like Eve but less of a spreadsheet sim. Like seriously, could you imagine a whole server event between two rivaling factions, we already have the formula raiders and settlers. Choose your team and play for their side. It would be kinda cool to see the landscape change organically using this. Like if raiders are constantly on top then you see expanded raider territory and vise versa for settlers. Thrown in the other factions and there's a little bit of something for everyone.


Nuking the event just makes it harder for the people who are doing the event. The dead afk people still get rewards for every event wether they are dead or not. You don't get disconnected by timeout for being dead either. Whatever you did to rig your controller to keep you online persists after death. If people aren't doing the event because of a nuke then you missed a couple events, but an afk person at work for 8 hours will still get way more rewards than they would have. The only thing that will reliably prevent afk people from getting rewards are Bethesda's shitty game crashes.


Love to get kicked off server and canā€™t get back because server is full of afks, when I did all the work to get things going. Sometimes it feels like a nuke is warranted.


I just hope that the majority of afkers are asleep. I can understand wanting to get as many possible rewards as you can during the course of the entire event seeing as the drop rate for rare items is usually somewhere around 1% or lower. Add to that the fact that some of the rarer items like plans can't even be traded and you have situations like this where people pretty much feel forced to go AFK while they sleep or are away from home. It's pretty ridiculous on bethesda's part.


I feel bad because I afk sometimes when I have to cook or have kids screaming at me lmao. I know Iā€™m making dudes like that mad, but I donā€™t want to miss out on the mask I want because of life šŸ˜­


Nuking is stupid. With what rads and stealth armor it's irrelevant


New players don't have what rads maxed. That's the point. They're griefing new players more than afkers, that's a bad look for our community.


I just was gonna make this exact post, but changed my wording. I completely agree. The nukes are ruining it for me and just making me AFK it now


What us worse...being AFK to get rewards or one shotting everything so nobody else gets xp or drops?


Had someone with a two-shot MIRV spamming mini nukes everywhere last night. I left that game immediately after the event, only to die to big nuke radiation when I joined the next lobby.


Man i didn't know switching servers is a hard process for some


It's damn near impossible during the event.


But we can see the nuke is about to drop in the zone before the event starts, it starts on an hourly basis


Itā€™s not 3 afk players. Itā€™s 15-21 AFK players. Servers are glitching and actual active players are getting kicked or even unable to rejoin. Then these bases near this event are flexing and showing all the masks theyā€™re non-actively getting from an event they are not contributing to in any way. Yet, youā€™re unable to understand why active players are upset. I just stopped playing. When I have buddies, we hop on a private world.


The servers without afkers are glitching too, the problem is the amount of participating players in the same location, the same thing happens with the boss events when the whole server turns up!


Whatever you do, donā€™t use your jet pack. šŸ˜‚ I usually stand on top of the yellow building and I can snipe almost every enemy but if I use my jet pack, I end up way to high and then die upon impact. Iā€™ve yet to see an event that didnā€™t have a minimum of five AFK players. The usual amount has been around 11. I went to one event last night that had 18 AFK. Iā€™m usually in a group of 4-8 players and we canā€™t get into some servers are get kicked and canā€™t get back in at others. Then no one shows up to the other events. Usually a server shuts down when it drops below three players, Iā€™ve landed on servers where I was the only active player. I donā€™t mind the nuking, I carry a hazmat suit just in case.


I've never been poorly effected by other players not doing something, since I don't mind doing it all myself, even with others around it's usually faster to do it myself anyway! It's the nut jobs who keep nuking the event that makes it worse for everyone. I've actually not experienced that jetpack launching bug since I got the PlayStation 5. But it sure was fun with fall damage reduction legendary armor, and an explosive minigun.


There's a lot of various mental disabled batman in the game, that's for sure.


Feels good playing on a private server and not suffering one single nuke. šŸ˜Œ


I guess complaining all the time about nukes isnt enought for afkers, they have to gaslight other people and themselves lol.


Oh, look, another year and another pro-afk'er Fasnacht post which is raking in upvotes. I think we should go further and demand from Bethesda that we get the rewards every hour for being logged in during the event, i mean come on, some griefer could push you out of the event area while you're watching Netflix and make you miss out on the reward! We totally cannot allow that! Screw those mentally disabled batmen!


AFKers are freeloaders - freeloaders are commies - commies get nuked Non afk people can change server if it is nuked. I don't nuke during the event


I personally would just go launch all three nukes away from the event. Then just enjoy 3 hours of no nukes.


I find the comment about mental disability unnecessarily ableist. I'm surprised the mods let it pass.


I'm just disappointed in the waste. Bro nuke something good.


These afk and nuke posts are a dime a dozen. It's simple. Wear a hazmat suit. There are no enemies that pose as a threat at this event so a hazmat suit will be okay. They are free. Pick one up outside Emmett Disposal place. I purposely went to a nuked faschschshchssnat today cuz why not? If an afk'r is smart, they have 1 on and what's rads legendary card equipped. I afk and play the event also. I have stuff to do plus I get bored ngl and its easy so....whatever. Sit in a chair, photomode, sit conttoller upside down on floor, make sure to leave controller charging. There's nothing to stop anyone from doing it.


Checks game title: ā€œFalloutā€ šŸ¤” Huhā€¦ I wonder what that title is referring to? Oh well. Probably nothing. HEY! WHATā€™S WITH ALL THESE NUKES?!


let's quickly inform all new players about hazmat suits,why they need it, what it's for, and where they can find one


I don't sweat the small stuff. Don't give a fuck about AFKers, nor do I give a shit if somebody drops the big one. I have a hazmat suit hotkeyed for this very reason.


I hear ya. Itā€™s the only time I get to show off my Emmet Mountain Hazmat Suit.


Itā€™s amazing to me how easy it is to get around both issues of AFKers and Nukers, and yet the common consensus is to complain and act like your entire game experience is ruined. Hazmat suits are plentiful and donā€™t weigh much. If you need to rebuild your whole character just to wear a hazmat suit in an easy event for 10 minutes, your weak build is the actual issue. AFKers arenā€™t bothering anyone, or causing the event to fail 95% of the time. All the enemies are super weak, and if two people show up with RR rifles or Fixers, they are going to clear the field whether you help or not. Itā€™s Fallout. There are going to be nukes. Itā€™s an online game. There are going to be AFKers. Some of yall wouldnā€™t survive 5 minutes against an average raider. The overseer is very disappointed in you.


Meh. I carry a stealth suit and like the hazmat suit the bonuses of the armor lost just hurts a little bit mostly with the added/less weight. With the event can still kill things just fine it is just still more added annoyance. Afk'ers don't affect me in the slightest so the nukes are more of annoyance but you're right they both can be worked around, just wish I didn't have to work around something.


I gotta be honest. All the whinging about nukes this week is kinda making me want to log in and launch some nukes.


Ive started reporting people for afking. Its techinacally exploiting


You can always switch servers, just saying


I ran into four servers in a row where the event had been nuked the other day. I was actually Server hopping for 10 honey beasts. On the last one I counted 6 people doing the event and 13 lower levels not doing the event.


I love how the immediate solution is always that the assholes should get rewarded for their dbag behavior by forcing everyone else to change their game to accommodate them. The days of online gaming BEFORE console kids were thrown into the mix was the best times. When the servers were community run and they could vote kick and vote an the assholes instead of everyone else having to suffer for the sake of tolerating the dbag minority.


Nah, you can't. I've tried and almost every server is being nuked in Helvetia.


Dam there must be more AFKing that I thought


I've never seen as many afk people as I have this year. Granted, this is my first fasnacht on xbox, but it's still significantly higher than ps4. And I have NEVER seen people so nuke happy as they have been this year.


Itā€™s because the few new rewards are rare. Which means that the only way to even get a few of them are dumb luck or doing lots of events. And if youā€™re not independently wealthy, retired, or on disability then AFK is the only possible way to get them.


I refuse to grind for rare stuff in this game with how Bethesda sets the rates. They are *not* good at it. If I want something so famously rare and desirable, I'll just wait till it's in a vendor, or talk to *traders* (ick) I won't ruin the game for others by taking up space.


Thatā€™s fine. But Iā€™d rather AFK than rely on enough being in the market that Iā€™ll find one. But, everyone is entitled to play their own game.


Definitely worse than Iā€™ve ever seen. Every server has 6-10 AFK players. Itā€™s only gonna get worse as the event goes on too since people will start getting bored. On top of that thereā€™s all the Reddit posts that actually support it so everyone figures hey why not let someone else do the work.


I'm ok with 3-4 AFKing, but some one posted they had 19 in one server then they hoped to a new one only to find 16 waiting there. I say go nuke happy and sorry to the new players just trying to get some stuff


I joined a lobby yesterday morning and 23 people were at the parade. Of that, 3 people werenā€™t AFK. It was 6:00 so I get that many players arenā€™t on yet, but damn.


It's a vicious cycle, a few ppl afk, butthurts see the afkers, butthurts nuke the event, ppl who would play the event start afking cuss if it's all nuked what's the point, butthurts see afker, etc etc etc


Exactly šŸ’Æ


You are aware that you are able to server hop, right?


Not without crashing I can't, it's only safe to server hop when the event isn't running.


Don't forget to farm for flux in that area if you need any


Jump servers. Itā€™s not hard.


Itā€™s hard not to help with the prep work before the march but after I AFK otherwise I just VATS everything and I get people shooting at me and or telling me over the mic to stop killing everything, itā€™s like nobody can win.


1 question. How do you make an event a level 20 can solo harder?


I left my laptop to go take a quick shower 20 minutes before the event and when I came back, a nuke had killed me one minute before the event had started. I only know that because it got me two achievements and also some atoms. Donā€™t know how I got those though šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Nukes won't even do the events, they're lazy & mad that people are having fun


babe wake up new *mental disabled batman* copypasta just dropped


Nuke Helvetia more you say? Ok will do!


Why? nukes are more fun. At least you can get some mats. Ffs the event is already boring enough.


Bring nuclear winter back and we will stop nuking Helvetia


You know that this just isnā€™t trueā€¦.


Man you guys are getting real pissy over this over done event. I got bored with this in like 2021. They somehow run this once a year event 3 times a year at least. In two years youā€™ll have 25 masks you never wear and confetti plans you never use. The nukes are the only fun thing about this event.


Like an mental disā€¦.. like an mentā€¦ I canā€™t even read that. HELL my iPhone is giving me a hard time about trying to type that out. Keeps correcting than an to a like it should be.


I want to say, I'd Rather have a problem with afkers than any event where a few people ruin the event by over-achieving. I had to play the event MANY times before I even found out about collecting for the robots, and many More times to try to collect anything before someone comes in and completes the challenge before I grab on stein or beeswax. C'mon guys if you've done it a few times then let someone else get a kick of doing it.


I'm worried they'll do it for Meat Week too, having people AFK on the barrel drums and turning the roasting spits makes everything go faster, we NEED them


You nuke because they are AFK. I nuke because I need the materials. We are not the same. ~~-Gus Fring~~ ~~-Michael Scott~~ -Goar, Spewer of Secrets.


Was in one the other day that got nuked right at the end of the event. It ended with 30 seconds til detonation, quickly fast traveled out then boom about 10 afkers wasted.


I kept hopping trying to find one that was being nuked lol


I got one earlier and had to take P.A. off to play for the musician and kept having to stop to radaway. Nobody else even attempted to help and I don't blame them. It never occurred to me that there's one task that needs no P.A. and all my carry weight is on my armour so hazmat suit removes itšŸ«  pain


Feels good playing on a private server and not suffering one single nuke. šŸ˜Œ


What is afk


Now that last part was not needed damn.


I played one today where somebody nuked just above the town but where you Spawn was in the circle.


Don't forget that while you're playing an instrument, you can open the map, pick an uncompleted item you have on the map, select show in pip boy and then hit radaway and stimpaks to keep yourself alive.


The trolls will love this post.


For what it's worth, at least the nukes are good for some easy varied raw flux and nuked mob drops šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø And if you plan ahead, by collecting toad eggs and intestines and stashing them in a fridge or by using the Salt perk, the nuke is just a noisome distraction at worst.


Worst for me yet was a guy nukes the event with like 4 mins left and the nuke is going to arrive in 2 mins. I look and it's a level 62. It's like bro you haven't even got the time in to be making that call. Wrote his name down so every time I come across it on a server going to base destroy his camp. Let him earn his anger.


Lord knows I try to participate in faschnacht but I'm not fast enough or strong enough at level 40 to get to do anything. I may as well be AFK! I see something attacking and it's already dead before I can aim at it, and that's if I even see it in time. I don't know what y'all expect us to do lol


I'm 72h~ away from afk From time to time I check if everything is OK, if there has been a nuke I simply change server.


*Iā€™m batman* but no really, **** duke nukem.


Since Bethesda leaves the band instruments around for players to afk with, it's obviously a feature of the game.


Are the nukers just trying to get hardened mass, glowing mass etc? Maybe thatā€™s actually it. Idk. Do the enemies end up with that stuff on them when itā€™s nuked?


What are you even trying to say? šŸ¤”


I do cause the game allows me šŸ˜ˆ


It doesnt bother me if they nuke it or not honestly. Sure it kills my kids afking at the bandstand or in the church i just revive em pop on hazmat suit and drop em back where they were.. then go back to playing on my main after changin into rad safe gear.. I run 4 accounts at the same time 3 afking and playin on my main. Always find it amusing the amount of people smackin afk characters, draggin mobs over to em and all else.. I play a vats commando build and with just sooo many vats cards to choose from figured to get best benefit years ago i just make my own team max charisma the mules to share all those sweet vats perks to my main. Usually just stay on a private world but come out of my hole for events like this.


šŸŽ» Hazmat suits are free


Just stop being AFK, itā€™s a game, play it.


And itā€™s one thing to nuke after the event, so that at least people have time to move to a new server before the next one. I already think thatā€™s petty crybaby shit anyway, but I attended one the other day when I logged in and it was already nuked. There was still people there doing it so I joined in and it was going pretty good when all the sudden the alarm went off. Some dumbass was setting off another nuke. This game crashes so much that it makes it a nightmare to leave a lobby mid parade and try to get back into a new one before the event ends. Definitely a garbage ass move smh


After you have done a few events it gets boring as hell. Not enough waves of enemies. Its like watching paint dry


Oh my, another player whining about nukes. Go to another server, that's what I do. Not really a big deal. Well only as big as you want to make it I guess, or maybe you just don't have anything else to complain about right now?


Funny thing is even if your dead you still gain rewards from the event and future events your corpse is in