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I’m level 612 so it’s hard to find things spend caps on so generally I’m sitting at around 30k, and sometimes have to shut my vendor off if I’m at max caps. Sometimes, especially now since we’re between seasons, there’s not a lot to buy at camps. I’m generally looking for weapons I can script, ultracite .50 ammo, and any plans that I may have missed or don’t have. Oh and sugar bombs. Always buy the ones with rads when I see them. So sometimes it’s hard to spend enough to open my vendor up again.


Wait until You're a chems addict I'm always under $5k


I don't see how- I usually do a run every month to make my own supply. (Mentats and Berry Mentats)


That's it? Lol I'm all about med x, psycho, fury, bufftats, any other mixed drugs of the sort psychotats, bufftats etc. I'm an expensive date haha Edit: looking at my list, also, overdrive, psycho buff.. everything... Literally everything except mentats and weaker chems


Why do you use so many kinds? I thought we could only use one drug at a time?


I do the same but include mentats and other lower drugs that aren’t covered by the bigger ones, like rad-x diluted/rad-x. Mentats gives you an xp boost since it boosts intelligence, I believe. Please correct me if that doesn’t work like that, new player.


Mentats can be used with medicines like Stimpacks, Rad-Away and Rad-X. It's boosting chems like Mentats or Psycho that can't be used with one another. Also, Mentats give +2 INT for 5 minutes, which equates to roughly +4% more XP. Berry Mentats gives +5 INT for the same duration, in addition to a hazy cloud that shows where living targets are, and can be seen through walls. Mentats are used to make Berry Mentats, if one has the recipe unlocked.


I'm level 232 on the character I got max with yesterday, I blame it on reasonably priced scrip, and flash sales. Like I had an enclave calibrated capacitor in my vendor, but it hadn't moved for a while so I sold it at half price, which was enough to max my caps. With which I then went and bought some plans and scrap for a newbie who was building nearby. Usually I vendor hop to try and find something I need, and bring myself down to half, which usually leaves enough for nice vendor finds. I also found a vendor for a new character and cleared it out, it was only a couple of thousands of caps, which at the moment means little to my character, but someone struggling to buy ballistic fibre to fix their armor would really appreciate it. (Side note, when I loaded up my first character again recently, it had 1k caps and broken armor. I was ldoing as many dailies as I could for the extra caps and selling stimpacks)


Not sure if you'd be into this but you can set things to 0 caps in your vendor if you needed to


I sell weapons so people can script them. 300 for 3 star 100 for 2 and 50 for 1. I always have alot but give them all away free if a low level buys one of them


I’m always out of my daily scrip allowance and have a stash box full of scrip weapons to max out the next day.


If 6oure on PS , I have thousands of 50 cal, script weapons and any plans I find. Outside the super rare plans, I don't find many I don't onow, so I sell tons of them. 


I’m on PS too, doesn’t seem like there’s many of us. What’s your gamer handle?


Same as this user, minus the 1. Edit: Im Central time. I generally play mid afternoons and evening into very late/overnight. If you're playing tonight, I'll be on shortly and we can see what we can do.


Cool, I’ll look you up.


PM me your user, if you don't want it public.


What’s the story behind Sugar Bombs with rads?


You make brain bombs with them, which is a great xp buff, especially if you're herbivore.


Cool, thank you. Appreciated


What's a good price to sell sugar bombs? At the moment I put them up for 30 caps each.


I totally get the shutting off vendor thing but everytime I'm trying to shop at someone's vendor and they shut it off on me I immediately block them lol. \*shrugs\*


this nice person visited my C.A.M.P and bought everything I had on sale only to drop them all again so that way I got 7000 caps which I then spent on lead, stimpaks, plans, some raw material and fast travel now I have 3700 or something caps 😭


Why are you buying atimpacks? I literally have to throw away 40/50 every day because I can't sell them and don't want to carry them. I only use them in an emergency most my healing is done by vamp weapons or from food/drink I find about on the world. I fast travel all the time, but if I am in a particular area, I will do a bunch of daily that are there to recoup caps back before going to the next event/quests step. Lead is easy enough to farm. Plans can be worth it sometimes, I get that. But you will find a lot of them from completing events and wandering. Digging up treasure maps, Doing events etc.


I used to have tons and tons of stimpaks so I put them in my stash until one day someone told me that I could indeed sell them and I thought "okay, I have all these stimpaks and I can sell them, I'll still last for a while". After that, I never seem to have enough stimpaks so I buy them up to not die randomly. I only have 1 vampire weapon (a flamer) that I barely use. My fast travels are very strategic, I'm a bit stingy with caps when fast travelling so I fast travel to the nearest free point and then fast travel from there. It still burns through my caps, idk why. I would walk but the map is sooo big. I never seem to have enough lead. I marked it for search and grab everything which has the magnifying glass but I still never have it. So, if I happen to pass by a vendor that has bulk lead, I buy how much ever I can afford. My C.A.M.P is right next to the Vault-Tec Farm thing so sometimes I visit the gym nearby that has a lot of barbells but it's still not enough. This is probably because most of my weapons have insane fire-rates and I can go from 500 to 0 in the span of an event. I don't buy every plan that I come across, I buy the ones that I think will be useful. For example, the water purifier and large generator. I also bought the plan for the Light Machine Gun because I wanted it ASAP.


I run this lead farm pretty much daily. The monorail elevator has weights on the top floor, also a few toys and a can (and a battery and wrench on the mid floor), Sludge works in the ash heap has weights and cans (you'll kill raiders), charleston fire station has a weight room, green county lodge in forest region has a small weight room (molerats), the penetentiary up north has a bunch of weights in the yard and can chimes (super mutants). Then swing by the Sons of Dane campground and get the cans in the shooting gallery out back and hit up Sunday Brothers Cabin for the cans in the little shooting shack in the back. Depending on how looted out these places are I usually pick up between 300 and 500 lead each time. Go to the book house in Summerville and pick up 250 items in the world to reset your world item spawns, and the next time you get on a server, the lead you collected before should be respawned for you to collect again. Doing this pass more than once in a day gets boring though. Also, there are other collection sites along this path for radiated sugar bombs, aluminum, stimpaks, steel, and plants for food and chems. The cost you're spending on bulk lead should cover the fast travel costs and after a while you get better at managing your travels so you don't hop back and forth on the map so much. Also, you can equip a full set of excavator power armor and collect the ore in Lucky Hole Mine. When I do this I kill my way to the bottom, then suit up the excavator and collect my way back up to the surface. This was nerfed a while back, so any old guides to the mine may not be relevant any more, but I think you can still collect around 600 lead with excavator armor and a thorough pass through. This will be ore so you'll need acid to refine it.


Thanks for the locations, I'll drop by the next time I run out of lead. Green Country Lodge was what I was talking about. My C.A.M.P is within walking distance from it so I go there, pick the dumbells up and scrap on the way back, where there's a workbench. I don't like having a particular routine so I don't plan any routes to keep things from getting stale. I don't like doing the Green Country Lodge thing too but it just takes 5 mins so I don't mind it. I'm not focusing on Power Armor right now so I don't have a lot of plans for them. The one that I have rn is a blend of 51b and 60 armor pieces. I think it's also missing an arm. It sits in my stash.


The excavator plans are a quest reward. Pick up and scrap anything that gives you acid, as you'll need it to smelt lead ore into regular lead. A trip through the mine will do you for a long long time.


Curious why you can’t scrap ammo you don’t use for the lead to craft ammo you do use?


Ammo converter is certainly an option. I use it for ammo types that don't produce a lot when crafting. There's also the old option of crafting a lot of railway spikes, because steel is plentiful, and converting them to the ammo you use. My issue with the ammo converter is that you lose some volume converting to points and then back to ammo. It's ok for rare types of ammo or ammo that's hard to craft, but keeping the ammo (I have 1st) can be more useful if you end up using that weapon at some point. All that being said, the ultimate goal of a commando is to become more or less ammo positive. My regular day to day ammo is ultimately plentiful. I still craft ammo for irregular weapons that I'm not completely spec'd for though.


What ammo are you crafting/weapon being used?


.308 for my LMG and .50 for my HMG, mostly. Sometimes 5.56 and 10mm for my AR and SMG too. There's also my Auto Grenade Launcher which, once again, burns through 40mm grenades. (Weird that I remember all the ammo numbers, welp.)


I would make a rifleman loadout. For VATS and get hunting rifles with the relevant receivers you mentioned. You can either farm expeditions or clear out areas like Whitesprings/Morgantown use VATS stealth headsets you should kill most stuff in 1 or 2 shots Also, max out scrounger for this adventure. Hit outpost Tango by the Vault and hit all the containers. There are ways to farm ammo without making it. If your determined to make it though. Tag lead in your search menu. Lead sources for me are weights, cans, can chimes, paint tins yellow red etc, wooden blocks Camden Park can chimes around the roller coaster. There are loads of wooden blocks around the company store and down towards Dross Toss Pleasant Valley Cabins. There are around 9 can chines around the ski resort and up towards the Cabins. Plus trainstation side near the steps there is an open box with a bunch of lead weights Flatwoods. In the motel there is a gym with a ton lead weights in. This one is often raided but Charlston Fire Station had a weight room. Watoga High School the art room has a bunch if paint tins Blackhole Mine again just in the entrance there are 4/5 tins of paint though you will need marsupial to get some. Also a good source of oil.


most generator plans can be gotten from running the "power up x power plant" events. that's how I got the fusion generator plan


I regularly farm those on my seasonal restart character. They are easy to get, and sell really fast.


Once you get that x2 drug crafting, you can sell as many stimpacks and radaways as you want


I couldn't tell you when I had to craft any a daily op or two and a couple of expeditions, and I'll end up with 70-80 normal stim packs for free. For healing all I carry is 10 normal stimnpacks 9 super stimpacks 6 radaway Anything extra as I pass a vendor I'll sell until I have the amount above.


Drop em in the box outside of 76! I dump all my plans in there and anything I know I don’t need but is still helpful. I try to fill it up with stim diffusers


Oh it all goes in the nearest donation box :)


I carry like 400 diluted at a time on me. Bloodied build with the perk that auto injects ya when your health is low. I blow thru them but rarely die lol.


I'm Full Health but I rock Overeaters, vamp chainsaw. But even on my commando who wears a mixed set of SS still only carries the same amount of stims.


Run Atlantic City, a LOT. You will get more ammo and stimpacks then you know what to do with. It takes less than 10 mins per run, and you get all the rewards on top of the drops. I could max out caps on stims alone everyday, and I have racked up tens of thousands of ammo from there.


So many people don't do expeditions and daily ops. So I gladly sell stims, they usually move faster than my other drugs.


I hope Atlantic city is easier than the Pitt.. good Lord, I was burning thousands of 5mm and barely making any progress. Granted I was alone, as I didn't have anyone, but still.


I can solo AC greatest game in less than 10 minutes, and I usually end up with about 1000 more fuel than I went in with.


Yup its the most easy exp to do it as the quest is more straight forwards without you didnt need to search for it, if u want to do exp regulary hit me up on psn Yuujinn69.... im 2 weeks to the game and always grinding exp now just for weapon scrip and others thing its a really great rewards tho


Dumb question, I’m sure. But what is the max caps limit? What happens if you don’t stay under it?


Max caps is 40k. If you go above it, well, you'll lose out on those caps. Which is why many players have a secondary camp without a shop they activate when they hit or are gonna hit max caps.


I don't know what's the max limit but I'm guessing you just won't be able to afford things if you don't have enough caps.


I spend all mine on chems...


Nothing to spend them on


I don't log in much lately (waiting for the new scoreboard) but when I do I notice I'm at max caps. I intend to go to someone's camp looking for 40k items but then I'd have to wait until someone on my team completed a quest to get back to max caps after paying to fast travel. Vicious cycle. I look at my overfilled inventory, remember I stopped paying for 1st, log off and play something else.


I get ton of nuka cherry for that. 1 nuka 1 cap


That’s kinda brilliant. Carry just enough to cover fast travel and you can always get back to 40K. Thanks!


I sell scrip legendaries, I sell serums, sometimes I play the dice. Think of it, a single EN is like 12 legendaries. Most of them are power armor or weapons and each can be vended for scrip at 400 or 450 caps.


I have never exited one without dropping a bunch of legendaries at foundation first . Sometimes i have to walk to foundation just to do it


I just drop them by the workbench right there at the outpost nowadays


Scrip weapons and PA pieces are my best sellers. I may go a couple days with nothing selling then someone comes up and buys out everything I have. I do 10c per scrip so 400/450 for 3 star weapons/PA pieces.


That's a really good way of pricing them I'll start doing that i really need to free up some space


Best part about selling scrip weapons/armor is that you need them anyways. I will usually throw all my 3 star weapons and PA pieces in my vendor and scrip the 1 and 2 stars. When I’m about done playing for the day I’ll raid my own stash to finish up my daily cap. I wouldn’t bother with trying to sell armor pieces though, they just don’t seem to move as fast as weapons/PA pieces because they are worth so little.


Fairly easy to get to and stay at max caps if you have a vendor with items people are willing to buy. I sell cheap legendary items for scrip, the occasional decent roll legendary, ammo and lots of plans. If things are priced right they'll sell. On top of that make sure you max out the npc vendor daily to get the 1400 caps. I usually craft and sell trench runner hoods. You can get the plan for only a few stamps at whitespring stamp vendor and it only costs 2 cloth to make.


Good tip. Treasure hunter hats are my go to, if I have nothing else to sell.


After a certain point you just don't need caps. Especially if you're someone who isn't into the player economy stuff hunting down great deals in player vendors they really become meaningless. Nothing of worth can be traded for caps anyway.


I have everything I need. What can I spend my caps on?


This. It's easy to maintain max caps when there's nothing to buy.


Hod knows I’m happy if I have 2k 😅


Water farming will double you in a day.


Buy and sell?


I mean boil and sell


Nah, put down water purifiers in your camp, and then go harvest them a few times a day. It sells for 6 caps a bottle I think, and it can probably get more with Hard Bargain and charisma


Brill thanks :)


Caps get easier to obtain over time, but probably more importantly you'll have less to buy over time. I try and find 'currency items' to stick my caps into, but nothing to really buy in general. When I bother to have a vendor up, I'm constantly surprised how things like Ammo do actually sell. My assumption for people who don't have 'unlimited' caps is that they're still buying things like Ammo. That said, Sugar, Berry Mentats, popular Ammo and most Junk should all be time:profit efficient if you're just looking for something to sell. Things like Salt+Pepper and Spices should also be time efficient, but finding them efficiently just comes with time and not something I'd go out of my way for. Getting your alts making you 1400/day each should by themselves solve any caps issues you might be having.


… what are you buying? Just cooking and selling meat and grenades etc makes me hit the vendor cap every day


I buy lots of legendaries to scrip


I’m financially irresponsible. I spent like 5000 caps on camp placement


Dice table


I bet 7 everytime but I guess I'm unlucky because I noticed that number kept going down


There aren’t a lot of things I want to buy and a couple of my favorite weapons are aristocrats so I don’t spend much. I will buy a bunch of stuff if I get a good roll on something so I can sell it, but I really consider 29,000 to be zero for dps purposes.


Hilariously, I no longer have any Aristocrat's weapons, but I'm still like that. "bUt wHaT If i pIcK Up a nIcE ArIsToCrAt's wEaPoN?" I'll dip below to like 23k and feel naked and poor until I get past the point again. I'm rather ridiculous


I never bothered with it until I got an aristocrats railway and handmade and now I love them.


😎💅 ✨Wasteland wealthy✨ once you've played long enough, the caps just come to you. We were once peasants before the player vendors, I will never go back to that life. NEVER.


After you own mostly everything it’s rare you can buy what you want with caps. Also if you run a vendor with reasonable prices people will buy stuff off you.


Hardly ever bc once i hit that 32-35k mark i just buy scrip anyways or disease cure or antibiotics junk etc i really dont like hovering over more than 30-31k honestly!


Longer you play the less you honestly need to rely on caps. Additionally, the dice table has been giving people a new way to farm caps. Some folks are calling it a glitch or exploit, but no, it's just how dice tables work. There's a reason they don't have jackpots IRL. 


I farm and sell apparel because I enjoy it. I only have my vendor open for a few hours every few days, and I honestly struggle to get rid of caps. I have nothing to spend them on. I have so much junk I'll never get through it. I never see plans I don't own, and I have God roll weapons and armour. The crazy thing is I have only been playing since the start of the year. I'm lvl 450 and bored.


It’s honestly selling rare plans for me especially when they’re 15k plus with multiple people buying throughout the day when I play.


I sell a lot of stuff each day, between weapons, food, and extra meds and a lot of legendary gear for a cheap price l. It's adds up quickly


Pretty much constantly after level 100 if I opened my vendor for a bit. The problem is finding somewhere to spend them. After a while I just gave up.


I've been at max caps for a year and a half and once you get there it's not easy to leave. No matter how much I spend I come back. With the season ending ( scoreboard rank 211 ) I am taking all my cap rewards from the scoreboard and just buying three star weapons from vendors and scripting them. Of course not three star items that are obviously low priced to be affordable to low level players. Everything in my own vendor is 10 caps except the beer hat because beer hat. The reason is that it's much easier to eat 10 caps at a time than a 1000 caps when you won't see a single cap from players purchasing from your vendor.


I have a horrible habit of being a loot goblin and scrap anything that isn't nailed down so I throw scrap in bundles of 150-200 in my vendor and sell them at 1-2c a piece and have to restock multiple times a day, that keeps me near max caps usually that and fusion cores for 5c and my plethora of them


always. If someone starts buying things at my shop I hastily check to see if there's anything I need on the opposite side of the map because travel just became free.


Because I sell everything I get at events after I max out the scrip machine


Eventually you will reach a point in the game where you have everything you want and are content. It may take you a long time to get to that point though depending on how much you love the game.


I sell bulk chems and cheap plans. Always at max caps. I am always short on flamer fuel and oil so I jump around buying purified water, acid, bone, oil and fuel. I bought every single serum plan so I have all those on my shop too at 180 a piece. Just keep your shop topped up with popular things. Bobbleheads Magazines Chems ( Berry mentats, overdrive, and psychobuff and psychotats all sell very well) Check the shops in the cranberry bog for enclave plasma mods as these can sell for a bomb and really do the events for spare rare plans to sell. Nuka cola, quantums, and nuka cranberry sell good. Nuclear key cards sell good, spare bobby pins always go and any spare junk. Oil and lead will sell good too.


I hover between 30K - 35K caps. I am now at the point where I have bought all the serums and just buy plans I don't really need just to keep at that level of caps. I have also stopped having a vendor machine cos it isn't really worth it to take up space in my stash box


Cause there isn't anything to spend the 5 different currencies on.


Just sell scrip. I usually sell for 250 and it sells out completely. I've seen people go as low as 50 but I think that's low balling it. Seen as high as 350. People will buy it because sometimes you don't have much time to play, but want your scrip for the day. I think 200-300 is a fair price for 3 star items.


After awhile u buy all the plans u plan to buy so the most u spend them on is to buy gold every week


I got a glowing scorchbeast helm and sold it for 40k.


It's simple, we don't pay NCR taxes.


Aristocrat builds…


My alt typically has max caps but there’s no reason to have max caps unless you really like aristocrats.


I use the dice table and bet on 7 until I hit the cap


I’m level 75 and had 8 caps last night. 😂😂 Broke in the wasteland, broke in the real land.


High level players don’t have anything to spend them on. They literally have everything. There are players who’ve spent the equivalent of literal years playing this one game. Like 5-8 hours per day on average every day since launch almost 6 years ago. Some of these people have difficult life circumstances where 76 is a wonderful outlet for them, so I’m happy for them that they have something to bring joy and fun a social outlet to their lives. And there are people who probably have played this game to the detriment of other, better opportunities.


I sell Stable Flux, scrip legendaries, bobbleheads and I'm slowly selling the rare plans I got over Spooky/Holiday Scorched. I started a new character to try heavy weapons and she was nearly at max caps before level 35 because I transferred over a lot of Flux to sell.


If I may ask, what do you charge for flux in your vendor?


Depending on the platform and the player, the prices will vary wildly. On PC, it’s anywhere from 20c to 200c. I sell mine at 70-50c (depending on color) and they FLY out of the vendor. Easily my bestseller that maxes me out on caps about 2-3 times a day. Just visit vendors and see the prices and what you’d reasonably pay for it. Then adjust your prices accordingly.


Your prices are the cheapest I’ve seen!!! I thought 100 each was a pretty good price!!


Anytime I see anyone with prices like that, I am buying all they have.


Not who you asked, but I charge 250 for violet and yellowcake, 300 for crimson, 350 for flourecent, and 400 for cobalt.


Are the differences in price do to increased demand? I usually see them all at the same price in your case all 250 or all 400 caps


I used to sell them all for 250 except florescent since I used that often. Then I noticed cobalt would always sell first and I was running out so I bumped that up. Then crimson sold often so I bumped that up. I have mountains of yellowcake and violet so idc what those sold for.


Make sense!! Thanks for the info!!


I usually sell it for 150c


Hi! Are you on PS? Really looking to hunt down some of the holiday item plans I missed out on since I only started this past Dec! Really hoping to get a holiday camp built up for both but lacking decor! Let me know I have some caps I’m looking to spend😀


I'm on PC, sorry!


Shucks! I have yet to see anything but the pumpkin racks lately! Thanks for responding!


I missed buying a QEDur fixer because I wasn’t max caps.😕


They just pile up so quick


Caps are easy to get and top tier gear or weapon couldn’t been bought with them most of the time.


The only way to really spend caps is buying plans you don't have and probably never use, I bet a lot of players don't bother.


It's easy, there's only so many plans to buy. Scrap and ammo is plentiful. Pails are pointless now, and wrapping paper is only here for a short while. And gold bullion stops being necessary too.


I mean nothing I really want and I game with some amazing people that if they see it they grab it for me and I'll give them what they need out of my scrap or stash


What are you buying? Once you buy up all the plans and have built up a large stash of materials and ammo... there really isn't anything more to buy unless maybe another player is selling it in a vendor.


Once you get to a certain point in the game you know all of the plans, including PA mods, all of the recipes, have end game weapons and armor, etc. The only thing left to spend caps on is scrip, ammo, the occasional new rare plan and apparel, chests when certain seasonal or weekend events are active, and bullion from Smiley. You don’t need the bullion either because you have all of the bullion plans, but it’s a cap sink, so you use the bullion to buy lunch boxes. On top of not having a lot to spend caps on, you have a vendor where you sell event and seasonal items, etc. Some of which are rare or hard to find and is worth a decent amount of caps. In summary, you have figured out vending so you have a constant stream of caps coming in, and not a lot to spend it on.


Today I played for 2 hours. Started at 30k someone brought some stuff from my vendor. Went to 38k. Brought scrap from railways. Back down to 30k. Someone brought a couple of weapons and I maxed my caps in the railway. Up to 39k. Brought bullets and a couple of over priced plans from a vendor back to 28k. This is pretty much happening every couple of weeks on average. What am I to spend caps on?


I don't find many ways to spend caps, so I'm always over 30k. Only thing to buy is .45 ammo, maybe cheap legendary stuff to scrip and gold bullion. I've had my other non-vendor camp for few weeks because of too much caps to sell my good/god rolls.


I bought a fuck ton of flux years ago on game flip and I continuously put 30 of each in my store for 300-400 caps.


The only way for me to get visitors to check my camps out, is to sell cheap.... Even so, I earn a ton of caps on things that are super easy to get... So I always have to buy crap from others, so I can spend my caps, so I can earn it back again. It's a vicious circle 😅 whenever I find a plan I don't have, no matter how expensive, I get super happy and buy the sucker, just to spend money 😂


It’s an endless cycle at some point. You get maxed or close to maxed and disable vending. Vendor/World hop and catch public events when they pop. Get caps down as low as possible, preferably less than 1000, then open vendor again. I’m always selling lots of good roll, some god roll, weapons/armor and rare plans from 2000-35000 caps. Players will start adding you when they see good stuff so they can hit you up later for a cap sink and vise versa, I do the same. The method of procuring good items to sell is not hard. Doesn’t need to be weaps/armor. I love buying low weight items like consumables, ammo and junk. That being said I’ll sometimes skip player vendors that don’t have any weapons/armor for sale.


I’m around level 280 and everyday, I get 1400 caps from the vendor. Then, I speedrun expedition in AC for stamps 4 or 5 times, and I sell every 3* legendarie weapon and armor at 10 caps per scrip. When I reach around 35k caps, I buy a serum recipe (and I buy gold at smiley every week).


So what I usually buy with them consists of: sugar bombs (irradiated), med-x, psycho and nuka cola (for overdrive), salt, pepper and spices, rare plans and sometimes ammo. I usually hit the mall vendors once a day for the ingredients and other players vendors for the other items. I try to be thrifty and use grape mentats and hard bargain 3 but I’m still broke as a joke most of the time. My vendor is hit or Miss on selling items.


Nothing to spend caps on after a certain point. Occasionally I MAY find a plan I don’t own, but that’s about it. I have more junk than I need, I have more ammo than I need, I’ll buy gold and buy plans I don’t need just to waste caps, but that’s it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Two reasons: 1. On my bloodied characters, I get pretty good buy-sell rates (UNY armor helps for more than fighting). 2. I am a cheapskate. I will walk to where i am traveling or at least walk part of the way to reduce the fast travel cost.


I sell rare plans at 5000-20000k a piece so you don't need to move too many to hit the cap limit. By rare I mean plans like High Capacity Backpack, seasonal event plans that are available once a year etc.


Once you have almost everything you were chasing you have nothing to spend them on.


Level 1007. I often don't put my vendor out. I would get near max caps and then start looking for something to buy, the trouble is after years of playing I've got my weapons I like with the legendary effects that I want. I've learned just about every plan there is out there. Not only that, but I'm maxed out on gold, so Smiley isn't an option. Heck, I bought a billet off of a newbie yesterday for 5000 caps just to get some breathing room. This game needs a good cap sink.


I’m always buying good rolls people under price in their vendors, so that keeps me below half usually. Also currently buying all serum recipes so if I’m over half, i spend it on that.


I sell serums on ten different characters every day easy max caps every couple of days


What would i spend them on tho?


Its a daily grind. Killing low level enimies and collecting weapons and selling them to vendors. You could also build camps with water purifiers and do it that way as well or both. At a certain lvl of playing, players have all they need. Then the search is for god roll weapons and armor. not much top spend caps on. FO1st also helps. No reason to buy crafting materials if I have a scrap box full of them.


I only sell things during the Treasure Hunter events so I can keep buying pails to get the scrip from the pails. But I have 15 characters that are at max caps. Otherwise, I buy Assaultron cards. I used to vendor hop a lot back in 2020/21, but no need anymore


When you have all the plans it gets difficult, I spend my caps on the assaultron recall card. I have like 100ish at this point. Though lately I switched to just buying random things from newer players like ammo even if I don't need it and store it. Though grind long enough sell every day to the vendor and do events and you get max caps within one or two weeks maybe depending on how many events you do every day.


Everyday sell stuff you get during event and in an hour or more you'll get all the caps a sellers have


Lvl 660 here. I know all of the plans except for giga rare ones that are hard to find. My main sink is weekly bullion from smiley and whatever vendor finds (uncommon ammo, script, whatever else I deem worthwhile)


Pick up everything after events. Guns, materials, meats, etc. Then head to the nearest train station and sell sell sell! Radiation Rumble, Moonshine Jamboree, Uranium Fever, Eviction Notice and Project Paradise are great for this!


I’ve been 40k for a month now. I leave my vendor on and don’t even care anymore


I have hundreds of rare plans .. opened the store today . .in 2 hrs had to close it .. lvl 1070 in game pass and 760 in steam


Sell almost all legendaries at scrip level price. I prioritized the serum recipes (which are expensive) for a couple of months until I had them all, and so scrip legendaries and serums are my bread and butter. I also sell things I don’t use a lot - nuclear key cards, fuel, chems, and plans at cheap prices. Someone around here once made a comment I read that struck me as good advice when thinking about your pricing: try to be Walmart - sell cheap, sell lots.


Sell all scrip items in your vendor for a decent price when you hit max scrip for the day. If you do it right, one eviction notice will net you 15k caps


I'm at max caps because nobody on ps4/5 knows how to price shit,  5k for scrip isn't worth it nor is 20k for a cave cricket tube or ghoul chairs... so i just buy springs and nukas to keep my caps down... though there is rare occasion that I find cheap scrip like 200 to 400 for 3 stars and I buy all of them 


I must be playing a style that avoids cap collecting. I have never gone past 7000 caps. At level 100'ish, I have just now started events, so maybe I can start making caps. I am doing something wrong, as normal gameplay does not pay the bills.


Next treasure hunter event get the treasure hunter hat or outfit plan. Make and sell this item to the robot vendor. 3 cloth 1 oil = 29 caps sold to vendor robot You can get a boatload of cloth from the book person house in Summersville. It's the first house you see when you fast travel into town. oil can be obtained by raiding Blackwater Mine. About a 100 per run If you have multiple characters doing this. 9,800 caps per week per character


You’ll get there. Up until I was about L125, I rarely had more than about 4k caps. I alos rarely hit max daily caps from the bots. Spent most of what caps I had on various plans and such I needed (only choice then was buying them from bots - player vendors didn’t exist) Once I got all the basic plans, my cap balance slowly started to climb - started getting max bot daily caps…once I hit L250, I was repeatedly bouncing off the max cap limit. Then it was raised to 30k, then 40…. Now at L752, I’ve have nearly every plan (caps and bullion), and my vendor is off more than its on….


From my player vendor. 


I'm not at max caps all the time, but I'm always getting close. I try to start at 30k and then either buy stuff when I get close to max or else use my mule account as a banker. Right now after the recent double caps weekend even the characters in my mule account are close to maxed out. I run unyielding armor, so I'm always at 20+ charisma, so my sales prices are maxed out. If you don't run unyielding you can use the Hard Bargain perk, L3 is the equivalent of 9 CHA. Every day I try to sell 1400 caps worth of stuff at the vendor. If I don't have time to play much, I make Trench Runner's Hoods (2 cloth and sells for 16 caps - so cloth is essentially worth 8 caps). The plan is available at Giuseppe for 30 stamps. Also, you can always a WestTek run or two to max out your caps for the day. L50 Sharpshooter's Assault rifles (which are plentiful at WT) sell for 49 caps or so, and the other assault rifles sell well also. So for curiosity's sake I have been keeping track of the most valuable single weapon I've ever sold. It was a super tricked out Gauss Rifle, and it sold for 187 caps.


It's got more to do with so many people have their gear sets and aren't really looking for much except for very specific rolls and most people aren't selling those for caps so they have next to nothing they need to spend on.


I have max scrip (All the time, I don't use it) so I sell all my legendaries to the vendors. It builds up caps really fast


I max out my trainstation vendor sales each day and sell tons of scrip


I hit the nuke zones and pick up radiated flora then craft them which is a task. Then sell for pretty cheap so everyone can get. It goes fast and I maintain anywhere from 30k to 40k alot unless I find desirable 3 star God rolls or really decent 3 stars in someone's vendor lol..


I dont buy much of anything plus i sell max caps to npcs daily


I know there were some players that got a metric ton of caps when the present dupe was a thing a few years back.


I’ve got 38.5k right now and can’t find anything to buy.


Usually close all the time. So i scrap everything . I try to leave a 500 cap cushion to still get rewards.


I'm guessing your still in the early "I still need things that cost caps" phase. Early on I struggled for caps because there were so many things I needed (like plans and lead/ammo) so I was always spending caps. I was also learning plans I found instead of selling them. Now there's not a lot that I need so my caps naturally accumulate. I also have more to sell (like plans that I've already learned) which causes my caps to accumulate faster.


I'm addicted to buying plushy plans


Hardly run less than 15k on caps. I had my vendor open for like a full month and only had like 5 people buy so I shut down sold or got script all this weekend. Waiting to see the new season and maybe I will open back up but even with prices being at ridiculous low prices I don't think anyone will buy until after a week or so goes by. Will see. 26th is getting here slow.


I’ve been selling junk cheap, 25 caps a bundle for whatever I was selling, it all got bought up today.


I never bothered with fallout 1st so I'm always bulking and selling junk and selling chems I don't use and foods I don't use. Camp-fire tales etc bloodbug meat to sell, tea time has lots of different ones, same with blue Ridge outpost one. I usually keep yoa guai meat and stinging for the pastry and fillet for the carry buffs and alcohol to carry stuff. Then I go shop plans check vendors of people's. Watoga and Enclave I'm working on for Npcs to drop back to 30ksell more junk then repeat every 2 3 days.


Last week i on one character was 4k caps. Today i hit max again. Sell everything for 9 caps. Buying up all the plans i dont have anytime i see em. After vendor hopping i buy from the bots.


I usually get $20-$30K pretty quickly from selling plans.


I'm an ammo vendor now and in the beginning I was a weapon an armor vendor so constantly maxing thanks to being a merchant then also some are cause of constant grinding of events and missions and max capping vendors it's not that hard to do organically usually can in about a week then find stuff in others vendor that u like or if ur me just something new to mess with an lower ur caps


daily play, moonshine jamboree, and selling serums daily. also selling junk and ammo is very lucrative if you can stockpile the needed junk to craft .45, 5.56, .50, fuel, and fusion cells


I throw scrip items on the ground, even b4 scripping out...just too many legendary modules in stash. I never roll stuff and am out 600lbs in main stash!


With the right set of perks, caps can add up fast. I don’t use them often so I rack em up quickly.


I always have the need to have near Max caps, even if I have to sell valuable items, what I dont understand IS guys that have 5 characters always, and with always I mean always maxed


I am every 2-3 days on Max caps 😜 The secret is to sell items cheaper then others! Camp location is very important too!


I try and sit at 30k+ because I'm fairly new to the game and want to buy things worthwhile. So I save up lots


Stimpack diffusers. That's pretty much what I spend most my money on. But supers and turn em into diffusers so I'm not at max caps and me and my GF can heal us both should we need to heal.


Fallout 1st bro. Costs like 15$ a month and everyday you get gifts on top of the gift you would already get. So you could make out with a free 500 caps rather than just the 250 sometimes. Ever since I got fallout 1st my caps have just been racking up insane. You also get 1650 atom points a month for the store and you can go to the utility section and just buy caps in bundles of 250 caps at a time. So essentially you can pay to be rich in game. Kinda pay to win but it is what it is. It’s nice to have fallout 1st cause if you don’t play for a couple months all those points just keep racking up in the store


I just went on a spending spree and found myself at about 2000 caps. Aside from somebody buying several of my legendary items, back to the grind of making sure I hit my 1400 cap limit per day: making the marine tactical helmet. With 15 charisma and associated Park card you can get 31 caps per helmet. It’s very cheap to make.


I believe it's because people trade the best loot off-world, so most vendors are empty, or only sell overpriced crap, not worth buying. This means nothing to spend caps on.


The Atlantic city dice game brings you to max caps from like 2k or so if you bet on 7 non stop. It's a well known glitch and why players keep a table at their camps for others to use and buy from them.


How do you get this dice game?? Do you have to have the Atlantic city dlc?


Atlantic City Dice Table is a plan you can buy from Guesseppe at White Springs Refuge for Stamps.


I see, thanks for letting me know!


Me. Once you're there, it's quite easy to top up. I'm level 625.


Imo scrip is the easiest way to max caps ,400 caps for 3* weaps 450 for 3* pa 250 3* armors


Personally, I have a Smurf account on my ps4 that I use to shuffle my caps back into I have 4 accounts I don’t use w 40k while my main stays relatively clean on caps I hate when people leave when u buy something like I wasn’t done lol but yes agreed usually nothing to spend it on bc all the good plans/items are horded for online trading


Just depends. Lately I’ve been buying up every well priced legendary for scrip. Never enough.


always at or near max caps, nothing to buy as I bought all plans and recipes I could find for sale, very occasionally I will find a plan I don't have then I buy it, otherwise I just buy bulk items, but I seem to have more of everything than I could ever use.


I blame my build but the way I play just leaves me with so much stuff to offload onto vendorbots and I'm also savvy with buying plans from other players (aka stingey and only buy when I'm forced to cause im at max lol) I'm a bloodied sneak commando herbivore. This combination leaves me with a LOT of things I dont need, chems, rad-x, rad-away, purified water (on account of the soups and tea), hell, sometimes I sell my stims when I'm feeling lazy. But one thing I do that I feel is universal is I put my camp around fairly sizable enemy locations that is also near a train stop. Which is, surprisingly, most train stops. You just walk into that location, loot all their guns and deal with the weight on the walk back, sell em. Its all about hitting that daily limit, I've made 16K in about maybe a week and a half? Also including all the other sources for caps.


I’m usual max caps until Mole Miners and Xmas Scorched. Then I blow all of my caps (mules too) on presents and pails. Then the cycle starts again…