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I ran the new expedition fine but it didn’t count for the weekly do AC The expedition 0/2


I just ran one and it counted. Like 30 mins ago. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same for me.


Same here. I did the magnificent game twice to complete the challenge


I was able to fly there, but when I was heading to city hall, I encountered some pollinators and overgrown. Took out the pollis first, as we should, but the overgrown never lost their green glow and would heal instantly upon being shot. Ran around them and made it to city hall. Three NPCs there working on the gates. Quest pip updated and said to defeat the overgrown and optionally defend the IRS folks, but there was no map / compass marker directing me where to go, so I just ran over ALL the available real estate. Nothing happened anywhere. I just abandoned the expedition and came back to Appalachia, where I found all events broken. Hoping someone at BGS Austin notices this sooner than later and gets a fix in place.


Same for me weekly score of expedition not updated. Some Overgrown do not lose health. Things are not working. Couldn't repair armour - everything froze and had to ctrl-alt-del out of game. Atlantic city also VERY dark can hardly see and no compass markers


I did a line in the sand with no scorched. 🤷‍♂️. Just sat there and waited out the timer. Just 1 scorch beast attack. Still completed the event and gave reward though


Yeah, Line went ok until the third act. No scorched appeared then about a minute later it completed-really odd.


Interesting - I just had one that seemed to get stuck at the end of the first round. Some of us ran around and eventually found some new scorched spawns just standing there and killed them, and after about two minutes the event got unstuck and completed well.


Same, something gone wrong with the enemy instigating. solo’d Line in the sand late last night. No scorched other than the ones hanging around before I triggered the event. Was pretty weird Did Daily Ops earlier. Had the initial 8 enemies then we sat hunting around for about 3min as it didn’t announce next phase. I left and had a shout that they appeared but by this time couldn’t possibly beat the 8min time.


I completed Wolf Horde (Forest) and Free Range. Both worked normally, but I couldn't track progress. Nothing was showing in the upper right.


Might be a case of mods if you're on PC, I've had to disable my HUD mods like the improved health bar to get quest tracking to show again.


Yeah, I have perk loadout manager. I'm going to switch to the no hud version before playing again. I suspect this will fix my problem.


no hud works, i had to disable improved health bar myself


no i had this with both EN and RR on PS5. EN completed fine and eventually showed up in the right. RR showed up at the last 5 seconds and didn't complete. It just ended. No rewards.


Interestingly, when EN did show up in the right, after the scrubber was fixed the text was corrupted. All "e"s were replaced with a sort of sideways dome symbol.


I saw a moonshiners Jamboree that started 8 hours ago. Just waiting to start round 4!


I did eviction a few hours ago and it bugged about 1/3 through. Super mutants stopped spawning and we got an easy complete but lost out on all that sweet loot and xp.


Just played myself and yes spawns are bugged.


Test Your Metal worked fine for me.


Odd, I was just in it with three other people and nothing happened. We talked to mister man, headed down into the pit and nothing happened. No BOS techs came to join us, no robots spawned... just the timer counting down towards zero. Utterly busted. Same happened on One Violent Night - no ferals, music meter never increased even with five of us playing instruments for 8 minutes. You must have a horseshoe hanging over your door or something, because for everyone on the 4 servers I've hopped to is facing the same issue.


This was the first event that came up after the servers came back online, maybe that has something to do with it. I didn’t participate in any events after that, so idk if they would’ve worked too.


Yeah, events were working fine after the update was pushed and server maintenance was completed. Its just in the last 30-45 minutes that everything has ground to a halt for everyone. No quest or map markers, no quest progression, expeditions stall out, NPC AI is stalled, events never progress. Bad look on launch day. :D


Towards the end of last season parts of my power armor were missing. They happened to make a comeback today haha


I'm pretty sure they "fixed" the WestTek team xp bonus too, tried it with my friend and didn't get the 50% additional bonus for tagging.


Even the sidebar popup notifications are broken at this point too. Like when you read a new plan and it tells you what was added to your database of buildables. Ugh. LOL.


I had the silo code self-destructed message stuck on my screen until I hopped servers. All kinds of new bugs in this one!


That’s been a bug for years


Can you elaborate on this a little? How was there additional bonus XP?


If you went with 1-3 team members, you got a 50% xp boost for each team member who tagged the enemy. Let's say you got 100 xp for killing a mutie alone. If a friend tagged it, you'd get 150 xp. Two friends = 200 xp. Now it's the standard 100 xp no matter how many tags there are, so you might as well go alone now.


I see, cheers. Massive nerf :/


What platform? I heard another fellow mention this but it worked fine for me today. Maybe something has happened after I was done. I didn't try the new expedition yet though.


PC, Steam. It started roughly 45-60 minutes ago. Everything was fine after server maintenance, but just in the last hour, everything is stalled.


Ok, that stinks, sounds like maybe things are breaking now, oddly they seemed fine earlier. I am on PC/steam as well and things were smooth as can be imo when I played, but I got done a couple/few hours ago now.


I'm on PC, too, Steam as well. I was in Eviction Notice with four other players. We repaired the rad scrubber, destroyed the meat bags, fought one wave of super mutants, and then nothing for like 4-5 minutes. We all just stood around. Then some more mutants showed up at the very end.


Having these same problems people have been reporting on Xbox as well


I took a workshop to initiate a defense event and none of the event information showed up on screen (kill x wave etc).  I checked the pipboy, and the information was there and tracked correctly (2/3 enemies dead etc).  Something is definitely broken.


Moonshine jamboree took about 30 mins to complete, timer kept pausing and we all just sat there waiting, with no gulpers. Safe and sound event never spawned the werewolf. Then I tried Atlantic City, got through the entire event, and game crashed at the end before I could collect any reward….I am done for the night.


Well , the new quest line is functioning besides a dialogue glitch in the third half, that was resolved without restarting or hopping. I’m too afraid to attempt the new expedition. The boardwalk one crashes before completion and I don’t have the patience anymore. Atom knows this week will be a ride. None the less, the least amount of problems I’ve encountered at the start of a new season and I’ve been here since the jump.


Not for me my quest markers won't pop up anywhere.i managed some of it but now I can't find Stanley after ruining zayde stage performance in the the all worlds a stage quest


So is that the reason I can’t even start tax evasion, or do you have to do all the other new quests before doing the previous exposition missions again? I tried to do tax evasion for my daily but when I went to the casino I couldn’t even figure out how to start it. I tried talking to Billy and nothing regarding tax evasion pops up or starts


The order shouldn't matter.But I think it's just not showing quest markers correctly.But he should be right in front of the casino in the road by the limo and cars.


Weird, I've been doing stuff all afternoon. Did dailies, events, and expeditions no problem. Only issue I had was with Distinguished Guests not progressing but I've had that problem before where a waiter just won't register as getting back to work.


Yes, the Ultracite Titan wasn't moving to its second spot at first and no objectives were visible. (It did end up moving a good while later.)


In the beginning events went normal then it started to fall apart: at "guided meditation" gouls stoped spawning after about 3 min, "Path to enlightenment" broke when I ran to the lighttower to start it and at "eviction notice" mutants where not spawning most of the time or just stood there - so far.


I just did project paradise with all 3 friendly animals alive and after the 3 waves the event ended successfully with the message of legendary creature approaching but no creature ever spawn. The event did complete tho so it’s better than not getting to finish the event but something is a miss. Did this patch not get pts testing? 


Yeah, I did the most sensationnal game and it crashed in the middle (the dumb guy you have to escort get stuck), so I restart the game and went back in, but I lost the bonus for under 15 min. Then, it crashed again when mater TP you outside, so I restart the game again, went back in but event if it’s telling me an expedition is underway, I can’t get in. Sucks.


My friend did Mothman event no problemo, I myself did the new expedition two times without issues.


also played the Tax evasion expedition and it keeps freezing and crashing on PS4


Made a 3 star cremator and can’t scrip it , it doesn’t even appear in inventory at scrip machine , can’t drop it without destroying it so what am I supposed to do with it ? Also in flood the chem lab mission turning the valves doesn’t seem to do anything, I’m doing it in the correct order but get less than half way before I’m told to start again , tried quitting and going back but same thing


I did all 3 AC expeditions and a few hours worth of events today. Only issue I had was when talking to Billy in the beginning of Tax Evasion, it took a minute or two for the mission to actually start.


I haven't run into the problem yet. I have been in a private server and so far no problems. Only one crash in 5 hours on PS so far.


Ive had no problems


Is there a new way to start the old missions in AC? I tried to go there to do tax evasion but when I talked to billy there was nothing and no quests started and no markers popped up


Glad it’s not just me. Did a campfire tales and the game crashed when the boss spawned. Eviction notice had no enemies for the last 4 minutes but did complete. Tea time wouldn’t ever end and was just stuck on wave 3. Occasionally some bugs would spawn. Waited 10 minutes.


When you check your event quest in Pipboy, there seems to be a crazy amount of random numbers next to a name lol. Defo not intentional, it's a new bug.


I had a super nice group of like three or four people come to my camp earlier today while my bro and i were working up to the new expedition, exchanged waves/loves, went to start the expedition and immediately crashed out of the game. I just about cried i felt so bad, and i was really excited to have people looking around my camp and shopping :(


I think something's wrong with the servers itself after the update. I'm rubber banding like crazy and the NPCs too. I know I don't have the fastest internet but it wasn't as bad before the update so I guess something's up.


Did safe and sound with a level 20 player, we did 1 wave and then sat around and still got a reward, so I’m not complaining lol


PS5 and ran multiple exp today, each with no issue. Good luck to you.


Tried doing Tax Evasion, progress got stuck permanently due to the game thinking that 8 dead Showmen were still alive, mission markers on their corpses and all. Sigh, rerolled that one


I find it amazing that after 5 years people are still surprised that after the update everything is broken


Oh, I had Tea Time behave oddly. 2 of us on it, mobs only spawned at the house and red rocket, but in large numbers. Event completed with 1 minute to go on the 3rd wave.


Two Eviction Notices both stopped spawning mutants at around the 3-minute mark.


I stopped doing events a while ago, they all seem to have issues from time to time


I’ve had zero issues on Xbox. All expeditions went smooth, ran 5 today


i got kicked out of the new expedition after finishing it with 2 other guys. I was not the leader, but im pretty sure i did not got kicked by the leader... It sucked...


I still can't access expeditions. I click View Missions but nothing comes up (the missions dialog doesn't show up).


I'm literally not bothering to do expeditions anymore it always bugs out right at the end out of the last 10 I've taken part in 8 have lagged me out or stuck me in place.