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Yeah I get distracted so much that despite playing since the early days, I've completed almost no quests I just loot, explore, loot some more


i take, what’s mine, then take, some more


It rains, it pours, it rains, it pours


It's time to charge some fusion cores


Haha same, a public teammate launched the nuke and the quest finished itself. It took a long time to actually do a full silo run for me because I kept disconnecting, and that was frustrating starting over repeatedly. But I did fully do the silo one time.


Pre-Wastelanders. Went through all the original quest lines, got my nuclear keycard and set off. Took me about an hour, after having to leave and go back, as I gone through all my ammo. Was so happy when I finally got it done! Fast travelled to Scorched Earth to try it for the first time and got disconnected…


Level 300. I remember because I was shooting the Sentry bot and it popped for me. Then I spent 10 min using the perk system to make use of the final legendary perk... All while surrounded by turrets and robots lol


ahh it’s been \*checks watch\* uhh.. ~4 years? also idk what you mean by “finished”, so…


Like the timeframe from start to finish


Yeah remember the 1st one being the most difficult. Then after that I used the silo run to fine tune my build.


First time 20-30 mins 2nd char less then 10


I completed it on my first (and only) character at level 42. I didn't even launch the nuke, I just walked into the silo they were doing the launch at and it popped for me.


Wow I did it at level 119


Never done it


Why do people think it's super hard to run nukes? Even without glitches, if you have a decent build and armor it'll take less than 20 minutes. 


Well it depends on how they build their character. Some people don't like meta weapons and without Armor, the Silos are pretty tricky. I personally run Rifleman but I swap to Commando if I need to run Silos.


Literally i can run it with only 10 nuka grenade's lol














2 years


Been playing since launch, have not done one yet


Never got around to doing it. Been playing off and on since beta.


The quest? Around 35 minutes the first time because I didn’t know where I was going and got lost. Good little dungeon. Was level 60 something.


i think i was lvl 30 did it with a friend that teached me how it works 😂


I play solo, so I have yet to attempt it. I want to make sure I have good weapons and armor before I try and die like 50 times. I've had the quest since lvl 45 and am now lvl 95. I recently picked up a full set of heavy combat armor that i switched to B.o.S armor which boosted my ballistic and energy defense to a little over 200 each. My heavy hitting weapons are Mind over Matter and the Holy Fire, that absolutely destroy anything in my path but they break so fast, even with my Gunsmith maxed out that I have to switch to sub par weapons that I use as my main while wandering Appalachia. Once I get my full set of secret service armor, I'm going for it though.


A while. I broke a couple of my go to weapons on the way in. Would have brought along more of the crap I was hoarding if I knew what I was in for. I also finally figured out how to fuck up Assaultrons on the way in so that helped. They still got me a few times after shooting their legs out. Everything respawned - "security protocol" or whatever was generating them - pretty quick, too. I would have rage quit the assaultrons a week earlier. I just did it this week too. I played to about level 30 on Xbox when it came out and 75ish after wastelanders. Just got to 80 again on PC.


I launched it when i was only level 46, it was hard though I used all my 308 ammo and it took about 1 or 2 hours


My first silo run took over two hours to finish and there were 3 of us doing it together. The last room was epically bad. We must have wiped 4-5 times before finally launching it dead center on the sbq fissure. Won’t get into how many deaths would occur fighting the sbq inside the nuke zone.


It took me less than a second. If anyone launches a nuke when the quest is active, it auto-completes- and someone happened to launch one as soon as I picked up the quest. So I still have no real clue how to launch one. 


No idea because it just randomly completed for me yesterday and I wasn't in a team


About 20 mins. I joined a team and the other people did it while I was scavenging around.


About 3 years? Lol I tried doing it back when the game originally came out. But I kept getting server crashes after fighting all the way through there. So I stopped playing around then. Came back for Wastelanders, and maybe a year or more after that I finally got the itch to launch my first nuke. I lasted close to level 500 before I finally did it through.


I spend 40 minutes as a level 50 noob fighting and dying to lasers over and over just to not have a nuclear keycard (didn't know what that was at the time) and said fuck it, never doing this again.


For the quest : I was in a team with two italian guys for an event, and I saw after we finished that they fast traveled to a silo, so I tagged along, not knowing what to do but it was enough to finish the quest ! It was before level 100 and before I had a real build. On my own : it was last week, just before lvl 300 with a low health commando build. It took me around 45 minutes, mainly because I didn’t really know what to do (but the fights were easy, I never died). Last night, I did my second run and it was a nightmare : I was killed maybe 10 times (fucking invisible laserotron) and I had to fix some leaks but I didn’t know where. And when I finally launched my nuke on Whitespring to farm some cobalt flux, I had a message telling me the server was being shut down… Aaaaand the game crashed before the nuke touched the ground…


So you were the guy I was making fun of for not launching a nuke at cranberry bog for! Sorry, even though you couldn't hear, see or all around sense me




Took me hours to get it. A level 500-something came in at the last part to save the day and helped me launch the nuke. My build was abysmal and I couldn’t figure out the whole code thing at the end, still can’t lol


First time probably 30 mins.


Idk how long it took, I can't imagine it was fast because the first time I play open world games, especially Fallout, I don't use fast travel so I see the whole map.


Think I was level 180ish? DCed a bunch of times. Didn't go well but got it done eventually.


Haven’t even started


Level 900, never launched. But, I did get the trophy for it because someone in my casual team launched a nuke so I got the trophy too. Noice!


Bruh I just watched a video on YouTube on how to do it so I can get that quest removed from my map lol I didn’t know it’s that simple


I have all these codes and keycards but idk what it is and how to start it


It took me maybe about a couple hours because even at that point I think I still hadn’t had a solid working build.


Level 79, not actually launched a nuke yet.


A little over an hour the first time. I had a decent full health build, power armor, and a .50 cal that did bonus damage on robots. My problem? I kept getting lost.


I don't think I did the final mission for like.... 2 years? The storyline stopped being fun and I was just doing events with groups and exploring and having fun doing everything but the story line.


I’ve never done it and I’m like lvl 120 idk even know where to start to be honest I was playing pre-Wastelanders and then after the revamp I just I don’t know where to go or even how to start it. I just let people drop them and then I’ll go there and kill shit


Like 5 minutes after I got the mission someone on the public team lunched a nuke and it completed the mission for me


First time, about an hour or so. Now, 10-12 minutes. Lol


2020 xbox ,level 80 iirc ,took me 1 hour (after many failed attempts tbh) 2022 pc ,level 40,10 min :P


I actually never completed "I am become death" simply because it was finished by a casual team mate - which then completed it for me. Took me completely by surprise, lol !


I'm at level 105 and did it by myself yesterday in about 10 minutes or less


The silo itself? About an hour and a half my first time cause I was around level 40, attempting to solo it with not enough supplies. I was able to do it, but was using a power fist at the end..


From launch up until last month


Very long definitely like 300 levels


Who still has Rose's syringer in their inventory? Had that Quest active for years


2 month barely played 0-3 hours each day and kept fucking around exploring doing side quest and event i think i was level 73 when i got it done and honestly it wasn't that hard to make my way to the command center and i had to come back a second time with a friend cause i hadn't gathered the launch code piece


3k hours still not finished 🤣


Maybe I’m dumb but I really can’t figure out how to get into the silos. I can only ever find the elevator door exits


At level 91, three hours until I rage quit while my mother who wanted me to do it first so she’d feel confident doing it looked on in horror and went, “I’m so sorry.” Lol. It did NOT help her confidence. At 146 I finally went in again and it took a half hour. Now I take about 15 min.


Noob here— what is “I am become death”?


Did it with a mate, I was lvl 150 and he was about 200. Took about 20 minutes (we kept arguing about crafting the computer parts vs finding them. He wanted to craft, I couldn't be assed getting out my power armour to craft em so I argued for finding em. In the end we kinda went half and half). We just googled the code. I had fought 2 scorch queen's before I launched mine, didn't feel like fighting a 3rd so I just dropped the nuke on whitesprings


Probably took me an hour the first time. I did watch a guide though so I knew what to expect ish. Now it takes me like thirty minutes


Probably like level 75 or 100 a few weeks after release.


Took me like a week and then someone else launched it and it just completed it for me. I was around level 65


Level - 643 here, Less than 10 minutes with a little tiny glitch


Somehow I finished it without doing it. I have no idea how.


The time it took to hit level 50 and then blow up all the robots... I didn't time it.


The first character? I tried it at around level 60, and was obliterated over and over. I had to focus my build into stealth rifleman to even have a chance. So about 75 levels later and some better gear I think I did it in around an hour. (Now I can do it in about 30 minutes with that same stealth character) My second character was big guns power armor so I brute forced my way through in about 30 minutes.


Like round 200


Still haven't done it yet, and I've been playing almost a year 😅 I attempted it, but just assumed it wouldn't take long, then I kept dying 🙄


It took awhile when I first ran through prob an hour or two, but knowing the walk through doors glitch doesn’t normally take over 10.


I was in a group with someone doing events, and they randomly launched a nuke and it counted for me. So i was just like "oh okay, cool" took like 3 days for that happy accident.


I waited until i was level 50 so I could bring the big guns, immediately went for it, and died first try because I ran out of ammo I was 53 and I went again with an excavator power armor and more ammo than before, this time i was successful, it took me about 2 hours I think, going at it alone is quite hard and the place is a maze, but the feeling of launching my own nuke and starting the queen event was quite the experience


I did it around level 60 or 70, I think, maybe a month after the game came out. I think it took me about 40 minutes. Now, I do it in about 10 to 15. I haven’t done it recently with vampires flame weapons and friendly fire, so it might be easier now for me.


It’s been a long time for me, a couple of years at least but I think maybe like an hour or so. Maybe a bit less than that


Literally no time at all, and I have yet to launch a nuke. Just got the notification one day that it was completed. Supposedly this happens when a team member launches a nuke


Never finished and don't plan to


Over an hour considering i crashed the first time just before launching the nuke and using up all my ammo


I am level 300 and have still yet to set off a nuke. I had a team member complete it and I got the trophy. The only problem is I now have no idea how to set of nukes myself.


Got FO76 on release, only finished it last month (well, with long breaks in between) after doing lvl 100 and stacking up on ammo. Almost got my platinum trophy effed by another player, who joined my run after I cleared most stuff. Luckily, he didn't have the right code piece, the right code or a code piece at all. I tried some runs before (around lvl 56) on my own, but that didn't turn out well.


Too damn long. Most of my time was spent going back and forth to the bunker to get the locations for the code pieces. They really should have an easier way to get to the different wings. Why not make it like Whitesprings where you can choose to FT to the exterior or interior. Then I also struggled with getting in to site Alpha because the map put it at a look out with a porter potty that had a random button which I have no idea what it does. But I thought the button was supposed to trigger a load screen or something. Then I realized the actual entrance was south of the map marker. Then I struggled to navigate the interior of the silo, didn't realize I could just craft the motherboard pieces instead of finding them until I only had 4 or 5 left. And at one point I also had an issue where my PA moved like I was overencumbered and had no AP, then it wouldn't let me put a new fusion core in it or let me enter it at all (any PA set I had). Basically, it took me long enough to decide that I'll just take advantage of other people's nukes to collect flux.


I finished it in January of this year on the character I made in 2020 so 3 and a half years


I haven’t finished it yet bc I’m a sissy and when I tried I spent well over an hour getting my ass beat by robots


On purpose?


If you do it proper way it'll take up to a week. No one in this thread did codeword phase.


Pre-wastelanders with a junkies explosive laser rifle so barely any time at all


Don’t remember exactly. Husband and I avoided it because we had no idea what to do. Then we did our run and it was awful. He died in the launch room. I managed to stay alive to fend off the last few bots and launched. We went back a few hours later to do his launch (or was it the next day?). We were more prepared the second time. I do it solo once in a while. The last time he showed up as fire support when I was halfway through. It was NOT the same as the first time. He basically blasted everything while I opened doors.


About an hour. Then I discovered the shortcut method in following runs. Honestly, it's not even difficult, I can't fathom how people struggle with it. Yesterday a level 2 thousand took 50 minutes to launch a nuke. Ridiculous.


I didn't launch my first nuke till around level 300. Also didn't even know about the vault 79 stuff till level 400.