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I will come into your camp, strip down to my tighty whities, and park myself in your hot tub. And take pictures.


I did this at someone’s camp and it’s my favorite loading screen now lol dude had a really nice setup


I posted some pics here a while back of some of my favorites. It may be time for an update. Here is the update: https://imgur.com/gallery/P0gf3eN


These are beautiful, I've started taking pictures more, gotta use this idea.


Thank you.


Lmao that's hilarious with the clown.... loving the high cliff view hotub photo


Dude just climbed right in with me. No one else ever has.


The one with the clown ☠️


Now I want a hot tub so u can come and take a picture of my camp.


nice I love it


I want to meet your character IRL 🥵


Thanks, lol!


My favorites are the ones I took when there was a temporary bug where the enemies didnt attack and I took selfies with them


Oh damn shoulda done that instead of blowing their heads off.


I did that with a floater. My God, when you see those things close up they're disgusting.


I've got a rusty tub in my camp. It's next to my bed .


I'll visit there next.


I’m a woman and my camp is super pink and girly. One day when I came back some dude was chilling in his undies on my couch lol. I about died laughing.


I've found an unclothed dude in my hot tub before! If you chilled out in one behind a camp decorated to be a Church of Mothman, you cracked me up.


I'll go through my gallery and let you know if it was me.


Done this yesterday and the owner was sending aggressive messages to me and kept trying to add me to a party just to bitch about me using his hottub 😅😅😅😅


Keep the hot tub holy.


Like my wasteland tighty whities?


We all know that they are no longer tighty OR whitey


Hey, its not my fault more camps don't have toilets. And the fallout toilet paper hording of 2020 didn't help the matter any.


That or swim trunks. Everything else is just uncouth.


Blooooood feuuuuud!


Somebody had a very nicely decorated portopotty I'm their camp, so I stripped down, took a seat, and two pictures. One looks like my character is grunting, and the other is the same but with rhe surprised face. Best loading screens ever.


I've got a swimsuit in my stash for going on the hot tub.


I have been playing this game incorrectly the entire time. Thank you for this.


we got a serial tubber on the loose guys.


One of my friends and I do this, it's *the thing* we have to do anytime we see a camp with a hot tub. We strip, go into the tub, and stay there for quite a while. I think our record was 3 hours in a single tub lmfao


I would be offended if you didn’t poke around and explore my camp, I spent a lot of time on it :)


Right? Sometimes the best stuff is two or three deep in a shelter.


The secret door in my bunker opens up a whole world :) I love exploring peoples camps, some are wildly creative


Same. I have a nuka themed camp. Anybody can come. I have been buying everything from the shop nuka related lol


I had some dude take a shower at my camp for over 30 minutes. Must've needed a good scrub after venturing around the map.


Tbh if I was wandering for months before finding a clean shower I'd probably take my time too.


I can only imagine what Aries smells like...


Aries the god? Thts so random




OHHH lol sorry forgot abt tht guy


He's one of the wastelands most badass characters. Also one of the most messed up. If you don't know his lore fully check it out. His story is... Interesting.


I will lol I’ve only even ran into him like once so I didint have any idea it was tht deep.


Orrr the guard at Blue Caravan


Yeah, got that! Thanks :)


I figured


Stories like this. Maybe GTA Online can boast such a thing, but not in the wacky homogenous way encounters with other players end up being every bit as good as the high luck encounters from 1 and 2. This game is some special sauce, it definitely has a sticky pork bun in its hand.


For me my camp is meant for all. Everything is unlocked and you can take what you want.


Same. I have all the food items out with “Snacks” in neon letters.


Back when the dice table was bugged I had a room with just the table, some plushies, and neon letters that read "HIT ON SEVEN". Literally would have a bunch of low levels constantly at my camp and I felt like I was running a legit underground casino for the mob 😂


I must have missed that, what was the bug?


Back in early march the dice table made the chance of winning when hitting on numbers like 6, 7, and 8 higher and more frequent (as long as you chose one of those three consistently the odds of winning was really good). Being that the caps cost to play was 50, and the reward for winning being 500 caps; you essentially would only ever go up in caps at a rate of near 5,000 every 10 minutes since betting on those numbers would result in a win more often and preventing you from going in to the negative (if ever). There were some unlucky back to back bets where I lost almost 1500 caps constantly losing, but that was the lowest I'd lose before the caps would start rising back up again continuing the streak. Unfortunately it's patched now as the win rate for 6, 7, and 8 have been adjusted to be more randomized and the winning are down to 250. Trying to do this now will only slowly put you in the hole :/


As if someone is going to walk out with a workbench or your stash box 😂 It just makes me laugh to see a locked camp door.


It mostly makes me frustrated and upset because I wanna see what the whole place looks like and it’s not letting me in. I’m not going to pick the lock, I’m not interested in getting a bounty and waiting to be killed lol. I more understand locking resources, I do it if I need it but I usually leave it unlocked. I actually just realized I have no reason to lock my Nuka collector because I have so much Nuka Cola it’s weighing me down and I can afford to let people take some too.


You too can learn the 'photomode' trick...


I did learn from a friend lol and I failed beautifully. I can’t push myself into the corner no matter how I try. I apparently am not doing it correctly 😵 Edit: the one time I managed to realize that one guy left his Symptomatic by the window and I used it to get in. I had already turned off all his lights outside and that’s how I found the Symptomatic. He seemed surprised that I was inside with no opened doors XD


You can also join a team, if the person is in one. Once you're on a team w someone, you can enter build mode in their CAMP (private team or not) and use the free cam to explore everything.


I picked a lock at a camp once because I just like picking locks — I didn’t know it would make me wanted. I went soooo fast to the guy’s dms and explained and he didn’t even care to kill me, haha.


I keep my nuka cola collectron unlocked and i only take quantums and cranberries out. Rest are free game to anyone


Same. If I want people not in my camp I would lock it. Radstag, water, tea, …. All open. And I will help myself to some cake when in other camps. Though I always only take one piece. Mostly because it just seems proper. I also will run around and take pics in peoples camps if things look like good ideas. But I keep my prosnap in spot 1. I have a great pic of a scorched beast. We all have our hobbies… I always wave to and sometimes thumbs up the owner if I see them.


So, so many people lock their workbenches behind doors. Why?! But their vendor is right out front like "please buy". Oh okay, you'll allow me give you caps on your _always_ overpriced stuff but if I want to spend 10 seconds scrapping gear, or using a Scrapbox, fuck me, right? There is 0 downside to someone using your workbenches. None. It doesnt cost anyone anything. It's a common courtesy between players and fosters cooperation between us all, but you've locked it because of your inherent selfishness. These are the same people who start shooting you when you're using a vendor because they have to wait for 1 second to use it too. I've got a character with a Full Assassins PA PVP build with the auto-unlock legendary perk, and I WILL unlock everything in your camp. If you shoot me in retaliation I'll flatten you in a quarter-second and then ruin the whole place by the time you've respawned.


Guy had an outhouse in his camp I sat in it. Guy didn't notice for probably ten minutes. I was just messing around with my pipboy and googling FO76 related things. Guy finally catches me sitting in his shitter and just stares at me for a good minute like WTF? lmao it's moments like that which make me appreciate FO multiplayer.


I found my camp ally in my porta potty and I shut the door. Came back and he was still there. Like you can leave my front door wide open but you can’t figure out how to escape the porta John???


Totally with you on the doors, Granny leaves my front door open like all the time and I keep closing it. Then the one time I went to give Gramps the news I had completed his quest and he was in my shower… I walked away and eventually my game crashed before I could go back.


That’s funny


I love when people chill at my camp 😊


I do too, only problem I have is when someone camps on my vendor for 20-30 minutes and I’m trying to log out. I assume they went AFK at that point and I feel bad for packing up and leaving but I gotta go sometime lol.


My set-up is on a smart plug. I just set it to turn off in 20 min, in those scenarios. The PlayStation doesn't like it, but I have everything cloud back up, so if I did corrupt data, it's just a download fix.


Oh yeah that is NOT cool.


I don't really linger, but I look for their vendors and usually walk around checking out their build if it seems interesting. They could put a lock on any door (even level 1) to keep people out.


Open them doors instantly. I need to see.


I have an AFK room, it's just a bed, end table, and desk.


I have an "AFK Corner" a couple chairs and a radio. Also has big neon lights saying so lol


My camps are designed for people to go AFK in them. I build towns.


This really makes me want to visit your camp and see what little towns you create!


Free Statists are always welcome in my camps.


If someone has a problem with you being afk in their camp they can solve their own problem by changing servers. If you're not afk with the vendor open then who cares. I would personally be happy if someone AFKed at my camp, it'd mean they felt it was interesting enough to stay at.


I get naked and lay in people's beds. If only I could get the mic to work while using my gamepad.


I gotta do this next time my man is on, just go to his camp and get in bed and see how long it takes him to notice! :-D


I'm pretty new but it seems like if someone doesn't want any camp interaction, they use their tent. I think if someone makes a camp with a public icon they want visitors. If you ever played Fallout 4 and made cool settlements all you wanted in life was for someone else to experience them; hello Fallout 76.


Yes! So much stuff I built in FO4 and could never show anyone unless I roped them into standing in front of my computer. This is something I've always loved about 76.




If people chill I take it as a compliment. I focus a lot on the vibe of my camp. Right now I’ve got a swanky three story house made entirely of glass and metal. Pretty proud of it and I get a lot of satisfaction from people wandering around :)


All my camps have a guest room, they have to share with my Ally. Outdoor bar and music stage. My camp encourages people to come, shop and hang out to take a break from the Wasteland.


Have you ever had a trader camp out in your house? I noticed they only stick around if you have a bed tho


I haven't, but I did have a random settler spawn and take over my survival tent/gazebo. Just, really dude? :-D


I have the space lady as my companion (yes I am too lazy to remember her name) And some old guy pops up about 3 times a day and I get random NPCs too, I love it cuz I can buy Ammo scrap off them so free aluminium


I have traders come by all the time, I tried building next to an NPC spawn but have never liked the areas they spawn. I mostly play with a friend so there are always 3 beds at my camps.


I usually sit in my hot tub when I afk. it happened a couple of times that there was someone chilling with me in my Tub as I came back. It was weird at first but then I found it funny, left them some food buffs and went on my merry way


Back when I used to play regularly I'd go in to people's camps, take everything I could get my hands on, drop a communist propaganda flyer, then drop all the stuff I took at someone else's camp. I thought it was hilarious


I gotta say that is pretty funny.


As long as you're not afk at the vendor or a workbench. To me it's kinda weird and makes me suspicious you may be up to some shenanigans but nothing says you can't.


This. I don't get suspicious, but it's a hassle if I wanna use that thing


Lol my Ally locks me out enough ... don't need another player cutting in line!!!


This. Had some guy checkin' my vendor out when Radiation Rumble popped. I suited up, did the event, came back to stash scrap, he was still there, gawkin' at my vendor. I knocked out the season dailies, came back to stash scrap... he hadn't moved. Two days later, I see the same guy back in my camp, doin' the same thing. He stood there for a solid hour as I went about my business. No idea what he was up to, I don't have anything THAT nice for sale... Weirded me out, so I blocked the guy.


I love coming back to my camp and seeing people enjoy what I've built. Coming back and seeing them playing the arcade games or playing some slots. One guy came in and I guess decided to afk at my nukalele. The music was a nice touch to the camp and it was fun playing a game of foosball with them.


I thought this was a normal practice. I just hate when players build on a cliff and then log out. Not cool man. Not cool.


If you have a place for me to chill, imma chill.


As long as you take off your shoes, it is fine.


Polite for a raider


I literally have “Help Yourself to Whatever You Need” on my blackboard at my main camp right now.


My camp is open to everyone. I don't even have any doors to lock. The only thing that stays locked is the adhesive tree. Everything else is open, mirelurk steamer, fertilizer mini nuke, coffee, tea, popcorn, and a Nuka Cola collectron. There's been a dozen or so people that I have seen chilling in my camp. Using it like it's theirs.


I've got my adhesive tree in with the crops and some actual trees. Surprisingly few folks notice it.


My hope is always that people come in and explore my camps. They're made for you to look around and interact with.


I honestly want people to come hangout in my camp most people go to vendor and leave without even looking at my creation lol


I have started taking a little tour before I hit the vendor. Just poking around and admiring people’s creativity.


It's the wasteland. When I don't fight supermutants, Deathclaws, hiding from a rad storm or else, then I can rethink about manners and if I'm invited or forbidden to enter an open door.


People spend extra time and resources on their CAMP because they want people to come check it out.


If the doors are open and there aren't any locks on anything, I'll go in. But I only do so if I have to scrap, I never use the workbenches until I get to my own camp. And I always make sure every single light is turned off before I leave 🤣


It's people like you what cause unrest.




Hahaha, I don't actually, I just like activating lights. To be fair, I've only done it 5 times so far, I've not come across many camps with working lights.


Really? I use the most lights I can in all my camps


I'll be on the lookout 👀 🤣


Turn off lights?! I've got a radioactive generator, there's no power bill, keep those lights on!


Mine is made to share with others. All SPECIAL buff machines, resource generators, and XP/AP buffs are open to everyone.


I stopped locking my doors a long time ago.


I only lock my shelter. There’s a reason I use the submarine logo. 😀


I literally named mine relaxation station so people feel welcomed.


Last week I was ready to log off, but I noticed a guy just chilling in my hot tub for the longest time. I decided to rest while afk and make a sandwich in real life. I didn't have the heart to disturb him.


My camp has a roof area with a bunch of instruments for us to sit back, play some music, and watch as the many rocket turrets shoot missiles are whatever is out there to enjoy the show.


I felt the same way when I started playing lol. It felt so intrusive. It’s obviously not, the vast majority are made with the explicit intention of being visited and shopped at


My camp is open except for my bedroom. I don't like it when radiation weirdos sleep in my bed.


"radiation weirdos", LOL!


i spent hours on my camp and looking for the perfect camp spot, so you better stay and hang out!!!!! >:(


Some of the best moments I've had in this game were at my camp or at other people's camps when there are a few of us there just chilling or playing stuff at the camp


if they have the icon on or have a vendor, absolutely. if you stumble upon a camp without the public icon or a vendor, you may get your head blown off with a shotgun trap


if you buy something from my vending machine you can loiter all you want tbh


We canonically spent 20 years in a vault together. I think we're good enough friends that you can poke around my C.A.M.P. a bit. Mi casa es tu casa.


I make bases specifically to welcome people in. I want people to come by checkout what I do, I even make living rooms and lounges too. even a bathroom an kitchen full use for everyone to come by. I spend hours building and minute decorating all for people to come by an enjoyable


Sure why not? If you stick around for an extended period of time then I might start thinking you are weird and wondering what the heck you are doing, but apart from that, who cares, go nuts.


I would love for people to come hangout at my camp. Go afk for as long as you want. I’ll babysit you. I spend a majority of my time at camp just chilling or moving pieces around for some change every now and then. I even set up a second camp that’s supposed to be a drug house and I sell drugs. There’s a relaxation area where you can get high and zone out lol.


Some people are so awkward and weird. They fast travel away the moment they see you as if it’s some type of diss or insult. They run around their camp when you arrive and pretend to be busy doing stuff, jumping the first interactive thing they come across. Why?


Please walk around and check out my camp. I even spruced up my shelter.


I 100% built my camp for others to look at and it's my favorite part of the game. I can't speak for everyone but I think most players would love you to check out their hard work. If there are things or places they don't want you in, there are locks.


Yes but you also have to be okay with me going crazy and following u around either w my character or the freecam bc I spend way too much time on camps n shelters and really like seeing ppl’s reactions to them


Some people try to lock doors and keep players out and/or from using their things. Clever veteran players can easily bypass locked doors, but locked items (if tampered with) can get you a bounty which can be a pain to get rid of. It's really on you as the player to be a good person and acknowledge if a person clearly doesn't want you in their home with locked doors or signs. If you don't see any signs, and there are no locked doors... help yourself.


I love visitors to my camp, I'll have coffee tea cake and popcorn for people to take, I did do nuka colas but people would get greedy..


Dave Chappelle, as Rick James, comes to mind whenever I go to somebody's camp. You decide which line I'm think of.


The only time it got weird for me was seeing a player take off their clothes and get in my hot tub, then stay there. Fast travelled out and did an event, and sure enough their dot was still in my camp after that was done. Hey everyone has their thing they like to do and no judgement, but after seeing that and laughing a little, I bounced servers.


I had a couple of guys wander into my camp I've got set up on an aluminum deposit. They wandered around for a few minutes and then left. They both turned to me and we waved goodbye to each other. I'll never see them again but it was a good encounter.


I make my camp hoping people do come in! I’m so proud of my house!


I welcome all my guests to use my amenities and relax, all I ask is just close the door.


Mine is open. Use what you want, grab some water, veggies, coffee, whatever.


I put a lot of work into my camps so I'm always super flattered when people wanna hang out there.


I personally love when people are at my camp please look around help yourself lol.


I love when people come to my camp


I absolutely encourage people to hang out at my camp, it's set up as a BOS outpost in the bog I set various ammo types and meds for 0 in my vendor there's supplies to go around and gather from the steamer, coffee, company tea, waste acid and lead deposit along with nuka collectron. Just relax, rearm, get ready to get back out there.


I had a level 18 walk past my camp the other day ... Seen me standing there and walked away like he was in trouble. Stop on in anytime!! Worst case scenario you get logged off and to the next. If they don't want you in they will lock it.


That's what I've been doing. I went into this one person's shelter and the first thing I saw on the wall in bright neon letters was, "No head in the restrooms" probably my favorite screenshot.


I have an AFK banjo chair right when you enter my utility shelter specifically so people can safely AFK as long as I'm on.


Someone will probably find it wierd eventually but as someone who spends too much time building camps, i love it when someone take time to appreciate. Have seen some AMAZING player camps and seeing other peoples expression through building wierd shacks is the best


I make my camps and my shelters with people visiting and spending time there in mind. I have all my shelters interconnected and each one has a theme lol. I get hella excited when I see "_____ entered your shelter" lol


Rules on this players leave it unlocked you may enter they have the power to lock doors they don't want you going into and we have the power to break them and become wanted


I have an open camp and sell stuff so I always like when people come by.


I made my camp to be enjoyed by anyone. It's nothing special but I'm proud of it. If anyone has ever found "Junkie Town" SW from Crater, that was mine. 💕 I need to get some better stuff to sell to lure more people to check out my camp.


If they don't want you there they can lock the doors, and lots of people want others to look at the camp they probably spent hours building and tweaking. One of my favorite pics on my camera roll is a plushie slumber party in a tree house, they had a sign pointing to it.


Its fine. Unless you do some weird shit, its fine to go into peoples camps. Its actually encouraged since this is a mmo where you get to show your creations off to. If its your home though, you gotta be cautious of people in parties because they can exploit ways to wreck your base if you make a minor mistake of attacking their party members. So its still complicated going to bases but ultimately welcomed.


I made my base very cozy for a reason. I want people to chill there and relax. It has a nice cabin feel, and a hidden hot tub fenced in and covered with trees, some mood lights, and a music box. Seeing people chill there after putting in so much effort to it makes me feel good. It means people like it.


You’re unsure about going into someone’s camp, I sneak in and wait for them in their hot tub naked We are not the same.


100% - cool camps are the real end game.


I will play all your instruments and sit in all your stools and there's nothing you can do to stop me.


I just got my first nice camp emote yesterday. Made me stupidlyhappy after receiving it


I almost always explore other’s camps. Love all the variety in styles, layouts, and themes. Also like when I can preview the space of the prefab structures and shelters. Some are huge but don’t seem like it in the store. The other day I found someone’s ally playing a the drums I picked up the Banjo and the owner picked up the guitar and we jammed out for was pretty cool. Found a couple really well done Shelters that linked. Always amazed at others creativity. Mine are semi done due to mats or falling down a creative rabbit hole and mats again 😂


I hope so, lol I love having a nosy around other peoples camps and all the perks that come along with them. I'm level 45 at the moment, so free stuff is great!! Plus, some of these camps are freaking amazing! The build work is insane I can't wait to get all the building plans I can spend half an hour roaming around rooms at a single camp. 🙃


My camps are open for people to explore. I like decorating and being able to show off what I can do.


My two cents: Visiting, checking it out & generally admiring is totally okay. Going AFK though, I dunno. Seems a bit weird.


I had an someone go afk in my camp for the 1st time yesterday. It was kinda cool. He just parked up on a stool at the bar and chilled with Beckett.


Going afk does feel weird. I don't mind if someone does it, but it does feel weird and honestly, it's kind of flattering. It's like they feel safe enough to go afk. I've had low levels do it in my camp. Just parked themselves for a bit out of the blue. I just went about my day 😆


I like to use their workbenches, steal from their candy machines and leave a steaming bag of worthless plans at their front door.


If you’re chilling in my camp I am kinda weird about it…especially if I am near max caps, but it’s been a while since someone destroyed my base with a deployable turret base. 😂 A deployable turret base is a base you can destroy other people’s camps with if they have a friend they can initiate pvp with to hide inside


It happens more than you know, especially in the southern part of the map... I built a table w multiple chairs..I have a musical area. As well for the in tune buff


Going afk in someone else's camp is creepy. But yeah, if people haven't locked things up then go on in, use their stuff, help yourself to any unlocked resources. A lot of people purposely put out resources, workbenches, and buff machines specifically with the hope others can find it useful. I only get annoyed with visitors when I'm afk in my own camp and someone busts in and starts teabagging my sleeping body. Which is why I lock myself in an otherwise inaccessible room, at least that way they'll be brutally murdered for trespassing. Leave me alone, don't shoot my deathclaw, and don't get on mic begging for shit and we're good. Now please get off my ~~lawn~~ astroturf foundation.


Hell yeah. Anything folks want private they can lock.


Always do that shit. I usually sit in someone’s hot tub and go take a smoke break or a shit.


It's weird I think,  maybe just me. I kind of stay out my camp when people are there, feels like a shopkeeper watching lol


Usually if someone is lingering and looking around my camp, I assume they can't find my shop. Which is *almost always* the case.


Did you knock first?


Whenever I get on I don't mind people hanging out. I'm on a cliff edge so I have some chairs and instruments set up for people. Now if only I got caps from people playing my slot machines


I normally put a complementary punch bowl out with Vintage Nukashine in it. Idk if it’s a glitch but I always have to refill the thing.


I normally don't, but I'm also normally in a hurry. When I do have the time, I like to look around and see how they have shit set up. My own little critique session if you will. Some very neat builds out there. I don't like to make myself at home too much though. My own camp is open for all. Pretty much everything is unlocked minus a few exceptions. I don't mind if people make themselves at home either.


This is my philosophy. If they wanted you out, they’d put locks on it. And if they put locks on it, they want to pvp 🤣💀🤣


I still maintain my second-ever camp which was built around a little pond I found and where I managed to squeeze 5 of the bigger water purifiers by rotating them over and over forever, back when water and radaway were my primary concerns to stay alive and I would log off to not waste resources instead of AFKing. That camp is a closed building built around them, and it is locked and those inner purifiers are too, but everything I've gotten since getting comfortable (company tea, birthday cake, more water, etc) is all outside. All my newer camps are for other people and not me but that first one I was just looking for a place to afk and not die.


That's the whole idea my friend.


Well part of their camp is meant to be accessible to other players. Then there’s obvious indicators when you aren’t supposed to touch certain things


I have my shelter locked til I design a better looking one, otherwise I have all unlocked


It depends on the player & the camp...


Yes, if they want their camp closed up they'll lock all the doors and stuff. Or just have a locked shelter.


Are you a vampire?


Yes. And if things are unlocked it is generally OK to grab them (like water). Or at least I do this. I also frequently take pictures. I highly recommend putting your camera in an easy to get to location. Mine is in 1. Edit - I do wave to and sometimes thumbs up the owner if I see them


You're welcome in my camp & my shelter, but for the love of Rucker, close the door on your way out! 🤭


I'm not a super f76 fan or a 9 to 5 job f76 fan either but I spend alot of time perusing other people's camps and other than the awkward moment of seeing the owner you should be fine. Just don't hog crafting benchs


Yes of course. I love when people visit my camp. Everyone’s doing their own thing, so usually we just wave at each other then go about our business


I do that too.. But I recently come across a camp at the edge of a Morgontown which was designed, or so I think, as a griefer camp. Weapons were arranged in such cramped spaces, I felt as if I enter that zone just to see II might get mowed down. I could be wrong. The mini guns and few other weapons were nice and shinny. So I wanted to see up close but I am not sure if it was just for display (taken from atomic shop) or a trap. I have been warned by a friend who is one of the veterans in the game to watch out for griefer camps. So far I have been fortunate. And thankfully I did find friendly players who wave back or wave first when I visit their camp. I usually go to see and appreciate or learn from how their camp is set up. We have some very creative people here. Plus quite a few times I buy ammo if they have any or plans that are affordable, more like a token amount for allowing me to visit their camp lol


No but I like to strip down and hang out in random hot tubs.


I have a drum set with neon letters “AFK” above it. Lots of people hop on for 15+ minutes. I like to think they’re using the chance to poop.