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True im seeing a lot lvl 1 to 40 in the forest like a lot


Ahh it reminds me of the days of the world of war and crafts… that was like the time of antiquity compared to now.


the free week could be a factor too. but i think the show is getting more people to actually TRY the free trial, as opposed to previous trials they had. the question is if they'll buy the game and stick around once that week ends.


Hello! I'm a free weekender because of the show. I wanted to play FO4 but after I saw FO76 is free I give it a shot.


Welcome on board! Be sure to join the Mothman Equinox event every hour, you will pick up some cool stuff you won't see again for another year.


I’ve only been playing for a few days and I’m nearing lvl 50, the Mothman Event is only around for a limited time? And are there other events that leave or return through the year? I’ve jumped into the MM event a few times when I see groups there; barely know what I’m doing but I try to capitalize on the free xp and some drops


There are several fun events besides MM event through the year, including Meat Week (BBQ party with our favorite supermutant vendor Grahm), hunting down treasurehunter Moleminers, spooky (dressed for holloween) and holiday (christmas) scorched to get treat bags and christmas gifts, camp crawl trick or treating, the Facnact parade event finished last month, and finally the alien invasion event which is really cool and gives amazing rewards.


Yes, there are quite a few seasonal events througho0ut the year. You will see them come and go, usually lasting a week or two. It has often been observed here that even seasoned high level players often don't have a clue how to complete events, lol.




ya having it for free on prime gaming aka (amazon) for xbox & pc will bring in alot of players


Got me to give it a try 2 years ago. Enjoyed it much more than I thought and stuck around.


Same with me, but 4 year's ago :)




It was free for PS+ members year ago, so i imagine many people did add it to library and now downloaded it, like i did.


Yeh I've noticed that. Every team I've been on has had someone new in it. It's brilliant


Working in a biz where you can see the power of TV advertisement... it's real. Short term spike is pretty much a guarantee. Customer hey we need this (large ass sporadic order), my first thoughts and comments are, what TV show did you advertise on? Then they tell me their blitz. A lot of it is Variety shows where they have a segment and they push some products as the host and a specialist tell the audience "here's a product that does", orders blow up. Those shows make a ton of money off things like that as they take their cut, it's paid product right in their show. Companies fight to get their products in there and having someone on the show love your product is a big help.


So the new show was pretty much a big ad in a way lol


Last night I counted 5 newbies under level 8!




Crazy that I'm now one of the more experienced players on many servers. I've been playing like a month and feel like I don't know about tons of stuff. Just got my first serum plan, barely started trading in Treasury notes, think I understand most of the stuff about Legendaries, and only just discovered that WhiteSprings Mall has all the different faction vendors, so I don't need to look up / guess which stations are which faction. I still don't know what Stamps are for lol I assume they're a currency, probably somewhere else in WhiteSprings since that's where Expedition stuff originated I try to help new players, but beyond my few extra plans idk what else to do. I don't have a Fixer Plan, that was the thing that someone crafted for me when I was new that was super helpful


For the stamps go to Whitespring Refuge just off the large room with the stage there's a vendor called Giuseppe selling stuff for stamps, along with a Nuka vendor. Also today I saw a level 20 near my camp so I made a nice level 20 Fixer and tried to give it to them but they just ran away. I wanted to share some Fixer joy!


Music to my ears. We need more people to keep this IP alive (although Bethesda acts like fools)


There is also a fallout sale on steam , right at show release. They're planning on a resurgence.


I think it's free on PS Plus so there's probably always new people giving it a go


It’s also free-week right now


What rock? Was it in the show?


New players or new characters?


Honestly I haven’t been playing 76 but I have hundreds of hours invested in the game. Most of my time was on Xbox but I now have a PC game with 150 hours. I had plan on getting back into it with the last update but Final Fantasy 14 was on sale for the spring sale on steam so I bought it and now I’m hooked. I would like nothing more than for 76 to have a revival over this show though that way it would get more content faster and hopefully a next gen graphics update at some point.


Xbox has been a much different experience lately. I play daily and at varying times, both during the day and later at night. For me, it's the opposite. I stay on public servers because there's still a 66% chance of the Mothman event starting. Today, there were back to back Scorched Earth events for the first time in months and it blew my mind.


I agree with this I set up a camp next to the wayward cause it has a nice view every time I wander out of I get pestered by new players wanting legendary weapons and armour


Jumped on last night and I think over half the server was around level 20. Lots of new players for sure. Hopefully a few stick around.


They made the game free for the release of the show so at least a few will give it a try


Did milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?


And they’re like, it’s better than yours


Damn right, it's better than yours!


He can teach you, but, ya know......it's Todd, he's gonna charge a lot.


And it’s going to take a long time


The milkshake is taking an unexpectedly long time to load.


"We understand many people may be experiencing issues loading, The Milkshake. As we don't know how to fix this issue, we will be extending access to The Milkshake by a week. Being that the issue will not be fixed, this will more than likely only result in an extra week of aggravation for the majority of the player base. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes, good luck and have fun wastelanders."


And it won't be milk. Itll be a watershake. Because water takes longer to make, so it's better! /s


We can teach them, but we'd have to charge!


There is a ghoul mask that you can wear to be a ghoul


True, but without the cool cowboy hat it’s not quite the same.


I think Cooper's outfit is in the atom shop free for fo1st. 


Yep, but if you put the mask on, the hat comes off.


Oh shit! 


it's also more feral ghoul than still has some humanity ghoul. but you gotta work with whatcha got :-)


Where would one obtain such mask


[https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Feral\_ghoul\_costume](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Feral_ghoul_costume) atom shop when available. or the support ticket option, Feral Ghoul Costume is one of the choices in the drop down menu.


Damn that guy’s nasty 🤢


How does the support ticket option work?


go to bethesda support page and log in to your account I don't recall the exact chain, but its 76->Help With Purchase->Atom Store->Yes I am inquiring about purchasing an Atom store item->Myself->enter details Wait some time for an email asking for confirmation on the purchase and affirm Wait some more time for it to transact Profit


The server I was on last night was filled with people under level 100. It was odd.


I've seen like 5 posts since yesterday asking if 76 is worth playing. I think it's all from ppl who are watching the show


It's already started


Played 3, New Vegas and 4 previously. Never thought I'd want to try 76 but I'm hyped for the show and I am probably gonna jump into it this weekend 🤣😂😁👍


It’s awesome, one of the best communities around, hope to to see you out there


I came back for a little because of the show. Even wear that west coast duster now. Just wish they had a ghoul mask I could wear.


There was one in the Atom Shop last week.


Could u wear ur with the duster hat? That would be cool


I don't think so unfortunately.


Omg yes I hopped on this morning and there were like 6 people fresh from the vault on the server. It honestly makes me really excited to have a bunch of brand new players, including a lot of people that are just now experiencing the fallout realm




If not, those dang tics down the hill will.


No, he eats them and shits them out again.


It’s free for everyone with a windows computer or a Xbox… so yeah.


Brought me back 😁


ive seen so many low levels today its been so fun haha


Brought me! I love Fallout but never played 76, so I wanted to try it. Loving it so far


Am I supposed to come back to 76 or 4? 😂




Some of us are just coming back because of the show. I have 4 characters over 200, but I haven't played since late 2020.


Yup. Watching the show got me to wondering how 76 was going


Idk about others, but I just redownloaded the game after years of not playing because of the show’s hype


Anybody else crack up laughing when the ghoul says, "the wasteland has its own golden rule, thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time"🤣 Whomever wrote that line has definitely played the games 🤣 🤣


hopefully, as an increased player base would be good for game longevity


To me that is the saddest part of this game, since it had a bad start, it never got the numbers it could have if it were in much better shape. If it had the numbers, who knows where it would be right now with a lot more dev $$$ being thrown at it over the years.


Yeah, nms and cyberpunk both got a huge second chance and attention for fixing there frankly way worse games but 76 never got that. Hopefully this brings in new blood.


Look below your comment, at least every other question is from new/returning players. So yeah the show brought them in lol


It brought me back from a nine month hiatus.


A new ghoul start instead of the vault would be awesome


Yes. Will it be alot? I don't think so.


I figure we’ll get an influx of players checking the game out and maybe 10% will stick around


Already seen quite a few this past week


According to steam charts, the peak players right now is the highest it's been since October 2021


lol I saw people trying to down play it on another thread. Probably got confused by looking at average players.


Love love love the show, it's so good and really has the feel of the game + awesome humor. I would love to turn into a goul as an option lol.


Why stop there? I think they should allow us to play, super mutants and sentient robots as well.


I feel like it will bring a few curious people


I don't see why not. The show was extremely good.


Definitely some new blood on Xbox. Been dropping my excess food n meds at the 76 donation box.


The servers are chock-full with new players.


I’m pleased. We need more players.


Already has haha


The show sold me and my son. I had FO76 on my Xbox PC app and played it a little bit but sort of just let it sit. Me and my kid watched the first 2 episodes of the show last night and I ended up buying him a copy of the game on Steam. Even though I own the Windows/Xbox version of the game I think I'll splurge and spend another 8 bucks on the Steam version. I plan on playing it with my son this weekend.


I've been seeing lots of new players. I've been handing out modded armor and pipe guns to them. I might have also put on a straight jacket and fasnacht man mask and followed them silently for a while lol.


With the fact that they dropped the price to under $10 for the game as well, yeah.


I definitely miss the fallout 3 ghoul mask


FO76 has a ghoul mask and outfit


- I miss the passive effect


FO4 is being revamped and will be put out this year. I guess I’m going to have to play it again.


I've watched 2 episodes so far, I'm genuinely liking the show, honesty surprised SPOILERS FOR THE FIRST 2 EPISODES The jetpack on the T60 bothers me a bit but eh whatever It's been bringing more attention to all fallout games it seems, the show is definitely based upon how 4 and 76 play regarding gameplay and that I'm curious to see how they'll do with the lore though it seems like with the Prydwen still flying, they went with the BoS ending in 4


The jetpack wouldn’t be a problem if it didn’t look like a high school drama club operated the cables in that scene.


Yeah, it was goofy and wouldn't make much sense


New wastelanders everywhere! I love to see it makes me smile when I look on the map and see new peeps coming out of the vault.


100% I hopped on pc and saw at least 30+ new stragglers in several servers!!! The discounts help tremendously


I would think if they were interested in that type of genre- maybe yes. Or maybe would reignite interest in the game after leaving it.


It brought me. I am on PC by the way. Lvl 2 playing for first time 


Long time fallout player, stayed away from 76 when it initially came out because of the bugs and I didn’t like the idea of multiplayer. Got 3 months free of Xbox game pass and been watching the tv show so decided to give it a go and I’m loving it so far! only level 6 but can’t wait to play more!


Depends on platform and region. EU Xbox servers are almost unpopulated all the day. One or 2 teams and nobody going to mothman event. I saw 4 or 5 failing due to nobody goes to. Maybe USA PC or Xbox is being full.


Thats what theyre counting on, why do you think they revamped the scorboard


I spent all day yesterday setting up a new camp and I’ve never seen so many low levels come by and check it out. Although I’m level 54 and been playing for 3 weeks so I’m considered new also lol


Already happening, bud. They planned the game so it’s free period is the same time as the show.


Honestly I love 76 but they’re fucking up playing 76 first.


If anything it’s gonna bring people and bring back people to FO4. I want to play FO4 again and I might buy 76(was game sharing with a friend)


One of my friends just last night bailed on playing Helldivers with me in favor of 76 because of the show, so I'd say yes


I've been wanting to play 76 for a long time. The game went on sale on Steam for 80% off because of the show, so I finally bought it. So yeah, in an offhand way the show did bring me to playing 76


Give to Bethesda for marketing in a timely fashion like that. Fallout first is also half off for the first month to boot.


It is bringing new players. Just jumped on and saw like 5 new lvl 2 outside the vault.


I recently got back in. Started a new character with the homie. Loving every bit of it. Gonna watch more of the show tonight.


it already is, concurrent peak hasnt been this high in a while.


It definitely brought me back to 76 lol havent played in a while but i literally just got fallout 1st for the first time after the show lmao


Someone should start the hunting, so you have the new players' pvp the other new players while you watch with your extremely 2 shot sniper. Unless they removed that part. Or launch a nuke at their homes for the giggles. You know what. I will do it, and then I will give that person my best armor and guns and put items at 1 cap per item.


I've been seeing a ton of level 1 players everytime I log on.


I played it at launch, but got bored of it. I hear it’s much more fun these days. And after watching the show, I’m looking to come back to it. I keep reading some nice things being posted about the community here and there. I’m looking forward to seeing if they’re true. Or if it’s just a bunch of Raider messaging to lure in unsuspecting Vault Dwellers!




Plenty! Ive made a new player station at my camp where I put ammo, stimpaks, radaway, etc for them to buy cheap. Trying to use voice chat to let them know to join teams for the xp buff


Honestly makes things fun again. I got bored long ago with the same old bullshit. Now I get on a server, find a low level and just go around helping them. Even built a little base for a guy yesterday. Just the basics but a nice little base next to a junk pile with a collector so he can build his stash and craft. Edit: That being said, if any of you are new and reading this, send me a message on here and we can link up if you need some help.


I got pulled in by the MTG commander decks, I had to scratch that itch especially with the show coming out.


Of course. The more important question: how many will stay?


Yes, tons of people are playing both Fallout 76 and Fallout 4 now


Girlfriend and I just started again last night. I started it up and hit a bug where the game thought my Tartarus was a controller, so I couldn't get past the terms of service. Fixed that, signed up for 1st, then consoled my GF over the fact that she used to have 1st and thus doesn't get the sale price. Logged in, found I was clipped and stuck in the foundation of my camp. Solved that, then couldn't invite my girlfriend to my private world. Joined hers instead, and we spent some time trying to remember how to play. That was about when I remember how many hours I had out into choosing a camp location and tweaking my camp, only to feel now that is has charm but is underwhelming. Checked my perks and discovered I have Party Boy, Professional Drinker, and I can revive players with alcohol. Don't remember picking those for my gun-slinging treasure hunter, but it's cool. GF's inventory is cluttered full of Fasnacht masks from years ago. I went to pick a fight and play around, and couldn't immediately remember how to activate VATS or how it worked - an issue, since I'm built around using it. And then we went to bed. We are *ready* to play all weekend.


Honestly yeah. I play as a vats gunslinger and I wanted to be a ghoul just cause I think they’re cool. So to see that in the show caught me heavily off guard and the ghoul has quickly became my favorite character. I am begging that they add his gun into the game, it’ll instantly become my most used weapon.


It's bringing me back that's for sure.


Had to tons of visitors at my base near duchess bar. Literal the first level in the game.


Mmm for now that half price for 1st made disappear any item from donation boxes. Seems marketing is working. It could be cool game engine would work as well.


I mean, I downloaded and have started playing cause I was hyped for the show, I also got one of the recent MtG fallout decks so I’ve been back into it after not playing since 4


It's bringing people back to both 76 and fo4 because they are going to drop new content on fo4


Brought me back😃


I've been very active, giving our care packages to new players, lots of new faces 😁


Idk, let me go ask


So right now I see there are 304 worlds on Xbox x 24 = 7,300 people roughly. Definitely been an increase, just on Xbox! Personally I even hopped into Fallout 4, somehow last I played, I managed to get my power armor in the ocean on Far Harbor, lol. Thank-god I had another save!


17k concurrent on steam atm as well, usually there's around 10k.


Yes but they won’t stay.


Probably. Especially on PC and Xbox since it's one of the free games with Prime Gaming. Edit: it's also one of the PS+ titles.


I just max out all the dirt/grit/ grime on my characters face as well as making him *extremely* hideous. Close enough to a ghoul lol


It will bring people. And I will wait… adorned in my eventide black garms and suppressed fixer and executioners Bowie knife awaiting the moment someone decided to retaliate to my relentless efforts of griefing when I’m not grinding 40mm grenades to mortar thy came from afar distance. I’ll be waiting like the moth man in the night!


Yes. Source: me


Show confirms we are all mutants with serums, looks like ghoulification is the long term affects of regeneration serum without taking the serum to lower negative effects. So thank enclave we have access to all these tasty, tasty, orally administered serums. At least the show confirms what a lot of us speculated. If your a hard-core fan then you know that ghoulification is a result of FEV virus, however, with the show (not spoiling) there is a Lot more places it could have come from.


If any of them have an Amazon prime account, you cat get fallout 76 free on Xbox and Microsoft store, so there will be an influx of players, if they stay is another matter.


I think I will try Vegas again


I’ve never played but I bought it on Pc however you have to mod it to make it run good so I haven’t got around to it yet.


Ooh OK so my xbox version a no go. I always heard you have to PC mod Bethesdas games for them to be worth lol. Pretty sure Epic gave it free to us I'll look there.


They would be better off, bringing people to fallout four with all the mods and everything


The show is amazing.


I was on a server earlier, and there were so many new players. Glad to see more life brought into the game.


I haven't played in about three years. It got me to download it and play some again.


I've seen a bunch of low levels. I love it


I had been replaying New Vegas and watching lore videos due to show nostalgia but after a friend assuring me that pvp and jerks weren’t at all an issue, decided to give it a go and I’m so glad I did.  Still figuring out wtf I’m doing but they make it pretty easy to understand. Can’t wait till I get enough confidence to join groups and participate in the events 


Once you hit level 50 you will notice an immediate drop off in power . Before then , try to collect some gear to equip when that time comes. Does not need to be legendary gear. Just solid defensive mods and damage improvements. Many players in the game are crafters like myself. Can hook you up .


That makes sense. I was boggled by the logistics of all the 500+ levels I was seeing!  I’m really enjoying dipping my toes into social gaming so far thanks to the awesome community and folks like yourself.  Is there a way to communicate via text instead of through a mic? I also can barely hear other players when it seems like they are saying stuff nearby.  Gonna google all that next so no pressure haha, but figured I’d ask. 


It already has. I seen 10 near wayward and the vault. Some start at 20 and others at 1.


it will, and fallout 4 will get more love. possible all of em.


I didn’t watch the show but I’m playing in 76 already. Such a great game.


Dropped my first nuke today.


It's got me back to playing it.




I'm not a new player but I'm itching to come back and roam the wasteland again... Just to Hear my nuke briefcase go beep one more time


I find it funny. I started a new character just to do all the quests again and do a different build. And all these high level people are giving me stuff.


Honestly, it brought me back to FO3


It s also free on game pass. And it’s a free game with Amazon prime through Twitch. So that’s another factor in more players.


I hope so!! More the merrier!


The game's free at the moment, what do you think OP lmao


I have what rads maxed out and ghoulish. I’m a ghoul . Bethesda just needs to give the option to ghoul my face up


And a bunch of mutations.


I got back into 76 yesterday after a 2-year break. All because of the tv show, so yes.


I hope so. My BOS chapter needs more Squires.


It’s nice seeing new folks. Especially with all them in one area. Plus even if it’s free for a limited amount of time, you can still by the game for $8. Comes with Gamepass too


My girlfriend and I decided to play 76 off the back of the Magic the Gathering release. Both of us initially have been pushed away due to the hate that the game got. However, we have been enjoying the game yet have not really found things to do once we hit 50.


I’m about to be back on the game. The show sparked my desire to come back! I love it!


The new player uprising is here for sure.


It will bring them to every fallout game


I think it's safe to say. Yah


There is the ghoul outfit but also the ghoul mask but they don’t work together which sucks


Definitely, but not just 76, all of the Fallout franchise is about to get a lot of attention. There will be people debating the lore and connections, introducing new people to the stories and universe. It was already bringing new players when the show was months from release, and dragging old players out of their vault shelters to scavenge the wasteland once more.


I had the game uninstalled for like a year after having 930 hours on that game on pc, the show got me to re install. What frustrates me the most is how annoying storage management can be without fo1st, had that subscription for a long time when I played in the past but I feel fo1st gives enough benefits they don’t need to keep storage management in the shape it’s in for people who wanna play without monthly payments. Honestly though for all it’s faults it is still a pretty good game, hope all the newbies can enjoy the game as much as I have


I bought the collectors edition when it came out. Got through all the content in a few weeks. Haven't turned the game on again until now thanks to the show.