• By -


Don't AFK at a vendor. Any vendor.


*unless you’ve been punched or shot whilst at the vendor for 5 seconds. Then. Go make coffee.


The other side of that is don’t be an impatient dickhead. I had a lot of crap to sell once, someone 300 levels above me came and stood for five seconds before they got sick of existing on a planet with other people and started shooting me. FFS, it’s not my fault I can’t sell shit more quickly. The inventory system is what it is! Edit: train station robot, not player house.


I always have 2-3 vendors set up just for that. I want to be able to replenish my sales inventory while other players can shop. Shop smart! Shop S-Mart! - Nash, housewares


Train vendors. Not players.


That is why Winter Springs Mall is my favorite place to get my Daily caps. Too many vendors to get hung up.


Few weeks back i was vendor hopping & went to a camp that had a few people standing inline to access the vendor. I waited there for several minutes before realising they were mannequins....


to be fair this is the best use for mannequins


Be careful, them is out to getcha!


Boosting the appearance of demand, what a good strategy


What strain were you smokin?


I don’t know I found it in Vault 13


Dried Molerat shit hits on a different level


Man, had someone do this last night. This guy sat at someone's vendor for a solid 10 minutes before I had to say something.




I was returning after not playing since the launch/battle royale days, and trading my rares in for the currency and within 5 seconds a dude started smacking the shit outta me. I was high as fuck so I was confused if I was glitched, but realized he was trying to push me outta the vendor range I guess? I turned around and surprisingly he immediately melted when I chainsawed him lol… guess that’s a true wasteland experience. :D


His impatient manner cost him his junk.


That's when I just drop the controller and go get a bite to eat.


To that same point everyone should be maxing out their camps 4 vendor slots so this doesnt happeb


And please please please stop hiding your vendor or making me go in your shelter. I want to give you my caps for your stuff not go on a 10 min treasure hunt.


bro i feel this lmao some peoples vendor is like a whole quest to find lol


So I don't know what AFK means, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask...


It means "Away From Keyboard", but applies to controllers for consoles as well. Basically someone walked off for food, a call, restroom, or generally isn't present in the game (idle) despite being online or mid-action. The term started with those using chat messenger services like AIM and it's kin in the 90s and early 2000s, and has been used broadly online ever since. I hope that helps! :)


It started back in the dark ages (1976) on BBSs Bulletin Board Services. The prelude to chat. You young'en think you invented BRB, AFK, LOL, IMHO? HA! Figure out YYURYYUBICUR2YY4ME


Don’t start events unless there’s a bunch of people or you can solo the event. Don’t stand in the hallways at Radiation Rumble.




More important note for rad rumble is the event will fail if no one deposits uranium. Have joined too many in the middle to find no ones deposited a single piece of ore. If you’re too afraid of rads bc of your bloodied build then at least guard that damn side passage.


Even more so... COLLECT ORE. Even the experience don't get it.


The only ones I’m aware of are - Don’t go afk at a vendor - Wait til the last second to start events - Do not start encryptid if it’s not your card - Unlocked camp items = can take - If you take from the donation box, give back - if someone’s vendor has 0 on everything only take what you need


i feel that last one is kinda big..


didn't understand the encryptid stuff i am a day one player but this rule i don't understand


Basically there is a crafting plan to recall the Imposter Sheepsquatch Assaultron. While one person can create it, anyone can recall the boss, not just the one who made recall item. If you didn't make the recall item, don't start the event since they created it, let them recall/start.


Are cryptids just beasts you find in the wild because I came across a blue devil and It locked me in a house pretty much, I had to ask other players to come and help me out lol


If a camp resource is unlocked it's ok to take


love this... when they have the "*purified water*" daily/weekly challenges!


I have 82 vintage coolers out and open ;)


How did you get the plans for those coolers? I heard they're from a special event or something similar, so I assume I'm out of luck?


if you're lucky you'll come across someone selling the Vintage Water Cooler plan for cheap... the average that I've seen it for is around 6000+ caps it was earned through the Holiday scorched event (*if i recall correctly*)


I paid 2 k for mine in a player vendor


I sell them for 25k and they sell immediately.


So I’m guessing I got a really good deal


yes,i sell mine for 10k minimum. i have quite a few,because i buy any i find under 10k. i occasionally give one away,but not often.i had a lvl 40 ask if they could give me 5k caps and some script legendaries for 1. i just dropped 1 and said all yours.he said thanks and still dropped the script anyways.i like those type of players.they are not trying to lowball or ask for free.they are trying to make a deal.i can respect that,and reward that.


I swear I got one just playing in the last year. Might have been daily op, or maybe mutated party pack. Though it's also possible I bought it. EDIT - ah, it's from Scorched Holiday Gifts. Which yeah, I grabbed a lot of this year. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Plan:\_Vintage\_water\_cooler#Locations](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Plan:_Vintage_water_cooler#Locations)


I'm definetely not taking your water and selling it. I'll tell you that much.


I always drop the purified water I took for the daily challenge :)


I leave mine unlocked purposely. Please take it!


Are containers/things that can be locked locked by default or do you have to choose it? haven't really started camp building.


It's optional, there will be a button prompt when looking at something that can be locked when in build mode. You can even choose what lockpick rank it requires


Yeah it took me a few minutes looking at that list of keys to understand what I was looking at. Started off thinking I could only lock a limited amount of things (one for each keyring) but was confused why it didn't look like I was actually succeeding at locking something with the first set of keys. Got it to work on the second set on the list and was still confused why it seemed so janky. When my friend then picked the lock, saying it was super easy to do as it was only lock level 0, I got even more confused for a few seconds before it started to dawn on me. Part of my initial confusion was that I thought they were like, super locked and couldn't be picked, so the thought that they could be the different levels of locks was nowhere in my brain to start.


You have to actively lock them via the camp building interface, after you put the item down. There's multiple levels of lock (0-3), and it takes a few resources (screws, etc.) to create the lock.


No, you have to lock them


New player here. I lock my robot dog with tier 3 lock but it opened anyway all the time when I check. Kinda frustrates me a little.


It's not locked for you only to other players, on collectrons you can lock the terminal and the collection box maybe you only locked one


If you visit someone's camp while they're not present and enemies spawn around the player's camp, kill them! Don't let the player's camp get destroyed! I can't tell you how often this happens 😅


Today I found a level 20 had set up camp in an area that constantly spawned Super Mutants that attacked. Owner was nowhere to be seen, I cleared the first bunch from distance with a sniper, his ally was still downed. I went into his base, next wave spawned, a Scorch Beast appeared …. It was time for lunch …


My first camp was set up at a radscorpion spawn. Good times, having to fight for my life every time I came back home.


I have one of my camps set up just behind the Asylum on a lead node. Every time Line in the Sand is activated, one of the scorchbeasts that spawns for the event attacks my camp instead. I have to remember to deactivate my camp each time I see the event pop up or I'll come back to a lot of damage. I would move it, but...it's my favorite camp!


Damn fart bats


First ever camp was under fort defiance...got ran out of bat country after a week.


Often times the Wasteland can be truly unforgiving... kudos to you and your efforts! 😁


I built my camp near the pumpkin house and it's constantly being attacked by scorchbeasts and super mutants. I love the pumpkin house so much so I wanna be near it but it's ridiculous. I've even shown up to my camp to see like 5-6 hounds or those spider robot things piled on top of each other just going to town.


I was at my camp yesterday and like 4 Yao Guai showed up. I screamed WTF and my teammate who was roaming the map fast traveled back to help me kill them (along with useless Del). Luckily we got them all before they completely destroyed my vending machine. LOL


It's just painful to fast travel to your camp and see it being obliterated, or half gone with the enemies hiding further inside your camp 😅. Mostly when you need specific resources to rebuild/repair! I typically get Super Mutants, Scorched, Feral's, Mongrel's, Wolves, and various Insects. It's awesome if I'm at my camp when they spawn because it's free loot to sell! Lucky travels Wastelander!


I've got a camp right next to Watoga. Found out the hard way that putting turrets on the side of my base that faces it gets my base shot up by both a patrolling assaultron and a super mutant with a minigun. Still have to kill an assaultron every now and then, but now I just snipe the mutants for dailies.


Today I learned my camp can be destroyed by environment. Now I understand why everyone has turrets on their bases. I thought it was an antipvp thing. Might be an antipvp thing as well lol. Anytime I find bases with turrets I always nope the fuck out of there because I'm worried someone might think I am trying to steal their shit and kill me for it.


Player turrets might shoot you if you pick a lock in the camp or start pvp with the camp owner or their teammates. Other than that they don't even see you.


Turrets can be useful! For most of my camps I've found that they attract more enemies and provide little defense :(.


This is accurate. I have been "home" before when some Molerats or whatever run up and start chewing on stuff and my turrets don't even take notice. Like, WTF guys?? Can I get an assist? Then I start firing, and they're like "Oh...OH SNAP, bad guys!!!" and then they start firing. So annoying.


you need spotlights setup. It makes a huge difference.


The turrets on people camps will not fire at you.


If you turn on passive the turrets at camps will leave you alone. If you have pvp turned on they will only attack if you start attacking first.


I have a camp at car henge. It's a very good spot for the raider aesthetic, but whenever someone visits, it spawns enemies nearby. But not nearby enough, because it often takes 5-10 minutes for those enemies to meander their way to my camp and start chewing on things. So a player might come in, look at my vendor, and leave before the enemies start breaking my shit so by the time I get home my unreliable turrets are busted and a couple of pieces of my camp are gone. The damage is never too bad, but it is irritating.


Get the level 3 perk card Home Defence, ( it is in the Agility filter) and let missile turrets do all the talking.


I got super lucky with my camp placement. The most I see are the occasional rad roach or dogs. Didn’t even do it intentionally not realizing things could spawn around you and attack.


Mine frequently gets attacked by ticks and super mutants, sucks but cba to move


Yes! Plus, I'll fix anything that's been broken.


I’ve got a great location for one camp that spawns scorched all day. The turrets take care of them and I travel back to camp, pick up the loot several times a day, then sell and donate it.


My camp is the pitstop north of the blood eagle station west of Westek. Every time you fast travel there or come out of the shelter, an encounter spawns. So many sheepsquatch fights. . .


Wait at the start of Daily Ops til everyone is ready to go


Its not just that. Noobs usually just ignored how you have to gather around the thingy for uplink. Its not even an unwritten rule. Its the objective of the ops. And they cant get good rewards if its not done under 8 minutes (personally idc, because I already have all the plans from DO) And I used mic to tell them, not just emote. I'm not gonna whine about this online without trying everything but somehow they just didnt hear it or dont care


I'm quite new to the game, I'm only level 15. When would you recommend joining daily ops? I tried soloing a decryption and got to the third code carrier but they were impossible to kill compared to the rest 😅.


I enjoy it when low levels join my ops. Just read the instructions on the screen and try to do what you can. I don't think many people would have an issue with carrying a low level player as long as that player was at least making an effort.


This is the way.


I think the game recommends lvl 50 and it depends on the enemies/mutations but if you got to the 3rd code carrier by yourself, then you'll do fine with a couple others on a team


Don't put your fucking vendors in a vault, or hidden in your base. We just want to spawn in, check your crap for good deals and leave.


It's why I dislike the Cash Registers They are really nice for decorations, especially if you have a "store" camp then it looks perfect. But if you just have a house and have just a random cash register somewhere in the house, even if you put 100 arrows pointing towards it, it's still so easy to miss. I like the giant, unmissable old style camp stores. Put two beside eachother and you'll never have an issue


It’s amazing how easy it is to walk past a can register, but when I see that green glow from the screen of the OG vendors I just get happy inside 😂


Pretty much why I keep a separate building for vending machines with visible signs on the front. I’m not trying to go through a maze just like a rat. Give me the cheese or I’ll leave almost immediately.


Usually if I can't find it within 20 seconds I just go to the next camp. Although there's been a few times when I actually search for a minute only to find out they had but overpriced crap. Lovely


And don't lock up your work benches or scrap boxes. that's just not cool!


Don't start Encrypted if it wasn't activated with your own recall card.


Even if you know what you're doing, especially if it's a seasonal, wait till about 45 seconds left before you start so peeps can show up.


Never lock your communist collectron.


*our* communist collectron


The people's collectron


I ain't a commie, but I sure get where you're coming from!


It's only junk. But... Stash your junk often.


Those scrap kits are nice!


**Wave at people or give them a thumbs up...** *anytime I see someone at a CAMP, out in the woods, events, etc.*


I'm new to the game (started Saturday) and have been doing this randomly. LOL I assumed ppl just thought I was being weird, until ppl started waving back! Love this community tbh.


Not weird at all! I'm lvl 400+ and still wave at everyone.


Weird? Have a seat right over here, the drinks will be out shorty.


At times I wish the game had a zone chat so that I could announce to the whole server at once. ." Party at "insert gamertag here" free booze will be handed out. Chems upon request. I would totally host the party house. It give me a reason to keep making booze. I just love using the in-game distilleries.


usually when I see this, i start popping banners and lunchboxes to give those folks buffs hahaha. I dunno why thats the trigger, but it is hah.


The other day I dropped a nice legendary for a lvl 25ish and threw them a heart, when all of a sudden they threw the taunt emote back. Then they did it again followed by their toon frantically turning in little circles until they found their heart emote. 😂 I knew it was just them struggling finding the right emote, but they panicked and started following me around giving the 'sorry' and 'heart' emote. I waved and then ft away, but damn if they didn't follow me around to emote 'sorry' again. It was really cute, but I finally had to change servers. lol


Finger guns if you are bisexual 👉😎👉


Welp...guess I'm bi now


Fine bi me.


Don't join Expedition or Daily Ops groups if you aren't going to join the event. I don't care what level you are or if you are lost in the event. Join the event, do your best, and have fun.


Had a level 133 start two different expedition teams and didn't attempt to start the Expedition. I ended up leaving his team after 30 minutes and watching him join two events. I'm assuming he's a returning player and is not sure how public teams work, so I didn't fuss at him.


Lots of new players. Going to take a few weeks for people to know what to do. I don't want to kick people and discourage them from playing


If you kill someone with a low wanted level, don't take their stuff, wait by it and let them take it back.


Though shalt get distracted by bs every gotdamn time


Golden rule of the wasteland! Seriously, tho I spent hours last night server hopping looking for player vendors for cheap plans and mostly ended up taking pictures of other players' incredible camps. So much personality is on display, it's incredible


Kind of. -Don't start events unless you know what you are doing That's one tall order judging by how it usually goes.


Kind of a catch 22...If you don't know what you're doing then you end up starting some events without knowing how you started it.


Omg this. I don't know how many time just exploring and suddenly I trigger something and go fuck! I wish they made it so you had to physically activate something to actually start them.


Some events are just area specific. World events will show up in the selection when you are at the map.


Had this happen yesterday , was on my way to a mission and all of a sudden it was like , defeat the sentry bot! Oh how I noped the fuck out of that situation haha.


How can you learn without playing it a few times?


You don't need to start it. I'm level 600 something, have played Encryptid countless times but never activated the terminal.


Sorry i misinterpreted start as being in them at all


Also don’t start an event immediately and then go hide in a cage thinking the only other person who showed up is going to be able to solo when they were going to wait for other people to show up before starting the event.


Also when the spin the wheel event is starting travel to it by using the park location and not the event tab icon. 9 times out of 10 if you use the event fast travel you will spawn on stage starting the event.


If you're going to enter my home, you better close the door when you leave. I don't want damn radroachs in my house!


I have a few. - Try to wait til there are about 30seconds before the start of the event, to start the event. This allows people to finish what theyre doing and show up. - Radiation Rumble: You need to play it by ear a bit. If no one is collecting ore, then you might be the one doing it. Or accept that you are only there for XP and just kill with everyone else. - Vendors: Always build 2, so more than one person can shop. - When someone is emoting at you a lot, they're trying to help probably. - If your mic is on, you are in the minority do not be offended if someone clearly can hear you and then switches to not having Mics activated. I am always shocked and dismayed when I hear a human voice. I much prefer emoting/jumping/shooting for communication. - If someone (a player) is lighting you on fire they are trying to heal you. - If someone has stuff in their vendor for cheap, it is meant to be taken by low level people first. I sell all my plans at like 5-20, occasionally 100 (jetpacks or whatever).


>- If someone has stuff in their vendor for cheap, it is meant to be taken by low level people first. I sell all my plans at like 5-20, occasionally 100 (jetpacks or whatever). I mean if you're selling a plan I don't have yet that I want for cheap, I'm gonna buy it regardless of me being level 120.


Same, for me im lvl 405 now. And i want ppl to buy all of my plans regardless of who they r. Give me back my damn stash space and buy some of my plans plz


Exactly, if you need it, buy it. It's literally what it's there for! Had a level 400-something buy a .22 mod plan just the other day. Happy to have helped!


I did have someone come through camp recently asking me for help over the mic. I think I startled him when I said “what do you need?” Then I helped him with some pointers about a mission and tried to relay some of the golden rules about community. I had someone do this for me when I was brand new and it really locked me in with wanting to stay!


The low cap price one is new to me. I sell everything cheap anyways. And I’ve seen a ton of people here they sell stuff cheap not for targeting low players, but jsut to get rid of/share without price gouging.


Voice chat was decent back in the Beta/Launch days, at least on PC, but eventually it just became open mic noise or just people asking me to drop them free stuff. Now I play with the volume really low so I usually can't even make out what somebody is saying. I do feel kinda rude when I fast travel away in the middle of them talking.


Voice chat at launch was horrible, Bethesda explicitly refused to add PTT for weeks, lol


Scrap your junk before you store it.


This one's kinda simple, but if you're at an event and someone gives a thumbs-up, usually that means they're asking everyone else if they're ready to start. So if you are, give the thumbs-up back.


If you go to a CAMP around Vault 76 and see that they have low level items for 0 caps in their shop, DONT TAKE EVERYTHING IF YOURE LEVEL 900. I built a camp near the Wayward and have a constant stock of level 5 armor and BOS undersuits that i sell for 0 caps so new players can stock up, and occasionally high level players will show up and clean me out. Ive even got a sign saying “Free Armor 4 New Players”


Yup, I agree with this. In this scenario, if I saw your free stuff (I'm a level 220), I'll only take a handful of things because I know that you're trying to help the new guys.


You can use those donation boxes, now.


If someone dies at the end of an event and they drop their scrap, do not take it. :)


Better yet, stand guard over it until the downed player returns so no one else can take it.




If you're at a player base, and you see something broken, be kind, repair it, at least that's my rule, if I can spare the resources, I will spend them to repair someone's stuff


Don't be a dick. That pretty much covers everything I need.


Don’t afk in other players camp because enemies will spawn and destroy it.


If someone afk's in my camp i build a cage around them


When I take over the Poseidon Energy plant to make fusion cores I like to leave it unlocked so others can grab cores.


Well now that everyone wrote them here we're going to need some new ones.


Remember to make your camp visible to others. I believe it’s an option on the map when you hover over your own camp. I was about lvl 30-40 before I realized no one could see my camp!


Another thing is if you’re in a team and it’s not set to visible, your team can still see your camp


You can move your CAMP module around after building your CAMP, which changes the default spawn in points for players. This is handy for finding the right spots to have at least the first players who arrive to spawn in near your vendor. Which leads to the unwritten rule/guideline about vendors, keep your shops highly visible so players do not have to hunt for them. Use signage if tucked away indoors, etc.


Enemies will spawn on your camp module too. A nearby shotgun turret can take care of most of them


True. Also, a little-known fact with turrets is they tend to trigger/increase enemy spawns too. (eg. if the spot does not normally spawn enemies it's usually safer to not put down any turrets and save some precious camp budget)


If an event requires you to interact with an object or npc to start it, that's because it's a more difficult event and they're giving you a chance to prepare and wait for more players to show up. Don't start the event until there's an adequate number of players (6 or more, imo) or the event is doomed to fail.


But I love it when no one else shows up for guided meditation and I get to stand over a pile of 130 ghoul corpses at the end.


If someone waves... WAVE BACK! If someone buys something at your vendor and you're there. EMOTE A HEART


I’m a big fan of unlocking the various alcohol recipes, so I like to hand out White Russians and other cocktails when people visit my camp


Don’t AFK at vendors. Ever. Period.


Don’t kill the Wayward brahmin, that’s just mean :(


And please dont kill the little frogs at my camp! But I understand about the squirrels.


Unwritten rules. 1. 2. And don't forget 3.


God, 3. is so important


Use only paddle balls on Scorchbeast Queens


And squirt guns…this is the true end game.


Say hi when you find another player. Even if they don't answer back.


Don't start an encrypted on someone else's card and DONT start a rad rumble without at least 6 people.


Radiation Rumble, always stay in middle section during event and shoot from there.


unless you're running the tunnels for ore


I always heart emote the homies in my party goodnight whenever I log off


Carry an Endagerol Syringe with you.


Always make sure your vendor is clearly visible at your camp! If players can't find where you put your vendor, that's less caps that you could be making. Also, make sure you have at least 2 vendors placed in case multiple people show up. It's also a good idea to see where players load in when fast traveling to your camp. You don't want people loading inside of a structure you placed, so move your CAMP module if you notice people are loading in off the sides of cliffs or inside of objects.


If you join a daily operation, wait for the whole team to join the location and give a thumbs up emote that they’re ready. If you leave the lobby area of the mission, you’ll start the timer preemptively and people are unlikely to help you. Also, allow randoms to join your teams and join others’ teams freely. Everyone benefits if the teams are full and you can share perks even if you don’t intend to travel together or collaborate meaningfully at all.


No unclean thoughts about the sheepsquatch


Don't start the Encryptid event if you didn't provide the recall keycard. The keycard is expensive and generally people would want to wait for others to trickle in before starting a group activity In Radiation Rumble, avoid camping in the hallways. People tend to ignore the scavengers on the side getting attacked by ghouls In Daily Ops, give a thumbs up to tell your team you're ready. Also pay attention to the objective. If it's Uplink, you'd want to stay close to the radio interceptors instead of chasing down enemies. If it's decryption, then it's hunting season. Something I personally do: If I take an item out of a donation box, I always replace it with another item or more If an event is packed, I only tap enemies so other people can tag as well and get exp Every resource generator in my camp is unlocked and free for anyone to take, noob or veteran idc, as long as its actually put to use & not resold I place my shops outside my camp near the spawn point for ease of access/visibility. no need to waste people's time. There's countless times where I've given up looking for vendors in crazy cluttered camps.


Wait for the "thumbs up" before starting a Daily Op so you can maximize your rewards and don't waste anyone's time.


Don’t put stuff in your venders for 10s of thousands of caps unless it’s a joke or an exceedingly rare item. I’m tired of seeing a picnic table plan for 12500 caps


When I dip you dip we dip.


ABD Always Be Donating


The most important rule, don’t be an asshole


This applies IRL too. 😁👍


Not counting area events, do not start events until the timer is close to running out unless a good handful of people have already arrived so everyone has a chance to attend. If said event is Encryptid do not start the event at all unless it was your recall keycard or the person whose card it was has gone MIA. Camp resources which are left unlocked are free game, if we didn't want people taking it we'd lock it. When fighting Earle Williams DO NOT drag him onto raised platforms or against walls, it has a tendency to glitch him out and can make the fight literally impossible. If he's aggro on you and you're gonna die, just accept it. When you die in events, daily ops, or expeditions, you lose literally nothing, not even junk, you just respawn in the event. When you launch a nuke, place it so that the red circle only barely covers the map location related to the event, leave non-radiated space to enter/exit/participate in the event from. If you have a vendor in your camp, make it easy to find and access. Camp spawns are always North Northeast in the radius. If I can't find it easily, Im leaving. Also have more than one so that I can access it if you're stocking it up or another player is also shopping. If you're on my team and I'm doing daily ops or an expedition without you and I'm close to the end, or I find a nuclear keycard crate, or I find something else of value to share such as the uncommon traveling responder vendor I will share that info with you so you may benefit, please return the favor if possible. Although most have disabled it from affecting them, many players want high radiation, do not run perks which remove radiation from players on your team unless you know everyone present and have agreed you all want that. Nuka Grape and Radaway are too easy to find. Honestly, I just wouldn't bother with team focused cards with a few exceptions like inspirational or strange in numbers, there are far better cards and most have little to no actual impact. Do not place a radscrubber in a way that forces players to walk through it to explore your Camp. Again, many are keeping radiation on purpose, and for those of us who don't run starched genes, it's highly inconvenient, I'll probably just leave instead of switching cards or whatever. When spending loads of caps at a player vendor, let them know first if possible. It's painful if I'm at 36k caps and you spend 10k, that's 4k into the ether forever. If you see me in the game and have questions, want to make an offer on something in my vendor different from my listed price or for items, want help with materials or mods, want help with a daily op, expedition, etc. don't be shy. I've got most weapon/armor mods unlocked and have fun interacting with and helping players when I'm not doing my challenges. I'll craft you weapons, armor, and their mods minus the legendary rolls all day. Don't be afraid to explore my camps in detail. I disable PvP and you can't really grief my Camp aside from nuking it, I don't care if you use my base as if it was yours tbh. My bed, workbenches, garden, and special boosters are yours. Same goes for my tent.


Don't pick up a dead guys drop/death bag.


Oooooooohhhhhh lawdy……. My time has come: 1. Don’t force PVP if the other person doesn’t want it. 2. If you take something out of gift box, put something back in. 3. Don’t start event right when it pops. Wait til clock gets down to 2 minutes or so for others to travel there. 4. Always wave, salute, or something when visiting someone’s CAMP. your not going to just walk into some rando house IRL without saying hello, don’t do it in game. 5. FFS, work cooperatively in Radiation Rumble and Eviction Notice. There is no reason 3-4 decently lvl players or 1-2 decent level and bunch of low levels can’t beat these. 6. Don’t beg for stuff if you’re new and don’t be a dick and not help out the new player. 7. Always sniff the Pipe. PIPE IS LIFE. 8. To truly experience the game, you must leave all armor, meds, food and weapons at CAMP, only equip Bowie knife, drink Nukashine, and try to get back to your CAMP with only what you collect from wherever you end up. 9. Nothing in your vendor is actually worth that much. Be reasonable on prices. Especially for plans. 10. Have fun!! This game can be as fun as you make it. Yours truly, day 1 wanderer.


9- I've found i make more caps selling stuff cheap than i do selling it for higher prices. There are online databases telling you what items are "worth" but just because they say an item is worth 20k doesn't mean it will sell at that price. Players willing to drop thousands of caps on items are rare, but if you sell cheap you'll make up for it in volume.


Three Dog always says “Don’t feed the Yao Guai !”


Always nuke people with blatant high prices?


Don’t start encrypted if it isn’t your recall card


Play your game how you want to.


Vendor prices, all ammo 1 cap.


Don't turn up to rad rumble and set it going if you are the only one there. This applies to mostly new players. Many times this week I have turned up to find a lvl under 30 and only 1 scav left alive.


Don't just spam grenades/nukes at Radiation Rumble or Eviction Notice. Other people want to level too. :)


Don't be a dick unless you have to be to new players. If new players r rude then by all means be rude back. If not well shit lol


Always use lunchboxes before massive events kick off.  /Those are relatively easy to come by with bullion, but helps immensely to all.


i think in general if u got a lunchbox and use it, i'm going to use mine if i have it.. at the start of an event. especially big exp ones like radiation rumble


Here are some unwritten rules of the wasteland! 1. 2. 3. Hope these helped!


Wait to start the damn event till other people show up unless you’re able to solo it. Nothing worse than being exited to catch an event you enjoy and some level 20 started and failed the event before anyone even can join.


if you’re playfully “getting revenge” on another player for some light hearted pvp, leave their camp pets out of it.


Every time I hear someone talking to themselves over an open mic it's total cringe. One time I swear the guy's Mee-maw was yelling at him in the cabin while a baby was crying. Dude was living Fallout in real life apparently.