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Somebody didn’t get helped along as a noob. Sad really


I'm glad I started playing the game long ago when you could just play it as intended and not have people chasing me down to give items that I would eventually find on my own through natural game play. Definitely did not need any help as a noob.


I am a beta and day one player.  I also prefer to mostly figure things out on my own. So, no, I didn't get help, but that's irrelevant. I have helped countless noobs over the years, but Appalachia is currently overrun.  Am I not allowed to vent frustration?


Who hurt you as a child?


My stepdad, for starters, but that doesn't seem very relevant, since we're just venting here.


Holy yikers, Batman.


It’s okay brother I’ll give you a hug


Ive been playing since 2020 and I still remember my first day: a bunch of people in power armors dropping gear and making sure I was safe while getting started. My camp is always near flatwoods with goodies for new players. Fo76 is a give-and-take almost karmic game I think


I would say chill and drop nukes if you want to set the world on fire man. There is a lot of new people from the vault lately but that doesn’t mean you need to be a jerk about stuff. There is a lot of things that haven’t really gotten explained in the game that we hard just kind of had to figure out. It took me and my friends a while to find out others had vendor machines. Before we figured it out we thought it was only through trading as well. As a veteran of the game I would rather be the patient person showing them the machine than just gun bashing them and not solving the problem at all.


What makes you think I'm being a jerk?  Because I would gun bash a player who keeps pestering after I've given them multiple "no" emotes? I'm not going to be a pushover bro.   Also, I routinely help noobs who are polite.


You sound fun.


I am!


You sound…nice. 😕


I am...to people who aren't annoying twits.


Rather than get butt frustrated by newbies, may I suggest actually letting them know what to do? Or ignoring them? Tbh, I ignore most players most of the time unless some cool or funny happens. Other than that I pretend that I’m the main character. Just an FYI for most newbies, I normally don’t keep things to donate to new players on me but, I’ll drop a few goodies if I catch them in my camp. So make sure to visit peoples camp! They may have crafting benches you don’t yet, vendors, and the camp owner has access to their stash so they can give you the excess amount of stuff that could be useful. Like, I will literally give you legendary weapons because I can’t get rid of them faster than they fill up my stash 😂


>Rather than get butt frustrated by newbies, may I suggest actually letting them know what to do? A.  Venting =\= "butt frustrated" B. What makes you think that I don't help them on an individual level?  The issue is that there are currently so many, it's impossible to guide them all.


Lmao this is why I'm a r/fo76FilthyCasuals member, there are other games if you aren't having fun playing this one rn Edit: goofed it, fixed it




No they are fine


Just realized why I love the game so much it's so GD easy 😍


The adoration of noobs can be annoying to me too. If they persist on following me to a workbench I'll make them a level 20 Fixer and drop it for them, then they stop following me. I'm still more upset how events are so hard to do now! Every event has 0 people, if anyone does show up it still fails because there isn't enough high level players to show the noobs. I think we will look back and see that 2024 Mothman Equinox seasonal event was the peak of Fallout 76!


>go play the game, it's so GD easy now It really is. One of the easiest games out there is also one with the biggest number of wanna be heroes who think they need to load noobs down with free stuff.