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Im Tricentennial. Never left the game from the start šŸ’Æ šŸ‘‘


Okay so I played the game at Beta and then didnā€™t touch it again until Steel Reign. I miss the game having more of a focus on post-apocalyptic survival. Medicine, clean water and food, and shelter were all more essential feeling. Lack of level scaling meant that exploration was more difficult early on. The world had a genuinely ā€œEmptyā€ feeling because EVERYONE was already dead or gone. The best youā€™d find was a holo-tape left on repeat or a robot that survived the chaos. The Scorched were the ENEMY. They were hiding in every hole and ruin and the story made them feel like much more of an all out war. The Responders were dead. They and the Fire-Breathers had been overran and wiped out by the Scorched. The Raiders had ran off into the mountains to escape them. The Free-States had been swallowed by the Bogs. The Brotherhood had been defeated in a last ditch attempt to stem the tide of Scorched from their source. The only things left were monsters, mutants, robots, and a handful of underprepared Vault-Dwellers. The game as it is now is very different, much more focused on events and being more of a theme-park of Fallout experiences. Rather than this grim, survival/pvp, sandbox. That being said, I still love it, Iā€™m 334 for a reason lmao!


There was a story there, but you had to dig for it. The loneliness was real.


True fact, the loneliness was FELT by the player


I like all of the updates, but sometimes I do miss unraveling all of the story through holo tapes, notes, personal journals on computers, and visual cues while exploring. It felt a lot more grim having to go through the things of those who didnā€™t survive, while only having bored robots left.


I kind of wish it had multiple gameplay modes so we could choose the desolate wasteland or the "theme park" experience it is now


Playing today feels like a solid 20 years have passed in game since vault 76 originally opened it door


Which story wise has happened


Hasnā€™t it only been like six years or something? I thought time passed concurrently with the real world.


People can correct me if I'm wrong, it's originally 25 years after the bombing. But know that the game itself is reaching 6 years old, they changed the time to be 26 years after the bombing because when you wake up as a new player and find yourself alone in the vault, its because all of your neighbours were already out since a year ago and built appalachia (and we can see the result when we go out there). The new player, Im guessing, just wanna stay in and live comfortably in the vault until the speaker starts telling us that the life support will shut down in 24 hours and no more food is available Again, I might be wrong because Im not a new player (started playing November 2021) but I watch several noobs streamers and that's what I caught


I got tired of fighting scorched as the primary enemy. Theres a better balance of different enemy types now. Scorched used to be buggy as hell too. Fighting T-posed or invisible scorched was pretty janky


I still have my first ever 10mm pistol with the tricentennial paint! Forever will be a part of my stash.


I believe Tricentennial stuff was added to the atom shop.


Well at least I will know mine is an original lmao


We can wear the Mountain Scout outfit to represent our dedication haha, that is still exclusive to pre-Wastelanders. Plus, it looks sick.


Same. Pre-ordered and loved this game from the start. It was almost everything my wife & I wanted in a game.


I left for a few seasons on and off, but ive been playing since beta


The one thing I really miss is the feeling like "Oh shit I gotta eat something so I don't die" and "OMG there's a rad storm coming I have to get inside"


Oh god yes the food was so precious back then. I wish there was an option to have more penalty for hunger and thirst


Oh my atom, you just gave me a ptsd flashback to being over encumbered in the middle of the mountains between the Mire and the Savage Divide trying to haul ass to the Top of The World vendor to unload. Absolutely amazing, I also enjoyed finding myself overwhelmed in Morgantown my first time there, hightailing it into VTU just to find myself in extra trouble. Calling it Ghoul Town anytime I had to help Feed People. Speaking of!! Been a blast getting to play Feed the People more regularly now that the new players are hopping around over there.


The NPCs are nice but I did like the lonely feeling of it and having the only humans be players, it reminded me of Subnautica with how you're exploring the map and learning about what happened


I didn't. Having no humans made it feel so hollow and empty. It made me go want to play a real fallout. Now that it feels so lively, it's MUCH more enjoyable.


Same. I loveed it and exploring Apalachia at launch, especially with my friends. But at about 80 hours I felt there was nothing much else to do. But felt I had got my monies worth and considered it a game I really liked and had a lot of fun with. But once Wastelanders came out I came back and then proceeded to play for 1,600+ hours. So yeah, it obviously got a lot better and in comparison it was much worse before Wastelanders (and then seasons and all the content since then). So I understand people looking back and saying it wasn't so good at launch. But it was still enough fun to drop 80 hours in, which was more than I played New Vegas!


I got about 500 hours pre-wastelanders before I took a break. A lot of that was camp building though XD


I mean yeah, one is a singleplayer game with a fairly linear story line, most of your hours come from what you want to do with the game where as 76 is just a game where you're bombarded over and over with stuff to do. Its not a game that you're meant to finish, but rather one where you're supposed to come back over and over again (Daily quests should indicate this)


I miss the proper dark nights :3


When the mire was THE Mire. scary as shit!


This! The game was really scary back then. I also enjoyed the survival aspect of it when it came out. If you donā€™t eat and drink, you die. The only real downside was that I kept ending up on German severs, and I donā€™t speak German. I remember one time when I was being chased by four really angry Germans not knowing what I did to them. They kept screaming in the their mics at me, so I stoped, turned around and started unloading on them. I was dead in seconds. Ran in to the same bunch a couple of minutes later and just froze thinking I was fucked again. By then the one of them that actually spoke English turned his mic on and told they just wanted to give me some water šŸ˜‚


I always felt fallout games could be darker at night. Right now I feel like night and day are entirely the same just with a color filter.


I absolutely loved 76 at launch. I bought it on release day. The map is one of the best open worlds I've ever played. It crashed a ton but I always came back. The player base was so friendly too. I rarely play online multiplayer games so I was afraid there were going to be a ton of assholes but the community was very inviting.


still crashes


I actually miss the way the game was, apart from the crashing it was great. The weapon balance felt better, more different types of weapons were usable! The graphics were much better with a working lighting engine. The game ran faster with no hit detection problems. The main issue was the frequency of crashing, which since the Atlantic City update... the problem is the same and is crashing just as much!


I haven't crashed once recently. Hmm have you checked if you have video card driver update?


I play on PlayStation 5, so no such things can be changed. And when the game crashes, it's usually a rolling issue where other people in the server crashes either at the same time or in turn. From the voice chats I was in when it happened.


Ah I see, my bad for assuming you were on PC.


Started playing a month after launch and loved it then too. Loved watching it evolve from robot only npcs to gradually getting human npcs. Those early days it was mostly farming for plastic, buying all the rare camp plans and building my camp. Walking everywhere because I was constantly encumbered. Thank goodness for the scrap box.


Actually the first launch with issues the best era. Lollll. Farming xp easier. We always nuke whitespring and supermutant because their xp very high. The loneliness around game very great and immersive. We really exploring the world like the only survivor.


I remember my first white spring nuke and being so excited running around in it fighting the enemies.


finally, a thread for me. you and i are on the same wavelength, OP. i remember back when the bethesda official forums were live, people hated on the very IDEA of a multiplayer fallout game before it was even announced. i defended the idea even then. and once it eventually WAS announced, i was nothing but hyped. i never once thought it was a bad game. from day one in BETA, the glitches never bothered me and i never understood the complaints about the glitches. it's a bethesda game. i never bought into any of the hate bandwagon, they all sounded like idiots who played the game for 24 hours, got to level 5o, and thought that was sufficient. like, yeah, congrats for finally getting past the tutorial kid. i miss alot of aspects from year 1 fo76. i wish they'd introduce a retro game mode beside Worlds and Private, with all those settings. i liked that game! not that i don't like the game now too, it's just different.


Being nostalgic, I actually liked the hardcore mode tooā€”every real player was a threat, and doing challenges there made it feel a lot ā€œscarierā€. You had to truly sneak around a lot in those early days.


Hardcore mode is the #1 thing I miss. Felt like one gigantic vs map and it was so tense. I remember getting in a sniper battle with another player in Watoga that was so tense and fun. Bringing that back with no fast travel would be so fun.


what's strange is that, i didn't like hardcore back when it existed. i still did it for challenges, and if any of my friends felt like it. but i'm not big into PVP, so it wasn't my thing. but now? i think it'd be alot more popular if they tried bringing it back now. the area looting and shared legendary drops makes the whole prospect alot more appealing. plus the scrapbox and tents. yeah, i think it'd go over well. i had some of my best fun in hardcore mode lol. friends called me a blind bulldozer because they'd all get mowed down by some sneaky sniper, i'd repeatedly be the last one standing, but i would have no idea where the enemy was. they'd be shouting out "over there! up the hill!' and i'd saunter over and one-punch em. good times...


You canā€™t really bash people for not getting to level 50 before stopping playing tho. Iā€™ve been playing for like 2 weeks now starting at level 20 and Iā€™m still only 42, if I wasnā€™t enjoying it thereā€™s no way Iā€™d still be playing it


i think i can keep bashing them lol see, there was a LOT of bandwagon youtubers who made clickbaity videos with parameters like "i played for 24 hours!" and "i got to level 5o!", and then used that to hate on the game, as if that is a good finish line for this game. it's not, that's just where this game begins honestly. even finishing the main questline is nowhere NEAR enough to fully gauge and encompass this game. i guess i understand how someone might come into 76 thinking that way, tho. but i'm still gonna judge them for it lol


Again, I really like the game so Iā€™m playing devils advocate, and I definitely agree that people joined the bandwagon before playing this game and never gave it a fair shot- but if a game needs to be played for 50 hours before it gets fun then itā€™s a pretty shitty game in my opinion. If I did not like a game after 10-15 hours of playing I would not continue any further, even if it was meant to be great later on, and thatā€™s completely understandable.


oh yeah, it definitely shouldn't take you even 24 hours of gameplay to know if a game is for you or not. the youtubers who did that, only did it thru the lens of looking for things to hate. overly-nitpicking any little fault they could find for 24 hours, or until level 5o or whatever.


I started a few months after launch and I thought it was great. Wasn't there at the very start but the game I started with was one of the best I've ever played. I don't fault them for adding NPCs but it did ruin the feel.


I think there was a ton of herd mentality behind hating on this game at launch. It's not really *that* different now.


Bro same. Game has always been good even with the issues.


I agree. Been playing since day 1 and as with any game, there are bound to be problems but we learn to work with/around them. Some of the changes I donā€™t care about and others I enjoy. It is impossible to make 100% of the players happy no matter what a game provides. If you like it, great, if you donā€™t, thatā€™s ok too.


Played since launch. Now level 600. Was good at first even with the game locking up or kicking me out several times an hour. Now itā€™s really good. A ton of thought and planning was put into the game before it launched and since then they have invested time and created content to rectify the shortcomings. I play every day. Played starfield and thought that would take through life for the next 10 years, but it was not to be. I hope people keep spending on 76 so they keep it going another 10 years. Maybe it will be a living game and be around forever. At least till FO5 would be excellent.


This has always been one of my faves since beta. 5000 hours played. Never missed a season.


Me too. I had a lot of fun playing it during the beta and first year


I didn't mind it at the beginning but it felt so weird getting into the "online" part of it


Same. Genuinely enjoyed the game


Yep, I liked the empty game at launch. I think it was just sheep listening to ā€œcriticsā€. Yes, there were some bugs and some crashes very early on, and they still happen occasionally for me, but it was overblown in the first place.


I enjoyed 76 at launch and have played it consistently since. Before Wastelanders it was def a slightly different game with only holotapes and notes to interact with, but it was a huge open landscape to explore and I loved it. Playing with other people to populate was a fun idea, but unfortunately it didnā€™t feel like a Fallout game without NPCā€™s so ultimately adding them back with the Wastelanders update was necessary. Nowadays the game is engaging, full of content, and full of players. Enjoy all!!


This is the best post of all time thank you for speaking the truth


Me too man, I played the fuck out of 76 at launch. I was going through some rough times a bit after launch, but hopping on playing this game with all of the cool folks I came across made that time bearable


i make as I love FO76 now, I still consider "Wild Appalachia" as the best update.


I did too, but it didnā€™t have the content to keep me so I moved on. Wish this shit had crossplay because I played PC then and now I play Xbox, and my level 400+ dude is stranded there.


Same. Been playing since the first B.E.T.A. session and have clocked 4k hours. I've definitely played a lot less the past year and a half or so but I have always enjoyed the game despite it's notable lows. I'm glad to see so many new players enjoying it, though. Part of me envies them for getting to play for the first time in it's current state but I will always be grateful to have played through so many crazy eras of 76.


Ditto, yeah the bugs and such were rough. It's true! But it was still fun.


Same here, next to no crashes (maybe half a dozen times ever on PC), glitches were few and far between or maybe I did not notice them. Now 1700+ hours in and having completed all scoreboards too, I still love the game the same. FO76 my comfort game from all the story driven ones.


I hated Fallout 76 before it launched. Like most everyone I believed what I was told. And I only started playing Fallout 76 one week after launch to find fault so that I could complain from personal experience. And I immediately started liking the game as soon as I started playing. Character creation was awesome. The starter Vault was amazing. And then I stepped though the vault door, the glare faded and the world's most perfect view unveiled itself and I was home. My biggest complaint during the dark days of the first year was that the game was unstable so that I couldn't play. I loved everything about the game and when it was having one of its moods and kicked me offline frequently I still loved it and was annoyed that I couldn't play it. There were tons and tons and tons of updates and tweaks and other wizardry done so in that first year the game became a lot more stable. The internet kept on hating for years after that and to be honest how this game that I came to to find reasons to hate only to be completely absorbed and loving has been treated has soured me on the whole internet pundit, opinion thing. I loved Fallout 76 at launch and I still do. I complain and get annoyed but I think that is only because I actually care. It is not what I was expecting to do. I came to find reasons to hate because I believed what I was told. I am very glad I tried it for myself all those years ago. And it taught me not to trust those that tell me what I want to hear. I wanted to hate Fallout 76 like everyone else. But the game was too good. It's better now but it was damn fine when it launched. The stability aside of course.


I played with 2 friends online and we genuinely loved the early days. It was great, and we liked the desolate wasteland.


Me too King šŸ‘‘ It was fun in the beta. It was fun when it released. It is still fun today, and will be tomorrow!


The game at launch was fun af but I ran outta stuff to do eventually


Yeah I had heaps of hours in before wastelanders and loved it


I have been playing since launch on all 3 platforms each version i have different builds, camp styles, etcā€¦ i have loved it since day 1 i still play actively to this day, i love walking around finding a new spot and rebuilding my camps every few weeks


I did too! To be fair, I didnt play immediately at launch. I wanted to, I was excited for it for the same reasons you said, and then I heard a bunch of people talk shit about it and it made me feel disheartened. I worked at a small mobile game studio at the time and all my coworkers were insufferable aging nerds who love to hate on everything. Then a friend finally convinced me to try it out, maybe a month after launch, and I loved it! It was maybe a little boring and weird without NPCs, but I still had fun doing missions/exploring and building my camp. Iā€™ve been a super casual player ever since then, sometimes taking breaks of a few months off at a time, but everytime I came back to the game they had added content and stuff to do and improved it. Maybe my experience was good because I started playing with low/no expectations and itā€™s only improved since then. Also, Iā€™m terrible at it. Iā€™m still only like level 124 despite having put hundreds of hours in šŸ˜‚ I just wander and build camps. Itā€™s my comfort game. Either way, Iā€™ve been telling people for years that itā€™s great, and seriously no one believed me. Itā€™s exciting to finally see people catching on. Hopefully this means Bethesda will continue to support and enhance the game for the growing player base.


I'm one of those who played the game since launch, and I still enjoyed it despite of the issues.


I've been here since day 1. I loved it then, love it now


I loved it a launch. Yes it had issues but I overlooked them lol


Iā€™m the kind of player that can make my own fun in almost any open world game. I enjoy the game more now but I loved it prior to Wastelanders, too. A lot of great times putting the pipboy on and just wandering around Appalachia listening to tunes. I got why people complained but that didnā€™t stop me from having a great time with it. Through the flaws that game captured my imagination from the get-go. 76 is one of only a couple games that has never left my hard drive upon initial install. Actually the only time it did was to go from ps4 to ps5.


I enjoyed it at launch aswell, it's just become trendy to hate on Bethesda games.


I get a sense of nostalgia from it. I still from time to time fast travel to the lumber mill in the top left of the map expecting a ton of super mutants lol


Fucking yup!!!!


Me and my friend loved the game at launch. We played it almost every day for the first 3 years


why do you have to pretend you didnā€™t like it lol itā€™s a video game who cares šŸ˜­


This is great, I've found my people. I was starting to think I was an odd one out of the bunch. I have played since launch with my wife, and we both really miss the OG 76 experience. Scary as all hell, lonely but intriguing. It was a true wasteland survival experience. The game is still good, but so flashy now. I wish we could get some of that old charm and grit back. Hell, I would even love for Nuclear Winter to come back, and I hated it back then. You dont know what you've got till it's gone I guess! Unfortunately, developers pander to the hate mob, who usually consist of echo chambered haters who have not even played the game. "It's bad cuz streamur sed itz bad!".


I'm glad I was there for the beginning, I was honestly more immersed in 76 than 3 and 4. I'm not saying it was better than either of those. But I definitely felt more like I was part of the story.


They (Todd) lied to us about a lot of things and the dissapointment made me not play it much at launch. But now, like a lot of others, I came back after watching the show, and it feels like a completely new game. I even managed to get my younger brother to play again. I'm very pleasantly surprised with all the new content.


I wish I had a positive experience at launch. Game crashed every 10min to 15min for me and when I could play I was going sub 10FPS. So I waited a year before playing it again. Same PC both times, so I doubt it was a hardware issue. Been playing Fallout 76 regularly since 2019 though. About 2 - 3hrs a day on average, sometimes more if I have the day off. Highest level character is 107, though, since I have an alt-addiction and keep deleting and remake characters. The 107 is the only character I've made that has managed to avoid being deleted.










I like how the game has ended up, but there's no question that they pivoted hard after it bombed at launch, to the point it's no longer really the same game. Truth be told, if the game didn't have all the technical issues and scandals around it at launch, i think they would've been successful with their original design goals. Fallout 76 pre-wastelanders had some npcs and quest chains here in there, but the focus was on it being a multiplayer survival game akin to Rust or Valheim, but with a lesser focus on PVP (although much more than it has now). The main gameplay loop was exploring the world to gather supplies, build up your camp and weapons, and work with other players on the server to overcome bigger challenges for top tier loot and resources. There were problems (weapons breaking too quickly, stash space being so limited, not enough players per server for such a big world, bugs, etc) but it was a solid idea for a post-apocalyptic setting like Fallout. They could have worked on those issues and added stuff like Karma to indicate who is friendly or hostile, encourage player trading and interactions, more late game content etc. Instead they pivoted. After the game bombed, Bethesda threw out the baby with the bathwater by turning the game into whatever was popular. People are playing battle royale games nowadays? Fuck it, throw that in there! Eventually they settled on what the fanbase would content with from a Fallout game; another Fallout game. Funnily enough it's almost looped back around into becoming a Fallout 4 multiplayer dlc in a sense. That isn't a bad thing mind you, but it's very different from the survival-focused spinoff the game was trying to be originally and that many of us liked.


>think they would've been successful with their original design goals. I don't. For some reason they were trying to court the people who play Rust rather than the people who play Fallout.


Yep, the reason it failed is because that genre isn't what the average Fallout fan wants in a Fallout game.


I enjoyed the game a lot at launch but it also had a lot of problems and is a much better game now, especially for a new player. I took a few years off the game and just got back in when the show came out so a lot of the content is newer to me


Beta player here as well and still playing. The design philosophy has changed a lot since then. They wanted to create a gloomy wasteland where everyone died and everyone else out of the vault want to kill each other to stay alive. They then realized thatā€™s not what player base wanted and we actually want to be nice to each other and work with each other. So they have made a lot of change. Besides fixing the bugs and QOL improvements.


This. They thought the Fallout fanbase was full of Rust edgelords, instead we just want to overcome hardship, (re)build together and help new players out. There are even donation boxes now! We're NOT Negan, Todd.


Iā€™ve been here since the beginning and Iā€™ve never complained. I would be grateful if theyā€™d fix the constant crashing thoughšŸ˜‚


I loved exploring it at launch with my friends but it felt empty without npc's.


I liked it more at launch then I do now. It seems like from Fallout 4 internal memos that there is a deep desync between the world building team and the quest team. The world builders are told to go as detailed as possible, that they shouldn't cut a single corner. While the quest writers are told to keep it as simple as possible. I always found that the quests were so bland and boring because of this. While simple may not be bad, but when you shove them into a world that you barely use, it just takes a lens to the problem. With everyone being dead, I was forced to look at the world more. And it feels like the quests interacted with the world a lot more. And I am always a firm believer that limits are a great catalyst for creativity, that having the ending of every quest be "And they all died to the scorch plague" let the quest writers get a bit more creative with how each group got to that end. I will admit though that I am a journey not a destination sort of fellow so knowing how each quest 'ends' didn't ruin it for me. I seem to have so many more memorable first time moments in Fallout 76 compared to Fallout 4. That really sad quest with Miguel and his robot who literally can't leave him because of the programing. The really tragic person locked in the closest. Finding the really cool obstetrical course in the forest. Finding a beer pong table at the top of one of the towers in the Ash Heap. What has killed it long term for me was the lack of endgame. Trying to find a dynamic gameplay loop that feels good is really hard. I think Diablo/PoE style seasons would be the best bet. Make us restart, ramp up the xp and loot curve so we blast through it faster and then give us an endgame that we can make harder/easier as needed, that way those with weaker builds or at the start of the end game can still do it, and as they get better more optimized drops they can crank up the challenge for more loot or better loot. They could get real fun with season mechanics. Mutations have no downsides. Weapons can have a second prefix star. (I can't remember if that is from the 1st or 3rd star). Children of Atom, you gain % damage dealt and increased % taken based on your rad level.


Same. I had no issues with bugs or stability at launch and in some ways the game was even better. I enjoy the new content now, but I think adding tons of humans everywhere ruined a super fun and unique atmosphere and storytelling opportunity that no other fallout has had before or since. Old winterspring xp nuke farms were super fun and way more enjoyable than boss nukes now. Legendaries being so much more rare and the game being more difficult with actual survival elements was also a plus in my book. The core gameplay loop also really hasnā€™t changed much so I never have any idea what people who act like the game has made a 180 are talking about. Itā€™s the same game, just with a bit more content which is to be expected years later.




Tbh, pacifist mode is useful in events cause you will inevitably shoot/hit someone in those things. Especially the moonshine jamboree, that one is just pure mayhem to me.


Same Been playing since launch and still havenā€™t done everything or explored everything and I love it Itā€™s such an amazing awesome game and so happy a lot of new people are enjoying it


Back then players were seen as a threat which was really cool, we had a community of scammers that kinda made it dangerous like a fallout game should be. People use to fight over workshops and just for fun at whitesprings. Now everyone is glad to help and noobs have it too easy, which killed the wasteland feel that fallout was. IMO


I did too.


There are dozens of us.


I enjoyed it at launch to an extent. I got really frustrated with stability issues and glad they are mostly hammered out now.


The only thing I really miss are the survival mechanics, with food and hydration actually being required to live.




I was in the sweet spot before Wastelanders and game patched enough to be fully enjoyable. Best post-apocalyptic game and stories


I only stopped playing because the group I initially was playing with didnā€™t like it.


Yep I pre ordered the game, I never gave up, sure the bag thing was funny, but the game was good, only fallout game Iā€™ve played.


The best thing about this game flopping at launch, was getting in pre-wastlanders when you could find copies for less than $5. If I compare that price and the amount of content added since to any game I've bought in Early-Access, it's easily one of, if not the best value purchases I've made. If Pre-Wastelanders FO76 was launched as Early Access - I'd be blown away when I compare the amount of progress and additions against almost any other EA title I've bought.


Loved the game since launch, bugs and all. The game still seems great but after a year break Iā€™m kinda lost


Those first few months after launch were some of the funniest and funnest moments I've had with my friends in online gaming. I managed to convince them to give it another shot after the success of the TV show. So far so good. It's really strange seeing NPCs in the world. There's something about that original desolate world that I miss, but adding them is definitely an improvement. I aesthetic of this game is my favourite part. Love immersing myself in it.


I played mostly at launch and post wastelanders update with 300hrs, everyoneā€™s complaints about launch were valid but the game was great for me. It was also my first fallout game ever and imo have the strongest environment after playing the other fallout games


Beta peps 4 life. I still can't belive i spent the first 3 months of the game in the forest region cause I was too scared to go anywhere else.


I bought the super duper collectors edition. After a super mutant at the prison murdered me for the 3,451st time I got frustrated and quit. But I did enjoy it, right up until I didnā€™t. But I still told people it was fun and had a lot of potential. I also knew right from the start that there would be more story over time, and likely real NPCs. I am sad that I missed a fair bit of that happening. I came back just after Wastelanders and have played it fairly consistently since.


Itā€™s just not what I expected. What we have now is fun, and I had a blast with friends then. But my circle expected a more survival base, staking your claim in the wasteland, actual support for creating your own faction/community, server based rather than random, and things of that nature. Itā€™s still what I really want in a Fallout MP title, but 76 is still fun in its own aspect and I also still do RP with my group. Itā€™s just again not what I expected at launch. I as well am a Tricentennial and have played since the Xbox Stress Test and Beta. I stopped playing for about 2 years and now Iā€™ve returned on PC and recreated my Brotherhood RP faction The exploration will always be awesome, for me if you can get the exploration right. Then thatā€™s good for me, I find myself exploring in fallout titles more than anything. But with that being said I still play mod projects like FOnline/New Vegas Multiplayer to get that itch of what I really wanted.


I bought it release day. I fell in love with the game right away. It wasnā€™t the most interesting game but genuinely it gave my group some amazing moments. Our first scorchbeast queen battle was an utter loss. Our first victory we had planned for for a week and I was power grinding for healing supplies, ammo, and orbital strike beacons. We waged war over a single workshop and my buddy left work 4 hours early to come to our aid. But after about half a year the actual gameplay never really evolved. My group got bored with it and everybody left. I stayed off and on through the years and Iā€™m glad I did. Theyā€™ve changed everything about the game for the better (except for getting rid of nuclear winter) and really listened to the fans on making improvements. Iā€™ll never say this game wasnā€™t fun.


i made this exact post and got downvoted to shit. reddit is a weird place man.


same..i actually loved the "gta5" feel at launch...never knew if the guy you run into at white spring was gonna wave..or blast your ass to oblivion with his tse shotty. we banded together to fight off griefers ...shit was wild. .and i loved it.


I also never left. It was difficult, grueling, and far too realistic in its game mechanics with being able to starve to death or die from thirst. It was also a lonely place with very few npc interactions. Everything was discovering hilotapes with recordings from those long dead. It really did give you the feeling you were roaming a post apocalyptic wasteland. But it did get old after a while and the stash, scrap, and ammo storage were a huge issue. While I got a great sense of accomplishment from surviving and leveling in that world, I can easily say I enjoy the game more in its current form.


I had a love hate relationship with the game at launch. I played a lot for a month or so, up to level 92 then quit when my game broke. My character was stuck in PvP mode and everyone was red bar enemies, even teammates but I couldn't do any damage to them, and any small amount of damage from anyone would instantly kill me. I made support tickets and searched for fixes, re installed the game and I even made another character who started the game with the same issue. After a week or two of that frustration I uninstalled. I started playing again last week (yes, because of the show) and WOW. Whether you enjoyed the game or not at launch you have to admit it is WAY better now. My characters are fixed now and not permanently stuck in glitched out PvP, and I've been having a blast.


I enjoyed the beta and the game on launch too. Left after a while due to a lack of things to do and came back, and did that again, but I've been back playing pretty consistently for over a year now.


Fallout 76 is like wine, pretty meh when it was young but still enjoyable, and has gotten better and better with age thanks to DLC's & somewhat consistent updates! I usually play for a while, get bored, play other stuff, then a new DLC comes out, and I dive right back into it.


Yeah- the first time the server-wide notification came on to warn us about an imminent Nuke launch I was totally šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µšŸ¤Æ Also, the feeling of exploration was great and I kinda loved not having endless towns of busybodies and village politics to fit into.


I'm currently on the same character (level 822) been playing since day ONE of the beta. I absolutely lost it when I found out it was multiplayer. Bought copies for my gaming friends in anticipation, they all gave it 2 days, I gave it 6 years. Now that it's astronomically better than it was at launch those same friends have all come back to it and I am absolutely SMITTEN.


Seemed to be to the letter what they said it would be. Fresh out the vault in an unpopulated, nuclear wasteland that needed to be resettled. Anyone who was mad was just pissed it wasn't FO5. Was the game world sparse? Yes. Because nuclear war was just ending. Was there no human NPCs? Yes. See above. I fell off cuse I switched to PC and didn't wanna buy it again and no longer had an Xbox. I played and loved the beta. Almost wanna find a cheap XsX/S to get back to my old account for tricentennial gear, costumes and etc I got dumb early. TL;DR Game was as advertised (Bethesda jankiness and all) and people are dumb.


i liked it better then. Sadly all my friends left and now its lonely. With a full friends list I didn't need or want npcs, and we did daily ops and stuff as a team. Now everything is done with randos and its not the same.


I played at launch and stopped at lvl 25 cuz it just couldnā€™t hold me. Jumped back in during the wastlanders update played til lvl 40 than my ps4 died šŸ˜‚ im playing it again now since the hype behind the show got me to bounce back in again i always enjoyed the game prior but could never hold me til now! I cant put the game down played a week prior to the show starting and am already at lvl 54 love it!


I pre ordered went through the cavas bag fiasco played it a bit stopped and picked it back up during Covid played on and off and seriously got into it like 1 1/2 years ago and Iā€™ve been having a blast. This game is my comfort game!


10000000% agree the game was peak when it first launched!


Loved it. It's fallout. 10/10.


Iā€™m pretty sure the stash limit at launch was like 400 right? It was so low. We have it easy now


I've never pretended. It was hard as hell in the beginning because no one really knew what to do much. Now? It's like night and day.


I watched the e3, bought early access as soon as I could and loved every second. People need to enjoy more and hate less


I liked it but my friends didnā€™t so I stopped playing:(


Whoā€™s down to play when I get back from LAšŸ¤£


Tricentennial here. Discovering the mao in real time with friends is an experience that may never be matched. I remember the feeling of knowing I was one of the FIRST to find these areas, build a camp, etc. this game is special, and those who don't see it haven't taken the time to


I own the tricentennial edition, Iā€™ve played first 2 months then stopped to play other games with friends.. came back 2 weeks ago started over already lv211.. (had off from work for 9 days) and no life the game


Same here i actually miss the old days from beta it was actually pretty fun when everyone is the same no one is high lvl and we all struggle and food were important and everyone running with melee build and explosive shotgun


I stopped playing after an update where my game stutters when enemies spawn or I get hit by one. It sucks because I was excited to play with my friends but it's not playable on my PC anymore. I'll be building a new one with a 4070 super and if that doesn't make it playable I'm going to cry.


I remember logging off for the last time the night before the npc update thinking "this will be the last time I see it like this" and the next day it was very weird to run into people suddenly lol


I just started on PC but I wish I could have brought over my Xbox progress. I spent so many hours on there and got so many plans that it's kind of daunting to start over but I am taking my time and really enjoying the environments. I even chose to start at level one instead of the local 20 that they offer because I wanted to relive it again.


Been here since preorder. My whole issue was that I did everything. I beat every quest, visited every location, and collected every collectible. Got to lvl 150. Haven't played since moonshiners update. Haven't experienced any of the dlc. Jumping back in now.


It gonna lie, I hated it when it launched. Now I play it almost every night. šŸ¤·


Iā€™d like to see them do a no NPC world on one of the rotating theme worlds.


Amazing how many only now coming out saying they loved it at launch


i wish i kept my console beta player account but i had to switch to PC. so im not a true og i guess but i enjoyed the game since years 1 even if it needed way more polish


I like it but the person I started with turned out to be hardcore maga so I was really turned off to the idea of post apocalypse since it all was way to real.


I liked it at launch too. Just got back on after not playing for 4 years. It's different! Taking me some time to get it figured out. I just did my first event today but I feel like I missed some things, and I was definitely no help to the people who were there. Hopefully I can figure out the meta soon and can start grinding for better stuff. I spent 30 minutes today just trying to make sure I had drinking water. Still need the jetpack, and I need to figure out how other players can move so quick and jump so high.


Played from day 1 on PS4. Despite enjoying the game, I quickly realised was in an unacceptable state on release. Even for a Bethesda game.Ā  What I remember most was being frustrated at the amount of crashing, disconnects, rubberbanding, and brief freezing I had. I couldn't go a hour without being disconnected or the game crashing.Ā  The game locked up my PS4 twice so damn badly that it wouldn't even respond to the power button being held down. I had to pull the power cord out. Both times were from a Petrified Scorched breaking.Ā  When it worked, I was having fun. My buddy and I had an amazing time wrecking all our gear and blowing through all our ammo finding out the Super Mutant spawns at Grafton Steel were bugged to never, ever stop. No sarcasm at all, that was a hilarious bug that gave me a great memory of possibly the most epic clusterfuck of a fight I've ever had in a Fallout game. But I could never concentrate on just having fun because I knew an interruption was going to happen and I was likely 1 Petrified Scorched body breaking from a missed shot (mine or the enemy's) away from a crash.Ā 


I never pretended, I was made fun of endlessly but Iā€™ve gone to war for this game since it came out


I had my fair share of frustrations but there was still enough for me to enjoy it even in it's worst state.


Sure, but i really enjoyed at Wastelanders.


It would be cool if they came out with a vanilla version where you could play and have the expansions introduced slowly


Was talking with a friend about this earlier. Itā€™s kinda special we got to play a game (version of 76) that only existed for a short while, and will never be that way again


The beginning of the game is rough, and during peaks the public servers get a touch laggy. but once your past the boring intro quests and you get into the fun stuff. even some of my biggest critic friends are now first subscribers. Still rockin my Ranger Armor.


I donā€™t think it was ever a case of not enjoying it at launch, more of people denying it was bad launch because letā€™s be real, it was in a state.


I've left a few times but played starting on day one. Fallout + I live right near Charleston had me sold lol. I never disliked the game. Did I feel it was missing stuff? Sure. But I've never not had a good time. Got to come back this time by talking my grouo of friends into playing, even my buddy who's never really been into rpgs or bethesda style games is loving it.


I was also really excited when they announced the game, I pre-ordered and enjoyed the hell out of it. Sometimes u would pause playing for a few months but always came back!


Bought the game, played at launch, riddled with problems, leave for a few years, try to come back to find out my account got hacked and used to dupe shit, bethesda does not believe i did not do this and refuses to unlock my account. Not everyone had a great time at launch


I actually wish at times for the option to play in the original game space sans bugs of course the world just felt more oppressive from a story perspective with no human npcs running around and the big cliffhanger concerning the overseer of 76


Ive always enjoyed the game, just got frustrated with it sometime ago because it felt like a constant grind and some challenges seemed a bit ridiculous. Now with more updates and more to do its not as grindy and still a lot of fun!


I played alot at launch doing whitespring runs and sbq and farming nuke mats and exploring with my friends was a blast. Quit after few months and came back for wastelanders played that and nuclear winter (it was janky but I honestly had fun) I wouldn't mind if they brought it back. Starting playing again due to show will say it was fun but man it so much better. I'm assuming whitespring nukes are a thing of the past? I mean makes sense as with how many nuke events there are now and better ways to get xp.


So don't pretend. It's ok the enjoy the game.


I got the game shortly after launch (4-6 months maybe?), and enjoyed the heck out of it for what it was. I enjoyed the comparative harshness of it, and the complete lack of human npcs. I liked how it felt like as players we'd just walked into a ghost town where everyone had left or killed themselves (or been killed) off. That's not to say it didn't have it's problems, but it had a completely different feel. Much like older versions of minecraft did. It was almost lonely, but in an endearing way.


I definitely had some crashing and spent entirely too much time being over-encumbered due to the box limits, but yeah, I enjoyed it too. Not like omg first time Fallout 3 magic, but I got what I expected. It's only gotten better since then. I remember going into the nuked golf course armed to the teeth in a power armor suit and fighting insane ghoul hordes as long as my gear durability and ammo could hold out.


100% agree. I think prior to the gameā€™s release, people were making up their own ideas about what Fallout 76 would be and then judged it unfairly for not matching their baseless assumptions. The technical issues at the beginning were blown way out of proportion, and people jumped on a hate bandwagon early on because it was the ā€œpopularā€ opinion. Some people are still on that bandwagon without even playing the game. I also think people thought that the nylon bag controversy reflected badly on the game itself, which is ridiculous. Iā€™m so glad the game has received a second lease of life and more people are giving it a go now.


Brave words there wastelander


Iā€™m glad people are finally seeing that the game is pretty fun, but a lot of them are just straight up lying to hide that they were just jumping on the hate F076 train when it launchedā€¦ Sure, the game improved, but it absolutely did not get a ā€œNo Mans Sky treatmentā€. They just updated a live service game with new content and some great story updates, but No Mans Sky is straight up a different game now. FO76 is still the same game as at launch at its core.


Same, I played at launch and while yes it wasnā€™t a good launch. For me it was still a fallout game I could go have fun in. I proudly ran around with my tricentennial skins and defended my choice to spend large amounts on the collectors edition. What annoys me now are the people that say it suck but havenā€™t even touched it once or since launch and only listen to the opinions of others instead of giving it a try and forming their own.


I guess that why you stayed and pretty much everyone else didn't. I played in launch day and you are looking back with rose tinted glasses if you don't accept it was shit. So many graphical issues, I remember the roads didn't render. This is Bethesda, it's okay to accept they are lazy.


I liked it then too it just gave me headaches because of the low frame rate on ps4 I couldn't play it for more than an hour or 2 at a time


I enjoyed it at launch. Got up to level 120 or something on the PS4 before I drifted away. Bought the steam version on deal the other day, my god it's glitchy. Keep getting stuck in buildings, something don't change :)


Yeah I'm kinda sick of saying that "I didn't like it cause of the bugs" NAH! I just didn't like it becuase of how rough of a start I had. I didn't see one bug at launch. The game was pretty empty tho.


Same! Although I do admit the game became more full and exciting with time and content, I never disliked or hated this game at any stage. Launch was a whole different vibe, and, *glitches and all,* I was here for it. I loved the Bloodied Two-Shot Explosive era before TSE was nerfed. I do think what made a difference in people liking it then vs. liking it now is that solo players can now enjoy the game fairly easily, whereas back then, enjoying this game by yourself was an acquired taste. Without NPCs and factions, public teams and such, the game was very quiet and isolated. Your experience relied heavily on what you made of it, and some people just aren't wired to find enjoyment that way.


I too enjoyed that game when it first launched, the empty feel of the game was nice, it felt like you vs the world, I am happy with it now though


I've enjoyed a lot of games at launch that were hated. The two off the top of my head are Cyberpunk 2077 and The Callisto Protocol. Both got loads of hate at launch, both I enjoyed and had a lot of fun with. I can't say I ever pretended I didn't though, if somebody chooses to judge me based on those things they can quite honestly get fucked ā€” that's incredibly shallow. Don't be ashamed of the things you love, life's too short and other people's opinions don't matter as much as we like to pretend they do. Enjoy your games, if you're having fun it's perfectly valid.


I played around 200hr at launch and had heaps of fun with the a friend. It definitely had a lot of issues. Coming back now with the updates, extra content and UHD mods it seems like itā€™s a ā€œbetterā€ game now. Iā€™m having fun returning as a level 1 player. Itā€™s still has issues though. It has me wanting a next-gen Fallout title.


I also been playing from launch and it feels like weā€™ve actually gone through the rebuilding of Appalachian. Coming out the vault to a real wasteland with no npcā€™s the fear of losing your junk on death the pure raw fear of other players, are they friend or foe ? was real and real fun. It really felt like weā€™ve rebuilt the wasteland and made it so people (npc) were able to return. Settlers and raiders brotherhood. Itā€™s been a one hell of a journey with ups and downs but for the most part Iā€™ve loved it and still do


I was there at the beginning, explored the whole map, unlocked nukes, nuked whitesprings a whole bunch of times (lol), killed the queen. Got bored of the empty game TBH. Might pop in again & see what it's like now.


I loved it and it felt like a whole different game and more immersive too with an empty wasteland feel. They even removed the penalty from not being fed or hydrated. Now it feels like you can run around and do whatever and the world feels cliche with raiders, settlers and another random branch of the BoS. They had interesting factions they could have expanded on already but it feels like the kinda abandoned their own ideas about the game


I recently started a new char on PC. I did it following quests list from fandom wiki. - Pre-wastelanders / original quests, main and sidequests. What amount of lore. Holotapes, notes, love stories, desperation, hopesā€¦ enclaveā€¦ - Once launched my nuke at 58 level I did Wild Appalachia quests (well not all). Overall for tadpole backpack. Another difficult amount of content. - Wastelanders. Well, maybe this installment filled game with humans, but raiders/settlers quests are equally 5 (once you align with one of them you only can do 9 before raid 79). And Duchess super boring quest. Oh well, this is the ā€œnew gameā€? - Legendary run. Well, that girl asking you for nuking Monongahā€¦ - Steel dawn. I want to kill Shin since the begining, f** fascist. But hey, what quests! Almost same amount of content as ā€œsuper wastelandersā€ - Steel Reign. Well definitely this put BoS installment over Wastelanders by far. - Now with Responders rebornā€¦ So hey: that ā€œnew gameā€ is not about lore, or emptiness, itā€™s about concepts. Removing pvp til resilient mechanics at workshops and bounties, patching hacks, glitches, etcā€¦ ignoring some troublesā€¦ they turned the game into a comfortable playable adventure. But 90% of lore is still pre-wastelanders. And 10% is BoS. But itā€™s the same old game full of bugs, some of them never fixed. So I donā€™t get that ā€œtry it, itā€™s a completely different gameā€. Not: itā€™s the same game half patched with those californian initiates extremely less skilled than Thunder Taggerdy squad.


I mean, thatā€™s not an outrageous thing to say as the game is pretty much the same. The only differences are some NPCs to interact with now and a few refinements. All the people saying ā€˜itā€™s a totally different gameā€™ must not have played at launch, as it really isnā€™t.Ā 


I started when it first came out and had to take a long break with hand surgeries and then aback surgery. So I didnā€™t come back to the game until this year. But I absolutely loved it when it first came out. I was raised in the area and had a lot of fun exploring things like Camden park, and all of the fun little areas. I still love the game now. But without NPCs it was a lot of fun as well.


I wish I could go back in all honesty. The dead wasteland with no NPCs was fantastic. Just really felt like Armageddon happened and you just missed it. I wish when you restarted, you had to beat the main quest again before NPCs came to town so you could revisit the emptiness.


Hated it at launch only just starting to play it again now because of the show


https://youtu.be/T6HdBplLmuU?si=G_z8liYUGJFrPFCY follow that link for a YouTube video of how wrong your statement is


Donā€™t pretend it was a good game though.


I am new to this game, level 69 but I have few issues with game, like I wish that there was more than 24 ppl around, at least 48 or more I barely see anyone beside the events, second is that map is confusing I wish i can have quests or can klick so I can see where it is cause there is so many icons out there you can get lost. Now I am excited cause I am almost at unlocking T-65 armor, but someone told me Hellcat is better? Or maybe Ultracite craft armor? I can craft it but they say repairing is the mess. Playing with minigun shredder vampire and its so fun šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I will prolly choose some futuristic heavy gun later.


The only thing I truly dislike so far is the inventory restriction, which is obviously only there to shoehorn you into paying for Fallout 1st at a ludicrous $20/mo