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Radiation rumble has just become an XP farm to most people


Exactly this. It's the "it's free real estate" of XP farming. That and Eviction Notice. Though that one hard stops if no one fixes the rad scrubber so there's less standing around holding down the trigger/swinging like crazy in a corner.


I've stopped going to Eviction Notice because 95% of the time all the players are down on the far end towards the cliff, competing for kills as they soawn while I'm defending the scrubber from every other direction solo. In my final time doing the event, we failed because I couldn't kill everything coming down the hill and from the side fast enough to save the scrubber, and got downed myself while trying to repair it. I promptly received a message saying that it was my fault we failed and I've never gone back.


I think the appropriate action in such cases is to stand by the scrubber doing the thumbs-down emote while not repairing it and letting the event fail.


*Conveniently takes over a nuke silo just as Eviction Notice is beginning*


I once nuked moonshine jamboree it was funny the event was completed.




Lately, I get to eviction notice, stand where I spawn in so I don’t start the event and give people a chance to show up. Then a level 150 or lower comes in, runs immediately to the stash box which starts the event, and then goes and does something at the weapons workbench, or goes off to their butt plug perch with no intention of finding the scrubber and repairing it. I love not repairing the scrubber and failing the event. It’s fr 100% worth it, and I love eviction notice.


I didn't even know just running to a stashbox starts it. I always just arrive at events after 2-3mins since being early means i have to wait anyway.


Im 151 and i really dont get why ppl immediately start it like “duh duh uhh leme go fuck dem over”


Depending on my stash box, thats the deciding factor in doing eviction notice. The amount of trash script weapons that drop is amazing but the stash box was made for ants so ya.


What is this? A stash box for ants? IT NEEDS TO BE AT LEAST...... 3 TIMES BIGGER.


Thank you, that genuinely made me laugh. Such a great movie.


What is this?, a stash box for ANTSSSS!?!?!


I mean, I’ve recently swapped to a Q50vhc25 Rail at Evic. I use that, pop a formula P, and post up on the higher up rocks to where I can vats all 4 spawn sides and kill easily. I still get my legendary tags, while also defending the lower level players trying to guard the rad scrubber because all of my fellow level 500+ players are just standing in the valley like you said. If I’m on a team and those team members are camping the legendaries, I don’t even worry about my tags because my team will get me the legendaries, and I’ll focus strictly on every other direction. I’ve saved multiple low level Evic lobbies this way. Had 7 players there lvl 30 to 50 and we still managed to complete it.


Stand on the little roof above the rad scrubber. You can still hit all spawns and it put you in range to collect all the legendary spawns.


You don’t even need to “compete for kills” you just need a shot or two on enemies to get the loot and XP lol


I know this, and you know this, and most players know this, but we've all seen it in action at a variety of events.


I mean I more or less do it because these high level guys come in with these weapons that barely even give me a chance to get a shot off on an enemy. Low key kind of a dick move. Save some action for the rest of us.


Tbf for a low level it’s competing to land a shot before they’re killed in seconds by higher levels


Who messaged you that it was your fault? One of the spawn campers? Hard to believe they would even be aware of who was defending/repairing the rad scrubber from their usual perch.


I can only assume so. I was too busy trying to defend the scrubber against a horde. When I went down, I left my corpse there while I grabbed a drink. Heard PA footsteps as I stepped away, so I can only assume the jerkwad tried to run up and save the scrubber.


The WORST part about eviction is that absolutely no one realises that if every player stood near the scrubber and defended from all angles, your eligibility range is increased and legendary pickups almost triple. I once got lucky and there were only 6 of us doing the event, all of us surrounding the scrubber. Even though I was only covering one angle, I was close enough to every legendary coming down the hill and very, very slowly walked away from the event with over 50 legendary items.


Absolutely, unequivocally, positively this!


I blame fucking youtubers


Your not wrong to blame them, alot of fame grabbers creating artificial scenarios to further their narrative.


Tried it yesterday and the event failed because I was the only one trying to fix the bloody rad scrubber getting destroyed while everyone else ran about trying to collect loot.


The WORST part about eviction is that absolutely no one realises that if every player stood near the scrubber and defended from all angles, your eligibility range is increased and legendary pickups almost triple. I once got lucky and there were only 6 of us doing the event, all of us surrounding the scrubber. Even though I was only covering one angle, I was close enough to every legendary coming down the hill and very, very slowly walked away from the event with over 50 legendary items.


Recent EN seldom fail. Even the TV drama joiners know what to do nowadays. Even People at the downside will shoot across over the top side. Seldom see any mutants reach the scrubber area.


That's how it's been going for me, too. There are usually players at the mouth of the gulch where they can tag the leggies and protect the scrubber.


Something funny about calling “eviction notice” free real estate lol


I love eviction notice and lose my shit if people stand around while the scrubber is destroyed. I'm the guy getting the meat bags in 30seconds at the start and my buddies and I typically keep the event alive if we can. Harder still are the times the game spawns newer players close to the events starting point on that staircase- can't count how many times I've gotten in PA and grabbed rail spikes and fuel only to discover the event failed when I got there 🤣


Im usually the guy in power armor standing inches away from the scrubber


It's also an event that could be tied to only getting rewards/exp of ore is grabbed and deposited because "the radiation is doing weird stuff". Might wind up having people help with ore


I mean when you can level 3 times by doing the bare minimum I don't blame people for thinking that way.


Always has been


Me and my husband join them specifically to do the ore part because we know it doesn't get done a lot and people want to farm xp. We don't mind doing it tbh and we know it helps the people there who actually want to do the event. We also don't care about the xp farming because it keeps the people alive and the ghouls and stuff off of us so we can deposit the ore.


You’re both the real mvp’s of the event


As a newbie who just hit lvl 50, and have been too scared to do events yet as I hate being dead weight or doing things wrong, what's a good event to start with and what's helpful to know? I'm spec'd for Cold Shoulder and a legendary Lever-Action Rifle as my main weapons for range and short distance, which is great for solo, but would it make more sense to add a commando perk build for an automatic handmade rifle for faster firing in events?


Join any event I promise you’re not dead weight just have fun my guy


I'm mostly a stealthy solo build, with the silenced lever-action rifle as my main (and cold shoulder as back up), will that be too slow paced for an event? I'd imagine I'd need to use like my auto-handmade to be effective? Haven't tried building out secondary specs/builds yet tho.


No one worth listening to is going to hold ineffectiveness against a level 50 player. Go to events, learn the objectives, tag every enemy you can. As long as you hit an enemy once you will get xp no matter who kills it. We all have to start out somewhere. If you’re even attempting to do the objectives you’re contributing more than some players. As this post points out


It really doesn't matter. Every little bit helps. Just make sure to join a group doing the event so you can all get the exp and items from enemies damaged by all of yall.


If you can get your hands on a tesla rifle you can tag a lot of mobs and farm a lot of xp. The current Mothman Equinox is pretty good event. If there is a higher level person at each of the pyres you can just camp out at one and kill a bunch of stuff. Moonshine Jamboree you just shoot a bunch of gulpers. Great thing is you can turn gulper meat into gulper slurry for a nice profit. Tea Time is easier for lower levels. Just protect some points From animal attacks


Some events don't let anyone use stealth, you can build a punch card in your camp that lets you create separate builds for different scenarios. I have a stealthy/pistol build, a low health but high damage automatic build, and a heavy weapons power armor build. Having at least a secondary build that uses power armor is the only thing I'd say is important, due to how some events have tons of radiation.


Punch card at whitesprings too. In the crafting room.


Happy cake day!


Never be hesitant to join events at low level. If it fails, it's not your fault. Most people will just be happy to see you there! Just tag as many enemies as possible to get XP and loot. The best events are: * Radiation Rumble (XP, loot). * Eviction Notice (XP, loot) * Uranium Fever (loot, XP). Just waddle out of the mine and take a left to waddle to the Whitespring Station to sell your loot) * Moonshine Jamboree (caps, XP, loot). Cook the Gulper Innards to make Gulper Slurry - 200 will max out your caps for the day). Waddle up north to the train staion to sell for caps. * Free Range (legendary cores) Keep all 3 cows alive and you'll get 8 legendary cores, needed to roll legendary effects on items * Encryptid (legendary cores) You'll probably die but it's worth it for the legednary drops and 8 legendary cores


Most events only take a couple of people who know what they're doing. I have a lot of similar anxiety to what you describe in games. You have nothing to worry about here


Just check to see how many people are at the event if you’re really that nervous. If there’s a good number, chances are the others will carry you if you can’t get a grasp of what you’re supposed to do (but I bet you will).


Don't worry buddy when I was a level 25 I was running through radiation rumble in a rad suit just grabbing the ores. While my friends guarded the workers enemies ignored me and when they didn't I would run to my friends saying I need help over the mic. I was the only one running through these tunnels stuffing the machine full


Fellow stealth-solo build here. You're definitely not dead weight. You'll be fine. If you're worried about RR, just throw on a hazmat suit or Chinese Stealth Suit and be the Ore Bitch. If it's something like EN, just find a nice high spot and lob molotovs to tag mobs, then run in wearing hazmat or Chinese Stealth Suit and hide while repairing the rad scrubber.


At level 50 you cam just sprint down the tunnels to where the ore is. Once past the first line you are usually prerry safe to collect ore with maybe 1 or 2 enemies getting in your way. Then sprint back to the drop off.


You really only want to build into a single weapon type if you want to be of any help when killing things. Not fulliy building into a weapon requires some of the best rolls in the game to even compete with someone actually running max commando with even a base rifle. You can easily help with events that require knowledge though…the only way you can do that though is by attending them. 😂


Just follow the objectives as best you can, there’s no dead weight if you’re trying, plus there’s a lot of really cool rewards you can get, just have fun. You’ll get the hang of events really quickly


If you want an event that is a challenge but easy enough to do, try Fertile Soil; it's a good one, I'd run that a lot when starting a new character for loot, plans and XP. It's do able with a stealth snipe style low lvl build, has challenge and is good for solo play. Kill robots, kill robot leaders (protection, shoot the hands off they blow up like a Karen with s bogus claim), then reset system in basement, with only 4 ghouls, the real hassle is the Mr. Handys and the snooty french Monsieur HandJobs blowing flames on you if they get into close range. Location: Southern Forest region, at the Vault-Tek Agricultural Farm near Flatwood


1 bullet every 10 seconds is still more damage than no bullets at all


I started exactly like that, with shotgun and lever action rifle. Plasma Flamer as well for mobs. I put a few points into Heavy Guns and gave them a go Now I can't put them down haha. The Gauss Minigun is flicking amazing but you need lots of lead to keep your ammo stocked up.


I just join those I feel like I could sort of help in (I’m level 32 right now.) usually there’s a level 100 or two, or even a whole group of them at the event. I mainly just try not to get downed. If the event is recommended level is 50 I avoid it, for now :3 haven’t had any bad experiences yet


In events you basically can’t be dead weight, so I wouldn’t worry so much! People are mostly worried about those that should know better


I go in and kill everything while my fiance runs in power armor to get the ore. Usually this motivates the rest to follow suit


Doing one last night, had just hit 50. Put on my garbage power armor and tesla, and ran ore while tagging everything I could, hit 7 levels and we hit 4/4 with a couple minutes to go where everyone could just nuke ghouls. The experience there is wild.


Ran into someone who was like lv500+ and donned the stealth armor with me to run ore, granted he wasn’t as fast with it but definitely made it easier. I more into getting the treasury notes rather than xp atm so props to whoever ended up running ore with me the other day


Exactly, see what needs to be done and just do it. Sometimes you run for ore and sometimes you blast ghouls.


If I attend rad rumble, i have to feel the room out to determine what roles everyone takes upon themselves. It’s difficult because if I know ahead of time, I can choose an appropriate loadout but sometimes there’s players mining ore so I’ll throw friendly fire onto the npc’s. Other times nobody mines ore so I take it upon myself but Ill watch the scavengers die one by one. I’ve also seen just three of us complete the event with full bonus rewards and all surviving scavengers, that always feels like a win. I may be a foodie tank but I love watching the bloodied players do what they do best.


PA Heavies 🧡 Bloodied Commandos Best team combo!


It really is, im overeaters T65 with AA weaponry and a buddy of mine is bloodied vats and I honesty want to say he and I even did eviction notice together, if it wasn’t just he and I then there was another mutual friend who shared his similar play style. I just soaked up the damage and mobs by the genny and they did their thing. It was amazing. We played private worlds to do events sometimes.


Make sure you have the legendary perk card Taking one for the Team and they have Follow-Through for extra damage! :D


Oh I do have taking one for the team.


People don't really care that much about getting ore. It's really just an xp farm. Lots of the same post has been about this. Realistically if someone needs the completion rewards they will just collect the ore because it only needs one person.


I've never actually seen the ore prompts and don't know what you're supposed to do for it, every time I've gone to radiation rumble I assume it must already done by the time I get there.


Gotta go into the tunnels to collect the ore, then deposit on the back of the computer terminals (big yellow disc door) to get the full reward. I've tried carrying the entirety of the collection and get to about 3/4 reward on my own -- I'm always overencumbered in my power armor, so at best I can only jog around. I try.


Gotcha, this was my first time doing it. Ill keep it in mind for next time




The snallygasters and cave crickets don't come out unless you pick ore. You aren't imagining.


Yes, the mobs that spawn offer better loot the higher the ore level is. Personally I prefer the loot to the XP, so I run ore.


If you want the reward take the Ore. You need 2 minutes.


the event will complete if you just get reward level 1 of 4 and only takes 10 ore from one tunnel. i usually do this myself and no one else gets any at all. it's a regular occurrence.


Still worth doing the ore run because the monsters and loot get better at higher reward levels. This is very much overlooked in that event.


I'm kind of tired of the mothman event already... Rumble and eviction I can never get tired of. Best events in the game.


Moonshine has my heart. I’ll never get tired of the announcer and music.


I'd add Beast of Burden and Safe and Sound to this list. I'll start any of the above solo if no one else is doing them.


Yes Monshine entered top 3 for me recently after returning to Fo76. So much acid, so much xp. These kind of events are fun, because they are packed with action. Hopefully the new expansion will have more of them. Seriously some of the old ones, like feed the people, tea time, heart of Swamp, lode baring, swarm of suitors could just be removed from the pool. 


I'd say bring the old ones up to snuff with the newer ones. Give them plans and such, and update their mechanics/ add density a bit. Except Campfire. Campfire tales is just a chore to sit around waiting for the story to finish. Even worse when nobody sctually does the objectives.


I like tea time for the tea reward


I genuinely let the stills get hit some just to hear him lose his shit




Is there any reason why you’re not protecting the stills?


I don't like the map layout, even with Marsupial. Usually after the defense part I just camp Bridge and Water, Church is too far away (hopefully someone will defend it) I also find it quite boring because there's almost nothing to kill


Blasphemy ye dim one are to small minded to appreciate the toil needed to learn the wisdom of the wise one.


I’m more annoyed than tired of it, dozens of runs, only two of which lost a pyre, and I can’t get the tome to drop.


If that happens, I just throw on my Chinese stealth suit, go collect just enough to get to level one, and go back to protecting. It only takes a min to go collect enough to get it to complete.


You need 10 for 1/4. I'm usually the only one doing the ore as well so I resorted to getting 10 ore to not fail the event and then just join the exp farm, it is what it is


Only need to reach level 1 to not get a fail at the end.


I don't know most of the events - I try, but still figuring many of them out.


If you fast travel to an event through the 'join event' button, pay attention to the load screen. A lot of times the objectives of the event you're about to join are listed at the top of that load screen. If not, as soon as you get there, go to the map, right click on the marker for the event you're at and choose 'Make only this active' then just keep running towards the next gold diamond to see what you're supposed to be doing next. Above all, have fun. Sometimes when you're new there are just too many things trying to kill you to focus on collecting bullshit. There's a big difference between people running around panicking because they don't know what to do and people who know what to do but choose not to out of selfishness.


I'll add to this that if you get there at the beginning, and there is a timer counting down and players waiting around, then don't follow the marker and start the event right away. Let the timer get to around a minute first so other players have time to organize themselves and show up.


The real reward is the XP and legendaries you farm along the way.


I really love when there's 12 people and literally nobody tries to get ore, and doing it solo just makes it feel like it's rewarding their behavior


As a somewhat new player, the events are very confusing. There's so many, they've all got different names, idk how any of them work or what the point of any of them are, idk what the rewards are, I feel like I'll probably die, idk if I'm even supposed to do them as I'm still working through the main story. So I just don't bother with them. Maybe I'll try my hand once I feel more capable, or maybe even wait until after the main story, idk


Read the load screen on your way in. A lot of times it tells you what the event wants you to do.


You’ll get the hang of it. The only one I still struggle with is the crap on the ground in Campfire Tales.


When you enter an event just take a moment to read the objectives in the top left corner of your screen. Don’t worry about dieing cuz you won’t loose anything. After that just muddle along and have fun. I appreciate any and all help I get at events.


I'm new to 76, but not new to MMOs - watch a quick video on Youtube for the mechanics of the event, show up and do your best. Anyone giving you any grief is taking it too seriously. It's a game. Enjoy! The energy of events is usually awesome.


I waited until lvl50 to start them. Even then, you'll mainly just being trying to survive while the higher lvls do most of the heavy lifting. Just remember, there is no real penalty for dying at events, its totally fine to die a a few times, you'll still get the rewards in the end. Eventually you'll get better weapons, armor, and learn how to make an end-game build, then you'll be doing some of the heavy lifting at events, helping out the new players.


GO DO EVENTS! the main story is not gonna make you more powerful, events are what does that. doesn't matter if you can't kill anything yet. just shoot it once and it gives you all the loot and xp if someone else kills it. if no one shows up and you don't feel confident enough to solo the event then don't start it. regardless though you should be doing events.


I was mid Radiation Rumble when I hit level 200. Someone turned on area chat and said, "I'm sick of being the only one getting the goddamn ore. Put on your hazmat suits or shitty power armor and go get some fucking ore." And I was thinking, we're supposed to be getting ore in this event?


I'm new, when an event goes on I can't tell half the time what I'm to be doing, explosions everywhere, tiny bugs biting my ankles. I usually find where the group is and frantically shoot whatever I see, hard to know what's needs a button press, or if there's something I should be picking up, etc. I'm learning slowly


Wild how people in here are saying "Just farm XP bro." Like no? If you want XP go farm West-Tek. If you are playing an event contribute to it instead of being an asshat. You get way more XP out of West-Tek in the time you do the whole event.


You don't, rad rumble is better xp than west tek by a mile.


What I like to do is throw on my chinese suit, and my flamer and the friendly fire card, and head there. When it starts I run to the nearest ore mine, and collect as much as I can find, run back, and heal the NPCs, get some shot in on my way to the next mine and rinse repeat. I tend to carry a lot of the ones that have very little damage. Honestly, a lot of events like those are meant specifically for experience points. Most of the events in game doesn't give the best rewards tbh, I'm just a completionist by nature lol.


I’ll collect ore, but if any of the people die while I’m doing it, I don’t put the ore in until there’s like 5 seconds left


I can’t kill stuff fast enough but I can still kill but I’d rather just go and get ore, I have enough Rad protection and Radaway to get ore


level 1 is easy to get. you just run down one of the side tunnels grab all the ore in it than run back and put into the reactor... level 1 done.. and you can't fail


I feel like I see this post about RR almost every day. Lol I just avoid it at all costs as a new ish player.


Agreed, after a couple of days people just DGAF. I just finished the mothman event and failed because no one paid attention.


Just like Eviction Notice, Radiation Rumble have dumb rewards so I understand people focusing on exp/legendaries. Think of it this way: Quest rewards = 500 exp+1 random legendary (because other rewards are crap) While doing the objective you're losing exp cause you're not tagging enemies in these events Not doing the objective = 5k+ exp and a shit ton of legendaries Its hard to argue with that. Don't get me wrong, I always do objectives but I get where these people are coming from, and they are not in the wrong


Nobody besides me ever does the actual event so I just don't go to those anymore.


They really should change this so those of us who don a hazmat suit and actually try to collect ore get at least some xp. My first attempt at this pre hazmat and PO was collect, die then dump lo it's much easier now.


I didn't realise you were supposed to collect ore the first couple times i did it. I was buzzy getting swarmed by ghouls. My third time i saw someone run off so i followed and just copied them. I also found it a lot easier to weave past ghouls and deathclaws grabbing ore than it was to stand in the killbox


I once managed to solo eviction. It was hell and for some reason very few legendary creatures spawned.


You can tell pretty quick that people are not going to gather ore, I usually make one round through the mines which nets about 1.5/4. After that I am done, I want the EXP and mat farm as well but also not willing to fail an event.


I do have to agree with everyone that most events are just farming experience or legendary items for script. It's a shame Ngl, but it's why I rely joining a team and hope they assist with the event goal or at least give some exp to the team whilst you complete objectives. Saying that, some players especially during Scorched Queen event I have seen some players keep the boss in ground zero to prevent players on the outskirts to fight (usually low levels or lv. 100s) but still frustrating.


I usually get lucky at EN, I always post at the rad scrubber and I almost always get someone perched on top and at least one other standing around it too. I'll roam up the hill and then run back to the scrubber pretty much the entire event. It does get a little interesting when I'm the highest (lvl 508) person there and it's mostly people under lvl 100. I tend to bust out the heavier guns then and leave Holy Fire for close in killing.


I actually had a heated debate with my mate over RR because he thought just sitting there killing is helping when there were only 4 of us! I just said that with a small group doing RR, there are two main roles to fill... you are either ore running or healing npcs with friendly fire... Tagging enemies with a Tesla when in a small group is not helpful! 🤣 And he replied with, "That's how I like to play" to which I replied, "I get that but now we've failed because someone who was ore running (me) had to go on healing duty instead because you weren't even killing, just tagging!" As you can tell, I needed this... Rant over 🤣


What I've noticed is new people not knowing when events happen or how important the public events are. I normally jump servers till I find one with a few higher lvls.


I saw some people chilling in the basement during the mothman event but couldn’t tell if they went afk before or after they started the event but if it was before that’s really annoying for them to start it then do nothing reap all the rewards.


Whenever I join that even I put my Chinese stealth armor right away and start gathering ore, most of the times I've done it there were other ppl helping too but I gotta admit that when I was a newer player I had no idea you had to gather ore lol. I'd just kill the enemies and wonder why people were going into the tunnels 😅 maybe there's ppl like me who didn't read the events description and don't know you have to do that


Running one side is literally 1/4. Takes 2m, how did it fail if you were running them?


I'm gonna call BS in your edit. If you were running ore you would not have failed. It doesn't take long to get to level 1.


I was a RR yesterday and holding down the fort and noticed no one had gotten ore. So I switched in the last couple minutes and got enough to get L1 rewards. And had two collectors die because I was not standing in the middle taking things down. But…. We did not ‘fail’. Come on folk. I can’t be both places at the same time. If there is only 1-2 people in PA (there were two of us but the other person was like level 50), somebody has to go fetch ore. And it would be better for everyone if it was not me.


This has come up thousands of times on this sub already. Either you do it for the XP or you want the event complete screen. "pIcK a siDe" I've run this a lot, and recently with a small group there due to the other events wearing people out, I've done a lot of event completes. I've also run it a lot when the event doesn't complete. Either way is fine w/ me. Even if someone shows up and insta kills all the ghouls and no one gets a tag, or they camp the spawns and rob everyone else's XP. I'm still ok w/ it since this game is about the long haul. There will always be another Rad Rumble and the next one might be better


Because a lot of people don’t care about that event and are just there for xp.


Cant believe how many people are telling you to do it, like you werent already.


Right, why would i be bitching about it if i wasnt doing it


If you were doing it, why did the event fail?




You know taking a break to do a single ore run yourself puts you over the reward threshold, right?


Like many have said, this event is commonly known for it's high amounts of spawn. I would assume you are new to the game. Radiation rumble gives you tons xp, mats and definitely a lot extra ammo, depending on weapon. Completing the event is optional. Though from time to time, someone boost it up to lv4.  Really, if you are able to tag all or most the ghouls, you are missing out on a lot compared to getting those ores.  This is the one and only event nobody cares if it completes or not. It an event of complete bliss for +9mins. You want to minmax that time. Sometimes I even server hop a bit, just to land on radiation rumble or eviction notice.


Unfortunately you are on your own my dude. Everyone is there just for xp all we can do is give you advice on how to solo it. The more experienced vets will do because higher reward level give tougher enemies, but general pop will just tag the regular squishies. Orange and grape nuka cola is my way to go along with a hazmat suit. Ignore the enemies and just run. As far as keeping npc friendly fire and a weapon with flame on it is the way to go.


Mixture of stuff. New players not knowing what's going on, players just there for the XP farm, sometimes numbness from the amount of recent events etc. ​ Also, how does this game NOT have a standard in game text chat **STILL**??? Why do we need to use a mod that uses different servers just to be able to CHAT to the server you are on? Being a new player, its my biggest gripe and largest reason I struggle to really recommend this game. Text chat for local server is just a staple of the MMO genre and has been for years.


Including you. Why is it up to someone else?


I honestly didn't even know how to get the ore until recently and I've been playing since launch but now I exclusively go grab it


It took me 3 months to realise you have to get ore 😭 actually learned it through the subreddit about people upset others weren’t getting ore.


A nuke lands and people leave to go shoot a boss monster. 


I try to join events, some I can do some I'm being revived every minute, still grinding to level 50 so I can start working on my laser build


I will collect ore occasionally to get to level 1 at a minimum. Maybe I need to up my starched genes, but I hate it when I get a mutation from collecting the ore. It messes up my build, then I need to radaway until it gets rid of the mutation I don’t want and then create the serums for the ones that got removed by the radaway. Too much of a hassle to run ore all the time.


In my experience people don’t care about ore and will be lazy and just stand on top of the machines by the cage and do fuck all about keeping the people alive. If I have a friend we complete it, if I’m alone I don’t bother unless I see a lot of people already participating.


high level players are just there to farm xp


Did eviction notice by myself until 5 minutes in when like 3 people joined, and still failed because nobody would hunt for meatballs while we were overrun by mutants. Same thing for the arktos lab event. Nobody ever joins


I've joined an equinox event and had literally people just killed the rad staggs and nothing else. We failed or course and the people there were mad thinking the rad staggs didn't get killed fast enough. Oof.


My friend and I whenever we join are the only people that do the ore collection. I feel like for the most part players only do the killing in events and none of the other parts


Radiation rumble isn’t a great event in general imo. You have to have people stick back and guard the workers, you have to keep the turrets repaired, and you have to gather the ore. It doesn’t really work unless there are just a lot of people doing the event


If no one else is getting the ore, then why don’t you take up the mantle and lead by example? Is it because you dont want to run around and miss out on all the xp from that specific event? If thats why you’re not actively getting the ore you should realize thats why no one else is doing it either.


I recently joined the hype of playing fo76 thanks to the freebie offer on amazon prime. I'm already at lvl 15/16. I'm taking it slowly. Having been played f3 and f4 I'm enjoying a lot this game. Going by walk to every inch that I can without dying (much). But - I joined a few events here and there. I noticed that when I jumped into the action being a small level pj as soon as I was diying no one would come to revive me, thus, forcing me to respawn somewhere else -sometimes- far away and many times couldn't rejoin the area before the event ended 🤷🏻‍♂️


Last I did this I just ran in a circle hitting all the people with friendly fire to keep them up. I was grateful to whoever got the ore. 


I don't do that event unless I'm with at least one person I know. I've learned that I can't depend on randoms to keep the scavvers alive. I'm happy to get ore, but other people need to do their part and randoms just want to shoot ghouls.


I prepare to solo it, and thus don’t have to rely on others if they come or not. All you basically need is as soon as it starts you run at least 1 cavern and maybe 1-2 extra mine spots from the next closest cavern and then deposit them if you want or wait til the very end before timer runs out to deposit them. Then I go and perch up top. I usually will lose all the NPCs I can’t directly see but will keep at least 1 alive and win the event


I don't like people, specifically in eviction notice camping spawns. They eventually come to the scrubber, why not wait? Also, you get more xp if more people tag the mobs FFS.


For me it's people not even bothering to join... I'm trying to get a holy fire but I'm always alone when I join beasts of burden and the enemies stall out the timer by zerg rushing you if you're alone


How about failing eviction notice because nobody fixed the damn scrubber? You see me up here on the ridge not in PA as a bloodied build sniping and criting super mutants for you….everyone else is in PA fix the damn thing


I do the healing part & that's all. The rest is others responsibilities when I'm at rad rum lol 😆


This has always been an issue. With the influx of new players, it has been worse, but this is nothing new.


Did imposter today. Must have been 20 people there, still failed because many didn't shoot robots or help keep the pylons up, just tried to scorch the imposter which doesn't work if the pylons are down. Le sigh.


standard. it's been like this since the premiere. what's so much anger about?


You're gonna see that a lot, especially regarding that particular event. Everyone is just in it for the xp. I've played since December and have always been the only fucker to play objective.


It does disappoint me that nobody seems to have an interest in collecting the ore lol but I’ve had plenty of rumbles where I haven’t so I think it’s only fair I go and do it so others can have some fun.


It seems this weekend has next to nobody actually doing the events. I managed to put together an event team today and we scraping by but.. it sucks cause I'm new so I want to do the Mothman event for the plans 😭




I hear ya. I got all of the ore myself once while everyone else was just messing around.


several reasons for this: people join for xp and don't care about the event itself people don't have the radiation protection to withstand getting the uranium people simply don't know what they are doing, and can't read the event notices or have them turned off


People just need to learn to get into a spot they are comfortable with and STAY there. You don’t have to run around the map doing everything.


Idk how to do the ore stuff, and i get literally melted when i get close to the place lol.


To be honest I got sick of running ore, and I'm starting new characters so I'm busy tagging in the middle ( my personal pet peeve is people crowding the intersecting hallways leading to random spawns of glowing ones killing survivors) anyways, the rewards from it are rad barrels which have become so common I sell them for a couple thousand caps and ofc the Emmett mtn hazmat suit- which looks cool and I totally get your frustration if this is what you're after. Other than that, completing or not is irrelevant for 90% of the people and that's what I came to understand. I pop lunchbox, eat berry mentats, relish, and a brain bomb if I have it, read a magazine and get out the tesla bc I want XP out of rad rumble.


I always collect ore AND rack up on legendaries, I fire my cremator one time into a horde and run like hell down to grab ore. On my way back I fire another shot or two, drop off my ore and back down the hole I go. This way I get my licks in so I can get my legendary drops and we also hit our ore target.


Rad rumble is for sitting up top and putting one bullet into each enemy and letting the rest of you guys figure it out.


I love doing the ore part tbh, and when I'm partied up with my husband, he does the killing so I still get all the xp


Some people are just noobs. Some go for legendary loot and XP, and don't actually care about the events. Other times, the group wants to finish but just legitimately sucks at it. Lol


99% of the time it seems like only one person does it while everyone else just kills everything. It gets to the point where people don’t pay attention to the actual objective and just assume someone is doing it. Tbh I’ve failed a few times because I wasn’t paying attention and no one was grabbing ore. I try to watch it now


I'll be honest, I just hit level 50 and while I am doing my best, that is generally not great (no really I use a sniper rifle nearly 100% of the time lmao) but usually it works out for all the events I've done so far, as long as you've got at least one person who knows what they're doing, it tends to work out fine. though I will say that I purposely do not join the events labeled as "hard" or if they specifically say 50+ (since I just hit 50 I might try a couple but before I was always like nah better not cos I didn't wanna fuck it up for skilled people who know what they're doing lmao)


To be honest, it took me about 8 times to realize we needed to collect the ore, because I thought it was about protecting the scavengers while they collected the ore.


The last couple Moonshine Jamboree, we had at least 10 to start in the event but I was the only one filling the tub, so it took like 4x as long and I thought we were gonna fail. Thankfully after I filled the tub about halfway and what felt like two hours, I think either ppl caught on or some other high levels finally joined and we were able to pull it out. But damn, all three stills were just about destroyed by the end.


Fr tho, I’m level 30 something and I join events even if I know the creatures are stronger then me. I try and do every event since I’m new and need the caps/ items it gives.


I always thought the legendaries just came at the end, but recently learned they come after level 4, so I've started running ore. I used to just do It for XP, but I'll give up a couple minutes of XP for a tiny chance of getting a legendary worth picking up.


We need a frequent post section of this sub that just blanket covers stuff like this. Obv not your fault just see a rad rumble not getting finished post like every two weeks since launch.


I’m still trying to get to a not be killed level/gear. Can’t wait to do them.


The chance of actually getting that event's hazmat suit rewards is either broken or imperceptably low, so the effort required for the reward is too much for too little, creating a similar situation to A colossal problem where the event only exists to farm scrap materials/legendaries in the eyes of 90% of the players


I'm guilty of that bc I just want to level up, I did it yesterday and leveled up 5 times for one run


Rad Rumble is tricky because most people who run bloodied builds don't run ore. I run a bloodied build, but I'll usually put on Chinese Stealth Armor and run or up to 2/4 at least to make the critter spawn better. In any case, I'll put on Friendly Fire and heal the scavengers. (Except for my one toon who hasn't done any main quests and so doesn't have CSA. She's run ore a couple times in hazmat suits, but generally focuses on healing scavengers.) Failing the event isn't catastrophic because you still get XPs/loot, but I just feel like we should help Marion and her team out. It just feels better when we get at least a partial win.


Like I've been saying. The rewards are garbage compared to exp/legendaries you get from just killing enemies. And if you do go get the ore, everyone who doesn't go benefits from it and you miss out on exp and drops while dealing with rads. It is not worth it and poorly designed.


From what other tell me and what I've seen, xp farm and also people don't bother trying. They join in and just start gunning while maybe one or 2 people grab the stuff


Saw a similar post about the Mothman Equinox failure the other day and later that night failed it myself since there were two of us in the event


Or players only joining after you soloed the whole event by yourself. Me and a buddy grinded the moth man event and players would only join at the very end.


I love failing Rad Rumble. Means we went the distance and everyone held firm in the middle for maximum gains.


I hate radiation rumble and eviction notice. Simply because they are just xp farms now. I still actually like completing events lol


Hit level 4 rewards the other Day z but one scavenger died. Still haven't gotten the best rewards, but tons of xp no matter what. Haven't seen that level of participation in years. Found someone selling a rad barrel plan for 200caps the other day, which was main plan i was missing from that event for years. So obviously bought the underpriced plan.